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Aim Habitat loss and degradation pose a major threat to biodiversity, which can result in the extinction of habitat characteristic species. However, many species exhibit a delayed response to environmental changes because of the slow intrinsic dynamics of populations, resulting in extinction debt. We assess directly the changes in habitat characteristic species composition by comparing historical (1923) and current inventories in highly fragmented grasslands. We aim to characterize the species that constitute extinction debt in European calcareous grasslands. Location Europe, Estonia, 59–60° N, 24–25° E. Methods We related eleven life‐history traits and selected habitat preferences to local extinctions of populations in grasslands where extinction debt has been largely paid. Traits were chosen to describe species dispersal and persistence abilities and were quantified from databases. Results The studied grasslands have lost 90% of their area and 30% of their characteristic plant populations in 90 years. Species more prone to local population extinction were characterized by shorter life span, self‐pollination, a lack of clonal growth, fewer seeds per shoot, lower average height, lower soil nitrogen preference and higher requirements for light, indicating a limited ability to tolerate the range of changes in biotic and abiotic conditions of the sites. Locally extinct populations were also characterized by wind‐dispersed seeds, lower seed weight and lower terminal velocity of seeds, suggesting that species strategies for long‐distance dispersal are not favoured in highly fragmented landscapes. Thus, both increased habitat isolation and decreased habitat quality are important in determining local population extinction. Main conclusions Populations more prone to local extinction were characterized by a number of life‐history traits, demonstrating a greater extinction risk for species with poorer abilities for local persistence and competition. Our results can be applied to less degraded grasslands where the extinction debt is not yet paid to determine those species most susceptible to future extinction.  相似文献   

The influence of nodal rooting on branching was studied in three evolutionarily and morphologically diverse species of prostrate clonal herbs: Tradescantia fluminensis (a monocotyledonous extreme ‘phalanx’ species), Calystegia silvatica (a dicotyledonous extreme ‘guerrilla’ species) and Trifolium repens (a dicotyledonous intermediate species). In all three, branch development from axillary buds is regulated by a positive signal produced by roots together with inhibitory influences from both pre-existing branches and shoot apical buds (apical dominance). Responses to nodal roots are cumulative and increased root activity leads to more vigorous bud outgrowth. In the absence of nodal roots, a single basal root system is unable to maintain continued extension growth of the shoot. We suggest that as individual nodal roots and stem internodes are both short-lived in these nodally-rooting clonal species, the plants’ investment in them is minimal. Thus, in contrast to perennial species lacking nodal roots, individual root systems in prostrate clonal herbs are small and stems have little secondary thickening and development of long-distance transport tissues. Hence the decline in extension growth of the shoot in the absence of nodal roots could be linked to the weak development of long-distance transport tissues in their relatively thin horizontal stems and to resource sharing between primary stems and lateral branches (as suggested by the greater retardation of primary stem growth in the more profusely branched ‘phalanx’ species (Trifolium and Tradescantia) than in the weakly branched ‘guerrilla’ species, Calystegia). These findings are consistent with the view that the long-term persistence of genotypes of nodally-rooting prostrate species is dependent upon them encountering the moist conditions required to facilitate the continual development of new young nodal root systems.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to maintain water flow through leaves under water stress-induced tension (assessed as the leaf hydraulic vulnerability; P50 leaf) is intimately linked with survival. We examined the significance of P50 leaf as an adaptive trait in influencing the dry-end distributional limits of cool temperate woody angiosperm species. We also examined differences in within-site variability in P50 leaf between two high-rainfall montane rainforest sites in Tasmania and Peru, respectively. A significant relationship between P50 leaf and the 5th percentile of mean annual rainfall across each species distribution was found in Tasmania, suggesting that P50 leaf influences species climatic limits. Furthermore, a strong correlation between P50 leaf and the minimum rainfall availability was found using five phylogenetically independent species pairs in wet and dry evergreen tree species, suggesting that rainfall is an important selective agent in the evolution of leaf hydraulic vulnerability. Greater within-site variability in P50 leaf was found among dominant montane rainforest species in Tasmania than in Peru and this result is discussed within the context of differences in spatial and temporal environmental heterogeneity and parochial historical ecology.  相似文献   

