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Summary Tobacco cell lines selected for resistance to picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) and plants regenerated from these cell lines manifest several traits not shown by the parental strains. Genetics analyses of the regenerated plants have permitted the sources of this variability to be identified.Tricotyledenous seedlings appeared at a much higher frequency among the progeny of a heterozygous mutant plant (PmR1/+) regenerated from culture than they did among progeny of normal regenerated plants. In crosses with the regenerated heterozygous mutant plant and with homozygous progeny of this plant (PmR1/PmR1) the frequency of tricotyly was influenced more by the generation than by the genotype of the parent plant. Therefore, it is concluded that tricotyly is a physiological response to passage through cell culture.More than half of the picloram-resistant cell lines isolated were also resistant to hydroxyurea. Segregation of these two resistances was analyzed in progeny of crosses with regenerated plants. In all cases hydroxyurea-resistance was genetically stable and inherited as a single dominant nuclear mutation (designated HuR). In crosses with plants PmR1/+ and PmR7/+ the HuR and PmR mutations assorted independently. In contrast, the HuR mutation recovered from plant PmR6/+ was linked to the PmR6 mutation.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of U. victoris cell lines obtained from the same bulb and cultured for a long time on different agar-solidified and liquid nutrient media differed significantly. The components of the nutrient media including phytohormones did not influence the ratio of cells with different ploidy levels in various lines while transfer of the calluses to the liquid media resulted in the increase of diploid metaphase frequencies.  相似文献   

Summary Spontaneous polyploidy, aneuploidy, and chromosomal rearrangements were observed in callus and suspension cultures of Hordeum vulgare, H. jubatum, and their interspecific hybrid. The extent to which each class of chromosomal variability was present in a culture depended upon differentiated state, age, and history. Cytological and isozymic analysis of subdivided callus cultures revealed spatial segregation of chromosomal variability. Cytogenetic analyses were performed to determine the expression of this in vitro chromosomal variability in corresponding regenerated plant tissues. A complete loss of polyploidy and a decrease in aneuploidy and chromosomal rearrangements were observed. Analyses of specific isozyme activities in regenerates suggested that a quantitative segregation of H. vulgare and H. jubatum genomes had occurred in tissue cultures of their interspecific hybrid. Possible uses of in vitro chromosomal variability for plant breeding and genetical studies are discussed.Work supported by a grant to Project 3195 from the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and by Grant E4-76-S-02-7528. A004 to P.S. Carlson from the US Department of Energy  相似文献   

In the system of cation-induced E. coli transformation by the plasmid pBR322 the effects of the extract derived from the biomass of cultured cells of U. victoris on the correlation between yield of transformants, viability of CaCl2 - treated cells and plasmid DNA conformation alterations has been investigated. The data obtained have been compared with effects of some salts of one- and divalent metals on the same parameters. The presence of different mechanisms of the variations of cell population viability and yield of transformants depending on utilization of salts or plant extracts has been shown.  相似文献   

Shoot-tips from in vitro cultured Hypericum perforatum L. genotypes were subjected to assessments of developmental competence, genetic stability, and biosynthetic ability to identify critical points during cryopreservation. Survival rate, chromosome number stability, alteration in VNTR sequences and hypericin content were evaluated, in plants after pre-culture, and two subsequent cryogenic steps (cryoprotection and cooling) and those recovered from cryopreserved meristems. Pre-culture and cryoprotection treatments, did not reveal any significant differences, in these studied characteristics. Genetic stability was assessed by chromosome counts and analysis of variability in the VNTR sequences. No changes in chromosome number were detected in comparison with the untreated control but minor alterations were revealed in non-coding sequences. The content of hypericin after the recovery of cryopreserved meristems remained comparable with the unfrozen control. The controlled rate freezing technique used for cryopreservation was relevant for restoration of genetic and biochemical stability in Hypericum perforatum L. shoot-tips.  相似文献   

Plants regenerated from callus cultures derived from leaf discs and mesophyll protoplasts ofPetunia hybrida cv. Rose of Heaven exhibit a high frequency of genetic and chromosomal variation. Of twelve leaf disc-derived plants examined, only three had the normal diploid chromosome number (2n=14) while seven were tetraploid and two were aneuploid (16 and 27 chromosomes). Of seventeen plants derived from two protoplasts, none had the diploid chromosome number. Most had 28 chromosomes, one 29, two 27, one 26 and one had variable numbers (14–28) in different root tip cells. In all cases aneuploidy was associated with developmental abnormality. In addition, heritable differences in growth, morphology and flower pigmentation were observed in callus-derived tetraploids and diploids, including one diploid which differed from parent plants in at least four characters. These results are discussed in terms of the importance ofPetunia in genetics research and for studies of somaclonal variation.  相似文献   

