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The folding mechanism and stability of dimeric formate dehydrogenase from Candida methylica was analysed by exposure to denaturing agents and to heat. Equilibrium denaturation data yielded a dissociation constant of about 10−13 M for assembly of the protein from unfolded chains and the kinetics of refolding and unfolding revealed that the overall process comprises two steps. In the first step a marginally stable folded monomeric state is formed at a rate (k1) of about 2 × 10−3 s−1 (by deduction k−1 is about10−4 s−1) and assembles into the active dimeric state with a bimolecular rate constant (k2) of about 2 × 104 M−1 s−1. The rate of dissociation of the dimeric state in physiological conditions is extremely slow (k−2 ∼ 3 × 10−7 s−1).  相似文献   

Saeed M  Zahid M  Rogan E  Cavalieri E 《Steroids》2005,70(3):173-178
A method for the synthesis of 2-hydroxyestrone/estradiol, 4-hydroxyestrone/estradiol, 3'-hydroxydiethylstilbestrol, 3'-hydroxyhexestrol, and 3'-hydroxydienestrol is reported, in which 2-iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) and the corresponding phenolic estrogen are reacted. Treatment of the natural estrogens, estrone/estradiol, with stoichiometric amounts of IBX in dimethylformamide initially yielded a mixture of estrone/estradiol-2,3- and -3,4-quinones, which were reduced in situ to the corresponding catechols by treatment with a 1 M aqueous solution of ascorbic acid. Chromatographic separation of the reaction products afforded 2- and 4-hydroxyestrone/estradiol in good overall yields (79%). In the case of the synthetic estrogens containing two identical phenolic rings, protection of one ring is a prerequisite for the synthesis of the monocatechol. Thus, diethylstilbestrol and dienestrol were protected at one phenol ring as their methyl ethers. The resulting monophenols were treated with stoichiometric amounts of IBX for 1 h, followed by treatment with 1 M aqueous ascorbic acid to obtain the corresponding catechols in more than 70% yield. Furthermore, the catechol of diethylstilbestrol, protected at one ring, was reduced by catalytic hydrogenation at the C3-C4 double bond to obtain 3'-hydroxyhexestrol in 90% yield. Removal of the protected methoxy groups of the synthetic estrogen catechols was carried out by treatment with a 1 M solution of boron tribromide in dichloromethane. This method is highly efficient for the preparative scale synthesis of catechols of both natural and synthetic estrogens.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to measure the binding affinity and thermodynamics of a cocaine-binding aptamer as a function of pH and NaCl concentration. Tightest binding was achieved at a pH value of 7.4 and under conditions of no added NaCl. These data indicate that ionic interactions occur in the ligand binding mechanism. ITC was also used to measure the binding thermodynamics of a variety of sequence variants of the cocaine-binding aptamer that analyzed which regions and nucleotides of the aptamer are important for maintaining high-affinity binding. Individually, each of the three stems can be shortened, resulting in a reduced binding affinity. If all three stems are shortened, no binding occurs. If all three of the stems in the aptamer are lengthened by five base pairs ligand affinity increases. Changes in nucleotide identity at the three-way junction all decrease the affinity of the aptamer to cocaine. The greatest decrease in affinity results from changes that disrupt the GA base pairs and the identity of T19.  相似文献   

