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In the present study, we used the N terminus (amino acids 1 approximately 160) of type VI adenylyl cyclase (ACVI) as bait to screen a mouse brain cDNA library and identified Snapin as a novel ACVI-interacting molecule. Snapin is a binding protein of SNAP25, a component of the SNARE complex. Co-immunoprecipitation analyses confirmed the interaction between Snapin and full-length ACVI. Mutational analysis revealed that the interaction domains of ACVI and Snapin were located within amino acids 1 approximately 86 of ACVI and 33-51 of Snapin, respectively. Co-localization of ACVI and Snapin was observed in primary hippocampal neurons. Moreover, expression of Snapin specifically eliminated protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated suppression of ACVI, but not that of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) or calcium. Mutation of the potential PKC and PKA phosphorylation sites of Snapin did not affect the ability of Snapin to reverse the PKC inhibitory effect on ACVI. Phosphorylation of Snapin by PKC or PKA therefore might not be crucial for Snapin action on ACVI. In contrast, Snapin(Delta33-51), which harbors an internal deletion of amino acids 33-51 did not affect PKC-mediated inhibition of ACVI, supporting that amino acids 33-51 of Snapin comprises the ACVI-interacting region. Consistently, Snapin exerted no effect on PKC-mediated inhibition of an ACVI mutant (ACVI-DeltaA87), which lacked the Snapin-interacting region (amino acids 1-86). Snapin thus reverses its action via direct interaction with the N terminus of ACVI. Collectively, we demonstrate herein that in addition to its association with the SNARE complex, Snapin also functions as a regulator of an important cAMP synthesis enzyme in the brain.  相似文献   

The most important physiological mechanism mediating enhanced exercise performance is increased sympathetic, beta adrenergic receptor (β‐AR), and adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity. This is the first report of decreased AC activity mediating increased exercise performance. We demonstrated that AC5 disruption, that is, knock out (KO) mice, a longevity model, increases exercise performance. Importantly for its relation to longevity, exercise was also improved in old AC5 KO. The mechanism resided in skeletal muscle rather than in the heart, as confirmed by cardiac‐ and skeletal muscle‐specific AC5 KO's, where exercise performance was no longer improved by the cardiac‐specific AC5 KO, but was by the skeletal muscle‐specific AC5 KO, and there was no difference in cardiac output during exercise in AC5 KO vs. WT. Mitochondrial biogenesis was a major mechanism mediating the enhanced exercise. SIRT1, FoxO3a, MEK, and the anti‐oxidant, MnSOD were upregulated in AC5 KO mice. The improved exercise in the AC5 KO was blocked with either a SIRT1 inhibitor, MEK inhibitor, or by mating the AC5 KO with MnSOD hetero KO mice, confirming the role of SIRT1, MEK, and oxidative stress mechanisms. The Caenorhabditis elegans worm AC5 ortholog, acy‐3 by RNAi, also improved fitness, mitochondrial function, antioxidant defense, and lifespan, attesting to the evolutionary conservation of this pathway. Thus, decreasing sympathetic signaling through loss of AC5 is not only a mechanism to improve exercise performance, but is also a mechanism to improve healthful aging, as exercise also protects against diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, which all limit healthful aging.  相似文献   

The adenylyl cyclase type VI gene expressed in human normal thyroid tissue was cloned and sequenced. The cDNA sequence (6463 nt) is susceptible to code for a 1168 aa protein. Northern blots using specific probes showed that the expression of adenylyl cyclase type VI gene was significantly higher in one hyperfunctioning thyroid tumor than in normal thyroid tissue, in one follicular cold adenoma or in one papillary carcinoma.  相似文献   

