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Clustering with neural networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Partitioning a set ofN patterns in ad-dimensional metric space intoK clusters — in a way that those in a given cluster are more similar to each other than the rest — is a problem of interest in many fields, such as, image analysis, taxonomy, astrophysics, etc. As there are approximatelyK N/K! possible ways of partitioning the patterns amongK clusters, finding the best solution is beyond exhaustive search whenN is large. We show that this problem, in spite of its exponential complexity, can be formulated as an optimization problem for which very good, but not necessarily optimal, solutions can be found by using a Hopfield model of neural networks. To obtain a very good solution, the network must start from many randomly selected initial states. The network is simulated on the MPP, a 128 × 128 SIMD array machine, where we use the massive parallelism not only in solving the differential equations that govern the evolution of the network, but also in starting the network from many initial states at once thus obtaining many solutions in one run. We achieve speedups of two to three orders of magnitude over serial implementations and the promise through Analog VLSI implementations of further speedups of three to six orders of magnitude.Supported by a National Research Council-NASA Research Associatship  相似文献   

Alignment of protein sequences is a key step in most computational methods for prediction of protein function and homology-based modeling of three-dimensional (3D)-structure. We investigated correspondence between "gold standard" alignments of 3D protein structures and the sequence alignments produced by the Smith-Waterman algorithm, currently the most sensitive method for pair-wise alignment of sequences. The results of this analysis enabled development of a novel method to align a pair of protein sequences. The comparison of the Smith-Waterman and structure alignments focused on their inner structure and especially on the continuous ungapped alignment segments, "islands" between gaps. Approximately one third of the islands in the gold standard alignments have negative or low positive score, and their recognition is below the sensitivity limit of the Smith-Waterman algorithm. From the alignment accuracy perspective, the time spent by the algorithm while working in these unalignable regions is unnecessary. We considered features of the standard similarity scoring function responsible for this phenomenon and suggested an alternative hierarchical algorithm, which explicitly addresses high scoring regions. This algorithm is considerably faster than the Smith-Waterman algorithm, whereas resulting alignments are in average of the same quality with respect to the gold standard. This finding shows that the decrease of alignment accuracy is not necessarily a price for the computational efficiency.  相似文献   



The rapid burgeoning of available protein data makes the use of clustering within families of proteins increasingly important. The challenge is to identify subfamilies of evolutionarily related sequences. This identification reveals phylogenetic relationships, which provide prior knowledge to help researchers understand biological phenomena. A good evolutionary model is essential to achieve a clustering that reflects the biological reality, and an accurate estimate of protein sequence similarity is crucial to the building of such a model. Most existing algorithms estimate this similarity using techniques that are not necessarily biologically plausible, especially for hard-to-align sequences such as proteins with different domain structures, which cause many difficulties for the alignment-dependent algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel similarity measure based on matching amino acid subsequences. This measure, named SMS for Substitution Matching Similarity, is especially designed for application to non-aligned protein sequences. It allows us to develop a new alignment-free algorithm, named CLUSS, for clustering protein families. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first alignment-free algorithm for clustering protein sequences. Unlike other clustering algorithms, CLUSS is effective on both alignable and non-alignable protein families. In the rest of the paper, we use the term "phylogenetic" in the sense of "relatedness of biological functions".  相似文献   

Most bioinformatics analyses require the assembly of a multiple sequence alignment. It has long been suspected that structural information can help to improve the quality of these alignments, yet the effect of combining sequences and structures has not been evaluated systematically. We developed 3DCoffee, a novel method for combining protein sequences and structures in order to generate high-quality multiple sequence alignments. 3DCoffee is based on TCoffee version 2.00, and uses a mixture of pairwise sequence alignments and pairwise structure comparison methods to generate multiple sequence alignments. We benchmarked 3DCoffee using a subset of HOMSTRAD, the collection of reference structural alignments. We found that combining TCoffee with the threading program Fugue makes it possible to improve the accuracy of our HOMSTRAD dataset by four percentage points when using one structure only per dataset. Using two structures yields an improvement of ten percentage points. The measures carried out on HOM39, a HOMSTRAD subset composed of distantly related sequences, show a linear correlation between multiple sequence alignment accuracy and the ratio of number of provided structure to total number of sequences. Our results suggest that in the case of distantly related sequences, a single structure may not be enough for computing an accurate multiple sequence alignment.  相似文献   