Variations in species richness and diversity at a local scale are affected by a number of complex and interacting variables, including both natural environmental factors and human-made changes to the local environment. Here we identified the most important determinants of woody species richness and diversity at different growth stages (i.e. adult, sapling and seedling) in a bamboo–deciduous forest in northeast Thailand. A total of 20 environmental and human disturbance variables were used to determine the variation in species richness and diversity. In total, we identified 125 adult, 111 sapling (within fifty 20 × 20-m plots) and 89 seedling species (within one hundred and twenty 1 × 1-m subplots). Overall results from stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that environmental variables were by far the most important in explaining the variation in species richness and diversity. Forest structure (i.e. number of bamboo clumps and canopy cover) was important in determining the adult species richness and diversity (R 2 = 0.48, 0.30, respectively), while topography (i.e. elevation) and human disturbance (i.e. number of tree stumps) were important in determining the sapling species richness and diversity (R 2 = 0.55, 0.39, respectively). Seedling species richness and diversity were negatively related to soil phosphorus. Based on our results, we suggest that the presence of bamboos should be incorporated in management strategies for maintaining woody species richness and diversity in these forest ecosystems. Specifically, if bamboos cover the forest floor at high densities, it may be necessary to actively control these species for successful tree establishment.  相似文献   

Ecological stoichiometry of N:P:Si in China’s grasslands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Understanding ecological stoichiometry of plant nutrients and its relationship with vegetation succession in terrestrial ecosystems is largely limited to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Despite it being an important element for most grasses, silicon (Si) is usually ignored. We examined ecological stoichiometry of N:P:Si in grasslands.


We used leaf N, P and Si concentration, climate variables and phylogenic development, life forms, ecotypes, photosynthetic pathway to determine the relationship of N:P:Si ratio distribution with environmental conditions and the succession of grassland communities.


The distribution of N, P and Si varied greatly among the seven types of China’s grasslands as influenced by environmental conditions (e.g. mean annual temperature – MAT) and plant species groups (e.g. phylogeny). Leaf N showed a significant positive correlation with P across all species, while N and P showed significant negative correlations with Si.


Si was less affected by grassland types than N and P. Environmental conditions such as MAT and MAP had a significant influence on the stoichiometry of N, P and Si in grasslands and that temperature had a greater influence than precipitation. The succession of grassland communities may respond to or be influenced by stoichiometry of N, P and Si.  相似文献   

Bakker C  Blair JM  Knapp AK 《Oecologia》2003,137(3):385-391
Grazing by large ungulates often increases plant species richness in grasslands of moderate to high productivity. In a mesic North American grassland with and without the presence of bison (Bos bison), a native ungulate grazer, three non-exclusive hypotheses for increased plant species richness in grazed grasslands were evaluated: (1) bison grazing enhances levels of resource (light and N) availability, enabling species that depend on higher resource availability to co-occur; (2) spatial heterogeneity in resource availability is enhanced by bison, enabling coexistence of a greater number of plant species; (3) increased species turnover (i.e. increased species colonization and establishment) in grazed grassland is associated with enhanced plant species richness. We measured availability and spatial heterogeneity in light, water and N, and calculated species turnover from long-term data in grazed and ungrazed sites in a North American tallgrass prairie. Both regression and path analyses were performed to evaluate the potential of the three hypothesized mechanisms to explain observed patterns of plant species richness under field conditions. Experimental grazing by bison increased plant species richness by 25% over an 8-year period. Neither heterogeneity nor absolute levels of soil water or available N were related to patterns of species richness in grazed and ungrazed sites. However, high spatial heterogeneity in light and higher rates of species turnover were both strongly related to increases in plant species richness in grazed areas. This suggests that creation of a mosaic of patches with high and low biomass (the primary determinant of light availability in mesic grasslands) and promotion of a dynamic species pool are the most important mechanisms by which grazers affect species richness in high productivity grasslands.  相似文献   

