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Misclassification has been shown to have a high prevalence in binary responses in both livestock and human populations. Leaving these errors uncorrected before analyses will have a negative impact on the overall goal of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) including reducing predictive power. A liability threshold model that contemplates misclassification was developed to assess the effects of mis-diagnostic errors on GWAS. Four simulated scenarios of case–control datasets were generated. Each dataset consisted of 2000 individuals and was analyzed with varying odds ratios of the influential SNPs and misclassification rates of 5% and 10%.


Analyses of binary responses subject to misclassification resulted in underestimation of influential SNPs and failed to estimate the true magnitude and direction of the effects. Once the misclassification algorithm was applied there was a 12% to 29% increase in accuracy, and a substantial reduction in bias. The proposed method was able to capture the majority of the most significant SNPs that were not identified in the analysis of the misclassified data. In fact, in one of the simulation scenarios, 33% of the influential SNPs were not identified using the misclassified data, compared with the analysis using the data without misclassification. However, using the proposed method, only 13% were not identified. Furthermore, the proposed method was able to identify with high probability a large portion of the truly misclassified observations.


The proposed model provides a statistical tool to correct or at least attenuate the negative effects of misclassified binary responses in GWAS. Across different levels of misclassification probability as well as odds ratios of significant SNPs, the model proved to be robust. In fact, SNP effects, and misclassification probability were accurately estimated and the truly misclassified observations were identified with high probabilities compared to non-misclassified responses. This study was limited to situations where the misclassification probability was assumed to be the same in cases and controls which is not always the case based on real human disease data. Thus, it is of interest to evaluate the performance of the proposed model in that situation which is the current focus of our research.

Ana Lukic  Simon Mead 《朊病毒》2011,5(3):154-160
Over the last decade remarkable advances in genotyping and sequencing technology have resulted in hundreds of novel gene associations with disease. These have typically involved high frequency alleles in common diseases and with the advent of next generation sequencing, disease causing recessive mutations in rare inherited syndromes. Here we discuss the impact of these advances and other gene discovery methods in the prion diseases. Several quantitative trait loci in mouse have been mapped and their human counterparts analyzed (HECTD2, CPNE8); other candidate genes regions have been chosen for functional reasons (SPRN, CTSD). Human genome wide association has been done in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and are ongoing in larger collections of sporadic CJD with findings around, but not clearly beyond, the levels of statistical significance required in these studies (THRB-RARB, STMN2). Future work will include closer integration of animal and human genetic studies, larger and combined genome wide association, analysis of structural genetic variation and next generation sequencing studies involving the entire exome or genome.Key words: prion, genetic, CJD, GWAS  相似文献   

Over the last decade remarkable advances in genotyping and sequencing technology have resulted in hundreds of novel gene associations with disease. These have typically involved high frequency alleles in common diseases and with the advent of next generation sequencing, disease causing recessive mutations in rare inherited syndromes. Here we discuss the impact of these advances and other gene discovery methods in the prion diseases. Several quantitative trait loci in mouse have been mapped and their human counterparts analysed (HECTD2, CPNE8); other candidate genes regions have been chosen for functional reasons (SPRN, CTSD). Human genome wide association has been done in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and are ongoing in larger collections of sporadic CJD with findings around, but not clearly beyond, the levels of statistical significance required in these studies (THRB-RARB, STMN2). Future work will include closer integration of animal and human genetic studies, larger and combined genome wide association, analysis of structural genetic variantion and next generation sequencing studies involving the entire coding exome or genome.  相似文献   

Some organisms such as yeast or males of social insects are haploid, i.e. they carry a single set of chromosomes, while haploidy in mammals is exclusively restricted to mature germ cells. A single copy of the genome provides the basis for genetic analyses where any recessive mutation of essential genes will show a clear phenotype due to the absence of a second gene copy. Most prominently, haploidy in yeast has been utilized for recessive genetic screens that have markedly contributed to our understanding of development, basic physiology, and disease. Somatic mammalian cells carry two copies of chromosomes (diploidy) that obscure genetic analysis. Near haploid human leukemic cells however have been developed as a high throughput screening tool. Although deemed impossible, we and others have generated mammalian haploid embryonic stem cells from parthenogenetic mouse embryos. Haploid stem cells open the possibility of combining the power of a haploid genome with pluripotency of embryonic stem cells to uncover fundamental biological processes in defined cell types at a genomic scale. Haploid genetics has thus become a powerful alternative to RNAi or CRISPR based screens.  相似文献   

