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Absorptions by non-phytoplankton particles and phytoplankton, and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were measured at 50 sites in large, shallow, Lake Taihu in winter and summer 2006 to study their seasonal and spatial variations, and their relative contributions to total absorption. The CDOM absorption was significantly higher in winter than in summer, due to degradation and release of fixed carbon in phytoplankton and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). The hyperbolic model was used to model the spectral absorption of CDOM, and the mean spectral slope of 6.38 nm−1 was obtained. At most sites, the spectral absorption of non-phytoplankton particles was similar to that of the total particles, demonstrating that the absorption of the total particles is dominated by the absorption of non-phytoplankton particles. In summer, phytoplankton absorption increased markedly, due to frequent algal blooms especially in Meiliang Bay. In winter, the significant increase in non-phytoplankton particle absorption resulted from the increase of inorganic particulate matter caused by sediment resuspension. Strong linear relationships were found between a d(440) and total suspended matter (TSM), organic suspended matter (OSM), and inorganic suspended matter (ISM). Strong linear relationships were also found between a ph(440), a ph(675) and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration. The total relative contributions of non-phytoplankton particles over the range of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (400–700 nm) were 48.4 and 79.9% in summer and winter respectively. Non-phytoplankton particle absorption dominated the total absorption, especially in winter, in Lake Taihu, due to frequent sediment resuspension in the large shallow lake as a result of strong windy conditions. The results indicate that strong absorption by CDOM and non-phytoplankton particles at the blue wavelength has an impact on the spectral availability, and acts as a selection factor for the composition of the phytoplankton community, with cyanobacteria being the dominate species in Lake Taihu. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

太湖典型草、藻型湖区紫外辐射的衰减及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年4月通过野外原位观测和实验室测定相结合的方法对东太湖和梅梁湾典型草、藻型湖区紫外辐射光谱衰减及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,320nm(UV-B)、380nm(UV-A)的衰减系数在6.33~19.59m-1、3.41~13.64m-1间变化,对应的1%表面光强穿透深度分别为0.24~0.73m、0.35~1.35m,到达湖面的99%UV-B辐射在0.5m左右表层水就衰减完毕,东太湖和梅梁湾紫外辐射衰减系数存在明显的湖区差异;溶解性有机碳(DOC)的浓度在6.60~17.17mg/L间变化,其均值为(9.99±2.48)mg/L;375nm波长处CDOM吸收系数为1.78~6.25m-1,均值为(3.70±1.10)m-1;在短波部分CDOM吸收与DOC浓度存在显著性相关,相关性大致随波长降低而增加,320nm处的线性关系式:ad320=0.885DOC 2.182;紫外辐射衰减主要受制于水体中的CDOM浓度,衰减系数与DOC浓度、CDOM吸收系数存在显著性相关,340nm处的关系式分别为:Kd340=0.82 1.05DOC、Kd340=1.98 1.49ad340。在太湖紫外辐射衰减还要受悬浮物和叶绿素a浓度的影响,衰减系数与DOC、叶绿素a和悬浮物浓度多元回归的结果明显要高于单独与DOC浓度或CDOM吸收系数的回归结果。  相似文献   

The increase of ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) caused by stratospheric ozone depletion has profound effects on aquatic ecosystems. High-altitude lakes in the Yunnan Plateau are exposed to high intensities of UVR and contain low concentrations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Thirty-eight lakes in the Yunnan Plateau with elevations from 1291 to 3809 m above sea level were investigated to study CDOM concentrations and possible effects of UVR on the lake ecosystem. The attenuation of UVR in the Yunnan Plateau lakes was calculated from the absorption coefficient of CDOM based on an empirical relationship from lakes in the Alps and Pyrenees mountains. Absorption coefficients [α(λ)] at 320 nm [α(320)] ranged from 0.52 to 14.05 m−1 (mean ± standard deviation, 4.40 ± 3.85 m−1) and at 380 nm [α(380)] from 0.05 to 4.51 m−1 (1.40 ± 1.30 m−1). The exponential slope coefficient for the relationship of wavelength to α(λ) ranged from 16.2 to 41.4 μm−1 (21.74 ± 4.93 μm−1) over the 280–400 nm interval. Normalized fluorescence emission (NFLU) at 450 nm from an excitation wavelength of 355 nm, F n(355), averaged 7.93 ± 3.22 NFLU. A significant positive relationship was found between α(355) and F n(355). The estimated diffuse attenuation coefficients of UV-B (320 nm) and UV-A (380 nm) ranged from 0.55 to 15.77 m−1 and from 0.24 to 6.73 m−1; the corresponding 1% attenuation depths ranged from 0.29 to 8.44 m and from 0.68 to 19.12 m. Twenty-five of 38 lakes had 1% UV-B attenuation depths of 1.5 m or more. The median 1% attenuation depth was 28.8% of the sampling depth for UV-B radiation and 60% for UV-A. In addition to CDOM, chlorophyll α (Chla) and total suspended matter (TSM) also may contribute to attenuation of UVR.  相似文献   

