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Eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2)-associated glycoprotein p67 protects eIF2alpha phosphorylation from kinases. The N-terminal lysine-rich domains increase this activity and the acidic residue-rich domain inhibits it. Conserved amino acid residues D251, D262, E364, and E459 are involved in this inhibition. During heat shock, the overall protein synthesis rate decreases due to the increased levels of eIF2alpha phosphorylation. In this study, we examined whether the above inhibition is also found during heat shock. Indeed, the acidic residue-rich domain mutant (D6/2) showed a decreased level of eIF2alpha phosphorylation, and its second-site alanine substitutions at D251, D262, and E459 reversed this effect, whereas second-site alanine substitution at H331 and E364 residues further augmented it. A high-molecular-weight phosphoprotein and at least two faster-migrating phosphoproteins were detected by the monospecific polyclonal antibody against eIF2alpha(P) form in rat tumor hepatoma cells constitutively expressing the double mutant D6/2+D251A. Although the levels of p67 mutants were unaffected during heat shock, those of p67 and p67-deactivating enzyme varied. Furthermore, the overall rate of protein synthesis correlated with the level of eIF2alpha phosphorylation. Taken together, these results suggest that the lysine-rich domains and conserved amino acid residues of p67 are involved in the regulation of eIF2alpha phosphorylation during heat shock.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2)-associated glycoprotein, p67, plays an important role in protecting eIF2alpha from phosphorylation by eIF2alpha-specific kinases. To understand the molecular details of interaction between p67 and the subunits of eIF2, we applied several biochemical and mutational analyses to identify interacting domains within p67 and eIF2gamma. These studies were combined with functional in vivo and in vitro assays to address the importance of the interactions between p67 and eIF2gamma in eIF2alpha phosphorylation. Studies from yeast two-hybrid assays show that p67 interacts strongly with eIF2gamma, relatively weakly with eIF2alpha, and no interaction with eIF2beta. Further mutational analyses provided evidence that the N-terminal lysine-rich domain II and the 340-430 amino acid segment of p67 interact strongly with the C-terminal 409-472 amino acid segment of eIF2gamma. GST pull-down assays show that the interaction between p67 and eIF2gamma is direct. From co-immunoprecipitation studies, we find that the interaction between p67 and eIF2gamma could not only be detected in mammalian cells growing in growth medium, it could also be detected in transiently transfected cells with expression plasmids encoding p67 and eIF2gamma. However, this interaction could not be detected in p67 mutants lacking lysine-rich domain II and the 340-430 amino acid segment. We also find a very good correlation between p67 binding to eIF2gamma and the protection of eIF2alpha from phosphorylation. Altogether, our data provide genetic evidence for the interaction between p67 and eIF2gamma and that this interaction modulates the phosphorylation of eIF2alpha.  相似文献   

