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We report the results of a microspectroscopy study on the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) absorption spectra of Caenorhabditis elegans, collected from the different parts of a single intact specimen--pharynx, intestine and tail regions. The principal absorption bands were assigned to the molecular species present in C. elegans, with an excellent reproducibility for the pharynx spectrum. These results enabled us to explore if FT-IR microspectroscopy could offer a new tool for nematode identification. As an example, the discrimination among four well characterised nematode taxa is reported. The FT-IR results completely match those obtained by Blaxter and colleagues through molecular biology [Nature 392 (1998) 71].  相似文献   

A new procedure has been developed for the in situ FT-IR determination of rosmarinic acid (RA) in suspension cultures of Lavandula officinalis. The method involves sample preparation on ZnSe crystals or microplates from silicon, and measuring absorbance spectra between 4000 and 700 cm(-1). First derivative spectra were analysed after normalisation using partial least square (PLS) algorithm. The correlation between spectral analysis and HPLC measurements of cell extracts shows that the FT-IR procedure is suitable for qualitative and quantitative analyses of RA in cell suspension cultures.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen are largely studied to obtain information about the atmospheric content of natural allergens. Aerobiological monitoring networks have been established to provide reliable data that facilitate the timely initiation of preventive actions aimed at minimizing allergic symptoms. Airborne pollen are usually identified and counted using an optical microscope, but as such procedures are extremely time-consuming, more expedient options are being explored. We have assessed the potential of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy as an alternative method for the rapid and reliable identification of allergenic pollen using six well-known allergenic pollen taxa and obtaining the respective FT-IR spectra. In doing this, a first IR spectral library has been created. The spectra of unknown pollen were compared to those of the reference library, and two pollen taxa of a mixed sample were identified.  相似文献   

S B Dev  L Walters 《Biopolymers》1990,29(1):289-299
To better understand the structural basis of protein-DNA interactions, the conformational changes that accompany these interactions need to be described. In order to develop a methodological approach to this problem, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with derivative resolution enhancement has been used to identify conformational changes that occur when a 29-residue synthetic peptide binds nonspecifically to heterogeneous cellular DNA in aqueous solution. The peptide sequence was chosen de novo, in order to rationally design a peptide model that would allow the relationship between DNA binding and the stability of protein secondary structure to be studied. Peptide at a concentration of 100-200 microM produces 50% saturation of heterogeneous phage DNA sequences as well as of short synthetic oligonucleotides. FTIR spectra reveal significant changes in peptide and DNA upon binding. Second-derivative spectra resolve the amide I band of native peptide into components located at 1627 (beta-strand), 1658 (alpha-helix), and 1681 (turn or beta-strand) cm-1, with a distinct shoulder at 1647 cm-1 (disordered structure). Assignment of the 1681 cm-1 vibration to a turn conformation is supported by uv CD studies, which indicate significant amounts of turn structure in unbound peptide. Ultraviolet CD also confirms the existence of disordered and beta-strand regions in the free peptide. Upon interacting with DNA the band at 1681 cm-1 (turn) is no longer seen; a new band appears at 1675 cm-1; the 1627 cm-1 band (beta-strand) is considerably reduced in intensity; the position of the alpha-helical (1658 cm-1) component remains unchanged; the shoulder at 1647 cm-1 (disorder) disappears. The new vibration at 1675 cm-1 is characteristic of beta-strand structures. The asymmetric stretch (vAS) of the DNA phosphates shifts from 1223 (unbound) to 1229 cm-1 (bound); the relative intensities of vAS and the PO2- symmetric stretch (vS) are altered upon peptide binding.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the variation in biochemical composition of 89 strains of Listeria monocytogenes with different susceptibilities towards sakacin P, using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The strains were also analyzed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. Based on their susceptibilities to sakacin P, the 89 strains have previously been divided into two groups. Using the FTIR spectra and AFLP data, the strains were basically differentiated into the same two groups. Analyses of the FTIR and Raman spectra revealed that the strains in the two groups contained differences in the compositions of carbohydrates and fatty acids. The relevance of the variation in the composition of carbohydrates with respect to the variation in the susceptibility towards sakacin P for the L. monocytogenes strains is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the molecular composition of oral streptococci, infrared transmission spectroscopy on freeze-dried cells dissolved in KBr was used. All infrared spectra show similar absorption bands for the strains studied with the most important absorption bands located at 2930 cm-1 (CH), 1653 cm-1 (AmI), 1541 cm-1 (AmII) and two bands at 1236 cm-1 and 1082 cm-1, which were assigned to phosphate and sugar groups. However, calculation of absorption band ratios normalized with respect to the integrated intensity of the CH stretching region around 2930 cm-1, show significant differences between the strains. Both Streptococcus mitis strains possess high AmI/CH and AmII/CH absorption band ratios compared to the other strains. Streptococcus salivarius HBC12, a mutant strain devoid of all proteinaceous surface appendages, shows significantly lower AmI/CH and AmII/CH band ratios with respect to its parent strain S. salivarius HB. Two positive relationships could be established both between the AmII/CH absorption band ratio and the N/C elemental surface concentration ratio of the strains previously, determined from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and also between AmI/CH and the fraction of carbon atoms at the surface involved in amide bonds, determined by XPS as well. From this comparison, it is concluded that transmission infrared spectroscopy can be employed as a technique to study the molecular surface composition of freeze-dried microorganisms.  相似文献   

