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The large land snail Placostylus ambagiosus (Pulmonata: Bulimulidae) was investigated during a long-term study in northernmost New Zealand. The snails fed at night on fallen leaves from a variety of broadleaf trees and bushes. During the day, most snails in shrubland rested under plants close to their food sources at densities of up to 53 snails per m2 and mean live biomasses of 47–72 g/m2. Individual snails stayed close to their food plants for up to 12 years, seldom moving away. Resting behaviour and site fidelity in forest was not investigated in detail, but some adult snails in forest returned to their original sites after being moved up to 60 m into a fenced area built to protect them from feral domestic animals. The ovoid eggs (mean 7.0 mm long×5.6 mm wide; ranges 5.5–7.7 mm long; 5.1–6.7 mm wide) were laid in clutches averaging 43 eggs (range 1–113 eggs) in shallow cavities covered with soil. More than one snail may contribute to a clutch. Adult shell height ranged from 43 mm to 97 mm and varied with habitat quality. Where snail abundance was high adults were small. Implications of these results for conservation management are discussed.  相似文献   

The large land snail Placostylus ambagiosus (Pulmonata: Bulimulidae) was studied in northernmost New Zealand from 1988 to 2004. At Cape Maria van Diemen (CMvD), more juveniles than adults were found, although estimates showed adults as the most abundant. A cohort, hatched after rodent control commenced in 1990, began maturing in 1995, but 89% died by 1997 (partly through competition with garden snails, Cornu aspersum), before numbers partially recovered by 2003. At Surville Cliffs, adults were estimated to be more abundant than juveniles but few juveniles were observed. Numbers under 12 food plants fluctuated between 425 and 657. Many snails dispersed after horses (Equus caballus) partially defoliated their food plants but returned once these recovered. A translocated population increased after rodent control commenced in 1999, but declined when rodent control ceased in 2002. Another translocated population declined when rodents were present and never recovered even after rodent control commenced in 2002. Snails took 2.8–11.7 years to mature from half-grown juveniles depending on location. Estimated adult life expectancies were 5.2 years at CMvD and 10.0 years at Surville Cliffs. Small juvenile snails experienced the highest mortality, and snails that moved between food plants experienced increased mortality. These results are discussed in relation to conservation management.  相似文献   

Lemur catta troops in a 1-km 2 study area at Berenty Reserve have maintained fidelity to core areas since Budnitz and Dainis' study of 1972–1973, and for two troops possibly since 1963. Population in 1 km 2 fluctuated from 155 to 105 to 282 individuals (excluding infants), and the number of troops increased from 12 to 21. Most troops retain the same core areas from year to year (170 observed troop-years). Ten troops derived from known fissions have settled in parts of their parent troop range or an adjacent neighbor's range. Five more troops may derive from similar matrilocal fissioning, inferred from behavior and ranging patterns. One has remained unchanged. Five have unknown parentage, in the ranges of four previously censused troops. Once a fissioned troop completely replaced another, one troop permanently extended its range, three times females joined a different troop, once a female remained nomadic for two years without stable home range. No fissioned troop has been seen to leapfrog others: to settle discontiuously from its parent. Intertroop antagonism may reflect benefits of long-term core area control.  相似文献   

Abstract. The biology of Paryphanta busbyi watti , an endangered carnivorous land snail, was studied mostly by following large juvenile and adult snails with harmonic radar. The snails are nocturnally active and most (79%) hide during the day under leaf litter or in dense vegetation. Fecal analysis showed that the diet is primarily earthworms, but some cannibalism of smaller snails occurs. Empty shells appear to be an additional source of dietary calcium. Mating occurred most frequently between April and July. Mating snails stayed together for 4–7 days, and each pair reversed their positions at least twice. Four snails were first found mating 151–1240 d after they acquired adult shells, and 7 snails were observed mating a second time after 66–298 d. We found 8 nests and observed 6 snails ovipositing; 5 snails laid eggs in holes they dug and one laid eggs in a crevice between rocks. In 2 instances, oviposition was recorded 52 and 140 d after mating. Snails were estimated to lay on average ∼17.5 eggs per year in 3–5 clutches. Most oviposition was observed in August/September, but some occurred between November and February. Of the snails that died, pigs killed 13.6% and humans inadvertently killed another 13.6%. Other snails died from unknown causes mostly during the drier and warmer months, from November to April. This large land snail survives in the presence of introduced predators, but some life history traits could predispose it to a rapid decline in numbers if new predators arrive.  相似文献   