Initiation of translation from most cellular mRNAs occurs via scanning; the 40 S ribosomal subunit binds to the m(7)G-cap and then moves along the mRNA until an initiation codon is encountered. Some cellular mRNAs contain internal ribosome entry sequences (IRESs) within their 5'-untranslated regions, which allow initiation independently of the 5'-cap. This study investigated the ability of cellular stress to regulate the activity of IRESs in cellular mRNAs. Three stresses were studied that cause the phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor, eIF2alpha, by activating specific kinases: (i) amino acid starvation, which activates GCN2; (ii) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which activates PKR-like ER kinase, PERK kinase; and (iii) double-stranded RNA, which activates double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) by mimicking viral infection. Amino acid starvation and ER stress caused transient phosphorylation of eIF2alpha during the first hour of treatment, whereas double-stranded RNA caused a sustained phosphorylation of eIF2alpha after 2 h. The effects of these treatments on IRES-mediated initiation were investigated using bicistronic mRNA expression vectors. No effect was seen for the IRESs from the mRNAs for the chaperone BiP and the protein kinase Pim-1. In contrast, translation mediated by the IRESs from the cationic amino acid transporter, cat-1, and of the cricket paralysis virus intergenic region, were stimulated 3- to 10-fold by all three treatments. eIF2alpha phosphorylation was required for the response because inactivation of phosphorylation prevented the stimulation. It is concluded that cellular stress can stimulate translation from some cellular IRESs via a mechanism that requires the phosphorylation of eIF2alpha. Moreover, there are distinct regulatory patterns for different cellular mRNAs that contain IRESs within their 5'-untranslated regions.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 5 interacts with eIF1, eIF2beta, and eIF3c, thereby mediating formation of the multifactor complex (MFC), an important intermediate for the 43 S preinitiation complex assembly. Here we demonstrate in vitro formation of a nearly stoichiometric quaternary complex containing eIF1 and the minimal segments of eIF2beta, eIF3c, and eIF5. In vivo, overexpression of eIF2 and tRNA(Met)(i) suppresses the temperature-sensitive phenotype of tif5-7A altering eIF5-CTD by increasing interaction of the mutant eIF5 with eIF2 by mass action and restoring its defective interaction with eIF3. By contrast, overexpression of eIF1 exacerbated the tif5-7A phenotype because eIF1 forms unusual inhibitory complexes with a hyperstoichiometric amount of eIF1. Formation of such complexes leads to increased GCN4 translation, independent of eIF2 phosphorylation (general control derepressed or Gcd(-) phenotype). We also provide biochemical evidence indicating that the association of eIF5-CTD with eIF2beta strongly enhances its binding to eIF3c. Our results suggest strongly that MFC formation is an ordered event involving specific enhancement of eIF5-CTD binding to eIF3 on its binding to eIF2beta. We propose that the primary function of eIF5-CTD is to serve as an assembly guide by rapidly promoting stoichiometric MFC assembly with the aid of eIF2 while excluding formation of nonfunctional complexes.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2B mediates a key regulatory step in peptide-chain initiation and is acutely activated by insulin, although it is not clear how. Inhibitors of phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase blocked activation of eIF2B, although rapamycin, which inhibits the p70 S6 kinase pathway, did not. Furthermore, a dominant negative mutant of PI 3-kinase also prevented activation of eIF2B, while a Sos-mutant, which blocks MAP kinase activation, did not. The data demonstrate that a pathway distinct from MAP and p70 S6 kinases regulates eIF2B. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) phosphorylates and inactivates eIF2B. In all cases, eIF2B and GSK-3 were regulated reciprocally. Dominant negative PI 3-kinase abolished the insulin-induced inhibition of GSK-3. These data strongly support the hypothesis that insulin activates eIF2B through a signalling pathway involving PI 3-kinase and inhibition of GSK-3.  相似文献   

Datta B  Majumdar A  Datta R  Balusu R 《Biochemistry》2004,43(46):14821-14831
Fumagillin, an angiogenic inhibitor, binds to methionine aminopeptidase 2, which is the same as eukaryotic initiation factor 2-associated glycoprotein, p67. p67 protects eIF2alpha from phosphorylation by its kinases. To understand the importance of fumagillin binding to p67, we measured the level of p67 in mouse C2C12 myoblasts treated with fumagillin. We show that fumagillin increases the stability of p67 by decreasing its turnover rate. The increased levels of p67 result in inhibition of phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERKs 1 and 2). p67 binds to these ERKs, and the 108-480 amino acid segment is sufficient for this binding. p67's affinity to ERKs 1 and 2 also increases in fumagillin-treated myoblasts while its affinity for eIF2alpha remains unchanged. A mutant at the conserved amino acid residue D251A increases the phosphorylation of ERKs 1 and 2 without affecting the binding to p67, thus indicating the importance of this residue in the regulation of the phosphorylation of these ERKs. These results suggest that fumagillin increases the stability of p67 and its affinity to ERKs 1 and 2 and causes the inhibition of the phosphorylation of ERKs 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 2-associated glycoprotein, p67, protects eIF2 from phosphorylation by its kinases. To understand the roles of p67 during skeletal muscle differentiation of mouse C2C12 myoblasts, we measured the level of p67 during myotube formation. We noticed that the level of p67 increases during myoblast differentiation and this increased level is controlled at the translational stage. The stability of p67 in the myotubes is due to its low turnover rate. The phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs 1 and 2) is high in growth-factor-mediated cycling of C2C12 myoblasts and this phosphorylation decreases at 96 h when these myoblasts are grown in differentiation medium. At this time of differentiation, the level of p67 is higher compared to 0 h of differentiation. p67 binds to ERK2 and inhibits its activity in vitro. Taken together, these results suggest that the stability of p67 increases during myotube formation while inhibiting the phosphorylation of ERKs 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 is the major regulatory step in the initiation of protein synthesis in mammals. P67, a cellular glycoprotein, protects phosphorylation of eIF2alpha from kinases. Previously, we reported that the D6/2 mutant of p67 has higher levels of protection of eIF2alpha phosphorylation (POEP) activity. In this study, we report that the D6/2 mutant and its double mutants containing second-site alanine substitutions at the five conserved amino acid residues (D251, D262, H331, E364, and E459) show increased POEP activity in serum-starved rat tumor hepatoma cells. Serum-restoration to those cells did not abolish their increased POEP activity except the D6/2+H331A double mutant. The latter mutant shows slight inhibition of POEP activity during serum starvation and this inhibition increased significantly during serum restoration. KRC-7 cells constitutively expressing the D6/2 mutant showed slightly decreased levels of PKR phosphorylation and significantly low level of phosphorylation of ERKs 1 and 2. The D6/2 mutant also showed increased binding with eIF2alpha and eIF2gamma and almost similar binding with ERKs 1 and 2 as compared to wild type p67. Altogether, our data demonstrate that the increased binding of the D6/2 mutant with the subunits of eIF2 may be in part the cause for its high POEP activity.  相似文献   

