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Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) can measure diffusion on the cell surface with unparalleled sensitivity. In appropriate situations, this can be the most sensitive and accurate method for measuring receptor interaction and oligomerization. Here we attempt to describe FCS in sufficient detail so that the reader is able to judge when there is a compelling reason to choose this technique, understand the basic theory behind it, construct a FCS spectrometer in the laboratory, and analyze the data to obtain a meaningful estimate of the physical parameters.  相似文献   

Investigation of lipid lateral mobility in biological membranes and their artificial models provides information on membrane dynamics and structure; methods based on optical microscopy are very convenient for such investigations. We focus on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), explain its principles and review its state of the art versions such as 2-focus, Z-scan or scanning FCS, which overcome most artefacts of standard FCS (especially those resulting from the need for an external calibration) making it a reliable and versatile method. FCS is also compared to single particle tracking and fluorescence photobleaching recovery and the applicability and the limitations of the methods are briefly reviewed. We discuss several key questions of lateral mobility investigation in planar lipid membranes, namely the influence which membrane and aqueous phase composition (ionic strength and sugar content), choice of a fluorescent tracer molecule, frictional coupling between the two membrane leaflets and between membrane and solid support (in the case of supported membranes) or presence of membrane inhomogeneities has on the lateral mobility of lipids. The recent FCS studies addressing those questions are reviewed and possible explanations of eventual discrepancies are mentioned.  相似文献   

Confocal fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) have been employed to investigate the lipid spatial and dynamic organization in giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) prepared from ternary mixtures of dioleoyl-phosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin/cholesterol. For a certain range of cholesterol concentration, formation of domains with raft-like properties was observed. Strikingly, the lipophilic probe 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI-C18) was excluded from sphingomyelin-enriched regions, where the raft marker ganglioside GM1 was localized. Cholesterol was shown to promote lipid segregation in dioleoyl-phosphatidylcholine-enriched, liquid-disordered, and sphingomyelin-enriched, liquid-ordered phases. Most importantly, the lipid mobility in sphingomyelin-enriched regions significantly increased by increasing the cholesterol concentration. These results pinpoint the key role, played by cholesterol in tuning lipid dynamics in membranes. At cholesterol concentrations >50 mol%, domains vanished and the lipid diffusion slowed down upon further addition of cholesterol. By taking the molecular diffusion coefficients as a fingerprint of membrane phase compositions, FCS is proven to evaluate domain lipid compositions. Moreover, FCS data from ternary and binary mixtures have been used to build a ternary phase diagram, which shows areas of phase coexistence, transition points, and, importantly, how lipid dynamics varies between and within phase regions.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells is continuously remodeled by polymerization and depolymerization of actin. Consequently, the relative content of polymerized filamentous actin (F-actin) and monomeric globular actin (G-actin) is subject to temporal and spatial fluctuations. Since fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) can measure the diffusion of fluorescently labeled actin it seems likely that FCS allows us to determine the dynamics and hence indirectly the structural properties of the cytoskeleton components with high spatial resolution. To this end we investigate the FCS signal of GFP-actin in living Dictyostelium discoideum cells and explore the inherent spatial and temporal signatures of the actin cytoskeleton. Using the free green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reference, we find that actin diffusion inside cells is dominated by G-actin and slower than diffusion in diluted cell extract. The FCS signal in the dense cortical F-actin network near the cell membrane is probed using the cytoskeleton protein LIM and is found to be slower than cytosolic G-actin diffusion. Furthermore, we show that polymerization of the cytoskeleton induced by Jasplakinolide leads to a substantial decrease of G-actin diffusion. Pronounced fluctuations in the distribution of the FCS correlation curves can be induced by latrunculin, which is known to induce actin waves. Our work suggests that the FCS signal of GFP-actin in combination with scanning or spatial correlation techniques yield valuable information about the local dynamics and concomitant cytoskeletal properties.  相似文献   