Microarrays offer the possibility of screening in parallel virtually all genes expressed in a given tissue or to study the molecular signature associated with available treatments. As such, this technology has been increasingly used to investigate multifactorial and polygenic complex traits such as psychiatric disorders, in particular, schizophrenia and mood disorders. This review focuses on microarray studies investigating mood disorders. Study designs, methodologic approaches and limitations, subsequent follow-up strategies, and confirmation of results are discussed. Despite the apparent disparate and not always concordant results, it appears evident that this technology is a powerful and inevitable approach for the study of mood disorders, especially when phenotype-specific confounders are properly accounted for. Thus, alterations of mitochondrial, oligodendrocyte, and myelin related genes in bipolar disorder, of signaling and olidendroglial related genes in depression, and of GABA-glutamate related genes in depression and suicide have been observed and have confirmed new avenues for the study and the treatment of these complex disorders.  相似文献   

The combination therapy of the Artemisinin-derivative Artemether (ART) with Lumefantrine (LM) (Coartem®) is an important malaria treatment regimen in many endemic countries. Resistance to Artemisinin has already been reported, and it is feared that LM resistance (LMR) could also evolve quickly. Therefore molecular markers which can be used to track Coartem® efficacy are urgently needed. Often, stable resistance arises from initial, unstable phenotypes that can be identified in vitro. Here we have used the Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistant reference strain V1S to induce LMR in vitro by culturing the parasite under continuous drug pressure for 16 months. The initial IC50 (inhibitory concentration that kills 50% of the parasite population) was 24 nM. The resulting resistant strain V1SLM, obtained after culture for an estimated 166 cycles under LM pressure, grew steadily in 378 nM of LM, corresponding to 15 times the IC50 of the parental strain. However, after two weeks of culturing V1SLM in drug-free medium, the IC50 returned to that of the initial, parental strain V1S. This transient drug tolerance was associated with major changes in gene expression profiles: using the PFSANGER Affymetrix custom array, we identified 184 differentially expressed genes in V1SLM. Among those are 18 known and putative transporters including the multidrug resistance gene 1 (pfmdr1), the multidrug resistance associated protein and the V-type H+ pumping pyrophosphatase 2 (pfvp2) as well as genes associated with fatty acid metabolism. In addition we detected a clear selective advantage provided by two genomic loci in parasites grown under LM drug pressure, suggesting that all, or some of those genes contribute to development of LM tolerance – they may prove useful as molecular markers to monitor P. falciparum LM susceptibility.  相似文献   

