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The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) mediate Na(+) reabsorption in epithelial tissues including distal nephron, colon, lung, and secretory glands and plays a critical role in pathophysiology of hypertension and cystic fibrosis. The ENaC is a multimeric protein composed of alpha-ENaC, beta-ENaC, and gamma-ENaC subunits. To study the biochemical properties of the channel, the subunit cDNAs of rat colon ENaC (rENaC) were subcloned into baculoviruses, and the corresponding proteins were expressed in Sf9 insect cells. The functional characteristics of the expressed rENaC were studied in planar lipid bilayers. The results show that expression of alpha-rENaC and alphabetagamma-rENaC in Sf9 insect cells results in the generation of cation-selective large conductance channels. Although the large conductance channels observed in the alpha-rENaC-containing membranes were unaffected by amiloride, the large conductance channels found in alphabetagamma-rENaC complex-containing membranes exhibited voltage-dependent flickering in the presence of micromolar amiloride. Possible implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Current records from voltage-clamped membrane patches containing two batrachotoxin-modified sodium channels were analyzed to determine whether these channels are identical and independent. In most two-channel patches, the experimentally observed probabilities that zero, one, or two channels are open differ from the binomial distribution, demonstrating that the two channels are nonidentical or nonindependent or both. From the same current records, we also determined the rate for the transition from two open channels to one open channel and for the transition from one open channel to zero open channels. These data are consistent with closing rates for the two channels that are equal and independent. Both probability and closing rate data can be fit by a model wherein the channels are identical, the closing rates are independent, and the opening rate is greater when the other channel is closed than when it is open. The implications of this model for analyzing noise spectra and current variance are examined.  相似文献   

New methods are described to detect subconductance levels and to analyse ion channel gating. These methods are applied to simulated and experimental data. Single chloride channel records from inside-out membrane patches excised from human umbilical venous endothelial cells (HUVEC) exhibit, in addition to the full closed and full open configurations, intermediate subconductance levels which are multiple of an elementary conductance of 112.5 pS. Analysis of transitions from one state to another and the comparison of real data with simulated data leads to the proposal of a cooperative model of gating for the observed subunits of a chloride channel.  相似文献   

The presence of ion channels permeable to polyamines in the plasma membrane and tonoplast of Arabidopsis thaliana cultured cells was investigated by means of the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration. Evidence is shown for channels, activated by depolarizations in protoplasts and by hyperpolarizations in vacuoles, with slow time course of activation, permeable to putrescine, spermidine and spermine.  相似文献   

Invertebrate γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated chloride channels (GABACls) and glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls), which function as inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors, are important targets of insecticides and antiparasitic agents. The antagonism of GABACls and GluCls by 4-isobutyl-3-isopropylbicyclophosphorothionate (PS-14) was examined in cultured cockroach and rat neurons using a whole-cell patch-clamp method. The results indicated that PS-14 selectively blocks cockroach GABACls relative to cockroach GluCls and rat GABACls. PS-14 represents a useful probe for the study of insect GABA receptors.  相似文献   

Using the patch-clamp method, we investigated a relationship between MDR1 expression and its effects on the CFTR channel function. Incubation of CaCo-2 cells with increasing concentrations of doxorubicin resulted in a reduction of CFTR chloride channel activity in a dose-dependent manner. This reduction was associated with a decrease of CFTR mRNA and simultaneous up-regulation of MDR1 mRNA in the presence of doxorubicin. Similar alteration of the CFTR function was observed in CaCo-2 cells transiently overexpressing MDR1. No alterations of the cAMP-dependent chloride currents were observed in COS-1 cells transiently co-expressing CFTR and MDR1 from strong CMV promoters. This indicated that repression of CFTR by MDR1 induction requires the presence of the native CFTR promoter.  相似文献   

Cell migration is crucial for tumor metastasis. Membrane ion channels may play a major role in tumor cell migration because the cells must undergo changes in shape and volume during migration. In the present study, we used the transwell migration assay, an in vitro model for cell migration, and the patch-clamp technique to investigate the role of the volume-activated Cl(-) current (I(cl,vol)) in the regulation of the migration of nasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE-2Z cells. 5-Nitro-2- (3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB) inhibited the I(cl,vol) and the migration of CNE-2Z cells with almost identical dose-dependent pattern (IC(50) of 98.1 microM and 97.7 microM for I(cl,vol) and cell migration, respectively). Extracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) also showed similar dose-dependent inhibitory effects on the currents and migration (IC(50) of 1.07mM, and 1.11mM for I(cl,vol) and cell migration, respectively). Hypotonic treatments, which activated I(cl,vol), increased cell migration. Exposure to hypertonic solutions, which was shown to suppress I(cl,vol), inhibited cell migration. Replacement of Cl(-) with gluconate, which is relatively chloride channel-impermeable, impaired cell migration, whereas substitution of Cl(-) by I(-) and Br(-), the chloride channel-permeable ions, did not significantly affect cell migration. Analysis of the effects of all the above treatments on I(cl,vol) and cell migration indicated that the inhibition of migration was positively correlated with the blockage of I(cl,vol), with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.97, suggesting a functional relationship between I(cl,vol) and cell migration. These data suggest that the volume-activated Cl(-) channels are involved in cell migration.  相似文献   

