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Workers of the ant species Ectatomma tuberculatum (Ectatomminae) have active ovaries and lay eggs that are eaten by the queen and larvae (trophic eggs). Vitellogenins are the main proteins found in the eggs of insects and are a source of nutrients. The aim of this study was to characterize the period of vitellogenin production in workers of E. tuberculatum. The vitellogenin was identified from queen and worker eggs by SDS-PAGE. Anti-vitellogenin antibodies were obtained and used to detect this protein in the fat body and haemolymph of workers at different ages. Vitellogenin from E. tuberculatum consists of two polypeptides of 31 and 156 kDa. In the eggs of queens, the 156 kDa polypeptide is cleaved into two subunits of 36 and 123 kDa. The analysis of the haemolymph of workers showed that the secretion of vitellogenin varies with age. The secretion is initiated around the fifth day after emergence, with peak production from days 20 to 60, and stops around day 100. The variation in production is related to the different activities performed by the workers within the colony, suggesting that vitellogenin may have an important role in maintaining age polyethism.  相似文献   

Facultative polygyny and habitat succession in boreal ants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High dispersal risks of ant queens make staying in the natal patch more attractive than long range dispersal. These alternative strategies and the mode of colony founding determine the average number of queens in the population. Increasing competition and queen predation make independent colony founding increasingly difficult and the only option for new queens to reproduce in the habitat patch may be to enter an existing colony. The effect of nest-site availability to the number of queens was studied in successional spruce-dominated taiga forests in facultatively polygynous ants Myrmica ruginodis, M. sulcinodis, Leptothorax acervorum, Formica sanguinea and F. truncorum. Decreasing relatedness among worker nestmates supports an association between increasing habitat age and polygyny to some extent. M. sulcinodis and L. acervorum persist in this type of taiga only for a relatively short period. Relatedness varied only slightly among populations, but lower relatedness estimated in other studies suggested higher levels of polygyny in older populations. In M. ruginodis there was more variation in relatedness and it was possibly connected to the relative proportions of the two social forms of the species. In F. sanguinea and F. truncorum the decrease in relatedness with increasing age of the habitat was clearest. Other factors favouring limited dispersal and acceptance of new queens in the colonies are, however, hard to separate.  相似文献   

Summary: Monogynous and a high proportion of truly polygynous colonies of Stenamma debile were found in populations of this small and inconspicuous ant in southern Germany. Moreover, dissections revealed that queens of different age may co-occur in one nest. Thus polygyny is not only an outcome of pleometrosis. Probably young queens sometimes join the mother colonies.¶Practically no female sexuals were reared in the 1997 brood of 29 colonies, thus a population-level sex ratio of &gif1; was recorded. It is likely that such an extreme sex ratio is atypical for this species, suggesting substantial year-to-year variation in sex ratios. Variation of sex ratios over several years has been reported for other ant species, too, but rarely to such an extent. The reason for the failure of queen production in 1997 was perhaps an unusual sequence of warm and cold periods in the spring which may have caused a re-determination of the queen-destined hibernated larvae to become workers, while male larvae were reared in ordinary numbers.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in the behavioral repertoire over the course of life and determined the life expectancy and entropy of workers of the ant Ectatomma vizottoi. Newly emerged ants were individually marked with model airplane paint for observation of behaviors and determination of the age and life expectancy. Ants were divided into two groups: young and old workers. The 36 behaviors observed were divided into eight categories. Workers exhibit a clear division of tasks throughout their lives, with young workers performing more tasks inside the colony and old workers, outside, unlike species that have small colonies. This species also exhibits an intermediate life expectancy compared to workers of other species that are also intermediary in size. This supports the hypothesis of a relationship between size and maximum life expectancy, but it also suggests that other factors may also be acting in concert. Entropy value shows a high mortality rate during the first life intervals.  相似文献   

The wax layer covering the insect''s cuticle plays an important protective role, as for example, uncontrolled water loss. In social insects, wax production is well-known in some bees that use it for nest building. Curiously, mated-fertile queens of the ant Ectatomma tuberculatum produce an uncommon extra-wax coat and, consequently queens (mated-fertile females) are matte due to such extra cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) coat that covers the cuticle and masks the brightness of the queens'' cuticle while gynes (virgin-infertile queens) are shiny. In this study, histological analysis showed differences in the epidermis between fertile (i.e., queens or gynes with highly ovarian activity) and infertile females (gynes or workers with non developed ovaries). In fertile females the epidermis is a single layer of cubic cells found in all body segments whereas in infertile females it is a thin layer of flattened cells. Ultrastructural features showed active secretory tissue from fertile females similar to the glandular epithelium of wax-producing bees (type I gland). Different hypotheses related to the functions of the glandular epithelium exclusive to the E. tuberculatum fertile queens are discussed.  相似文献   