The GTP-binding eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF2 delivers initiator methionyl-tRNA to the 40 S ribosomal subunit. The factor eIF5 stimulates hydrolysis of GTP by eIF2 upon AUG codon recognition, whereas the factor eIF2B promotes guanine nucleotide exchange on eIF2 to recycle the factor for additional rounds of translation initiation. The GTP-binding (G) domain resides in the gamma subunit of the heterotrimeric eIF2; however, only eIF2beta, and not eIF2gamma, has been reported to directly bind to eIF5 or eIF2B. Using proteins expressed in yeast or recombinant systems we show that full-length yeast eIF2gamma, as well as its isolated G domain, binds directly to eIF5 and the epsilon subunit of eIF2B, and we map the interaction sites to the catalytically important regions of these factors. Consistently, an internal deletion of residues 50-100 of yeast eIF5 impairs the interaction with recombinant eIF2gamma-G domain and abolishes the ability of eIF5 to stimulate eIF2 GTPase activity in translation initiation complexes in vitro. Thus, rather than allosterically regulating eIF2gamma-G domain function via eIF2beta, our data support a model in which the GTPase-activating factor eIF5 and the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B modulate eIF2 function through direct interactions with the eIF2gamma-G domain.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 is the major regulatory step in the initiation of protein synthesis in mammals. P67, a cellular glycoprotein, protects phosphorylation of eIF2alpha from kinases. P67 has five conserved amino acid residues at the D251, D262, H331, E364, and E459 positions. To determine the roles of these conserved amino acid residues in eIF2alpha phosphorylation during serum-starved conditions, we constitutively expressed D251A, D262A, H331A, E364A, and E459A mutants in rat tumor hepatoma cells. We find that the point mutants D251A, H331A, and E364A lower the levels of eIF2alpha phosphorylation. These low levels of phosphorylation decrease when serum-starved cells are grown in medium containing serum. To understand the mechanism of action of the p67 mutants in eIF2alpha phosphorylation during serum-starvation, we performed detailed biochemical analyses with the D251A mutant. We find that neither the O-GlcNAc modification on the D251A mutant nor the binding of D251A mutant with eIF2gamma has significant effects on eIF2alpha phosphorylation during serum-starved conditions. However, the D251A mutant inhibits p67's activity to suppress the activity of ERK1/2. Our data suggest that both p67 and the D251A mutant bind to ERK1, thus strengthening the idea that p67 regulates the activity of ERK1. During serum-starvation conditions, both PKR and PERK are phosphorylated and the D251A mutant shows increased stability of PERK as well as a slight decrease in its activity. Altogether, our data provide evidence to suggest that p67 modulates the expression and activity of certain eIF2alpha-specific kinases.  相似文献   

The carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of eukaryotic initiation factor 5 (eIF5) plays a central role in the formation of the multifactor complex (MFC), an important intermediate for the 43 S pre-initiation complex assembly. The IF5-CTD interacts directly with the translation initiation factors eIF1, eIF2-beta, and eIF3c, thus forming together with eIF2 bound Met-tRNA(i)(Met) the MFC. In this work we present the high resolution crystal structure of eIF5-CTD. This domain of the protein is exclusively composed out of alpha-helices and is homologous to the carboxy-terminal domain of eIF2B-epsilon (eIF2Bepsilon-CTD). The most striking difference in the two structures is an additional carboxy-terminal helix in eIF5. The binding sites of eIF2-beta, eIF3 and eIF1 were mapped onto the structure. eIF2-beta and eIF3 bind to non-overlapping patches of negative and positive electrostatic potential, respectively.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic translation initiation, eIF2B is the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) required for reactivation of the G protein eIF2 between rounds of protein synthesis initiation. eIF2B is unusually complex with five subunits (α-ε) necessary for GEF activity and its control by phosphorylation of eIF2α. In addition, inherited mutations in eIF2B cause a fatal leukoencephalopathy. Here we describe experiments examining domains of eIF2Bγ and ε that both share sequence and predicted tertiary structure similarity with a family of phospho-hexose sugar nucleotide pyrophosphorylases. Firstly, using a genetic approach, we find no evidence to support a significant role for a potential nucleotide-binding region within the pyrophosphorylase-like domain (PLD) of eIF2Bε for nucleotide exchange. These findings are at odds with one mechanism for nucleotide exchange proposed previously. By using a series of constructs and a co-expression and precipitation strategy, we find that the eIF2Bε and -γ PLDs and a shared second domain predicted to form a left-handed β helix are all critical for interprotein interactions between eIF2B subunits necessary for eIF2B complex formation. We have identified extensive interactions between the PLDs and left-handed β helix domains that form the eIF2Bγε subcomplex and propose a model for domain interactions between eIF2B subunits.  相似文献   

eIF1 is a universally conserved translation factor that is necessary for scanning and involved in initiation site selection. We have determined the solution structure of human eIF1 with an N-terminal His tag using NMR spectroscopy. Residues 29-113 of the native sequence form a tightly packed domain with two alpha-helices on one side of a five-stranded parallel and antiparallel beta-sheet. The fold is new but similar to that of several ribosomal proteins and RNA-binding domains. A likely binding site is indicated by yeast mutations and conserved residues located together on the surface. No interaction with recombinant eIF5 or the initiation site RNA GCCACAAUGGCA was detected by NMR, but GST pull-down experiments show that eIF1 binds specifically to the p110 subunit of eIF3. This interaction explains how eIF1 is recruited to the 40S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

For protein synthesis initiation in eukaryotes, eIF2B is the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for eIF2. eIF2B is an essential multi-subunit factor and a major target for translational control in both yeast and mammalian cells. It was shown previously that the largest eIF2B subunit, eIF2Bepsilon, is the only single subunit with catalytic function. Here we report the results of a molecular dissection of the yeast epsilon subunit encoded by GCD6 in which we have identified the catalytic domain. By analysis of a series of N-terminal deletions in vitro we find that the smallest catalytically active fragment contains residues 518-712 (termed Gcd6p(518-712)). Further deletion to position 581 (Gcd6p(581-712)) results in loss of nucleotide exchange function, but eIF2-binding activity is retained. C- terminal deletion of only 61 residues (Gcd6p(1-651)) results in loss of both functions. Thus Gcd6p(518-712) contains two regions that together constitute the catalytic domain of eIF2B. Finally, we show that the catalytic domain can provide eIF2B biological function in vivo when elevated levels eIF2 and tRNA(i)(Met) are also present.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4A is an essential protein that, in conjunction with eIF4B, catalyzes the ATP-dependent melting of RNA secondary structure in the 5'-untranslated region of mRNA during translation initiation. In higher eukaryotes, eIF4A is assumed to be recruited to the mRNA through its interaction with eIF4G. However, the failure to detect this interaction in yeast brought into question the generality of this model. The work presented here demonstrates that yeast eIF4G interacts with eIF4A both in vivo and in vitro. The eIF4A-binding site was mapped to amino acids 542-883 of yeast eIF4G1. Expression in yeast cells of the eIF4G1 domain that binds eIF4A results in cell growth inhibition, and addition of this domain to an eIF4A-dependent in vitro system inhibits translation in a dose-dependent manner. Both in vitro translation and cell growth can be specifically restored by increasing the eIF4A concentration. These data demonstrate that yeast eIF4A and eIF4G interact and suggest that this interaction is required for translation and cell growth.  相似文献   

