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The following paper describes patterns of diversity across major habitat types in a relatively well preserved coastal dune system in central Italy. The research addresses the following questions: (a) whether different habitats defined on the base of a land cover map support similar levels of biodiversity in terms of vascular flora richness and number of rare and endangered species, and (b) how each habitat contributes to the total species diversity of the coastal environment. A random stratified sampling approach based on a detailed land cover map was applied to construct rarefaction curves for each habitat type and to estimate total species richness. In addition, the number of exclusive, rare and endangered species was calculated for each habitat type. Results highlight the importance of the coastal dune zonation (embryo-dune, main dune, transition and stabilized dune) in species conservation because they harbour progressively higher species richness. However, differences among these habitats were not significant, so no particular species rich “hotspots” could be evidenced. On the contrary, rarefaction curves show that the upper beach (strand) habitat sustains significantly smaller number of species, but surprisingly, it shows the highest rarity values and highest proportion of endangered species. Therefore, for the establishment of successful biodiversity conservation programs in these coastal environments, it is imperative not only to conserve biologically rich hotspots but also to include species poor habitats containing endangered or unique elements. Thus, the complete coastal vegetation mosaic including all coastal habitats is important to adequately characterize the plant species diversity of coastal dune ecosystems.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization was measured in the most abundant plant species of the Paraguaná Peninsula, northwestern Venezuela. These plant species included: Acacia tortuosa, Argusia gnaphalodes, Croton punctatus, Croton rhamnifolius, Egletes prostrata, Melochia tomentosa, Panicum vaginatum, Scaevola plumieri, Sporobolus virginicus, Suriana maritima, Leptothrium rigidum, and Fimbristylis cymosa. Mycorrhizal colonization was assessed using the Trouvelot et al. (1986) method that allows for simultaneous evaluation of frequency of colonization (%F), intensity of colonization (%M), and the proportion of arbuscules (%A) and vesicles (%V) present in the roots. Average frequency of colonization was 69%. The highest frequency of colonization was around 92% in C. rhamnifolius and A. tortuosa; in the other species, it varied from 49 to 86%. L. rigidum and F. cymosa were considered nonmycorrhizal because its colonization was very scarce and at all times appeared without arbuscules. Average intensity of colonization was 7%. The highest intensity of colonization was 18% in C. rhamnifolius. In the other species, it varied from 3 to 15%. Paspalum vaginatum, A. gnaphalodes, M. tomentosa, and S. maritima had their fungal structures tightly packed in modified little ovoid roots. In general, frequency of AM colonization was high and similar to those reported for other tropical ecosystems, whereas the intensity of AM colonization was low and similar to values obtained in analogous studies in disturbed ecosystems.  相似文献   

The ability to form symbiotic associations with soil microorganisms and the consequences for plant growth were studied for three woody legumes grown in five different soils of a Portuguese coastal dune system. Seedlings of the invasive Acacia longifolia and the natives Ulex europaeus and Cytisus grandiflorus were planted in the five soil types in which at least one of these species appear in the studied coastal dune system. We found significant differences between the three woody legumes in the number of nodules produced, final plant biomass and shoot 15N content. The number of nodules produced by A. longifolia was more than five times higher than the number of nodules produced by the native legumes. The obtained 15N values suggest that both A. longifolia and U. europaeus incorporated more biologically-fixed nitrogen than C. grandiflorus which is also the species with the smallest distribution. Finally, differences were also found between the three species in the allocation of biomass in the different studied soils. Acacia longifolia displayed a lower phenotypic plasticity than the two native legumes which resulted in a greater allocation to aboveground biomass in the soils with lower nutrient content. We conclude that the invasive success of A. longifolia in the studied coastal sand dune system is correlated to its capacity to nodulate profusely and to use the biologically-fixed nitrogen to enhance aboveground growth in soils with low N content.  相似文献   

