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Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is the most potent activator of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores described. It acts on a mechanism distinct from inositol trisphosphate and ryanodine receptors, the two major Ca2+ release channels characterised. NAADP-gated Ca2+ release channels do not appear to be regulated by Ca2+ and may be better suited for triggering Ca2+ signals rather than propagating them. They exhibit a remarkable pharmacology for a putative intracellular Ca2+ release channel in that they are selectively blocked by potassium and L-type Ca2+ channel antagonists. Furthermore, in contrast to microsomal Ca2+ stores expressing IP3Rs and RyRs, those sensitive to NAADP are thapsigargin-insensitive, suggesting that they may be expressed on a different part of the endoplasmic reticulum. Perhaps the most unusual feature of the NAADP-gated Ca2+ release mechanisms is its inactivation properties. Unlike the mechanisms regulated by IP3 and cADPR in sea urchin eggs which after induction of Ca2+ release appear to become refractory to subsequent activation, very low concentrations of NAADP are able to inactivate NAADP-induced Ca2+ release fully at concentrations well below those required to activate Ca2+ release. The mechanism and physiological significance of this most unusual desensitisation phenomenon are unclear. More recently, NAADP has been shown to mobilise Ca2+ in ascidian oocytes, brain microsomes and pancreatic acinar cells suggesting a more widespread role in Ca2+ signalling. A possible role for this novel Ca2+ release mechanism in sea urchin egg fertilisation is discussed.  相似文献   

A transient rise in intracellular Ca2+ during fertilization is necessary for activation of the quiescent sea urchin egg. Several mechanisms contribute to the rise in Ca2+ including influx across the egg plasma membrane and release from intracellular stores. The egg contains both IP3-sensitive and -insensitive Ca2+ release mechanisms and in this study we have used single-cell spectrofluorimetry to examine the effects of caffeine and ryanodine on Ca2+ release in eggs preloaded with fura 2. Caffeine induced a small Ca2+ release that was insensitive to heparin or ruthenium red. Ca2+ liberation by caffeine could be augmented by prior treatment with thapsigargin, an inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase. Variable Ca2+ releases were observed in response to microinjection of ryanodine. The action of ryanodine appeared to be enhanced by prior injection of heparin and partially inhibited by ruthenium red. The release of Ca2+ by caffeine or ryanodine was generally insufficient to trigger cortical granule exocytosis, thus these eggs could be fertilized and a second Ca2+ release during fertilization was measured. Unlike the caffeine- and ryanodine-sensitive Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release mechanism in somatic cells, the graded responses in eggs suggested this caffeine- and ryanodine-sensitive release mechanism is not sensitive to sudden changes in Ca2+. Thus we could examine the combined actions of caffeine and ryanodine on Ca2+ release, which were synergistic. Caffeine treatment of ryanodine-injected eggs or ryanodine injection of caffeine-treated eggs stimulated a Ca2+ release significantly larger than the release by either drug independently. The experiments presented here suggest that sea urchin eggs liberate Ca2+ in response to caffeine and ryanodine; however, the regulation of this release differs from that described for caffeine- and ryanodine-sensitive Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release of somatic cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the contribution of external calcium ions to inositol phosphate-induced exocytosis in sea urchin eggs. We show that: (a) inositol phosphates activate eggs of the sea urchin species Lytechinus pictus and Lytechinus variegatus independently of external calcium ions; (b) the magnitude and duration of the inositol phosphate induced calcium changes are independent of external calcium; (c) in calcium-free seawater, increasing the volume of inositol trisphosphate solution injected decreased the extent of egg activation; (d) eggs in calcium-free sea water are more easily damaged by microinjection; microinjection of larger volumes increased leakage from eggs pre-loaded with fluorescent dye. We conclude that inositol phosphates do not require external calcium ions to activate sea urchin eggs. This is entirely consistent with their role as internal messengers at fertilization. The increased damage caused to eggs in calcium-free seawater injected with large volumes may allow the EGTA present in the seawater to enter the egg and chelate any calcium released by the inositol phosphates. This may explain the discrepancy between this and earlier reports.  相似文献   