Rotavirus infection leads to the death of half a million children annually. The exact specifics of interaction between rotavirus particles and host cells enabling invasion and infection have remained elusive. Host cell oligosaccharides are critical components, and their involvement aids the virus in cell-recognition and attachment, as well as dictation of the remarkable host-specificity that rotaviruses demonstrate. Interaction between the rotavirus spike-protein carbohydrate-binding domain (VP8*) and cell surface oligosaccharides facilitate virus recognition of host cells and attachment. Rotaviruses are considered, controversially, to recognise vastly different carbohydrate structures and either with incorporation of terminal sialic acid or without, as assessed by their ability to infect cells that have been pre-treated with sialidases. Herein, the X-ray crystallographic structures of VP8* from the sialidase insensitive Wa and the sialidase sensitive CRW-8 rotavirus strains that cause debilitating gastroenteritis in human and pig are reported. Striking differences are apparent regarding recognition of the sialic acid derivative methyl alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminide, presenting the first experimental evidence of the inability of the human rotavirus strain to bind this monosaccharide, that correlates with Wa and CRW-8 recognising sialidase-resistant and sialidase-sensitive receptors, respectively. Identified are structural features that provide insight in attainment of substrate specificity exhibited by porcine strains as compared to rhesus rotavirus. Revealed in the CRW-8 VP8* structure is an additional bound ligand that intriguingly, is within a cleft located equivalent to the carbohydrate-binding region of galectins, and is suggestive of a new region for interaction with cell-surface carbohydrates. This novel result and detailed comparison of our representative sialidase-sensitive CRW-8 and insensitive Wa VP8* structures with those reported leads to our hypothesis that this groove is used for binding carbohydrates, and that for the human strains, as for other sialidase-insensitive strains could represent a major oligosaccharide-binding region.  相似文献   

We present the outcome of a century of post-bottleneck isolation of a long-lived species, the little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii, LSK) and demonstrate that profound genetic consequences can result from protecting few individuals in isolation. LSK were saved from extinction by translocation of five birds from South Island, New Zealand to Kapiti Island 100 years ago. The Kapiti population now numbers some 1200 birds and provides founders for new populations. We used 15 microsatellite loci to compare genetic variation among Kapiti LSK and the populations of Red Mercury, Tiritiri Matangi and Long Islands that were founded with birds from Kapiti. Two LSK native to D''Urville Island were also placed on Long Island. We found extremely low genetic variation and signatures of acute and recent genetic bottleneck effects in all four populations, indicating that LSK have survived multiple genetic bottlenecks. The Long Island population appears to have arisen from a single mating pair from Kapiti, suggesting there is no genetic contribution from D''Urville birds among extant LSK. The Ne/NC ratio of Kapiti Island LSK (0.03) is exceptionally low for terrestrial vertebrates and suggests that genetic diversity might still be eroding in this population, despite its large census size.  相似文献   

Barley thioredoxin h isozymes 1 (HvTrxh1) and barley thioredoxin h isozymes 2 (HvTrxh2) show distinct spatiotemporal distribution in germinating seeds. Using a novel approach involving measurement of bidirectional electron transfer rates between Escherichia coli thioredoxin, which exhibits redox-dependent fluorescence, and the barley isozymes, reaction kinetics and thermodynamic properties were readily determined. The reaction constants were ∼60% higher for HvTrxh1 than HvTrxh2, while their redox potentials were very similar. The primary nucleophile, CysN, of the active site Trp-CysN-Gly-Pro-CysC motif has an apparent pKa of 7.6 in both isozymes, as found by iodoacetamide titration, but showed ∼70% higher reactivity in HvTrxh1, suggesting significant functional difference between the isozymes.  相似文献   

