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Urinary aldosterone metabolites were measured before and after the administration of 1 g/day of kanamycin, a nonabsorbable antibiotic, for 7 days, in 6 normal volunteers and in 11 patients with liver cirrhosis. Urinary excretion of 21-deoxytetrahydroaldosterone (21-deoxy-THAldo) decreased by 40 and 86% from the control values in normal volunteers and in patients, respectively (p less than 0.05), after kanamycin administration. Urinary excretion of 21-deoxyaldosterone (21-deoxy-Aldo) also fell by 48 and 89% in normal subjects and in patients, respectively, but the decrease was significant only in the normal subjects (p less than 0.05). In normal volunteers, urinary free aldosterone and THAldo remained constant, whereas the ratio of 21-deoxy-Aldo to aldosterone and 21-deoxy-THAldo to THAldo decreased from 10.2 to 3.7 and 2.1 to 0.3, respectively (p less than 0.01). These results indicate that intestinal bacteria participate in the metabolism of aldosterone during enterohepatic circulation in man.  相似文献   

21-Deoxyaldosterone has been postulated to be a precursor of aldosterone in an altenative biosynthesis pathway and Kelly's-M1 is considered to be its metabolite. In healthy volunteers, the excretion rate of 21-deoxyaldosterone and of Kelly's-M1 are significantly lower than the aldosterone metabolites, aldosterone-18-glucuronide and tetrahydro-aldosterone and than the aldosterone precursor 18-OH-corticosterone. Essential hypertension patients (with low and normal renin) excrete comparable values of 21-deoxyaldosterone and Kelly's-M1 as normotensives. In 66% of aldosterone-producing adenoma cases (APA) and in 60% of idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) patients, significantly raised values of 21-deoxyaldosterone and Kelly's-M1 were found. The patients with the high excretion rates of both steroids showed only moderately increased values of the aldosterone metabolites, aldosterone-18-glucuronide and tetrahydro-aldosterone, as well as of the aldosterone precursor 18-OH-corticosterone. In contrast, the latter mentioned steroids were excreted in higher amounts in those patients with normal excretion of 21-deoxyaldosterone and Kelly's-M1. Hence, it is suggested that aldosterone is produced alternatively either via 18-OH-corticosterone alone or additionally via 21-deoxyaldosterone. Furthermore, in three cases of “incidentally” discovered adrenal adenomas, 21-deoxyaldosterone and Kelly's-M1 were the only elevated steroids. After adrenalectomy, excretion of 21-deoxyaldosterone and of Kelly's-M1 and blood pressure returned to normal, which proves that these steroids play a role in blood pressure regulation. In essential hypertension, ACTH infusion induced a significant increase of 21-deoxyaldosterone and Kelly's-M1. However, the increase after angiotensin II was 3- to 6-fold higher than after ACTH. IHA patients proved to be more responsive to angiotensin II; and, in contrast, APA cases proved to be more sensitive to ACTH. The data suggest that beside the main route of aldosterone biosynthesis via 11-deoxycorticosterone, corticosterone and 18-OH-corticosterone an alternative pathway exits via 21-deoxyaldosterone in healthy and in hypertensive patients. There are similarities between the regulation of 21-deoxyaldosterone and the regulation of aldosteorne. The determination of 21-deoxyaldosterone and its possible metabolite Kelly's-M1 might be appropriate in the diagnosis of mineralocorticoid-induced forms of hypertension, especially when an adrenal adenoma is discovered.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the steroidogenesis of clinically nonfunctioning adrenocortical adenoma, we studied the aldosterone, cortisol (F) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) content and the expression of mRNA of cytochrome P450 for side chain cleavage (P450scc), 17 alpha-hydroxylase (P450c17). 21-hydroxylase (P450c21) and 11 beta-hydroxylase (P450c11) in four clinically nonfunctioning adrenocortical adenomas discovered incidentally in asymptomatic patients (Cases 1, 2, 3 and 4). The results were compared with those in normal adrenal glands. In the adenomas from cases 1 and 2, the abundance of steroidogenic P450s mRNA were similar to those in normal adrenal glands, except P450c11 mRNA expression in the adenoma from case 1 which was slightly higher than normal. The steroid content was normal level, except for higher F in the adenoma from case 1 and lower aldosterone in case 2 adenoma than normal. The adenoma from case 3 contained much less P450scc, P450c17 and P450c21 mRNA, while the amount of P450c11 mRNA was slightly greater than in normal adrenals. The adenoma showed normal aldosterone, high F and low DHEA content compared with normal adrenal glands. In the adenoma from case 4, the accumulation of all four P450 mRNAs decreased, whereas aldosterone, F and DHEA content in the adenoma was similar to that of normal adrenal glands. These data indicated that nonfunctioning adrenocortical adenoma showed similar or decreased expression of steroidogenic P450 mRNAs that the normal adrenal gland. This decreased expression of steroidogenic P450 mRNAs may be at least partly concerned with the absence of clinical symptoms in patients with nonfunctioning adenoma.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay without chromatography is described for the determination of plasma aldosterone. The high sensitivity of the method renders possible the detection of about 1 pg aldosterone/ml. The high specificity of the antialdosterone sera (rabbit) may be due to the procedure used for the preparation of aldosterone-21-hemisuccinate and to the intensive purification of the aldosterone-albumin conjugate. The validity of the method was tested by determination of plasma aldosterone in normal subjects and in patients suffering from primary hyperaldosteronism or Addison's disease. In cases of urgent diagnosis, the incubation period was reduced from 16 hours to 1 hour. The elimination of the chromatographic step makes the method suitable for clinical routine work and automatization.  相似文献   

