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A putative long-chain mannitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase from Aspergillus fumigatus (AfM1PDH) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli to a level of about 50% of total intracellular protein. The purified recombinant protein was a approximately 40-kDa monomer in solution and displayed the predicted enzymatic function, catalyzing NAD(H)-dependent interconversion of d-mannitol 1-phosphate and d-fructose 6-phosphate with a specific reductase activity of 170 U/mg at pH 7.1 and 25 degrees C. NADP(H) showed a marginal activity. Hydrogen transfer from formate to d-fructose 6-phosphate, mediated by NAD(H) and catalyzed by a coupled enzyme system of purified Candida boidinii formate dehydrogenase and AfM1PDH, was used for the preparative synthesis of d-mannitol 1-phosphate or, by applying an analogous procedure using deuterio formate, the 5-[2H] derivative thereof. Following the precipitation of d-mannitol 1-phosphate as barium salt, pure product (>95% by HPLC and NMR) was obtained in isolated yields of about 90%, based on 200 mM of d-fructose 6-phosphate employed in the reaction. In situ proton NMR studies of enzymatic oxidation of d-5-[2H]-mannitol 1-phosphate demonstrated that AfM1PDH was stereospecific for transferring the deuterium to NAD+, producing (4S)-[2H]-NADH. Comparison of maximum initial rates for NAD+-dependent oxidation of protio and deuterio forms of D-mannitol 1-phosphate at pH 7.1 and 25 degrees C revealed a primary kinetic isotope effect of 2.9+/-0.2, suggesting that the hydride transfer was strongly rate-determining for the overall enzymatic reaction under these conditions.  相似文献   

D-arabinitol 1-phosphate (Ara-ol1-P), a substrate for D-arabinitol-phosphate dehydrogenase (APDH), was chemically synthesized from D-arabinonic acid in five steps (O-acetylation, chlorination, reduction, phosphorylation, and de-O-acetylation). Ara-ol1-P was used as a substrate for the characterization of APDH from Bacillus halodurans. APDH converts Ara-ol1-P to xylulose 5-phosphate in the oxidative reaction; both NAD(+) and NADP(+) were accepted as co-factors. Kinetic parameters for the oxidative and reductive reactions are consistent with a ternary complex mechanism.  相似文献   

The Hypocrea jecorina LXR1 was described as the first fungal l-xylulose reductase responsible for NADPH dependent reduction of l-xylulose to xylitol in l-arabinose catabolism. Phylogenetic analysis now reveals that LXR1 forms a clade with fungal d-mannitol 2-dehydrogenases. Lxr1 and the orthologous Aspergillus nigermtdA are not induced by l-arabinose but expressed at low levels during growth on different carbon sources. Deletion of lxr1 does not affect growth on l-arabinose and l-xylulose reductase activity remains unaltered whereas d-mannitol 2-dehydrogenase activities are reduced. We conclude that LXR1 is a d-mannitol 2-dehydrogenase and that a true LXR1 is still awaiting discovery.  相似文献   

A Glu141Asn mutant Paracoccus sp. 12-A formate dehydrogenase catalyzes marked glyoxylate reduction. Additional replacement of the His332-Gln313 pair with His-Glu, which is a consensus acid/base catalyst in D-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases, further improved the catalytic activity of the enzyme as to glyoxylate reduction through enhancement of the hydrogen transfer step in the catalytic process, slightly shifting the optimal pH for the reaction. On the other hand, the replacement induced no marked activity toward other 2-ketoacid substrates, and diminished the enzyme activity as to formate oxidation. Consequently, the formate dehydrogenase was converted to a highly specific and active glyoxylate reductase through only the two amino acid replacements.  相似文献   

D-Glucosone 6-phosphate (D-arabino-hexos-2-ulose 6-(dihydrogen phosphate)) was prepared from D-glucosone (D-arabino-hexos-2-ulose) by enzymatic conversion with hexokinase. The isomeric composition of D-glucosone 6-phosphate in aqueous solution was quantitatively determined by NMR spectroscopy and compared to D-glucosone. The main isomers are the alpha-anomer (58%) and the beta-anomer (28%) of the hydrated pyranose form, and the beta-D-fructofuranose form (14%).  相似文献   

