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The let-23 gene, which encodes a putative tyrosine kinase of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor subfamily, has multiple functions during Caenorhabditis elegans development. We show that let-23 function is required for vulval precursor cells (VPCs) to respond to the signal that induces vulval differentiation: a complete loss of let-23 function results in no induction. However, some let-23 mutations that genetically reduce but do not eliminate let-23 function result in VPCs apparently hypersensitive to inductive signal: as many as five of six VPCs can adopt vulval fates, in contrast to the three that normally do. These results suggest that the let-23 receptor tyrosine kinase controls two opposing pathways, one that stimulates vulval differentiation and another that negatively regulates vulval differentiation. Furthermore, analysis of 16 new let-23 mutations indicates that the let-23 kinase functions in at least five tissues. Since various let-23 mutant phenotypes can be obtained independently, the let-23 gene is likely to have tissue-specific functions.  相似文献   

A. M. Villeneuve 《Genetics》1994,136(3):887-902
This study reports the characterization of a cis-acting locus on the Caenorhabditis elegans X chromosome that is crucial for promoting normal levels of crossing over specifically between the X homologs and for ensuring their proper disjunction at meiosis I. The function of this locus is disrupted by the mutation me8, which maps to the extreme left end of the X chromosome within the region previously implicated by studies of X;A translocations and X duplications to contain a meiotic pairing site. Hermaphrodites homozygous for a deletion of the locus (Df/Df) or heterozygous for a deletion and the me8 mutation (me8/Df) exhibit extremely high levels of X chromosome nondisjunction at the reductional division; this is correlated with a sharp decrease in crossing over between the X homologs as evidenced both by reductions in genetic map distances and by the presence of achiasmate chromosomes in cytological preparations of oocyte nuclei. Duplications of the wild-type region that are unlinked to the X chromosome cannot complement the recombination and disjunction defects in trans, indicating that this region must be present in cis to the X chromosome to ensure normal levels of crossing over and proper homolog disjunction. me8 homozygotes exhibit an altered distribution of crossovers along the X chromosome that suggests a defect in processivity along the X chromosome of an event that initiates at the chromosome end. Models are discussed in which the cis-acting locus deleted by the Dfs functions as a meiotic pairing center that recruits trans-acting factors onto the chromosomes to nucleate assembly of a crossover-competent complex between the X homologs. This pairing center might function in the process of homolog recognition, or in the initiation of homologous synapsis.  相似文献   

D. M. Eisenmann  S. K. Kim 《Genetics》1997,146(2):553-565
The Caenorhabditis elegans let-60 gene encodes a Ras protein that mediates induction of the hermaphrodite vulva. To better understand how mutations constitutively activate Ras and cause unregulated cell division, we have characterized ga89, a temperature-sensitive, gain-of-function mutation in let-60 ras. At 25°, ga89 increases let-60 activity resulting in a multivulva phenotype. At 15°, ga89 decreases let-60 activity resulting in a vulvaless phenotype in let-60(ga89)/Df animals. The ga89 mutation causes a leucine (L) to phenylalanine (F) substitution at amino acid 19, a residue conserved in all Ras proteins. We introduced the L19F change into human H-Ras protein and found that the in vitro GTPase activity of H-Ras became temperature-dependent. Genetic experiments suggest that LET-60(L19F) interacts with GAP and GNEF, since mutations that decrease GAP and GNEF activity affect the multivulva phenotype of let-60(ga89) animals. These results suggest that the L19F mutation primarily affects the intrinsic rate of GTP hydrolysis by Ras, and that this effect may be sufficient to account for the activated-Ras phenotype caused by let-60(ga89). Our results suggest that a mutation in a human ras gene analogous to ga89 might contribute to oncogenic transformation.  相似文献   