A previously described direct radioimmunoassay for plasma aldosterone has been modified to enable direct measurement of the steroid in saliva. The specificity of the method has been demonstrated by assay after high pressure liquid chromatographic purification of saliva extracts. Assay of matched plasma and saliva samples taken from normal subjects during unrestricted and controlled sodium intakes, either under basal conditions or while undergoing ACTH stimulation or dexamethasone suppression, confirms that salivary aldosterone values provide a good reflection of levels in plasma. Mean salivary aldosterone values are approximately one-third of those in plasma. Sampling immediately upon waking appears to provide reliable values for salivary aldosterone, and the potential application of this technique to the screening of hypertensive patients is discussed.  相似文献   

Ontogenic adrenocortical function of the domestic was investigated using adrenocortical cells isolated from embryonic chicks (18, 19, 20, and 21 days old) and male and female posthatch birds (1 day, 1 week, and 3 weeks old). Production of the predominant corticosteroids secreted by the chicken adrenal gland, corticosterone, cortisol, and aldosterone, was measured by radioimmunoassay after 2-hr incubation of cells with or without steroidogenic agents. Approaching hatch, basal and maximal ACTH-(1-24) (ACTH)-induced corticosteroid production increased steadily and peaked around 1 day posthatch (5-18 times and 3-9 times, respectively, the production values at 18 days embryonic life). Thereafter, corticosteroid production values decreased steadily to 3 weeks posthatch. Corticosterone predominated over the ages studied: Maximal ACTH-induced corticosterone production averaged 52 and 115 times the production values of aldosterone and cortisol, respectively. In addition, maximal ACTH-induced aldosterone production was roughly 2.2 times greater than cortisol production over the ages studied except for a short-lived, disproportionately greater aldosterone production at 1 day posthatch. In addition to perihatch and age-related differences in cellular corticosteroid production, there were also differences in cellular sensitivity to steroidogenic agents as indicated by the differences in half-maximal steroidogenic concentration values (ED50 values) of the steroidogenic agents. Sensitivity to ACTH increased 2.7 times from Day 18 of embryonic life to 1 day posthatch and then decreased steadily to 3 weeks posthatch. In addition, sensitivity to 8-bromo-cAMP (8-Br-cAMP) increased abruptly at 1 day posthatch (nearly 3 times) but then remained constant thereafter. However, a consistent change in cellular sensitivity to 25-hydroxycholesterol was not observed until 3 weeks posthatch (an increase in sensitivity of 3 times that at Day 18 of embryonic life). These data of cellular sensitivity suggest that there were distinct development and maturational alterations in the cellular loci at which ACTH, 8-Br-cAMP, and 25-hydroxycholesterol acted. Thus, during the transition from embryonic to postembryonic life of the domestic fowl, there are alterations in adrenocortical cell steroidogenic capacity and in the function of some cellular loci comprising the corticosteroidogenic pathway.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay without chromatography was used for the determination of plasma aldosterone in pregnancy. The mean values (+/- S.D.) of aldosterone concentration increased consistently from 23.2 +/- 5.3 ng/100 ml (n = 14) during the first trimester to 37.2 +/- 10.6 ng/100 ml (n = 17) during the second trimester and 64.0 +/- 18.8 ng/100 ml (n = 29) during the third trimester of pregnancy. The highest values were found at delivery (71.9 +/- 14.2 ng/100 ml; n = 21) and in the cord plasma of newborns (83.4 +/- 14.9 ng/100 ml; n = 21). Significantly lower plasma aldosterone values were found in the plasma of pre-eclamptic women during the third trimester of pregnancy (41.9 +/- 21.3 ng/100 ml; n = 11).  相似文献   

