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Food-storing birds lose a great deal of their stored food toother animals. We examined whether blackcapped chickadees (Parusairicapillus) modify their choice of cache sites using informationthat predicts cache loss. In experiment 1, birds learned toavoid caching at spatial locations where cache loss had previouslyoccurred, but they did not avoid caching near local color cuesthat predicted cache loss. Birds did not modify their generaluse of space in the aviary. Birds also learned to reduce searchingfor caches where spatial location predicted cache loss. Experiment2 confirmed the birds’ ability to discriminate among thespatial locations and the local color cues used in experiment1. In experiment 3, learning a food-rewarded approach to potentialcache sites occurred without any change in the choice of sitesfor caching. We discuss how chickadees selectively associatethe choice of cache site with its consequences, even over delaysof several hours between caching and cache recovery.  相似文献   

Current dynamic optimization models predict that animals shouldrespond to cache pilferage by decreasing the probability ofcaching food and by increasing internal fat storage to compensatefor a reduction in cache size. We tested these predictions underlaboratory conditions with variable food access (four 15-minintervals/day). Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) weresubjected to two environments: under pilferage conditions, one-quarterof their cached seeds were stolen every 0.5 h, and under no-pilferageconditions, seeds were left in place. Half the birds startedwith pilferage conditions and were then switched to the no-pilferagecondition; the other half started with no pilferage and werethen switched to pilferage conditions. The experiment was conductedover the course of a year to test for seasonal variation inthe response to seed pilferage. The birds responded to seedpilferage by taking more seeds from a feeder, suggesting thatthey monitored cache availability. Alternatively, the birdsmay have taken additional seeds from the feeder in responseto increased hunger caused by a loss of cached food. Contraryto our prediction, birds cached a higher percentage of seedsfrom the feeder when cached seeds were pilfered than when cacheswere left in place. Treatment order also affected caching behaviorfor all but the summer birds: chickadees initially subjectedto pilferage stored a higher proportion of seeds than thoseinitially subjected to no pilferage. Caching percentages inthe summer were unaffected by cache pilferage. Caching rates(number cached/day) also followed the same trends: rates werehigher when seeds were pilfered than when seeds were not pilfered,and there was a treatment-order effect for all but the summerbirds. Variation in body mass also failed to match predictedtrends. All birds exhibited a monotonic increase in mass asthe experiments proceeded, irrespective of treatment order.Controlling for this monotonic increase in mass, an analysisof residual variation in body mass indicated that birds gainedless weight when seeds were pilfered than when seeds were leftin place. Finally, birds tested in the fall and spring wereheavier than those tested in the summer. These results failto support the relationship between cache maintenance and bodymass regulation predicted by current models of energy regulation.We discuss the applicability of three hypotheses for the observedtrends.  相似文献   

I conducted a field experiment in 10 x 10 m enclosures to explorehow seed and soil moisture levels influence the ability ofknowledgeable and naive rodents to find natural caches of Jeffreypine (Pinus jeffreyi) seeds. Subjects were yellow pine chipmunks(Tamias amoenus) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) searchingfor caches that they had made, caches made by other individualsof the same species, or caches made by individuals of the otherspecies. Subjects that made caches (knowledgeable subjects)relied on spatial memory to find many of their own caches during recovery sessions, and their ability to locate caches was notaffected by water content of seeds or soil. Naive subjectsfound few caches under dry conditions, but under wet conditions,they located as many caches as did the rodents that made them.Naive subjects apparently relied on olfaction to find caches,a sensory modality that works more effectively under moist conditions. Subjects had as much success foraging for caches made by membersof their own species as for caches made by the other species.I present a hypothesis that predicts how foragers could modifypredominately memory-based search to predominately olfactory-basedsearch as the weather changes from dry to wet. When foragersrely on spatial memory, those foragers find only their own caches, but when they can also use olfaction, they pilfer cachesmade by other individuals. Consequently, the nature of competitiveinteractions among members of the seed-caching guild may changeas the weather changes.  相似文献   

