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We applied the quick-freezing technique to investigate the precise temporal coincidence between the onset of quantal secretion and the appearance of fusions of synaptic vesicles with the prejunctional membrane. Frog cutaneous pectoris nerve-muscle preparations were soaked in modified Ringer's solution with 1 mM 4-aminopyridine, 10 mM Ca2+, and 10(-4) M d-Tubocurarine and quick-frozen 1-10 ms after a single supramaximal shock. The frozen muscles were then either freeze-fractured or cryosubstituted in acetone with 13% OsO4 and processed for thin section electron microscopy. Temporal resolution of less than 1 ms can be achieved using a quick-freeze device that increases the rate of freezing of the muscle after it strikes the chilled copper block (15 degrees K) and that minimizes the precooling of the muscle during its descent toward the block. We minimized variations in transmission time by examining thin sections taken only from the medial edge of the muscle, which was at a fixed distance from the point of stimulation of the nerve. The ultrastructure of the cryosubstituted preparations was well preserved to a depth of 5 - 10 micron, and within this narrow band vesicles were found fused with the axolemma after a minimum delay of 2.5 ms after stimulation of the nerve. Since the total transmission time to this edge of the muscle was approximately 3 ms, these results indicate that the vesicles fuse with the axolemma precisely at the same time the quanta are released. Freeze-fracture does not seem to be an adequate experimental technique for this work because in the well-preserved band of the muscle the fracture plane crosses, but does not cleave, the inner hydrophobic domain of the plasmalemma. Fracture faces may form in deeper regions of the muscle where tissue preservation is unsatisfactory and freezing is delayed.  相似文献   

Cryo electron tomography provides nanometer-scale information on biological matter preserved in a close-to native state. The resolution of tomograms and structures resolved by sub-tomogram averaging is typically limited by the contrast transfer function of the electron microscope, which is especially critical for thick samples. Here, we report a method to increase the attainable resolution by recording tomographic 'focal pairs', which are pairs of tilt series of the same object acquired in complementary defocus conditions. Low defocus imaging provides high resolution at low contrast, while high defocus imaging yields high contrast at the price of limited resolution. Quantitative assessment of the quality of lipid bilayer reconstructions in the resulting tomograms demonstrates stable resolution preservation beyond 3 nm for cells thicker than 500 nm. Further, in computational simulations on synthetic datasets we show the applicability of the method to sub-tomogram averaging, demonstrating its potential for achieving higher resolution.  相似文献   

Changes in the structure of the artery wall commence shortly after exposure to cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypercholesterolemia (HC), but may be difficult to detect. The ability to study vascular wall structure could be helpful in evaluation of the factors that instigate atherosclerosis and its pathomechanisms. The present study tested the hypothesis that early morphological changes in coronary arteries of hypercholesterolemic (HC) pigs can be detected using the novel X-ray contrast agent OsO(4) and three-dimensional micro-computed tomography (CT). Two groups of pigs were studied after they were fed a normal or an HC (2% cholesterol) diet for 12 wk. Hearts were harvested, coronary arteries were injected with 1% OsO(4) solution, and cardiac samples (6-mum-thick) were scanned by micro-CT. Layers of the epicardial coronary artery wall, early lesions, and perivascular OsO(4) accumulation were determined. Leakage of OsO(4) from myocardial microvessels was used to assess vascular permeability, which was correlated with immunoreactivity of vascular endothelial growth factor in corresponding histological cross sections. OsO(4) enhanced the visualization of coronary artery wall layers and facilitated detection of early lesions in HC in longitudinal tomographic sections of vascular segments. Increased density of perivascular OsO(4) in HC was correlated with increased vascular endothelial growth factor expression and suggested increased microvascular permeability. The use of OsO(4) as a contrast agent in micro-CT allows three-dimensional visualization of coronary artery wall structure, early lesion formation, and changes in vascular permeability. Therefore, this technique can be a useful tool in atherosclerosis research.  相似文献   