Mammalian models of longevity are related primarily to caloric restriction and alterations in metabolism. We examined mice in which type 5 adenylyl cyclase (AC5) is knocked out (AC5 KO) and which are resistant to cardiac stress and have increased median lifespan of approximately 30%. AC5 KO mice are protected from reduced bone density and susceptibility to fractures of aging. Old AC5 KO mice are also protected from aging-induced cardiomyopathy, e.g., hypertrophy, apoptosis, fibrosis, and reduced cardiac function. Using a proteomic-based approach, we demonstrate a significant activation of the Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway and upregulation of cell protective molecules, including superoxide dismutase. Fibroblasts isolated from AC5 KO mice exhibited ERK-dependent resistance to oxidative stress. These results suggest that AC is a fundamentally important mechanism regulating lifespan and stress resistance.  相似文献   

Neuronal differentiation involves the formation and extension of neuronal processes. We have identified a novel regulator of neurite formation and extension, the neurite outgrowth multiadaptor, NOMA-GAP, which belongs to a new family of multiadaptor proteins with RhoGAP activity. We show that NOMA-GAP is essential for NGF-stimulated neuronal differentiation and for the regulation of the ERK5 MAP kinase and the Cdc42 signaling pathways downstream of NGF. NOMA-GAP binds directly to the NGF receptor, TrkA, and becomes tyrosine phosphorylated upon receptor activation, thus enabling recruitment and activation of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP2. Recruitment of SHP2 is required for the stimulation of neuronal process extension and for sustained activation of ERK5 downstream of NOMA-GAP. In addition, we show that NOMA-GAP promotes neurite outgrowth by tempering activation of the Cdc42/PAK signaling pathway in response to NGF. NOMA-GAP, through its dual function as a multiadaptor and RhoGAP protein, thus plays an essential role downstream of NGF in promoting neurite outgrowth and extension.  相似文献   

Edema factor (EF) and CyaA are calmodulin (CaM)-activated adenylyl cyclase exotoxins involved in the pathogenesis of anthrax and whooping cough, respectively. Using spectroscopic, enzyme kinetic and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy analyses, we show that low Ca(2+) concentrations increase the affinity of CaM for EF and CyaA causing their activation, but higher Ca(2+) concentrations directly inhibit catalysis. Both events occur in a physiologically relevant range of Ca(2+) concentrations. Despite the similarity in Ca(2+) sensitivity, EF and CyaA have substantial differences in CaM binding and activation. CyaA has 100-fold higher affinity for CaM than EF. CaM has N- and C-terminal globular domains, each binding two Ca(2+) ions. CyaA can be fully activated by CaM mutants with one defective C-terminal Ca(2+)-binding site or by either terminal domain of CaM while EF cannot. EF consists of a catalytic core and a helical domain, and both are required for CaM activation of EF. Mutations that decrease the interaction of the helical domain with the catalytic core create an enzyme with higher sensitivity to Ca(2+)-CaM activation. However, CyaA is fully activated by CaM without the domain corresponding to the helical domain of EF.  相似文献   

Septin-based ring complexes maintain the sperm annulus. Defective annular structures are observed in the sperm of Sept12- and Sept4-null mice. In addition, sperm capacitation, a process required for proper fertilization, is inhibited in Sept4-null mice, implying that the sperm annulus might play a role in controlling sperm capacitation. Hence, we analyzed sperm capacitation of sperm obtained from SEPT12 Ser196 phosphomimetic (S196E), phosphorylation-deficient (S196A), and SEPT4-depleted mutant mice. Capacitation was reduced in the sperm of both the Sept12 S196E- and Sept12 S196A-knock-in mice. The protein levels of septins, namely, SEPT4 and SEPT12, were upregulated, and these proteins were concentrated in the sperm annulus during capacitation. Importantly, the expression of soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC), a key enzyme that initiates capacitation, was upregulated, and sAC was recruited to the sperm annulus following capacitation stimulation. We further found that SEPT12, SEPT4, and sAC formed a complex and colocalized to the sperm annulus. Additionally, sAC expression was reduced and disappeared in the annulus of the SEPT12 S196E- and S196A-mutant mouse sperm. In the sperm of the SEPT4-knockout mice, sAC did not localize to the annulus. Thus, our data demonstrate that SEPT12 phosphorylation status and SEPT4 activity jointly regulate sAC protein levels and annular localization to induce sperm capacitation.  相似文献   