Unfertilized sea urchin eggs exposed to the sulfhydryl reagents Ag+ or N-ethylmaleimide either elevated fertilizationlike membranes, formed surface protrusions, developed a clear cortical layer devoid of organelles, or cytolysed. The relative fraction of each modification varied from batch to batch and was also dose and time dependent. With Ag+ and higher doses of N-EMI (10?3 M), the most common effect was the elevation of a membrane indicating cortical exocytosis, while at lower doses of N-EMI protrusions were predominant. Glutathione (GSH) protected eggs against these reagents also in a dose-dependent manner. Eggs exposed to equimolar amounts of N-EMI and GSH, which otherwise formed membranes, produced protrusions, while increasing GSH tenfold afforded complete protection. We suggest there are two targets for the sulfhydryl reagents–the first, SH groups on proteins that regulate the release of Ca2+ from the intracellular sequestering mechanism which subsequently triggers cortical exocytosis; the second, SH groups on the egg surface that may regulate cortical organization.  相似文献   

We have used an antibody against the ryanodine receptor/calcium release channel of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum to localize a calcium release channel in sea urchin eggs. The calcium release channel is present in less than 20% of immature oocytes, where it does not demonstrate a specific cytoplasmic localization, while it is confined to the cortex of all mature eggs examined. This is in contrast to the cortical and subcortical localization of calsequestrin in mature and immature eggs. Immunolocalization of the calcium release channel reveals a cortical reticulum or honeycomb staining network that surrounds cortical granules and is associated with the plasma membrane. The network consists of some immunoreactive electron-dense material coating small vesicles and elongate cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. The fluorescent reticular staining pattern is lost when egg cortices are treated with agents known to affect sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release and induce cortical granule exocytosis (ryanodine, calcium, A-23187, and caffeine). An approximately 380-kD protein of sea urchin egg cortices is identified by immunoblot analysis with the ryanodine receptor antibody. These results demonstrate: (a) the presence of a ryanodine-sensitive calcium release channel that is located within the sea urchin egg cortex; (b) an altered calcium release channel staining pattern as a result of treatments that initiate the cortical granule reaction; and (c) a spatial and functional dichotomy of the ER which may be important in serving different roles in the mobilization of calcium at fertilization.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake and release by dividing sea urchin eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Parthenogenetic activation of Lytechinus pictus eggs can be monitored after injection with the Ca-sensitive photoprotein aequorin to estimate calcium release during activation. Parthenogenetic treatments, including the nonelectrolyte urea, hypertonic sea water, and ionophore A23187, all acted to release Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Ionophore and urea solutions release Ca2+ from the same intracellular store as normal fertilization. This intracellular store can be reloaded after 40 min and discharged again. Hypertonic medium appears to release Ca2+ from a different intracellular store. Treatment with the weak base NH4Cl did not release intracellular Ca2+ but did result in a momentary Ca2+ influx if Ca2+ was present in the external solution. Ca2+ influx was not required for ammonia activation.  相似文献   

Although confocal microscopy has typically been utilized in studies of fixed specimens, its potential for exploring dynamic processes in living cells is rapidly being realized. In this report, confocal laser scanning microscopy is used to analyze the calcium wave that occurs following fertilization in living sea urchin eggs microinjected with the calcium-sensitive fluorescent probes fluo-3 or calcium green. Time-lapse recordings of optical sections depicting calcium dynamics within the eggs are also subjected to volumetric reconstructions. Such analyses indicate that (1) cytoplasmic free calcium levels become elevated throughout the fertilized egg, (2) fertilization also causes the egg nucleus to undergo a transient increase in free calcium, and (3) normal cleavage can be obtained following time-lapse imaging of the calcium waves.  相似文献   