Several compounds of osmiumVIII, including potassium osmiamate and coordination complexes of OsO4 with ammonia and various heterocyclic nitrogen compounds, have been synthesized and characterized. They have also been evaluated as substitutes for OsO4 in postfixation of biological specimens and in light and electron microscopic cytochemical methods resulting in osmium black formation. The most useful of these osmic compounds, a molecular addition complex of hexamethylenetetramine (methenamine) with OsO4, has a negligible vapor pressure of OsO4. It has the molecular formula C6H12N4.2OsO4 and has been designated osmeth. Although it has only limited solubility, aqueous solutions of the compound (or of OsO4) can be rapidly prepared by dissolution in a minimal amount of dimethylformamide and subsequent dilution with distilled water or buffer. Although stable in the solid state, the complex in solution undergoes partial dissociation releasing OsO4, and the odor of OsO4 becomes apparent. Such solutions of osmeth are (approximately 0.25%) considerably less concentrated with respect to OsO4 than solutions (1-2%) ordinarily employed for ultrastructural preservation or in cytochemical studies. Osmeth has limited value for postosmication after glutaraldehyde fixation because the generation (release) of OsO4 appears to be slow. Adequate osmication of tissue blocks exists only at the surface, but effective osmication can be achieved throughout tissue sections. In cytochemical reactions resulting in the formation of osmium blacks, the osmeth solutions are as effective as OsO4 solutions of equivalent concentrations. Our findings indicate that OsO4 solutions of less than 1% may be satisfactorily utilized in many cytochemical studies. Osmeth is safer and more convenient to handle than OsO4 because small amounts may be solubilized as needed. It should be considered as a substitute for OsO4 in ultrastructural cytochemistry. These results suggest that the effectiveness of OsO4 as a fixative may, in part, be related to its nonpolarity.The infrared spectra indicate that the OsO4 molecule is tetrahedral, perfectly symmetrical and, therefore, as a whole nonpolar. As a consequence, it could be expected to readily penetrate charged surfaces of tissues, cells, and organelles. The spectral studies show that osmeth is much less symmetrical and, to that extent, polar; thus, it penetrates biomembranes less readily.  相似文献   

Several cytochemical techniques, such as sodium tungstate, acid hydrolysis phosphotungstic acid (HAPTA), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), RNase-gold, and osmium-ammine, have been applied for the ultrastructural demonstration of nucleic acids on sections of tissues fixed in glutaraldehyde postfixed with osmium tetroxide and embedded in Epon. In order to obtain specific results, the sections had to be treated with sodium metaperiodate prior to performing the labeling protocol. The results for each method were identical to those obtained on nonosmicated tissues; the main difference being the enhancement in the ultrastructural preservation, which allowed for higher resolution. In addition to these techniques, and for comparative evaluations, DNA was also revealed by the DNase-gold approach on nonosmicated tissue sections. The consistency in the results, obtained over the nucleus with either EDTA or the RNase-gold complex for revealing RNA and those obtained with either osmium-ammine or DNase-gold for revealing DNA, supports the high specificity of the RNase-gold, DNase-gold, and osmium-ammine techniques. Furthermore, these results demonstrate the possibility of performing various cytochemical techniques on tissues processed for routine electron microscopy.  相似文献   

In the electron microscope, thin sections of OsO(4)-fixed myelin figures from the phospholipide fraction of human brain show a pattern of parallel dark lines with a repeating period of about 40 A. It is shown that the dark lines probably represent the reaction product of OsO(4) with double bonds in the fatty acid chains, thereby marking the central portion of one bimolecular lamella. The addition of globin results in dense lines 25 to 50 A wide that cover the surface of the myelin figures. When such a figure consists of only two bimolecular leaflets of lipide covered with globin, the structure shows striking similarity to the image of cell membranes in fixed tissue sections. A hypothetical schema is given of the molecular structure of the figure, and the distribution of OsO(4) in it.  相似文献   