Vibrational spectroscopy techniques have shown capacity to provide non-destructive, rapid, relevant information on microbial systematics, useful for classification and identification. Infrared spectroscopy enables the biochemical signatures from microbiological structures to be extracted and analyzed, in conjunction with advanced chemometrics. In addition, a number of recent studies have shown that Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy can help understand the molecular basis of events such as the adaptive tolerance responses expressed by bacteria when exposed to stress conditions in the environment (e.g. those that cells confront in food and during food processing). The current review gives an overview of the published experimental techniques, data-processing algorithms and approaches used in FT-IR spectroscopy to assess the mechanisms of bacterial inactivation by food processing technologies and antimicrobial compounds, to monitor the spore and membrane properties of foodborne pathogens in changing environments, to detect stress-injured microorganisms in food-related environments, to assess dynamic changes in bacterial populations, and to study bacterial tolerance responses.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy probes the vibrational properties of amino acids and cofactors, which are sensitive to minute structural changes. The lack of specificity of this technique, on the one hand, permits us to probe directly the vibrational properties of almost all the cofactors, amino acid side chains, and of water molecules. On the other hand, we can use reaction-induced FTIR difference spectroscopy to select vibrations corresponding to single chemical groups involved in a specific reaction. Various strategies are used to identify the IR signatures of each residue of interest in the resulting reaction-induced FTIR difference spectra. (Specific) Isotope labeling, site-directed mutagenesis, hydrogen/deuterium exchange are often used to identify the chemical groups. Studies on model compounds and the increasing use of theoretical chemistry for normal modes calculations allow us to interpret the IR frequencies in terms of specific structural characteristics of the chemical group or molecule of interest. This review presents basics of FTIR spectroscopy technique and provides specific important structural and functional information obtained from the analysis of the data from the photosystems, using this method.  相似文献   

In this work, the interactions between the main catecholamines-epinephrine and norepinephrine-and fibrinogen were investigated by NMR and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies. The two hormones were found to interact with fibrinogen and to affect the protein secondary structure to a different extent. In particular, the protein selectively binds epinephrine at both the basal and stress concentrations, while it shows a weak nonspecific interaction with norepinephrine. The interaction with the stress level of epinephrine leads to drastic protein conformational changes, whereas norepinephrine does not affect fibrinogen secondary structure, even at stress concentration.  相似文献   

