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The present study investigated stand dynamics during 10-year period in a conifer/broadleaved mixed forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan, focusing on spatially dependent recruitment, mortality and growth of two growth-form groups, deciduous broadleaved species and the dominant evergreen conifer Abies sachalinensis. The stand-level basal area was maintained over the 10-year period, while a compositional equilibrium at the individual species level was not confirmed. Univariate and bivariate spatial analyses revealed clustering of many of the constituent species. The absence of single-species patches suggested an ambiguous mosaic formed by co-occurrence of Abies and broadleaved trees. The trend towards an aggregated distribution of Abies and broadleaved trees was caused by spatially dependent recruitment rather than mortality. New recruits of broadleaved species were spatially associated with surviving broadleaved trees, while this was not the case for Abies. The degree of competitive effects on growth was not consistent over the 10-year period. Abies showed between-groups competition, but not within-group competition. In contrast, we found asymmetric competitions between the broadleaved trees. Our results suggest that Abies is not sufficiently competitively dominant to exclude broadleaved trees, and that the co-occurrence of the two growth-form groups might be maintained.  相似文献   

The response and recovery mechanisms of forests to damage from freezing rain and snow events are a key topic in forest research and management. However, the relationship between the degree of damage and tree age, i.e., whether seedlings, young trees, or adult trees are most vulnerable, remains unclear and is rarely reported. We investigated the effect of tree age on the degrees of vegetation damage and subsequent recovery in three subtropical forest types-coniferous, mixed, and broad-leaved —in the Tianjing Mountains, South China, after a series of rare icy rain and freezing snow events in 2008. The results showed that damage and recovery rates were both dependent on tree age, with the proportion of damaged vegetation increasing with age(estimated by diameter at breast height, DBH) in all three forest types and gradually plateauing. Significant variation occurred among forest types. Young trees in the coniferous forest were more vulnerable than those in the broad-leaved forest. The type of damage also varied with tree age in different ways in the three forest types. The proportion of young seedlings that were uprooted(the most severe type of damage) was highest in the coniferous forest. In the mixed forest, young trees were significantly more likely to be uprooted than seedlings and adult trees, while in the broad-leaved forest, the proportion of uprooted adult trees was significantly higher than that of seedlings and young trees. There were also differences among forest types in how tree age affected damage recovery. In the coniferous forest, the recovery rate of trees with broken trunks or crowns(DBH 2.5 cm) increased with tree age. However, in the mixed and broad-leaved forests, no obvious correlation between the recovery rate of trees with broken trunks or crowns and tree age was observed. Trees with severe root damage did not recover; they were uprooted and died. In these forests, vegetation damage and recovery showed tree age dependencies, which varied with tree shape, forest type, and damage type. Understanding this dependency will guide restoration after freezing rain and snow disturbances.  相似文献   

Climate change is altering forest dynamics in the tropics, with large potential impacts on forest structure and understory conditions. However, we found that canopy height distribution and openness remained stable over two decades in the western Amazon, and that gap creation rates would need to increase 300% before affecting equilibrium.  相似文献   

This study investigated a typical pine-oak mosaic mixed forest in the Qinling Mountains, China. In the sample plot, the population structure and spatial distribution of the stems were analyzed for the predominant species, to identify the mechanisms of species coexistence and successional trends of the forest. The population structures of all species were bimodally distributed, with young trees (DBH <1 cm) more abundant than older trees. The population structures of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata was bimodal and rather continuous. However, Pinus tabuliformis and Pinus armandii were discontinuously bimodal, with distinct size deficiencies. Q. aliena var. acuteserrata trees were clumped throughout the plot, although those of P. tabuliformis and P. armandii were clumped at small scales. Notable negative spatial associations between Q. aliena var. acuteserrata and P. tabuliformis were found at almost scales. P. armandii and Q. aliena var. acuteserrata were negatively spatially associated at small scales but positively associated at large scales. Our findings suggest that interspecific competition gradually develops among the predominant tree species. The dynamics of the pine-oak mosaic mixed forest formed a mosaic distribution of uniformly mixed types, with the slow infiltration of Q. aliena var. acuteserrata populations that would eventually establish a pure stand.  相似文献   