Our goal was to develop a model for the study of maternal adrenal gland regulation and the effects of maternal cortisol secretion on fetal homeostasis. At about 108 days of gestation, before the time of rapid fetal growth or fetal adrenocortical maturation, ewes, under halothane anesthesia with controlled ventilation and positioned in sternal recumbency, were adrenalectomized. Ewes were treated with aldosterone by intravenous infusion (3 micrograms/kg of body weight per day) to induce normal late-gestation aldosterone concentration. Ewes were also treated with cortisol; for 2 postoperative days, this infusion (1 to 2 micrograms/kg per min) induced plasma concentration similar to that associated with stress. Thereafter, the dosage of cortisol was reduced to induce plasma values similar to normal late-gestation cortisol concentration in ewes (1 mg/kg per day), or to values in nonpregnant ewes (0.6 mg/kg per day). Administration of cortisol and aldosterone was required to prevent electrolyte imbalance and signs of hypoadrenocorticism. With steroid replacement, plasma protein, electrolyte, and glucose concentrations in adrenalectomized ewes were not different from those in sham-operated pregnant ewes. Of 11 adrenalectomized ewes, one died as a result of failure of the infusion pump, and one died as a result of inappropriate treatment for hypoglycemia. Of the remaining ewes, two aborted fetuses, three ewes each delivered one live and one dead fetus, two delivered live singleton fetuses, and two delivered twins. Therefore, this model of relative hypoadrenocorticism in pregnancy is feasible and practical for studying the influence of maternal cortisol concentration on maternal and fetal homeostasis.  相似文献   

The sites of action of beta-melanocyte stimulating hormone (beta-MSH) on aldosterone biosynthesis were studied using collagenase-dispersed adrenal glomerulosa cells from rats maintained on either normal or sodium-deficient diets for 2 weeks. Isolated cells were treated with a cyanoketone derivative (WIN 19,578) to isolate the early and late steps in aldosterone biosynthesis. WIN 19,578 (1 microM) completely blocked aldosterone production stimulated by sodium depletion, AII, ACTH, and beta-MSH. beta-MSH (1 microM) significantly stimulated pregnenolone production (early step) and the conversion of corticosterone to aldosterone (late step) in aldosterone biosynthesis. The effect of beta-MSH was similar to AII and ACTH. Sodium depletion enhanced the effect of beta-MSH only on the late step in aldosterone biosynthesis. In conclusion, beta-MSH stimulates both the early and late steps of aldosterone biosynthesis. These results suggest that beta-MSH or peptides containing beta-MSH may play a role in the regulation of aldosterone production.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on aldosterone secretion was studied in human aldosterone producing adrenocortical adenoma obtained surgically from a patient with primary aldosteronism and in human apparently normal adjacent adrenal cortical tissues obtained from a patient with pheochromocytoma, in vitro. Apparently normal adrenal cortical tissue responded to ANP with the known inhibition of aldosterone secretion. In contrast, the aldosterone producing adenoma did not respond to ANP. When stimulated by either ACTH or angiotensin II, there is no inhibition by ANP in the adenoma tissue, whereas normal tissue was inhibited. Immunohistochemical examination utilizing an ANP-receptor antiserum demonstrated that there was no evidence of binding site in the cortical adenoma, in contrast, zona glomerulosa cells in the cortical tissues adjacent to either aldosterone producing adenoma or pheochromocytoma were densely stained. This apparent lack of ANP-receptors is an associated finding with the hypersecretion of aldosterone in the aldosterone producing adenoma.  相似文献   