The organization of the plasma membrane is regulated by the dynamic equilibrium between the liquid ordered (Lo) and liquid disordered (Ld) phases. The abundance of the Lo phase is assumed to be a consequence of the interaction between cholesterol and the other lipids, which are otherwise in either the Ld or gel (So) phase. The characteristic lipid packing in these phases results in significant differences in their respective lateral dynamics. In this study, imaging total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (ITIR-FCS) is applied to monitor the diffusion within supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) as functions of temperature and composition. We show that the temperature dependence of membrane lateral diffusion, which is parameterized by the Arrhenius activation energy (EArr), can resolve the sub-resolution phase behavior of lipid mixtures. The FCS diffusion law, a novel membrane heterogeneity ruler implemented in ITIR-FCS, is applied to show that the domains in the So–Ld phase are static and large while they are small and dynamic in the Lo–Ld phase. Diffusion measurements and the subsequent FCS diffusion law analyses at different temperatures show that the modulation in membrane dynamics at high temperature (313 K) is a cumulative effect of domain melting and rigidity relaxation. Finally, we extend these studies to the plasma membranes of commonly used neuroblastoma, HeLa and fibroblast cells. The temperature dependence of membrane dynamics for neuroblastoma cells is significantly different from that of HeLa or fibroblast cells as the different cell types exhibit a high level of compositional heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Diffusion of molecules in the crowded and charged interior of the cell has long been of interest for understanding cellular processes. Here, we introduce a model system of hindered diffusion that includes both crowding and binding. In particular, we obtained the diffusivity of the positively charged protein, ribonuclease A (RNase), in solutions of dextrans of various charges (binding) and concentrations (crowding), as well as combinations of both, in a buffer of physiological ionic strength. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, we observed that the diffusivity of RNase was unaffected by the presence of positively charged or neutral dextrans in the dilute regime but was affected by crowding at higher polymer concentrations. Conversely, protein diffusivity was significantly reduced by negatively charged dextrans, even at 0.4 μM (0.02% w/v) dextran. The diffusivity of RNase decreased with increasing concentrations of negative dextran, and the amount of bound RNase increased until it reached a plateau of ∼80% bound RNase. High salt concentrations were used to establish the electrostatic nature of the binding. Binding of RNase to the negatively charged dextrans was further confirmed by ultrafiltration.  相似文献   

The oligopeptide transporter Opp is a five-component ABC uptake system. The extracytoplasmic lipid-anchored substrate-binding protein (or receptor) OppA delivers peptides to an integral membrane complex OppBCDF (or translocator), where, on ATP binding and hydrolysis, translocation across the membrane takes place. OppA and OppBCDF were labeled with fluorescent probes, reconstituted into giant unilamellar vesicles, and the receptor-translocator interactions were investigated by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Lateral mobility of OppA was reduced on incorporation of OppBCDF into giant unilamellar vesicles, and decreased even further on the addition of peptide. Fluorescence cross-correlation measurements revealed that OppBCDF distinguished liganded from unliganded OppA, binding only the former. Addition of ATP or its nonhydrolyzable analog AMP-PNP resulted in release of OppA from OppBCDF. In vanadate-trapped “transition state” conditions, OppA also was not bound by OppBCDF. A model is presented in which ATP-binding to OppDF results in donation of peptide to OppBC and simultaneous release of OppA. ATP-hydrolysis would complete the peptide translocation and reset the transporter for another catalytic cycle. Implications in terms of a general transport mechanism for ABC importers and exporters are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) can be used to measure kinetic properties of single molecules in drops of solution or in cells. Here we report on FCS measurements of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-dextran (10 kDa) in dendrites of cultured mitral cells of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. To interpret such measurements correctly, the plasma membrane as a boundary of diffusion has to be taken into account. We show that the fluorescence data recorded from dendrites are best described by a model of anisotropic diffusion. As compared to diffusion in water, diffusion of the 10-kDa TMR-dextran along the dendrite is slowed down by a factor 1.1-2.1, whereas diffusion in lateral direction is 10-100 times slower. The dense intradendritic network of microtubules oriented parallel to the dendrite is discussed as a possible basis for the observed anisotropy. In somata, diffusion was found to be isotropic in three dimensions and 1.2-2.6 times slower than in water.  相似文献   

We investigate the challenges and limitations that are encountered when studying membrane protein dynamics in vivo by means of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Based on theoretical arguments and computer simulations, we show that, in general, the fluctuating fluorescence has a fractal dimension D(0) >or= 1.5, which is determined by the anomality alpha of the diffusional motion of the labeled particles, i.e., by the growth of their mean square displacement as (Deltax)(2) approximately t(alpha). The fractality enforces an initial power-law behavior of the autocorrelation function and related quantities for small times. Using this information, we show by FCS that Golgi resident membrane proteins move subdiffusively in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus in vivo. Based on Monte Carlo simulations for FCS on curved surfaces, we can rule out that the observed anomalous diffusion is a result of the complex topology of the membrane. The apparent mobility of particles as determined by FCS, however, is shown to depend crucially on the shape of the membrane and its motion in time. Due to this fact, the hydrodynamic radius of the tracked particles can be easily overestimated by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   



Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) provides information about translational diffusion of fluorescent molecules in tiny detection volumes at the single-molecule level. In normal states, cartilage tissue lacks vascularity, so chondrocyte metabolism depends on diffusion for molecular exchanges. The abundant extracellular matrix (ECM) of cartilage is maintained by a limited number of chondrocytes. ECM plays an important role in the regulation of chondrocyte functions. In this study, FCS was used to measure diffusion behaviors of albumin, the major protein of the intra-articular space, using normal and degenerated cartilage. Preliminary investigation of fluorescence dyes including Alexa 488, Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine 123 was conducted to evaluate their properties in cartilage.  相似文献   

We have implemented scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (sFCS) for precise determination of diffusion coefficients of fluorescent molecules in solution. The measurement volume where the molecules are excited, and from which the fluorescence is detected, was scanned in a circle with radius comparable to its size at frequencies 0.5-2 kHz. The scan radius R, determined with high accuracy by careful calibration, provides the spatial measure required for the determination of the diffusion coefficient D, without the need to know the exact size of the measurement volume. The difficulties in the determination of the measurement volume size have limited the application of standard FCS with fixed measurement volume to relative measurements, where the diffusion coefficient is determined by comparison with a standard. We demonstrate, on examples of several common fluorescent dyes, that sFCS can be used to measure D with high precision without a need for a standard. The correct value of D can be determined in the presence of weak photobleaching, and when the measurement volume size is modified, indicating the robustness of the method. The applicability of the presented implementation of sFCS to biological systems in demonstrated on the measurement of the diffusion coefficient of eGFP in the cytoplasm of HeLa cells. With the help of simulations, we find the optimal value of the scan radius R for the experiment.  相似文献   

To probe the complexity of the cell membrane organization and dynamics, it is important to obtain simple physical observables from experiments on live cells. Here we show that fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) measurements at different spatial scales enable distinguishing between different submicron confinement models. By plotting the diffusion time versus the transverse area of the confocal volume, we introduce the so-called FCS diffusion law, which is the key concept throughout this article. First, we report experimental FCS diffusion laws for two membrane constituents, which are respectively a putative raft marker and a cytoskeleton-hindered transmembrane protein. We find that these two constituents exhibit very distinct behaviors. To understand these results, we propose different models, which account for the diffusion of molecules either in a membrane comprising isolated microdomains or in a meshwork. By simulating FCS experiments for these two types of organization, we obtain FCS diffusion laws in agreement with our experimental observations. We also demonstrate that simple observables derived from these FCS diffusion laws are strongly related to confinement parameters such as the partition of molecules in microdomains and the average confinement time of molecules in a microdomain or a single mesh of a meshwork.  相似文献   

A method for simultaneous determination of molar weights (M) and lateral diffusion constants (D) of particles in three- and two-dimensional systems is described. Spontaneous concentration fluctuations in space and time are analyzed, by monitoring fluctuations in the fluorescence from fluorescein-labeled molecules (1 dye/molecule is sufficient), excited by a rotating laser spot. For particles in solution, M values are determined over the range of 3 x 10(2) to 3 x 10(11) daltons, and D values can be determined from approximately 10(-7) to 10(-10) cm2/s. The time for a determination is approximately 1 min. Aggregation can be followed by changes of either M or D. This method is used to study the calcium dependence of vesicle aggregation or fusion, and the time course of aggregate formation of porin (an Escherichia Coli outer membrane protein) in lipid monolayers. Essential parameters for the development of the method are described. Equations to estimate the signal-to-noise ratios and to find the optimal free parameters for a specific application are derived. The theoretical predictions for the correlation function of the signal and for the signal-to-noise ratio are compared with observed values.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with total internal reflection excitation (TIR-FCS) is a promising method with emerging biological applications for measuring binding dynamics of fluorescent molecules to a planar substrate as well as diffusion coefficients and concentrations at the interface. Models for correlation functions proposed so far are rather approximate for most conditions, since they neglect lateral diffusion of fluorophores. Here we propose accurate extensions of previously published models for axial correlation functions taking into account lateral diffusion through detection profiles realized in typical experiments. In addition, we consider the effects of surface-generated emission in objective-based TIR-FCS. The expressions for correlation functions presented here will facilitate quantitative and accurate measurements with TIR-FCS.  相似文献   