华南典型树种凋落叶的野外分解和溶解性有机质溶出动态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选用华南亚热带地区常见阔叶树种木荷和针叶树种湿地松的新近凋落叶,在野外分解0、30、60、90、150、210、240、365 d,分析溶出的溶解性有机质(DOM)浓度、组成和性质的变化,以及对土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)的影响.结果表明: 随着分解的进行,尽管木荷叶片的DOM浓度高于松针,但是2种凋落叶DOM浓度、性质和物质组成变化规律一致;2种凋落叶的DOM浓度均呈下降趋势,芳香化程度和分子量增大,富里酸、腐殖酸类物质逐渐增多,可降解的简单芳烃蛋白(如酪氨酸)逐渐减少.在分解初期,DOM主要由亲水中性和酸性部分组成,易分解、易迁移,对表层土壤DOC影响不显著;在分解后期,DOM主要为腐殖酸和富里酸类物质,吸附性强,表层土壤DOC浓度显著下降.  相似文献   

森林生态系统DOM的来源、特性及流动   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
可溶性有机物质(Dissolved Organic Matter)是森林生态系统主要的可移动碳库及重要的养分库。系统综述了森林生态系统DOM的来源,组成,性质,季节动态;DOM释放与存留机制及影响因素,森林生态系统DOM的流动及干扰对DOM动态影响等,已有研究表明DOM的森林生态系统C、N、P循环,成土作用,污染物迁移等方面起着重要作用。今后森林生态系统DOM的研究应集中于以几方面:(1)确定森林生态系统中DOM源和汇;(2)评价森林水文条件对DOM释放与存留的调节作用;(3)探讨全球气候变化对森林生态系统DOM的影响;(4)可溶性有机氮(Dissolved Organic Nitrogen),可溶性有机磷(Dissolved Organic Phosphorus)动态与可溶性有碳(Dissolved Organic Carbon)动态的差别。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the usefulness of fluorescence techniques for long-term monitoring and assessment of the dynamics (sources, transport and fate) of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in highly compartmentalized estuarine regions with non-point water sources. Water samples were collected monthly from a total of 73 sampling stations in the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) estuaries during 2001 and 2002. Spatial and seasonal variability of CDOM characteristics were investigated for geomorphologically distinct sub-regions within Florida Bay (FB), the Ten Thousand Islands (TTI), and Whitewater Bay (WWB). These variations were observed in both quantity and quality of CDOM. TOC concentrations in the FCE estuaries were generally higher during the wet season (June–October), reflecting high freshwater loadings from the Everglades in TTI, and a high primary productivity of marine biomass in FB. Fluorescence parameters suggested that the CDOM in FB is mainly of marine/microbial origin, while for TTI and WWB a terrestrial origin from Everglades marsh plants and mangroves was evident. Variations in CDOM quality seemed mainly controlled by tidal exchange/mixing of Everglades freshwater with Florida Shelf waters, tidally controlled releases of CDOM from fringe mangroves, primary productivity of marine vegetation in FB and diagenetic processes such as photodegradation (particularly for WWB). The source and dynamics of CDOM in these subtropical estuaries is complex and found to be influenced by many factors including hydrology, geomorphology, vegetation cover, landuse and biogeochemical processes. Simple, easy to measure, high sample throughput fluorescence parameters for surface waters can add valuable information on CDOM dynamics to long-term water quality studies which can not be obtained from quantitative determinations alone.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative characterizations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were carried out at the watershed level in central Japan by measuring dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and the three-dimensional excitation–emission matrix (3-D EEM). DOC concentration was low (mean 37 ± 19 µM C) in the upstream waters, whereas, in general, it increased toward the downstream areas (mean 92 ± 47 µM C). Significant variations in DOC concentration were detected among rivers and channels. DOC concentration in the epilimnion of Lake Biwa increased during the summer period and decreased during the winter period. The lake hypolimnion has lower DOC concentration (mean 87 ± 7 µM C) compared with the epilimnion (107 ± 15 µM C). Fulvic acid (FA)-like substances in the DOM were directly characterized by 3-D EEM. The fluorescence peak for upstream DOM was found in regions with longer wavelengths (excitation/emission 386 ± 6/476 ± 5 nm) compared with downstream and lake DOM (351 ± 12/446 ± 15 nm and 341 ± 6/434 ± 6 nm, respectively). The DOC concentration is correlated with fluorescence peak intensity of FA-like substances in DOM in river waters. Such a relationship was not found in lake DOM. A blueshift of the fluorescence peak from upstream to lake DOM was observed. A decrease in fluorescence intensities was also detected during the summer period. These results may suggest that the degradation of FA-like substances in DOM occurs from natural solar irradiation. Protein-like fluorescence was significantly detected in the lake epilimnion during the summer period. A linear relationship between DOC concentration and protein-like fluorescence indicated that an autochthonous input of DOM gave rise to the increase in DOC concentration in the lake epilimnion during the summer. These results may suggest that the 3-D EEM can be used as a tool for the investigation of DOM dynamics at the watershed level with concurrent measurement of DOC concentration and the fluorescence properties of fulvic acid-like and protein-like substances.  相似文献   