We sampled shrub canopy volume (height times area) and environmental factors (soil wetness, soil depth of thaw, soil pH, mean July air temperature, and typical date of spring snow loss) on 471 plots across five National Park Service units in northern Alaska. Our goal was to determine the environments where tall shrubs thrive and use this information to predict the location of future shrub expansion. The study area covers over 80,000 km2 and has mostly tundra vegetation. Large canopy volumes were uncommon, with volumes over 0.5 m3/m2 present on just 8% of plots. Shrub canopy volumes were highest where mean July temperatures were above 10.5°C and on weakly acid to neutral soils (pH of 6 to 7) with deep summer thaw (>80 cm) and good drainage. On many sites, flooding helped maintain favorable soil conditions for shrub growth. Canopy volumes were highest where the typical snow loss date was near 20 May; these represent sites that are neither strongly wind-scoured in the winter nor late to melt from deep snowdrifts. Individual species varied widely in the canopy volumes they attained and their response to the environmental factors. Betula sp. shrubs were the most common and quite tolerant of soil acidity, cold July temperatures, and shallow thaw depths, but they did not form high-volume canopies under these conditions. Alnus viridis formed the largest canopies and was tolerant of soil acidity down to about pH 5, but required more summer warmth (over 12°C) than the other species. The Salix species varied widely from S. pulchra, tolerant of wet and moderately acid soils, to S. alaxensis, requiring well-drained soils with near neutral pH. Nearly half of the land area in ARCN has mean July temperatures of 10.5 to 12.5°C, where 2°C of warming would bring temperatures into the range needed for all of the potential tall shrub species to form large canopies. However, limitations in the other environmental factors would probably prevent the formation of large shrub canopies on at least half of the land area with newly favorable temperatures after 2°C of warming.  相似文献   

Grasslands are one of the most endangered and degraded ecosystems globally. Switches in disturbance type can restore grassland function and improve conservation outcomes for fauna, but land-use legacies can limit the capacity of biota to respond positively to shifts in disturbance type, making it difficult to predict ecological outcomes. In semi-arid grasslands of South-Eastern Australia, habitat for grassland birds is managed using livestock grazing, a practice that has continued for >150 years. It is unknown if outcomes for birds can be improved by a switch in disturbance type as alternatives to livestock grazing have not been explored. We compare the effects of status-quo livestock grazing with alternative biomass management tools (no management, ‘crash’ grazing, planned fire) on birds, vegetation structure, and food resources using a BACI design across 3 years (2017–2019). We found crash grazing and fire produced more open, shorter grassy swards, with less exotic grass cover, compared to status-quo grazing or disturbance exclusion. Preferred habitat structure for the critically endangered plains-wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) was maximized by status-quo grazing. Grassland birds responded in opposing ways to a disturbance switch. Brown songlarks (Megalurus cruralis) and Horsfield's bushlarks (Mirafra javanica) responded positively to disturbance exclusion, while stubble quail (Coturnix pectoralis) responded negatively to crash grazing. Australasian pipits (Anthus novaeseelandiae) were more frequent in response to status-quo grazing. Our findings suggest that multiple disturbance types should be used if the aim is to promote the spectrum of vegetation structures and food sources required to support a diverse grassland bird community in semi-arid grasslands of Australia.  相似文献   

A model system has been designed which generates ‘case’ of vaginal discharge. Each such case is presented to a human for diagnosis, and this is then compared with a computer diagnosis using two forms of Bayes' theorem. Six subjects (2 medical; 4 non-medical) participated in the trial and each examined 100 successive ‘cases’. When the human had forewarning of the trial and full access to the knowledge-base their performance was superior to that of Bayes' theorem using positive features only and equivalent to that using both positive and negative features. When the trial was repeated without forewarning the human performance was markedly inferior to that of the machine. It is concluded: (1) that human and computer-aided diagnosis can be of approximately equal efficiency for complex and non-definitive data; (2) that the imperfections of human memory give an obvious potential advantage to the machine in this type of situation.  相似文献   