When animals detect predators they modify their behavior to avoid predation. However, less is known about whether prey species modify their behavior in response to predator body and behavioral cues. Recent studies indicated that tufted titmice, a small songbird, decreased their foraging behavior and increased their calling rates when they detected a potential predator facing toward a feeder they were using, compared to a potential predator facing away from that feeder. Here, we tested whether related Carolina chickadees, Poecile carolinensis, were also sensitive not just to the presence of a predator model, but to its facial/head orientation. Although chickadees are closely related to titmice, recent studies in different populations suggest chickadees respond to risky contexts involving predators differently than titmice. We conducted two field studies near feeders the birds were exploiting. In Study One, a mask‐wearing human observer stood near the feeder. In Study Two, a model of a domestic cat was positioned near the feeder. In both studies, the potential threatening stimulus either faced toward or faced away from the feeder. Chickadees avoided the feeder more in both studies when the potential predator was present, and showed strongest feeder avoidance when the potential predator faced toward the feeder. Chickadee calling behavior was also affected by the facial orientation of the potential predator in Study 1. These results suggest that, like titmice, chickadees exhibit predation‐risk‐sensitive foraging and calling behavior, in relation to facial and head orientation of potential threats. These small birds seem to attend to the likely visual space of potential predators. Sensitivity to predator cues like behavior and body posture must become more central to our theories and models of anti‐predator behavioral systems.  相似文献   

We tested for hormonal and behavioral differences between Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) taken from a disturbed (recently logged) forest, an undisturbed forest, or a residential site. We measured fecal corticosterone and body mass levels in the field, and fecal corticosterone, body mass, and caching behavior in an aviary experiment. In the field, birds from the disturbed forest exhibited significantly higher fecal corticosterone levels than birds from either the undisturbed forest or from the residential site. Birds from the disturbed forest also exhibited lower body mass than those from the undisturbed forest but higher body mass than those from the residential site. Our aviary results suggest that these physiological differences between field sites are the result of short-term responses to ecological factors: neither body mass nor fecal corticosterone levels varied between birds captured at different sites. Aviary sample sizes were sufficient to detect seasonal variation in fecal corticosterone (lowest in summer), body mass (highest in spring), and rate of gain in body mass (highest in winter). Under "closed-economy" aviary conditions (all food available from a feeder in the aviary), there were no site differences in the percent of seeds taken from the feeder that were cached. However, under "open-economy" conditions (food occasionally available ad libitum), significantly fewer seeds were cached by birds from the disturbed forest compared to the undisturbed or residential sites. On average, there was only a two-fold difference in population levels of fecal corticosterone. This difference is about the same as an increase in fecal corticosterone induced by a 2-h increase in food deprivation and cannot be considered to be an acute stress response to disturbance.  相似文献   

In a dominance-structured flock, social status may determinepriority of access to food. Birds of low social status mayperceive present and future access to food as less predictable,and so have a higher risk of starvation, than birds of highsocial rank. Theoretical models predict that subordinate birdsshould carry larger fat reserves and incur higher mass-dependentcosts than dominants. However, empirical tests of the assumptionsof these models are still scarce and controversial. We investigatedthe effect of dominance rank on daily mass gain under conditionsof fluctuating food availability in a laboratory experimentusing four flocks of four coal tits (Parus ater) each. Thesame amount of food was delivered in two treatments, but inone treatment the food was offered at a constant rate betweendays (fixed treatment), while in the other treatment the dailyfood supply varied in an unpredictable sequence between days(variable treatment). All birds showed greater variance inbody mass in the variable treatment than in the fixed treatment.Body mass within birds showed the same variability at dawn thanat dusk in the fixed treatment, but less variability at dawnthan at dusk in the variable treatment. This may be a mechanismto reduce the immediate risk of starvation at the beginningof the day, when fat reserves are at their lowest and the aggressionbetween flock members when feeding highest. Subordinate birdswere excluded from the feeders by dominants more often in theearly morning than in the rest of the day, and they showedmore variability in daily mass gain and body mass at dawn thandominant birds. These results support the hypothesis that subordinatebirds have a reduced probability of surviving when food availabilitychanges unexpectedly compared to dominants.  相似文献   

This study reports data on 17 craniodental body mass estimators in a sample (n = 38) of dwarf galagos (Galagoides). Correlation coefficients (r) range from a high of 0.64 for bizygomatic breadth and body mass to a low of 0.10 for M(3) length and body mass. Of the 17 variables studied, 7 exhibit significant (P < 0.05) correlation coefficients, with 5 of the 7 being multitooth (i.e., tooth row) or cranial variables. In contrast to the correlation coefficients of greater than 0.90 (e.g., Martin [1980] Z Morphol Anthropol 71:115-124; Steudel [1981] Int J Primatol 2:81-90; Gingerich et al. [1982] Am J Phys Anthropol 58:81-100; Conroy [1987] Int J Primatol 8:115-137) published for higher taxonomic level analyses (i.e., all-primate or prosimian) for many of the same variables studied here, the current data indicate weaker relationships when analyzed at the generic level. Possible explanations for the contrast in correlation coefficients between the current and many previous studies include the following: 1) individual variation due to a geographically dispersed sample, 2) individual body mass fluctuations due to seasonal food availability, and 3) individual variation within the sample due to variation in life-history parameters. Because the overall size range of the individuals in a specific or generic level analysis is smaller than that in an ordinal or subordinal sample, the individual variation normally masked when using species means represents a larger proportion of the total variation in a more limited sample. This may then be a cause of these weaker correlations.  相似文献   