Mertens HD  Gooley PR 《FEBS letters》2005,579(25):5542-5548
The refinement of protein structures determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy against database potentials of mean force allows for the exclusion of unfavourable conformations of the protein backbone during a structure calculation, resulting in protein structures with a marked improvement in Ramachandran statistics. In this communication, we use multiple sets of residual dipolar couplings as quality assessment criteria for several proteins and show that not only do the Ramachandran and structural quality statistics improve, but a significant improvement in the accuracy of structures is achieved upon refinement.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) has been applied to the determination of the activity of D-hydantoinase (EC with several substrates by monitoring the heat released during the reaction. The method is based on the proportionality between the reaction rate and the thermal power (heat/time) generated. Microcalorimetric assays carried out at different temperatures provided the dependence of the catalytic rate constant on temperature. We show that ITC assay is a nondestructive method that allows the determination of the catalytic rate constant (kcat), Michaelis constant (KM), activation energy and activation Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy of this reaction.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of Escherichia coli N-acetylneuraminic acid lyase was previously switched from the natural condensation of pyruvate with N-acetylmannosamine, yielding N-acetylneuraminic acid, to the aldol condensation generating N-alkylcarboxamide analogues of N-acetylneuraminic acid. This was achieved by a single mutation of Glu192 to Asn. In order to analyze the structural changes involved and to more fully understand the basis of this switch in specificity, we have isolated all 20 variants of the enzyme at position 192 and determined the activities with a range of substrates. We have also determined five high-resolution crystal structures: the structures of wild-type E. coli N-acetylneuraminic acid lyase in the presence and in the absence of pyruvate, the structures of the E192N variant in the presence and in the absence of pyruvate, and the structure of the E192N variant in the presence of pyruvate and a competitive inhibitor (2R,3R)-2,3,4-trihydroxy-N,N-dipropylbutanamide. All structures were solved in space group P21 at resolutions ranging from 1.65 Å to 2.2 Å. A comparison of these structures, in combination with the specificity profiles of the variants, reveals subtle differences that explain the details of the specificity changes. This work demonstrates the subtleties of enzyme-substrate interactions and the importance of determining the structures of enzymes produced by directed evolution, where the specificity determinants may change from one substrate to another.  相似文献   

A novel hybrid system composed of biological components and synthetic polymer, thylakoid/polycation complex, has been formed and studied. Effects of complex formation on the structure, electrostatics and functioning of thylakoid membranes have been examined. Thylakoids from bean leaves were used to form complexes with polycation polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAAH) in two systems: (i) thylakoid/polycation complexes formed in an aqueous bulk phase, and (ii) immobilized thylakoid/polycation planar complexes. Immobilized on a solid substrate surface, thylakoid/polycation complexes were prepared using layer-by-layer stepwise alternate adsorption technique, i.e., via the sequential alternate adsorption of thylakoids and polycation molecules. The morphology of built up structures was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Light-induced electron transport in chloroplasts was studied by the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method. Spin probe technique was employed to study the structural and electrostatic characteristics of thylakoid membranes. We have found that efficiency of light-induced electron transport in thylakoid membranes and membrane structure were not changed noticeably by PAAH binding to thylakoids in a wide range of PAAH concentrations. The data obtained indicate the physiologically-soft character of polycation interactions with thylakoid membranes and demonstrate effectiveness of interfacial self-assembly approach to fabrication of complex planar functional nanostructures from biological components and synthetic polymers.  相似文献   

The brown alga Fucus serratus is a key foundation species on rocky intertidal shores of northern Europe. We sampled the same population off the coast of southern Norway in 2000 and 2008, and using 26 microsatellite loci, we estimated the changes in genetic diversity and effective population size (Ne). The unexpectedly low Ne (73-386) and Ne/N ratio (10-3-10-4), in combination with a significant decrease (14%) in allelic richness over the 8-year period, suggests an increased local extinction risk. If small Ne proves to be a common feature of F. serratus, then being abundant may not be enough for the species to weather future environmental changes.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that O-acylethanolamines (OAEs), structural isomers of the putative stress-fighting lipids, namely N-acylethanolamines (NAEs), can be derived from NAEs and are present in biological membranes under physiological conditions. In view of this, we have synthesized O-stearoylethanolamine (OSEA) as a representative OAE and investigated its phase behavior and crystal structure. The thermotropic phase transitions of OSEA dispersed in water and in 150 mM NaCl were characterized using calorimetric, spectroscopic, turbidimetric and X-ray diffraction studies. These studies have revealed that when dispersed in water OSEA undergoes a cooperative phase transition centered at 53.8 °C from an ordered gel phase to a micellar structure whereas in presence of 150 mM NaCl the transition temperature increases to 55.8 °C and most likely the bilayer structure is retained above the phase transition. O-Stearoylethanolamine crystallized in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with four symmetry-related molecules in the unit cell. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that OSEA molecules adopt a linear structure with all-trans conformation in the acyl chain region. The molecules are organized in a tail-to-tail fashion, similar to the arrangement in a bilayer membrane. These studies are relevant to understanding the role of salt on the phase properties of this new class of lipids.  相似文献   

