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Three recent books on the evolutionary biology of aging and sexual reproduction are reviewed, with particular attention focused on the provocative suggestion by Bernstein and Bernstein (1991) that senescence and genetic recombination are related epiphenomena stemming from the universal challenge to life posed by DNA damages and the need for damage repair. Embellishments to these theories on aging and sex are presented that consider two relevant topics neglected or underemphasized in the previous treatments. The first concerns discussion of cytoplasmic genomes (such as mtDNA), which are transmitted asexually and therefore do not abide by the recombinational rules of nuclear genomes; the second considers the varying degrees of cellular and molecular autonomy which distinguish unicellular from multicellular organisms, germ cells from somatic cells, and sexual from asexual genomes. Building on the Bernsteins' suggestions, two routes to immortality for cell lineages appear to be available to life: an asexual strategy (exemplified by some bacteria), whereby cell proliferation outpaces the accumulation of DNA damages, thereby circumventing Muller's ratchet; and a sexual strategy (exemplified by germlines in multicellular organisms), whereby recombinational repair of DNA damages in conjunction with cell proliferation and gametic selection counter the accumulation of nuclear DNA damages. If true, then elements of both the recombinational strategy (nuclear DNA) and replacement strategy (cytoplasmic DNA) may operate simultaneously in the germ-cell lineages of higher organisms, producing at least some gametes that are purged of the DNA damages accumulated during the lifetime of the somatic parent. For multicellular organisms, production of functionally autonomous and genetically screened gametic cells is a necessary and sufficient condition for the continuance of life.  相似文献   

Recently, hydrogen peroxide and its free-radical product, the hydroxyl radical (OH.) have been identified as major sources of DNA damage in living organisms. They occur as ubiquitous metabolic by-products and, in humans, cause several thousand damages in a cell's DNA per day. They are thought to be a major source of DNA damage leading to aging and cancer in multicellular organisms. This raises two questions. First, what pathways are used in repair of DNA damages caused by H2O2 and OH.? Second, a new theory has been proposed that sexual reproduction (sex) evolved to promote repair of DNA in the germ line of organisms. If this theory is correct, then the type of repair specifically available during the sexual process should be able to deal with important natural lesions such as those produced by H2O2 and OH. . Does this occur? We examined repair of hydrogen peroxide damage to DNA, using a standard bacteriophage T4 test system in which sexual reproduction is either permitted or not permitted. Post-replication recombinational repair and denV-dependent excision repair are not dependent on sex. Both of these processes had little or no effect on lethal H2O2 damage. Also, an enzyme important in repair of H2O2-induced DNA damage in the E. coli host cells, exonuclease III, was not utilized in repair of lethal H2O2 damage to the phage. However, multiplicity reactivation, a recombinational form of repair depending on the sexual interaction of two or more of the bacteriophage, was found to repair lethal H2O2 damages efficiently. Our results lend support to the repair hypothesis of sex. Also the homology-dependent recombinational repair utilized in the phage sexual process may be analogous to the homology-dependent recombination which is widespread in diploid eucaryotes. The recombinational repair pathway found in phage T4 may thus be a widely applicable model for repair of the ubiquitous DNA damage caused by endogenous oxidative reactions.  相似文献   

Hadany L  Otto SP 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1713-1727
Facultatively sexual organisms often engage in sex more often when in poor condition. We show that such condition-dependent sex carries evolutionary advantages and can explain the evolution of sexual reproduction even when sex entails high costs. Specifically, we show that alleles promoting individuals of low fitness to have sex more often than individuals of high fitness spread through a population. Such alleles are more likely to segregate out of bad genetic backgrounds and onto good genetic backgrounds, where they tend to remain. This "abandon-ship" mechanism provides a plausible model for the evolution and maintenance of facultative sex.  相似文献   

