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A timing-of-irrigation experiment was conducted in controlled-environmentglasshouses, in which a finite quantity of water was appliedto four stands of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) at differentstages of the growing season. Irrigation schedules were broadlydivided into two periods; sowing to pod initiation and pod initiationto final harvest. Within these periods two levels of soil moisturedeficit were imposed by withholding or applying limited amountsof irrigation at regular intervals. Shoot dry matter yields were hardly affected but pod yieldswere more than 4-fold lower in early- than in late-irrigatedstands. Thermal time was used to separate the effects of temperatureand water stress on developmental processes. The degree-dayrequirement for peg initiation was similar in all treatmentsbut late-irrigation delayed pod development by about 200 °Cd.The effect of timing of irrigation on pod yield operated mainlythrough its influence on the duration of pod production, whichwas closely linked to the rate and duration of canopy expansionlate in the season. The insensitivity of pod yield to earlymoisture deficits reflected the extreme plasticity of growthand development in groundnut, since most processes resumed ratessimilar to the pre-stress levels in early-irrigated stands oncestress was released. Key words: Groundnut, irrigation, growth, development  相似文献   

Summary The rhizobial strain isolated from wild arboreal legumes viz.Butea monosperma, Glyricidia sepium andAcacia nilotica effectively increased nodulation, shoot weight, pod weight, nitrogenase activity and also showed high competitive ability as compared to the homologous strains NC92 and G2 as well as chemical and absolute controls in groundnut. Thus, the findings of present study open a new field for exploring superior rhizobia from wild legumes, which can be used for improving the yield of cultivated legumes.
Réponse de l'arachide (Arachis hypogaea L.) à l'inoculation par des souches de Rhizobium isolées de légumes arboricoles sauvages
Résumé Les souches rhizobiennes isolées de légumes sauvages arboricoles commeButea monosperma,Glyricidia sepium etAcacia nilotica ont effectivement augmenté la nodulation, le poids de la racine, le poids des cosses, l'activité de nitrogénase. Elles ont aussi montré une aptitude à la forte compétition par comparaison avec les souches homologues NC92 et G2 de même qu'un contrôle chimique et absolu de l'arachide. Aussi, les résultats de la présente étude ouvrent un nouveau champ pour l'exploration des rhizobia supérieurs de légumes sauvages, qui peuvent être utilisés pour l'amélioration du rendement de légumes cultivés.

Summary Studies of incubation experiments showed that the phosphorus turnover under aerobic decomposition in soil starts with a non-biological process, which is rapid and probably due to chemical fixation. The present study allowed a distinction to be made between chemical fixation and biological immobilisation of added phosphorus with special reference to the effects of addition of energy material in the process of biological turnover. Invariably, both glucose and cellulose additions resulted in an increase in phosphorus immobilisation. Comparatively, cellulose acted slowly on phosphorus turnover, with the prospect of more immobilisation in long term experiments. re]19730416  相似文献   

The effect of Groundnut rosette assistor virus (GRAV), in the absence of the other two agents (Groundnut rosette virus and its satellite RNA) of the groundnut rosette disease virus complex, was evaluated on the agronomic performance of four groundnut (=peanut) genotypes (CG‐7, ICGV‐SM‐90704, JL‐24 and ICG‐12991) with different botanical characteristics. All genotypes infected with GRAV showed mild yellowing/chlorosis of leaves and the symptoms persisted throughout their growth period. ELISA absorbance values indicated lower amounts of GRAV antigen in ICGV‐SM‐90704 than in the other genotypes. The reduction in leaf area due to GRAV infection varied between 15.5% and 21.7%, whereas the plant height was decreased between 11.3% and 13.4% among the four genotypes. GRAV infection caused 28.4%, 16.9%, 21.7% and 25.5% reduction in the dry weight of haulms in CG‐7, ICGV‐SM‐90704, JL‐24 and ICG‐12991 respectively. Plants infected with GRAV showed greater reduction in seed weight in CG‐7 (52.2%), followed by JL‐24 (46.1%), ICG‐12991 (40.7%) and ICGV‐SM‐90704 (25.7%). These results provide evidence for the first time that GRAV infection, without GRV and sat RNA, affect plant growth and contribute to yield losses in groundnut.  相似文献   

