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Specific binding characteristics of acetylcholine receptors at the diaphragm neuromuscular junction of rats aged 10 (mature adult) and 28 (aged) months were assayed by measuring 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin binding. Maximal binding to intact tissue samples was greater in the older rats; this could be attributed to an age-related increase in terminal branching. The toxin concentration at which half-maximal binding occurred increased in the older rats. Binding kinetics were assayed in finely minced tissue samples, and the association rate constant was observed to decrease in the 28-month animals. Retardation of the initial rate of toxin binding by d-tubocurarine (dTC) in minced tissue was described by a two-component nonlinear Hofstee plot; IC50 values (7.1-7.2 microM and 39.0-46.5 nM) were about the same for both age groups, but there was a significant shift toward the low-affinity values in the aged rats. Rhodamine-conjugated alpha-bungarotoxin was used to visualize receptor localization. There were no major changes in receptor distribution, and nerve terminals were consistently associated with receptors and vice versa. The data indicate a shift toward lower binding affinity during aging, which may involve changes either in one of the two toxin-binding sites on individual receptors, in dTC blocking of the channel moiety, or in receptor types.  相似文献   

The prevalence of human and animal helminth infections remains staggeringly high, thus urging the need for concerted efforts towards this area of research. GABA receptors, encoded by the unc-49 gene, mediate body muscle inhibition in Caenorhabditis elegans and parasitic nematodes and are targets of anthelmintic drugs. Thus, the characterization of nematode GABA receptors provides a foundation for rational anti-parasitic drug design. We therefore explored UNC-49 channels from C. elegans muscle cultured cells of the first larval stage at the electrophysiological and behavioral levels. Whole-cell recordings reveal that GABA, muscimol and the anthelmintic piperazine elicit macroscopic currents from UNC-49 receptors that decay in their sustained presence, indicating full desensitization. Single-channel recordings show that all drugs elicit openings of ∼2.5 pA (+100 mV), which appear either as brief isolated events or in short bursts. The comparison of the lowest concentration required for detectable channel opening, the frequency of openings and the amplitude of macroscopic currents suggest that piperazine is the least efficacious of the three drugs. Macroscopic and single-channel GABA-activated currents are profoundly and apparently irreversibly inhibited by ivermectin. To gain further insight into ivermectin action at C. elegans muscle, we analyzed its effect on single-channel activity of the levamisol-sensitive nicotinic receptor (L-AChR), the excitatory receptor involved in neuromuscular transmission. Ivermectin produces a profound inhibition of the frequency of channel opening without significant changes in channel properties. By revealing that ivermectin inhibits C. elegans muscle GABA and L-AChR receptors, our study adds two receptors to the already known ivermectin targets, thus contributing to the elucidation of its pleiotropic effects. Behavioral assays in worms show that ivermectin potentiates piperazine-induced paralysis, thus suggesting that their combination is a good strategy to overcome the increasing resistance of parasites, an issue of global concern for human and animal health.  相似文献   

The Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a glutamatergic synapse that is structurally and functionally similar to mammalian glutamatergic synapses. These synapses can, as a result of changes in activity, alter the strength of their connections via processes that require chromatin remodeling and changes in gene expression. The chromodomain helicase DNA binding (CHD) protein, Kismet (Kis), is expressed in both motor neuron nuclei and postsynaptic muscle nuclei of the Drosophila larvae. Here, we show that Kis is important for motor neuron synaptic morphology, the localization and clustering of postsynaptic glutamate receptors, larval motor behavior, and synaptic transmission. Our data suggest that Kis is part of the machinery that modulates the development and function of the NMJ. Kis is the homolog to human CHD7, which is mutated in CHARGE syndrome. Thus, our data suggest novel avenues of investigation for synaptic defects associated with CHARGE syndrome.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of dimephosphone, an organophosphorus drug with a broad spectrum of therapeutic effects on the peripheral and central nervous systems, on postsynaptic end-plate currents (EPC) in the frog neuromuscular junction. Dimephosphone was demonstrated to decrease in a voltage-independent manner the EPC amplitude and to prolong the EPC decay. These effects are not related to inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. We propose a theoretical interpretation of the observed phenomena based on the model of blockade of an open ion channel of the acetylcholine receptor and conclude that postsynaptic receptors are one of the most probable targets for the action of dimephosphone.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis in homogenates of rat soleus muscles had two components. One component, specifically inhibited by bromoacetylcholine (BrACh), had a Km for choline of 0.26 mM; the other, resistant to BrACh, had a Km for choline of 45 mM. The component with a low Km was absent from denervated muscle, and was identical in kinetic terms to ACh synthesising activity in homogenates of sciatic nerve. It is therefore considered choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-specific. The use of BrACh as a specific inhibitor of ChAT activity allowed the calculation of ACh synthesis at individual motor end-plates in the soleus muscle of the rat: 2.1 X 10(-3) nmol h-1. Since the number of muscle fibres and the number of motor units are known for this muscle, ACh synthesis per motor unit could be calculated: 0.15 nmol h-1. It is concluded that BrACh can be used as a specific inhibitor of ChAT activity in homogenates of skeletal muscle and that its use will obviate the necessity of dividing biopsied muscle or small rodent muscles into neural and aneural segments.  相似文献   

Electron Microscope Study of the Human Neuromuscular Junction   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A preliminary electron microscope study of human neuromuscular junction is presented. The biopsy material was taken from the palmarus longus, and fixed routinely in osmium tetroxide and embedded in methacrylate. The structure of the motor endings and the relationship of the synaptic vesicles to the axolemmal membrane are described. The synaptic clefts are filled with an homogeneous material in continuity with the basement membrane covering the muscle fiber. The subneural apparatus is described, and special attention is paid to a vesicular component present in the sarcoplasm of the junctional area, which differs from synaptic vesicles and is presumed to be a derivate of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The effects of carbachol (CCh) on the frequency (f) of the miniature endplate potentials were tested at temperatures between 5 and 30°C. Higher CCh concentrations, 1 × 10–5 and 5 × 10–6 M, reduced the f to 60% and the temperature dependence was negligible. However, an inverse temperature dependence was found when low concentrations 3 × 10–7 and 6 × 10–7 M were applied. The depression of f was 40–50% in 5–10°C but only 10–20% of the control in the 25 and 30°C. During application of CCh, the new steady of f was reached at temperatures between 5 and 30°C within 17–20 min (Q10 = 1.07). Much greater temperature dependence of recovery was observed during washing out CCh (Q10 = 1.6). The temperature-independence of the steady state effects of CCh, good agreement with Langmuir adsorption-desorption theory and non-steady kinetics indicate that physical rather than receptor-mediated events are responsible for the depression of f.  相似文献   

Synaptic connections must be precisely controlled to ensure proper neural circuit formation. In Drosophila melanogaster, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) promotes growth of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) by binding and activating the BMP ligand receptors wishful thinking (Wit) and thickveins (Tkv) expressed in motor neurons. We report here that an evolutionally conserved, previously uncharacterized member of the S6 kinase (S6K) family S6K like (S6KL) acts as a negative regulator of BMP signaling. S6KL null mutants were viable and fertile but exhibited more satellite boutons, fewer and larger synaptic vesicles, larger spontaneous miniature excitatory junctional potential (mEJP) amplitudes, and reduced synaptic endocytosis at the NMJ terminals. Reducing the gene dose by half of tkv in S6KL mutant background reversed the NMJ overgrowth phenotype. The NMJ phenotypes of S6KL mutants were accompanied by an elevated level of Tkv protein and phosphorylated Mad, an effector of the BMP signaling pathway, in the nervous system. In addition, Tkv physically interacted with S6KL in cultured S2 cells. Furthermore, knockdown of S6KL enhanced Tkv expression, while S6KL overexpression downregulated Tkv in cultured S2 cells. This latter effect was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Our results together demonstrate for the first time that S6KL regulates synaptic development and function by facilitating proteasomal degradation of the BMP receptor Tkv.  相似文献   

