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Visual arrestin is the protein responsible for rapid quenching of G-protein-coupled receptor signaling. Arrestin exists as a latent inhibitor which must be 'activated' upon contact with a phosphorylated receptor. X-ray crystal structures of visual arrestin exhibit a tetrameric arrangement wherein an asymmetric dimer with an extensive interface between conformationally different subunits is related to a second asymmetric dimer by a local two-fold rotation axis. To test the biological relevance of this molecular organization in solution, we carried out a sedimentation equilibrium analysis of arrestin at both crystallographic and physiological protein concentrations. While the tetrameric form can exist at the high concentrations used in crystallography experiments, we find that arrestin participates in a monomer/dimer equilibrium at concentrations more likely to be physiologically relevant. Solution interaction analysis of a proteolytically modified, constitutively active form of arrestin shows diminished dimerization. We propose that self-association of arrestin may provide a mechanism for regulation of arrestin activity by (i) ensuring an adequate supply for rapid quenching of the visual signal and (ii) limiting the availability of active monomeric species, thereby preventing inappropriate signal termination.  相似文献   

Shimada Y  Wiget P  Gulli MP  Bi E  Peter M 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(5):1051-1062
Site-specific activation of the Rho-type GTPase Cdc42p by its guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) Cdc24p is critical for the establishment of cell polarity. Here we show that binding of Cdc24p to the small GTPase Rsr1p/Bud1p is required for its recruitment to the incipient bud site. Rsr1p/Bud1p binds to the CH-domain of Cdc24p, which is essential for its function in vivo. We have identified a cdc24-mutant allele, which is specifically defective for bud-site selection. Our results suggest that Cdc24p is auto-inhibited by an intramolecular interaction with its carboxy-terminal PB1-domain. Rsr1p/Bud1p appears to activate the GEF activity of Cdc24p in vivo, possibly by triggering a conformational change that dissociates the PB1-domain from its intramolecular binding site. Genetic experiments suggest that Bem1p functions as a positive regulator of Cdc24p by binding to the PB1-domain of Cdc24p, thereby preventing its re-binding to the intramolecular inhibitory site. Taken together, our results support a two-step molecular mechanism for the site-specific activation of Cdc24p, which involves Rsr1p/Bud1p and the adaptor protein Bem1p.  相似文献   

We present a mechanism of regulation of growth and activity of legume root nodules which is consistent with published experimental observations. The concentration of reduced nitrogen compounds, probably amino acids, flowing into the nodules from the phloem, is sensed by the nodules; growth and activity of the nodules is adjusted accordingly. In many legumes this response may involve changes in the oxygen diffusion resistance of the nodule cortex. A straightforward feedback mechanism in which nodule activity is lowered when reduced N in the phloem is high and increased when it is low is envisaged. Almost all import into nodules is via the phloem sap originating in the lower leaves. As a plant develops, these mature leaves no longer utilize nitrogen delivered in the xylem and so export it in the phloem. In plants with an adequate nitrogen supply (from nodules or combined nitrogen in soil), a high concentration of nitrogen containing compounds in the phloem from the lower leaves may inhibit nodule growth as well as activity. This suggestion is an alternative to the hypotheses of carbohydrate deprivation or nitrate inhibition which are commonly used to explain the effects of combined nitrogen on nodule growth and activity.  相似文献   

Longitudinal bone growth occurs in the growth plate through a process called endochondral bone formation, a process where resting zone chondrocytes are recruited to start active proliferation and then undergo differentiation, followed by apoptosis and later mineralization. The balance between proliferation and differentiation is a crucial regulatory step controlled by various growth factors/hormones acting in both endocrine and paracrine/autocrine ways. From studies of individuals with aromatase deficiency and a boy with defective oestrogen receptor (ER)-alpha it has become clear that oestrogen action is indispensable for normal pubertal growth and growth plate fusion. Both oestrogen receptors, ER-alpha and ER-beta, are expressed in the growth plate in boys and girls throughout pubertal development. Any functional role of ER-beta has not yet been defined in the human growth plate. Increased understanding about the effects of oestrogen and the interactions between oestrogens and other endocrine factors within the growth plate is important for the development of new treatment strategies in different disorders affecting longitudinal bone growth. As new specific modulators of oestrogen receptors are developed, these could offer more specific ways to modulate longitudinal growth and growth plate fusion.  相似文献   

Cartilage is a highly specialized load-bearing tissue with a small number of cells and a high proportion of extracellular matrix (ECM). The abundance of heavily sulfated proteoglycans and a poorly soluble collagenous ECM presents a major technical challenge to 2-DE. Here we report proteomic analysis of mouse growth plate cartilage using novel methodology for tissue dissection and sample prefractionation. We have successfully resolved cartilage tissue extracts by 2-DE for the first time and identified cartilage ECM proteins by Western blotting and MS/MS.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Growth plate chondrocytes are responsible for bone growth through proliferation and differentiation. However, the way they experience physiological...  相似文献   

