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Previously it was observed that mixture cultures of “nullipotent” and pluripotent embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells failed to differentiate, suggesting that nullipotent cells might restrict the differentiation of pluripotent cells (M. J. Rosenstraus and A. J. Levine, 1979, Cell17, 337–346). This report shows, however, that the differentiation of mixed cultures is dependent on the relative growth rates of the two cell types and that nullipotent cells do not directly affect pluripotent cell development. When the growth rate of nullipotent cells was modulated by taking advantage of drug-resistance markers, mixed cultures, containing pluripotent PSA-1 cells and a genetically marked subclone of nullipotent F9 cells, exhibited extensive differentiation. The differentiated cells were PSA-1 derivatives, whereas, the F9 cells remained as undifferentiated EC cells. Similar results were obtained when a genetically marked PSA-1 subclone was cocultured with a second nullipotent cell line, Nulli SSC1. Thus nullipotent and pluripotent EC cells appear to express their developmental potential autonomously in mixed cultures. This implies that the nullipotent cell lines studied are intrinsically incapable of responding to the conditions that trigger in vitro differentiation of EC cells upon aggregation.  相似文献   

Authentic or na?ve embryonic stem cells (ESC) have probably never been derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of pig blastocysts, despite over 25 years of effort. Recently, several groups, including ours, have reported induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from swine by reprogramming somatic cells with a combination of four factors, OCT4 (POU5F1)/SOX2/KLF4/c-MYC delivered by retroviral transduction. The porcine (p) iPSC resembled human (h) ESC and the mouse "Epiblast stem cells" (EpiSC) in their colony morphology and expression of pluripotent genes, and are likely dependent on FGF2/ACTIVIN/NODAL signaling, therefore representing a primed ESC state. These cells are likely to advance swine as a model in biomedical research, since grafts could potentially be matched to the animal that donated the cells for re-programming. The objective of the present work has been to develop na?ve piPSC. Employing a combination of seven reprogramming factors assembled on episomal vectors, we successfully reprogrammed porcine embryonic fibroblasts on a modified LIF-medium supplemented with two kinase inhibitors; CHIR99021, which inhibits GSK-3beta, and PD0325901, a MEK inhibitor. The derived piPSC bear a striking resemblance to na?ve mESC in colony morphology, are dependent on LIF to maintain an undifferentiated phenotype, and express markers consistent with pluripotency. They exhibit high telomerase activity, a short cell cycle interval, and a normal karyotype, and are able to generate teratomas. Currently, the competence of these lines for contributing to germ-line chimeras is being tested.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the capacity to differentiate into endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal lineages. Motor neuron (MN) differentiation of mouse ES cells involves embryoid bodies formation with addition of Sonic hedgehog and retinoic acid. In this work, using immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and quantitative RT-PCR, we investigated whether progesterone or 17β-estradiol have inductive effects on ES cell-derived MN, as it has been demonstrated that these hormones modify proliferation and neural differentiation of pluripotent cells. When 100 nM progesterone was added during differentiation, we found higher proportions of MN, compared to the control condition; coincubation of progesterone with the progesterone receptor (PR) antagonist RU-486 caused a decrease in the number of MN to a percentage even lower than controls. The addition of nanomolar concentrations of 17β-estradiol also significantly induced MN differentiation. This effect of estradiol was completely antagonized by addition of the general estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist ICI 182,780. To identify the ER subtype mediating the increase on MN differentiation, we incubated estradiol with the ER-α antagonist MPP or with the ER-β blocker PHTPP. When we coincubated 17β-estradiol with MPP, we found a significant decrease in the percentage of MN. In contrast, the coincubation of 17β-estradiol with PHTPP had no effect on the induction of MN differentiation. All these effects on cell number were confirmed by significant changes in the expression of the MN markers Islet-1 and Choline acetyl transferase, assessed by real-time RT-PCR. Cell proliferation in embryoid bodies was significantly enhanced by progesterone treatment. No changes in apoptotic cell death were found in differentiating cells after progesterone or 17β-estradiol addition. Our findings indicate that progesterone and 17β-estradiol induce a higher proportion of MN derived from mouse ES cells through intracellular PR and ER, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of estradiol was mediated by specific activation of ER-α.  相似文献   