Macro-moths caught in a Rothamsted trap, operating from 1968 to 2003 as part of the Rothamsted Insect Survey, were used to investigate the long-term population trends of moth populations on East Loch Lomondside. In total 367 species of macro moth were recorded during this study. Over the 35 years of this study, an increase was recorded in both the overall number of individuals and moth diversity. Mean annual temperature significantly predicted the change in moth diversity but not number of individuals caught. Four of the most consistently abundant species, collectively constituting 27% of the average annual catch, were subjected to more detailed analysis. The three species that emerge during the summer months Eulithis populata (the northern spinach), Hydriomena furcata (july highflier) and Idaea biselata (the small fan-footed wave) became more abundant throughout the study period, (although for the latter species not significantly so). For Eulithis populata and Idaea biselata their emergence time became earlier, over the study period and in Eulithis populata and Hydriomena furcata, the flight duration also became longer. In contrast, the species that emerges as an adult during autumn and winter, Epirrita dilutata (the november moth) did not exhibit a significant change in abundance, emergence date or flight duration in this study. The results suggest that climate change is at least in part, responsible for the observed changes in species dynamics.  相似文献   

To investigate the initiation of primary succession in a cold-desert playa-dune complex, we studied the large-scale (2000 m) seed (diaspore) dispersal patterns at Mono Lake, California. Seeds of seven of the ten species reaching the barren playa had wind-dispersal adaptations. Rates of dispersal (numbers of seeds per square metre per day) were as much as three orders of magnitude lower on the playa than in the diverse dune vegetation. However, seed input appeared sufficient to reach potential safe sites on the playa, with a peak input of 66 ± 8 total seeds·m·d. The smooth playa surface, the virtual absence of aboveground barriers, and the high windspeed environment promote the long-distance dispersal of seeds (at least 1300 m for Chrysothamnus spp. and at least 700 m for Sarcobatus vermiculatus). The large spatial scale of sampling revealed a relatively high seed input onto the playa by the dominant pioneer species S. vermiculatus, despite the low abundance of parent vegetation in this region. All of these results implicate low rates of seed entrapment as an obstacle to establishment on this desert playa, rather than a lack of seed input.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Coastal ecosystems can vary considerably in their habitat characteristics and environmental conditions, resulting in divergent fish community structures. However, comparisons among...  相似文献   

High‐throughput sequencing technologies are now allowing us to study patterns of community assembly for diverse microbial assemblages across environmental gradients and during succession. Here we discuss potential explanations for similarities and differences in bacterial and fungal community assembly patterns along a soil chronosequence in the foreland of a receding glacier. Although the data are not entirely conclusive, they do indicate that successional trajectories for bacteria and fungi may be quite different. Recent empirical and theoretical studies indicate that smaller microbes (like most bacteria) are less likely to be dispersal limited than are larger microbes – which could result in a more deterministic community assembly pattern for bacteria during primary succession. Many bacteria are also better adapted (than are fungi) to life in barren, early‐successional sediments in that some can fix nitrogen and carbon from the atmosphere – traits not possessed by any fungi. Other differences between bacteria and fungi are discussed, but it is apparent from this and other recent studies of microbial succession that we are a long way from understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of microbial community assembly during ecosystem succession. We especially need a better understanding of global and regional patterns of microbial dispersal and what environmental factors control the development of microbial communities in complex natural systems.  相似文献   

The recovery of vegetation cover is a process that has important implications for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Generally, the recovery of vegetation cover is documented over large areas using remote sensing, and it is often assumed that ecosystem properties and processes recover along with remotely sensed canopy cover. Here we analyze and compare the structure, composition, and diversity of trees and shrubs among plots established in a stratified random sampling design over four remotely sensed canopy cover change (CCC) categories defined according to a gradient in the percent of canopy cover. Plots were located in the Lake Cuitzeo basin (Mexico), where canopy recovery associated with agricultural abandonment has occurred in recent decades (1975–2000). We found that diversity measures, basal area, tree and shrub density, ground-truthed canopy cover, and mean plant height increased with increasing CCC category. However, Shannon index (H′) was lower in the CCC category with the most closed canopy cover category than in plots apparently not affected by agriculture. Furthermore, ordination analyses showed that composition of dominant species were not associated with CCC categories. Our results suggest that canopy closure in our study area is not associated with the recovery of species diversity, and does not result in similar species dominance as in sites not affected by agriculture.  相似文献   

