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密度—类群指数(DG指数)是为研究复杂的土壤动物群落多样性而创建的, 其理论基础是土壤动物群落中各类群互不干扰和互利的关系大于互相竞争的关系, 因而公式中各类群是互相独立、互不影响的。DG指数自1990年建立以来, 经作者及同行学者在不同地带、不同生态系统和不同级别的土壤动物群落研究中运用, 都获得良好的效果, 能真实地反映群落的多样性状况, 显示出它具有广泛的适用性。用情景分析法(scenario analysis)探讨DG指数与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H’)的预期效果, 结果显示, 当群落间种数差和均匀度(J)差为正负相反的数值时, Shannon-Wiener指数与DG指数不一致。文中还对土壤动物群落多样性的概念、性质及指数适用性进行了讨论, 认为土壤动物群落在客观上不存在均匀的数量分布, 把“均匀度”看作是多样性的重要指标是不适宜的。DG指数虽然没有直接包含许多信息, 但能在广泛的情况下经得起检验, 因而具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

DG指数在定量多样性时的缺陷及其内涵解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物多样性通常使用物种丰富度、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数等来进行度量, 但是在土壤动物群落研究中, 由于使用了粗水平的分类方法, 因此即使生境变化很大, 这些多样性指数在评估群落多样性变化时仍然是不适当的。为了克服这种限制, 廖崇惠(1990, 2009)提出用DG指数来代替这些标准的多样性指数, 并在土壤动物生态学领域得到了广泛应用。然而笔者分析发现DG指数与Pielou均匀度指数呈显著的负相关关系(r = –0.534, P = 0.000), 即, 高的均匀度反而有低的多样性。另外, DG指数与类群数(r = 0.648, P = 0.000)和类群密度(r = 0.487, P = 0.000)呈明显的正相关, 类群数的下降可以通过部分类群密度的上升而获得补偿, 群落的类群丢失后却可以获得一个不变的甚至更高的多样性值。因此, 笔者不支持DG指数用于测度生物多样性, 提议使用各类群实际群势与潜在群势比值的平均值来估计群落潜在多度的实现程度。如果继续使用DG指数作为实际生境条件的一个指标, 那么与以往不同, DG指数测度的是该生境群落多度增长的一种潜力。  相似文献   

多样性指数公式在鸟类群落中的应用的探讨   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

利用RAPD-PCR技术分析东北地区16种小卷蛾的亲缘关系   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用RAPD-PCR技术对东北地区黄卷蛾族的16种小卷蛾的基因组进行随机扩增,构建出系统发育树,对其亲缘关系进行分析.系统树显示褐卷蛾属的3个种、条卷蛾属的两个种和黄卷蛾属的4个种的聚类方式和传统形态分类法基本一致.也发现了一些与传统分类结论不完全一致的现象,如同属的忍冬双斜卷蛾和棉花双斜卷蛾在系统树上没有聚在一起,而和不同属的松褐卷蛾、樱桃铅卷蛾聚在一起等.分析同属和不同属种间的遗传距离,初步得出以下结论,遗传距离0.7可以作为属的分类依据,同一属的种间遗传距离小于0.7,不同属的种间遗传距离大于0.7.  相似文献   

随着录音设备性能的提高和硬件价格的降低,基于录音评估声景来反映生境特征和生物多样性的方法得到快速发展。声学指数是对声音整体特征的量化,受到录音生境和生物组成的共同影响,因此可构建声学指数与生境特征和生物组成的关联。按照作用的尺度,声学指数可分为两类:反映录音内信息的alpha声学指数和比较不同录音之间差异的beta声学指数。随着录音设备的普及,以及在大尺度上进行生物监测工作的增加,对不同时间、不同地点的录音进行比较的需求日益迫切。因此,beta声学指数的开发和应用是声学指数研究的重要方向。本文介绍了11个常用的beta声学指数,并探讨了这些指数的数学特征(非负性、同一性、对称性、直递性、有限性)。本文还通过文献检索获取了beta声学指数在实证中的应用情况,发现研究中常使用beta声学指数反映时间节律、生境特征的差异或生物组成的改变。最后,本文指出了beta声学指数研究/应用中迫切需要发展的3个方向:开发新的指数、优化已有指数的计算方式、增加实证研究。  相似文献   