利用太湖全湖64个采样点的数据,分析了各水色因子及真光层深度的空间分布和变化特征,并探讨了其对水生植物光合作用的影响.结果表明:叶绿素a浓度在全湖间的差异最大,其变化范围为1.67~159.94μg.L-1,均方差为41.03μg.L-1,在梅梁湾、竺山湖、夹浦港和小梅口附近湖区,叶绿素a浓度较高且空间变化明显,等值线在这些湖区密集分布;悬浮物浓度变化次之,其含量在6.47~143.47mg.L-1之间变化,均方差为31.63mg.L-1,其在大浦港和小梅口入湖口附近湖区的空间变化明显,等值线分布密集;有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)吸收系数在全湖变化较小,没有明显的空间变化特征;真光层深度受悬浮物和叶绿素的共同影响,其空间分布特征与悬浮物相反.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾水体悬浮颗粒物和CDOM的吸收特性   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
张运林  秦伯强  杨龙元 《生态学报》2006,26(12):3969-3979
通过测定滤膜上悬浮颗粒物和过滤液中CDOM吸光度的方法计算得到太湖梅梁湾总颗粒物和CDOM的光谱吸收系数,并计算了各吸收组份的贡献份额以及吸收与PAR衰减的比值。总颗粒物的吸收系数从400 nm到600 nm大致呈下降趋势,到675nm附近由于叶绿素a的特征吸收会出现明显峰值,峰值高低随叶绿素a浓度的变化而变化,ap(440)在3.58~9.86 m-1间变化。非藻类颗粒物和CDOM的吸收随波长增加大致按指数规律下降,ad(440)和ag(440)的变化范围分别为2.23~7.07m-1和1.06~1.70 m-1。非藻类颗粒物在400~700 nm波段的指数函数斜率Sd的平均值为(10.91±0.62)μm-1;CDOM在280~500 nm波段指数函数斜率Sg的平均值为(15.52±0.49)μm-1。浮游藻类的光谱吸收表现为在440、675 nm附近存在两个明显的峰值,分别为(2.55±1.14)、(1.34±0.69)m-1。ap(440)与TSS、OSSI、SS均存在显著性正相关,而ad(440)则只与TSSI、SS有显著性相关,aph(440)只与OSS、Chla有显著性相关。CDOM吸收系数与DOC浓度没有显著正相关,但与Chla存在显著幂函数关系,浮游藻类降解产物是水体中CDOM的重要来源之一。水体中物质吸收主要以颗粒物为主,对总吸收的贡献率在70%以上,而颗粒物中又以非藻类颗粒物占主导,一般超过40%,总吸收对漫射衰减的贡献也在40%以上。  相似文献   

