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The cost of reproduction plays a central role in evolutionary theory, but the identity of the underlying mechanisms remains a puzzle. Oxidative stress has been hypothesized to be a proximate mechanism that may explain the cost of reproduction. We examine three pathways by which oxidative stress could shape reproduction. The “oxidative cost” hypothesis proposes that reproductive effort generates oxidative stress, while the “oxidative constraint” and “oxidative shielding” hypotheses suggest that mothers mitigate such costs through reducing reproductive effort or by pre‐emptively decreasing damage levels, respectively. We tested these three mechanisms using data from a long‐term food provisioning experiment on wild female banded mongooses (Mungos mungo). Our results show that maternal supplementation did not influence oxidative stress levels, or the production and survival of offspring. However, we found that two of the oxidative mechanisms co‐occur during reproduction. There was evidence of an oxidative challenge associated with reproduction that mothers attempted to mitigate by reducing damage levels during breeding. This mitigation is likely to be of crucial importance, as long‐term offspring survival was negatively impacted by maternal oxidative stress. This study demonstrates the value of longitudinal studies of wild animals in order to highlight the interconnected oxidative mechanisms that shape the cost of reproduction.  相似文献   

黄麂标记行为初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴玥  康蔼黎  苏铁  张恩迪 《四川动物》2003,22(2):73-75,72
2002年3-4月对上海动物园人工饲养的黄麂(Muntiacus reevesi)的标记行为进行了初步研究。结果表明黄麂的标记方式可分为用面腺(包括额腺和眶前腺)、尿液和粪便标记3种。雌雄黄麂用面腺标记的频次差异显著(P<0,01)。面腺标记是雄麂最主要的标记方式,占总标记次数的74.27%;雌麂最主要的标记方式是排便(48.10%)和排尿(44.30%)。进入发情期后,个体的标记行为变得频繁,雄性个体的这种差异尤为显著(P<0.05),这说明黄麂的标记行为具有发情信号的作用。  相似文献   

Scent marking was studied in pine martens (Martes martes) in female-female and male-female pairs. Results show that agonistically dominant individuals generally had higher scent marking frequencies. However, environmental familiarity can modify the social relationship, whatever the previous social experiences, and, consequently, marking activity. Despite important intra-and interindividual variations, the subjects appeared to react to physical and social modifications by an increased marking rate. One factor affecting marking activity in both novel and established pairs was the activity level of the conspecific partner. the data support the hypothesis that pine martens react in the same way to physical and social modifications, but with different response levels. The discussion focuses on possible functions of scent marking. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mammals scent mark their territories to advertise occupancyand ownership. However, signaling with scent for territorialdefense can have a negative effect by advertising an individual'spresence and location to predators. In this study, we measuredresponses to a simulated territorial intrusion by conspecificadult male Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) either in the localizedpresence or in the absence of odor of a predator to test thehypothesis that the territorial defense of free-living beaverswould be disrupted by the presence of predation risk in theirnatural environment. We predicted that beavers would significantlyreduce their willingness to countermark intruder's scent inthe presence of the scent of predators (wolf [Canis lupus] andlynx [Lynx lynx]), compared with a control (no odor), as responsesare in general stronger to predator scent marks than nonpredatorscent. Therefore, we also predicted that the effects of nonpredatorymammal scent (neophobic control) (eland [Taurotragus oryx] andhorse [Equus cabalus]) are to be expected somewhere in betweenthe effects of the predator odor and a control. Our resultssuggest that both predator and nonpredator scents reduce beaversresponse to a simulated intruder's scent mounds and thereforedisrupt their territorial defense. However, predator scent hada stronger effect than nonpredator scent. Beavers may thereforebe at great risk on territories with predators present becauseof the trade-off between predator avoidance and territorialdefense. Our study demonstrates the potential of predation riskas a powerful agent of counterselection on olfactory signalingbehavior.  相似文献   

