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The characteristics of ion solvation are important for electrochemical and biophysical phenomena because all such phenomena occur under the presence of solvated ions. In this study, we performed an all-atom molecular dynamics simulation of aqueous NaCl ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 M, and aqueous NaF, NaBr and NaI in 2.0 M, to investigate the time-averaged velocity auto-correlation function (TAVAF) of ions and water molecules. By comparing the concentrations and ion pairs, we observed three behaviours: (i) in the case of NaCl, the velocity auto-correlation of Cl becomes weaker as the concentration increases, whereas those of Na+ are not clearly different, (ii) the intensity of fluctuations of the TAVAF gradually decreases following the decrease in ionic radius and (iii) every TAVAF of water molecules in ionic solutions is clearly lower than that of bulk because of the cage effect. Furthermore, we observed that the first minimum of the TAVAF in the cluster is smaller than that of the isolated ions. These results indicate that the diffusion of ions and water molecules is affected by cage effect, and that the generation of ion cluster affects the diffusion of ions.  相似文献   

The role of intracortical synapses in affecting the property of visual cells is investigated by means of an original mathematical model of cortical circuitry in V1. The model represents a compromise between computational simplicity and physiological reliability. The model incorporates four different inputs into a cortical cell: thalamic input from the lateral geniculate nucleus, according to an even Gabor function; short-range inhibition confined within the hypercolumn; a long-range excitation, which emphasizes the properties of the input; and a long-range inhibition. In the model we assume that all cells receive a similar thalamic input, which differs simply according to its position in the retina and orientation preference. Simulations were performed, with different parameter values, to assess the main characteristics of cell response (i.e., the width and locations of subregions in the receptive field (RF), orientation tuning curve, and response to drifting and counterphase gratings) as a function of the strength and extension of intracortical excitatory synapses. Results suggest that, if intracortical excitation is confined within the hypercolumn, the cells exhibit the same properties as simple cells, both with regards to the width and shape of the RF, orientation tuning curve, and response to drifting and counterphase gratings. By contrast, if excitatory synapses extend beyond the hypercolumn with sufficient strength, the cells exhibit the typical characteristics of complex cells. A progressive shift from complex to simple cells can be realized with a monotonic variation in parameters. Simulations are also performed with a hierarchical model, to suggest possible experiments able to discriminate the present recurrent mechanism from the classical hierarchical one. Results support the assumptions of previous simpler models (Chance et al., 1999) and may help to understand and assess the role of intracortical synapses in rigorous quantitative terms.  相似文献   

Perception of objects and motions in the visual scene is one of the basic problems in the visual system. There exist 'What' and 'Where' pathways in the superior visual cortex, starting from the simple cells in the primary visual cortex. The former is able to perceive objects such as forms, color, and texture, and the latter perceives 'where', for example, velocity and direction of spatial movement of objects. This paper explores brain-like computational architectures of visual information processing. We propose a visual perceptual model and computational mechanism for training the perceptual model. The compu- tational model is a three-layer network. The first layer is the input layer which is used to receive the stimuli from natural environments. The second layer is designed for representing the internal neural information. The connections between the first layer and the second layer, called the receptive fields of neurons, are self-adaptively learned based on principle of sparse neural representation. To this end, we introduce Kullback-Leibler divergence as the measure of independence between neural responses and derive the learning algorithm based on minimizing the cost function. The proposed algorithm is applied to train the basis functions, namely receptive fields, which are localized, oriented, and bandpassed. The resultant receptive fields of neurons in the second layer have the characteristics resembling that of simple cells in the primary visual cortex. Based on these basis functions, we further construct the third layer for perception of what and where in the superior visual cortex. The proposed model is able to perceive objects and their motions with a high accuracy and strong robustness against additive noise. Computer simulation results in the final section show the feasibility of the proposed perceptual model and high efficiency of the learning algorithm.  相似文献   

以家猫为动物模型,采用细胞外记录的方法,测试了82个初级视皮层细胞的方位和方向调谐以及感受野大小.基于细胞的面积整合特性,区分出52个外周抑制型细胞和30个外周无抑制型细胞.所有被测细胞均存在强的方位选择性,而外周无抑制型细胞比抑制型细胞有更强的方位选择性.两类细胞的方向选择性没有显著性差异.外周抑制型细胞比外周无抑制型细胞有着更大的动作电位发放率.采用两种不同方法测量两类细胞的感受野范围,却产生了不同的结果:用最小反应区测量发现抑制型细胞的经典感受野更大,而用面积整合曲线测量时外周无抑制型细胞的感受野更大.  相似文献   