Mouse and human embryonic stem cells are in different states of pluripotency (naive/ground and primed states). Mechanisms of signaling regulation in cells with ground and primed states of pluripotency are considerably different. In order to understand the contribution of endogenous and exogenous factors in the maintenance of a metastable state of the cells in different phases of pluripotency, we examined the expression of TGFβ family factors (ActivinA, Nodal, Lefty1, TGFβ1, GDF3, BMP4) and FGF2 initiating the appropriate signaling pathways in mouse and human embryonic stem cells (mESCs, hESCs) and supporting feeder cells. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of gene expression showed that the expression patterns of endogenous factors studied were considerably different in mESCs and hESCs. The most significant differences were found in the levels of endogenous expression of TGFβ1, BMP4 and ActivinA. The sources of exogenous factors ActivnA, TGFβ1, and FGF2 for hESCs are feeder cells (mouse and human embryonic fibroblasts) expressing high levels of these factors, as well as low levels of BMP4. Thus, our data demonstrated that the in vitro maintenance of metastable state of undifferentiated pluripotent cells is achieved in mESCs and hESCs using different schemes of the regulations of ActivinA/Nodal/Lefty/Smad2/3 and BMP/Smad1/5/8 endogenous branches of TGFβ signaling. The requirement for exogenous stimulation or inhibition of these signaling pathways is due to different patterns of endogenous expression of TGFβ family factors and FGF2 in the mESCs and hESCs. For the hESCs, enhanced activity of ActivinA/Nodal/Lefty/Smad2/3 signaling by exogenous factor stimulation is necessary to mitigate the effects of BMP/Smad1/5/8 signaling pathways that promote cell differentiation into the extraembryonic structures. Significant differences in endogenous FGF2 expression in the cells in the ground and primed states of pluripotency demonstrate diverse involvement of this factor in the regulation of the pluripotent cell self-renewal.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been identified as key players in cardiogenesis and heart pathophysiological processes. However, many miRNAs are still not recognized for their roles in cardiomyocytes differentiation. In this study, we evaluated the effects of microRNA-218 (miR-218) in cardiomyocyte differentiation of the mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in vitro. The percentage of the beating embryoid bodies (EBs) in miR-218 mimic-treated cells was reduced to 32% compared with miR-218 mimic negative control (56%) on day 5 + 3. The amplitude of the intracellular Ca2+ transients in the cardiomyocytes derived from ESCs was reduced upon miR-218 overexpression, followed by the decreased calcium-related proteins and cell junction proteins expressions. Besides, miR-218 expression in ESCs was related to the directional spreading ability of EBs during differentiation. The increased expression of miR-218 could promote the migration of ESCs in vitro, while the decreased expression of miR-218 could inhibit the migration by the transwell experiment. Meanwhile, miR-218 could regulate cell migration–related proteins Cdc42 and Rac1. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα) was further confirmed to be a direct target of miR-218 both physically and functionally by dual-luciferase reporter assay. Our data further described that overexpression of PDGFRα rescued the miR-218-mediated inhibition of cardiomyocyte differentiation and restored the miR-218-mediated promotion of cell migration. In conclusion, miR-218 was demonstrated to exert an inhibitory function and promoted cell migration via targeting PDGFRα during cardiomyocyte differentiation from ESCs. The current study revealed the role of miR-218 and may provide an important hint for cardiomyocyte differentiation of ESCs and induced pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND Pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes(CMs) have become one of the most attractive cellular resources for cell-based therapy to rescue damaged cardiac tissue.AIM We investigated the regenerative potential of mouse embryonic stem cell(ESC)-derived platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α(PDGFRα)+ cardiac lineagecommitted cells(CLCs), which have a proliferative capacity but are in a morphologically and functionally immature state compared with differentiated CMs.METHODSWe induced mouse ESCs into PDGFRα+ CLCs and αMHC+ CMs using a combination of the small molecule cyclosporin A, the rho-associated coiled-coil kinase inhibitor Y27632, the antioxidant Trolox, and the ALK5 inhibitor EW7197.We implanted PDGFRα+ CLCs and differentiated αMHC+ CMs into a myocardial infarction(MI) murine model and performed functional analysis using transthoracic echocardiography(TTE) and histologic analysis.RESULTS Compared with the untreated MI hearts, the anterior and septal regional wall motion and systolic functional parameters were notably and similarly improved in the MI hearts implanted with PDGFRα+ CLCs and αMHC+ CMs based on TTE.In histologic analysis, the untreated MI hearts contained a thinner ventricular wall than did the controls, while the ventricular walls of MI hearts implanted with PDGFRα+ CLCs and αMHC+ CMs were similarly thicker compared with that of the untreated MI hearts. Furthermore, implanted PDGFRα+ CLCs aligned and integrated with host CMs and were mostly differentiated into α-actinin+ CMs,and they did not convert into CD31+ endothelial cells or αSMA+ mural cells.CONCLUSION PDGFRα+ CLCs from mouse ESCs exhibiting proliferative capacity showed a regenerative effect in infarcted myocardium. Therefore, mouse ESC-derived PDGFRα+ CLCs may represent a potential cellular resource for cardiac regeneration.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the cell cycle, apoptosis, cytogenetics and differentiation capacity of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) that survived a single dose of 2 or 5 Gy γ-rays during a period of up to 96 h of culture. After 2 Gy irradiation and 24 h culture, compared to control, a significant majority of cells was blocked at the G2/M phase and a massive apoptosis was recorded. Between 48 and 72 h post-irradiation, the parameters used to describe the cell cycle and apoptosis returned similar to those of control samples. When mESCs were irradiated with 5 Gy, a small fraction of cells, even after 96 h of culture, still presented clear evidences of a G2/M block and apoptosis. The cytogenetic analysis performed at 96 h showed that the structural stability of the aberrations did not change significantly when comparing control and 2 or 5 Gy-treated populations. However, the chromosomal damage observed in the progeny of the survived cells after 5 Gy exposure is significantly higher than that observed in control samples, although it is mostly of the stable and transmissible type. Ninety-six hours after irradiation, the survived mESCs maintained their undifferentiated status and capability to differentiate into the three germ layers. Overall, these results indicate a commitment of mESCs to maintain pluripotency and genome stability.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) have been defined as neural cells with the potential to self-renew and eventually generate all cell types of the nervous system. NSCs serve as an ideal cell type for nervous system repair. In the present study, miR-146 overexpression and predicted target (notch 1) were used to study proliferation and differentiation of mouse NSCs. shRNA were used to demonstrate the function of Notch 1 in proliferation of mouse NSCs and luciferase reporter assay was used to assess and confirm the binding sequence of 3′-UTR between Notch 1 and miR-146. Results showed that miR-146 overexpression and knockdown of notch 1 inhibited proliferation of mouse NSCs under serum-free cultural conditions and promoted spontaneous differentiation of mouse NSCs under contained serum cultural conditions respectively. Mouse NSCs spontaneously underwent differentiation into neurogenic cells with contained serum medium. However, when miR-146 was overexpressed, differentiation efficiency of glial cells from NSCs was increased, suggesting that Notch1 promoted NSC proliferation and repressed spontaneous differentiation of NSC in serum-free medium. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that miR-146 promoted spontaneous differentiation of NSCs, and this mechanism was influenced by miR-146, as well as its target (notch 1) and downstream gene.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation of the parental chromosomes was studied in 20 interspecific hybrid clones obtained by fusion of Mus musculus embryonic stem cells with Mus caroli splenocytes. FISH analysis with labeled species specific probes and microsatellite markers was used for identification of the parental chromosomes. Cytogenetic analysis has shown significant intra- and interclonal variability in chromosome numbers and ratios of the parental chromosomes in the hybrid cells: six clones contained all M. caroli chromosomes, nine clones showed moderate segregation of M. caroli chromosomes (from 1 to 7), and five clones showed extensive loss of M. caroli chromosomes (from 12 to complete loss of all M. caroli autosomes). Both methods demonstrated cryptic segregation of the somatic partner chromosomes. For instance, five clones with near-tetraploid chromosome sets contained only few M. caroli chromosomes (from 1 to 8). The data obtained suggest that the tetraploid chromosome set per se is not a sufficient criterion for conclusion on the absence of chromosome loss in the hybrid cells. Note that cryptic chromosome segregation occurred at a high frequency in the examined hybrid clones. Thus, cryptic segregation should be borne in mind for assessing pluripotency and genome reprogramming of embryonic stem hybrid cells.__________Translated from Ontogenez, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2005, pp. 151–158.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Pristyazhnyuk, Temirova, Menzorov, Kruglova, Matveeva, Serov.  相似文献   