Trains of nerve impulses from the crayfish stretch receptor under steady conditions are found to be extremely regular with a standard deviation of S = 0.7 x 10(-2)tau when tau, the mean interval, is in the 15 to 80 msec range. Such a small fluctuation increases the problems of film recording, accurate measurement of intervals, and especially, drifts. Experimental and mathematical techniques are described to obviate these problems. Evidence is found for a serial correlation coefficient of about -0.2 in the range, tau = 35 msec to tau = 70 msec. Shot noise and Johnson noise in a long axon are evaluated in detail and are shown to be comparable in size. It is also shown that neither shot noise nor Johnson noise is large enough to explain simply the observed interval fluctuations. Other types of membrane noise are discussed.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital (1-2 × 10-4M) markedly increases the frequency of miniature end-plate potentials at the neuromuscular synapse of the frog. This effect was seen in calcium free media containing EGTA. The drug probably acts presynaptically at an intracellular locus to increase the presynaptic free calcium concentration.  相似文献   

Despite decades of intense experimental studies, we still lack a detailed understanding of synaptic function. Fortunately, using computational approaches, we can obtain important new insights into the inner workings of these important neural systems. Here, we report the development of a spatially realistic computational model of an entire frog active zone in which we constrained model parameters with experimental data, and then used Monte Carlo simulation methods to predict the Ca2+-binding stoichiometry and dynamics that underlie neurotransmitter release. Our model reveals that 20–40 independent Ca2+-binding sites on synaptic vesicles, only a fraction of which need to bind Ca2+ to trigger fusion, are sufficient to predict physiological release. Our excess-Ca2+-binding-site model has many functional advantages, agrees with recent data on synaptotagmin copy number, and is the first (to our knowledge) to link detailed physiological observations with the molecular machinery of Ca2+-triggered exocytosis. In addition, our model provides detailed microscopic insight into the underlying Ca2+ dynamics during synapse activation.  相似文献   

Despite decades of intense experimental studies, we still lack a detailed understanding of synaptic function. Fortunately, using computational approaches, we can obtain important new insights into the inner workings of these important neural systems. Here, we report the development of a spatially realistic computational model of an entire frog active zone in which we constrained model parameters with experimental data, and then used Monte Carlo simulation methods to predict the Ca2+-binding stoichiometry and dynamics that underlie neurotransmitter release. Our model reveals that 20–40 independent Ca2+-binding sites on synaptic vesicles, only a fraction of which need to bind Ca2+ to trigger fusion, are sufficient to predict physiological release. Our excess-Ca2+-binding-site model has many functional advantages, agrees with recent data on synaptotagmin copy number, and is the first (to our knowledge) to link detailed physiological observations with the molecular machinery of Ca2+-triggered exocytosis. In addition, our model provides detailed microscopic insight into the underlying Ca2+ dynamics during synapse activation.  相似文献   

Intracellular microelectrodes inserted into the soma of crayfish stretch receptor neurons record frequent fluctuations of the membrane potential. Time course, amplitude, and interval distribution indicate that they are miniature potentials. At the average resting potential the polarity of the miniature potentials depends on the anion used in the microelectrode: KCl electrodes record depolarizing, K citrate or K2SO4 electrodes, hyperpolarizing miniature potentials. The inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (i.p.s.p.'s) show a similar polarity change. The reversal potentials of i.p.s.p.'s and miniature potentials are equal and within 10 mv of the resting potential, more negative with K citrate (or K2SO4), less negative with KCl electrodes. Reversal can be accomplished by changing the membrane potential by stretching or by current passing. Injection of Cl- into the soma or replacement of external Cl by propionate results in an abrupt increase of the amplitude of the miniature potentials lasting for several minutes. The miniature potentials like the i.p.s.p.'s are reversibly abolished by the application of picrotoxin and γ-aminobutyric acid. They are not affected by tetrodotoxin, nor by acetylocholine, eserine, or atropine. It is concluded that the miniature potentials represent a spontaneous quantal release of transmitter substance from inhibitory nerve terminals, and that the transmitter substance predominantly increases the Cl- permeability of the postsynaptic membrane. The effect of the spontaneously released transmitter on the behavior of the receptor neuron is considerable. The membrane conductance is increased by up to 36% and the excitability is correspondingly depressed.  相似文献   