In ants, queen adoption is a common way of achieving secondary polygyny but the mechanisms involved are little known. Here we studied the process of long-term adoptions of alien queens in the facultative polygynous ant Ectatomma tuberculatum. In eight out of 10 successful adoption experiments, all the introduced queens showed similar behavior and fecundity as the resident queens even after 2 months, indicating complete integration into the colony. Chemical analysis revealed that the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of resident and introduced queens were clearly distinct from those of workers and that they did not change after adoption. We propose that queen-specific cuticular hydrocarbon profile may represent a reliable signal of queen’s fertility and discuss about the evolution of high level of queen acceptance in E. tuberculatum.  相似文献   

We report the development of 11 microsatellite markers by an enrichment protocol in the ponerine ant Ectatomma tuberculatum. Polymorphism was explored in two colonies collected from Mexico and two colonies from Brazil. From the 11 loci which amplified, seven loci showed intracolonial polymorphism in Mexican colonies and only six loci were variable in populations from Brazil. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.18 to 0.84. The other five loci exhibited different alleles between Mexico and Brazil but geographical variability was not investigated further. Cross‐amplification was tested in another species of the same Tribe (Gnamptogenys striatula) and one locus was revealed to be polymorphic.  相似文献   

Inquilines, workerless social parasites, frequently show advanced adaptations to their parasitic life style that indicate a long co-evolutionary history with their host. Ectatomma parasiticum, the first inquiline described in the poneromorph group, usurps established colonies of E. tuberculatum and produces only sexuals. In laboratory colonies, parasites were specifically attacked by the host workers, showing a failure in their social integration. Social interactions were frequent between parasites and their hosts, especially antennation, interpreted as attempts to promote colonial odor transfer. Inquilines destroyed eggs laid by the other queens (67 out of 209 eggs laid), including conspecific parasites, which is unusual. Such partial integration into the host colony and potential parasite virulence argue for a recent evolution of social parasitism in E. tuberculatum.  相似文献   

Summary During laboratory experiments, two categories of prey-foraging workers were found inEctatomma ruidum: stingers and transporters. When numerous live drosophila were offered to the ants, one group of hunters specialized in killing the prey and another in transporting simultaneously the dead drosophila to the nest. Sometimes, there was a transfer of prey by a stinger towards a transporter, after an active soliciting of the transporter by antennation or by using the forelegs. We found high positive correlations between the colony size and the number of ants in each subcaste. A negative correlation existed between the colony size and the proportion of hunters. However, the proportion of workers in the two behavioral subcastes of hunters was stable in spite of differences in colony size. The phylogenetic interest of this type of cooperative predation is discussed.  相似文献   

The foraging behavior of marked individuals of Ectatomma ruidum and E. tuberculatum (Formicidae: Ponerinae) was observed on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, in order to determine whether learning of orientation and timing is involved when foraging on patchy resources on the forest floor. Foraging experiments under seminatural conditions were designed to control for the spatiotemporal distribution of resources at one or two preying sites. Using both single- and multi–event past experience, individual foragers of E. ruidum and (although less significantly) E. tuberculatum made directional and temporal adjustments to their behavior in response to previous differential foraging success. In spite of considerable individual variation in foraging efficiency, it is hypothesized that the observed differences in cognitive abilities can be invoked to explain ecological differences among both species.  相似文献   

This study describes the behavioral repertoire of a mature colony of Ectatomma opaciventre Roger. Twenty-eight different behavioral acts were recorded from 4538 individual observations. There was evidence of age polyethism, with young workers performing significantly more brood care and allogrooming than older workers. Experiments were also performed to investigate the behavioral organization of nest relocation in E. opaciventre. This complex social behavior was regulated by a few workers which specialized in transporting nestmates, including other workers, winged gynes, males, and the queen. Winged gynes were also observed performing adult transport. The carrying posture utilized in E. opaciventre is similar to that in other ponerines, although some idiosyncratic features were detected.  相似文献   