Decision-making in socioscientific issues (SSI) constitutes a real challenge for both biology teachers and learners. The assessment of students’ performances in SSIs constitutes a problem, especially for biology teachers. The study at hand was conducted in Germany and uses a qualitative approach following the research procedures of grounded theory to focus on teachers’ concepts and, especially, coping strategies in assessment concerning students’ decision-making in SSIs. Semi-structured interviews with six teachers, in combination with video-vignettes, were used for data generation. The results show predominantly defensive strategies when teachers are confronted with the assessment of students’ performances in SSIs. These results and implications for teacher education and teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

Brazilian Campos grasslands are ecosystems under high frequency of disturbance by grazing and fires. Absence of such disturbances may lead to shrub encroachment and loss of plant diversity. Vegetation regeneration after disturbance in these grasslands occurs mostly by resprouting from belowground structures. We analyzed the importance of bud bank and belowground bud bearing organs in Campos grasslands. We hypothesize that the longer the intervals between disturbances are, the smaller the size of the bud bank is. Additionally, diversity and frequency of belowground organs should also decrease in areas without disturbance for many years. We sampled 20 soil cores from areas under different types of disturbance: grazed, exclusion from disturbance for two, six, 15 and 30 years. Belowground biomass was sorted for different growth forms and types of bud bearing organs. We found a decrease in bud bank size with longer disturbance intervals. Forbs showed the most drastic decrease in bud bank size in the absence of disturbance, which indicates that they are very sensitive to changes in disturbance regimes. Xylopodia (woody gemmiferous belowground organs with hypocotyl-root origin) were typical for areas under influence of recurrent fires. The diversity of belowground bud bearing structures decreased in the absence of disturbance. Longer intervals between disturbance events, resulting in decrease of bud bank size and heterogeneity of belowground organs may lead to the decline and even disappearance of species that relay on resprouting from the bud bank upon disturbance.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - We investigated the relationship between sleep disturbances and 123I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG)-uptake during myocardial scintigraphy in patients with...  相似文献   

Summary Dried digested sewage sludge (cake) was mixed, in varied proportions, with three contrasting soils and cropped intermittently to ryegrass or young barley over a period of 710 days. Results are presented for periods 1–4, 13–16 and 22–23 months after the sludge and soil were mixed. At any given time the quantities of Cu or Zn that wereextractable (by EDTA or acetic acid) from a given soil showed a simple relationship to the ‘total’ quantities of Cu and Zn present. Theavailability of these elements to test crops also showed a simple relationship to their ‘total’ quantities. As a result the quantities available or extractable at any given time appeared to be related to each other also. However, though the extractabilities of Cu and Zn changed with time in some cases, and the availabilities of Cu and Zn changed with time in some cases, the changes were not matched. Increased extractability did not necessarily lead to increased uptake, and in some cases uptake increased even when extractability did not. It should not be assumed too readily therefore that because, at a given time after a soil is sludged, the quantities of added Cu and Zn that are extractable or available are sometimes correlated, the former actually measures the latter.There is no reason to assume that extractants remove all or only the forms of combination of Cu or Zn that may be taken up by crops.  相似文献   

Marshall Sahlins described divine king forms for a wide range of societies from Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, among others. In this article, I document a divine king form among the Fuyuge people of the Papuan highlands, revising my previous understanding of this powerful figure. At the same time, I argue there is an inextricable connection between Sahlins's theory of divine power and Marilyn Strathern's model of Melanesian gift exchange: both operate according to distinct ideas of otherness. The capacity to engage in transaction derives from cosmological sources while evidence of cosmological power is provided by the ability to engage in transactions with others in effective and powerful ways. More generally, I argue that conventional Melanesian figures of big-men, great men, and chiefs are all versions of the alterity of power in related political forms; each instantiates the mutual relations between cosmological and transactional otherness.  相似文献   

