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玉米赤霉烯酮对膨胀青萍G3生长与生育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

玉米赤霉烯酮浸种对玉米幼苗抗旱性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玉米赤霉烯酮浸种(24h)可提高玉米幼苗的抗旱性,在干旱条件下,经玉米赤霉烯酮浸种的玉米幼苗叶片中含水量下降缓慢,相对电导率较低,超氧化物歧化酶活性较高,游离脯氨酸含量升高。0.1mg·L^-1玉米赤霉烯酮浸种的抗逆效果优于0.01mg·L^-1。  相似文献   

玉米赤霉烯酮的放射免疫分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

真菌毒素玉米赤霉烯酮生物降解的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone,ZEN)及衍生物是一类主要由镰刀菌属的真菌产生的非甾体雌激素类真菌毒素,广泛存在于玉米、大麦、小麦和高粱等谷物饲料及其副产品中,严重危害牲畜及人类健康,迫切需要相关的技术对ZEN进行降解脱毒。传统的物理化学方法不能有效去除谷物中的毒素,并会破坏谷物的营养成分,影响食物口感,甚至造成二次污染,因此利用生物工程技术对ZEN及其衍生物进行脱毒是未来解决这一问题的主要方法。文中简要介绍了ZEN及衍生物和降解ZEN的微生物种类、降解特性,然后详细介绍了目前研究的ZEN降解酶种类、解析唯一的蛋白结构及其异源表达和应用情况,以期为通过分子酶工程和发酵工程等生物工程技术降低ZEN降解酶的成本提供指导,从而提高食品安全。  相似文献   

芹菜中玉米赤霉烯酮的分离与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  

将玉米赤霉烯酮转变成玉米赤霉烯酮-6’-羧甲氧肟,通过混合酸酐法将其与牛血清白蛋白结合并用以免疫兔获得抗体。抗体效价可达1:4×10~4,亲合常数为4.25×10~(10)L/mol,灵敏度提高为3.5pg。样品平均回收率达92%。批内与批间变异系数分别为6.1%和8.6%。  相似文献   

芹菜属于冬性长日植物,它需要经过低温春化阶段才能开花结实,但低温仅是外界条件,还必需通过植物体内部的生理生化变化才能起作用。关于春化作用机理的研究,自 Melchers(1939)提出低温诱导植物形成春化素(vernalin)的假说以后,Purvis等(1953),Highkin(1955)和Tomita(1959,1964)曾自不同植物中分离出能代替低温或促进开花的物质,但都  相似文献   

冬小麦种子萌发过程中的结合态玉米赤霉烯酮陈新建(河南农业大学农学系,郑州150002)孟繁静(北京农业大学生物学院,北京100094)关键词结合态玉米赤霉烯酮,冬小麦玉米赤霉烯酮(zearalenone)是玉米赤霉菌(G~the-)的一种次生代谢产物...  相似文献   

Rhodtorula sp.Saccharomyces sp.Arthorbacter sp.和Candida sp.四属20株菌对由Fusarium graminearum 产生的类雌激素——赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone)的还原转化进行了研究。实验结果证明,Rhodotorula sp和 Arthrobacter sp.的还原产物主要是α-赤霉烯醇(α-Zearalenol,经HPLC鉴定含量分别为96%和84%)。Saccharomyces sp.和Candidasp.的主要还原产物是β-赤霉烯醇(β-Zearalenol,经HPLC鉴定含量分别为91%和92%)。产物均经HPLC、13C—NMR和MS鉴定确证。  相似文献   

赵天祥  余祖华  丁轲  廖成水 《微生物学报》2023,63(10):3711-3726
玉米赤霉烯酮(zearalenone,ZEN)是霉变谷物中常见的霉菌毒素之一,主要出现在霉变的玉米、小麦等谷物中,给畜禽和人类带来一定程度的健康危害,如生殖毒性、免疫毒性、肝毒性和肾毒性等。目前,解决玉米赤霉烯酮污染问题的方法包括物理、化学和生物3个途径。虽然传统的物理和化学脱毒方法已经运用在许多的饲料生产中,但同时也存在着二次污染的风险。生物降解法是一种利用微生物吸附和降解玉米赤霉烯酮的脱毒方法,具有安全环保、高效、特异性强和脱毒率高的特性,且不影响谷物的营养价值,已成为玉米赤霉烯酮降解研究的热点。本文主要介绍了近年来降解玉米赤霉烯酮的微生物种类,并将其归纳分类,从微生物的脱毒能力、脱毒方法和脱毒产物进行了叙述,综述了微生物脱毒的优点及前景,以期为微生物降解玉米赤霉烯酮的理论研究及实际应用提供新的视角。  相似文献   