Although sexual reproduction is widespread, its adaptive advantage over asexual reproduction is unclear. One major advantage of sex may be its promotion of recombinational repair of DNA damage during meiosis. This idea predicts that treatment of the asexual form of a facultatively sexual-asexual eucaryote with a DNA-damaging agent may cause it to enter the sexual cycle more frequently. Endogenous hydrogen peroxide is a major natural source of DNA damage. Thus, we treated vegetative cells of Schizosaccharomyces pombe with hydrogen peroxide to test if sexual reproduction increases. Among untreated stationary-phase S. pombe populations the sexual spores produced by meiosis represented about 1% of the total cells. However, treatment of late-exponential-phase vegetative cells with hydrogen peroxide increased the percentage of meiotic spores in the stationary phase by 4- to 18-fold. Oxidative damage therefore induces sexual reproduction in a facultatively sexual organism, a result expected by the hypothesis that sex promotes DNA repair.  相似文献   

Roze D 《PLoS biology》2012,10(5):e1001321
Understanding the evolutionary advantage of sexual reproduction remains one of the most fundamental questions in evolutionary biology. Most of the current hypotheses rely on the fact that sex increases genetic variation, thereby enhancing the efficiency of natural selection; an important body of theoretical work has defined the conditions under which sex can be favoured through this effect. Over the last decade, experimental evolution in model organisms has provided evidence that sex indeed allows faster rates of adaptation. A new study on facultatively sexual rotifers shows that increased rates of sex can be favoured during adaptation to new environmental conditions and explores the cause of this effect. The results provide support for the idea that the benefits of increasing genetic variation may compensate for the short-term costs of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

The rarity of parthenogenesis, reproduction without sex, is a major evolutionary puzzle. To understand why sexual genetic systems are so successful in nature, we must understand why parthenogenesis sometimes evolves and persists. Here we use DNA sequence data to test for similarities in the tempo and mode of the evolution of parthenogenesis in a grasshopper and a lizard from the Australian desert. We find spectacular congruence between genetic and geographic patterns of parthenogenesis in these distantly related organisms. In each species, parthenogenesis evolved twice and appears to have expanded in parallel waves across the desert, suggesting a highly general selective force against sex.  相似文献   

D. A. Hickey 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):269-274
This paper summarizes some recent theories about the evolution of transposable genetic elements in outbreeding, sexual eukaryotic organisms. The evolutionary possibilities available to self-replicating transposable elements are shown to vary depending on the reproductive biology of the host genome. This effect can be used to explain, in part, the differences in abundance of transposable elements between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It is argued that the pattern of sexual outbreeding seen in mammals and plants is especially favorable to the spread of transposons. Moreover, because transposon spread is facilitated by zygote formation, the evolutionary origin of sexual conjugation may have been due to selection on transposon-encoded genes. Finally, evidence is also presented that introns could have originated as transposable genetic elements.  相似文献   

Henry H Q Heng 《Génome》2007,50(5):517-524
Resolving the persistence of sexual reproduction despite its overwhelming costs (known as the paradox of sex) is one of the most persistent challenges of evolutionary biology. In thinking about this paradox, the focus has traditionally been on the evolutionary benefits of genetic recombination in generating offspring diversity and purging deleterious mutations. The similarity of pattern between evolution of organisms and evolution among cancer cells suggests that the asexual process generates more diverse genomes owing to less controlled reproduction systems, while sexual reproduction generates more stable genomes because the sexual process can serve as a mechanism to "filter out" aberrations at the chromosome level. Our reinterpretation of data from the literature strongly supports this hypothesis. Thus, the principal consequence of sexual reproduction is the reduction of drastic genetic diversity at the genome or chromosome level, resulting in the preservation of species identity rather than the provision of evolutionary diversity for future environmental challenges. Genetic recombination does contribute to genetic diversity, but it does so secondarily and within the framework of the chromosomally defined genome.  相似文献   