Oxidation of the essential cysteins of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase into the sulfenic acid derivatives was observed in the presence of ascorbate, resulting in a decrease in the dehydrogenase activity and the appearance of the acylphosphatase activity. The oxidation was promoted by EDTA, NAD(+), and phosphate, and blocked in the presence of deferoxamine. The ascorbate-induced oxidation was suppressed in the presence of catalase, suggesting the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the conditions employed. The data indicate the metal-mediated mechanism of the oxidation due to the presence of metal traces in the reaction medium. Physiological importance of the mildly oxidized GAPDH is discussed in terms of its ability to uncouple glycolysis and to decrease the ATP level in the cell.  相似文献   

Homo sapiens L-alpha-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 (GPD1) catalyzes the reversible biological conversion of dihydroxyacetone (DHAP) to glycerol-3-phosphate. The GPD1 protein was expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase. Here we report the apoenzyme structure of GPD1 determined by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction phasing, and other complex structures with small molecules (NAD+ and DHAP) by the molecular replacement method. This enzyme structure is organized into two distinct domains, the N-terminal eight-stranded beta-sheet sandwich domain and the C-terminal helical substrate-binding domain. An electrophilic catalytic mechanism by the epsilon-NH3+ group of Lys204 is proposed on the basis of the structural analyses. In addition, the inhibitory effects of zinc and sulfate on GPDHs are assayed and discussed.  相似文献   

d-Ribono-1,4-lactone was treated with ethylamine in DMF to afford N-ethyl-d-ribonamide 8a in quantitative yield. Using this reaction procedure, N-butyl, N-hexyl, N-dodecyl, N-benzyl, N-(3-methyl-pyridinyl)-, N-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-, and N-(2-cyano-ethyl)-d-ribonamides 8b-h were obtained in quantitative yield. Bromination of the amides 8a-e with acetyl bromide in dioxane followed by acetylation gave 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-5-bromo-5-deoxy-N-ethyl, N-butyl, N-hexyl, N-dodecyl, and N-benzyl-d-ribonamides 9a-e in 40-54% yields. To obtain 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-5-bromo-5-deoxy-N-(3-methyl-pyridinyl)-, N-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-, and N-(2-cyano-ethyl)-9f-h, the bromination is necessary before the amidation reaction. Treatment of the bromoamides 9a-h with NaH in DMF followed by methanolysis affords N-alkyl-d-ribono-1,5-lactams 12a-h in quantitative yield.  相似文献   

A novel cytochrome ba complex was isolated from aerobically grown cells of the thermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus ambivalens. The complex was purified with two subunits, which are encoded by the cbsA and soxN genes. These genes are part of the pentacistronic cbsAB-soxLN-odsN locus. The spectroscopic characterization revealed the presence of three low-spin hemes, two of the b and one of the as-type with reduction potentials of + 200, + 400 and + 160 mV, respectively. The SoxN protein is proposed to harbor the heme b of lower reduction potential and the heme as, and CbsA the other heme b. The soxL gene encodes a Rieske protein, which was expressed in E. coli; its reduction potential was determined to be + 320 mV. Topology predictions showed that SoxN, CbsB and CbsA should contain 12, 9 and one transmembrane α-helices, respectively, with SoxN having a predicted fold very similar to those of the cytochromes b in bc1 complexes. The presence of two quinol binding motifs was also predicted in SoxN. Based on these findings, we propose that the A. ambivalens cytochrome ba complex is analogous to the bc1 complexes of bacteria and mitochondria, however with distinct subunits and heme types.  相似文献   

The first crystal structure of mannose 1-phosphate is described. The dipotassium hydrate salt crystallizes in the P2(1)2(1)2 space group. There are two independent dianions (I and II) in the asymmetric unit, which are alpha anomers adopting the 4C(1) chair conformation. The main difference between the two mannose 1-phosphate dianions is the orientation of the phosphate group with relation to the pyranosyl ring. In I, one of the phosphate oxygen atoms is antiperiplanar positions with respect to carbon atom C-1, whereas the two others are situated synclinally. The corresponding orientations of the terminal phosphate oxygen atoms in II are synperiplanar and anticlinal. The potassium cations are six- and seven-coordinate, mainly with O atoms of hydroxyl groups and water molecules. There are potassium channels extending along the c-axis. In the packing arrangement, water molecules and mannose phosphate groups also define two different types of layers parallel to a-axis. Within water channels there are extensive hydrogen-bonding networks.  相似文献   