We report the first detailed thermodynamic analysis of simplified proteins by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The experiments were carried out with five simplified BPTI variants, whose structures and activities have been reported, in which several residues not essential for specifying the tertiary structure were replaced by alanine. In most aspects, the thermodynamics of simplified proteins were very similar to, if not essentially identical with, those of natural proteins. In particular, they undergo a highly cooperative two-state thermal unfolding process with a large enthalpy change, which is a thermodynamic hallmark of the native state of natural globular proteins. Furthermore, the specific enthalpy and entropy changes upon unfolding at 110 degrees C were close to values invariably observed for small natural globular proteins (55 J g(-1) and ~16 J K(-1) g(-1), respectively). On the other hand, two simplified BPTI variants, BPTI-21 and BPTI-22 (containing 21 and 22 alanine residues), were enthalpically stabilized while entropically destabilized with respect to the reference BPTI-[5,55] molecule. This peculiar type of entropy-enthalpy compensation is in sharp contrast to the usual enthalpy destabilization/entropy stabilization observed in mutational studies of natural proteins. Overall, we conclude that a thermodynamic native state can be achieved by proteins encoded with extensively simplified sequences.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase (class I) contains two components: protein R1 binds the substrate, and protein R2 normally has a diferric site and a tyrosyl free radical needed for catalysis. In Chlamydia trachomatis RNR, protein R2 functions without radical. Enzyme activity studies show that in addition to a diiron cluster, a mixed manganese-iron cluster provides the oxidation equivalent needed to initiate catalysis. An EPR signal was observed from an antiferromagnetically coupled high-spin Mn(III)-Fe(III) cluster in a catalytic reaction mixture with added inhibitor hydroxyurea. The manganese-iron cluster in protein R2 confers much higher specific activity than the diiron cluster does to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Methods for the visualization of RNAs are urgently needed for studying a wide variety of cellular processes. Here we report on-bead screening of RNA libraries and its application to the isolation of specific fluorescence-enhancing RNA sequences. A one-bead-one-compound combinatorial RNA library with over one million different sequences was synthesized using the split-and-mix method. Solid-phase synthesis of 30 mer RNAs was performed on 15 ??m and 60 ??m diameter polystyrene beads bearing a non-cleavable linker. The RNA-derivatized beads were incubated with the well-established FlAsH pre-fluorophore and then screened for fluorescence enhancement, either by manually picking the brightest beads under a fluorescence microscope or by sorting with a FACS instrument. A protocol was established for sequence determination from single beads. While numerous RNA sequences showed increased fluorescence when immobilized, only few of them influenced the fluorescence properties of the FlAsH dye when detached from the beads. One of these sequences was found to induce a bathochromic shift in the excitation (from 492 to 510 nm) and emission (from 512 to 523 nm) maxima. This shift was accompanied by a 3.6-fold fluorescence enhancement of FlAsH fluorescence intensity. Mutation studies on the sequence revealed a rather robust structural motif.  相似文献   