? Linking tree diversity to carbon storage can provide further motivation to conserve tropical forests and to design carbon-enriched plantations. Here, we examine the role of tree diversity and functional traits in determining carbon storage in a mixed-species plantation and in a natural tropical forest in Panama. ? We used species richness, functional trait diversity, species dominance and functional trait dominance to predict tree carbon storage across these two forests. Then we compared the species ranking based on wood density, maximum diameter, maximum height, and leaf mass per area (LMA) between sites to reveal how these values changed between different forests. ? Increased species richness, a higher proportion of nitrogen fixers and species with low LMA increased carbon storage in the mixed-species plantation, while a higher proportion of large trees and species with high LMA increased tree carbon storage in the natural forest. Furthermore, we found that tree species varied greatly in their absolute and relative values between study sites. ? Different results in different forests mean that we cannot easily predict carbon storage capacity in natural forests using data from experimental plantations. Managers should be cautious when applying functional traits measured in natural populations in the design of carbon-enriched plantations.  相似文献   

Island communities are exposed to several evolutionary and ecological processes that lead to changes in their diversity and structure compared to mainland biotas. These phenomena have been observed for various taxa but not for parasitoids, a key group in terms of community diversity and functioning. Here we use the parasitoid communities associated with the moth Acroclita subsequana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the Macaronesian region, to test whether species richness differs between islands and mainland, and whether island parasitoid faunas are biased towards generalist species. Host larvae were collected on several islands and adjacent mainland, carefully searched for ectoparasitoid larvae and dissected to recover any endoparasitoids. Parasitoids were classified as idiobionts, which usually have a wide host range (i.e. generalists), or koinobionts that are considered specialists. Mainland species richness was lower than expected by chance, with most of the species being koinobionts. On the other hand, island communities showed a greater proportion of idiobiont species. Overall parasitism rates were similar between islands and mainland, but islands had higher rates of parasitism by idiobionts than expected by chance, and mainland areas showed the highest koinobiont parasitism rates. These results suggest that island parasitoid communities are dominated by generalists, in comparison to mainland communities. Several hypotheses may explain this pattern: (1) generalist parasitoids might have better dispersal abilities; (2) they may be less constrained by ‘sequential dependencies’; and (3) island parasitoids probably have fewer competitors and/or predators, thus favouring the establishment of generalists. New studies including multiple hosts, other habitats, and/or more islands are necessary to identify which of these processes shape island parasitoid communities.  相似文献   

Riparian deforestation is a major threat to the ecological integrity of streams and aquatic biodiversity, influencing microhabitat availability and susceptibility to disturbances. Here we tested if riparian deforestation of tropical streams influenced beta diversity of macroinvertebrate assemblages, by comparing indices that weighted differentially rare and dominant taxa, and testing if nestedness in community composition increased in deforested streams. Within-stream beta diversity was higher in deforested than forested streams, mainly due to taxon loss and higher dominance. In disturbed streams, higher sedimentation in pool mesohabitats resulted in larger differences in community composition, whereas mesohabitats in forested streams were more stable.  相似文献   

We evaluated 25?years of change in wind-impacted oak and pine-dominated sites in the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, Minnesota, USA. We address the question: how did the storm alter stand architecture and spatial pattern and how did this affect recovery and recruitment? We mapped and marked all stems greater than 1?cm in diameter in a 0.25?ha oak-dominated plot and a 0.30?ha pine-dominated plot. After the initial sampling in 1983, plots were resurveyed four times in the 25?years following the windstorm. We used ordination and diameter distributions to describe compositional and structural characteristics of the sites. The stands are compositionally converging after the windstorm with both moving towards a late-successional forest type dominated by shade-tolerant tree species. The architecture in both sites is similar through time; sites have transitioned from bimodal diameter distributions to reverse-J distributions. We used Ripley??s K point pattern analysis to assess spatial patterns of tree mortality and recruitment within each site. In the pine site, surviving trees were significantly clumped, but mortality and recruitment patterns did not significantly differ from random. In the oak site, the storm did not substantially alter the spatial pattern of surviving trees, but subsequent recruitment was significantly associated with trees killed by the storm at scales within 6?C8?m and significantly dissociated with surviving trees at scales greater than 1?m. The dynamics of accelerated succession observed here are mediated by the damage and mortality initially sustained and its corresponding effects on spatial patterns of surviving and recruiting trees.  相似文献   