The most significant theories of the appearance and maintenance of sex are presented. However, in the overwhelming majority of existing theories, the problem of sex, which is the central problem of evolutionary biology, is considered primarily through the prism of reproductive features of living organisms, whereas the issue of molecular driving forces of sexual reproduction is restricted to the possible role of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) in the appearance of sexual reproduction. The structural and functional significance of MGEs in the genomic organization of plants is illustrated. It is shown that MGEs could act as important molecular drivers of sex evolution in plants. The involvement of MGEs in the formation of sex chromosomes and possible participation in seeds-without-sex reproduction (apomixis) is discussed. Thus, the hypothesis on the active MGE participation in sex evolution is in good agreement with the modern views on pathways and directions of sex evolution in plants.  相似文献   

Aphids are among the few organisms capable of reproducing either sexually or asexually. This plasticity in reproductive mode is viewed as an adaptive response to cope with seasonal changes. Clonal reproduction occurs during the growing season allowing rapid population increase, while sexual reproduction occurs during late summer and leads to frost-resistant eggs that can survive winter conditions. This shift between these two extreme reproductive modes is achieved by using the same genotype, i.e. within the same genetic clone, and is triggered by photoperiodic changes perceived by the aphid brain or visual system. Advances have been made recently to depict genetic programs that relate to the regulation of reproductive modes in aphids. These studies have benefited from the rapid development of genomic and post-genomic resources obtained through the International Aphid Genomics Consortium. Here, we underline the importance of several candidate genes in the switch from clonal to sexual reproduction in aphids and whose roles await full validation. Besides reproductive mode variation expressed at the genotypic level, aphid species also frequently encompass lineages which have lost the sexual phase and hence the alternating clonal and sexual reproductive phases of the life cycle. This coexistence of sex and asexual reproduction within the same species raises questions on its evolutionary and ecological significance. We summarize the knowledge accumulated to date on the maintenance of sex as well as on the origin and evolution of asexuality in aphids. By combining functional genomics, genetic and ecological approaches on reproductive plasticity and polymorphism, we hope to obtain an integrative view of the evolutionary forces shaping aphid reproductive strategies, from gene to population and species levels.  相似文献   

Summary In the present paper we distinguish between two aspects of sexual reproduction. Genetic recombination is a universal features of the sexual process. It is a primitive condition found in simple, single-celled organisms, as well as in higher plants and animals. Its function is primarily to repair genetic damage and eliminate deleterious mutations. Recombination also produces new variation, however, and this can provide the basis for adaptive evolutionary change in spatially and temporally variable environments.The other feature usually associated with sexual reproduction, differentiated male and female roles, is a derived condition, largely restricted to complex, diploid, multicellular organisms. The evolution of anisogamous gametes (small, mobile male gametes containing only genetic material, and large, relatively immobile female gametes containing both genetic material and resources for the developing offspring) not only established the fundamental basis for maleness and femaleness, it also led to an asymmetry between the sexes in the allocation of resources to mating and offspring. Whereas females allocate their resources primarily to offspring, the existence of many male gametes for each female one results in sexual selection on males to allocate their resources to traits that enhance success in competition for fertilizations. A consequence of this reproductive competition, higher variance in male than female reproductive success, results in more intense selection on males.The greater response of males to both stabilizing and directional selection constitutes an evolutionary advantage of males that partially compensates for the cost of producing them. The increased fitness contributed by sexual selection on males will complement the advantages of genetic recombination for DNA repair and elimination of deleterious mutations in any outcrossing breeding system in which males contribute only genetic material to their offspring. Higher plants and animals tend to maintain sexual reproduction in part because of the enhanced fitness of offspring resulting from sexual selection at the level of individual organisms, and in part because of the superiority of sexual populations in competition with asexual clones.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction reshapes the genetic architecture of digital organisms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Modularity and epistasis, as well as other aspects of genetic architecture, have emerged as central themes in evolutionary biology. Theory suggests that modularity promotes evolvability, and that aggravating (synergistic) epistasis among deleterious mutations facilitates the evolution of sex. Here, by contrast, we investigate the evolution of different genetic architectures using digital organisms, which are computer programs that self-replicate, mutate, compete and evolve. Specifically, we investigate how genetic architecture is shaped by reproductive mode. We allowed 200 populations of digital organisms to evolve for over 10 000 generations while reproducing either asexually or sexually. For 10 randomly chosen organisms from each population, we constructed and analysed all possible single mutants as well as one million mutants at each mutational distance from 2 to 10. The genomes of sexual organisms were more modular than asexual ones; sites encoding different functional traits had less overlap and sites encoding a particular trait were more tightly clustered. Net directional epistasis was alleviating (antagonistic) in both groups, although the overall strength of this epistasis was weaker in sexual than in asexual organisms. Our results show that sexual reproduction profoundly influences the evolution of the genetic architecture.  相似文献   