That a small amount of external calcium ions is requisite for the fertilization by spermatozoa with reacted acrosomes was found by some simple experiments using jelly-treated sperm of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. When eggs were inseminated with the jelly-treated sperm in artificial seawaters containing calcium at various concentrations, the percentage of fertilization decreased concomitant with the reduction in the amount of external calcium ions, 50% at 40 μM calcium and almost 0% at less than 10 μM. On the other hand, it was observed that both the morphology of the reacted acrosome and the binding capacity of the jelly-treated spermatozoa to eggs were not influenced by the calcium deficiency. These results suggest that external calcium ions are indispensable even for the fertilization processes following sperm binding to eggs after the acrosome reaction, such as penetration of reacted spermatozoa through vitelline layer and/or membrane fusion between egg and spermatozoon.  相似文献   

The sea urchin egg has a rich history of contributions to our understanding of fundamental questions of egg activation at fertilization. Within seconds of sperm-egg interaction, calcium is released from the egg endoplasmic reticulum, launching the zygote into the mitotic cell cycle and the developmental program. The sequence of the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus genome offers unique opportunities to apply functional genomic and proteomic approaches to investigate the repertoire and regulation of Ca(2+) signaling and homeostasis modules present in the egg and zygote. The sea urchin "calcium toolkit" as predicted by the genome is described. Emphasis is on the Ca(2+) signaling modules operating during egg activation, but the Ca(2+) signaling repertoire has ramifications for later developmental events and adult physiology as well. Presented here are the mechanisms that control the initial release of Ca(2+) at fertilization and additional signaling components predicted by the genome and found to be expressed and operating in eggs at fertilization. The initial release of Ca(2+) serves to coordinate egg activation, which is largely a phenomenon of post-translational modifications, especially dynamic protein phosphorylation. Functional proteomics can now be used to identify the phosphoproteome in general and specific kinase targets in particular. This approach is described along with findings to date. Key outstanding questions regarding the activation of the developmental program are framed in the context of what has been learned from the genome and how this knowledge can be applied to functional studies.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic activation of unfertilized sea urchin eggs with ammonium chloride at pH 8.0 resulted in a slow, but dramatic, reorganization of surface microvilli in four species of sea urchin eggs. Following NH4Cl treatment, elongation of microvilli on the egg surface was observed concomitant with the formation of microfilament bundles within the microvillar cores. A minimum of 2 h of treatment was required for elongation and microfilament bundle formation to occur. The maintenance of elongated microvilli was pH-sensitive; removal of the activating agent resulted in the retraction of extended microvilli while readdition of NH4Cl caused microvilli to elongate again. Accompanying microvillar elongation in activated eggs, there was an increased calcium uptake as measured by 45Ca uptake. Blocking calcium uptake by incubation in lanthanum chloride or zero-calcium seawater containing 2 mM EGTA prevented microvillar elongation. These results suggested that elongation of microvilli following parthenogenetic activation by NH4Cl is pH- and calcium-dependent and is similar to that observed during normal fertilization.  相似文献   

Kinetics of in vivo phosphorylation of 3H-thymidine taken up by sea urchin eggs was compared between unfertilized and fertilized eggs. The percentage of phosphorylated 3H-thymidine in the total acid-soluble radioactivity in the cell increased with increasing incubation time within the first several minutes of incubation in the unfertilized eggs, while nearly 100% of phosphorylation of thymidine was observed without regards to the incubation time and in spite of a tremendous increase in the net uptake of thymidine in the fertilized eggs, suggesting possible activation of thymidine kinase occurring soon after fertilization.In contrast to the in vivo finding, the thymidine kinase activity in unfertilized egg homogenates was found in general to be almost as large as that in fertilized egg homogenates. However, when the enzyme activity was assayed within a short period (30 min) after homogenization of unfertilized eggs, the activity was found to increase more or less with time after homogenization, reaching a level equal to that in fertilized egg homogenates. This enzyme activation after homogenization was especially marked in case of Pseudocentrotus eggs and sometimes amounted to a several fold increase.Preliminary investigations revealed possible involvement of some redox reaction(s) in the thymidine kinase activation during and/or after homogenization of unfertilized sea urchin eggs.  相似文献   