Stands of groundnut were grown in computer-controlled glasshouseson water stored in an undisturbed soil profile. The maximumsaturation vapour pressure deficit (D) of the air was either1.0, 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 kPa, and the mean air temperature was27 °C. Transpiration (E), determined from the soil water balance, wasstrongly dependent on D, because D influenced both the fractionof incident solar radiation intercepted by foliage (f) and thetranspiration rate per unit f (E/f). When D exceeded 2 kPa,canopy expansion was restricted and f reduced during early growth,but differences in f diminished as the canopies closed. E/fincreased with D, implying that any restriction of transpirationthrough stomatal closure at large D was outweighted by a steeperhumidity gradient from leaf to air. In all treatments E/f decreased as the soil profile dried. Saturationdeficit per se had little influence on the proportional reductionin E/f with time, even though soil water deficit was considerablygreater at large D. This lack of response occurred because plantscompensated for the greater evaporative demand by extractinglarger amounts of water from deep in the profile. Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L., humidity, rooting depth, transpiration  相似文献   

The deamidase enzyme system present in extracts of groundnutplant tissues has been studied. The distribution of the enzymewithin the different organs of the plant were determined, andsome of the properties of the enzyme present in leaf extractsare recorded. From its substrate specificity the enzyme is probablybest regarded as a -methyleneglutaininase, although it catalysesthe hydrolysis of glutamine at about one-fifth of the rate of-methyleneglutamine. The enzyme may play an important role inthe over-all nitrogen metabolism of the plant, as well as controllingthe relative concentrations of -methyleneglutamine and -methyleneglutamicacid in the different organs. The properties of the enzyme havebeen compared with those recorded in the literature of glutaminasesand asparaginases, and certain common features are apparent.The new deamidase was, however, more stable to certain denaturingtreatments than were the other types of deamidase.  相似文献   

The response of two peanut cultivars (Tainan 9 and SK 38) to applications of six boron (B) rates (H3BO3 at 0, 0.12, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 kg B ha–1) at two calcium levels [nil (-Ca) or CaSO4 at 100 kg Ca ha–1 (+Ca)] to a B-deficient Oxic Paleustult was studied in a pot experiment. Without added Ca, both cultivars had low seed yields and gave only small responses to B. Similarly, without added B, both cultivars had low seed yields and did not respond to Ca. But, with added Ca or B, they responded strongly to B and Ca, respectively. In both cultivars, deficiencies of Ca or B depressed seed dry weight by depressing seed size by over 75%. Boron deficiency further depressed seed dry weight by decreasing the number of seeds per plant by decreasing the number of seeds per pod in Tainan 9, and the number of pods per plant in SK 38. Seed dry weight was depressed more than pod dry weight, so that both Ca and B deficiencies severely depressed the shelling %. With added Ca, tainan 9 responded to lower levels of B than SK 38, reaching maximum seed dry weight at 0.12 kg B ha–1. At this low level of B. SK 38 yielded only half the seed dry weight of Tainan 9. But SK 38 continued to respond to increasing levels of B to 2 kg ha–1, producing a maximum seed yield 40% higher than Tainan 9. The results indicate that where all other nutrients are adequate, SK 38 will yield better than Tainan 9 on soils with high B, but worse on soils with low B. The implications of these findings for the selection of peanut cultivars are discussed.  相似文献   

Absence of Root Hairs in Non-Nodulating Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Root hairs observed at the site of lateral root emergence innodulating groundnut cultivars were found to be absent in non-nodulatinggroundnut lines. In a segregating F2-population of the crossNC 17 x PI 259747 a strong association was observed betweenthe presence of root hairs and nodulation, and the absence ofroot hairs and non-nodulation. Key words: Root hairs, Arachis hypogaea, Non-nodulation  相似文献   