It is now clear that sex chromosomes differ from autosomes in many aspects of genome biology, such as organization, gene content and gene expression. Moreover, sex linkage has numerous evolutionary genetic implications. Here, I provide a coherent overview of sex-chromosome evolution and function based on recent data. Heteromorphic sex chromosomes are almost as widespread across the animal and plant kingdoms as sexual reproduction itself and an accumulating body of genetic data reveals interesting similarities, as well as dissimilarities, between organisms with XY or ZW sex-determination systems. Therefore, I discuss how patterns and processes associated with sex linkage in male- and female-heterogametic systems offer a useful contrast in the study of sex-chromosome evolution.  相似文献   

The widespread occurrence of sexual reproduction despite the two-fold disadvantage of producing males, is still an unsolved mystery in evolutionary biology. One explanatory theory, called the "Red Queen" hypothesis, states that sex is an adaptation to escape from parasites. A more recent hypothesis, the mate selection hypothesis, assumes that non-random mating, possible only with sex, accelerates the evolution of beneficial traits. This paper tests these two hypotheses, using an agent-based or "micro-analytic" evolutionary algorithm where host-parasite interaction is simulated adhering to biological reality. While previous simpler models testing the "Red Queen" hypothesis considered mainly haploid hosts, stable population density, random mating and simplified expression of fitness, our more realistic model allows diploidy, mate selection, live history constraints and variable population densities. Results suggest that the Red Queen hypothesis is not valid for more realistic evolutionary scenarios and that each of the two hypotheses tested seem to explain partially but not exhaustively the adaptive value of sex. Based on the results we suggest that sexual populations in nature should avoid both, maximizing outbreeding or maximizing inbreeding and should acquire mate selection strategies which favour optimal ranges of genetic mixing in accordance with environmental challenges.  相似文献   

Meiosis is an ancestral, highly conserved process in eukaryotic life cycles, and for all eukaryotes the shared component of sexual reproduction. The benefits and functions of meiosis, however, are still under discussion, especially considering the costs of meiotic sex. To get a novel view on this old problem, we filter out the most conserved elements of meiosis itself by reviewing the various modifications and alterations of modes of reproduction. Our rationale is that the indispensable steps of meiosis for viability of offspring would be maintained by strong selection, while dispensable steps would be variable. We review evolutionary origin and processes in normal meiosis, restitutional meiosis, polyploidization and the alterations of meiosis in forms of uniparental reproduction (apomixis, apomictic parthenogenesis, automixis, selfing) with a focus on plants and animals. This overview suggests that homologue pairing, double-strand break formation and homologous recombinational repair at prophase I are the least dispensable elements, and they are more likely optimized for repair of oxidative DNA damage rather than for recombination. Segregation, ploidy reduction and also a biparental genome contribution can be skipped for many generations. The evidence supports the theory that the primary function of meiosis is DNA restoration rather than recombination.  相似文献   

Understanding how complex sexual reproduction arose, and why sexual organisms have been more successful than otherwise similar asexual organisms, is a longstanding problem in evolutionary biology. Within this problem, the potential role of endosymbionts or intracellular pathogens in mediating primitive genetic transfers is a continuing theme. In recent years, several remarkable activities of mitochondria have been observed in the germline cells of complex eukaryotes, and it has been found that bacterial endosymbionts related to mitochondria are capable of manipulating diverse aspects of metazoan gametogenesis. An attempt is made here to rationalize these observations with an endosymbiotic model for the evolutionary origins of sex. It is hypothesized that the contemporary life cycle of germline cells has descended from the life cycle of the endosymbiotic ancestor of the mitochondrion. Through an actin-based motility that drove it from one cell to another, the rickettsial ancestor of mitochondria may have functioned as a primitive transducing particle, the evolutionary progenitor of sperm.  相似文献   