Fast calcium events occurring in cytoplasmic organelles after a single electrical stimulus were investigated by electron spectroscopic imaging (an electron microscope technique that reveals total calcium with high sensitivity and spatial resolution) in quick frozen presynaptic terminals of the frog neuromuscular junction. In resting preparations synaptic vesicles showed a prominent calcium signal whereas mitochondria were mostly negative and only some of the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum were clearly positive. In preparations quick frozen 10 ms after the application to the nerve of a single, supramaximal electric stimulus, no obvious change was observed in synaptic vesicles, while calcium levels rose to high values in the endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and in the matrix of mitochondria. Voltage-induced influx of Ca(2+) within synaptic terminals appears therefore to induce an extremely rapid uptake into selected organelles. The possible physiological role of this response is discussed.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy has provided most of what is known about the ultrastructural organization of tissues, cells, and organelles. Due to tremendous advances in crystallography and magnetic resonance imaging, almost any protein can now be modeled at atomic resolution. To fully understand the workings of biological “nanomachines” it is necessary to obtain images of intact macromolecular assemblies in situ. Although the resolution power of electron microscopes is on the atomic scale, in biological samples artifacts introduced by aldehyde fixation, dehydration and staining, but also section thickness reduces it to some nanometers. Cryofixation by high pressure freezing circumvents many of the artifacts since it allows vitrifying biological samples of about 200 μm in thickness and immobilizes complex macromolecular assemblies in their native state in situ. To exploit the perfect structural preservation of frozen hydrated sections, sophisticated instruments are needed, e.g., high voltage electron microscopes equipped with precise goniometers that work at low temperature and digital cameras of high sensitivity and pixel number. With them, it is possible to generate high resolution tomograms, i.e., 3D views of subcellular structures. This review describes theory and applications of the high pressure cryofixation methodology and compares its results with those of conventional procedures. Moreover, recent findings will be discussed showing that molecular models of proteins can be fitted into depicted organellar ultrastructure of images of frozen hydrated sections. High pressure freezing of tissue is the base which may lead to precise models of macromolecular assemblies in situ, and thus to a better understanding of the function of complex cellular structures.  相似文献   

The potential of scanning electron microscopy as a tool for the detection of viruses on cell surfaces has been studied using bacteriophage P1 adsorbed to Shigella dysenteriae as a model system. Viral particles were readily detectable by scanning electron microscopy on the surface of infected cells which were fixed with glutaraldehyde followed by postfixation in OsO4 and prepared by critical point drying. The virus-studded surface of the infected cells differed markedly from the relatively smooth surfaces of uninfected control cells. Examination of the same preparations with transmission electron microscopy revealed numerous viral particles adsorbed to the surfaces of infected cells, whereas the control cells were free of viruses as expected. Glutaraldehyde fixation alone did not preserve the surface detail of infected cells: cells adsorbed with viruses were not distinguishable from control cells by scanning electron microscopy although by transmission electron microscopy viruses could be visualized. Air drying from water or absolute alcohol resulted in unsatisfactory preservation as compared to the appearance of infected cells prepared by the critical point method. Thus, scanning electron microscopy is capable of resolving viral particles on cell surfaces, but detection of these particles is completely dependent both on the method of fixation and on the technique of drying used.  相似文献   