The initiation of axis, polarity, cell differentiation, and gastrulation in the very early chordate development is due to the breaking of radial symmetry. It is believed that this occurs by an external signal. We suggest instead spontaneous symmetry breaking through the agency of the Turing-Child field. Increased size or decreased diffusivity, both brought about by mitotic activity, cause the spontaneous loss of stability of the homogeneous state and the evolution of the metabolic pattern during development. The polar metabolic pattern is the cause of polar gene expression, polar morphogenesis (gastrulation), and polar mitotic activity. The Turing-Child theory explains not only the spontaneous formation of the invagination in gastrulation but also the coherent cell movement observed in convergence and extension during gastrulation and neurulation. The theory is demonstrated with respect to experimental observations on the early development of fish, amphibian, and the chick. The theory can explain a multitude of experimental details. For example, it explains the splayed polar progression of reduction in the fish blastoderm. Reduction starts on that side of the blastoderm margin, which will initiate invagination several hours later. It progresses toward the blastoderm center and somewhat laterally from this future "dorsal lip". This is precisely as predicted by a Turing-Child system in a circle. And for a fish like zebrafish with a blastoderm that is slightly oval, reduction is observed to progress along the long axis of the ellipse, which is what Turing-Child theory predicts. In general the shape and the chemical nature of the experimental patterns are the same as predicted by the Turing couple (cAMP, ATP). Embryological polarity and convergent extension are based on polar eigenfunction and saddle-shaped eigenfunction, respectively.  相似文献   

Initial studies of adrenocorticotropin-sensitive (ACTH-sensitive) and ACTH-insensitive Y-1 adrenal cortical tumor cell lines suggest a relationship between responsiveness to ACTH and the presence of gap junctions. An ACTH-sensitive clone of Y-1 cells possesses gap junctions and these junctions appear to enlarge with ACTH treatment. Gap junctions have not been observed, however, in an ACTH-insensitive clone of Y-1 tumor cells even when stimulated to produce cyclic adenosine monophosphate and steroids with cholera toxin.  相似文献   