过度放牧导致草原生态系统呈现明显的退化趋势,草原优良牧草减少,逐渐转变成以有毒植物为优势种的退化草原。作为草地退化的指示种,有毒植物对邻近植物及土壤环境的影响一直是生态学研究的重要科学问题之一。为了更好地探究有毒植物在退化草地生态系统恢复过程中的影响,本研究以海拉尔自然保护区内封育恢复中的羊草草原为研究对象,依据群落中瑞香狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)枝条数将植物群落划分为3个水平:高密度瑞香狼毒植物群落、低密度瑞香狼毒植物群落、无瑞香狼毒植物群落,调查群落物种组成并测定了土壤理化指标。结果显示:(1)高密度瑞香狼毒小尺度范围内改变了群落物种组成,提高Shannon指数和Patrick指数,说明在退化草地恢复过程中瑞香狼毒的存在能够改变群落物种丰富度进而改变其物种多样性。(2)随着瑞香狼毒密度的增加,部分禾本科植物与瑞香狼毒的联结性质也发生了变化。早熟禾(Poa annua)、贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)与瑞香狼毒的联结性质由正联结变为负联结;洽草(Koeleria litvinowii)由无联结变为负联结;羊草(Leymus chinensis)...  相似文献   

邓超  代志刚  张红 《生物磁学》2011,(2):387-389,370
适宜的麻醉深度是保证患者的生命安全和创造良好手术条件的关键。脑电双频指数(bispectralindex,BIS)是用于监测镇静程度的一种新方法,自从临床应用以来它已得到多方面关注和研究,本文就其概念、原理及临床应用等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

适宜的麻醉深度是保证患者的生命安全和创造良好手术条件的关键。脑电双频指数(bispectralindex,BIS)是用于监测镇静程度的一种新方法,自从临床应用以来它已得到多方面关注和研究,本文就其概念、原理及临床应用等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

盐城5 种绿地春季大型土壤动物群落的生物多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取盐城5种城市绿地:杨树林、油菜地、苗圃、公园绿地和草坪,于2011年春季开展了大型土壤动物群落的生物多样性研究。结果显示,密度-类群指数(density-group index,DG)、群落复杂性指数(complexity index,C)与Shannon-Wiener指数(H')等α多样性在苗圃、公园绿地和杨树林中均具有较高水平,在草坪和油菜地的大型土壤动物群落生物多样性水平较低,DG指数与C指数显著线性相关(P0.01,n=5)并对H'有较为一致的校正效果。采用β多样性(Jaccard群落相似性系数)为基础的系统聚类结果认为杨树林、苗圃和公园绿地群落相似,草坪和油菜地群落相似。研究结果认为,大型土壤动物群落的生物多样性与绿地生境特征的复杂程度相关,绿地中树木的分布情况可能是影响大型土壤动物群落生物多样性的重要因素,这可为城市绿地规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   

鸟兽物种多样性测度的G-F指数方法   总被引:80,自引:6,他引:80  
评价物种多样性是目前生物多样性研究中的一项紧迫任务。我们提出一种基于信息测度的G-F指数公式,利用生物普查得到的鸟类和兽类名录计算一个地区的物种多样性。首先计算属间的多样性(G指数)和科间的多样性(F指数),然后,再利用G指数和F指数的比值进行标准化,得出G-F指数。在这一指数体系中,F指数包括科中和科间的多样性。如果G-F指数趋近1,则代表科间多样性的F指数下降,或者代表属多样性的G指数上升;否则G-F指数趋近零或为负数。信息测度通常也用于生物群落的生态多样性。然而,G-F指数与生态多样性不同。G-F指数测定的一个地区一个生物类群中科属间的物种多样性,而生态多样性指数研究生物群落中物种组成及种间个体的多寡。利用G-F指数研究评估生物多样性保护有如下优点:(1)G-F指数提供了一种简捷有效的生物多样性保护评估方法,因为在许多地点已经进行过生物普查,编写了动物、植物名录;(2)G-F指数是一种标准化指数,可以进行不同地区间生物多样性比较。在动物界,特别是无脊椎动物中,尚未鉴定的物种占多数,而鸟类和兽类中尚未鉴定的物种很少。我们应用鸟类和兽类名录计算了G-F指数,选择了梵净山、大瑶山、伏牛山、凉水、北京—天津、海北、白音锡勒、青海湖和帕米尔高原等9个地区,进行了物种多样性的比较研究。结果表明:在上述地区,鸟类的G指数高于兽类的G指数,但差异并不显著(p=0.11)。鸟类的F指数显著地高于兽类的F指数(p<0.05)。鸟类G-F指数与兽类G-F指数相关(r=0.68, p<0.05)。  相似文献   