Flight performance is crucial in determining whether a smallbird will survive an attack by a predator. Given the importanceof body mass in determining flight performance, it has beensuggested that birds should strategically regulate body massas a response to predation risk. However, all experiments upto now have been carried out with captive birds, comparing experimental to control birds. Here we present data from thefirst experiment in the field using a within-individuals experimentaldesign. The wing area of wild great tits, Parus major, wasreduced by reversibly taping primaries five to seven. Thisallowed for the same individual to alternatively act as controlor experimental bird. Great tits reduced body mass (but not pectoral muscle width) during episodes of wing area reduction,lending support to the view that the reduction in body massexperienced by birds during molt is a strategy rather thanthe result of energetic stress. Theoretical models establishingthe different trade-offs that determine optimal body mass should therefore take into account this important life-history episode.  相似文献   

The optimum body mass of passerine birds typically represents a trade‐off between starvation risk, which promotes fat gain, and predation pressure, which promotes fat loss to maintain maneuvrability. Changes in ecological factors that affect either of these variables will therefore change the optimum body masses of populations of passerine birds. This study sought to identify and quantify the effects of changing temperatures and predation pressures on the body masses and wing lengths of populations of passerine birds throughout Britain and Ireland over the last 50 years. We analyzed over 900,000 individual measurements of body mass and wing length of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus, coal tits Periparus ater, and great tits Parus major collected by licenced bird ringers throughout Britain and Ireland from 1965 to 2017 and correlated these with publicly available temperature data and published, UK‐wide data on the abundance of a key predator, the sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus. We found highly significant, long‐term, UK‐wide decreases in winter body masses of adults and juveniles of all three species. We also found highly significant negative correlations between winter body mass and winter temperature, and between winter body mass and sparrowhawk abundance. Independent of these effects, body mass further correlated negatively with calendar year, suggesting that less well understood dynamic factors, such as supplementary feeding levels, may play a major role in determining population optimum body masses. Wing lengths of these birds also decreased, suggesting a hitherto unobserved large‐scale evolutionary adjustment of wing loading to the lower body mass. These findings provide crucial evidence of the ways in which species are adapting to climate change and other anthropogenic factors throughout Britain and Ireland. Such processes are likely to have widespread implications as the equilibria controlling evolutionary optima in species worldwide are upset by rapid, anthropogenic ecological changes.  相似文献   

Adult body mass and changes in mass during an individual's life are important indicators of general health and reproductive fitness. Therefore, characterization of the factors that influence normal variation in body mass has important implications for colony management and husbandry. The main objective of this study was to quantify the genetic contribution to adult body mass and its maintenance in baboons. Intra-individual mean and variance in body mass were calculated from multiple weight measures available for each of 1,614 animals at least 10 years of age. Heritabilities were estimated using maximum likelihood methods. Mean adult body mass had a significant heritability (50%) as did variance in adult body mass (12%). The sexes differed in several respects: on average females were smaller than males and had greater variability in adult body mass; mean and variance in body mass increased with age in females only; and number of offspring showed a significant positive relationship with body mass in females only. There were significant differences between subspecies in body mass as well as ability to maintain body mass. These results indicate that there is a significant genetic influence on body mass and its maintenance, and suggest that different factors influence changes in body mass with age as well as body mass maintenance in male and female baboons. Am. J. Primatol. 42:281–288, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of time-restricted feeding on regulationof body mass and activity energy expenditure in captive winteringdunlin (Calidris alpina) held in outdoor aviaries at TomalesBay, California. In the first of two experiments, we comparedbirds under 24 h : 24 h (fasting : ad libitum feeding) foodrestriction with controls under continuous ad libitum feeding. In the second experiment, we compared birds under 24 h : 6 h: 12 h : 6 h (fasting : ad libitum : fasting : ad libitum)food restriction with birds under 24 h : 24 h food restriction.We estimated total energy expended on activities from dailymass balance using an additive model based on measures of grossenergy intake, thermoregulation, basal metabolism, and a sensitivity analysis of gross utilization efficiency and energy densityof reserve body tissue. Dunlin under 24 h : 24 h food restrictionovercompensated for body mass lost while fasting, increasingtheir body mass relative to controls fed ad libitum. Dunlinunder 24 h : 6 h : 12 h : 6 h food restriction were unable to recover body mass lost during the first fasting day. Whenallowed to feed, food-restricted birds reduced the amount ofenergy spent on being active and increased food intake andenergy storage relative to controls, but when forced to fast,they increased their activity energy expenditure. These patterns suggest winter body mass regulation consistent with the behaviorsof free-living dunlin in winter.  相似文献   