Understanding the movements of animals in the wild is critical for providing important information regarding their conservation and management. With this aim in mind, we studied a population of Testudo hermanni in their natural habitat using micro GPS devices. Additionally, using VHF transmitters we tracked six individuals (four females and two males) from May to August 2015. The overall home range size varied from 813 and 123,567 m2. Home range size did not differ significantly between males and females, and was also independent of the size of the individual (expressed as straight carapace length). Individual movements were confined to short distances (males 25.7 m; females 18.5 m). Activity levels were highest in July and August for males and May and July for females.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation has negative consequences on threatened and endangered species by creating isolated populations. The Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) is experiencing population declines and localized extirpations throughout its range and has been classified as a species of greatest conservation need in Oklahoma, USA. Younger age classes have been poorly studied but may be vital to the stability of remaining populations. To address gaps in knowledge concerning subadult (hatchling and juvenile) morphometrics, survivorship, and home range sizes, we studied 2 cohorts of subadults, for 2 years each, covering their hatching and juvenile years (2016–2019). We used a combination of radio-telemetry and novel harmonic radar methodology to study a closed population of Texas horned lizards in 15 ha of native grassland at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. Population abundance for adults and juveniles was estimated as 56.5 ± 5.5 lizards and density as 7.96 lizards/ha. Our lowest estimates of survival indicated an average survival probability for the hatchling life stage of 0.285 (95% CI = 0.15–0.44), which is lower than for adults on the site. Average home range size increased from hatchling to adult life stages. Our results will have an immediate effect on the planning and assessment of ongoing headstart and management programs for Texas horned lizards. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The identification and designation of land snail species in the genus Trochulus on the basis of shell characteristics are problematic because of their great phenotypic plasticity. Some genetic analyses have proved inconclusive, with much variation within populations and apparent gene flow among them. We examined this issue by morphometric and molecular approaches on the morphologically similar species T. coelomphala, T. hispidus and T. striolatus, co‐occurring in the Alpenvorland of Germany. While these species differed in shell and reproductive system morphology, there were forms that turned out intermediate in shell characters between T. coelomphala and T. hispidus but had genital morphology similar to T. coelomphala. Phylogenetic analysis, however, showed that these forms clustered neither with T. coelomphala nor T. hispidus but are sister to T. striolatus from the same region, which suggests that they evolved by way of sympatric speciation. Further, these analyses suggest that T. coelomphala diverged within T. hispidus; a crossing experiment indicated that they were interfertile. Expanding the study to include all available Trochulus sequences enabled us to infer evolutionary relationships between them and showed that T. hispidus is polyphyletic. Some Trochulus samples of one nominal species were grouped within others. The combination of phenotypic plasticity and possible mitochondrial DNA introgression illustrates the complex nature of evolutionary processes and the need for caution in the application of traditional taxonomic practice.  相似文献   

Monochamus alternatus (Hope) is a severe wood‐boring pest in coniferous forests and a major vector of pine wilt disease in East Asia. Harmonic radar is a powerful tool for studying the dispersal behavior of insects and it could be applied to control pine wilt disease. In this study, we validated the application of harmonic radar for analyzing the dispersal behavior of M. alternatus beetles in a field environment. We determined the wing capacities of the beetles and the effects of electronic tagging and marking on their movement, flight ability, survivorship, and food consumption in the laboratory to confirm the suitability of this technique. The detection rate and recovery rate for beetles were analyzed separately using radar on caged pine stands and in the field environment. The results showed that the minimum wing capacity of the Japanese pine sawyer was 24.9 mg, which was seven times the weight of the electronic tag (3.5 mg). Marking and tagging the beetles had no significant adverse effects on their movement, flight capacity, food consumption, and survivorship. The detection rate using the radar system and recovery rate based on visual observations of the beetles in caged pines were both 95.6%. However, in the field environment, the detection and recovery rates were only 55.6% and 37.8% after one week, respectively, and 33.3% and 7.8% after two weeks. Harmonic radar is a promising technique for studying the dispersal behavior of the Japanese pine sawyer, but its performance is not satisfactory and major improvements are required for both the radar system and electronic tags.  相似文献   