Genetic Organization of the Unc-60 Region in Caenorhabditis Elegans   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We have investigated the chromosomal region around unc-60 V, a gene affecting muscle structure, in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The region studied covers 3 map units and lies at the left end of linkage group (LG) V. Compared to the region around dpy-11 (at the center of LGV), the unc-60 region has relatively few visible genes per map unit. We found the same to be true for essential genes. By screening simultaneously for recessive lethals closely linked to either dpy-11 or unc-60, we recovered ethyl methanesulfonate-induced mutations in 10 essential genes near dpy-11 but in only two genes near unc-60. Four deficiency breakpoints were mapped to the unc-60 region. Using recombination and deficiency mapping we established the following gene order: let-336, unc-34, let-326, unc-60, emb-29, let-426. Regarding unc-60 itself, we compared the effect of ten alleles (including five isolated during this study) on hermaphrodite mobility and fecundity. We used intragenic mapping to position eight of these alleles. The results show that these alleles are not distributed uniformly within the gene, but map to two groups approximately 0.012 map unit apart.  相似文献   

The Genetics of Feeding in Caenorhabditis Elegans   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
L. Avery 《Genetics》1993,133(4):897-917

R. E. Ellis  J. Kimble 《Genetics》1995,139(2):561-577
In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, germ cells normally adopt one of three fates: mitosis, spermatogenesis or oogenesis. We have identified and characterized the gene fog-3, which is required for germ cells to differentiate as sperm rather than as oocytes. Analysis of double mutants suggests that fog-3 is absolutely required for spermatogenesis and acts at the end of the regulatory hierarchy controlling sex determination for the germ line. By contrast, mutations in fog-3 do not alter the sexual identity of other tissues. We also have characterized the null phenotype of fog-1, another gene required for spermatogenesis; we demonstrate that it too controls the sexual identity of germ cells but not of other tissues. Finally, we have studied the interaction of these two fog genes with gld-1, a gene required for germ cells to undergo oogenesis rather than mitosis. On the basis of these results, we propose that germ-cell fate might be controlled by a set of inhibitory interactions among genes that specify one of three fates: mitosis, spermatogenesis or oogenesis. Such a regulatory network would link the adoption of one germ-cell fate to the suppression of the other two.  相似文献   

After programmed cell death, a cell corpse is engulfed and quickly degraded by a neighboring cell. For degradation to occur, engulfing cells must recognize, phagocytose and digest the corpses of dying cells. Previously, three genes were known to be involved in eliminating cell corpses in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: ced-1, ced-2 and nuc-1. We have identified five new genes that play a role in this process: ced-5, ced-6, ced-7, ced-8 and ced-10. Electron microscopic studies reveal that mutations in each of these genes prevent engulfment, indicating that these genes are needed either for the recognition of corpses by other cells or for the initiation of phagocytosis. Based upon our study of double mutants, these genes can be divided into two sets. Animals with mutations in only one of these sets of genes have relatively few unengulfed cell corpses. By contrast, animals with mutations in both sets of genes have many unengulfed corpses. These observations suggest that these two sets of genes are involved in distinct and partially redundant processes that act in the engulfment of cell corpses.  相似文献   

R. K. Herman  C. K. Kari 《Genetics》1989,121(4):723-737
Twelve new X chromosome duplications were identified and characterized. Eight are translocated to autosomal sites near four different telomeres, and four are free. Ten include unc-1(+), which in wild type is near the left end of the X chromosome, and two of these, mnDp72(X;IV) and mnDp73(X;f), extend rightward past dpy-3. Both mnDp72 and mnDp73 recombined with the one X chromosome in males in the unc-1-dpy-3 interval at a frequency 15- to 30-fold higher than was observed for X-X recombination in hermaphrodites in the same interval. Recombinant duplications and recombinant X chromosomes were both recovered. Recombination with the X chromosome in the unc-1-dpy-3 interval was also detected for five other unc-1(+) duplications, even though their right breakpoints lie within the interval. In hermaphrodites, mnDp72 and mnDp73 promoted meiotic X nondisjunction and recombined with an X chromosome in the unc-1-dpy-3 interval at frequencies comparable to that found for X-X recombination; mnDp72(X;IV) also promoted trisomy for chromosome IV. A mutation in him-8 IV was identified that severely reduced recombination between the two X chromosomes in hermaphrodites and between mnDp73 and the X chromosome in males. Recombination between the X chromosome and duplications of either the right end of the X or a region near but not including the left end was rare. We suggest that the X chromosome has one or more elements near its left end that promote meiotic chromosome pairing.  相似文献   