Mantovani J  Roy R 《FEBS letters》2011,(7):1933-972
AMPK is a protein kinase activated by various cellular stresses such as glucose deprivation, hypoxia or exercise. Despite having been studied for decades only a limited number of targets have been well described in tissues as varied as liver, muscle, and adipose tissue. Recent studies have shown that AMPK does not function in a similar manner, or through identical targets, in all cellular situations, posing challenges to some accepted paradigms describing AMPK function. A combination of genetic models and cell biological analysis of AMPK function in specific cell/developmental/environmental contexts will be required to accurately complement our understanding of the role(s) of AMPK in cancer, diabetes and other diseases.  相似文献   

叶面积指数的研究和应用进展   总被引:93,自引:6,他引:93  
对叶面积指数(LAI)提出50多年来,在植物光合作用、蒸腾作用、联系光合和蒸腾的关系和构成生产力基础的研究,在林分、景观以及地区尺度上对碳、能量、水分通量的研究,借助遥感技术建立森林生态系统的生长模型以及研究森林生态系统的能量和水分交换等方面的研究和应用进展进行了综述。LAI作为进行植物群体和群落生长分析的一个重要参数,已在农业、果树业、林业以及生物学、生态学等领域得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

贾玉秋  唐立娜  桂柳鸣 《生态学报》2018,38(20):7269-7275
中国土地资源有限,需要可持续的、紧凑的城市空间形态与布局,因此,全面度量城市空间形态的紧凑性具有重要意义。通过6个情境分析了离散度指数DIS的优缺点,识别出DIS值在反映城市形态紧凑程度方面的不足,进而提出了一种新的城市空间形态紧凑度指数,即标准化离散度指数NDIS。NDIS不受城市面积规模的影响,且具有唯一性,利于城市紧凑度的横向和纵向比较,能更好地指示城市空间形态。NDIS值越大,城市越离散。进一步将NDIS与成熟使用的标准化紧凑度指数NCI结合,用于分析中国35座城市的空间形态紧凑性,研究结果表明:(1) NDIS最大值是兰州市的1.64,最小值是石家庄市的1.14,均值1.29±0.12(SE); NCI最大值是郑州市0.39,最小值是宁波市的0.1,均值0.24±0.07(SE);(2) NDIS与NCI虽然具有中等程度的相关性(r=-0.44,P0.01),但是NDIS把城市斑块间的距离关系表达得更为准确;(3)将NDIS与NCI结合,能够更加全面地指示城市空间形态的紧凑程度。准确、全面的衡量中国城市的空间形态,则需要与更多的景观格局指数结合使用。  相似文献   

Fu J  Murphy RW 《Systematic biology》1999,48(2):380-395
The ability of permutation tail probability (PTP) analyses to discriminate between character covariance and noise is investigated with both hypothetical and published data sets. PTP is shown to be a powerful tool, not only for detecting character covariance, but also for locating that covariance on trees. PTP is especially useful for evaluating DNA sequence data that may have a high level of homoplasy. A three-step PTP procedure for locating covaried characters is presented.  相似文献   

褪黑激素生理特性及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周国利  吴玉厚 《生物学杂志》2006,23(3):47-49,17
对褪黑激素的产生、合成、检测方法、对生殖的调控和应用及最新的研究成果等作了综述。  相似文献   