  • 1 Patterns of activity at a large nesting aggregation and at foraging sites are described for females of the solitary bee Anthophora plumipes (Pallas). Changes in the quality and quantity of the resource collected by females provisioning cells are related to variation in female body mass and microclimate.
  • 2 Activity at the nest site demonstrated relationships with aspects of the thermal environment experienced by A.plumipes. Measures of temperature showing significant relationships differed for females in different stages in the nesting cycle exhibiting characteristically different behaviour patterns.
  • 3 Larger females emerged from nest tunnels earlier in the morning and provisioned cells at lower ambient temperatures than smaller individuals. Body size therefore predicts reproductive success at low ambient temperatures.
  • 4 Pollen and nectar loads carried by females increased with ambient temperature. Because only one cell is completed per day and the size of offspring is determined by the quality and quantity of resource provided by the mother, the body size of individuals emerging in the following season will depend on interactions between climate and body size, in addition to any heritable component.
  • 5 Variation in activity levels at foraging sites is attributed not only to thermal considerations, but also to variation in the quality of rewards available at different floral sources.

We investigated individual, nightly, and seasonal variationin calling behavior of a population of gray tree frogs (Hylaversicolor) from Connecticut, USA. Repeated recordings of individualmales on seven nights revealed significant differences amongmales in calling rate on all but one night and differences innumber of pulses per call and number of pulses produced perhour (pulse effort) on four nights. Most males reduced callingactivity late at night (after 2230 h), but some maintained arelatively steady rate of call production before dropping outof the chorus. Data collected for 26 individuals recorded onthree or more nights throughout the breeding season revealedsignificant differences among males in calling rate, numberof pulses per call, and pulse effort, but repeatabilities forall three variables were low (0.17, 0.35, and 0.12, respectively).The highest repeatability was for number of pulses per call,a variable strongly influenced by proximity to calling neighbors,probably because males often interacted with neighbors at similardistances on several successive nights. Males tended to reducethe number of pulses per call as the season progressed and thedistance between neighbors decreased, but they showed no clearseasonal change in calling rate or pulse effort. There was asubstantial seasonal decline in the number of hours of chorusactivity, resulting in a median decrease of 43% in nightly energyexpenditure by calling males.  相似文献   

The European cave bear evolved during the Middle Pleistocene and adapted to mountain environments. Earlier workers have described the cave bear as a robust bear. In this study the cave bears limb bone morphology is compared to the limb bone morphology of extant bears. Body mass estimates for the cave bear are made both based on different limb bone characters and based on dental and cranial characters. The shafts are wider in the cave bear limb bones than in the extant bear limb bones, and consequently the shaft widths give higher weight estimates to the cave bear than the other dimensions. The widened shafts are suggested to be a special adaptation (of presently unknown significance) rather than an indicator of an increased body mass.  相似文献   

In species where incubation is shared by both parents, the mate'sability to fast on the nest may constrain the time availablefor foraging. The decision to return to the nest should thereforebe a compromise between an animal's own foraging success andits mate's ability to fast on the nest. To examine how the bodyconditions of incubating Antarctic petrels, Thalassoica antarctica,influence both the length of foraging trips and incubation shifts,we experimentally handicapped females by increasing their flightcosts during a foraging trip by adding lead weights to theirlegs. Handicapped females spent more time at sea and had lowerbody conditions at arrival to the colony than controls, and,moreover, females in poor body condition at arrival to the colonyspent generally more time at sea than those with higher bodycondition. The prolonged time period spent at sea by handicappedfemales was associated with higher desertion rates than amongcontrols. The time the incubating mates fasted increased withtheir body condition at arrival to the colony, suggesting thata high body condition of the incubating bird may reduce theprobability of nest desertion. Accordingly, our results suggestthat the time spent foraging is adjusted to the body conditionsof both the foraging and incubating mate.  相似文献   