Intracellular calcium release at fertilization in the sea urchin egg.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Fertilization or ionophore activation of Lytechinus pictus eggs can be monitored after injection with the Ca-sensitive photoprotein aequorin to estimate calcium release during activation. We estimate the peak calcium transient to reach concentrations of 2.5–4.5 μM free calcium 45–60 sec after activation and to last 23? min, assuming equal Ca2+ release throughout the cytoplasm. Calcium is released from an intracellular store, since similar responses are obtained during fertilization at a wide range of external calcium concentrations or in zerocalcium seawater in ionophore activations. In another effort to estimate free calcium at fertilization, we isolated egg cortices, added back calcium quantitatively, and fixed for observation with a scanning electron microscope. In this way, we determined that the threshold for discharge of the cortical granules is between 9 and 18 μM Ca2+. Therefore, the threshold for the in vitro cortical reaction is about five times the amount of free calcium, assuming equal distribution in the egg. This result suggests that transient calcium release is confined to the inner subsurface of the egg.  相似文献   

Catecholamine secretion and adenylate cyclase activation in sea urchin eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of neurotransmitters in sea-urchin eggs was investigated by studying their effect on adenylate cyclase of the egg membrane. Maximal stimulation of enzyme activity occurs in the presence of dopamine and GTP. 5-hydroxytriptamine, 5-methoxytriptamine and acetylcholine have no effect on activity, despite a decrease in intracellular cAMP level in eggs treated with 5-hydroxytriptamine antagonists as previously reported (Renaud et al., 1983). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that dopamine is released from the sea-urchin egg into the external medium following fertilization.  相似文献   

Completion of cytokinesis, abscission, has been studied little despite the intensive studies of the onset and contractile mechanism of the earlier phases of division. It has been well documented that microtubule (MT) disruption before furrow stimulation prevents furrowing, while MT disruption after furrow stimulation allows division to proceed. We have confirmed those findings using the MT inhibitors, nocodazole and demecolcine. In addition, we have found that MT disruption after furrow stimulation but before completion of division prevents abscission as evidenced by the observation that prospective daughter cells in MT-disrupted eggs maintain electrical continuity. Continued observation of eggs revealed that the furrow in MT-disrupted eggs did not result in abscission, but rather held steady until the time when controls underwent second cleavage, at which point the furrows regressed. These findings extend the recent reports that MTs are required for completion of division in mammalian tissue culture cells and frog eggs, to invertebrates, suggesting a common mechanism of abscission for animal cells.  相似文献   