The coking process produces great volumes of wastewater contaminated with pollutants such as cyanides, sulfides and phenolics. Chemical and physical remediation of this wastewater removes the majority of these pollutants; however, these processes do not remove phenol and thiocyanate. The removal of these compounds has been effected during bioremediation with activated sludge containing a complex microbial community. In this investigation we acquired activated sludge from an industrial bioreactor capable of degrading phenol. The sludge was incubated in our laboratory and monitored for its ability to degrade phenol over a 48 h period. Multiple samples were taken across the time‐course and analysed by Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy. FT‐IR was used as a whole‐organism fingerprinting approach to monitor biochemical changes in the bacterial cells during the degradation of phenol. We also investigated the ability of the activated sludge to degrade phenol following extended periods (2–131 days) of storage in the absence of phenol. A reduction was observed in the ability of the microbial community to degrade phenol and this was accompanied by a detectable biochemical change in the FT‐IR fingerprint related to cellular phenotype of the microbial community. In the absence of phenol a decrease in thiocyanate vibrations was observed, reflecting the ability of these communities to degrade this substrate. Actively degrading communities showed an additional new band in their FT‐IR spectra that could be attributed to phenol degradation products from the ortho‐ and meta‐cleavage of the aromatic ring. This study demonstrates that FT‐IR spectroscopy when combined with chemometric analysis is a very powerful high throughput screening approach for assessing the metabolic capability of complex microbial communities.  相似文献   

Fourier self-deconvolution of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra and second derivative FTIR spectroscopy were applied to study solvent-induced conformational changes in globular proteins. For beta-lactoglobulin a total of three different denatured forms were identified in alkaline solution and in aqueous methanol-d1 and isopropanol-d1. In isopropanol-d1 solution a new conformation was identified which appears to resemble, but is not identical with, the beta-structure of native proteins. This conformation is characterized by absorption bands around 1615-1618 and 1684-1688 cm-1, and is also observed for concanavalin A and chymotrypsinogen A in aqueous isopropanol-d1 solution.  相似文献   

The second-derivative mode of the Fourier transform I.R. spectra of dried algal material has been applied to distinguish the carrageenans-producingStenogramme interrupta from the isomorphous speciesRhodymenia howeana. Spectra of the tetrasporophyteS. interrupta showed bands assigned to a -carrageenan type polysaccharide, while the gametophytic and cystocarpic plants showed the characteristic absorptions of -and -carrageenans. Results were confirmed by hot water extraction of samples of the three nuclear phases ofS. interrupta and characterization of the extracts by chemical analysis.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

The photocycle intermediates of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) were characterized by low-temperature Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The difference FTIR spectra of PYP(B), PYP(H), PYP(L), and PYP(M) minus PYP were measured under the irradiation condition determined by UV-visible spectroscopy. Although the chromophore bands of PYP(B) were weak, intense sharp bands complementary to the 1163-cm(-1) band of PYP, which show the chromophore is deprotonated, were observed at 1168-1169 cm(-1) for PYP(H) and PYP(L), indicating that the proton at Glu46 is not transferred before formation of PYP(M). Free trans-p-coumaric acid had a 1294-cm(-1) band, which was shifted to 1288 cm(-1) in the cis form. All the difference FTIR spectra obtained had the pair of bands corresponding to them, indicating that all the intermediates have the chromophore in the cis configuration. The characteristic vibrational modes at 1020-960 cm(-1) distinguished the intermediates. Because these modes were shifted by deuterium-labeling at the ethylene bond of the chromophore while labeling at the phenol part had no effect, they were attributed to the ethylene bond region. Hence, structural differences among the intermediates are present in this region. Bands at about 1730 cm(-1), which show that Glu46 is protonated, were observed for all intermediates except for PYP(M). Because the frequency of this mode was constant in PYP(B), PYP(H), and PYP(L), the environment of Glu46 is conserved in these intermediates. The photocycle of PYP would therefore proceed by changing the structure of the twisted ethylene bond of the chromophore.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy can be considered to be a fast and non-invasive tool for distinguishing between normal and cancerous cells and tissues without the need for laborious and invasive sampling procedures. Gastric samples from four patients (age, 65±2 years) were analysed. Samples were obtained from the organs removed during gastrectomy and then classified as normal or cancerous. Classification was based on histopathological examinations at our institution. Formalin-fixed sections of gastric tissue were analysed by FTIR- microspectroscopy. To characterize differences between sections of normal and cancerous tissue, specific regions of the spectra were analysed to study variations in the levels of metabolites. To distinguish between two conditions (normal and cancerous), changes in the relative intensity of bands in the range 600–4000 cm−1 were analysed. A FTIR spectral map of the bands in the region 2800–3100 cm–1 and 900–1800 cm–1 were created to analyse pathological changes in tissues. The limited data available showed that normal gastric tissue had stronger absorption than cancerous tissue over a wide region in the four patients. There was a significant decrease in total biomolecular components for cancerous tissue compared with normal tissue.  相似文献   