The authors have made a genome-wide analysis of mutations in Src homology 2 (SH2) domains associated with human disease. Disease-causing mutations have been detected in the SH2 domains of cytoplasmic signaling proteins Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK), SH2D1A, Ras GTPase activating protein (RasGAP), ZAP-70, SHP-2, STAT1, STAT5B, and the p85alpha subunit of the PIP3. Mutations in the BTK, SH2D1A, ZAP70, STAT1, and STAT5B genes have been shown to cause diverse immunodeficiencies, whereas the mutations in RASA1 and PIK3R1 genes lead to basal carcinoma and diabetes, respectively. PTPN11 mutations cause Noonan sydrome and different types of cancer, depending mainly on whether the mutation is inherited or sporadic. We collected and analyzed all known pathogenic mutations affecting human SH2 domains by bioinformatics methods. Among the investigated protein properties are sequence conservation and covariance, structural stability, side chain rotamers, packing effects, surface electrostatics, hydrogen bond formation, accessible surface area, salt bridges, and residue contacts. The majority of the mutations affect positions essential for phosphotyrosine ligand binding and specificity. The structural basis of the SH2 domain diseases was elucidated based on the bioinformatic analysis.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary vitamin E on the intermembrane transfer of (3R)-alpha-tocopherol, a spontaneous process accelerated in the presence of an alpha-tocopherol binding protein (alpha TBP), was examined. The transfer activity of this cytosolic liver protein was assayed via in vitro transfer of (3R)-alpha-[3H]tocopherol (alpha[3H]T) from egg lecithin liposomes to human erythrocyte ghosts (EG). Male Fisher 344 rats (1 and 20 months old) were fed diets containing 0, 30, and 500 mg/kg vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) for 15 weeks. Liver cytosol fractions were assayed for alpha[3H]T transfer activity (alpha TTA). Among young rats, those fed vitamin E-deficient diets had the highest alpha TTA, 5.02 +/- 3.10 pmole alpha[3H]T/min (mean +/- SD), which was different (P less than 0.05) from the spontaneous transfer rate of 2.10 pmole/min. Neither young rats fed 30 and 500 mg/kg vitamin E diets nor any of the aged rats showed alpha TTA which differed significantly from the spontaneous transfer rate. To examine the relationship between hepatic alpha-tocopherol levels and alpha TTA, alpha-tocopherol concentration per gram of wet liver was assayed by HPLC. A steep positive slope (6.39 +/- 1.46 pmole min-1 nmole g-1) and strong correlation (r = 0.873) between hepatic alpha-tocopherol and alpha TTA were observed (P less than 0.005) among young vitamin E-deficient rats. The data indicates that alpha TTA varies directly with hepatic alpha-tocopherol concentration when total liver vitamin E stores are very low. Thus, alpha TBP-mediated transfer of alpha-tocopherol may be manifest only when vitamin E status is compromised.  相似文献   

The regulation of the cellular immune response in lung diseases is not yet fully understood. Isolating different subsets of immune cells directly from the lung is therefore an indispensable method of gaining detailed knowledge on the function of these cells in this organ. This protocol describes a method of isolating and magnetically labeling CD4+ lung T cells, which are then loaded and retained on the column while all other cells run through it (positive selection). The yield of this isolation is approximately 5 x 10(5) to 1.5 x 10(6) CD4+ cells from a murine lung. These cells can be further investigated by several methods such as flow cytometry, western blot analysis, RT-PCR, immunostaining and ELISA. In addition, lung CD4+ T cells alone or along with other immunologically important cells such as CD8+ T cells and T regulatory cells can be adoptively transferred into immune-deficient mice, and can influence important local parameters. This protocol can be completed in approximately 4 h 20 min.  相似文献   

Huang J  Yang Z 《遗传》2011,33(11):1153-1158
饮食限制(Dietary restriction,DR)有效延长了哺乳动物的寿命,也使许多年龄依赖性疾病的发病率降低且延缓其进展。理解饮食限制引起长寿的遗传机制,会对将来处理衰老相关的医疗问题产生深远影响。然而直到最近人们对后生动物的这些机制几乎仍一无所知。通过理解能量感知和寿命控制遗传基础的最新进展,在酵母、无脊椎动物和哺乳动物中,已开始解决这个难题。越来越多的证据表明,后生动物大脑在感应饮食限制和促进寿命延长中起关键作用,因此文章综述了近来后生动物DR长寿的调解因子与DR长寿的基因和神经调节机制及有关理论的进展。  相似文献   

The effect of supplemental ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol on fecal mutagenicity was examined in 2 studies involving 20 healthy human donors aged 22-55 years. The vitamins were given at a dose of 400 mg daily each. The mutagen was extracted from individual frozen feces samples with dichloromethane, and assayed with Salmonella Typhimurium tester strain TA100 without microsomal activation. In the first study, with a single donor on a controlled diet, the fecal mutagenicity decreased (P less than 0.001) on treatment to 21% of control. In the second study, with 19 donors on free-choice diets, the mutagenicity in producers on treatment decreased (P less than 0.01) to 26% of control. Addition of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol directly to feces led to no change in mutagenicity. Antioxidants in the diet may have a role in lowering the body's exposure to endogenously produced mutagens.  相似文献   