Steroid 21-hydroxylase (P450c21) is absent or defective in more than 90% of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This disorder of cortisol biosynthesis occurs in a wide spectrum of clinical severity; specific mutations in the 21-hydroxylase gene (CYP21) have been found in association with particular clinical phenotypes. To determine the functional effects of mutations causing amino acid substitutions, normal P450c21 and three mutagenized P450c21 enzymes were expressed at high levels in cultured COS-1 cells using recombinant vaccinia virus. A single amino acid substitution (Val281----Leu) present in patients with mild "nonclassical" 21-hydroxylase deficiency resulted in an enzyme with 20-50% of normal activity. A mutation (Ile172----Asn) identified in patients with the "simple virilizing" form (poor cortisol synthesis but adequate aldosterone synthesis) resulted in an enzyme with less than 2% of normal activity. Finally, a cluster mutation (Ile-Val-Glu-Met234-238----Asn-Glu-Glu-Lys) found in a patient with severe "salt wasting" 21-hydroxylase deficiency (inadequate aldosterone synthesis) results in an enzyme with no detectable activity. These data indicate that the severity of 21-hydroxylase deficiency correlates with the degree of enzymatic compromise.  相似文献   



It has been reported nutritional status and systemic inflammation were associated with the outcome of patients with malignancies. However, the prognostic value of combination of them was really scarce, especially in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In order to find a more simple and efficient predictor, we hypothesized that pretreatment albumin and neutrophil combined prognostic grade (ANPG) could offer an improved prognostic ability in NSCLC patients.


We collected pretreatment albumin and neutrophil, clinicopathological, treatment and follow-up data of 1033 consecutive NSCLC patients treated between 2006 and 2011 in this retrospective study. The ANPG was calculated according to pretreatment albumin and neutrophil levels dichotomized by the optimal cut-off values, the quartile values and the clinical reference values. Kaplan-Meier (K-M) curves and Cox proportional regression were used for survival analyses. All the data was analyzed by SPSS 20.0.


According to optimal cut-off values and quartile values, significant differences were found in different pretreatment albumin, neutrophil levels and ANPG from the K-M curve (all p<0.05). Univariate analyses and multivariate analyses disclosed ANPG was a more sensitive independent predictor for both overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS) than either albumin level or neutrophil level (HRs were higher for ANPG). As for clinical reference values, no significant difference of pretreatment albumin levels was found in K-M curve and univariate analyses. All three indexes lost their significance in multivariate analyses.


Higher ANPG predicts worse OS and PFS in NSCLC patients independently, and it is more sensitive than hypoalbuminaemia and neutrophilia. It might be used as a reliable, convenient and more sensitive predictor to assist the identification of patients with poor prognosis and be a hierarchical factor in the future NSCLC clinical trials.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between aldosterone, inflammatory parameters, blood pressure and metabolic abnormalities in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been reported in the early estrogenic phase. The aim of the study was to measure plasma aldosterone, plasma renin activity (PRA) and progesterone on the 21st day of the cycle, in women with PCOS and to consider the interrelationships between these hormones. Sixty-six consecutive normal BMI women with PCOS (median age 24 years, range 21-28 years) and 53 age- and body mass index-matched healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Aldosterone, aldosterone/PRA ratio (ARR) and Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) index were significantly higher (p<0.0001) in PCOS women than controls. Positive correlations were found in PCOS but not in controls between (i) progesterone and aldosterone, (ii) aldosterone and PRA, (iii) PRA and progesterone. Mean blood pressures were within the normal range but significantly higher in PCOS than controls. The increase of plasma aldosterone, ARR and blood pressure in PCOS compared with controls is consistent with an increased mineralocorticoid effector mechanism in PCOS; prolonged therapy with spironolactone could counteract both the hyperandrogenism and reduce future cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   