The elemental composition of growth plate cartilage from calf scapula has been studied by means of SRIXE. X-ray emission spectra were obtained from the resting, hypertrophic and calcified regions of cartilage; then, each element was mapped with a lateral definition of about 10 microns x 10 microns. Evidence was found for a homogeneous distribution of the elements in resting cartilage compared to changes in local concentration of some atoms in the hypertrophic-calcified tissue. In this zone Ca, Sr, Ni, Zn, S, reach the maximal concentration at the calcification front while Cu shows a uniform distribution. A Zn distribution similar to that of the Zn-containing enzyme alkaline phosphatase, the key enzyme of calcification, is found.  相似文献   

The injured growth plate cartilage is often repaired by bony tissue, resulting in impaired bone growth in children. Bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) are important for bone fracture repair, and as a step to characterize potential involvement of BMPs in bony repair of injured growth plate, expression of BMPs and receptors (BMP-R) was examined by quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry in rat injured tibial growth plate. During the inflammatory response on day 1, slightly increased expression of BMP-3, BMP-4, BMP-R1a, and BMP-R2 was observed, with immunostaining seen among inflammatory cells at the injury site. During mesenchymal infiltration and osteogenic responses on days 3-14, moderately increased expression of BMP-2, -3, -4, -7, and BMP-R1a was found, with immunostaining observed among infiltrated mesenchymal cells and differentiated osteoblasts lining bony trabeculae. During maturation phase on days 14-25, only BMP-7 was seen upregulated slightly and was localized in osteoblasts and marrow cells at the injury site. The temporospatial expression of BMPs and receptors at the injured growth plate suggests potential involvement of BMP-3 and -4 in regulating the inflammatory response or as its mediators in modulating downstream events, and BMP-2, -3, -4, and -7 in the fibrogenic and osteogenic responses, and BMP-7 in bone remodeling at the injured growth plate.  相似文献   

The alveolar bone is a suitable in vivo physiological model for the study of apoptosis and interactions of bone cells because it undergoes continuous, rapid and intense resorption/remodelling, during a long period of time, to accommodate the growing tooth germs. The intensity of alveolar bone resorption greatly enhances the chances of observing images of the extremely rapid events of apoptosis of bone cells and also of images of interactions between osteoclasts and osteocytes/osteoblasts/bone lining cells. To find such images, we have therefore examined the alveolar bone of young rats using light microscopy, the TUNEL method for apoptosis, and electron microscopy. Fragments of alveolar bone from young rats were fixed in Bouin and formaldehyde for morphology and for the TUNEL method. Glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde fixed specimens were processed for transmission electron microscopy. Results showed TUNEL positive round/ovoid structures on the bone surface and inside osteocytic lacunae. These structures--also stained by hematoxylin--were therefore interpreted, respectively, as osteoblasts/lining cells and osteocytes undergoing apoptosis. Osteoclasts also exhibited TUNEL positive apoptotic bodies inside large vacuoles; the nuclei of osteoclasts, however, were always TUNEL negative. Ultrathin sections revealed typical apoptotic images--round/ ovoid bodies with dense crescent-like chromatin--on the bone surface, corresponding therefore to apoptotic osteoblasts/lining cells. Osteocytes also showed images compatible with apoptosis. Large osteoclast vacuoles often contained fragmented cellular material. Our results provide further support for the idea that osteoclasts internalize dying bone cells; we were however, unable to find images of osteoclasts in apoptosis.  相似文献   

There is now abundant evidence that integral membrane protein function may be modulated by the physical properties of membrane lipids. The intestinal brush border membrane represents a membrane system highly specialized for nutrient absorption and, thus, provides an opportunity to study the interaction between integral membrane transport proteins and their lipid environment. We have previously demonstrated that alterations in this environment may modulate the function of the sodium-dependent glucose transporter in terms of its affinity for glucose. In this communication we report that membrane lipid-protein interactions are distinctly different for the proline transport proteins. Maximal transport rates for L-proline by either the neutral brush border or imino transport systems are reduced 10-fold when the surrounding membrane environment is made more fluid over the physiological range that exists along the crypt-villus axis. Furthermore, in microvillus membrane vesicles prepared from enterocytes isolated from along the crypt-villus axis a similar gradient exists in the functional activity of these transport systems. This would imply that either the functional activity of these transporters are regulated by membrane physical properties or that the synthesis and insertion of these proteins is coordinated in concert with membrane physical properties as the enterocyte migrates up the crypt-villus axis.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes of the cartilaginous growth plate are found in a spatial gradient of cellular differentiation beginning with cellular proliferation and ending with cellular hypertrophy. Although it is recognized that both proliferation and hypertrophy contribute significantly to overall bone growth, mechanisms acting on the chondrocyte to control the timing, the rate, and the extent of hypertrophy are poorly understood. Similarly, mechanisms acting on the terminal chondrocyte to cause its death at the chondro-osseous junction have not been investigated. In this study we examine the condensation of terminal hypertrophic chondrocytes in proximal and distal radial growth plates of Yucatan swine at 4 weeks of age. The animals were raised in a controlled environment where activity and feeding patterns were synchronized to a given time in the light/dark cycle. We analyzed cellular condensation both as a function of circadian rhythms in a 24-hr time period, and as a function of overall rate of growth. The data suggest that the magnitude of circadian influences on long bone growth is significantly damped at the level of the hypertrophic chondrocyte compared to that seen by previous investigators studying circadian influences on chondrocytic proliferation. Secondly, the condensation of hypertrophic chondrocytes at the chondro-osseous junction varies inversely with rate of growth in length of the bone. At any time period, a higher percentage of terminal chondrocytes in the condensed form was found in the slower-growing of the two growth plates. We relate these findings to current hypotheses concerning controls of chondrocytic hypertrophy and possible controls over the timing of hypertrophic cell death.  相似文献   