We studied the process of offspring production in queenless colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus, and particularly evaluated the ovary development of workers as a function of their age. For this, subcolonies were set up and evaluated at different periods of isolation from the queen (2, 4 and 6 months), besides individually labeled age groups. The subcolonies were assessed according to offspring production and ovaries containing oocytes or not. The evaluations showed worker oviposition and development of males originating from worker-laid eggs. At 2 months' absence of the queen, eggs and larvae were found, with eggs in a higher proportion than larvae. After 4 months, the proportion of eggs had reduced while larvae had increased, and a pupa was found in one subcolony. At 6 months, besides a higher share of larvae, one pupa and one adult male were found. Dissection of workers revealed ovaries containing oocytes during the periods of evaluation. Only a group of medium-sized and large workers, 23.3%, 20.9% and 37.5% of the population from each period assessed in queenless subcolonies respectively, presented developed oocytes in the ovary. The same was observed in colonies with a queen, with 17.6%, 19.6% and 7.8% of the group of dissected workers from each time period, respectively. With respect to worker age, we observed by dissection of the ovary, that the greatest percentage of individuals with ovarioles containing oocytes occurred at 45 days (6 weeks) up to 90 days (12 weeks). These results probably are associated with the workers reproduction and the laying of trophic and reproductive eggs in colonies with and without a queen; these eggs have distinct functions in each situation.  相似文献   

Nuclear mitochondrial (mt) paralogues (numts) are non‐functional fragments of mtDNA integrated into the nuclear genome that can overestimate the number of species in analyses based on mtDNA sequences. As numts have relatively slow mutation rates, they can pass undetected by conventional procedures such as inspecting for internal stop codons, indels or apparent polymorphism in chromatograms. Species boundaries based on mtDNA markers therefore require a thorough assessment of numts, especially in insects, where this phenomenon appears to be relatively frequent. Ectatomma ruidum is a widely distributed Neotropical ant species that is distributed from northern Mexico to northern Brazil. Previous behavioural and molecular evidence suggests that this species actually represents a composite taxon. Here we assessed the species boundaries in E. ruidum based on two mt (COI, cyt b) and one nuclear (H3) marker, as well as on external morphology. Ancient and recent mt paralogues were detected in several specimens, although pre‐PCR dilution of DNA template helped to recover most of the mt orthologues. Based on the congruence found between our species delineation obtained from the mt genealogies and the discriminated morphospecies, we propose that E. ruidum is actually composed of at least three species. Two of these species have a wide geographical distribution in the Neotropics, whereas the remaining one was restricted to localities situated near the Pacific coast in south‐east Mexico. We also found extensive intra‐ and interspecific variation in the barcoding locus. Moreover, the nuclear evidence suggests the existence of hybrids between two of these species in Oaxaca, south‐east Mexico. This study agrees with previous studies of other closely related animal taxa, which have revealed a complex evolutionary history and overlooked species diversity in the latter region.  相似文献   

Symbiont choice in a fungus-growing ant (Attini, Formicidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cultivars of fungus-growing (attine) ants are vertically transmittedthrough inheritance from parent to offspring nest, but horizontalcultivar transfer between ant nests occurs occasionally, resultingin cultivar replacement within ant lineages. Two mechanismscould theoretically prevent the invasion of suboptimal cultivarstrains and thus stabilize ant–cultivar coevolution: first,partner feedback inherent in vertical cultivar transmissionand second, partner (symbiont) choice if the ants differentiatebetween productive and inferior cultivars during replacements.To elucidate the nature of symbiont choice, we presented workersof Cyphomyrmex muelleri with novel cultivars representing aphylogenetic cline of close and distant relatives of the nativeC. muelleri cultivar. Workers invariably preferred their nativecultivar, discriminating against even very close relatives ofthe native cultivar. When given a choice between two non-nativecultivar strains, workers accepted the strain most closely relatedto their native cultivar. Two conclusions emerge. First, colonyswitches to distantly related cultivars are behaviorally unlikelyand may not be preference-based; rather, distant switches mayoccur under constrained choice, such as pathogen-related gardenlosses that force colonies to import novel cultivars. Second,the ability of attine ants to differentiate between closelyrelated cultivar strains suggests that the ant–fungusmutualism is stabilized evolutionarily not only by partner feedbackinherent in vertical cultivar transmission, but possibly alsoby symbiont choice through which the ants select against unwanted,presumably inferior, cultivars. The efficacy of symbiont choicenow needs to be tested experimentally. Such research may benefitfrom application of theory and experimental paradigms that havebeen developed within the areas of mate choice and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour ofCataglyphis cursor workers towards queens at 15 days, one month or two months after worker emergence was tested. Workers reared entirely with their own maternal queen were tested with this queen or with an unfamiliar alien queen. Workers transferred within 48 h of emerging to a new definitive nest with an alien queen were tested with this queen or with the original maternal queen. The degree of attraction to each of these queens and the workers' behavioural repertoire were measured and analysed. The results showed the following: 1) The attractiveness of queens and the workers' queen recognition behaviour were linked. 2) Although unfamiliar alien queens hardly attract workers, familiar alien queens were as attractive as maternal queens, and induced the same strongly marked and unique worker response, indicating that workers learn queen attractant cues in the days immediately after emergence. 3) Agonistic reactions were observed, but workers continued to be attracted to their maternal queen even after developing an attraction response to an alien queen with which they had been reared. These results agree with the proposal that queens produce two kinds of pheromones, those that attract workers and those that mediate recognition of queens by workers. These results show the ability of workers to discriminate between queens. Workers are attracted to any queen, but recognize as nestmates only maternal or alien queens with which they have been maintained. 4) The differential in worker attraction and recognition from 15 days to 2 months and its modifications by post-imaginal experience illustrate worker behavioural ontogeny, which is a basis of social discrimination.  相似文献   