Inada  S.  Sato  S. 《Plant and Soil》2000,226(1):117-128
In actively growing cortical cells in the elongation zone of Lemna minor L. roots, both longitudinal (radial and tangential) and transverse walls expand in both length and width. The longitudinal walls of the three types of cortical cells in the root (i.e. outer, middle and inner) showed the largest expansion in the longitudinal axis. In contrast, the inner cortical cells exhibited the least expansion in width, whereas the middle cortical cells displayed the largest expansion in width. Thus, the profiles of the expansion of longitudinal walls were characteristic for the three types of cortical cells. In this study, both the orientation of cortical microtubule (MT) arrays and their dynamic reorientation, and the density of cortical MTs, were documented and correlated to the patterns of cell wall expansion. Significantly, transverse arrays of cortical MTs were most prominent in the radial walls of the inner cortical cells, and least so in those of the middle cortical cells. Toward the base of roots, beyond the elongation zone, the orientation of cortical MTs shifted continuously from transverse to oblique and then to longitudinal. In this case, the rate of shift in the orientation of cortical MTs along the root axis was appreciably faster in the middle cortical cells than in the other two types of cortical cells. Interestingly, the continuous change in cortical MT orientation was not confirmed in the transverse walls which showed much smaller two-dimensional expansion than the radial walls. Additionally, the presence of fragmented or shortened cortical MTs rapidly increased concomitantly with the decrease of transversely oriented cortical MTs. This relationship was especially prominent in the transverse walls of the inner cortical cells, which displayed the least expansion among the three types of cortical cells investigated. In the root elongation zone, the density of cortical MTs in the inner cortical cells was about three times higher than that in the other two cortical cell types. These results indicate that in the early stage of cell expansion, the orientation of cortical MTs determines a preferential direction of cell expansion and both the shifting orientation and density of cortical MTs affect the magnitude of expansion in width of the cell wall.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study was to test three hypotheses: 1) more complex traits of the hand are less prone to developmental insults and therefore show lower fluctuating asymmetry (FA) as compared with simple traits; 2) the manifestation of FA correlates with the variability of the trait (i.e., CV); and 3) FA is an organ-wide property, and therefore a concordance exists between the FA measures of different traits in hand bones. Seventy-two bilateral measurements of hand bones, were made from plain-film radiographs of 365 cadavers. A complex trait was considered as the total length of the three phalanges of a finger and their contiguous metacarpals. Simple traits were considered to be the lengths of individual bone that made up the complex trait. The following results were obtained: 1) on the average simple traits, composing the complex trait, show much higher FA than the corresponding complex trait, but this result is expected if there is no correlation (or low correlation) between FA of simple traits within the complex trait, due to random direction of right-left differences; 2) strong and highly significant correlation was observed between FA and CV of studied traits, regardless of sex and age of individuals; and 3) the majority of FA measurements of hand bones showed no correlation. However, correlations between some sets of FA traits were highly significant. They were interpreted, although not specifically tested, as the result of a tight relationship between traits related not only developmentally but also by active performance of the same function. Am J Phys Anthropol 107:125–136, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disease characterized by multiorgan benign tumors as well as neurological manifestations. Epilepsy and autism are two of the more prevalent neurological complications and are usually severe. TSC is caused by mutations in either the TSC1 (encodes hamartin) or the TSC2 (encodes tuberin) genes with TSC2 mutations being associated with worse outcomes. Tuberin contains a highly conserved GTPase‐activating protein (GAP) domain that indirectly inhibits mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). mTORC1 dysregulation is currently thought to cause much of the pathogenesis in TSC but mTORC1‐independent mechanisms may also contribute. We generated a novel conditional allele of Tsc2 by flanking exons 36 and 37 with loxP sites. Mice homozygous for this knock‐in Tsc2 allele are viable and fertile with normal appearing growth and development. Exposure to Cre recombinase then creates an in‐frame deletion involving critical residues of the GAP domain. Homozygous conditional mutant mice generated using Emx1Cre have increased cortical mTORC1 signaling, severe developmental brain anomalies, seizures, and die within 3 weeks. We found that the normal levels of the mutant Tsc2 mRNA, though GAP‐deficient tuberin protein, appear unstable and rapidly degraded. This novel animal model will allow further study of tuberin function including the requirement of the GAP domain for protein stability. genesis 51:284–292. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a model for development of orientation selectivity in layer IV simple cells. Receptive field (RF) development in the model, is determined by diffusive cooperation and resource limited competition guided axonal growth and retraction in geniculocortical pathway. The simulated cortical RFs resemble experimental RFs. The receptive field model is incorporated in a three-layer visual pathway model consisting of retina, LGN and cortex. We have studied the effect of activity dependent synaptic scaling on orientation tuning of cortical cells. The mean value of hwhh (half width at half the height of maximum response) in simulated cortical cells is 58° when we consider only the linear excitatory contribution from LGN. We observe a mean improvement of 22.8° in tuning response due to the non-linear spiking mechanisms that include effects of threshold voltage and synaptic scaling factor.  相似文献   

The most widely used methods for the extraction of glycosphingolipids from animal tissues are based on the use of chloroform/methanol mixtures. These methods, although suitable for a great majority of lipids, fail to remove highly complex glycosphingolipids. Reported here is a method for the isolation of the entire population of glycosphingolipids by means of a gradual degradation of tissue components and enrichment in carbohydrate conjugates resistant to alkali and proteases. Fresh gastric mucosa was homogenized and treated with alkali (β-elimination) and RNAase and DNAase to decrease the viscosity of the homogenate, followed by pronase digestion. Each treatment was completed by exhausitive dialysis against distilled water. The resultant tissue digest was partitioned with chloroform/methanol (2 : 1) to remove simple glycosphingolipids. The aqueous portion of the system was adjusted to 1.0% with Zwittergent?-314 and solubilized for 24 h by mixing. Thus, prepared sample subjected to Bio-Gel P60 column chromatography afforded five fractions. Of these, three were free of protein and contained carbohydrates, fatty acids and sphingosine. Further fractionation on Bio-Gel P10 and P6 columns followed by thin-layer chromatography afforded homogeneous components with all the characteristics of highly complex glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

Early cortical critical period resembles a state of enhanced neuronal plasticity enabling the establishment of specific neuronal connections during first sensory experience. Visual performance with regard to pattern discrimination is impaired if the cortex is deprived from visual input during the critical period. We wondered how unspecific activation of the visual cortex before closure of the critical period using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) could affect the critical period and the visual performance of the experimental animals. Would it cause premature closure of the plastic state and thus worsen experience‐dependent visual performance, or would it be able to preserve plasticity? Effects of intermittent theta‐burst stimulation (iTBS) were compared with those of an enriched environment (EE) during dark‐rearing (DR) from birth. Rats dark‐reared in a standard cage showed poor improvement in a visual pattern discrimination task, while rats housed in EE or treated with iTBS showed a performance indistinguishable from rats reared in normal light/dark cycle. The behavioral effects were accompanied by correlated changes in the expression of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and atypical PKC (PKCζ/PKMζ), two factors controlling stabilization of synaptic potentiation. It appears that not only nonvisual sensory activity and exercise but also cortical activation induced by rTMS has the potential to alleviate the effects of DR on cortical development, most likely due to stimulation of BDNF synthesis and release. As we showed previously, iTBS reduced the expression of parvalbumin in inhibitory cortical interneurons, indicating that modulation of the activity of fast‐spiking interneurons contributes to the observed effects of iTBS. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 19–33, 2016  相似文献   