A new method for the assessment of endogenous formation of aldosterone in anephric patients is described. (1, 2-3H) aldosterone was administered i.v. to patients 1-2 days before hemodialysis, and then the specific activity (SA) of tetrahydroaldosterone glucosiduronate, the major aldosterone metabolite, was measured in the dialysate using a specific radioimmunoassay. The aldosterone secretion rate was determined from the extent of isotope dilution by endogenous metabolite. Aldosterone secretion rates measured in 10 patients were for the most part low. The secretion rate determined in blood from the aldosterone metabolic clearance rate and plasma aldosterone concentration closely approximate secretion rate values obtained by the isotope dilution method in 3 of 4 patients. In 2 patients in whom ACTH was administered chronically, radio-labeled aldosterone was administered at the start of the study and then the day to day aldosterone secretory response to ACTH was determined from the SA of tetrahydroaldosterone in blood. Aldosterone secretion continuously increased for as long as ACTH was administered.  相似文献   

The plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone responses to furosemide-induced diuresis were measured in seven children with growth hormone deficiency prior to, during and after the admistration of clinical grade human growth hormone (hGH). The furosemide-stimulated increases in PRA were unchanged from baseline values after one and eight months of hGH administration, but the plasma aldosterone concentrations were significantly increased over control values after eight months of hGH administration.Plasma cortisol concentrations as determined by competitive protein binding assay were measured with the 30-minute cosyntropin (Cortrosyn) test. A normal response as defined by a final level of at least 20 ug/100 ml was found in all children. Resting cortisol concentrations were unchanged during treatment with hGH but the mean increment and final levels were significantly diminished after 8 months of hGH administration. These data have not elucidated the mechanism by which clinical grade hGH improves diuretic-induced aldosterone responsiveness but diminishes cosyntropin stimulation of the adrenal in childhood.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to elucidate the effect of adrenocorticoids on Mg2+-HCO3(-)-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase which are thought to be related to anion transport in mammalian intestinal mucosa and renal tubulus. Rat duodenal mucosa, large intestinal mucosa and kidney cortex were excised and homogenized with mannitol-Tris buffer (pH 7.1) and brush border fraction and cytosol were obtained by a differential fractionation procedure. Brush border Mg2+-HCO3(-)-ATPase and cytosol carbonic anhydrase activities in the duodenal mucosa decreased to 70% and 37% of normal values, respectively 5-11 days after adrenalectomy. Adrenalectomy also decreased significantly both enzyme activities in large intestinal mucosa; on the other hand, renal enzyme activities did not change. Four hours after a single injection of 20-80 micrograms/kg of aldosterone, ip, to adrenalectomized rats, Mg2+-HCO3(-)-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase activities in duodenal mucosa increased gradually to normal or near normal in dose-dependent fashion. Both enzyme activities in large intestinal mucosa were also increased by a larger dose of aldosterone. Again, renal enzyme activities were not affected by any dose of aldosterone. In contrast, corticosterone (1 mg and 4 mg/kg) and dexamethasone (50 micrograms 200 micrograms/kg) had no replacement effect on enzyme activities in all organs. These results showed that the mineralocorticoid, but not glucocorticoids, is a regulator of the enzyme activity of Mg2+-HCO3(-)-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase from intestinal mucosa. The true mechanisms by which both enzymes are activated by aldosterone are not clear at present.  相似文献   