Caffeine’s unexpected depression of synaptic transmission in the superficial flexor muscle system (SFM) of Procambarus clarkii was studied by looking at three known sites of action of this drug: via adenosine and ryanodine receptors and inhibition of phosphodiesterase. 1. JPs did not change in size when exposed to physiological concentrations of adenosine, suggesting that the SFM system lacks presynaptic adenosine receptors. 2. JPs slightly increased in size in the presence of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, the opposite response to that obtained with caffeine, suggesting that caffeine is not acting via this pathway. 3. A calcium ionophore immediately enhanced synaptic transmission in the SFM system but when given in combination with caffeine the enhancement is reduced and declines over time. 4. Serotonin enhanced synaptic transmission in the SFM system, but when given in combination with caffeine this enhancement was not observed. 5. These caffeine effects are interpreted in terms of alterations to the calcium homeostatic mechanisms of the terminals.  相似文献   

Analysis of neuromuscular junction morphology can give important insight into the physiological status of a given motor neuron. Analysis of thin flat muscles can offer significant advantage over traditionally used thicker muscles, such as those from the hind limb (e.g. gastrocnemius). Thin muscles allow for comprehensive overview of the entire innervation pattern for a given muscle, which in turn permits identification of selectively vulnerable pools of motor neurons. These muscles also allow analysis of parameters such as motor unit size, axonal branching, and terminal/nodal sprouting. A common obstacle in using such muscles is gaining the technical expertise to dissect them. In this video, we detail the protocol for dissecting the transversus abdominis (TVA) muscle from young mice and performing immunofluorescence to visualize axons and neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). We demonstrate that this technique gives a complete overview of the innervation pattern of the TVA muscle and can be used to investigate NMJ pathology in a mouse model of the childhood motor neuron disease, spinal muscular atrophy.  相似文献   

The Drosophila larvae neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is an excellent model for the study of synaptic structure and function. Drosophila is well known for the ease of powerful genetic manipulations and the larval nervous system has proven particularly useful in studying not only normal function but also perturbations that accompany some neurological disease (Lloyd and Taylor, 2010). Many key synaptic molecules found in Drosophila are also found in mammals and like most CNS excitatory synapses in mammals, the Drosophila NMJ is glutamatergic and demonstrates activity-dependent remodeling (Kohet al. , 2000). Additionally, Drosophila neurons can be individually identified because their innervation patterns are stereotyped and repetitive making it possible to study identified synaptic terminals, such as those between motor neurons and the body-wall muscle fibers that they innervate (Keshishian and Kim, 2004). The existence of evolutionarily conserved synapse components along with the ease of genetic and physical manipulation make the Drosophila model ideal for investigating the mechanisms underlying synaptic function (Budnik, 1996).The active zones at synaptic terminals are of particular interest because these are the sites of neurotransmitter release. NC82 is a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the Drosophila protein Bruchpilot (Brp), a CAST1/ERC family member that is an important component of the active zone (Waghet al. , 2006). Brp was shown to directly shape the active zone T-bar and is responsible for effectively clustering Ca2+ channels beneath the T-bar density (Fouquetet al. , 2009). Mutants of Brp have reduced Ca2+ channel density, depressed evoked vesicle release, and altered short-term plasticity (Kittelet al. , 2006). Alterations to active zones have been observed in Drosophila disease models. For example, immunofluorescence using the NC82 antibody showed that the active zone density was decreased in models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (Ratnaparkhiet al. , 2008; Zweieret al. , 2009). Thus, evaluation of active zones, or other synaptic proteins, in Drosophila larvae models of disease may provide a valuable initial clue to the presence of a synaptic defect.Preparing whole-mount dissected Drosophila larvae for immunofluorescence analysis of the NMJ requires some skill, but can be accomplished by most scientists with a little practice. Presented is a method that provides for multiple larvae to be dissected and immunostained in the same dissection dish, limiting environmental differences between each genotype and providing sufficient animals for confidence in reproducibility and statistical analysis.Download video file.(37M, mov)  相似文献   

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