Summary. The synthesis of an orthogonally protected constrained analogue of dipeptide DG (Asp-Gly) is reported exploiting alkylation of a chiral lactam. The versatility of this analogue was proven by removal of t-Boc protecting group, followed by coupling under homogeneous conditions with t-Boc-Arg(Z2)-Gly, to give a conformationally restricted analogue of RGDG tetrapeptide. Authors’ address: Mario Orena, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, I-60131 Ancona, Italy  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The Condamineeae have in previous molecular studies been shown to be part of an early-divergent clade within the subfamily Ixoroideae, together with the tribes Calycophylleae, and Hippotideae, and genera of the former Cinchoneae and Rondeletieae. Generic relationships within this clade have, however, remained largely unresolved. ? Methods: In this study, the systematics of the Condamineeae was further examined by phylogenetic reconstruction of six cpDNA regions and one nrDNA region using parsimony and Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo inference. Morphological character evolution within the tribe was assessed by ancestral state reconstruction using likelihood optimization of characters onto Bayesian trees. ? Key results: Calycophylleae appears polyphyletic. "Hippotideae" is monophyletic but nested within the Condamineeae. The phylogenetic hypotheses presented support a resurrection of the genera Holtonia, Schizocalyx, and Semaphyllanthe. Furthermore, Bathysa is found to be polyphyletic, Tresanthera is found nested within Rustia, and the taxonomically disputed genus Dialypetalanthus is here shown to be sister to a Bothriospora-Wittmackanthus clade. Morphological ancestral state reconstructions indicate that protogyny have evolved at least two times within the tribe and that indehiscent fruits, loculicidal fruit dehiscence, and intrapetiolar stipules have evolved independently several times. The occurrence of calycophylls (leaf-like calyx lobes), poricidal anthers, and winged seeds also appear homoplastic within the tribe. ? Conclusions: A diagnosis and delimitation of the tribe Condamineeae is presented, with taxonomic proposals to synonymize Tresanthera and to transfer several species of Bathysa as well as Phitopis to a resurrected Schizocalyx.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel device structure (Si1 ? x Ge x /Si/Si1 ? x Ge x hetero-structure), which is named as “center-channel (CC) double-gate (DG) MOSFET,” is proposed. Device performance of the proposed FET structure was investigated with our two-dimensional quantum-mechanical simulator which produces a self-consistent solution of Poisson–Schrödinger equations and the current continuity equation. The CC operation of CC-NMOS is confirmed from the electron density distribution and the band lineups as well as the lowest energy wave function. Current–voltage characteristics including the trans-conductance (G m) of CC-MOSFET are carefully compared with those of the conventional DG-NMOS to evaluate the distinct feature of the proposed FET structure. Our simulation revealed that the proposed FET demonstrates the enhanced (about (~1.6 × ) current drive and 60% G m. Finally, the short-channel effects of CC and DG MOSFET, both of which demonstrate excellent sub-threshold behaviors and open the possibility of device scaling down to sub-20 nm.  相似文献   

Signaling through mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is stimulated by amino acids and insulin. Insulin inactivates TSC1/2, the GTPase-activator complex for Rheb, and Rheb.GTP activates mTORC1. It is not clear how amino acids regulate mTORC1. FKBP38 (immunophilin FK506-binding protein, 38 kDa), was recently reported to exert a negative effect on mTORC1 function that is relieved by its binding to Rheb.GTP. We confirm that Rheb binds wild type FKBP38, but inactive Rheb mutants showed contrasting abilities to bind FKBP38. We were unable to observe any regulation of FKBP38/mTOR binding by amino acids or insulin. Furthermore, FKBP38 did not inhibit mTORC1 signaling. The translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) in Drosophila was recently reported to act as the guanine nucleotide-exchange factor for Rheb. We have studied the role of TCTP in mammalian TORC1 signaling and its control by amino acids. Reducing TCTP levels did not reproducibly affect mTORC1 signaling in amino acid-replete/insulin-stimulated cells. Moreover, overexpressing TCTP did not rescue mTORC1 signaling in amino acid-starved cells. In addition, we were unable to see any stable interaction between TCTP and Rheb or mTORC1. Accumulation of uncharged tRNA has been previously proposed to be involved in the inhibition of mTORC1 signaling during amino acid starvation. To test this hypothesis, we used a Chinese hamster ovary cell line containing a temperature-sensitive mutation in leucyl-tRNA synthetase. Leucine deprivation markedly inhibited mTORC1 signaling in these cells, but shifting the cells to the nonpermissive temperature for the synthetase did not. These data indicate that uncharged tRNA(Leu) does not switch off mTORC1 signaling and suggest that mTORC1 is controlled by a distinct pathway that senses the availability of amino acids. Our data also indicate that, in the mammalian cell lines tested here, neither TCTP nor FKBP38 regulates mTORC1 signaling.  相似文献   

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