The dinickel(II) compound [Ni2(μ-OAc)2(OAc)2(μ-H2O)(asy·dmen)2]·2.5H2O, 1; undergoes facile reaction in a 1:2 molar ratio with benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) in ethanol to give the novel nickel(II) tetranuclear hydroxamate complex [Ni4(μ-OAc)3(μ-BA)3(asy·dmen)3][OTf]2·H2O, 2, in which the bridging acetates, bridging two nickel atoms in 1, undergo a carboxylate shift from the μ211 bridging mode of binding to the μ312 bridging three nickel atoms in the tetramer. The structure of complex 2 was determined by single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The two monodentate acetates, water and two bidentate bridging acetates of two moles of complex 1 are replaced by three monodentate bridging acetates and three benzohydroxamates. Three nickel atoms in the tetramer, Ni(2), Ni(3) and Ni(4) are in a N2O4 octahedral environment, while the fourth nickel atom Ni(1) is in an O(6) octahedral environment. The Ni-Ni separations are Ni(1)-Ni(2) = 3.108 Å, Ni(1)-Ni(3) = 3.104 Å and Ni(1)-Ni(4) = 3.110 Å, which are longer than previously studied in dinuclear urease inhibited models but shorter than in the nickel(II) tetrameric glutarohydroxamate complex [Ni4(μ-OAc)2(μ-gluA2)2(tmen)4][OTf]2, isolated and characterized previously in this laboratory. Magnetic studies of the tetrameric complex show that the four Ni(II) ions are ferromagnetically coupled, leading to a total ground spin state ST = 4. Three analogous tetranuclear nickel hydroxamates were prepared from AHA and BHA and the appropriate dinuclear complex with either sy·dmen or asy·dmen as capping ligands.  相似文献   

Wasilewski M  Wojtczak L 《FEBS letters》2005,579(21):4724-4728
Long-chain N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) have been found to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation and to inhibit uncoupled respiration of rat heart mitochondria [Wasilewski, M., Wieckowski, M.R., Dymkowska, D. and Wojtczak, L. (2004) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1657, 151-163]. The aim of the present work was to investigate in more detail the mechanism of the inhibitory effects of NAEs on the respiratory chain. In connection with this, we also investigated a possible action of NAEs on the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by respiring rat heart mitochondria. It was found that unsaturated NAEs, N-oleoylethanolamine (N-Ole) and, to a greater extent, N-arachidonoylethanolamine (N-Ara), inhibited predominantly complex I of the respiratory chain, with a much weaker effect on complexes II and III, and no effect on complex IV. Saturated N-palmitoylethanolamine had a much smaller effect compared to unsaturated NAEs. N-Ara and N-Ole were found to decrease ROS formation, apparently due to their uncoupling action. However, under specific conditions, N-Ara slightly but significantly stimulated ROS generation in uncoupled conditions, probably due to its inhibitory effect on complex I. These results may contribute to our better understanding of physiological roles of NAEs in protection against ischemia and in induction of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Bacterial bd-type quinol oxidases, such as cytochrome bd from Escherichia coli, contain three hemes, but no copper. In contrast to heme-copper oxidases and similarly to globins, single electron-reduced cytochrome bd forms stable complexes with O(2), NO and CO at ferrous heme d. Kinetics of ligand dissociation from heme d(2+) in the single electron- and fully-reduced cytochrome bd from E. coli has been investigated by rapid mixing spectrophotometry at 20 degrees C. Data show that (i) O(2) dissociates at 78 s(-1), (ii) NO and CO dissociation is fast as compared to heme-copper oxidases and (iii) dissociation in the single electron-reduced state is hindered as compared to the fully-reduced enzyme. Presumably, rapid ligand dissociation requires reduced heme b(595). As NO, an inhibitor of respiratory oxidases, is involved in the immune response against microbial infection, the rapid dissociation of NO from cytochrome bd may have important bearings on the patho-physiology of enterobacteria.  相似文献   

Eight cholesterol based cationic lipids differing in the headgroup have been synthesized based on the ether linkage between the cationic headgroup and the cholesterol backbone. All the lipids formed stable suspensions in water. Transfection efficacies were examined in the absence and presence of serum using their optimized liposomal (lipid:DOPE) formulations. Our results showed that the transfection activities depend on the nature of the headgroup. Lipid bearing 4-N,N′-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) as headgroup showed the maximum transfection efficacy in the presence of serum. Importantly, the optimized formulation for this cationic lipid does not require DOPE, which is being used by most commercially available formulations. Cytotoxicity studies showed that the introduction of the positive charge decreases the cell viability of the cationic lipid formulations. Gel electrophoresis and Ethidium bromide exclusion assay revealed the different DNA binding abilities of formulations depending upon the headgroup of the cholesteryl lipid.  相似文献   

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