[背景] 人体能量稳态失衡表现为体重过轻、超重和肥胖,肠道菌群与人体能量稳态的维持有关,但不同身体质量指数(Body Mass Index,BMI)人群的肠道菌群特征仍需进一步探究。[目的] 基于美国肠道计划公开数据库,解析4类BMI人群肠道菌群的特征,并探究4类BMI人群肠道菌群共存网络特征及差异,为基于肠道菌群来干预肥胖及体重过轻等不健康状态提供新的理论依据。[方法] 从美国肠道计划数据集中筛选具有BMI信息的肠道菌群样本,并根据世界卫生组织规定的BMI划分标准将筛选后的样本分为4类:体重过轻(BMI<18.5 kg/m2),正常体重(18.5 kg/m22),超重(25 kg/m22),肥胖(BMI>30 kg/m2);通过计算和比较肠道菌群的α多样性和β多样性探究4类BMI人群肠道菌群的整体结构特征及差异;通过多元线性回归模型对不同BMI分类与肠道菌群进行相关性分析,并且将地域、年龄、性别因素作为混杂因素加入到模型中进行校正;采用SparCC分别计算4类BMI人群肠道菌群中菌属相关性,并分别构建肠道菌群共存网络。[结果] 经过Wilcoxon秩和检验,发现体重过轻、超重、肥胖人群的肠道菌群α多样性都显著低于正常体重人群;β多样性分析结果表明4类BMI人群肠道菌群的整体结构存在显著差异;4类BMI人群肠道中厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)的相对含量无显著差异;通过MaAsLin分析,并且将地域、年龄、性别因素作为混杂因素加入到模型中进行校正,共得到49个与BMI类型显著相关的物种;4类BMI人群肠道菌群共存网络的拓扑结构具有一定差异,体重过轻和正常体重人群肠道菌群共存网络的复杂度较高,超重和肥胖人群肠道菌群共存网络的复杂度较低。[结论] 4类BMI人群肠道菌群的多样性、整体结构和共存网络间均存在差异。  相似文献   

An exceptionally well-preserved skull of the Pliocene rodent Telicomys giganteus allowed the first estimation of body mass and analysis of the bite mechanics of this species of South American giant rodent. In this study, we reconstructed the main anatomical features of the skull of this Pliocene rodent and related them to the bite force at the incisors. The average of an estimation body mass gives 100 kg. We also estimated the bite force using three different techniques. Two methods suggest that bite forces at the incisors have a range of 500–1000 N. However, the incisors seem to be stronger than expected for this bite force, implying that the bite forces may have been greater than 2000 N. We consider the hypothesis of defense against predators or other agonistic behavior to explain our results.  相似文献   

Rough‐toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) are a common mass stranding species in Florida. These large stranding events typically include a small number of sick or injured individuals and a much larger number of healthy individuals, making rapid triage essential. Little data exist on rehabilitation outcomes, and historically, successful outcomes are limited. Furthermore, very little data exist on the feeding habits and dietary needs of this species. This study compared morphology and body mass index (BMI) in two rough‐toothed dolphin mass stranding events in Florida: August 2004 (n = 36) and March 2005 (n = 32). The two groups were significantly different in morphologic measurements, with age and gender‐adjusted intake BMI significantly (p < .01) different (2004 = 0.34 ± 0.02; 2005 = 0.41 ± 0.02) between groups. Ten animals from 2005 had weights tracked throughout the rehabilitation process and demonstrated an initial drop in BMI followed by an increase and a plateau prior to release. When comparing initial BMI by stranding outcome, individuals that were rehabilitated and released had a significantly (p = .03) higher BMI than individuals who were euthanized. However, there was no difference between dolphins that died of natural causes (p = .56) and animals successfully rehabilitated. Analysis of BMI can be a useful marker in triage during a stranding, when resources are limited to identify individuals most likely to survive, as well as in determining the appropriate body condition for release. The data reported here can provide guidance on evaluating the nutritive status on this uncommon species that would otherwise be difficult to obtain among wild populations.  相似文献   

光周期对白头鹎体重、器官重量和能量代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光周期是四季环境变化的最直接表现因素之一,并影响动物的生理变化特征。为探讨光周期驯化对白头鹎(Pycnonotussinensis)体重、器官重量及能量代谢的影响,以室温28℃、不同光周期(16L∶8D,LD组和8L∶16D,SD组)对两组白头鹎进行为期4周的光周期驯化,测定其体重、各器官鲜重和干重、基础代谢率(BMR)和食物摄入能、排泄能及同化能并计算同化率。结果发现,SD组个体体重、内部器官(肝、小肠)重量、BMR及同化率相应显著高于LD组个体;短光照刺激白头鹎显著降低摄入能、排泄能及同化能。这些结果表明:光周期对白头鹎的体重、器官重量、BMR及能量收支有着一定影响,并且短光照较长光照更能引起白头鹎体重、器官重量及能量代谢的明显变化,同时验证了中心限制假说,即白头鹎BMR与中心器官代谢(肝、小肠等)具有相关性,中心器官是改变白头鹎BMR的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

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