The partitioning of dry matter to stems, leaves and pods ofgroundnut was examined as a function of mean air temperatureand water stress. Different levels of stress were imposed bygrowing plants on stored moisture at five different mean temperaturesbetween 19 °C and 31 °C and at four levels of saturationvapour pressure deficit. Stands of plants were grown in controlledenvironment glasshouses. The ratio of pod to shoot weight (PWR) was greatest at 22 °Cand decreased from 0.28 to 0.04 as temperature increased to31 °C. PWR was closely related to the number of pods longerthan 5.0 mm but negatively correlated with stem weight ratio.In general, water stress had a minor influence on PWR althoughpeg and pod production were stimulated in five of the nine treatments.Mild water stress promoted peg and pod production because reproductivegrowth was less affected than the growth of leaves and stems,the major sinks early in the reproductive phase. In one treatment,mild water stress increased PWR by a factor of 2.2 indicatingthat when adequate water is supplied to relieve a mild stress,PWR can be greatly increased. Key words: Temperature, Water deficit, Partitioning, Groundnut  相似文献   

The rate/temperature relation of several developmental processesin groundnut was examined in a suite of temperature-controlledglasshouses maintained at mean air temperatures of 19, 22, 25,28 and 31 °C. The sensitivity of the various processes tosoil water deficit was also examined. When the relation between rate and temperature was linear, measurementswere analysed in terms of thermal time (°Cd) and an extrapolatedbase temperature (Tb) at which the rate was zero. Tb was conservative(10 °C) for leaf appearance, branching, flowering, peggingand podding. A higher value of Tb for seedling emergence (16°C) was probably an artifact caused by soil pathogens. Leafappearance and branching were more sensitive to soil water deficitthan the other processes examined. Key words: Temperature, Soil water deficit, Development, Groundnut  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) acts as a signal molecule to induce resistance in plants against herbivores and its levels are elevated in plants after wounding or insect damage. Groundnut is an important crop in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, but there is surprisingly little knowledge on its induced defenses against herbivores. The effect of JA as a spray on induced resistance in three groundnut genotypes, namely, ICGV 86699 (resistant), NCAc 343 (resistant), and TMV 2 (susceptible), against Helicoverpa armigera was studied. The activity of oxidative enzymes [peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO)] and the amounts of other host plant defense components [total phenols, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde (MDA), and protein content] were recorded at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after pretreatment (1 day) with JA followed by infestation with H. armigera (PJA + HIN) and H. armigera infestation with simultaneous JA application (HIN + JA) to understand the consequences of induced resistance in groundnut. The plant damage, larval survival, and larval weights were also recorded. There was a significant increase in POD and PPO activities and in the amounts of total phenols, H2O2, MDA, and proteins in PJA + HIN- and JA + HIN-treated plants as compared to the plants treated with JA and infested with H. armigera individually and to untreated control plants. Among all the genotypes, the strongest induction of defense was observed in the ICGV 86699 genotype. It is concluded that pretreatment with JA and its application during low levels of insect infestation can increase the levels of host plant resistance against herbivorous insects and reduce the pest-associated losses in groundnut.  相似文献   

Two viruses were isolated from commercial groundnut plants showing mild mottle (MM) and severe mottle (SM) symptoms in the Rayalaseema area of Andhra Pradesh State, India. The host range of both the isolates was restricted to Fabaceae. The physical properties of both isolates were: DEP 10-6 to 10-7. TIP 70–85 C and LIV 5–8 days. Partially purified virus preparations contained slightly flexuous filamentous particles. In ELISA and gel diffusion tests both isolates reacted similarly with anusera to the carlaviruses cowpea mild mottle, cassia mild mosaic and potato M. Particle morphology. sedimentation coefficient, and estimated sizes of the coat proteins and RNAs gave additional evidence that the viruses were carlaviruses. Bemisia labaci transmitted only the MM isolate and the two isolates also differed in electrophoretic mobility of intact particles and amino acid composition of the coat proteins. The isolates are identified as distinct strains of cowpea mild mottle virus.  相似文献   