M. C. Zetka  A. M. Rose 《Genetics》1992,131(2):321-332
The rearrangement hIn1(I) was isolated as a crossover suppressor for the right end of linkage group (LG) I. By inducing genetic markers on this crossover suppressor and establishing the gene order in the homozygote, hIn1(I) was demonstrated to be the first genetically proven inversion in Caenorhabditis elegans. hIn1(I) extensively suppresses recombination in heterozygotes in the right arm of chromosome I from unc-75 to unc-54. This suppression is associated with enhancement of recombination in other regions of the chromosome. The enhancement observed maintains the normal distribution of events but does not extend to other chromosomes. The genetic distance of chromosome I in inversion heterozygotes approaches 50 map units (m.u.), approximately equal to one chiasma per meiosis. This value is maintained in hIn1(I)/szT1(I;X) heterozygotes indicating that small homologous regions can pair and recombine efficiently. hIn1(I)/hT2(I;III) heterozygotes share no uninverted homologous regions and segregate randomly, suggesting the importance of chiasma formation in proper segregation of chromosomes. The genetic distance of chromosome I in these heterozygotes is less that 1 m.u., indicating that crossing over can be suppressed along an entire chromosome. Since one of our goals was to develop an efficient balancer for the right end of LGI, the effectiveness of hIn1(I) as a balancer was tested by isolating and maintaining lethal mutations. The meiotic behaviour of hIn1(I) is consistent with other genetic and cytogenetic data suggesting the meiotic chromosomes are monocentric. Rare recombinants bearing duplications and deficiencies of chromosome I were recovered from hIn1(I) heterozygotes, leading to the proposal the inversion was paracentric.  相似文献   

mup-4 is a member of a set of genes essential for correct embryonic body wall muscle cell positions in Caenorhabditis elegans. The mup-4 phenotype is variably expressed and three discrete arrest phenotypes arise during the phase of embryonic development when the worm elongates from a ball of cells to its worm shape (organismal morphogenesis). Mutants representing two of the phenotypic classes arrest without successful completion of elongation. Mutants of the third phenotypic class arrest after completion of elongation. Mutants that arrest after elongation display profound dorsal and ventral body wall muscle cell position abnormalities and a characteristic kinked body shape (the Mup phenotype) due to the muscle cell position abnormalities. Significantly, genetic mosaic analysis of mup-4 mutants demonstrates that mup-4 gene function is essential in the AB lineage, which generates most of the hypodermis (epidermis), a tissue with which muscle interacts. Consistent with the genetic mosaic data, phenotypic characterizations reveal that mutants have defects in hypodermal integrity and morphology. Our analyses support the conclusion that mup-4 is essential for hypodermal function and that this function is necessary for organismal morphogenesis and for the maintenance of body wall muscle position.  相似文献   

K. Peters  J. McDowall    A. M. Rose 《Genetics》1991,129(1):95-102
The bli-4 (I) gene of Caenorhabditis elegans had been previously defined by a single recessive mutation, e937, which disrupts the structure of adult-stage cuticle causing the formation of fluid-filled separations of the cuticle layers, or blisters. We report the identification of 11 new alleles of bli-4, all early larval lethals, including an allele induced by transposon mutagenesis. Nine of the lethal alleles failed to complement the blistered phenotype of e937; two alleles, s90 and h754, complement e937. The complementing alleles arrested development somewhat later than the noncomplementing alleles, which blocked just prior to hatching. We conclude that bli-4 is a complex locus with an essential function late in embryogenesis. We investigated the blistered phenotype of e937 through interactions with other mutations that alter worm morphology or cuticle structure. Recessive and dominant epistasis of several dumpy mutations over the blistered phenotype was observed. Using two heterochronic mutations that alter the developmental stage at which adult cuticle is expressed, we observed that adult worms that lack an adult-stage cuticle could not express blisters. However, late larval worms that expressed the adult cuticle did not express blisters either. It seems likely that the presence of the adult cuticle is necessary, but not sufficient, for blister expression. Blistering resulting from e937 is more severe in trans to null alleles, indicating that e937 is hypomorphic. We postulate that the adult-specific blistering is due to an altered or reduced function of bli-4 gene product in the adult cuticle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