Two heme-peptides (HP) of about 20-A diameter (heme-undecapeptide [H11P], mol wt approximately 1900 and heme-octapeptide [H8P], mol wt approximately 1550), obtained by enzymic hydrolysis of cytochrome c, were sued as probe molecules in muscle capillaries (rat diaphragm). They were localized in situ by a perixidase reaction, enhanced by the addition of imidazole to the incubation medium. Chromatography of plasma samples showed that HPs circulate predominantly as monomers for the duration of the experiments and are bound by aldehyde fixatives to plasma proteins to the extent of approximately 50% (H8P) to approximately 95% (H11P). Both tracers cross the endothelium primarily via plasmalemmal vesicles which become progressively labeled (by reaction product) from the blood front to the tissue front of the endothelium, in three successive resolvable phases. By the end of each phase the extent of labeling reaches greater than 90% of the corresponding vesicle population. Labeled vesicles appear as either isolated units or chains which form patent channels across the endothelium. The patency of these channels was checked by specimen tilting and graphic analysis of their images. No evidence was found for early or preferential marking of the intercellular junctions and spaces by reaction product. It is concluded that the channels are the most likely candidate for structural equivalents of the small pores of the capillary wall since they are continuous, water-filled passages, and are provided with one or more strictures of less than 100 A. Their frequency remains to be established by future work.  相似文献   

A small conductance chloride channel has been identified on the apical membrane of porcine thyroid cells using the patch-clamp technique. In cell attached membrane patches with NaCl in the pipette, the single channel conductance is 5.5 pS. The channel is highly selective for chloride over gluconate and iodide, and is impermeable to Na+, K+ and tetraethylammonium ions. The open state probability of the channel is not affected by voltage. The channel activity disappears after excision of the patch. The Cl- channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate (NPPB) did not affect the activity of the thyroid Cl- channels. Treatment of thyroid cells with 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-chloro-cAMP) (0.5 mM) prior to giga-seal formation increased Cl- channel activity in the apical membrane of thyroid cells.  相似文献   

Following the infection of insect ovarian cells (Sf9) with recombinant bearing the cDNA coding for the rat muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor subtype m3, ionic flux across the membrane in response to the application of ACh was examined electrophysiologically. We show that ACh activates potassium currents. The response is abolished when cells are treated with pertussis toxin. No ACh-induced currents are observed from uninfected cells or cells infected with virus which do not contain the cDNA coding for ACh receptors in its genome. The characteristics of single channel currents show time-dependent changes following the application of ACh. Initially, ACh activates brief channel currents with a conductance of about 5 pS. The conductance level of channels gradually increases in steps to 10 pS and then to 20 pS and 40 pS. At the same time, channel open probability also increases. Thereafter, additional channels appear, opening and closing independently of, or at times in synchrony with, the original channel.  相似文献   

The baculovirus expression system was used to produce alpha 1 and beta 1 subunits of the human GABAA receptor in Sf9 cells. In cells infected with both alpha 1 and beta 1 recombinant viruses, GABA elicited an outwardly rectifying chloride current that was blocked by bicuculline and potentiated by pentobarbitone. GABA did not produce detectable currents in cells infected with either alpha 1 or beta 1 recombinant viruses alone. In these cells, and in control (non-infected) Sf9 cells, pentobarbitone depressed the leakage current (Ki = 55 microM). Fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibodies to the alpha 1 subunit showed greater amounts of the alpha 1 subunit in cells infected with only the alpha 1 recombinant virus than in cells co-infected with the alpha 1 and beta 1 recombinant viruses. Fluorescence of the plasma membrane was seen in cells co-infected with the alpha 1 and beta 1 recombinant viruses, but was absent in cells infected with only the alpha 1 recombinant virus. It was concluded that the alpha 1 subunit normally interacts with the beta 1 subunit to be transported to the plasma membrane in Sf9 cells.  相似文献   