Shepherd AJ  Gorse D  Thornton JM 《Proteins》2003,50(2):290-302
A novel method is presented for the prediction of protein architecture from sequence using neural networks. The method involves the preprocessing of protein sequence data by numerically encoding it and then applying a Fourier transform. The encoded and transformed data are then used to train a neural network to recognize a number of different protein architectures. The method proved significantly better than comparable alternative strategies such as percentage dipeptide frequency, but is still limited by the size of the data set and the input demands of a neural network. Its main potential is as a complement to existing fold recognition techniques, with its ability to identify global symmetries within protein structures its greatest strength.  相似文献   

The increasing number and diversity of protein sequence families requires new methods to define and predict details regarding function. Here, we present a method for analysis and prediction of functional sub-types from multiple protein sequence alignments. Given an alignment and set of proteins grouped into sub-types according to some definition of function, such as enzymatic specificity, the method identifies positions that are indicative of functional differences by comparison of sub-type specific sequence profiles, and analysis of positional entropy in the alignment. Alignment positions with significantly high positional relative entropy correlate with those known to be involved in defining sub-types for nucleotidyl cyclases, protein kinases, lactate/malate dehydrogenases and trypsin-like serine proteases. We highlight new positions for these proteins that suggest additional experiments to elucidate the basis of specificity. The method is also able to predict sub-type for unclassified sequences. We assess several variations on a prediction method, and compare them to simple sequence comparisons. For assessment, we remove close homologues to the sequence for which a prediction is to be made (by a sequence identity above a threshold). This simulates situations where a protein is known to belong to a protein family, but is not a close relative of another protein of known sub-type. Considering the four families above, and a sequence identity threshold of 30 %, our best method gives an accuracy of 96 % compared to 80 % obtained for sequence similarity and 74 % for BLAST. We describe the derivation of a set of sub-type groupings derived from an automated parsing of alignments from PFAM and the SWISSPROT database, and use this to perform a large-scale assessment. The best method gives an average accuracy of 94 % compared to 68 % for sequence similarity and 79 % for BLAST. We discuss implications for experimental design, genome annotation and the prediction of protein function and protein intra-residue distances.  相似文献   

For applications such as comparative modelling one major issue is the reliability of sequence alignments. Reliable regions in alignments can be predicted using sub-optimal alignments of the same pair of sequences. Here we show that reliable regions in alignments can also be predicted from multiple sequence profile information alone.Alignments were created for a set of remotely related pairs of proteins using five different test methods. Structural alignments were used to assess the quality of the alignments and the aligned positions were scored using information from the observed frequencies of amino acid residues in sequence profiles pre-generated for each template structure. High-scoring regions of these profile-derived alignment scores were a good predictor of reliably aligned regions.These profile-derived alignment scores are easy to obtain and are applicable to any alignment method. They can be used to detect those regions of alignments that are reliably aligned and to help predict the quality of an alignment. For those residues within secondary structure elements, the regions predicted as reliably aligned agreed with the structural alignments for between 92% and 97.4% of the residues. In loop regions just under 92% of the residues predicted to be reliable agreed with the structural alignments. The percentage of residues predicted as reliable ranged from 32.1% for helix residues to 52.8% for strand residues.This information could also be used to help predict conserved binding sites from sequence alignments. Residues in the template that were identified as binding sites, that aligned to an identical amino acid residue and where the sequence alignment agreed with the structural alignment were in highly conserved, high scoring regions over 80% of the time. This suggests that many binding sites that are present in both target and template sequences are in sequence-conserved regions and that there is the possibility of translating reliability to binding site prediction.  相似文献   