K. S. McKim  A. M. Howell    A. M. Rose 《Genetics》1988,120(4):987-1001
In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, recombination suppression in translocation heterozygotes is severe and extensive. We have examined the meiotic properties of two translocations involving chromosome I, szT1(I;X) and hT1(I;V). No recombination was observed in either of these translocation heterozygotes along the left (let-362-unc-13) 17 map units of chromosome I. Using half-translocations as free duplications, we mapped the breakpoints of szT1 and hT1. The boundaries of crossover suppression coincided with the physical breakpoints. We propose that DNA sequences at the right end of chromosome I facilitate pairing and recombination. We use the data from translocations of other chromosomes to map the location of pairing sites on four other chromosomes. hT1 and szT1 differed markedly in their effect on recombination adjacent to the crossover suppressed region. hT1 had no effect on recombination in the adjacent interval. In contrast, the 0.8 map unit interval immediately adjacent to the szT1(I;X) breakpoint on chromosome I increased to 2.5 map units in translocation heterozygotes. This increase occurs in a chromosomal interval which can be expanded by treatment with radiation. These results are consistent with the suggestion that the szT1(I) breakpoint is in a region of DNA in which meiotic recombination is suppressed relative to the genomic average. We propose that DNA sequences disrupted by the szT1 translocation are responsible for determining the frequency of meiotic recombination in the vicinity of the breakpoint.  相似文献   

The Tc5 Family of Transposable Elements in Caenorhabditis Elegans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
J. J. Collins  P. Anderson 《Genetics》1994,137(3):771-781
We have identified Tc5, a new family of transposable genetic elements in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. All wild-type varieties of C. elegans that we examined contain 4-6 copies of Tc5 per haploid genome, but we did not observe transposition or excision of Tc5 in these strains. Tc5 is active, however, in the mut-2 mutant strain TR679. Of 60 spontaneous unc-22 mutations isolated from strain TR679, three were caused by insertion of Tc5. All three Tc5-induced mutations are unstable; revertants result from precise or nearly precise excision of Tc5. Individual Tc5 elements are similar to each other in size and structure. The 3.2-kb element is bounded by inverted terminal repeats of nearly 500 bp. Eight of the ten terminal nucleotides of Tc5 are identical to the corresponding nucleotides of Tc4. Further, both elements recognize the same target site for insertion (CTNAG) and both cause duplication of the central TNA trinucleotide upon insertion. Other than these similarities to Tc4, Tc5 is unrelated to the three other transposon families (Tc1, Tc3 and Tc4) that transpose and excise at high frequency in mut-2 mutant strains. Mechanisms are discussed by which four apparently unrelated transposon families are all affected by the same mut-2 mutation.  相似文献   

The Ncl-1 Gene and Genetic Mosaics of Caenorhabditis Elegans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A ncl-1 mutation results in enlarged nucleoli, which can be detected in nearly all cells of living animals by Nomarski microscopy. Spontaneous mitotic loss of a ncl-1(+)-containing free duplication in an otherwise homozygous ncl-1 mutant animal results in mosaicism for ncl-1 expression, and the patterns of mosaicism lead us to conclude that ncl-1 acts cell autonomously. The probability of mitotic loss of the duplication sDp3 is approximately constant over many cell divisions. About 60% of the losses of sDp3 at the first embryonic cell division involve nondisjunction. Frequencies of mitotic loss of different ncl-1(+)-bearing free duplications varied over a 200-fold range. The frequencies of mitotic loss were enhanced by a chromosomal him-10 mutation. We have used ncl-1 as a cell autonomous marker in the mosaic analysis of dpy-1 and lin-37. The focus of action of dpy-1 is in hypodermis. A mutation in lin-37 combined with a mutation in another gene results in a synthetic multivulva phenotype. We show that lin-37 acts cell nonautonomously and propose that it plays a role, along with the previously studied gene lin-15, in the generation of an intercellular signal by hyp7 that represses vulval development.  相似文献   