Aims Forest carbon storage in Nei Mongol plays a significant role in national terrestrial carbon budget due to its large area in China. Our objectives were to estimate the carbon storage in the forest ecosystems in Nei Mongol and to quantify its spatial pattern. Methods Field survey and sampling were conducted at 137 sites that distributed evenly across the forest types in the study region. At each site, the ecosystem carbon density was estimated thorough sampling and measuring different pools of soil (0 100 cm) and vegetation, including biomass of tree, grass, shrub, and litter. Regional carbon storage was calculated with the estimated carbon density for each forest type. Important findings Carbon storage of vegetation layer in forests in Nei Mongol was 787.8 Tg C, with the biomass of tree, litter, herbaceous and shrub accounting for 93.5%, 3.0%, 2.7% and 0.8%, respectively. Carbon density of vegetation layer was 40.4 t•hm2, with 35.6 t•hm2 in trees, 2.9 t•hm2 in litter, 1.2 t•hm2 in herbaceous and 0.6 t•hm2 in shrubs. In comparison, carbon storage of soil layer in forests in Nei Mongol was 2 449.6 Tg C, with 79.8% distributed in the first 30 cm. Carbon density of soil layer was 144.4 t•hm2. Carbon storage of forest ecosystem in Nei Mongol was 3 237.4 Tg C, with vegetation and soil accounting for 24.3% and 75.7%, respectively. Carbon density of forest ecosystems in Nei Mongol was 184.5 t•hm2. Carbon density of soil layer was positively correlated with that of vegetation layer. Spatially, both carbon storage and carbon density were higher in the eastern area, where the climate is more humid. Forest reserves and artificial afforestations can significantly improve the capacity of regional carbon sink.  相似文献   

The tropical coastal dunes in central Gulf of Mexico have been stabilizing over the last decades resulting in reduced substrate mobility, and promoting primary succession. We describe changes in species richness and diversity in dune vegetation during 20?years. Our questions: (a) Do species richness and diversity increase over time as predicted by models of ecological succession or do they show a hump-backed manner similar to the observations in temperate coastal dunes?, (b) What is the interaction between vegetation cover and diversity and species richness?, (c) Is there a relationship between species diversity and succession rate and does succession rate change over time?, and (d) How do plant functional types change during succession? In order to answer these questions, we set 140 4?×?4?m permanent plots in a mobile dune area and monitored vegetation cover and species richness from 1991 to 2011. In time, diversity increased in a logistic manner toward an asymptotic value once vegetation cover surpassed 60?%. Species richness increased in a humped-back shape, also reaching a maximum peak at 60?% vegetation cover. The succession rate of diversity was measured by the Euclidean distance, and showed a significant humped-back relation, meaning that it was slower in early and late successional stages. The study supports the intermediate disturbance theory. The conservation of coastal dunes vegetation should focus on all, species-poor and species-rich habitats that help to maintain the ecological integrity of these ecosystems. The understanding of community dynamics and diversity patterns becomes an essential component of coastal dune management and conservation.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined short-term changes in understory vegetation following prescribed burning. However, knowledge concerning longer term effects on both forest understory and overstory vegetation is lacking. This investigation was initiated to examine changes in understory (herbaceous and shrub) and overstory species composition almost four decades after logging and prescribed burning at the Pike Bay Experimental Forest in Minnesota. The experiment was established in 1964 with a randomized block design with four treatments: control (c); burned in spring 1967 (S0); burned in spring 1967 + repeat burn spring 1969 (S2); and burned in spring 1967 + repeat burn fall 1970 (F4). Overstory and understory species diversity indices and richness varied within and among treatments but were not strongly or consistently affected by the treatments. Multivariate analyses (multi-response block permutation procedures and non-metric multidimensional scaling) reveal some lingering effects of burning intensity and seasonal variation as well as some compositional differentiation among treatments, but only in the herb layer. In this environment, the effects of two repeated burnings (fire) have essentially disappeared for overstory and understory species diversity and community composition and have failed to convert an aspen-dominated stand to a coniferous stand (an original goal of the study).  相似文献   