The growth rate of Lemna giba L. G3 was varied by limiting the supply of nitrogen (N) under otherwise constant condition. Two experimental approaches were used. 1) A series of suboptimally growing cultures were supplid daily with exponentially increasing doses on N. 2) Optimally growing cultures were transferred to a N-fre medium and cultivated in it for 10 days. Lveles of starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and systems. At RGR ranging from optimal to 50% of optimal caused decreased levels of soluble sugars, but increased lvels of starch.Starch accumulation showed a strong negative correlation with the CO2 assimilation rate, indicating increased triose phosphate/inorganic phosphate (TP/Pi) ratio in the chloroplast causing end product inhibition of photosyntheisis. The data indicat the quantitative rlationship betwen the photosynthetic activity and the carbon utilization rate influnces the activity of the sucrose synthesis pathway and thus the rate of the triose hosphate/Pi exchange at the chloroplast membrane, which in turn regulates the activity of starch synthesis and the Calvin cycle.  相似文献   

The relationship between CO2 assimilation rate, growth and partitioning of carbon among starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose were studied in phosphorus (Pi)-limited Lemna gibba L. G3. Two experimental models were used: 1) Cultures were grown at various stable, suboptimal rates regulated by the supply of Pi; 2) cultures growing at optimal rates were transferred to Pi-free medium. The response to a Pi deficiency can be divided into two phases. Phase I is characterized by hyperactivity of the sucrose synthesis pathway, leading to high levels of glucose and fructose. Phase II is characterized by starch accumulation associated with a decrease in the cytoplasmic pools of soluble sugars owing to inhibition of carbon export from the chloroplast. A strong negative correlation was found between the CO2 assimilation rate and starch levels. No significant correlation was found between assimilation and ATP levels and decrease in relative growth rate did not significantly affect the adenylate energy charge (EC). The regulatory aspects of the partitioning of carbon among soluble sugars and starch as well as the negative correlation between carbohydrate levels and CO2 assimilation at Pi-limited growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The relations between growth and internal nitrogen concentrations were investigated in nonnodulated Pisum sativum L. cv. Marma and Lemna gibba L. grown at relative rates of nitrate-N additions (RA) varying from 0.03 to 0.27 d 1(Pisum) and 0.05 to 0.40 d 1 (Lemna). At RA≤0.21 d 1(Pisum) and ≤0.30 d 1 (Lemna), the relative growth rate (RGR) correlated well with RA whereas higher RA was not met by any further increawse in growth rate. The tissue nitrogen concentrations at growth-limiting RA increased linearly with RGR. The slope of these lines indicate a maximum nitrogen productivity (amount of biomass formed per unit nitrogen and time) of 14.4 g DW g 1 Nd 1 for Pisum and 15.9 g DW g 1 N d 1 for Lemna. Extrapolation of the plots to RGR=0 yielded intercepts of 10–15 mg N g?1 DW for Pisum tissue, whereas for Lemna the intercepts were closer to the origin than for Pisum. These intercepts formally define a fraction of the total plant nitrogen that appears not to be active in production of new biomass, her termed ‘non-growth nitrogen’. The partitioning of nitrogen as well as biomass to the roots increased at low RA, and is discussed in relation to activity of shoots and roots, respectively.  相似文献   


In this work, we determined the tolerance to sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) of Azolla filiculoides and of Lemna minor. The presence of the detergent in the media affected growth more than the chlorophyll content. On the basis of the effect indices, Lemna is more tolerant to SDS than Azolla. The fern had a better capacity, compared with duckweed, to remove and accumulate the pollutant.  相似文献   

研究了胆固醇和三十烷醇对浮萍开花的影响。两种化合物在不影响营养生长的情况下都能显著地促进短日植物Lemnaaequinoctialis6746在长日照条件下的开花。胆固醇促进开花的有效浓度范围为10-8~10-6mol/L,三十烷醇促进开花的有效浓度范围为2.3×10-14~2.3×10-8mol/L。相反,在一定浓度范围内,两种化合物对长日植物L.gibbaG1在长日照条件下的开花则有抑制作用。这些实验结果表明,亲脂化合物能够影响浮萍的开花进程,但是对于长日植物的作用不同于短日植物。  相似文献   