Three male and two female ship rats (Rattus rattus) were radio‐tagged and tracked in beech (Nothofagus) forest in the Eglinton Valley, Fiordland, New Zealand over two field periods in 1996 and 2000. The home range of each animal was calculated using the minimum convex polygon method. Ranges of three male rats were 7.5, 9.1, and 11.4 ha whereas those of the female rats were 0.89 and 0.27 ha. The home ranges recorded for male rats were considerably larger than those reported from other studies in non‐beech forest. Ship rats are important predators of forest birds, and home range information could be used to provide a guide for trap or bait station spacing in beech forests. To carry out rat control in beech forests effectively, further studies are needed to determine if the results of this pilot study are typical, and if home ranges of ship rats change with season, or at various stages of the beech mast cycle.  相似文献   

We studied diel and seasonal movements of 21 radio-tagged shortfinned, Anguilla australis Gray, and longfinned, A. dieffenbachii, eels in two small New Zealand streams. Movements of eels commenced at dusk, with a higher proportion of shortfinned eels moving per night than longfinned eels, and also moving greater distances. Both species often showed extensive movements immediately after tagging, but thereafter movements were limited. In the smaller stream, home ranges averaged 30 and 10m for shortfinned and longfinned eels, respectively, but not all eels were active on every night. There were no seasonal differences in mean distances moved. In both streams, eel movement was almost exclusively bankside, and seldom cross-channel; eels also showed considerable fidelity to a particular bank. Shortfinned eels were most commonly found in runs, and longfinned eels in riffles.  相似文献   


Ferrets at Pukepuke Lagoon were live-trapped during the periods November 1970 to August 1973 and January 1976 to July 1977. Although the sex ratio of the 75 trapped ferrets was equal, there was a strong bias towards male captures in the earlier period (58.4%) and towards female captures in the later period (68.7%). Habitat modification and changes in the trapping programme for the later period probably resulted in the increased abundance and capture rate of females. Between consecutive captures 58.2% of male movements exceeded 250 m, as against on1y 39.7% of female movements; the mean distance between consecutive captures was 435 m for males and 285 m for females. Mean monthly movements varied from 700 m in January to 315 m in June for males, and from 360 m in March to 150 m in September for females. Juveniles of both sexes moved similar, intermediate distances. Dispersing juveniles were trapped from January until April; males tended to appear in traps earlier in the year than females. Only 4 of 14 juvenile males setNed as residents, hut 15 of 28 juvenile females did so. Male and female home ranges overlapped extensively, but within each sex individual ranges were usually separate. Resident males maintained a well defined spacing pattern, adjusting their boundaries if a juvenile settled or a neighbouring range became vacant. In 1976 six females had overlapping ranges in an area of albundant food. Female ranges (12.4 ha) were on average smaller than male ranges (31.3 ha); home ranges of both sexes were smaller during the breeding season (August-February) than at other times.  相似文献   