The origin of sexual reproduction involved the evolution of zygotes from separate genomes and, like other social processes, should therefore be amenable to analysis using kin selection theory. I consider how kin structure affects sexual interactions in three contexts—the evolution of sexual reproduction, sex allocation and sexual conflict. Kin structure helps explain the even-handed replication of paternal and maternal genes under outbreeding. Under inbreeding, it predicts altruistic failure to replicate by one half of the diploid genome. Kin structure predicts optimal sex ratios and potential conflicts over sex ratio within social groups and individuals. Sexual conflict predictably occurs as a function of (i) the probability that current sexual partners will reproduce together in future and (ii) between-partner relatedness. I conclude that systematically analysing the kin structure of sexual interactions helps illuminate their evolution.  相似文献   

Why did sex ever arise in the first place? Why it does not disappear in view of the greater efficiency of asexuals? These are clearly two different questions, and we suggest here that the solution for the origin of sex does not necessarily come from theoretical considerations based on currently existing genetic systems. Thus, while we agree with a number of authors in that the emergence of sex (understood as the exchange of genetic material between genomes) is deeply rooted in the origin of life and happened during the very early stages in the transition from individual genes (`replicators') to bacteria-like cells (`reproducers'), we challenge the idea that recombinational repair was the major selective force for the emergence of sex. Taking the stochastic corrector model as a starting point, we provide arguments that question the putative costs of redundancy in primitive protocells. In addition, if genes that cause intragenomic conflict (i.e., parasites) are taken into account, it is certainly wrong to suggest that cellular fusion would be beneficial at the population level (although this strong claim needs some qualifications). However, when a continuous input of deleterious mutations that impair the fitness of the protocell as a whole is considered in the model (in the realistic range in which stable mutant distributions of quasi-species within compartments are established), there are circumstances when sex could be beneficial as a side effect of the dynamic equilibrium between cellular fusion-mutation-selection. The scenario we have explored numerically is fully consistent with the idea that the universal ancestor was not a discrete entity but an ensemble of proto-organisms that exchanged much genetic information.  相似文献   

Computer experiments that mirror the evolutionary dynamics of sexual and asexual organisms as they occur in nature were used to test features proposed to explain the evolution of sexual recombination. Results show that this evolution is better described as a network of interactions between possible sexual forms, including diploidy, thelytoky, facultative sex, assortation, bisexuality, and division of labor between the sexes, rather than a simple transition from parthenogenesis to sexual recombination. Diploidy was shown to be fundamental for the evolution of sex; bisexual reproduction emerged only among anisogamic diploids with a synergistic division of reproductive labor; and facultative sex was more likely to evolve among haploids practicing assortative mating. Looking at the evolution of sex as a complex system through individual-based simulations explains better the diversity of sexual strategies known to exist in nature, compared to classical analytical models.  相似文献   

The study of alternative genetic systems and mixed modes of reproduction, whereby sexual and asexual reproduction is combined within the same lifecycle, is of fundamental importance as they may shed light on classical evolutionary issues, such as the paradox of sex. Recently, several such cases were discovered in social insects. A closer examination of these systems has revealed many amazing facts, including the mixed use of asexual and sexual reproduction for the production of new queens and workers, males that can clone themselves and the routine use of incest without deleterious genetic consequences. In addition, in several species, remarkable cases of asexually reproducing socially parasitic worker lineages have been discovered. The study of these unusual systems promises to provide insight into many basic evolutionary questions, including the maintenance of sex, the expression of sexual conflict and kin conflict and the evolution of cheating in asexual lineages.  相似文献   

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