Cellular membranes are one of the primary sites of injury during freezing and thawing for cryopreservation of cells. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to monitor membrane phase behavior and ice formation during freezing of stallion sperm. At high subzero ice nucleation temperatures which result in cellular dehydration, membranes undergo a profound transition to a highly ordered gel phase. By contrast, low subzero nucleation temperatures, that are likely to result in intracellular ice formation, leave membrane lipids in a relatively hydrated fluid state. The extent of freezing-induced membrane dehydration was found to be dependent on the ice nucleation temperature, and showed Arrhenius behavior. The presence of glycerol did not prevent the freezing-induced membrane phase transition, but membrane dehydration occurred more gradual and over a wider temperature range. We describe a method to determine membrane hydraulic permeability parameters (ELp, Lpg) at subzero temperatures from membrane phase behavior data. In order to do this, it was assumed that the measured freezing-induced shift in wavenumber position of the symmetric CH2 stretching band arising from the lipid acyl chains is proportional to cellular dehydration. Membrane permeability parameters were also determined by analyzing the H2O-bending and -libration combination band, which yielded higher values for both ELp and Lpg as compared to lipid band analysis. These differences likely reflect differences between transport of free and membrane-bound water. FTIR allows for direct assessment of membrane properties at subzero temperatures in intact cells. The derived biophysical membrane parameters are dependent on intrinsic cell properties as well as freezing extender composition.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in high-pressure studies on proteins are reviewed. Basic methodological considerations regarding spectral band assignments, quantitative analysis, and choice of pressure calibrants are also placed within the scope of this paper. This work attempts to evaluate recent developments in the field of high-pressure FTIR of proteins and its prospects for future. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been demonstrated that Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) detects conformational changes in the glutamate receptor ligand-binding domain that are associated with agonist binding. Combined with flash photolysis, this observation offers the prospect of following conformational changes at individual protein and agonist moieties in parallel and with high temporal resolution. Here, we demonstrate that gamma(alpha-carboxy-2-nitrobenzyl) glutamate (caged glutamate) does not interact with the protein, and that following photolysis with UV light the FTIR difference spectrum indicated changes in the protein tertiary and secondary interactions. These changes were similar to those observed for the protein upon addition of free glutamate. Thus, caged glutamate and its photolysis by-products are inert in this system, whereas the released glutamate exhibits full activity. Difference spectra of caged glutamate and of reaction analogs permitted identification of and correction for FTIR signals arising from the photolytic reaction and confirmed that its products are indeed glutamate and 2-nitrosophenyl glyoxalic acid.  相似文献   

Abstract Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy can be used to identify microorganisms. This study describes the influence of culture conditions on FTIR spectra and the discrimination of Lactobacillus species found in breweries. Fifty three Lactobacillus strains were analysed by FTIR spectroscopy and identification at the species level was correct for 94% of the strains, and at the strain level for 91% of the strains.  相似文献   

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