Developmental potency of primitive and embryonic ectoderm cells from 4.50-day to 6.25-day post-coitum (p.c.) mouse embryos and primordial germ cells from 12.50-day p.c.male genital ridges of fetal mice were studied by direct introducing them into 3.50-day p.c.blastocysts.Sixteen (61.5) overt chimaeras out of 26(50%) offsprings were obtained after transfer of 52 blastocysts injected with 4.50-day primitive ectoderm cells;four (16.0%) overt chimaeras were obtained out of 25 (51.0%) offsprings with 4.75-day primitive ectoderm cells from 49 transferred blastocysts.However,no overt chimaera was obtained with either 5.25-day or 6.25-day embryonic ectoderm cells or 12.50-day male primordial germ cells.GPI analysis of mid-gestation conceptuses developed from injected blastocysts showedthat 5.25-day embryonic ectoderm cells could only contributed to yolk sac of conceptus.Results suggested that implantation acts as a trigger for the determination of primitive ectoderm cells,and their developmental potency becomes limited within a short period of time in normal development.  相似文献   

Cell surface glycans are tissue-specific and developmentally regulated. They function as essential modulators in cell-cell interactions, cell-extracellular matrix interactions, and ligand-receptor interactions, binding to various ligands, including Wnt, fibroblast growth factors, and bone morphogenetic proteins. Embryonic stem (ES) cells, originally derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, have the essential characteristics of pluripotency and self-renewal. Recently, it has been proposed that mouse and human conventional ES cells are present in different developmental stages, namely pre-implantation blastocyst and post-implantation blastocyst stages, also called the naïve state and the primed state, respectively. They therefore require different extrinsic signals for the maintenance of self-renewal and pluripotency, and also appear to require different surface glycans. Understanding of molecular mechanisms involving glycans in self-renewal and pluripotency of ES cells is increasingly important for potential clinical applications, as well as for basic research. This review focuses on the roles of glycans in the two different states of pluripotent stem cells, namely the naïve state and the primed state, and the transition between these two states.  相似文献   

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