Abstract Net nitrate uptake rates were measured and the kinetics calculated in non-nodulated Pisum sativum L. cv. Marma and Lemna gibba L. adapted to constant relative rates of nitrate-N additions (RA), ranging from 0.03 to 0.27 d?1 for Pisum and from 0.05 to 0.40 d?1 for Lemna, Vmax of net nitrate uptake (measured in the range 10 to 100 mmol m?3 nitrate, i.e. ‘system I’) increased with RA in the growth limiting range but decreased when RA exceeded the relative growth rate (RGR), Km was not significantly related to changes in RA. On the basis of previous 13N-flux experiments, it is concluded that the differences in Vmax at growth limiting RA are attributable to differences in influx rates. Linear relationships between Vmax and tissue nitrogen concentrations were obtained in the growth limiting range for both species, and extrapolated intercepts relate well with the previously defined minimal nitrogen concentrations for plant growth (Oscarson, Ingemarsson & Larsson, 1989). Analysis of Vmax for net nitrate uptake on intact plant basis in relation to nitrogen demand during stable, nitrogen limited, growth shows an increased overcapacity at lower RA values in both species, which is largely explained by the increased relative root size at low RA. A balancing nitrate concentration, defined as the steady state concentration needed to sustain the relative rate of increase in plant nitrogen (RN), predicted by RA, was calculated for both species. In the growth limiting range, this value ranges from 3.5 mmol m?3 (RA 0.03 d?1) to 44 mmol m?3 (RA 0.21 d?1) for Pisum and from 0.2 mmol m?3 (RA 0.05 d?1) to 5.4 mmol m?3 (RA 0.03 d?1) for Lemna. It is suggested that this value can be used as a unifying measure of the affinity for nitrate, integrating the performance of the nitrate uptake system with nitrate flux and long term growth and demand for nitrogen.  相似文献   

164 feed samples were collected in Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Styria and Carynthia in the crop years 2002 and 2003 and were analysed by means of the RIDASCREEN® ELISA-assay for theFusarium toxins Deoxynivalenol (DON) and Zearalenone (ZON). The collected samples consisted of swine feeds, cereals and silages. DON concentrations were found up to the range of mg/kg (ppm), in contrast ZON results remained significantly lower.  相似文献   

1. Duckweed (Lemna minor), collected either in summer or early fall was exposed under laboratory conditions to control (photosynthetically active and UV‐A radiation) or experimental (control plus UV‐B radiation) conditions. 2. Growth and survival were determined by counting the number of green, and brown/white fronds following 1–5 or 11 days of irradiation. Growth of duckweed was impaired by exposure to UV‐B radiation in the fall experiment but not in the summer. 3. Fatty acid compositions were analysed following 5 or 11 days of irradiation and a recovery period of 0, 5, 29 or 40 h. Concentrations of the major fatty acids, palmitic, linoleic (LA) and α‐linolenic (ALA) acids were similar in the summer and fall duckweed collections, but the summer samples had higher concentrations of the desaturation products of LA and ALA. 4. UV‐B exposure had small, but significant, and contrasting effects on duckweed fatty acid concentrations. In the summer experiment, duckweed exposed to UV‐B had slightly lower concentrations of major fatty acids than control duckweed, while the reverse was true in the fall experiments. 5. These minor effects of UV‐B on concentrations of LA and ALA would be unlikely to have a major impact on the supply of these essential fatty acids from duckweed to freshwater food webs.  相似文献   

In a previous study, heat-treated noradrenaline induced flowering of the short-day plant Lemna paucicostata Hegelmaier 151. In the present study, we found that heat-treated noradrenaline also had flower-inducing activity in short-day L. paucicostata strains 441 and 6746 and in long-day L. gibba strain G3. The flower-inducing activity in these plants was enhanced by water homogenates of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.).  相似文献   

pH及无机氮化合物对细脉浮萍生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
种云霄  胡洪营  钱易 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2293-2298
研究以细脉浮萍 ( Lemna aequinoctialis)为研究对象 ,在完全培养液的基础上模拟生活污水的氨氮、硝酸氮浓度和 p H范围 ,研究了培养条件对其生长的影响。结果表明 ,这个浮萍种对 p H耐受的低限在 4~ 5之间 ,最适 p H范围为 5~ 6。非离子态的氨会对其生长产生抑制作用 ,在氨氮为唯一氮源的条件下 ,非离子态氨的浓度大于 0 .1 mg/L时会对此种的生长产生明显的抑制作用 ,接近 2 mg/L时 ,基本上致死。在研究的氨氮和硝酸氮浓度范围内 ( <40 mg N /L) ,铵根离子和硝酸根离子浓度增加可促进细脉浮萍的生长。氨氮中生长的植株过氧化物酶活性高于硝酸氮中的活性。  相似文献   

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