Urines from patients with hypertension and elevated aldosterone levels, i.e. primary aldosteronism due to adrenal adenoma or hyperplasia or carcinoma were extracted, paper chromatographed and thereafter chromatographed repeatedly with normal phase and repeatedly with reversed phase HPLC systems in an attempt to find new metabolites of aldosterone. Specific 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 beta-tetrahydroaldosterone antiserum was used in a radioimmunoassay system to detect possible aldosterone metabolites in the HPLC fractions after each isolation step. The immunoactive HPLC fractions were derivatized and analysed by GC-MS. A relatively nonpolar compound, 11 beta:18(S),18:20 alpha-diepoxy-5 beta-pregnan-3 alpha-ol, was isolated and identified in this manner. This material was originally described by Kelly et al., in 1962 after loading human subjects with huge amounts (25-160 mg) of exogenous aldosterone. This material has not yet been described from endogenously produced aldosterone. Very small amounts, if any, were similarly isolated from the urine of a control subject. Therefore, this compound could prove to be a new marker for hypertension due to hyper-production of aldosterone.  相似文献   

An efficient separation of corticosteroids in plasma of rats was obtained by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Plasma corticosteroid assays with HPLC separation were used to determine the circadian rhythm of 18-hydroxycorticosterone (18-OHB) and its possible relationship to aldosterone or corticosterone in conscious rats under standard conditions (regular diet; 12-hour light and 12-hour dark cycle). Significant circadian rhythms of plasma corticosterone, 18-OHB and aldosterone were observed with peak values at 20.00 h and nadir values at 08.00 h. The mean ratio of plasma 18-OHB to aldosterone during 24 h was 2.4. The circadian rhythm of 18-OHB was also correlated with that of plasma aldosterone or corticosterone.  相似文献   

To assess the possible role of mineralocorticoids in the onset and maintenance of hypertension in adrenal regeneration hypertensive (ARH) rats, the change in plasma mineralocorticoids, with adrenal regeneration after enucleation in ARH rats was investigated and compared with those in unilaterally nephroadrenalectomized, 1% saline-fed (UNA) rats, sham-operated, 1% saline-fed (1% NaCl) rats and water-fed (water) rats. Plasma aldosterone was determined by RIA and the other mineralocorticoids were measured by HPLC. How plasma PRL, a marker of central dopaminergic activity, affected aldosterone secretion was determined by RIA. In ARH, plasma corticosterone (B), 18-OH-DOC and aldosterone levels 2 weeks after operation were as low as 20-30% of corresponding values, but the plasma DOC level was almost 100% of the corresponding value in the other groups. Four weeks after operation plasma B increased to a level comparable with that in the other groups and the plasma aldosterone level remained low. However, plasma DOC and 18-OH-DOC levels 4 weeks after operation were as high as 120-200% of corresponding values in the other groups. Six weeks after operation, the plasma aldosterone level returned to a value comparable with that in UNA and 1% NaCl and plasma DOC and 18-OH-DOC levels returned to corresponding values in the other groups. The plasma PRL level 4 weeks after operation was significantly lower in ARH than in the other groups. These results suggest that transient DOC and 18-OH-DOC increases observed in ARH may be important in the onset of hypertension, while other factors may be involved in its maintenance and that the transient central dopaminergic hyperactivity observed in ARH may be responsible for a delayed return from aldosterone deficiency.  相似文献   

Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone were consecutively measured during methimazole treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease. ANP values of untreated hyperthyroid patients varied greatly from patient to patient, but decreased progressively with a decrease of serum thyroid hormone concentration during methimazole treatment. PRA was elevated in hyperthyroid patients but less aldosterone was secreted as evidenced by lower aldosterone/PRA ratio in these patients than in normal subjects and in hypertensive patients treated with thiazide. In addition, aldosterone/PRA ratio increased progressively with a decrease of ANP during methimazole treatment. The data indicated that ANP secretion was increased and ANP thus secreted depressed aldosterone secretion in hyperthyroid patients. Propranolol depressed pulse rate but failed to affect ANP secretion. It is suggested that thyroid hormone specifically acts on myocytes to stimulate ANP secretion but physiologic significance of such increased ANP secretion remains to be solved.  相似文献   

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