Cleavage by yeast transketolase of the donor substrate, d-xylulose 5-phosphate, in the absence of the acceptor substrate was studied using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. One mole of the substrate was shown to be cleaved in the prestationary phase, leading to the formation of one mole of the reaction product per mole enzyme, which has two active centers. This observation indicates that only one out of the two active centers functions (i.e., binds and cleaves the substrate) at a time. Such half-of-the-sites reactivity of transketolase conforms well with our understanding, proposed previously, that the active centers of the enzyme operate in sequence (in phase opposition): the cleavage of a ketose within one center (first phase of the transketolase reaction) is paralleled by its formation in the other center (glycolaldehyde residue is condensed with the acceptor substrate, and the second stage of the transketolase reaction is thereby completed) [M.V. Kovina, G.A. Kochetov, FEBS Lett. 440 (1998) 81-84].  相似文献   

NAD-dependent Lactobacillus bulgaricus D-Lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDHb) catalyses the reversible conversion of pyruvate into D-lactate. Crystals of D-LDHb complexed with NADH were grown and X-ray data collected to 2.2 A. The structure of D-LDHb was solved by molecular replacement using the dimeric Lactobacillus helveticus D-LDH as a model and was refined to an R-factor of 20.7%. The two subunits of the enzyme display strong asymmetry due to different crystal environments. The opening angles of the two catalytic domains with respect to the core coenzyme binding domains differ by 16 degrees. Subunit A is in an "open" conformation typical for a dehydrogenase apo enzyme and subunit B is "closed". The NADH-binding site in subunit A is only 30% occupied, while in subunit B it is fully occupied and there is a sulphate ion in the substrate-binding pocket. A pyruvate molecule has been modelled in the active site and its orientation is in agreement with existing kinetic and structural data. On domain closure, a cluster of hydrophobic residues packs tightly around the methyl group of the modelled pyruvate molecule. At least three residues from this cluster govern the substrate specificity. Substrate binding itself contributes to the stabilisation of domain closure and activation of the enzyme. In pyruvate reduction, D-LDH can adapt another protonated residue, a lysine residue, to accomplish the role of the acid catalyst His296. Required lowering of the lysine pK(a) value is explained on the basis of the H296K mutant structure.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas cichoriiid-tagatose 3-epimerase (P. cichoriid-TE) can efficiently catalyze the epimerization of not only d-tagatose to d-sorbose, but also d-fructose to d-psicose, and is used for the production of d-psicose from d-fructose. The crystal structures of P. cichoriid-TE alone and in complexes with d-tagatose and d-fructose were determined at resolutions of 1.79, 2.28, and 2.06 Å, respectively. A subunit of P. cichoriid-TE adopts a (β/α)8 barrel structure, and a metal ion (Mn2+) found in the active site is coordinated by Glu152, Asp185, His211, and Glu246 at the end of the β-barrel. P. cichoriid-TE forms a stable dimer to give a favorable accessible surface for substrate binding on the front side of the dimer. The simulated omit map indicates that O2 and O3 of d-tagatose and/or d-fructose coordinate Mn2+, and that C3-O3 is located between carboxyl groups of Glu152 and Glu246, supporting the previously proposed mechanism of deprotonation/protonation at C3 by two Glu residues. Although the electron density is poor at the 4-, 5-, and 6-positions of the substrates, substrate-enzyme interactions can be deduced from the significant electron density at O6. The O6 possibly interacts with Cys66 via hydrogen bonding, whereas O4 and O5 in d-tagatose and O4 in d-fructose do not undergo hydrogen bonding to the enzyme and are in a hydrophobic environment created by Phe7, Trp15, Trp113, and Phe248. Due to the lack of specific interactions between the enzyme and its substrates at the 4- and 5-positions, P. cichoriid-TE loosely recognizes substrates in this region, allowing it to efficiently catalyze the epimerization of d-tagatose and d-fructose (C4 epimer of d-tagatose) as well. Furthermore, a C3-O3 proton-exchange mechanism for P. cichoriid-TE is suggested by X-ray structural analysis, providing a clear explanation for the regulation of the ionization state of Glu152 and Glu246.  相似文献   