The amino-acid metabolism of groundnut plants has been studiedwith special reference to -methyleneglutamic acid (-MGA) andy-methyleneglutamine (-MG), constituents not found in the greatmajority of plant species. The sequence in which C14 from radioactive C14-carbon dioxideenters the amino-acids of leaves was determined. The patternof labelling was very similar to that found for leaves of otherspecies. The metabolic relationships existing between photosynthesisand amino-acid synthesis therefore do not seem to be affectedby the large quantities of -MGA and -MG present in the leaves.-MGA and -MG only gained traces of radioactivity. Experiments designed to study the incorporation of C14 fromuniformly labelled C14-alanine into the amino-acids of roots,immature leaves and cotyledons of seedlings and young plantsindicated that the main site of synthesis of -MGA was the cotyledons. Various CI4-labelled substrates were fed to germinating seedsand, after a period of growth, the specific activities of theamino-acids of seedlings receiving different treatments weredetermined. Comparison of the specific activities enabled certaindeductions to be made concerning the probable biosynthetic pathwaysleading to -MGA and -MG. The results were consistent with theintact incorporation of pyruvate molecules, or another related3-carbon-atom containing compound, into -MGA.  相似文献   

Stands of groundnut were grown in four glasshouses with themaximum saturation deficit (D) of the air limited to 1.0, 2.0,2.5 or 3.0 kPa. The soil was near field capacity when plantsemerged and no water was applied thereafter. In a fifth glasshouse,a stand was grown at low D on soil irrigated to field capacityevery few days. Developmental processes such as timing of flowering, peggingand pod formation were unaffected by D, but the numbers of branches,flowers and pegs were reduced in the drier treatments. Measurementsduring the first 30 d showed that in the drier treatments leafgrowth was reduced, and the partitioning of dry matter intoroots was enhanced. In the unirrigated stands, dry matter production in shoots wasreduced by 40 per cent as the maximum D increased from 1.0 to3.0 kPa. Growth was affected through reductions both in leafarea (and therefore light interception) and in the productivityper unit of light intercepted. These responses to D and soilwater were linked to changes in bulk water potential of leaves. Productivity per unit of water transpired (q) decreased withincreasing D. The product of q and the mean daytime value ofthe difference in vapour pressure between leaf and air was moreconservative than q, and ranged from 3.1 to 5.6 g kPa kg–1. Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L., saturation deficit, growth, development, light interception, water use efficiency  相似文献   

花生对镉胁迫的生理响应及品种间差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
深入研究花生镉毒害机理对于筛选和利用抗镉污染花生种质资源具有重要的理论和实际意义.本文以14个花生品种为材料,以花期花生功能叶叶绿素含量、根系和叶片丙二醛含量、细胞膜透性和根系氧化活力等生理参数为指标,利用人工气候箱砂培试验,研究了6种Cd浓度胁迫下花生植株的生理毒害反应及其品种间遗传差异.结果表明: 在0~60 mg Cd ·L-1范围内,随着营养液添加Cd浓度的增加,花生叶绿素含量和根氧化活力极显著降低,根、叶细胞膜透性和根、叶丙二醛含量极显著增加,且品种与Cd浓度间具有显著交互作用; 花生根、叶细胞膜透性是对镉胁迫响应最为敏感的生理参数,而叶绿素含量对镉胁迫响应相对不敏感; 各生理参数与营养液Cd浓度关系的线性回归方程的斜率(b)与截距(a)之比值的绝对值︱b/a︱能够较好地描述不同花生品种对镉胁迫的敏感性.对6个生理参数的︱b/a︱值进行综合赋值及敏感性五级聚类分析得知,在供试花生品种中,“中花4号”、“湘农55号”和“湘农3010-w”等3个品种对镉反应高度敏感(Ⅰ级);“莱农29”、“湘农小果w2-7”、“丰花2号”、“莱农13”、“豫花15号”和“丰花3号”等6个品种反应敏感(Ⅱ级);“湘农312”、“祁阳小籽”和“平度01”等3个品种反应一般(Ⅲ级);“花育23 ”和“花育20”等两个品种反应钝感(Ⅳ级).  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate the influence ofatmospheric saturation deficit on the stomatal conductancesof millet and groundnut plants grown in undisturbed soil incontrolled environment glasshouses. Environmental conditionsduring growth were maintained close to those experienced inthe semi-arid tropics. The results demonstrated that the stomatal conductances of well-wateredplants of both species were affected strongly by changes insaturation deficit. The response was stronger at higher irradianceswhen variations in saturation deficit between 1.5 and 3.0 kPacaused 3–4-fold changes in leaf conductance. However,the stomatal response was greatly reduced or absent in unirrigatedplants in which stomatal conductances were reduced. Reduction of the transpiring leaf area by covering some of theleaves increased the leaf conductances of the remaining leavesand partially restored the stomatal response to saturation deficitin unirrigated plants. Leaf conductance was sensitive to thetranspiring area per plant and declined as the transpiring areaincreased. However, the reduction in mean leaf conductance wasinsufficient to prevent an increase in canopy conductance owingto the increased transpiring area: The results are compared to earlier field data for millet, andthe possible origin of the stomatal response is discussed.  相似文献   

