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The Escherichia coli endoribonuclease RNase E is an essential enzyme having key roles in mRNA turnover and the processing of several structured RNA precursors, and it provides the scaffold to assemble the multienzyme RNA degradosome. The activity of RNase E is inhibited by the protein RraA, which can interact with the ribonuclease''s degradosome-scaffolding domain. Here, we report that RraA can bind to the RNA helicase component of the degradosome (RhlB) and the two RNA-binding sites in the degradosome-scaffolding domain of RNase E. In the presence of ATP, the helicase can facilitate the exchange of RraA for RNA stably bound to the degradosome. Our data suggest that RraA can affect multiple components of the RNA degradosome in a dynamic, energy-dependent equilibrium. The multidentate interactions of RraA impede the RNA-binding and ribonuclease activities of the degradosome and may result in complex modulation and rerouting of degradosome activity.  相似文献   

The hydrolytic endoribonuclease RNase E, which is widely distributed in bacteria and plants, plays key roles in mRNA degradation and RNA processing in Escherichia coli. The enzymatic activity of RNase E is contained within the conserved amino-terminal half of the 118 kDa protein, and the carboxy-terminal half organizes the RNA degradosome, a multi-enzyme complex that degrades mRNA co-operatively and processes ribosomal and other RNA. The study described herein demonstrates that the carboxy-terminal domain of RNase E has little structure under native conditions and is unlikely to be extensively folded within the degradosome. However, three isolated segments of 10-40 residues, and a larger fourth segment of 80 residues, are predicted to be regions of increased structural propensity. The larger of these segments appears to be a protein-RNA interaction site while the other segments possibly correspond to sites of self-recognition and interaction with the other degradosome proteins. The carboxy-terminal domain of RNase E may thus act as a flexible tether of the degradosome components. The implications of these and other observations for the organization of the RNA degradosome are discussed.  相似文献   

Multiprotein complexes that carry out RNA degradation and processing functions are found in cells from all domains of life. In Escherichia coli, the RNA degradosome, a four-protein complex, is required for normal RNA degradation and processing. In addition to the degradosome complex, the cell contains other ribonucleases that also play important roles in RNA processing and/or degradation. Whether the other ribonucleases are associated with the degradosome or function independently is not known. In the present work, IP (immunoprecipitation) studies from cell extracts showed that the major hydrolytic exoribonuclease RNase II is associated with the known degradosome components RNaseE (endoribonuclease E), RhlB (RNA helicase B), PNPase (polynucleotide phosphorylase) and Eno (enolase). Further evidence for the RNase II-degradosome association came from the binding of RNase II to purified RNaseE in far western affinity blot experiments. Formation of the RNase II–degradosome complex required the degradosomal proteins RhlB and PNPase as well as a C-terminal domain of RNaseE that contains binding sites for the other degradosomal proteins. This shows that the RNase II is a component of the RNA degradosome complex, a previously unrecognized association that is likely to play a role in coupling and coordinating the multiple elements of the RNA degradation pathways.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Escherichia coli enolase (EC, phosphopyruvate hydratase), which is a component of the RNA degradosome, has been determined at 2.5 A. There are four molecules in the asymmetric unit of the C2 cell, and in one of the molecules, flexible loops close onto the active site. This closure mimics the conformation of the substrate-bound intermediate. A comparison of the structure of the E. coli enolase with the eukaryotic enolase structures available (lobster and yeast) indicates a high degree of conservation of the hydrophobic core and the subunit interface of this homodimeric enzyme. The dimer interface is enriched in charged residues compared with other protein homodimers, which may explain our observations from analytical ultracentrifugation that dimerisation is affected by ionic strength. The putative role of enolase in the RNA degradosome is discussed; although it was not possible to ascribe a specific role to it, a structural role is possible.  相似文献   

Most proteins exist in the cell as multi-component assemblies. However, which proteins need to be present simultaneously in order to perform a given function is frequently unknown. The first step toward this goal would be to predict proteins that can function only when in a complexed form. Here, we propose a scheme to distinguish whether the protein components are ordered (stable) or disordered when separated from their complexed partners. We analyze structural characteristics of several types of complexes, such as natively unstructured proteins, ribosomal proteins, two-state and three-state complexes, and crystal-packing dimers. Our analysis makes use of the fact that natively unstructured proteins, which undergo a disorder-to-order transition upon binding their partner, and stable monomeric proteins, which exist as dimers only in their crystal form, provide examples of two vastly different scenarios. We find that ordered monomers can be distinguished from disordered monomers on the basis of the per-residue surface and interface areas, which are significantly smaller for ordered proteins. With this scale, two-state dimers (where the monomers unfold upon dimer separation) and ribosomal proteins are shown to resemble disordered proteins. On the other hand, crystal-packing dimers, whose monomers are stable in solution, fall into the ordered protein category. While there should be a continuum in the distributions, nevertheless, the per-residue scale measures the confidence in the determination of whether a protein can exist as a stable monomer. Further analysis, focusing on the chemical and contact preferences at the interface, interior and exposed surface areas, reveals that disordered proteins lack a strong hydrophobic core and are composed of highly polar surface area. We discuss the implication of our results for de novo design of stable monomeric proteins and peptides.  相似文献   