Microsatellites or Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) are tandem iterations of one to six base pairs, non-randomly distributed throughout prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. Limited knowledge is available about distribution of microsatellites in single stranded DNA (ssDNA) viruses, particularly vertebrate infecting viruses. We studied microsatellite distribution in 118 ssDNA virus genomes belonging to three families of vertebrate infecting viruses namely Circoviridae, Parvoviridae, and Anelloviridae, and found that microsatellites constitute an important component of these virus genomes. Mononucleotide repeats were predominant followed by dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats. A strong positive relationship existed between number of mononucleotide repeats and genome size among all the three virus families. A similar relationship existed for the occurrence of DTTPH (di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexa-nucleotide) repeats in the families Anelloviridae and Parvoviridae only. Relative abundance and relative density of mononucleotide repeats showed a strong positive relationship with genome size in Circoviridae and Parvoviridae. However, in the case of DTTPH repeats, these features showed a strong relationship with genome size in Circoviridae only. On the other hand, relative microsatellite abundance and relative density of mononucleotide repeats were negatively correlated with GC content (%) in Parvoviridae genomes. On the basis of available annotations, our analysis revealed maximum occurrence of mononucleotide as well as DTTPH repeats in the coding regions of these virus genomes. Interestingly, after normalizing the length of the coding and non-coding regions of each virus genome, we found relative density of microsatellites much higher in the non-coding regions. We understand that the present study will help in the better characterization of the stability, genome organization and evolution of these virus classes and may provide useful leads to decipher the etiopathogenesis of these viruses.  相似文献   

The merging of two different genomes occurs during the formation of amphidiploids, and the merged regulatory networks have the potential to generate a new gene expression pattern. We examined the genome-wide gene expression of two newly synthesized amphidiploids between Arabidopsis thaliana and the related species Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata and Arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera. 1,137 (4.7%) and 1,316 (5.4%) of probesets showed differential gene expression in A. thaliana-A. halleri and A. thaliana-A. lyrata hybrids respectively, compared to the mid parent value and of these, 489 were in common. Genes that differed in expression between the parental lines tended to have an expression level in both hybrids differing from the mid parent value. In contrast to protein coding genes, there is little differential expression of transposons. Genes in the categories of chloroplast-targeted and response to stress were overrepresented in the non-additively expressed genes in both amphidiploids. As these genes have the potential to contribute directly to the plant phenotype, we suggest that rapid changes of gene expression in amphidiploids might be important for producing greater biomass.  相似文献   

In the current study we undertook a series of experiments to test the hypothesis that a monogenic cause of disease may be detectable within a cohort of Finnish young onset Parkinson's disease patients. In the first instance we performed standard genome wide association analyses, and subsequent risk profile analysis. In addition we performed a series of analyses that involved testing measures of global relatedness within the cases compared to controls, searching for excess homozygosity in the cases, and examining the cases for signs of excess local genomic relatedness using a sliding window approach. This work suggested that the previously identified common, low risk alleles, and the risk models associated with these alleles, were generalizable to the Finnish Parkinson's disease population. However, we found no evidence that would suggest a single common high penetrance mutation exists in this cohort of young onset patients.  相似文献   

The liver preferentially secretes alpha-tocopherol into plasma under the control of the hepatic alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (alpha-TTP). alpha-TTP-null mice (Ttpa(-/-) mice) are vitamin E deficient, therefore were used for investigations of in vivo responses to sub-normal tissue alpha-tocopherol concentrations during inflammation. Increased basal oxidative stress in Ttpa(-/-) mice was documented by increased plasma lipid peroxidation, and superoxide production by bone marrow-derived neutrophils stimulated in vitro with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injected intraperitoneally induced increases in lung and liver HO-1 and iNOS, as well as plasma NO(x) in Ttpa(+/+) mice. LPS induced more modest increases in these markers in Ttpa(-/-) mice, while more marked increases in plasma IL-10 and lung lavage TNF alpha were observed. Taken together, these results demonstrate that alpha-tocopherol is important for proper modulation of inflammatory responses and that sub-optimal alpha-tocopherol concentrations may derange inflammatory-immune responses.  相似文献   

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