Maintaining undifferentiated state and self-renewal ability of embryonic stem cells is a process that many genes and factors participate in. Using bioinformatics analyses and suppression subtractive hybridization we cloned a novel human gene related to the proliferation of human embryonic stem (hES) cells and its mouse homologue and identified them as being borealin. Our data demonstrated that borealin was highly expressed in undifferentiated ES cells, mouse pre-implantation embryos and the brain of 8.5–9.5 day post-coitum mouse embryos. Furthermore, following Borealin depletion by microinjecting anti-Borealin antibody into the zygotes the mouse embryos were arrested at the 2 or 4-cell stage and chromosomes could not correctly localize at the equator plane of the mitotic spindle and most cells had two or more nuclei. Taken together, these results indicate that Borealin plays a crucial role in the early mouse embryonic development.  相似文献   

Tangential migration is a mode of cell movement, which in the developing cerebral cortex, is defined by displacement parallel to the ventricular surface and orthogonal to the radial glial fibers. This mode of long‐range migration is a strategy by which distinct neuronal classes generated from spatially and molecularly distinct origins can integrate to form appropriate neural circuits within the cortical plate. While it was previously believed that only GABAergic cortical interneurons migrate tangentially from their origins in the subpallial ganglionic eminences to integrate in the cortical plate, it is now known that transient populations of glutamatergic neurons also adopt this mode of migration. These include Cajal‐Retzius cells (CRs), subplate neurons (SPs), and cortical plate transient neurons (CPTs), which have crucial roles in orchestrating the radial and tangential development of the embryonic cerebral cortex in a noncell‐autonomous manner. While CRs have been extensively studied, it is only in the last decade that the molecular mechanisms governing their tangential migration have begun to be elucidated. To date, the mechanisms of SPs and CPTs tangential migration remain unknown. We therefore review the known signaling pathways, which regulate parameters of CRs migration including their motility, contact‐redistribution and adhesion to the pial surface, and discuss this in the context of how CR migration may regulate their signaling activity in a spatial and temporal manner. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 847–881, 2016  相似文献   

9种形态生理休眠的种子脱水对萌发和胚胎生长的影响在具有形态生理种子休眠(MPD)的物种中,吸胀种子脱水对胚胎生长和萌发的影响鲜为人知。我们研究了9种不同MPD水平的种子对脱水的反应。对每个物种进行对照实验,使种子永久保持水化并暴露在最佳层积-培养顺序中以促进胚胎生长。同时也开展了室温条件下脱水中断种子层积处理1个月的实验。研究结果显示,具有非深度简单MPD的白藤铁线莲(Clematis vitalba)和高山茶藨子(Ribes alpinum)的胚生长 和种子活力均不受干燥影响,但干燥使高山茶藨子的萌发力下降了16%。具有深度简单上胚轴MPD的黄 水仙(Narcissus pseudonarcissus)种子在不同的胚生长阶段呈现脱水耐受性,但其萌发力略有下降。具有不同 MPD复杂水平的物种对脱水的反应更为多变:具有中度复杂MPD的Delphinium fissum亚种与具有深度复杂MPD的峨参(Anthriscus sylvestris)和熊根芹(Meum athamanticum),具有脱水耐受性。与之相反,具有非深度复杂MPD的鹅莓(Ribes uva-crispa)、中度复杂MPD的Lonicera pyrenaica和深度复杂MPD的Chaerophyllum aureum,脱水后萌发力下降。虽然具有MPD简单水平的种子能够具备脱水耐受性,但一些具有复杂水平MPD的种子也具有很高的耐受性。因此,脱水不诱导胚生长后期的次生休眠。9种植物中大多数的吸胀种子的脱水耐受性可能表征其对地中海地区气候变化的适应性。  相似文献   