The RNA degradosome is a multi-enzyme assembly that contributes to key processes of RNA metabolism, and it engages numerous partners in serving its varied functional roles. Small domains within the assembly recognize collectively a diverse range of macromolecules, including the core protein components, the cytoplasmic lipid membrane, mRNAs, non-coding regulatory RNAs and precursors of structured RNAs. We present evidence that the degradosome can form a stable complex with the 70S ribosome and polysomes, and we demonstrate the proximity in vivo of ribosomal proteins and the scaffold of the degradosome, RNase E. The principal interactions are mapped to two, independent, RNA-binding domains from RNase E. RhlB, the RNA helicase component of the degradosome, also contributes to ribosome binding, and this is favoured through an activating interaction with RNase E. The catalytic activity of RNase E for processing 9S RNA (the ribosomal 5S RNA precursor) is repressed in the presence of the ribosome, whereas there is little affect on the cleavage of single-stranded substrates mediated by non-coding RNA, suggestings that the enzyme retains capacity to cleave unstructured substrates when associated with the ribosome. We propose that polysomes may act as antennae that enhance the rates of capture of the limited number of degradosomes, so that they become recruited to sites of active translation to act on mRNAs as they become exposed or tagged for degradation.  相似文献   

The pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) belongs to a family of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIP), which depurinate ribosomal RNA through their site-specific N-glycosidase activity. We report low temperature, three-dimensional structures of PAP co-crystallized with adenyl-guanosine (ApG) and adenyl-cytosine-cytosine (ApCpC). Crystal structures of 2.0-2.1 A resolution revealed that both ApG or ApCpC nucleotides are cleaved by PAP, leaving only the adenine base clearly visible in the active site pocket of PAP. ApCpC does not resemble any known natural substrate for any ribosome-inactivating proteins and its cleavage by PAP provides unprecedented evidence for a broad spectrum N-glycosidase activity of PAP toward adenine-containing single stranded RNA. We also report the analysis of a 2.1 A crystal structure of PAP complexed with the RIP inhibitor pteoric acid. The pterin ring is strongly bound in the active site, forming four hydrogen bonds with active site residues and one hydrogen bond with the coordinated water molecule. The second 180 degrees rotation conformation of pterin ring can form only three hydrogen bonds in the active site and is less energetically favorable. The benzoate moiety is parallel to the protein surface of PAP and forms only one hydrogen bond with the guanido group of Arg135.  相似文献   

Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) is an exoribonuclease that cleaves single-stranded RNA substrates with 3'-5' directionality and processive behaviour. Its ring-like, trimeric architecture creates a central channel where phosphorolytic active sites reside. One face of the ring is decorated with RNA-binding K-homology (KH) and S1 domains, but exactly how these domains help to direct the 3' end of single-stranded RNA substrates towards the active sites is an unsolved puzzle. Insight into this process is provided by our crystal structures of RNA-bound and apo Caulobacter crescentus PNPase. In the RNA-free form, the S1 domains adopt a 'splayed' conformation that may facilitate capture of RNA substrates. In the RNA-bound structure, the three KH domains collectively close upon the RNA and direct the 3' end towards a constricted aperture at the entrance of the central channel. The KH domains make non-equivalent interactions with the RNA, and there is a marked asymmetry within the catalytic core of the enzyme. On the basis of these data, we propose that structural non-equivalence, induced upon RNA binding, helps to channel substrate to the active sites through mechanical ratcheting. Structural and biochemical analyses also reveal the basis for PNPase association with RNase E in the multi-enzyme RNA degradosome assembly of the α-proteobacteria.  相似文献   

We report an analysis in vivo of the RNA degradosome assembly of Escherichia coli. Employing fluorescence microscopy imaging and fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) measurements, we present evidence for in vivo pairwise interactions between RNase E–PNPase (polynucleotide phosphorylase), and RNase E–Enolase. These interactions are absent in a mutant strain with genomically encoded RNase E that lacks the C-terminal half, supporting the role of the carboxy-end domain as the scaffold for the degradosome. We also present evidence for in vivo proximity of Enolase–PNPase and Enolase–RhlB. The data support a model for the RNA degradosome (RNAD), in which the RNase E carboxy-end is proximal to PNPase, more distant to Enolase, and more than 10 nm from RhlB helicase. Our measurements were made in strains with mono-copy chromosomal fusions of the RNAD enzymes with fluorescent proteins, allowing measurement of the expression of the different proteins under different growth and stress conditions.  相似文献   