Summary. The ability of worker ants to adapt their behaviour depending on the social environment of the colony is imperative for colony growth and survival. In this study we use the greenhead ant Rhytidoponera metallica to test for a relationship between colony size and foraging behaviour. We controlled for possible confounding ontogenetic and age effects by splitting large colonies into small and large colony fragments. Large and small colonies differed in worker number but not worker relatedness or worker/brood ratios. Differences in foraging activity were tested in the context of single foraging cycles with and without the opportunity to retrieve food. We found that workers from large colonies foraged for longer distances and spent more time outside the nest than foragers from small colonies. However, foragers from large and small colonies retrieved the first prey item they contacted, irrespective of prey size. Our results show that in R. metallica, foraging decisions made outside the nest by individual workers are related to the size of their colony.Received 23 March 2004; revised 3 June 2004; accepted 4 June 2004.  相似文献   

Here we examine dispersal, metrosis, and claustrality in the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex salinus at an unusually large mating aggregation. We found that mode of queen dispersal from the mating aggregation is not a function of queen mass and that wing damage among queens was relatively rare. P. salinus is haplometrotic in the field and foundress queens placed together in forced associations eventually fight to the death. While queens of Pogonomyrmex salinus can survive claustrally, producing a single minim from their body reserves in the laboratory, fed queens produce up to four significantly larger minims along with concurrent larvae and pupae during the same period. Since queens forage in the field, we interpret claustrality as a secondary reserve strategy when foraging fails, and suggest that foraging is obligate for P. salinus queens in an overdispersed and temperate environment. Thus, nest founding strategies employed by P. salinus may be environmentally determined and represent a continuum between fully claustral and obligate foraging. We discuss our results with reference to theories of pleometrosis and claustral colony founding. Received 12 November 2004; revised 12 April 2004; accepted 29 July 2005.  相似文献   

Wide ranging surveys of the ant fauna of Iran have enabled us to add a further 30 named species to the country list. A review of almost all the published literature and of photographs of unidentified specimens within the public domain gives a grand total of 248 species, from seven subfamilies and 37 genera. In the majority of instances, our own specimens were compared with type images available from antweb.com. This has led us to propose new or revised status for Cataglyphis turcomanica Crawley 1920, Lepisiota integrisquama (Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, 1929), Lepisiota surchanica (Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, 1929) and Messor obscurior Crawley 1920. We note that the total includes a number of what may be misidentifications and a small number of named species that seem unlikely to occur in Iran.  相似文献   

Summary Most matureMyrmica rubra, M. ruginodis, M. schencki andM. sulcinodis queens lay some trophic eggs in addition to reproductive eggs whether reared alone or attended by workers, and regardless of season. Queen trophic eggs resemble those laid by workers. They are oval, slightly flaccid, opalescent and contain no embryo, and inM. rubra andM. schencki they are significantly smaller than reproductive eggs. Generally, queens lay their first trophic eggs later in the season than their first reproductive eggs.  相似文献   

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