Fertilization of sea urchin eggs triggers a rise of protein synthesis mainly dependent on the cap‐binding protein eIF4E, which is released from its repressor 4E‐BP and associates with eIF4G. Association of eIF4G with eIF4E is a crucial event for the onset of the first mitotic division following fertilization. Artificial activation of unfertilized eggs with the calcium ionophore A23187 results in the activation of protein synthesis comparable to the one triggered by fertilization, while increasing the intracellular pH by ammonia treatment results in partial activation of protein synthesis. Nevertheless, artificial activation does not induce the mitotic division. Here we investigate the effect of calcium ionophore and ammonia treatment of unfertilized eggs on eIF4E and its two antagonist partners, 4E‐BP and eIF4G. We show that the addition of calcium ionophore to unfertilized eggs induces permanent dissociation between eIF4E and 4E‐BP, whereas a reversible dissociation of the complex occurs after ammonia treatment. The regulation of the complex correlates with permanent or reversible 4E‐BP disappearance depending on the treatment used to trigger artificial activation. Furthermore, while calcium ionophore treatment of unfertilized eggs induces eIF4G modifications comparable to those observed following fertilization, ammonia treatment does not. These results suggest that ionophore and ammonia treatments of unfertilized eggs induce differential protein synthesis activation by targeting eIF4E availability and specific regulation through its two partners 4E‐BP and eIF4G. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 77: 83–91, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the regulation of a 43-kDa MAP kinase in sea urchin eggs. Both MAP kinase and MEK (MAP kinase kinase) are phosphorylated and active in unfertilized eggs while both are dephosphorylated and inactivated after fertilization, although with distinct kinetics. Reactivation of MEK or the 43-kDa MAP kinase prior to or during the first cell division was not detected. Confocal immunolocalization microscopy revealed that phosphorylated (active) MAP kinase is present primarily in the nucleus of the unfertilized egg, with some of the phosphorylated form in the cytoplasm as well. Incubation of unfertilized eggs in the MEK inhibitor U0126 (0.5 microM) resulted in the inactivation of MEK and MAP kinase within 30 min. Incubation in low concentrations of U0126 (sufficient to inactivate MEK and MAP kinase) after fertilization had no effect on progression through the embryonic cell cycle. Microinjection of active mammalian MAP kinase phosphatase (MKP-3) resulted in inactivation of MAP kinase in unfertilized eggs, as did addition of MKP-3 to lysates of unfertilized eggs. Incubation of unfertilized eggs in the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187 led to inactivation of MEK and MAP kinase with the same kinetics as observed with sperm-induced egg activation. This suggests that calcium may be deactivating MEK and/or activating a MAP kinase-directed phosphatase. A cell-free system was used to evaluate the activation of phosphatase separately from MEK inactivation. Unfertilized egg lysates were treated with U0126 to inactivate MEK and then Ca(2+) was added. This resulted in increased MAP kinase phosphatase activity. Therefore, MAP kinase inactivation at fertilization in sea urchin eggs likely is the result of a combination of MEK inactivation and phosphatase activation that are directly or indirectly responsive to Ca(2+).  相似文献   

A change in Hl histone synthesis occurs in blastulae, from Hlm to a faster moving Hlg in acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The experiments below indicate that this shift occurs in the absence of normal cleavage. Hybrid embryos containing paternal Hl histone markers along with homospermic embryos were studied. Both were labeled with L-[3H]lysine. Some cultures were kept at 11 degrees C to inhibit cleavage. It was found that Hlm and Hlg are synthesized sequentially in time by embryos grown at 20 degreet C as well as by those grown at 11 degrees C. The hybrid data establish that Hlm is translated at least in part from mRNA newly transcribed from paternal DNA. This observation also holds for cleavage inhibited hybrid embryos. Hlg is made by both hybrid and homospermic embryos during the later phases of development at both 11 and 20 degrees C. These results confirm and extend those of Seale et al. (1973), Ruderman et al. (1974) and Easton et al. (1974).  相似文献   

We have examined the content and permeability of chloride in sea urchin eggs. After fertilization there is a large increase in the permeability to chloride. We discuss the mechanism underlying this permeability change and the generalized increase in ion permeability observed after fertilization.  相似文献   


After fertilization of sea urchin eggs, there is a rapid increase in cellular levels of NADPH, a metabolite utilized in a variety of biosynthetic reactions during early development. Recent studies have shown that a dramatic increase in the activity of the pentose phosphate shunt occurs in vivo shortly after fertilization, consistent with the hypothesis mat this metabolic pathway is a major supplier of NADPH in sea urchin zygotes. One mechanism that may account, in part, for this increase in pentose shunt activity is the dissociation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), the first enzyme of the shunt, from cell structural elements. In vitro, G6PDH is associated with the insoluble matrix obtained from homogenates of unfertilized eggs, and in this state, the enzyme is inhibited. Within minutes of fertilization, G6PDH is released as an active, soluble enzyme. A similar solubilization and activation of G6PDH occurs after fertilization of eggs of other marine invertebrates and in mammalian cells in culture stimulated by growth factors. The occurrence of this phenomenon in such diverse cell types, in response to different stimuli, suggests that the redistribution of G6PDH between insoluble and soluble locations may be involved in the regulation of the pentose phosphate shunt during cell activation in general.  相似文献   

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