Le Roux X  Bardy M  Loiseau P  Louault F 《Oecologia》2003,137(3):417-425
Stimulation of nitrification and denitrification by long term (from years to decades) grazing has commonly been reported in different grassland ecosystems. However, grazing generally induces important changes in plant species composition, and whether changes in nitrification and denitrification are primarily due to changes in vegetation composition has never been tested. We compared soil nitrification- and denitrification-enzyme activities (NEA and DEA, respectively) between semi-natural grassland sites experiencing intensive (IG) and light (LG) grazing/mowing regimes for 13 years. Mean NEA and DEA (i.e. observed from random soil sampling) were higher in IG than LG sites. The NEA/DEA ratio was higher in IG than LG sites, indicating a higher stimulation of nitrification. Marked changes in plant species composition were observed in response to the grazing/mowing regime. In particular, the specific phytomass volume of Elymus repens was lower in IG than LG sites, whereas the specific volume of Lolium perenne was higher in IG than LG sites. In contrast, the specific volume of Holcus lanatus, Poa trivialis and Arrhenatherum elatius were not significantly different between treatments. Soils sampled beneath grass tussocks of the last three species exhibited higher DEA, NEA and NEA/DEA ratio in IG than LG sites. For a given grazing regime, plant species did not affect significantly soil DEA, NEA and NEA/DEA ratio. The modification of plant species composition is thus not the primary factor driving changes in nitrification and denitrification in semi-natural grassland ecosystems experiencing long term intensive grazing. Factors such as trampling, N returned in animal excreta, and/or modification of N uptake and C exudation by frequently defoliated plants could be responsible for the enhanced microbial activities.  相似文献   

Geographic distributions of all 125 endangered and threatened animals and all 70 endangered flowering plant species were compiled and mapped by administrative territory (republics, states, provinces, and districts) of the Russian Federation, based on distributional data in the official Red Data Books of the R.S.F.S.R. [Eliseev et al. (eds) (1985) Red Book of the R.S.F.S.R.: Animals. Rosleskhoz Publishing, Moscow; Golovanov et al. (eds). (1988). Red Book of the R.S.F.S.R.: Plants. Rosagprom Publishing, Moscow]. Territories were ranked using an algorithm that gives highest rank to the single territory with the greatest number of endangered species present, then iteratively assigns the next highest rank to the territory containing the greatest number of species not found in a territory of higher rank. This algorithm minimizes the number of territories necessary to include one population of each endangered species, but may designate very low rank to a territory that holds high numbers of endangered species if many of those species are found in a territory of higher rank. When different sets of species were used to determine territory rank with this algorithm the only significant correlation between rank lists was between ranks generated when all species are used and when only species endemic to single territories were used. Mountainous territories on Russia's southern borders held the greatest numbers of endangered species and were highly ranked whether or not species occurring outside of Russia were excluded from the ranking algorithm. The Maritime state, Krasnodar state, Dagestan republic, Sakhalin province and the Jewish province all are centers of endangered species diversity that together contain 50 or more of endangered species for multiple taxonomic groups; this was the Dobson et al. [(1997) Science 275: 550–553] definition of an endangered species hot spot. These are all mountainous territories on Russia's southern border. Precise territorial ranking within the mountainous southern regions of the Southern Far East, Caucasus, and Altai/Sayan regions of southern Siberia was highly influenced by species endemic to single territories.  相似文献   

A. Azocar  F. Rada  G. Goldstein 《Oecologia》1988,75(1):156-160
Summary Freezing tolerance as a cold resistance mechanism is described for the first time in a plant growing in the tropical range of the Andean high mountains. Draba chionophila, the plant in which freezing tolerance was found, is the vascular plant which reaches the highest altitudes in the Venezuelan Andes (approximately 4700m). Night cycles of air and leaf temperature were studied in the field to determine the temperature at which leaf freezing began. In the laboratory, thermal analysis and freezing injury determinations were also carried out. From both field and laboratory experiments, it was determined that freezing of the leaf tissue, as well as root and pith tissue, initiated at a temperature of approximately-5.0°C, while freezing injury occurred at approximately-12.0°C for the pith, and below-14.0°C for roots and leaves. This difference in temperature suggests that the plant still survives freezing in the-5.0 to-14.0°C range. Daily cycles of leaf osmotic potential and soluble carbohydrate concentration were also determined in an attempt to explain some of the changes occurring in this species during the nighttime temperature period. A comparison between Andean and African high mountain plants from the point of view of cold resistance mechanisms is made.  相似文献   

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