The nucleoid of living and OsO4- or glutaraldehyde-fixed cells of Escherichia coli strains was studied with a phase-contrast microscope, a confocal scanning light microscope, and an electron microscope. The trustworthiness of the images obtained with the confocal scanning light microscope was investigated by comparison with phase-contrast micrographs and reconstructions based on serially sectioned material of DNA-containing and DNA-less cells. This comparison showed higher resolution of the confocal scanning light microscope as compared with the phase-contrast microscope, and agreement with results obtained with the electron microscope. The effects of fixation on the structure of the nucleoid were studied in E. coli B/r H266. Confocal scanning light micrographs and electron microscopic reconstructions showed that the shape of the nucleoid remained similar after OsO4 or glutaraldehyde fixation; however, the OsO4 nucleoid appeared to be somewhat smaller and more centralized within the cell.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic radioautographs of guinea pig pancreatic exocrine cells were obtained by covering thin sections (~ 600 A) of OsO4-fixed, methacrylate-embedded tissue with thin layers of Ilford K-5 nuclear research emulsion. After an exposure of 13 days at 4°C., the preparations were photographically processed, stained with uranyl acetate, and examined in an electron microscope. The label used was leucine-H3 injected intravenously 20 minutes before collection of the specimens. Conventional radioautographs of thicker sections (0.4 micron) were also examined in a phase contrast microscope. The advantages obtained from electron microscopic radioautography are: the higher radioautographic resolution (of the order of 0.3 micron) due to the thinness of the emulsion and the specimen, and a high optical resolution permitting a clear identification of the labeled structure. In the guinea pig pancreas this technique demonstrated that, at the time studied, newly synthesized proteins were concentrated in the structures of the Golgi complex and especially in large vacuoles partially filled with a dense material. The vacuoles are probably a precursor to the secretion granules (zymogen granules) in which the label becomes segregated at a later time. These observations demonstrate directly the role of the Golgi complex in the secretion process. They also illustrate the possibilities of this method for radioautography at the intracellular level.  相似文献   

OsO(4) has many advantages over Carnoy's fixative mixture for the Feulgen nuclear staining in the protozoan Tokophrya infusionum. While Carnoy's fluid used prior to the Feulgen reaction produces shrinkage of the macronucleus and coarse clumping of its chromatin bodies, OsO(4) preserves faithfully the size and shape of the macronucleus and its chromatin material. This finding seems to be of special importance in view of the fact that electron microscopy relies on OsO(4) fixation. The satisfactory preservation of structured detail in Feulgen-stained preparations is of importance for the correlation of histochemical and morphological information.  相似文献   

A physical procedure for the visualization of cellular fine structures is described as an alternative to chemical preparative techniques. It consists of fixation by fast freezing followed by controlled etching in the cryostage of a million-volt transmission electron microscope. Whole mounts were thus observed under stable conditions with no use of chemical fixatives, solvents, or stains, with no exposure to the atmosphere, and with the improved penetration and resolution in thick specimens that characterize high-voltage electron microscopy. The preservation, contrast, and resolution exhibited by images of preparations obtained by this procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional imaging of biological complexity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Over the past 5 years, thanks to advances in both instrumentation and computational speed, three-dimensional imaging techniques using the electron microscope have been greatly improved in two areas: electron tomography of cell organelles or cell sections and reconstruction of macromolecules from single particles. Ice embedment has brought a breakthrough in the degree of preservation of specimens under close-to-native conditions. The current challenge is to push the resolution of electron tomographic imaging to a point where macromolecular signatures can be recognized within the cellular context. We show first progress toward this goal by examples in two areas of application: the structure of the muscle triad junction and the architecture and fine structure of mitochondria. As techniques of cryo-microtomy are perfected, we hope to be able to apply tomography to high-pressure frozen sections of tissue.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a simple means of studying the distribution of mRNA coding for post-synaptic proteins at the human neuromuscular junction. A reliable method by which to identify the junctions in tissue sections after in situ hybridization was essential. A method is described for combining the histochemical demonstration of esterase activity at the neuromuscular junction with autoradiographic localization of mRNA by in situ hybridization in the same cryostat section of skeletal muscle. The indigogenic esterase method of Strum and Hall-Craggs (1982) was modified in such a way that it is able to survive the multiple steps involved in in situ hybridization and autoradiography. The protocol is simple and reproducible and has been used successfully on sections of both rat and human skeletal muscle. To demonstrate the method, sections were reacted to reveal esterase activity and were then processed for in situ hybridization using a 35S-labelled probe specific for the -s ubunit of the acetylcholine receptor. The reaction product was retained after the lengthy in situ hybridization and autoradiographic procedures. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of acetylcholine receptor mRNA by in situ hybridization at human neuromuscular junctions. © Chapman & Hall  相似文献   