Positive interactions between plants play a fundamental role in environments with extreme conditions, such as coastal sand dunes, where the establishment of many species is limited by high temperature, and low availability of water and nutrients in the soil. The ability to store water and enrich the soil with nutrients characterizes bromeliads as potential nurse plants for other species. This study aimed to analyze the potential of the bromeliad Vriesea friburgensis to act as a nurse plant, and to compare this interaction in coastal dunes in herbaceous versus scrub vegetation. The study was performed on Santa Catarina Island in Brazil. Juveniles of other species associated with V. friburgensis were collected within and under bromeliad tanks and on adjacent plots beside each bromeliad. The abundance, species richness and height of juveniles were recorded. We found that abundance and richness of Vf‐associated juveniles were lower than those Vf‐not associated, in herbaceous vegetation (negative interaction). However, the height of some shrubs species, like Eupatorium casarettoi and Tibouchina urvilleana, was greater when Vf‐associated (positive interaction). In scrub vegetation, the abundance and richness of juveniles were not significantly affected by V. friburgensis presence (neutral interaction). However, the height of some shrubs and trees species, like Clusia criuva, Eugenia catharinae, Myrsine parvifolia and Ocotea pulchella, was greater when Vf‐associated. Species composition associated with V. friburgensis differed from the assemblage in adjacent plots, indicating that some species interact more with nurse plants, whereas others fail to develop when associated with this bromeliad; the difference between groups in species composition was less evident in scrub vegetation areas. Clusia criuva was considered an indicator species for Vf‐associated juveniles in both vegetation types. Despite the fact that these tank bromeliads do not function as nurse plants for some species, there are others that seem to be favoured by this interaction.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Understanding how soil aggregate stability (MWD) is influenced by microbial diversity and abundance can be crucial for ecological restoration in severely disturbed areas. We...  相似文献   

Moths from the superfamily Geometroidea were collected using standard Rothamsted light-traps at three levels on a tower (i.e. 1, 15, and 30 m) concurrently monthly for thirteen months in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Peninsular Malaysia. There was no consistently significant difference in species richness, abundance and diversity (as measured by from the log-series) for individual sampling months between the three levels although values tended to be lower at the highest level. The diversity for the canopy (high) level was significantly lower when all samples were pooled. Here plant diversity is lower and the forest architecture is less complex. The geometroid moths are uniformly distributed throughout the three levels, with indications of preference for canopy or ground-level flight for some higher taxa. Some groups, such as Geometrinae, show much narrower vertical flight patterns than do others, such as Boarmiini. No significant coincidence of flight preference levels within distinct strata was detected.  相似文献   