The ability of a cell to detect an external chemical signal and initiate a program of directed migration along a gradient comprises the fundamental process called chemotaxis. Investigations in Dictyostelium discoideum and neutrophils have established that pleckstrin homology (PH) domain-containing proteins that bind to the PI3K products PI(3,4)P2 and PI(3,4,5)P3, such as CRAC (cytosolic regulator of adenylyl cyclase) and Akt/PKB, translocate specifically to the leading edge of chemotaxing cells. CRAC is essential for the chemoattractant-mediated activation of the adenylyl cyclase ACA, which converts ATP into cAMP, the primary chemoattractant for D. discoideum. The mechanisms by which CRAC activates ACA remain to be determined. We now show that in addition to its essential role in the activation of ACA, CRAC is involved in regulating chemotaxis. Through mutagenesis, we show that these two functions are independently regulated downstream of PI3K. A CRAC mutant that has lost the capacity to bind PI3K products does not support chemotaxis and shows minimal ACA activation. Finally, overexpression of CRAC and various CRAC mutants show strong effects on ACA activation with little effect on chemotaxis. These findings establish that chemoattractant-mediated activation of PI3K is important for the CRAC-dependent regulation of both chemotaxis and adenylyl cyclase activation.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclase activity plays a central role in the regulation of most cellular processes. At least eight different adenylyl cyclases have been identified, which are endowed with various and sometimes opposing regulatory properties. Recently we have localized the human genes encoding two of these adenylyl cyclases: the gene for type 11 adenylyl cyclase is located on chromosome 2 (sub-band 2p15.3), the gene for type VIII is located on chromosome 8 (sub-band 8824.2). More recently the type I gene has been located on chromosome 7 (sub-band 7pl2–7p13). Using in situ hybridization, we have now localized the genes for three other adenylyl cyclases: the type III gene has been localized on chromosome 2 in the sub-band 2p22–2p24, the type V gene on chromosome 3 at position 3q13.2–3q21, and the type VI gene on chromosome 12 at position 12q12–12q13. It therefore appears that all adenylyl cyclase genes, known at present are located on different chromosomes and thus are likely to be independently regulated.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclase toxin of Bordetella pertussis has been shown by several investigators to require Ca(2+) for its actions on target cells, but little is known about the nature and specificity of divalent metal binding to this novel toxin. Calcium is the preferred divalent metal since toxic actions are markedly reduced in the presence of divalent species other than calcium. Mn(2+) EPR was used to quantitate and characterize divalent metal binding and revealed that the toxin contains approximately 40 divalent metal sites, consisting of at least one class of high-affinity sites that bind Mn(2+) with a K(D) of 0.05 to 0.35 microM and one or more classes of lower affinity sites. Water proton relaxation data indicate that approximately 30 of these sites are completely inaccessible to bulk solvent. Our observations, together with the sequence homology between adenylyl cyclase toxin and the alkaline protease of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, indicate that the formation of five beta-sheet helices within the repeat domain of the toxin upon binding Ca(2+) is required for cell intoxication.  相似文献   