Understanding how the concentration and chemical quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) varies in soils is critical because DOM influences an array of biological, chemical, and physical processes. We used PARAFAC modeling of excitation–emission fluorescence spectroscopy, specific UV absorbance (SUVA254) and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) incubations to investigate the chemical quality of DOM in soil water collected from 25 cm piezometers in four different wetland and forest soils: bog, forested wetland, fen and upland forest. There were significant differences in soil solution concentrations of dissolved organic C, N, and P, DOC:DON ratios, SUVA254 and BDOC among the four soil types. Throughout the sampling period, average DOC concentrations in the four soil types ranged from 9–32 mg C l−1 and between 23–42% of the DOC was biodegradable. Seasonal patterns in dissolved nutrient concentrations and BDOC were observed in the three wetland types suggesting strong biotic controls over DOM concentrations in wetland soils. PARAFAC modeling of excitation–emission fluorescence spectroscopy showed that protein-like fluorescence was positively correlated (r 2 = 0.82; P < 0.001) with BDOC for all soil types taken together. This finding indicates that PARAFAC modeling may substantially improve the ability to predict BDOC in natural environments. Coincident measurements of DOM concentrations, BDOC and PARAFAC modeling confirmed that the four soil types contain DOM with distinct chemical properties and have unique fluorescent fingerprints. DOM inputs to streams from the four soil types therefore have the potential to alter stream biogeochemical processes differently by influencing temporal patterns in stream heterotrophic productivity.  相似文献   

He XS  Xi BD  Wei ZM  Jiang YH  Geng CM  Yang Y  Yuan Y  Liu HL 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(3):2322-2327
For the purpose of evaluating the stability of municipal solid waste (MSW) excavated from a landfill, dissolved organic matter was extracted and characterized by physicochemical and spectroscopic methods. Results showed that dissolved organic carbon concentration, ratio of dissolved organic carbon to dissolved organic nitrogen, and specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm were in the range of 0.383-3.502 g kg−1, 0.388-3.693 and 2.700-4.629 L mg−1 m−1, respectively, indicating the stability of MSW. Results obtained from Fourier transform infrared spectra have demonstrated that the stability of excavated MSW was characterized by disappearance of some easily biodegradable compounds; and the 1635/1406 ratio varied from 0.979 to 1.840 and was higher than that of the matured compost. The excitation-emission matrix spectra have shown that the principal components in excavated MSW comprised humic substances and the MSW was stable by the presence of a peak with wavelength pair of ∼280/420 nm.  相似文献   

Patterns of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) delivery were compared between times of stormflow and baseflow in Paine Run, an Appalachian stream draining a 12.4 km2 forested catchment in the Shenandoah National Park (SNP), Virginia. The potential in-stream ecological impact of altered concentrations and/or chemical composition of DOM during storms also was examined, using standardized bacterial bioassays. DOC and DON concentrations in Paine Run were consistently low during baseflow and did not show a seasonal pattern. During storms however, mean DOC and DON concentrations approximately doubled, with maximum concentrations occurring on the rising limb of storm hydrographs. The rapid response of DOM concentration to changes in flow suggests a near-stream or in-stream source of DOM during storms. Stormflow (4% of the time, 36% of the annual discharge) contributed >50% of DOC, DON and NO3 flux in Paine Run during 1997. In laboratory bacterial bioassays, growth rate constants were higher on Paine Run stormflow water than on baseflow water, but the fraction of total DOM which was bioavailable was not significantly different. The fraction of the total stream DOC pool taken up by water column bacteria was estimated to increase from 0.03 ± 0.02% h–1 during baseflow, to 0.15 ± 0.04% h–1 during storms. This uptake rate would have a minimal effect on bulk DOM concentrations in Paine Run, but storms may still have considerable impact on the bacterial stream communities by mobilizing them into the water column and by supplying a pulse of DOM.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the water of Lake Fuxian and its adjacent rivers on the Yunnan Plateau, southwestern China, were studied to specify the characterization of DOM in the lake and river waters. The fluorescence properties with the excitation–emission matrix in the water of Lake Fuxian are different from those in the river water. The differences in these properties between the lake and river water could arise not only from their sources but also from the reactivity of the photobleaching of DOM. In the lake, the supplying of allochthonous fluorescent materials from inflowing rivers to the fluorescent DOM is less significant than the photobleaching of fluorescent substances.  相似文献   