The kinetics of active Ca2+ transport in inside-out red cell membrane vesicles and the Ca2+-ATPase activity of the purified Ca2+ pump were studied and the effects of calmodulin, acidic phospholipids, and controlled trypsinization were compared. In the presence of calmodulin the maximal rate and the apparent affinity of the pump for Ca2+ were greatly increased in both preparations. The lowest value of Km(Ca) was between 0.5 and 0.7 microM depending on the concentration of calmodulin and on the enzyme preparation. Positive cooperativity for Ca2+ activation with a Hill coefficient of 1.6-1.7 was observed in all cases. When acidic phospholipids (phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate was routinely used) were added to the inside-out vesicles or to the purified enzyme, maximal transport rates equal to those obtained with calmodulin were measured but the Km(Ca) decreased to 0.25 microM and the positive cooperativity disappeared (the Hill coefficient approached 1). Highly active, calmodulin-independent proteolytic fragments of molecular mass of 81 and 76 kDa were produced with controlled trypsinization. When the trypsin treatment was directed to obtain primarily the 81-kDa fragment, the preparation showed characteristics similar to those of the intact Ca2+ pump in the presence of calmodulin; that is, the same Vmax was obtained, the Km(Ca2+) was 0.5-0.6 microM, and the Hill coefficient was about 1.6. Addition of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate or allowing further proteolysis to produce the 76-kDa fragment, shifted the Km(Ca) to 0.25 and reduced the Hill coefficient to 1, without changes in the maximal rate. Based on these results it is suggested that the maximal velocity and the Ca2+ affinity on the erythrocyte Ca2+ pump may be regulated independently and that independent polypeptide regions of the enzyme are involved in the regulations.  相似文献   

Histochemical detection of cytochrome oxidase activity in chicken growth plate revealed both positively and negatively stained mitochondria in chondrocytes of all zones, i.e., proliferative, pre-hypertrophic, hypertrophic, and calcifying zones. The proportion of positive to negative cells was lowest in the proliferative zone. As cytodifferentiation progressed, more positively stained cells were present. In positive cells all mitochondria were usually stained, and in negative cells all mitochondria were unstained. A few cells appeared to be in transition and contained both types of mitochondria. The results indicate that chondrocytes utilizing both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism are present in growth plate cartilage and that oxidative metabolism is favored in the more mature cells. The relationship of oxidative metabolism to calcification is discussed.  相似文献   

Liu B  Fu Y  Wang Z  Zhou S  Sun Y  Wu Y  Xu A 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25794
HLA-DRB1 is the most polymorphic MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class II gene in human, and plays a crucial role in the development and function of the immune system. Extensive polymorphisms exist in the promoter and 3'-UTR of HLA-DRB1, especially a LTR (Long terminal repeat) element in the promoter, which may be involved in the expression regulation. However, it remains unknown how the polymorphisms in the whole promoter region and 3'-UTR to regulate the gene expression. In this study, we investigated the extensive polymorphisms in the HLA-DRB1 promoter and 3'-UTR, and how these polymorphisms affect the gene expression in both independent and jointly manners. It was observed that most of the haplotypes in the DRB1 promoter and 3'-UTR were clustered into 4 conserved lineages (H1, H2, H3 and H4), and showed high linkage disequilibrium. Compared with H1 and H2 lineage, a LTR element in the promoter of H3 and H4 lineage significantly suppressed the promoter activity, whereas the activity of the linked 3'-UTR increased, leading to no apparent difference in the final expression product between H1/H2 and H3/H4 lineage. Nevertheless, compared with the plasmid with a promoter and 3'-UTR from the same lineage, the recombinant plasmid with a promoter from H2 and a 3'-UTR from H3 showed about double fold increased luciferase activity, Conversely, the recombinant plasmid with a promoter from H3 and a 3'-UTR from H2 resulted in about 2-fold decreased luciferase activity. These results indicate that the promoter and 3'-UTR of HLA-DRB1 may antagonistically regulate the gene expression, which may be subjected to stabilizing selection. These findings may provide a novel insight into the mechanisms of the diseases associated with HLA-DRB1 genes.  相似文献   

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