The behaviour, development and reproductive capacity of Aphis craccivora, vector of a number of groundnut viruses, are compared on a range of susceptible and resistant genotypes. Field trials demonstrated no significant difference between genotypes in the rate of arrival of alates, but population development was slower, and subsequent population decline faster, on the genotype EC 36892 (ICG 5240). Behavioural studies in the screenhouse, likewise showed no inhibition to alighting onto EC 36892 though choice tests demonstrated a significant redistribution of the population in favour of the susceptible genotype TMV 2 (ICG 221) over the following 10 h. In clip cage experiments, development was faster and nymphal numbers were higher on the genotype TMV 2 compared to EC 36892.  相似文献   

Summary ‘Pod washings’ were collected from groundnut at three hour intervals for 24 hours after feeding the plants with14CO2. Low radioactivity was found in the first four ‘Pod washings’ of 10 day old pods and the radioactivity increased with time. Highest radioactivity was found in washings of 20 and 30 day old pods and was twice the activity found in the washings of 50 day old pods. The radioactivity of both ethanol-soluble and insoluble fractions in pods was determined. The radioactivity mobilized into the pods increased with age and it was highest in 50 day old pods. The influence of the pod exudates on geocarposphere microflora during pod development is discussed.  相似文献   

A method of field screening groundnut seedlings for resistance to groundnut rosette virus (GRV), by means of which over 97% incidence was induced in rows of susceptible test plants, was developed at Chitedze Research Station in Malawi. Two GRV-resistant Virginia cultivars (RG 1 and RMP 40) were crossed with three susceptible cultivars, one from each of the Spanish (JL 24), Valencia (ICGM 48) and Virginia (Mani Pintar) botanical groups. Twelve F1 reciprocal crosses and their F2 and backcross generations were produced and the material screened in nurseries in 1985/86 and 1986/87. Seedlings raised from plants which did not become infected in the field were inoculated in the glasshouse in order to eliminate susceptible escapees. The numbers of diseased and healthy individuals in each population were subjected to χ2 tests. In the majority of the F2 populations a good fit was obtained for a ratio of one resistant to 15 susceptible plants, a ratio to be expected if resistance to GRV were determined by a pair of independent complementary recessive genes. This was further supported by data from backcross generations.  相似文献   

Five groundnut cultivars were grown in transparent tubes of pasteurized loam compost in growth-chamber conditions. Weekly tracings were made of all the roots visible through the walls of the tubes. White roots were assessed as living, and brown or decayed roots as dead; this correlated with microscopical assessments of root viability based on cytoplasmic staining with neutral red followed by plasmolysis.For all five cultivars, root laterals began to die 3–4 weeks after plants were sown. Death of root laterals progressed down the soil profile with time, while new roots were produced successively deeper from the extending taproot. The half-life of individual roots was calculated as 3.7–4.4 weeks for all cultivars, based on assessments of the roots that died up to plant maturity (14–20 weeks, depending on cultivar). At maturity, 73–83% of the cumulative length of root systems had died. The onset and rate of root death were not related to onset of flowering or pod-filling; instead, the peak times of root death at different distances down the root system were related to earlier (3–5 week) peak times of root production in those regions. The net result of root turnover was that, despite continued new root production, the maximum length of living (white) roots of each cultivar was recorded at 2–4 weeks after sowing. Death of the earliest formed root laterals was also observed in the first five weeks after sowing of groundnut in an experimental field plot in Malawi. Progressive root turnover is considered to be a normal feature of groundnut, perhaps representing an energy-economy strategy.  相似文献   

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