We report the detection of heterogeneities in the diffusion of lipid molecules for the three-component mixture dipalmitoyl-PC/dilauroyl-PC/cholesterol, a chemically simple lipid model for the mammalian plasma membrane outer leaflet. Two-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was performed on giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) using fluorescent probes that have differential lipid phase partition behavior—DiO-C18:2 favors disordered fluid lipid phases, whereas DiI-C20:0 prefers spatially ordered lipid phases. Simultaneously-obtained fluorescence autocorrelation functions from the same excitation volume for each dye showed that, depending on the lipid composition of this ternary mixture, the two dyes exhibited different lateral mobilities in regions of the phase diagram with previously proposed submicroscopic two-phase coexistence. In one-phase regions, both dyes reported identical diffusion coefficients. Two-color FCS thus may be detecting local membrane heterogeneities at size scales below the optical resolution limit, either due to short-range order in a single phase or due to submicroscopic phase separation.  相似文献   

We report the detection of heterogeneities in the diffusion of lipid molecules for the three-component mixture dipalmitoyl-PC/dilauroyl-PC/cholesterol, a chemically simple lipid model for the mammalian plasma membrane outer leaflet. Two-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was performed on giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) using fluorescent probes that have differential lipid phase partition behavior--DiO-C18:2 favors disordered fluid lipid phases, whereas DiI-C20:0 prefers spatially ordered lipid phases. Simultaneously-obtained fluorescence autocorrelation functions from the same excitation volume for each dye showed that, depending on the lipid composition of this ternary mixture, the two dyes exhibited different lateral mobilities in regions of the phase diagram with previously proposed submicroscopic two-phase coexistence. In one-phase regions, both dyes reported identical diffusion coefficients. Two-color FCS thus may be detecting local membrane heterogeneities at size scales below the optical resolution limit, either due to short-range order in a single phase or due to submicroscopic phase separation.  相似文献   

Interactions of the peptides melittin and magainin with phospholipid vesicle membranes have been studied using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Molecular interactions of melittin and magainin with phospholipid membranes are performed in rhodamine-entrapped vesicles (REV) and in rhodamine-labelled phospholipid vesicles (RLV), which did not entrap free rhodamine inside. The results demonstrate that melittin makes channels into vesicle membranes since exposure of melittin to vesicles causes rhodamine release only from REV but not from RLV. It is obvious that rhodamine can not be released from RLV because the inside of RLV is free of dye molecules. In contrast, magainin breaks vesicles since addition of magainin to vesicles results in rhodamine release from both REV and RLV. As the inside of RLV is free of rhodamine, the appearance of rhodamine in solution confirms that these vesicles are broken into rhodamine-labelled phospholipid fragments after addition of magainin. This study is of pharmaceutical significance since it will provide insights that fluorescence correlation spectroscopy can be used as a rapid protocol to test incorporation and release of drugs by vesicles.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) provides a versatile tool to investigate molecular interaction under native conditions, approximating infinite dilution. One precondition for its application is a sufficient difference between the molecular weights of the fluorescence-labelled unbound and bound ligand. In previous studies, an 8-fold difference in molecular weights or correspondingly a 1.6-fold difference in diffusion coefficients was required to accurately distinguish between two diffusion species by FCS. In the presented work, the hybridization of two complementary equally sized RNA single strands was investigated at an excellent signal-to-noise ratio enabled by the highly photostable fluorophore Atto647N. The fractions of ssRNA and dsRNA were quantified by applying multicomponent model analysis of single autocorrelation functions and globally fitting several autocorrelation functions. By introducing a priori knowledge into the fitting procedure, 1.3- to 1.4-fold differences in diffusion coefficients of single- and double-stranded RNA of 26, 41, and 54 nucleotides could be accurately resolved. Global fits of autocorrelation functions of all titration steps enabled a highly accurate quantification of diffusion species fractions and mobilities. At a high signal-to-noise ratio, the median of individually fitted autocorrelation functions allowed a robust representation of heterogeneous data. These findings point out the possibility of studying molecular interaction of equally sized molecules based on their diffusional behavior, which significantly broadens the application spectrum of FCS.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a novel high-pressure cell is suitable for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). The pressure cell consists of a single fused silica microcapillary. The cylindrical shape of the capillary leads to refraction of the excitation light, which affects the point spread function of the system. We characterize the influence of these beam distortions by FCS and photon-counting histogram (PCH) analysis and identify the optimal position for fluorescence fluctuation experiments in the capillary. At this position within the capillary, FCS and photon-counting histogram experiments are described by the same equations as used in standard FCS experiments. We report the first experimental realization of fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy under high pressure. A fluorescent dye was used as a model system for evaluating the properties of the capillary under pressure. The autocorrelation function and the photon count distribution were measured in the pressure range from 0 to 300 MPa. The fluctuation amplitude and the diffusion coefficient show a small pressure dependence. The changes of these parameters, which are on the order of 10%, are due to the pressure changes of the viscosity and the density of the aqueous medium.  相似文献   

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