The study of brain evolution, particularly that of the neocortex, is of primary interest because it directly relates to how behavioural variations arose both between and within mammalian groups. Artiodactyla is one of the most diverse mammalian clades. However, the first 10 Myr of their brain evolution has remained undocumented so far. Here, we used high-resolution X-ray computed tomography to investigate the endocranial cast of Diacodexis ilicis of earliest Eocene age. Its virtual reconstruction provides unprecedented access to both metric parameters and fine anatomy of the most complete endocast of the earliest artiodactyl. This picture is assessed in a broad comparative context by reconstructing endocasts of 14 other Early and Middle Eocene representatives of basal artiodactyls, allowing the tracking of the neocortical structure of artiodactyls back to its simplest pattern. We show that the earliest artiodactyls share a simple neocortical pattern, so far never observed in other ungulates, with an almond-shaped gyrus instead of parallel sulci as previously hypothesized. Our results demonstrate that artiodactyls experienced a tardy pulse of encephalization during the Late Neogene, well after the onset of cortical complexity increase. Comparisons with Eocene perissodactyls show that the latter reached a high level of cortical complexity earlier than the artiodactyls.  相似文献   

The botanist Gottlieb Haberlandt was the first who in 1898 (published in 1902) tried the systematic culture in vitro of single cells. His purpose was to study the mutual influences of cells as the last 'living units' within the multicellular body. Haberlandt visualized the theoretical potential of the culture approach in experimental plant morphology and physiology and nearly half a century was to elapse before his far-reaching ideas were realized. The history of cell and tissue culture is traced from the first concepts and origins in experimental embryology (1858/59) to its final verification almost 100 years later. The paper reminds of essential steps, theoretical backgrounds, accidental and planned discoveries and methodological approaches, and attempts to present all sources. The more or less known reviews of White (1931, 1936 and 1946), Fiedler (1938/39), Stapp (1947), Kandler (1948) and Street (1959) are summarized, and the mutual influence of plant and animal tissue culture on each other is discussed. Previous retrospective articles on the particular role of Haberlandt, namely those of Gautheret (1942) and Krikorian and Berquam (1969), are included in a general assessment of physiological anatomy in memory of the 50th anniversary of this great botanist's death.  相似文献   

The Nest is a concave-shaped structural motif in proteins formed by consecutive enantiomeric left-handed (L) and right-handed (R) helical conformation of the backbone. This important motif subsumes many turn and helix capping structures and binds electron-rich ligands. Simple Nests are either RL or LR. Larger Nests (>2 residues long) may be RLR, LRL, RLRL, and so forth, being considered as composed of overlapping simple Nests. The larger Nests remain under-explored despite their widely known contributions to protein function. In our study, we address whether the recurrence of enantiomeric geometry in the larger Nests constrains the peptide backbone such that distinct compositional and conformational preferences are seen compared to simple Nests. Our analysis reveals the critical role of the L helical torsion angle in the formation of larger Nests. This can be observed through the higher propensity of residue or secondary structure combinations in LR and LRL backbone conformation in comparison to RL or RLR, although LR/LRL is considerably lower by occurrence. We also find that the most abundant doublets and triplets in Nests have a propensity for particular secondary structures, suggesting a strong sequence-structure relationship in the larger Nest. Overall, our analysis corroborates distinct features of simple and the larger Nests. Such insights would be helpful towards in-vitro design of peptides and peptidomimetic studies.  相似文献   

Constitutional mutations in Leucine‐rich glioma inactivated 1 (LGI1) predispose to an autosomal dominant epilepsy syndrome in humans and germline inactivation of LGI1 in mice leads to early onset seizures. LGI1 is highly expressed in the regions involved in neuronal stem cell generation and migration and detailed analysis of the brains in these mice reveals a subtle cortical dysplasia characterized by hypercellularity in the outer cortical layers. To investigate the cellular origin for this cortical dysplasia, we created mice that allow cell‐specific, conditional inactivation of LGI1. Exons 3–4, which contain critical motifs for LGI1 function, were targeted for deletion and, using a CMV‐cre mouse strain, global inactivation of LGI1 led to early onset seizures and the same cortical dysplasia seen in the constitutionally null mice. Similarly, inactivation of LGI1 in cells expressing Nestin, expressed primarily in neuronal precursor cells, led to early onset seizures and cortical dysplasia. In contrast, targeting inactivation of LGI1 in cells expressing Gfap, Camk2a, and parvalbumin, did not lead to cortical dysplasia. This strain of mouse, therefore, allows for a more refined investigation of the cell types involved in the cortical dysplasia seen following inactivation of LGI1 and potentially a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind LGI1‐induced epilepsy.  相似文献   

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