Role of cytochrome-c in insect cell apoptosis is highly controversial, with many earlier reports suggesting lack of involvement of mitochondrial factors in Drosophila while more recent studies have indicated otherwise, thus warranting more in-depth studies of insect cell apoptosis. In the present study, we investigated mitochondrial involvement during actinomycin-D induced apoptosis in Sf9 Lepidopteran cells. Cytochrome-c was released from mitochondria very early during apoptosis, and was preceded quickly by ROS generation and cardiolipin peroxidation. Albeit cytochrome-c release and apoptosis induction were inhibited by bongkrkicacid (BKA) it appears that the release is independent of permeability transition pore (PTP) as it preceded mitochondrial Ca2+ buildup and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) loss. Further, the release was found to be unaffected by PTP inhibitor cyclosporin-A. Bax inhibitory peptide BiP-P5 could effectively block both cytochrome-c release and apoptosis induction indicating dependence on Bax-channel formation. Inhibition of apoptosis by FSBA, a nucleotide analog that inhibits apoptosome formation through Apaf1 binding, suggested activity of apoptosome similar to mammalian cells. Mitochondria isolated from treated cells activated caspases in the cytosolic fraction of untreated cells while mitochondrial lysates of treated or untreated cells had similar effect. Sequestering cytochrome-c in mitochondrial lysates inhibited DEVDase activity, and addition of purified cytochrome-c and dATP to Sf9 cytosolic fraction induced DEVDase activity, suggesting that cytochrome-c may be exclusively required for Lepidopteran apoptosis. This is the first detailed study demonstrating mitochondrial regulation of Lepidopteran insect cell apoptosis, and reiterates its homology with mammalian cell apoptosis while showing distinctive differences from earlier reports in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Crosslinking of type I Fc epsilon receptors (Fc epsilon RI) on the surface of basophils or mast cells initiates a cascade of processes leading to the secretion of inflammatory mediators. We report here a correlation between mediator secretion and the activation of Cl- channels in rat mucosal-type mast cells (line RBL-2H3). Stimulation of RBL cells by either IgE and antigen or by a monoclonal antibody specific for the Fc epsilon RI, resulted in the activation of Cl- ion channels as detected by the patch-clamp technique. Channel activation occurred slowly, within minutes after stimulation. The channel has a slope conductance of 32 pS at potentials between 0 and -100 mV, and an increasing open-state probability with increasing depolarization. Activation of apparently the same Cl- channels could be mimicked without stimulation by isolating inside-out membrane patches in tyrode solution. Parallel inhibition of both Cl- channel activity and mediator secretion, as monitored by serotonin release, was observed by two compounds, the Cl- channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB) and the anti-allergic drug cromolyn. NPPB inhibited both the antigen-induced Cl- current and the serotonin release, where half-maximal inhibition occurred at similar doses, at 52 microM and 77 microM, respectively. The drug cromolyn, recently found to inhibit immunologically induced mediator secretion from RBL cells upon intracellular application, also blocks Cl- channels (IC50 = 15 microM) when applied to the cytoplasmic side of an inside-out membrane patch. The observed Cl- channel activation upon immunological stimulation and the parallel inhibition of channel current and of serotonin release suggests a functional role for this Cl- channel in mediator secretion from the mast cells studied.  相似文献   

Dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels from skeletal muscle are hetero-oligomeric proteins. Little is known about the functional roles of the various subunits, except that the alpha 1 subunit is the essential channel unit. We have reconstituted both partially purified holomeric channels and the separated subunits into liposomes and measured their properties using an assay based on the Ca2+ indicator dye fluo-3. The holomeric channels exhibited Ca2+ influx that was sensitive to membrane potential achieved by the addition of valinomycin in the presence of a K+ gradient. Dissipation of the K+ gradient resulted in the loss of the valinomycin-sensitive Ca2+ flux. In addition, the reconstituted channels were: 1) activated by the dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel activator Bay K 8644 in a dose-dependent manner with a Kd of 20 nM; 2) inhibited by various types of Ca2+ channel inhibitors including the dihydropyridine (+)-PN 200-110, the phenylalkylamine verapamil, and the benzothiazepine d-cis-diltiazem; and 3) modulated in a stereoselective manner by the enantiomers of the dihydropyridine S-202-791. The purified channels used in this work possessed an alpha 1 subunit of 165 kDa and did not appear to contain a larger alpha 1 subunit of approximately 210 kDa, suggesting that channel activity with properties similar to those observed in intact cells can be supported with an alpha 1 subunit of 165 kDa. Reconstituted channels that were 85% depleted in the alpha 2/delta subunits showed a significant decrease in the initial rate of Ca2+ influx induced by valinomycin, but retained responsiveness to Bay K 8644 and (+)-PN 200-110. When the separated alpha 2 and delta subunits were added back to the alpha 1 subunit-containing preparation, the channels exhibited their normal rate of Ca2+ influx. These results demonstrated that the dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels from skeletal muscle require the presence of the alpha 2.gamma complex in stoichiometric amounts to exhibit full activity.  相似文献   