The biomass and population dynamics of crustacean zooplankton were determined in oligotrophic Lake Toya in Japan over 5 years from May 1992 to May 1997. In 1992 and 1993, zooplankton biomass was up to 4.3 g dry weight m?2, whereas it decreased to <1 g dry weight m?2 after 1994. This extreme change in biomass was associated with the succession of dominant species from larger ones, such as Daphnia longispina and Cyclops strenuus (s. lat.), to smaller ones, such as Eubosmina tanakai and Bosmina longirostris. Consequently, this biomass change seemed to cause an increase in the chlorophyll a concentration in the euphotic zone and a decline in lake transparency. Because the birth rates of the dominant species were somewhat higher after 1994, the decline in the populations of larger crustaceans seemed to depend more on their rate of death rather than rate of birth, and this higher death rate is not considered to be attributed to food shortage. Although these results strongly suggest a top-down cascading effect of fish predation upon crustaceans, annual catches of two commercially important planktivorous fish species have also decreased in the lake, coincidentally with decreases in zooplankton biomass. This may be attributable to fishing regulations that prohibit catching smaller fish, implying that such smaller fish affect zooplankton and phytoplankton, as well as lake transparency.  相似文献   


The prognosis and utility under climate change are presented for two old‐growth, temperate forests in Australia, from ecological and carbon accounting perspectives. The tall open‐forests (TOFs) of south‐western Australia (SWA) are within Australia’s global biodiversity hotspot. The forest management and timber usage from the carbon‐dense old‐growth TOFs of Tasmania (TAS) have a high carbon efflux, rendering it a carbon hotspot. Under climate change the warmer, dryer climate in both areas will decrease carbon stocks directly; and indirectly through changes towards dryer forest types and through positive feedback. Near 2100, climate change will decrease soil organic carbon (SOC) significantly, e.g. by ~30% for SWA and at least 2% for TAS. The emissions from the next 20 years of logging old‐growth TOF in TAS, and conversion to harvesting cycles, will conservatively reach 66(±33) Mt‐CO2‐equivalents in the long‐term – bolstering greenhouse gas emissions. Similar emissions will arise from rainforest SOC in TAS due to climate change. Careful management of old‐growth TOFs in these two hotspots, to help reduce carbon emissions and change in biodiversity, entails adopting approaches to forest, wood product and fire management which conserve old‐growth characteristics in forest stands. Plantation forestry on long‐cleared land and well‐targeted prescribed burning supplement effective carbon management.

Abbreviations: C, carbon; CBS, clearfell, burn and sow; CO2‐e, CO2 equivalents; CWD, coarse woody debris; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; GHG, greenhouse gas; Mt, megatonnes; SOC, soil organic carbon; SWA, south‐western Australia; SWAFR, Southwest Australian Floristic Region; TAS, Tasmania; TOF, tall open‐forest; t‐C ha?1 yr?1, tonnes of carbon per hectare per year  相似文献   

Given evidences that diverse ecosystems provide more services than depauperate ones, much attention has now turned toward finding meaningful and operational diversity indices. We ask two questions: (1) Does phylogenetic diversity contain additional information not explained by functional traits? And (2) What are the strength and nature of the correlation between phylogeny and functional traits according to the evolutionary scale considered? We used data from permanent forest plots of northeastern Canada for which these links have been demonstrated and important functional traits identified. We show that the nature of the relationship between traits and phylogeny varies dramatically among traits, but also according to the evolutionary distance considered. The demonstration that different characters show phylogenetic autocorrelation at different evolutionary depths suggests that phylogenetic content of traits may be too crude to determine whether phylogenies contain relevant information. However, our study provides support for the use of phylogenies to assess ecosystem functioning when key functional traits are unavailable. We also highlight a potentially important contribution of phylogenetics for conservation and the study of the impact of biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning and the provision of services, given the accumulating evidence that mechanisms promoting diversity effects shift over time to involve different traits.  相似文献   