P. Chanal  M. Labouesse 《Genetics》1997,146(1):207-226
The Caenorhabditis elegans lin-26 gene is expressed in all nonneuronal ectodermal cells. To identify genes required to specify the fates of ectodermal cells, we have conducted screens designed to identify loci whose zygotic function would be required for normal lin-26 expression. First, we examined 90 deficiencies covering 75% of the genome; second, we examined the progeny of 3600 genomes after EMS mutagenesis. We identified six loci that appear to be required for normal lin-26 expression. We argue that the deficiency eDf19 deletes a gene involved in specifying hypodermal cell fates. The genes emb-29 (previously known) and ale-1 (newly found) could be involved in a cell cycle function and/or in specifying the fates of some precursors within different lineages that generate hypodermal cells and nonectodermal cells. We argue that the overlapping deficiencies qDf7, qDf8 and qDf9 delete a gene required to limit the number of nonneuronal ectodermal cells. We suggest that the deficiencies ozDf2, itDf2 and nDf42 delete genes required, directly or indirectly, to repress lin-26 expression in cells that normally do not express lin-26. We discuss the implications of these findings concerning the generation of the ectoderm.  相似文献   

J. Hodgkin  T. Doniach 《Genetics》1997,146(1):149-164
Most of the available natural isolates of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been examined and compared with the standard laboratory wild type (Bristol N2). Molecular markers, in particular transposon restriction fragment length polymorphisms, were used to assign these isolates to 22 different races, for which brood size and spontaneous male frequency were determined. Several distinctive traits were observed in some of these races. One example is mab-23, in a race from Vancouver, which leads to severe distortion of male genitalia and prevents male mating. Another is gro-1, segregating in a Californian race, which is associated with slow growth, heat resistance and longevity. Many races differ from N2 in carrying a dominant allele at the plg-1 locus, causing copulatory plug formation by males. Properties and possible advantages of the plugging trait have been investigated. The dominant plg-1 allele does not lead to increased male mating efficiency, but males from a Stanford race (CB4855), in which the plugging trait was first observed, are much more virile than N2 males. Crosses between N2 and CB4855 indicate that the higher virility is due to multiple factors. Size differences between N2 and CB4855 are associated with factors mapping to LGV and LGX.  相似文献   

The Tc3 Family of Transposable Genetic Elements in Caenorhabditis Elegans   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
J. Collins  E. Forbes    P. Anderson 《Genetics》1989,121(1):47-55
We describe genetic and molecular properties of Tc3, a family of transposable elements in Caenorhabditis elegans. About 15 Tc3 elements are present in the genomes of several different wild-type varieties of C. elegans, but Tc3 transposition and excision are not detected in these strains. Tc3 transposition and excision occur at high frequencies, however, in strain TR679, a mutant identified because of its highly active Tc1 elements. In TR679, Tc3 is responsible for several spontaneous mutations affecting the unc-22 gene. Tc3-induced mutations are unstable, and revertants result from precise or nearly precise excision of Tc3. Although Tc3 is very active in TR679, it is not detectably active in several other mutator mutants, all of which exhibit high levels of Tc1 activity. Tc3 is 2.5 kilobases long, and except for sequences near its inverted repeat termini, it is unrelated to Tc1. The termini of Tc3 are inverted repeats of at least 70 base pairs; the terminal 8 nucleotides of Tc3 are identical to 8 of the terminal 9 nucleotides of Tc1.  相似文献   

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