Complexation between Hg(II) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) collected from streams in Ontario, Canada, was studied using three-dimensional excitation emission matrix (3DEEM) fluorescence spectroscopy. The results show that DOM reacted with Hg(II) rapidly, and the complexation reached pseudo-equilibrium within 20 s. Maximum excitation/emission (Ex/Em) wavelengths shifted towards the longer wavelengths, indicating that DOM structure changed during its interaction with Hg(II). Using fluorescence quenching titrations, complexing parameters, conditional stability constants and the percentage of fluorophores participating in the complexation, were estimated by the modified Stern–Volmer equation. The experimental and field survey results suggest that the Hg–DOM complexation in various streams was related to water quality parameters, e.g. DOC, Cl–, and cation concentrations, and was strongly affected by UV irradiation.  相似文献   

Frequent resuspension of sediments is recognized as an important process in large shallow lakes, impeding the recovery of eutrophic lakes. A large-scale project, including a wave barrier (3.3 km long) and a soft enclosure, was implemented to reduce wave energy and sediment resuspension in Lake Taihu, eastern China. The effects of the wave-reduction engineering on sediment resuspension and internal nutrient loading were investigated. Results showed that sediment resuspension rates as well as suspended solids (SS) in the areas protected by the wave barrier and the soft enclosure were significantly lower than in the unprotected areas. There was a positive relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and SS; thus internal loading of phosphorus was significantly reduced by the wave-reduction structure. High nutrient levels and phytoplankton biomass persisted during the experiment period, suggesting that additional measures, such as re-establishment of the macrophyte community, must be included to help restore the water quality in such a large, shallow and eutrophic lake.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in sediment porewaters from Lake Erhai, Southwest China was investigated using dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, UV absorbance, fluorescence and molecular weight distribution. DOC exhibited a high concentration at the sediment–water interface with a rapid decrease to the oxic–anoxic interface at approximately 7 cm, and then increased with depth. Similar trends were also found for the UV absorption coefficients at 254 and 280 nm in the porewaters. DNA in the sediment was also measured, which confirmed the high abundance of aerobic bacteria in the upper layer of the sediment. Both humic-like (peaks A and C) and protein-like (peaks B and D) fluorescence were observed in the porewater DOM, and their fluorescence intensities exhibited a similar porewater profile as DOC concentration. A strong correlation was found between the peak fluorescence intensity ratio r(A, C) and r(D, B). Both the fluorescence index and UV absorption coefficient at 254 nm suggested a dramatic increase in aromaticity of porewater DOM across the oxic–anoxic interface. Porewater DOM exhibited a multimodal distribution of molecular weight with a relatively low polydispersity. The results of this study offer significant insight into the nature and properties of DOM in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nitrogen dynamics and microbial food web structure were characterized in subtropical, eutrophic, large (2,338 km2), shallow (1.9 m mean depth), and polymictic Lake Taihu (China) in Sept–Oct 2002 during a cyanobacterial bloom. Population growth and industrialization are factors in trophic status deterioration in Lake Taihu. Sites for investigation were selected along a transect from the Liangxihe River discharge into Meiliang Bay to the main lake. Water column nitrogen and microbial food web measurements were combined with sediment–water interface incubations to characterize and identify important processes related to system nitrogen dynamics. Results indicate a gradient from strong phosphorus limitation at the river discharge to nitrogen limitation or co-limitation in the main lake. Denitrification in Meiliang Bay may drive main lake nitrogen limitation by removing excess nitrogen before physical transport to the main lake. Five times higher nutrient mineralization rates in the water column versus sediments indicate that sediment nutrient transformations were not as important as water column processes for fueling primary production. However, sediments provide a site for denitrification, which, along with nitrogen fixation and other processes, can determine available nutrient ratios. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) was important, relative to denitrification, only at the river discharge site, and nitrogen fixation was observed only in the main lake. Reflecting nitrogen cycling patterns, microbial food web structure shifted from autotrophic (phytoplankton dominated) at the river discharge to heterotrophic (bacteria dominated) in and near the main lake.  相似文献   