A primary focus of historical demographic research is to understand how a population's mating pattern can affect its genetic structure. By using surnames, researchers can reconstruct gene flow into a population as well as within it: the population structure. Indeed, Lasker (1988a) noted that the distribution of surnames reflects the effect of mate choice on a population's genetic structure. Here, we study the mating pattern of a small, clearly established breeding population in Costa Rica (Escazú) during 1800-1839 and 1850-1899. We found that a large proportion of marriages involved individuals who were members of long-standing or core families. Indeed, 27 families provided 56% of all consorts throughout the period under study. When new surnames appeared in the records (presumably as a result of immigration), they were introduced more frequently by males, indicating that more males than females migrated into the community. The core families did not mate preferentially among themselves but appear to have readily accepted the migrants. Indeed,the greatest preponderance of repeated-surname marriages was that expected by chance. However, nonrandom surname repetition is evident when marriages between nonillegitimate consorts are analyzed. That is, the frequency of repeated-pair surname marriages is statistically significant in marriages involving brides and grooms who carried 2 surnames. Interestingly, significant departures from random repetition of surnames occurred during the decade in which the great cholera epidemic affected Costa Rica and during the decade following it. This departure from panmixia supports the notion that mating patterns were altered as a result of the epidemic, a suggestion we made previously when we reported that inbreeding increased in these same decades (Madrigal and Ware 1997).  相似文献   

  • 1 This paper offers a commentary on the development of island ecological theory since the publication of MacArthur & Wilson’s equilibrium theory in the 1960s. I distinguish the simple model at the core of their Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography (ETIB) and the broader body of their theory, which embraces evolutionary as well as ecological patterns — all, however, within the overarching framework or assumption of equilibrium.
  • 2 The basic problems with the ETIB have long been known, and its status as a ruling paradigm has been the subject of concern for more than two decades. With the development of nonequilibrium ideas in ecology, island biogeographers arguably now have viable theoretical frameworks to set alongside or around the ETIB. Four conditions are highlighted as extremes: i) dynamic equilibrium; ii) dynamic nonequilibrium; iii) ‘static’ equilibrium; and iv) ‘static’ nonequilibrium: together providing a conceptual framework for island ecological analyses.
  • 3 The importance of scale is stressed and attention is drawn to Haila’s spatial‐temporal continuum as an organizational device. It is argued that the processes represented within the ETIB (and by extension, other island theories) may be prominent within only a limited portion of this continuum, while elsewhere they are generally subsumed by other dominant processes.
  • 4 Colonization and ecosystem development of near‐shore islands constitute just a special case of ecological succession, and thus the development of theories of island assembly may benefit accordingly from efforts to incorporate ideas from the ecological succession literature.
  • 5 The desirability of specifying answerable questions is stressed, as is the need to build a greater degree of complexity into the development of island ecological models. Notwithstanding which, it is also recognized that key advances are often brought about by simple, but bold models, of the form exemplified elsewhere in this issue.

Restoration of wetlands is a high priority world-wide. Peat extraction areas can be restored by rewetting, however affecting the environment. It could be expected to turn the drained peat-cutover area from a source to a sink of most elements. This study examined effects of such rewetting on peat, hydrology and water chemistry over 15 years at two sites in Sweden; the nutrient-poor Porla peatland and the nutrient-rich Västkärr peatland. Rewetting caused minor changes to peat chemistry, but at the Västkärr site ammonium concentrations increased in superficial peat layers while nitrate decreased. In terms of hydrology, rewetting of the Porla site decreased annual runoff and both high and low discharges. Water pH at the Porla site stayed fairly stable, but at the Västkärr site pH, after an initial 4 years dip, gradually increased to higher values than before rewetting. Water colour and organic matter content were fairly stable, but slightly lower values were found after 15 years than in initial 4–5 years. The concentrations of base cations and of inorganic N were lower after rewetting, while total P was higher. However, these impacts could change from an initial phase as the wetlands in the long-term perspective develop into mires.  相似文献   