Polyphosphate kinase is a component of the Escherichia coli RNA degradosome   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
Xer site-specific recombination functions in the stable inheritance of circular plasmids and bacterial chromosomes. Two related recombinases, XerC and XerD, mediate this recombination, which 'undoes' the potential damage of homologous recombination. Xer recombination on natural plasmid sites is preferentially intramolecular, converting plasmid multimers to monomers. In contrast, recombination at the Escherichia coli recombination site, dif , occurs both intermolecularly and intramolecularly, at least when dif is inserted into a multicopy plasmid. Here the DNA sequence features of a family of core recombination sites in which the XerC- and XerD-binding sites, which are separated by 6 bp, were analysed in order to ascertain what determines whether recombination will be preferentially intramolecular, or will occur both within and between molecules. Sequence changes in either the XerC- or XerD-binding site can alter the recombination outcome. Preferential intramolecular recombination between a pair of recombination sites requires additional accessory DNA sequences and accessory recombination proteins and is correlated with reduced affinities of recombinase binding to recombination core sites, reduced XerC-mediated cleavage in vitro , and an apparent increased overall bending in recombinase–core-site complexes.  相似文献   

The RNA degradosome is a bacterial protein machine devoted to RNA degradation and processing. In Escherichia coli it is typically composed of the endoribonuclease RNase E, which also serves as a scaffold for the other components, the exoribonuclease PNPase, the RNA helicase RhlB, and enolase. Several other proteins have been found associated to the core complex. However, it remains unclear in most cases whether such proteins are occasional contaminants or specific components, and which is their function. To facilitate the analysis of the RNA degradosome composition under different physiological and genetic conditions we set up a simplified preparation procedure based on the affinity purification of FLAG epitope-tagged RNase E coupled to Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) for the rapid and quantitative identification of the different components. By this proteomic approach, we show that the chaperone protein DnaK, previously identified as a "minor component" of the degradosome, associates with abnormal complexes under stressful conditions such as overexpression of RNase E, low temperature, and in the absence of PNPase; however, DnaK does not seem to be essential for RNA degradosome structure nor for its assembly. In addition, we show that normalized score values obtain by MudPIT analysis may be taken as quantitative estimates of the relative protein abundance in different degradosome preparations.  相似文献   

Pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) is a ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP), which enzymatically removes a single adenine base from a conserved, surface exposed loop sequence of ribosomal rRNA. We now present unprecedented experimental evidence that PAP can release not only adenine but guanine as well from Escherichia coli rRNA, albeit at a rate 20 times slower than for adenine. We also report X-ray structure analysis and supporting modeling studies for the interactions of PAP with guanine. Our modeling studies indicated that PAP can accommodate a guanine base in the active site pocket without large conformational changes. This prediction was experimentally confirmed, since a guanine base was visible in the active site pocket of the crystal structure of the PAP-guanine complex.  相似文献   

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Summary Escherichia coli cells, carrying a rifampicin sensitive RNA polymerase -subunit gene in the chromosome and a rifampicin resistant -subunit gene placed under the control of a strong promoter in a multicopy plasmid, are unable to grow in the presence of rifampicin, despite the accumulation of large quantities of the resistant subunit. A major portion of the overproduced subunit is found in an insoluble form. Conditions known to induce the heat shock proteins (hsps), e.g. elevated temperature or the presence of ethanol in the growth medium, increase the amount of the plasmid-borne -subunit which apparently assembles into active RNA polymerase and makes the plasmid bearing cells rifampicin resistant. Alternatively, plasmid-borne subunits assemble into RNA polymerase with low efficiency in rpoH mutant cells known to have reduced level of hsps. We suggest that the plasmid-borne subunit is poorly assembled into RNA polymerase and that hsps promote the assembly by interfering with -subunit aggregation.  相似文献   

Bacterial nucleoid-associated proteins H-NS and Hha modulate gene expression in response to environmental factors. The N-terminal domain of H-NS is involved in homomeric and heteromeric protein-protein interactions. Homomeric interaction leads to the formation of dimers and higher oligomers. Heteromeric interactions with Hha-like proteins modify the modulatory properties of H-NS. In this study, we have used NMR and mutagenesis of the N-terminal domain of H-NS to identify the Hha-binding region around helices H1 and H2 of H-NS. Two conserved arginine residues, R12 and R15, located in the same side and in adjacent turns of helix H2 are shown to be involved in two different protein-protein interactions: R12 is essential for Hha binding and does not affect H-NS dimer formation, and R15 does not affect Hha binding but is essential for the proper folding of H-NS dimers. Our results demonstrate a close structural connection between Hha-H-NS interactions and H-NS dimerization that may be involved in a possible mechanism for the modulation of the H-NS regulatory activity by Hha.  相似文献   

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