Qualitative impairments in communication, such as delayed language and poor interactive communication skills, are fundamental to the diagnosis of autism. Investigations into social communication in adult BTBR T+tf/J (BTBR) mice are needed to determine whether this inbred strain incorporates phenotypes relevant to the second diagnostic symptom of autism, communication deficits, along with its strong behavioral phenotypes relevant to the first and third diagnostic symptoms, impairments in social interactions and high levels of repetitive behavior. The aim of the present study was to simultaneously measure female urine‐elicited scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations in adult male BTBR mice, in comparison with a standard control strain with high sociability, C57BL/6J (B6), for the assessment of a potential communication deficit in BTBR. Adult male BTBR mice displayed lower scent marking and minimal ultrasonic vocalization responses to female urine obtained from both B6 and BTBR females. Lower scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations in a social setting by BTBR, as compared with B6, are consistent with the well‐replicated social deficits in this inbred mouse strain. Our findings support the interpretation that BTBR incorporate communication deficits, and suggest that scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations offer promising measures of interest in social cues that may be widely applicable to investigations of mouse models of autism.  相似文献   

Interactions between intraguild species that act as both competitors and predator–prey can be especially complex. We studied patterns of space use by the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), a prairie dog (Cynomys spp.) specialist, and the American badger (Taxidea taxus), a larger generalist carnivore that competes for prairie dogs and is known to kill ferrets. We expected that ferrets would spatially avoid badgers because of the risk of predation, that these patterns of avoidance might differ between sexes and age classes, and that the availability of food and space might influence these relationships. We used location data from 60 ferrets and 15 badgers to model the influence of extrinsic factors (prairie dog density and colony size) and intrinsic factors (sex, age) on patterns of space use by ferrets in relation to space use by different sex and age categories of badgers. We documented asymmetric patterns of avoidance of badgers by ferrets based on the sex of both species. Female ferrets avoided adult female badgers, but not male badgers, and male ferrets exhibited less avoidance than female ferrets. Additionally, avoidance decreased with increasing densities of prairie dogs. We suggest that intersexual differences in space use by badgers create varying distributions of predation risk that are perceived by the smaller carnivore (ferrets) and that females respond more sensitively than males to that risk. This work advances understanding about how competing species coexist and suggests that including information on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors might improve our understanding of behavioral interactions between sympatric species.  相似文献   

Host marking behavior in phytophagous insects and parasitoids   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Oviposition behavior in phytophagous insects and entomophagous parasitoids is often modified by the presence of conspecific brood (eggs and larvae). Often, females avoid laying eggs on or in hosts bearing brood, a behavior that acts to reduce the level of competition suffered by their offspring. Avoidance of occupied hosts is typically mediated by cues and/or signals associated with brood. In this article, we review the role of Marking Pheromones (MPs) as signals of brood presence in both phytophagous and entomophagous insects. We place information about the function and evolution of MPs in the context of recent theory in the field of animal communication. We highlight the dynamics of host-marking systems and discuss how effects of MPs vary according to factors such as female experience and egg load. We also examine variation in the form and function of MP communication across a variety of insect taxa. While studies of MP communication in phytophagous insects have focused on the underlying behavioral mechanisms and chemistry of MP communication, studies in entomophagous insects have focused on the functional aspects of MPs and their role in decision-making in insects. We argue that an approach that incorporates the important contributions of both of these somewhat independent, but complementary areas of research will lead to a more complete understanding of MPs in insects. Finally, we suggest that MP systems are model systems for the study of animal signaling and its evolution.  相似文献   

The effect of the mother's absence on the fertility status and expression of scent marking behavior was examined in 12 sexually mature female cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) living in four motherless families. Behavioral data and urine samples were collected on an average of five times per week and levels of estrone-glucuronide (E1G) were quantified directly by radioimmunoassay to establish whether the females showed ovarian cyclicity. Of the 12 females investigated only the dominant female in each motherless group exhibited regular E1G cycles. By contrast, low and acyclic hormonal profiles were found for subordinate sisters. In addition to differences in the patterns and levels of E1G, scent gland morphology and rates of scent marking differed between females: dominant, cycling females had elaborate glands and significantly higher rates of scent marking than subordinates. These results indicate that the presence of the mother (breeding female) is one important factor regulating ovarian function in cotton-top tamarin daughters. The findings also show that dominance status is a vital determinant of each female's subsequent physiological reproductive competence, with only the dominant female obtaining complete fertility and probably inhibiting ovulatory activity in her subordinate sisters. Scent marking behavior seems to be involved in the regulation of this phenomenon of intrasexual reproductive competition.  相似文献   

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