Two previous experiments on food storing and one-trial associative learning in marsh tits (Clayton 1992a; Clayton and Krebs 1992) demonstrate that information coming into the brain from the left eye disappears from the left eye system between 3 and 24 h after memory formation, whereas that coming into the brain from the right eye remains stable within the right eye system for at least 51 h after memory formation. Performance after a 7 h retention interval appears to represent an intermediate stage in which the information is no longer accessible to the left eye system but is not yet available to the right eye system, suggesting a unilateral transfer of memory. The experiments reported here further investigated lateralization and unilateral transfer of memory in food-storing marsh tits, Parus palustris, using the technique of monocular occlusion. Birds were tested for their ability to retrieve stored seeds after retention intervals of 3, 7 and 24 h under 4 different occlusion treatments. Two predictions were tested: (a) with right eye occlusion during storage, birds should show better memory performance after 3 and 24 h than after 7 h and (b) memory should be more accurate when both eyes are used during storage than with monocular occlusion. The first prediction, which arises from the fact that memory is transferred from the left to the right eye system at about 7 h and is inaccessible during the transfer, was supported by the data. The second prediction, however, was not supported. Previous work has shown that in marsh tits the two eye systems remember preferentially different aspects of the stimulus: the left eye system responds to spatial position and the right eye system to object-specific cues. It is possible that the failure to find superior performance in binocular tests was because the task could be solved by either spatial or object-specific memory.  相似文献   

Brakefield PM  de Jong PW 《Heredity》2011,107(6):574-578
A cline in the frequency of melanic morphs of the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, was first surveyed in 1980 along a transect extending inland from the coast in the Netherlands. At that time, the frequency of melanics increased over some 40 km from 10% near the coast to nearly 60% inland. Additional surveys made in 1991 and 1995 demonstrated some progressive change in cline shape. New samples from 1998 and 2004 confirm these dynamics, and show that over a period of about 50 generations for the beetle, the cline had decayed rapidly to yield rather uniform frequencies of melanic morphs at around 20% along the whole transect by 2004. Climate data and evidence for thermal melanism in this species support our contention that these dynamics reflect a dramatic example of a rapid genetic response within populations to climate change and local selection.  相似文献   

Due to anthropogenic activities, tropical rain forests face many challenges in sustaining biodiversity and maintaining global climates. This study explores how forest successional stage, tree composition, and stratum affect communities of saproxylic cerambycid beetles—concealed feeders that play important roles in forest nutrient cycling. Forty trees in five families (Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae, Malvaceae, Moraceae, and Sapotaceae) were sampled in a mosaic of old‐growth and secondary forest on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Bait branches yielded 3549 cerambycid individuals in 49 species. Species richness was almost identical in old‐growth and secondary forest, and both yielded specialists, but abundance was higher in old‐growth forest. Overall community structure was most strongly influenced by host plant species; within most plant families it was also impacted by forest successional status. Moraceae was the exception, presumably because the focal tree species was abundant in both old‐growth and secondary forest. Several host and old‐growth specialist species reached high densities within patches of old‐growth forest, but seldom colonized apparently suitable trees within secondary forest. This suggests that even small areas of old‐growth forest can act as refuges, but that secondary forest may act as a barrier to dispersal. The vulnerability of specialized saproxylic insects to land use change will be linked to the ability of their preferred hosts to disperse to and persist in successional habitats; rearing studies may provide the most accurate method to monitor community changes over time.  相似文献   

The tropical forests of the Congo Basin constitute biodiversity refuges that still hold large numbers of species, including endemic and endangered vertebrates. Along with several key species, the critically endangered western lowland gorilla (WLG) potentially contributes to forest dynamics through seed dispersal. Considering the extensive influence of timber harvesting on tropical forest ecosystems, the survival of gorilla populations in logged forests might prove critical for forest ecosystem conservation. We estimated WLG density, through a nest count survey, in a forest in southeast Gabon that has been logged for 25 years. Nesting behavior and habitat use were described and we applied generalized linear models to identify the factors that influence gorilla day and night habitat use. The estimated density of weaned gorillas, 1.5 gorillas km?2, is comparable with estimates from some protected areas and other sustainably managed sites within their range. Habitat type had the greatest influence on nest site distribution. We observed a preference for nesting in open terra firma forest, and open habitats in general, which supports the findings of previous studies. Habitat use during the day was strongly influenced by habitat type and human activities, and to a lesser degree by functional and non-functional roads, and rivers. Our results support the suggestion that logged forests are suitable habitats for WLG if hunting and poaching are controlled. We recommend collaborations between timber operators and scientists to improve the conservation potential of tropical forests and enhance the wildlife-management aspects of logging practices.  相似文献   

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