We studied daily tidal movements of tagged juvenile Lutjanus fulviflamma and Lutjanus ehrenbergii between two adjacent habitats, a subtidal channel and shallow tidal notches in the fossil reef terrace, in a shallow marine bay on Zanzibar Island (Tanzania). Due to a large tidal range, the notches were dry at low-tide and were only accessible to the snappers at high-tide. Of the resighted individuals, 48% showed clear movement between the two habitats, orientated in a direction perpendicular to the tidal currents. Individuals resighted more than once showed site fidelity, indicating homing in both the channel and the notches. We suggest that a significant part of this population of juvenile snappers may move from a low-tide resting habitat to a high-tide resting habitat during the daytime, perhaps to avoid predation by larger predators that may enter the channel at high-tide.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the residency patterns of marine mammals is an important element for management and conservation strategies. Here we investigate a population of Grampus griseus off Pico Island, Azores. Our data set covers the period 2004–2007, based on at‐sea observations of 1,250 individually identified animals, 303 of known or assumed sex. Using photo identification and GPS locations we calculated mean monthly sighting rates and lagged identification rates to analyze temporal patterns, and estimated kernel density to study the home range. Our results show site fidelity and relatively restricted home ranges, which corroborate the existence of a resident population on the study site. We further document sex differences, including a higher number of males present in the area at any given time but females staying for longer consecutive periods, and male home ranges with significantly less overlap than those of females. These observations are consistent with a mating system based on multimale pods defending areas where females periodically return. We hypothesize that squid distribution is a major factor in structuring these patterns. These findings reinforce the need for a precautionary management approach that would include limiting pressure from commercial activities.  相似文献   


The occurrence in New Zealand of Lymnaea auricularia (L.) is recorded for the first time, and its status world-wide is briefly discussed, with particular reference to its role in economic parasitology. The lymnaeid fauna of New Zealand is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Certain major aspects of phenotypic diversity are still largely unexplained. When phenotypic patterns do not relate to habitat variables, fine analysis of morphological patterns and their distribution sheds light on the origin of diversity. Among invertebrates, snails are an ideal model for studying the roles of the neutral processes and selection involved in creating diversity. To understand patterns and processes of variability on different scales (regional: areas; local: sites), morphological variability of two sets of characters (shell and genitalia) was quantified in a group of rock-dwelling land snails of the genus Marmorana (Pulmonata, Helicidae). To analyse shell variability, partitioning of the overall variation into size and shape components was analysed by a principal component-based approach. Shell shape and size variability is not significantly influenced by any environmental pressure. Variability at site scale is mainly attributed to shell size, which is a trait demonstrated to have a high degree of phenotypic plasticity. No sharp changes were observed for genitalia. Moreover, allometries between shell size and genitalia measurements involve a few populations. The observed multiple scale patterns are in line with the hypothesis that genital variance may be selectively controlled to maintain function.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 359–370.  相似文献   

Morphological data, in combination with molecular data, may provide invaluable insights into speciation processes on archipelagos. Land snails offer ample opportunities to evalutate adaptive and non-adaptive speciation scenarios. However, studies investigating processes of differentiation and speciation on the Azores are scarce. The present study comprises a morphometrical analysis of shell and genital characters in a group of Azorean land snails (Pulmonata, Leptaxinae). Geographical isolation appears to be an important mechanism underlying morphological and molecular differentiation in the Azorean Leptaxini, instead of adaptive radiation through ecological differentiation. Nevertheless, we could not exclude the occurrence of ecological speciation on the oldest island (Santa Maria) where two species that markedly differ in shell-shape co-occur.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 166–176.  相似文献   

One population of the land snail Arianta arbustorum styriaca(Frauenfeld, 1868), endemic in the Northeastern Alps in Austria,was investigated with regard to population size and density,spatial distribution and movement patterns of the individualsin order to obtain basic information on their population biology.The study was carried out at a site situated about 880 m abovesea level in Styria, in the Gesäuse mountains over twoyears, using the capture–recapture technique. Populationdensity based on the Jolly–Seber model showed variationranging from 0.12–4.03 individuals/m2 over the whole studyperiod. The recapture rate after one year was generally high(up to 85% per sampling date). In most cases individuals wereaggregated. The snails showed a high site fidelity; average calculatedminimum areas were 0.115 m2/day. The sum vector of all individual dispersalobservations over the entire study period did not indicate asignificant preference for any direction. Only during winterwas a significant downhill displacement (possibly passive) detected. (Received 20 April 1998; accepted 12 September 1998)  相似文献   

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