Mammals express nine membranous adenylyl cyclase isoforms (ACs 1-9), a structurally related soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and a soluble AC (sAC). Moreover, Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus pertussis produce the AC toxins, edema factor (EF), and adenylyl cyclase toxin (ACT), respectively. 2'(3')-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)-guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate is a potent competitive inhibitor of AC in S49 lymphoma cell membranes. These data prompted us to study systematically the effects of 24 nucleotides on AC in S49 and Sf9 insect cell membranes, ACs 1, 2, 5, and 6, expressed in Sf9 membranes and purified catalytic subunits of membranous ACs (C1 of AC5 and C2 of AC2), sAC, sGC, EF, and ACT in the presence of MnCl(2). N-Methylanthraniloyl (MANT)-GTP inhibited C1.C2 with a K(i) of 4.2 nm. Phe-889 and Ile-940 of C2 mediate hydrophobic interactions with the MANT group. MANT-inosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate potently inhibited C1.C2 and ACs 1, 5, and 6 but exhibited only low affinity for sGC, EF, ACT, and G-proteins. Inosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate and uridine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate were mixed G-protein activators and AC inhibitors. AC5 was up to 15-fold more sensitive to inhibitors than AC2. EF and ACT exhibited unique inhibitor profiles. At sAC, 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine 3'-triphosphate was the most potent compound (IC(50), 690 nm). Several MANT-adenine and MANT-guanine nucleotides inhibited sGC with K(i) values in the 200-400 nm range. UTP and ATP exhibited similar affinities for sGC as GTP and were mixed sGC substrates and inhibitors. The exchange of MnCl(2) against MgCl(2) reduced inhibitor potencies at ACs and sGC 1.5-250-fold, depending on the nucleotide and cyclase studied. The omission of the NTP-regenerating system from cyclase reactions strongly reduced the potencies of MANT-ADP, indicative for phosphorylation to MANT-ATP by pyruvate kinase. Collectively, AC isoforms and sGC are differentially inhibited by purine and pyrimidine nucleotides.  相似文献   

Patel TB  Du Z  Pierre S  Cartin L  Scholich K 《Gene》2001,269(1-2):13-25

Overproduction of v-Crk, but not of c-Crk, in chicken embryo fibroblasts results in cell transformation. The transforming activity of v-Crk mutants correlates with their ability to cause increased tyrosine phosphorylation of specific cellular proteins, a property that depends on the binding of v-Crk to phosphotyrosine residues via its SH2 domain. In this study, proteins translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysates were used to analyze interactions between Crk derivatives and tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, particularly the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. The results demonstrate that the binding affinity of c-Crk is much lower than that of v-Crk, despite the fact that both proteins contain identical SH2 domains. Moreover, a 31-amino-acid N-terminal extension of c-Crk, resulting from upstream translational initiation at a CUG codon, significantly increases the ability of the resulting protein to bind to phosphotyrosine-containing proteins. Of those 31 amino acids, 24 can be found in the 27-amino-acid region between Gag and Crk sequences in v-Crk, and removal of this region results in a protein with lower affinity toward the EGF receptor. In addition, fusion of Gag to the amino terminus of c-Crk yields a protein with a binding activity that is lower than that of v-Crk but significantly higher than that of c-Crk without the fusion. These data suggest that sequences N terminal to the Crk SH2 regulate binding activity to tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins and that the amino acids encoded immediately 5' to the c-Crk initiator AUG specifically increase binding affinity. In contrast, deletion of one or two SH3 domains of c-Crk proteins did not change their affinity for the EGF receptor. These results were confirmed in vivo by using A431-derived cell lines overproducing either the chicken c-Crk protein or c-Crk with the 31-amino-acid N-terminal extension. Furthermore, the in vivo experiments suggest that binding of Crk proteins to the stimulated EGF receptor results in Crk phosphorylation and subsequent loss of binding affinity.  相似文献   

Hydrogels capable of gene delivery provide a combinatorial approach for nerve regeneration, with the hydrogel supporting neurite outgrowth and gene delivery inducing the expression of inductive factors. This report investigates the design of hydrogels that balance the requirements for supporting neurite growth with those requirements for promoting gene delivery. Enzymatically-degradable PEG hydrogels encapsulating dorsal root ganglia explants, fibroblasts, and lipoplexes encoding nerve growth factor were gelled within channels that can physically guide neurite outgrowth. Transfection of fibroblasts increased with increasing concentration of Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) cell adhesion sites and decreasing PEG content. The neurite length increased with increasing RGD concentration within 10% PEG hydrogels, yet was maximal within 7.5% PEG hydrogels at intermediate RGD levels. Delivering lipoplexes within the gel produced longer neurites than culture in NGF-supplemented media or co-culture with cells exposed to DNA prior to encapsulation. Hydrogels designed to support neurite outgrowth and deliver gene therapy vectors locally may ultimately be employed to address multiple barriers that limit regeneration.  相似文献   