Homotetrameric phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) from Bacillus stearothermophilus can be described as a dimer of dimers with three non-equivalent P, R, and Q interfaces. In our previous study, negative cooperativity in NAD binding to wild-type GAPDH was interpreted according to the induced-fit model in terms of two independent dimers with two interacting binding sites in each dimer. Two dimeric mutant GAPDHs, i.e. Y46G/S48G and D186G/E276G, were shown to exhibit positive cooperativity in NAD binding. Based on the molecular modeling of the substitutions and the fact that the most extensive inter-subunit interactions are formed across the P-axis interface of the tetramer, it was postulated that both dimeric mutant GAPDHs were of O-P type. Therefore, the P-axis interface was assumed to play a major role in causing cooperativity in NAD binding.Here, two other mutant GAPDHs, Y46G/R52G and D282G, have been studied. Using small angle X-ray scattering, the dimeric form of the D282G mutant GAPDH is shown to be of O-R type whereas both dimeric mutant GAPDHs Y46G/R52G and Y46G/S48G are of O-P type. Similarly to dimeric Y46G/S48G mutant GAPDH, the dimeric Y46G/R52G mutant GAPDH exhibits positive cooperativity in NAD binding. On the other hand, no significant cooperativity in NAD binding to the dimeric form of the D282G mutant GAPDH is observed, whereas its tetrameric counterpart exhibits negative cooperativity, similarly to the wild-type enzyme. Altogether, the results support the view that the P-axis interface is essential in causing cooperativity in NAD binding by transmitting the structural information induced upon cofactor binding from one subunit to the other one within O-P/Q-R dimers in contrast to the R-axis interface, which does not transmit structural information within O-R/Q-P dimers. The absence of activity of O-P and O-R dimer GAPDHs is the consequence of a pertubation of the conformation of the active site, at least of the nicotinamide subsite, as evidenced by the absence of an ion pair between catalytic residues C149 and H176 and the greater accessibility of C149 to a thiol kinetic probe.  相似文献   

Erythroascorbic acid (eAsA) is a five-carbon analog of ascorbic acid, and it is synthesized from D-arabinose by D-arabinose dehydrogenase (ARA) and D-arabinono-gamma-lactone oxidase. We found an NAD+-specific ARA activity which is operative under submillimolar level of d-arabinose in the extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The hypothetical protein encoded by YMR041c showed a significant homology to a l-galactose dehydrogenase which plays in plant ascorbic acid biosynthesis, and we named it as Ara2p. Recombinant Ara2p showed NAD+-specific ARA activity with Km=0.78 mM to d-arabinose, which is 200-fold lower than that for the conventional NADP+-specific ARA, Ara1p. Gene disruptant of ARA2 lost entire NAD+-specific ARA activity and the conspicuous increase in intracellular eAsA by exogenous d-arabinose feeding, while the double knockout mutant of ARA1 and ARA2 still retained measurable amount of eAsA. It demonstrates that Ara2p, not Ara1p, mainly contributes to the production of eAsA from d-arabinose in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Interconversion of d-ribose-5-phosphate (R5P) and d-ribulose-5-phosphate is an important step in the pentose phosphate pathway. Two unrelated enzymes with R5P isomerase activity were first identified in Escherichia coli, RpiA and RpiB. In this organism, the essential 5-carbon sugars were thought to be processed by RpiA, while the primary role of RpiB was suggested to instead be interconversion of the rare 6-carbon sugars d-allose-6-phosphate (All6P) and d-allulose-6-phosphate. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, where only an RpiB is found, the 5-carbon sugars are believed to be the enzyme's primary substrates. Here, we present kinetic studies examining the All6P isomerase activity of the RpiBs from these two organisms and show that only the E. coli enzyme can catalyze the reaction efficiently. All6P instead acts as an inhibitor of the M. tuberculosis enzyme in its action on R5P. X-ray studies of the M. tuberculosis enzyme co-crystallized with All6P and 5-deoxy-5-phospho-d-ribonohydroxamate (an inhibitor designed to mimic the 6-carbon sugar) and comparison with the E. coli enzyme's structure allowed us to identify differences in the active sites that explain the kinetic results. Two other structures, that of a mutant E. coli RpiB in which histidine 99 was changed to asparagine and that of wild-type M. tuberculosis enzyme, both co-crystallized with the substrate ribose-5-phosphate, shed additional light on the reaction mechanism of RpiBs generally.  相似文献   