Summary Plantlets were regenerated from calli derived from leaf expiants of three genotypes of Solanum melongena (two parental genotypes and their hybrid). The cytological analysis showed that a) plants regenerated were all mixoploid, b) toxic medium (basal medium added with filtrate culture of Verticillium dahliae) was able to evidence karyotypic differences between genotypes not displayed by plants regenerated from callus grown on control medium, c) chromosomal mosaicism persists up to plant maturity and also in the selfed progeny. The results are discussed in terms of a selective process involving genes controlling chromosome number and/or a direct effect of toxic medium on the activity of the same genes.This research is supported by a grant from ERSO (Ente per la Ricerca e Sperimentazione in Ortoflorifrutticoltura e Sementi) — Regione Emilia Romagna  相似文献   

Putative homozygous mutations in regenerated plants of rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Both normal and putative homozygous mutant (dwarf mutant) rice plants were regenerated from diploid seed callus, cultured in the presence of 1% NaCl. This trait was transmitted at least through the eighth genration (D8) of regenerated plants (D1) by self-pollination, as a homozygous mutation. However, the trait disappeared in the F1, F2, F3 and F4 obtained by reciprocal crosses of mutant plants with either control plants or with progeny of normal regenerated plants. Chimeric reversion of the homozygous mutant trait was observed and the revertant phenotype was transmitted stably to at least three successive generations. Similar dwarf types of homzygous mutation were observed independently in the two varieties, Norin 8 and Nipponbare, in an experimental series of ca. 3000 D1 plants. The frequency of mutations among regenerated plants was calculated to be 1.8×10-2. The mechanism responsible for these phenomena may be heritable gene inactivation induced by in vitro culture.  相似文献   

Karyotypic changes in potato plants regenerated from protoplasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over two hundred plants were regenerated from shoot-culture derived proto-plasts of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Majestic). Some had grossly aberrant phenotypes but the majority were similar to, or indistinguishable from normal control Majestic. Cytological examination showed that on average, 57% of the regenerants had the normal chromosome number (2n=4x=48). The remainder were aneuploids and fell into two classes in approximately equal numbers. The first class was limited at about the euploid level (ie, 2n=44–49). The second class contained plants with higher chromosome numbers ranging from 2n=73 to the octaploid level (2n=8x=96). The overall results represent an improvement over our earlier studies on chromosome variation in protoplast-derived potato plants. In addition, three cases of structural chromosome variation were observed.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,53(1):81-86
Electrophoretic patterns of isozymes, allowing the direct study of gene products, represent a valid tool in detecting genetic and epigenetic variations both involved in determining somaclonal variation. In the present work, three isozyme systems, glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase (GOT, EC, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC, and esterase (EST, EC, were analyzed in different organs of callus-regenerated plants of potato and on the tubers of the first vegetative reproduction. As concerns ADH and GOT, the electrophoretic patterns showed the disappearance of one band in may regenerated plants in respect to the parental cultivar. This loss of allele expression can be determined by a stable (ADH) or by an unstable change (GOT) as suggested by the permanence or not of the variation in the tubers. The electrofocusing of esterase revealed the presence of additional bands in respect of parental cultivar. Taking into account that somaclonal variation might arise as the response of the genome to a shock caused by tissue culture, it is suggested that sequence rearrangements represent likely mechanisms respectively involved in the loss or in the appearance of gene expression.  相似文献   

Plants were regenerated from embryogenic and organogenic cultures derived from immature embryos of nine soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) genotypes and extensive qualitative variation was noted in different regenerated families. Three lethal sectoral albinos were seen in the regenerated plants (R0). Variants observed in later selfed generations included twin seeds, multiple shoots, dwarfs, abnormal leaf morphology, abnormal leaflet number, wrinkled leaves, chlorophyll deficiency, partial sterility and complete sterility. The frequency of possible mutations ranged from 0 to 4% in R plants as determined by studies of corresponding R1, R2, R3 and R4 families. No significant differences were seen in the frequencies of possible mutations for embryogenic as compared to organogenic culture derived plants. Chlorophyll deficiency, sterility and wrinkled leaf traits were followed in two or more generations and showed that these traits were inherited stably. The known traits of this nature are controlled by single recessive nuclear genes. Other traits occurred more randomly and not in all generations. The genetic basis of the random variation is not known at the present time. This study indicates that heritable somaclonal variation does occur in tissue culture derived plants of soybean.Abbreviations R0 Original regenerated plant - R1 Selfed seeds of R0 plants - R2 Selfed seeds of R1 plants - R3 Selfed seeds of R2 plants This research was supported by funds from the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and Agrigenetics Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrid plants were obtained between rice cultivars Yamahoushi and Murasakidaikoku. Since Murasakidaikoku is a double mutant having both dominant (purple coloration) and recessive (dwarf) markers, the somatic hybrids can be easily distinguished from their parents. Protoplasts were isolated from anther-derived calli, and electrofused protoplasts were cultured without selection of hybrid cells. Out of 27 regenerated plants, 9 proved to be hybrids based on their purple coloration and normal plant type, traits which were identical to those of the sexual F1 hybrid between the same parental cultivars. The somatic hybrids included three diploid and six triploid plants. Segregation of parental markers was observed in the selfed progenies. These results demonstrated that diploid hybrids of rice could be obtained through somatic hybridization between haploid anther-derived cells instead of by sexual hybridization.Abbreviation 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