Historical records, e.g., herbarium vouchers, contain information about species distribution since the early days of the scientific exploration of floras until today. These data provide crucial evidence to map the biodiversity of the area of interest and most importantly enable the evaluation of the conservation effectiveness for a given group of organisms. This study aimed to explore the ferns and lycophytes’ diversity of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in tropical China with special emphasis on conservation efforts provided by the currently established protected areas (PAs). Instead of relying exclusively on current observation, the database was compiled from digitalized herbarium vouchers and publications being explored with special attention on the temporal and spatial dimensions of collecting efforts. Utilizing the indices including species richness, weighed endemism, corrected weighted endemism, and beta diversity, hotspots of ferns and lycophytes’ diversity were identified. In turn, the proportion of hotspots located outside PAs was estimated as a measure of conservation gaps in Xishuangbanna. Our results revealed a long collecting history of ferns and lycophytes in Xishuangbanna and this prefecture accumulated a considerable number of historical records covering 20.2 % of Chinese and 3.6% of global fern diversity. The accumulation of historical records showed strong parallelism to the historical events shaping modern China. The spatial distribution of ferns and lycophytes in Xishuangbanna was characterized by a concentration of species richness in southern valleys and endemism in western and northern mountains. In terms of conservation, existing PAs showed higher effectiveness in the protection of species richness, whereas lower effectiveness was observed in the protection of endemism and beta diversity. Our research provided a key reference for understanding the diversity and conservation of ferns and lycophytes in Xishuangbanna, as well as highlighting the locality for future collecting and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Higher trophic level interactions are key mediators of ecosystem functioning in tropical forests. A rich body of theory has been developed to predict the effects of plant diversity on communities at higher trophic levels and the mechanisms underlying such effects. The 'enemies hypothesis’ states that predators exert more effective top–down control of herbivorous insects with increasing plant diversity. Support for this hypothesis has been found in temperate forests and agroecosystems, but remains understudied in tropical forests. We compared incidence of attacks of different natural enemies using artificial caterpillars in a tropical forest landscape and investigated the role of plant community structure (i.e. species richness, composition and density), and the role of forest fragmentation (i.e. patch size, edge distance and canopy openness) on predation intensity. Plant community effects were tested with respect to three vegetation strata: trees, saplings and herbs. Observed predation was substantially due to ants. Predation rates increased with plant species richness for trees and herbs. Density of saplings, herb cover and herb species composition were important factors for predation. No significant patterns were found for fragmentation parameters, suggesting that forest fragmentation has not altered predation intensity. We conclude that in tropical forests, top–down control of herbivorous insects in the understory vegetation is affected by a combination of plant diversity, plant species composition and structural features of the plant community.  相似文献   

We used clearcut logging in establishing four replicated sizes of canopy openings (0.016, 0.08, 0.4, and 2.0 ha) in a southern Appalachian hardwood forest in 1981 to examine the long-term effects of disturbance size on plant community structure, biomass accumulation, aboveground net primary productivity (NPP), and mode of recovery. The reestablishment of NPP and biomass following logging was 6–7-fold greater in large than small openings by 17 years. Total biomass in the 2.0 ha openings (127.3 Mg ha−1) recovered 59.5% as NPP (19.7 Mg ha−1 yr−1) reached 225% of precut forest levels. Biomass accumulation was 2.6–3.6-fold greater in interior than edge locations of all but the 0.016 ha gaps. The absence of significant patch size or edge vs. interior differences in tree densities suggests that growth rates of individual trees were enhanced in more insolated microenvironments. Sprouting (86–95% of tree NPP) was much more important than advance regeneration (4–10%) or seedling germination (<2%) during early recovery in all opening sizes. Canopy dominant Quercus and Carya trees exhibited limited sprouting following disturbance. Instead, shade-intolerant Robinia pseudoacacia and Liriodendron tulipifera were major sprouters that used N-fixation (Robinia) and rapid growth (Liriodendron) in attaining 7.4 and 5.9 fold greater biomass accumulation, respectively in 2.0 ha than 0.016 ha opening sizes. Seedling germination and understory production were extensive in all openings following logging, but declined rapidly as the young tree canopy began closing by 4–6 years. The relative importance of shade-intolerant tree biomass approximately doubled over 17 years as shade-tolerant tree seedlings, herbs, and shrubs gradually regained importance under the emerging canopy. Sprouting caused the persistence of a tree species composition in all openings that remained relatively similar to the precut forest. Large disturbances on mountain slopes of the southern Appalachians generally promote sprouting and rapid recovery, whereas small disturbances in low-elevation cove forests lead to a gradual recovery through seedling germination and/or advance regeneration. Continued logging in the southern Appalachians will increase the relative size and frequency of large disturbances, further the importance of sprouting of shade-intolerant species, and lead to more even-aged forest stands throughout the region.  相似文献   

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