Homology-derived secondary structure of proteins (HSSP) is a well-known database of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) which merges information of protein sequences and their three-dimensional structures. It is available for all proteins whose structure is deposited in the PDB. It is also used by STING and (Java)Protein Dossier to calculate and present relative entropy as a measure of the degree of conservation for each residue of proteins whose structure has been solved and deposited in the PDB. However, if the STING and (Java)Protein Dossier are to provide support for analysis of protein structures modeled in computers or being experimentally solved but not yet deposited in the PDB, then we need a new method for building alignments having a flavor of HSSP alignments (myMSAr). The present study describes a new method and its corresponding databank (SH2QS--database of sequences homologue to the query [structure-having] sequence). Our main interest in making myMSAr was to measure the degree of residue conservation for a given query sequence, regardless of whether it has a corresponding structure deposited in the PDB. In this study, we compare the measurement of residue conservation provided by corresponding alignments produced by HSSP and SH2QS. As a case study, we also present two biologically relevant examples, the first one highlighting the equivalence of analysis of the degree of residue conservation by using HSSP or SH2QS alignments, and the second one presenting the degree of residue conservation for a structure modeled in a computer, which , as a consequence, does not have an alignment reported by HSSP.  相似文献   

We present a system for multi-class protein classification based on neural networks. The basic issue concerning the construction of neural network systems for protein classification is the sequence encoding scheme that must be used in order to feed the neural network. To deal with this problem we propose a method that maps a protein sequence into a numerical feature space using the matching scores of the sequence to groups of conserved patterns (called motifs) into protein families. We consider two alternative ways for identifying the motifs to be used for feature generation and provide a comparative evaluation of the two schemes. We also evaluate the impact of the incorporation of background features (2-grams) on the performance of the neural system. Experimental results on real datasets indicate that the proposed method is highly efficient and is superior to other well-known methods for protein classification.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The Protein Information Resource (PIR) maintains a database of annotated and curated alignments in order to visually represent interrelationships among sequences in the PIR-International Protein Sequence Database, to spread and standardize protein names, features and keywords among members of a family or superfamily, and to aid us in classifying sequences, in identifying conserved regions, and in defining new homology domains. RESULTS: Release 22.0, (December 1998), of the PIR-ALN database contains a total of 3806 alignments, including 1303 superfamily, 2131 family and 372 homology domain alignments. This is an appropriate dataset to develop and extract patterns, test profiles, train neural networks or build Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). These alignments can be used to standardize and spread annotation to newer members by homology, as well as to understand the modular architecture of multidomain proteins. PIR-ALN includes 529 alignments that can be used to develop patterns not represented in PROSITE, Blocks, PRINTS and Pfam databases. The ATLAS information retrieval system can be used to browse and query the PIR-ALN alignments. AVAILABILITY: PIR-ALN is currently being distributed as a single ASCII text file along with the title, member, species, superfamily and keyword indexes. The quarterly and weekly updates can be accessed via the WWW at pir.georgetown.edu. The quarterly updates can also be obtained by anonymous FTP from the PIR FTP site at NBRF.Georgetown.edu, directory [ANONYMOUS.PIR.ALIGNMENT].  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: In the previous works, we developed ATGpr, a computer program for predicting the fullness of a cDNA, i.e. whether it contains an initiation codon or not. Statistical information of short nucleotide fragments was fully exploited in the prediction algorithm. However, sequence similarities to known proteins, which are becoming increasingly available due to recent rapid growth of protein database, were not used in the prediction. In this work, we present a new prediction algorithm based on both statistical and similarity information, which provides better performance in sensitivity and specificity. RESULTS: We evaluated the accuracy of ATGpr for predicting fullness of cDNA sequences from human clustered ESTs of UniGene, and we obtained specificity, sensitivity, and correlation coefficient of this prediction. Specificity and sensitivity crossed at 46% over the ATGpr score threshold of 0.33 and the maximum correlation coefficient of 0.34 was obtained at this threshold. Without ATGpr we found it effective to use alignments with known proteins for predicting the fullness of cDNA sequences. That is, specificity increased monotonously as similarity (identity of the alignments) increased. Specificity was achieved greater than 80% if identity was greater than 40%. For more effective prediction of fullness of cDNA sequences we combined the similarity (identity of query sequence) with known proteins and ATGpr score. As a result, specificity became greater than 80% if identity was greater than 20%. AVAILABILITY: The prediction program, called ATGpr_ sim, is available at http://www.hri.co.jp/atgpr/ATGpr_sim.html CONTACT: nisikawa@crl.hitachi.co.jp  相似文献   