1. We examined the absorption of solar radiation by phytoplankton and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) taking into account riparian shading in the rivers, reservoirs, swamps of the Neuse River Estuary and its drainage basin. 2. In the streams, CDOM typically absorbed 55 and 64% of photons in the spectral range of 400–700 nm (photosynthetically active radiation, PAR) and 500–600 nm, respectively. The large proportion of photons absorbed by CDOM indicates high potential for abiotic photochemial reactions in the 500–600 nm region. 3. Despite the high concentration of nutrients, phytoplankton contributed little (2%) to the total absorption of PAR in the streams. Small (<30 m wide) streams typically received only 7% of incident PAR that impinged onto the more exposed reservoirs and estuary. Riparian shading and the low contribution of phytoplankton to the total absorption resulted in conditions where phytoplankton absorbed nearly two orders of magnitude less PAR in the streams than in the estuary and reservoirs. 4. The results indicated that riparian shading and non‐algal absorbing components can significantly restrict phytoplankton production in nutrient‐rich streams with a high concentration of CDOM flowing throughout forested catchments.  相似文献   

To understand the effect of hydrodynamical process on water phosphorus concentration, wind, wave, and several water quality indices were observed in Meiliang Bay, a shallow and eutrophic bay locates in north of Lake Taihu. During the 7 day observation period, wind speed and significant wave height were recorded more than 3 h per day, and water samples were collected in five water-depth layers once a day. Hydrodynamical disturbance had no significant correlationship with the water quality at the top layer when the significant wave height was smaller than 30 cm, but it significantly increased suspended solids (SS) concentration of the bottom water layer. Concentrations of nutrients showed no positive correlationship with SS concentration in the water body. Intensive sediment resuspension may not have occurred when the hydrodynamic stress on sediment was only a little higher than the critical stress for sediment resuspension. A new method for confirming the critical stress for intensive sediment resuspension and nutrient release still needs to be developed. The range of the water quality indices was quite high during the seven days of observation. High variation seems to be a common character of large shallow lakes like Taihu.  相似文献   

胶州湾滨海湿地土壤溶解性有机质的三维荧光特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
訾园园  孔范龙  郗敏  李悦  杨玲 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):3871-3881
为了了解滨海湿地土壤中溶解性有机质的结构特征及来源,2014年1月在胶州湾采集光滩、碱蓬、芦苇和大米草湿地的土壤样品,测定土壤溶解性有机质(DOM)含量,利用三维荧光技术进行光谱分析.结果表明: 胶州湾4种湿地类型土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量表现为大米草湿地>光滩>碱蓬湿地>芦苇湿地,垂直剖面上随土层深度的增加DOC含量均呈减少的趋势.经光谱分析,胶州湾湿地土壤DOM的三维荧光光谱(3DEEMs)中出现了B、T、A、D和C等5种荧光峰,分别代表类酪氨酸、类色氨酸、类富里酸、类可溶性微生物副产物和类腐殖酸5种组分.利用荧光区域积分(FRI)法对5种组分进行定量分析,类色氨酸、类富里酸和类酪氨酸在DOM各组分含量中居前3位,类可溶性微生物副产物和类腐殖酸的含量次之,二者含量差异不显著.DOM的5种组分相互之间均呈显著正相关,与DOC含量呈显著正相关,与总磷、有效磷、总氮有不同程度的相关性.胶州湾4种湿地类型土壤DOM主要由生物相互作用内源产生,且腐殖化程度较低.  相似文献   

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