A method for the micropropagation ofPenstemon serrulatus Menz. from shoot tips or nodal segments was developed. Multiple microshoot cultures (up to 20 shoots from a single explant) were obtained by maintenance of shoot tip explants on Schenk & Hildebrandt medium (SH) supplemented with 4.4 µM benzyladenine (BA) or 8.9 µM BA and 0.57 µM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Microshoots developed into numerous, normal shoots when explants were transferred to SH medium containing 2.9 µM IAA or 2.5 µM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Shoot cultures were also established from nodal segments (max. 6.8 shoots per segment) when they were placed on SH medium with 0.49 µM IBA and 2.2 µM BA. Rooting of shoots was better on SH medium containing auxin (IBA, NAA or IAA) than on SH medium without growth regulators. The plantlets were then transferred to pots and grown in the greenhouse. Four-month-old regenerated plants demonstrated similar iridoid content (leaves contained 3.83% dry wt. penstemide and 1.8% dry wt. serrulatoloside) as the original plants.  相似文献   

Callus cultures of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) genotypes PI 88788, PI 438489B, and cultivar Bedford were initiated in vitro from seedling explants consisting of the cotyledonary node plus epicotyl from germinated mature seed. Plants were regenerated from these callus cultures and subsequently evaluated for qualitative variation in three to four subsequent generations. Variant phenotypes observed that have not been previously reported from tissue culture include lanceolate leaves, leaf variegation (chimeral variegated plants), pod variegation on otherwise normal plants, and change in growth habit from indeterminate to determinate. The lanceolate leaf, chimeral variegated plant, and change from indeterminate to determinate growth habit characters were inherited through at least three generations (R0-R2), and segregation occurred in each generation. Pod variegation was inherited through the two generations tested thus far and segregation occurred in each generation. No variation was observed in control plants derived from normal seed. Variants appeared more frequently in regenerants from PI 88788 and PI 438489B than from Bedford. These results confirm and extend the finding that certain tissue culture techniques may be used to induce novel plant formation from somatic tissue of soybean.Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USAMention of tradenames does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by University of Missouri or USDA-ARS and does not imply their approval to the exclusion of other products.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,50(2):125-132
Mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum were evacuolated by centrifugation through a percoll gradient. Their viability was comparable to untreated protoplasts, but the time for reformation of the cell wall as well as to the onset of the first division was delayed. Plants were regenerated from both classes of protoplast; those from evacuolate protoplasts showed higher rates of mutation than those from vacuolate protoplasts. The possible basis of this difference is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Plants derived from anther culture are theoretically haploid, but diploid plants are also known to arise. Anther culture-derived diploid plants are usually homozygous and are believed to be due to spontaneous doubling of chromosomes in either microsporocytes or callus cells during the culture process. However, heterozygous diploid regenerants may also arise from a) regeneration from cultured somatic cells, b) mutation occurring during or after a spontaneous doubling event, c) fusion of unlike haploid cells in chimeric callus, and d) regeneration from diploid microsporocytes resulting from aberrant meioses. This study was designed to elucidate the frequency and origin of diploid regenerants from rice anther culture. Regenerants were obtained from 11 F1 genotypes. Progeny testing detected heterozygosity in 7 out of 211 regenerants. Each of the heterozygous regenerants were from ‘Calrose 76’/waxy ‘M-101’, Half of the diploid regenerants from this cross were heterozygous. No heterozygous regenerants arose from the other 10 F1 genotypes. Progeny testing indicated that two of the heterozygous regenerants were as heterozygous as the F1 plants for three parental characters. The other five regenerants exhibited decreased levels of heterozygosity. One of the heterozygous regenerants exhibited evidence of mutation for a non-parental character. However, mutation is an unlikely cause of the observed high levels of parental-type heterozygosity. No evidence for the occurrence of chimeric callus was detected, making this an unlikely cause as well. The most likely origin of the observed partial heterozygosity is regeneration from diploid microspores, which could also produce plants exhibiting complete parental-type heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Summary The accumulation and tissue localization of antitumoral vismione A in the in vitro regenerated plants ofVismia guianensis DC. were investigated. Chemical and light and electron-microscope analyses revealed that vismione A, detected as phenolic black globules in the vacuoles, was accumulated in the leaf, mainly in the palisade, and in small amounts in the primary body of the stem (epidermis and first cortical layer). Vismione A is neither present in the secretory cavities and ducts of the leaf nor in the secretory ducts of the stem. In the leaves of the regenerated plants, the amount of vismione A reached 0.5% FW, compared to 0.1% in the leaves of the parent plant. The optimization of the in vitro regeneration of plants was obtained in MS medium enriched with BAP (1 ppm). The best results for the rooting of regenerated plants were achieved with MS medium containing half-strength salts and 10–5 MIBA.Abbreviations APT attached proton test - BAP 6-benzyl-aminopurine - CC column chromatography - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - EtOAc ethyl acetate - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - MeOH methanol - MS Murashige and Skoog - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - TEM transmission electron microscopy - TLC thin layer chromatography - UV ultraviolet  相似文献   

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