In the current study, we investigated the role of receptor phosphorylation and beta-arrestins in delta-opioid receptor (DOR) signaling and trafficking by using a DOR mutant in which all Ser/Thr residues in the C terminus were mutated to Ala (DTS). We demonstrated that the DOR agonist D-[Pen(2),Pen(5)]enkephalin could induce receptor internalization and adenylyl cyclase (AC) desensitization of DTS, but with comparatively slower kinetics than those observed with wild type DOR. Blockade of the internalization of DTS by the dominant-negative mutant dynamin, dynamin K44E, did not affect AC desensitization. However, depletion of beta-arrestins almost totally blocked both internalization and AC desensitization of DTS. A BRET assay suggested that DOR phosphorylation promotes receptor selectivity for beta-arrestin 2 over beta-arrestin 1. Furthermore, in mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells lacking either beta-arrestin 1 (beta arr1(-/-)) or beta-arrestin 2 (beta arr2(-/-)), agonist-induced DTS desensitization and internalization were similar to that observed in wild type MEFs. In contrast, although DOR internalization decreased in both beta arr1(-/-) MEFs and beta arr2(-/-) MEFs, DPDPE-induced DOR desensitization was significantly reduced in beta arr2(-/-) MEFs, but not in beta arr1(-/-) MEFs. Additionally, the BRET assay suggested that depletion of phosphorylation did not influence the stability of the receptor-beta-arrestin complex. Consistent with this observation, DTS did not recycle after internalization, which is like wild type DOR. Taken together, these results indicate that receptor phosphorylation confers DOR selectivity for beta-arrestin 2 without affecting the stability of the receptor-beta-arrestin complex and the fate of the internalized receptor.  相似文献   

Doublecortin (DCX) is expressed in young neurons and functions as a microtubule‐associated protein. DCX is essential for neuronal migration because humans with mutations in the DCX gene exhibit cortical lamination defects known as lissencephaly in males and subcortical laminar heterotopia (or double cortex syndrome) in females. Phosphorylation of DCX alters its affinity for tubulin and may modulate neurite extension and neuronal migra tion. Previous in vitro phosphorylation experiments revealed that cyclin‐dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) phosphorylates multiple sites of DCX, including Ser332, (S332). However, phosphorylation at only Ser297 has been shown in vivo. In the present study, we examined phosphorylation of S332 of DCX in the Cdk5?/? mouse brain and results found, unexpectedly, indicate an increased DCX phosphorylation at S332. We found that JNK, not Cdk5, phosphorylates DCX at S332 in vivo. To examine the physiological significance of S332 phosphorylation of DCX in neuronal cells, we transfected cells with either GFP, GFP‐DCX‐WT, or GFP‐DCX‐S332A and analyzed neurite extension and migration. Introduction of GFP‐DCX‐WT enhanced neurite extension and migration. These effects of DCX introduction were suppressed when we used GFP‐DCX‐S332A. Treatment of neurons with JNK inhibitor increased the amount of DCX that bound to tubulin. Interestingly, amount of DCX that bound to tubulin decreased in Cdk5?/? brain homogenates, which indicates that phosphorylation of DCX by JNK is critical for the regulation of DCX binding to tubulin. These results suggest the physiological importance of phosphorylation of DCX for its function. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 929–942, 2010  相似文献   

The region of Escherichia coli adenylyl cyclase spanned by glycine-55 to threonine-65 was tested for its importance for enzyme activity. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace glycine-55 and glycine-60 as well as lysine-59, leucine-63 and threonine-65 with other amino acids. While substitution of glycine-55 with aspartic acid produced no significant change in kinetic parameters, the change of glycine-60 to aspartic acid or asparagine eliminated binding to 8-azido-ATP and decreased the Vmax (two orders of magnitude) and Km (factor of four-five). Smaller effects on kinetic parameters were observed with substitutions of lysine-59, leucine-63 or threonine-65.  相似文献   

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