Fungal virulence has been mostly associated with cuticle-degrading enzymes that can be regulated depending on nutrient conditions. However, few studies have related fungal virulence to insect-toxic secreted proteins. Here, we describe how the presence of secreted toxic proteins may be linked to conidial virulence, which can be affected by nutrient factors. In this study we evaluated: (1) the virulence of the conidia of four Beauveria bassiana strains (EABb 01/103-Su, EABb 01/12-Su, EABb 01/88-Su and EABb 01/110-Su) grown on three different media (malt extract agar (MA), Rice (Rice), Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) and harvested from the cadavers of fungal-infected Galleria mellonella larvae (CAD) and (2) the toxicity of the crude soluble protein extracts (CSPEs) obtained from Adamek’s liquid medium inoculated with these conidia. Conidial suspensions were obtained from the four media, assessed on G. mellonella larvae and used to produce CSPEs that were injected into healthy G. mellonella larvae. The larvae were also injected with conidia obtained from MA and CAD cultures to expose them to in vivo-secreted proteins. For all isolates, the CAD conidia were by far the most virulent, followed by conidia grown on SDA, Rice and MA. The injected CSPEs showed the same toxicity trends as the conidial suspensions. In addition, the outcomes of injection of the in vivo-secreted proteins showed that the toxic proteins secreted in vitro by the EABb 01/110-Su strain are not produced in vivo. However, the other strains produced toxic proteins both in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that these toxic proteins may be virulence factors involved in invertebrate pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Base-catalysed isomerisation of aldoses of the arabino and lyxo series in aluminate solution has been investigated. L-Arabinose and D-galactose give L-erythro-2-pentulose (L-ribulose) and D-lyxo-2-hexulose (D-tagatose), respectively, in good yields, whereas lower reactivity is observed for 6-deoxy-D-galactose (D-fucose). From D-lyxose, D-mannose and 6-deoxy-L-mannose (L-rhamnose) are obtained mixtures of ketoses and C-2 epimeric aldoses. Small amounts of the 3-epimers of the ketoses were also formed. 6-Deoxy-L-arabino-2-hexulose (6-deoxy-L-fructose) and 6-deoxy-L-glucose (L-quinovose) were formed in low yields from 6-deoxy-L-mannose and isolated as their O-isopropylidene derivatives. Explanations of the differences in reactivity and course of the reaction have been suggested on the basis of steric effects.  相似文献   

The 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway has been proposed as a promising target to develop new antimicrobial agents. However, spontaneous mutations in Escherichia coli were observed to rescue the otherwise lethal loss of the first two enzymes of the pathway, 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP) synthase (DXS) and DXP reductoisomerase (DXR), with a relatively high frequency. A mutation in the gene encoding the E1 subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was shown to be sufficient to rescue the lack of DXS but not DXR in vivo, suggesting that the mutant enzyme likely allows the synthesis of DXP or an alternative substrate for DXR.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate based syntheses of azasugars with unusual configurations viz. 1,5-dideoxy-1,5-imino-L-gulitol (L-guloDNJ) and 1,5-dideoxy-1,5-imino-L-talitol (L-taloDNJ) are reported, from D-mannose and D-fructose, respectively. The key steps in both syntheses involved reductive aminative cyclizations. Thus, L-guloDNJ was obtained by reduction of 2,3;4,6-di-O-isopropylidene-5-O-p-toluenesulfonyl-D-mannononitrile with LiAlH(4) in DME to give the protected azasugar which upon hydrolysis with HCl afforded crystalline L-guloDNJ as the HCl salt in 29% overall yield. Reduction of 6-azido-1-O-tert-butyldimethylsilyl-2,3-O-isopropylidene-beta-D-ribohexulofuranose obtained from D-fructose in six steps, followed by treatment with HCl, afforded L-taloDNJ as an HCl salt in approximately 10% overall yield.  相似文献   

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