The conserved RNA helicase DDX3 is of major medical importance due to its involvement in numerous cancers, human hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV. Although DDX3 has been reported to have a wide variety of cellular functions, its precise role remains obscure. Here, we raised a new antibody to DDX3 and used it to show that DDX3 is evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm at steady state. Consistent with this observation, HA-tagged DDX3 also localizes to the cytoplasm. RNAi of DDX3 in both human and Drosophila cells shows that DDX3 is required for cell viability. Moreover, using RNAi, we show that DDX3 is required for expression of protein from reporter constructs. In contrast, we did not detect a role for DDX3 in nuclear steps in gene expression. Further insight into the function of DDX3 came from the observation that its major interaction partner is the multi-component translation initiation factor eIF3. We conclude that a primary function for DDX3 is in protein translation, via an interaction with eIF3.  相似文献   

The x-ray structure of the gamma-subunit of the heterotrimeric translation initiation factor eIF2 has been determined to 2.4-A resolution. eIF2 is a GTPase that delivers the initiator Met-tRNA to the P site on the small ribosomal subunit during a rate-limiting initiation step in translation. The structure of eIF2gamma closely resembles that of EF1A.GTP, consisting of an N-terminal G domain followed by two beta-barrels arranged in a closed configuration with domain II packed against the G domain in the vicinity of the Switch regions. The G domain of eIF2gamma has an unusual zinc ribbon motif, not previously found in other GTPases. Structure-based site-directed mutagenesis was used to identify two adjacent features on the surface of eIF2gamma that bind the alpha-subunit and Met-tRNA(i)(Met), respectively. These structural, biochemical, and genetic results provide new insights into eIF2 ternary complex assembly.  相似文献   

Transient phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) represses translation and activates select gene expression under diverse stressful conditions. Defects in the eIF2alpha phosphorylation-dependent integrated stress response impair resistance to accumulation of malfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress), to oxidative stress and to nutrient deprivations. To study the hypothesized protective role of eIF2alpha phosphorylation in isolation of parallel stress signaling pathways, we fused the kinase domain of pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK), an ER stress-inducible eIF2alpha kinase that is normally activated by dimerization, to a protein module that binds a small dimerizer molecule. The activity of this artificial eIF2alpha kinase, Fv2E-PERK, is subordinate to the dimerizer and is uncoupled from upstream stress signaling. Fv2E-PERK activation enhanced the expression of numerous stress-induced genes and protected cells from the lethal effects of oxidants, peroxynitrite donors and ER stress. Our findings indicate that eIF2alpha phosphorylation can initiate signaling in a cytoprotective gene expression pathway independently of other parallel stress-induced signals and that activation of this pathway can single-handedly promote a stress-resistant preconditioned state.  相似文献   

A poliovirus type 2 Lansing mutant was constructed by inserting 6 base pairs into the 2Apro region of an infectious cDNA clone, resulting in the addition of a leucine and threonine into the polypeptide sequence. The resulting small-plaque mutant, 2A-2, had a reduced viral yield in HeLa cells and synthesized viral proteins inefficiently. Infection with the mutant did not lead to specific inhibition of host cell protein synthesis early in infection, and this defect was attributed to a failure to induce cleavage of the cap-binding complex protein p220. At late times after infection with the mutant virus, both cellular and viral protein syntheses were severely inhibited. To explain this global inhibition of protein synthesis, the phosphorylation state of the alpha subunit of eucaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2 alpha) was examined. eIF-2 alpha was phosphorylated in both R2-2A-2- and wild-type-virus-infected cells, indicating that poliovirus does not encode a function that blocks phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha. The kinetics and extent of eIF-2 alpha phosphorylation correlated with the production of double-stranded RNA in infected cells, suggesting that eIF-2 alpha is phosphorylated by P1/eIF-2 alpha kinase. When HeLa cells were infected with R2-2A-2 in the presence of 2-aminopurine, a protein kinase inhibitor, much higher virus titers were produced, cleavage of p220 occurred, and host cell protein synthesis was specifically inhibited. Since phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha was not inhibited by 2-aminopurine, we propose that 2-aminopurine rescues the ability of R2-2A-2 to induce cleavage of p220 by inhibition of a second as yet unidentified kinase.  相似文献   

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