We proposed a fast and unsupervised clustering method, minimum span clustering (MSC), for analyzing the sequence–structure–function relationship of biological networks, and demonstrated its validity in clustering the sequence/structure similarity networks (SSN) of 682 membrane protein (MP) chains. The MSC clustering of MPs based on their sequence information was found to be consistent with their tertiary structures and functions. For the largest seven clusters predicted by MSC, the consistency in chain function within the same cluster is found to be 100%. From analyzing the edge distribution of SSN for MPs, we found a characteristic threshold distance for the boundary between clusters, over which SSN of MPs could be properly clustered by an unsupervised sparsification of the network distance matrix. The clustering results of MPs from both MSC and the unsupervised sparsification methods are consistent with each other, and have high intracluster similarity and low intercluster similarity in sequence, structure, and function. Our study showed a strong sequence–structure–function relationship of MPs. We discussed evidence of convergent evolution of MPs and suggested applications in finding structural similarities and predicting biological functions of MP chains based on their sequence information. Proteins 2015; 83:1450–1461. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an improved neural network method to predict T-cell class I epitopes. A novel input representation has been developed consisting of a combination of sparse encoding, Blosum encoding, and input derived from hidden Markov models. We demonstrate that the combination of several neural networks derived using different sequence-encoding schemes has a performance superior to neural networks derived using a single sequence-encoding scheme. The new method is shown to have a performance that is substantially higher than that of other methods. By use of mutual information calculations we show that peptides that bind to the HLA A*0204 complex display signal of higher order sequence correlations. Neural networks are ideally suited to integrate such higher order correlations when predicting the binding affinity. It is this feature combined with the use of several neural networks derived from different and novel sequence-encoding schemes and the ability of the neural network to be trained on data consisting of continuous binding affinities that gives the new method an improved performance. The difference in predictive performance between the neural network methods and that of the matrix-driven methods is found to be most significant for peptides that bind strongly to the HLA molecule, confirming that the signal of higher order sequence correlation is most strongly present in high-binding peptides. Finally, we use the method to predict T-cell epitopes for the genome of hepatitis C virus and discuss possible applications of the prediction method to guide the process of rational vaccine design.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Bellerophon is a program for detecting chimeric sequences in multiple sequence datasets by an adaption of partial treeing analysis. Bellerophon was specifically developed to detect 16S rRNA gene chimeras in PCR-clone libraries of environmental samples but can be applied to other nucleotide sequence alignments. AVAILABILITY: Bellerophon is available as an interactive web server at http://foo.maths.uq.edu.au/~huber/bellerophon.pl  相似文献   

A new method to analyze the similarity between multiply aligned protein motifs (blocks) was developed. It identifies sets of consistently aligned blocks. These are found to be protein regions of similar function and structure that appear in different contexts. For example, the Rossmann fold ligand-binding region is found similar to TIM barrel and methylase regions, various protein families are predicted to have a TIM-barrel fold and the structural relation between the ClpP protease and crotonase folds is identified from their sequence. Besides identifying local structure features, sequence similarity across short sequence-regions (less than 20 amino acid regions) also predicts structure similarity of whole domains (folds) a few hundred amino acid residues long. Most of these relations could not be identified by other advanced sequence-to-sequence or sequence-to-multiple alignments comparisons. We describe the method (termed CYRCA), present examples of our findings, and discuss their implications.  相似文献   

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