A procedure yielding sections of unembedded biological samples for observation by scanning electron microscopy is described. Sections of samples, fixed and hardened in OsO4, were obtained in quantity with a tissue sectioner. Subsequent treatments to osmium-coat cut surfaces were employed prior to critical point drying. The procedure yields cleanly cut surfaces through cells and cytoplasmic organelles which are retained in their normal position. Sections of apple leaf and mouse kidney are illustrated. Sections can be readily cut in a desired plane with less structural damage than is typically encountered by other sectioning or dissection techniques.  相似文献   

R H Rhodes 《Histochemistry》1983,78(1):125-143
The vitreous body contains complex carbohydrates that can be demonstrated morphologically. Vitreous hyaluronic acid is very soluble but it can be precipitated by cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) while being cross-linked by glutaraldehyde. Oligosaccharide chains of vitreous glycoproteins are fixed with glutaraldehyde alone. Mouse eyes were fixed with glutaraldehyde or glutaraldehyde and CPC and the complex carbohydrates of the posterior vitreous cortex were studied by electron microscopy. Cationic dyes were used in the fixative or for block-staining on most fixed tissue blocks to allow detailed observations of complex carbohydrates. Most blocks were postfixed with OsO4. The hyaluronic-acid domain on vitreous collagen fibrils sequentially contracted and expanded in size with various histochemical manipulations. Contraction of the domain of hyaluronic acid generally indicates an increased charge density. OsO4 contributes considerable charge density upon forming osmate esters, but tissue postfixed with OsO4 contained large globular forms of hyaluronic acid rather than the small globules observed in non-osmicated preparations. A model is proposed to explain the seemingly paradoxical findings by reference to suggested mechanisms of polysaccharide-ligand-OsO4 interactions.  相似文献   



In standard transmission electron microscopy (TEM), biological samples are supported on carbon films of nanometer thickness. Due to the similar electron scattering of protein samples and graphite supports, high quality images with structural details are obtained primarily by staining with heavy metals.


Single-layered graphene is used to support the protein self-assemblies of different molecular weights for qualitative and quantitative characterizations.


We show unprecedented high resolution and contrast images of unstained samples on graphene on a low-end TEM. We show for the first time that the resolution and contrast of TEM images of unstained biological samples with high packing density in their native states supported on graphene can be comparable or superior to uranyl acetate-stained TEM images.


Our results demonstrate a novel technique for TEM structural characterization to circumvent the potential artifacts caused by staining agents without sacrificing image resolution or contrast, and eliminate the need for toxic metals. Moreover, this technique better preserves sample integrity for quantitative characterization by dark-field imaging with reduced beam damage.

General significance

This technique can be an effective alternative for bright-field qualitative characterization of biological samples with high packing density and those not amenable to the standard negative staining technique, in addition to providing high quality dark-field unstained images at reduced radiation damage to determine quantitative structural information of biological samples.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) autoradiographic technique was calibrated and used to determine the site density of acetylcholine receptors within 250 micron of the neuromuscular junction in innervated as well as 3- and 10-d denervated sternomastoid muscle of the mouse. In all these groups sharp gradients of receptor site density are seen around the endplates in the first 2-7 micron, continuing less sharply to between 25 and 50 micron. Beyond 50 micron (to 250 micron) a spatial density gradient is present 3 d after denervation, but none exist by 10 d. These results suggest that the postdenervation steady-state extrajunctional receptor site density is reached sooner near the junction than away from the junction. The usefulness of SEM autoradiography to study the expression and distribution of membrane molecules at high resolution is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Wet electron microscopy (EM) is a new imaging method with the potential to allow higher spatial resolution of samples. In contrast to most EM methods, it requires little time to perform and does not require complicated equipment or difficult steps. We used this method on a common murine macrophage cell line, IC-21, in combination with various stains and preparations, to collect high resolution images of the actin cytoskeleton. Most importantly, we demonstrated the use of quantum dots in conjunction with this technique to perform light/electron correlation microscopy. We found that wet EM is a useful tool that fits into a niche between the simplicity of light microscopy and the high spatial resolution of EM.  相似文献   

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