Cell membranes isolated from hamster insulinoma (HIT T15) cells at passages 65-74 contain high and low affinity receptors for a sulfonylurea derivative, 5-[125I]iodo,2-hydroxyglyburide (KD values of approximately 7 nM and 16 microM). Between passages 75 and 85, the estimated B(max) for the high affinity receptor decreases approximately 10-fold from approximately 1.6 to 0.16 pmol/mg membrane protein. By contrast, the density of low affinity binding sites, 800-1000 pmol/mg, is unaltered. The drop in high affinity receptors is paralleled by a decrease in the density of KATP channels assessed using patch-clamp and 86Rb(+)-efflux techniques. These results strongly support the idea that the high affinity sulfonylurea receptor is an integral part of the KATP channel.  相似文献   

Summary Open times of voltage-gated sodium channels in neuroblastoma cells were measured during repolarization (following a short depolarizing conditioning pulse) and during moderate depolarization. Conditional and unconditional channel open-time histograms were best fitted by the sum of two exponentials. (The conditional open time was measured from the end of the conditioning pulse until an open channel shuts provided it was open att=0). Time constants of both histograms depended on the postpulse and were shifted to more positive potentials with increasing conditioning pulse potential. This shift could be explained by assuming more than two time constants in the histograms, which could not be separated. Channel open-time histograms from single-pulse experiments showed a maximum att>0. These histograms could be best fitted by an exponential function with three time constants. One term of this function included the difference of two exponentials resulting in a maximum att>0. Open-time histograms showed a definite time dependence. At 2 to 6.5 msec after the beginning of the depolarization the best fit could be obtained by the difference of two exponentials. To these components another term had to be added at 0 to 2 msec. Between 6.5 and 14.0 msec the sum of two exponentials, and after 14.0 msec a single exponential resulted in a good fit. The results support the hypothesis that sodium channels in neuroblastoma cells may have multiple open states. Two of these states are irreversibly coupled.  相似文献   

The functional regulation of the human bradykinin B2 receptor expressed in sf21 cells was studied. Human bradykinin B2 receptors were immunodetected as a band of 75-80 kDa in membranes from recombinant baculovirus-infected cells and visualized at the plasma membrane, by confocal microscopy, using an antibody against an epitope from its second extracellular loop. B2 receptors, detected in membranes by [(3)H-bradykinin] binding, showed a Kd of 0.66 nmol/L and an expression level of 2.57 pmol/mg of protein at 54 h postinfection. In these cells, bradykinin induced a transient increase of intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) in fura 2-AM loaded sf21 cells, and promoted [(35)S]-GTP(gamma)S binding to membranes. The effects of bradykinin were dose dependent (with an EC(50) of 50 nmol/L for calcium mobilization) and were inhibited by N-alpha-adamantaneacetyl-D-Arg-[Hyp(3),Thi(5,8),D-phe(7)]-Bk, a specific B2 receptor antagonist. When the B2 antagonist was applied at the top of the calcium transient, it accelerated the decline of the peak, suggesting that calcium mobilization at this point was still influenced by receptor occupation. No calcium mobilization was elicited by 1 micromol/L (Des-Arg(9))-Bk, a B1 receptor agonist that did not inhibit the subsequent action of 100 nmol/L bradykinin. No effect of bradykinin was detected in uninfected cells or cells infected with the wild-type baculovirus. Bradykinin-induced [Ca(2+)](i) mobilization was increased by genistein and tyrphostin A51. These tyrosine kinase inhibitors did not modify basal levels of [Ca(2+)](i). Homologous desensitization of the B2 receptor was observed after repeated applications of bradykinin, which resulted in attenuated changes in intracellular calcium. In addition, genistein promoted an increased response to a third exposure to the agonist when applied after washing the cells that had been previously challenged with two increasing doses of bradykinin. Genistein did not affect the calcium mobilization induced by activation of the endogenous octopamine G protein-coupled receptor or by thapsigargin. The B2 receptor, detected by confocal microscopy in unpermeabilized cells, remained constant at the surface of cells stimulated with bradykinin for 10 min, in the presence or absence of genistein. Agonist-promoted phosphorylation of the B2 receptor was markedly accentuated by genistein treatment. Phosphoaminoacid analysis revealed the presence of phosphoserine and traces of phosphothreonine, but not phosphotyrosine, suggesting that the putative tyrosine kinase(s), activated by bradykinin, could act in a step previous to receptor phosphorylation. Interestingly, genistein prevented agonist-induced G protein uncoupling from B2 receptors, determined by in vitro bradykinin-stimulated [(35)S]-GTP(gamma)S binding, in membranes from bradykinin pretreated cells. Our results suggest that tyrosine kinase(s) regulate the activity of the human B2 receptor in sf21 cells by affecting its coupling to G proteins and its phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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