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Expression patterns from in situ hybridization of four MADS-box genes (GGM7, GGM9, GGM11, and GGM15) from the gymnosperm species Gnetum gnemon are presented. Together with previously published data about putative orthologs of floral homeotic genes from G. gnemon (GGM2, GGM3, GGM13), we describe seven temporally and spatially distinct expression patterns in male, female or both types of reproductive units which very likely reflect the diversity of MADS-box gene function in gymnosperm cones. There is evidence that some aspects of the observed differential expression have been conserved since the last common ancestor of extant angiosperms and gymnosperms about 300 million years ago.Edited by R.J. Sommer  相似文献   

Chen D  Guo B  Hexige S  Zhang T  Shen D  Ming F 《Planta》2007,226(2):369-380
The SQUA family (AP1/FUL family) of MADS-box genes plays an important role in the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive development of angiosperms, and its origin might be concurrent with fixation of floral structure in angiosperms. Here, we isolated two Phalaenopsis MADS-box genes designated ORAP11 and ORAP13, both of which belong to the monocot FUL-like clade of the SQUA family. RT-PCR showed that both genes are strongly expressed in the floral bud, and also detected in the vegetative organs. During later stages, ORAP11 was only detected in the column, but ORAP13 signal was absent from all of the floral organs. In-situ hybridization experiments detected both genes in the tips and margins of developing petals and lips, the developing column, and ovule. Over-expression of both genes in tobacco induced early flowering and changed plant architecture. Our results suggest that in Phalaenopsis, both genes might share partly redundant activities and play important roles in the process of floral transition and morphological architecture. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Lee S  Jeon JS  An K  Moon YH  Lee S  Chung YY  An G 《Planta》2003,217(6):904-911
We used a transgenic approach and yeast two-hybrid experiments to study the role of the rice ( Oryza sativa L.) B-function MADS-box gene, OsMADS16. Transgenic rice plants were generated that ectopically expressed OsMADS16 under the control of the maize ( Zea mays L.) ubiquitin1 promoter. Microscopic observations revealed that the innermost-whorl carpels had been replaced by stamen-like organs, which resembled the flowers of the previously described Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. mutation superman as well as those ectopically expressing the AP3 gene. These results indicate that expression of OsMADS16 in the innermost whorl induces stamen development. Occasionally, carpels had completely disappeared. In addition, ectopic expression of OsMADS16 enhanced expression of OsMADS4, another B-function gene, causing superman phenotypes. In the yeast two-hybrid system, OsMADS16 did not form a homodimer but, rather, the protein interacted with OsMADS4. OsMADS16 also interacted with OsMADS6 and OSMADS8, both of which are homologous to SEPALLATA proteins required for the proper function of class-B and class-C genes in Arabidopsis. Based on the gene expression pattern and our yeast two-hybrid data, we discuss a quartet model of MADS-domain protein interactions in the lodicule and stamen whorls of rice florets.  相似文献   

We describe the development of a reporter system for monitoring meristem initiation in poplar using promoters of poplar homologs to the meristem-active regulatory genes WUSCHEL (WUS) and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM). When ~3 kb of the 5′ flanking regions of close homologs were used to drive expression of the GUSPlus gene, 50–60% of the transgenic events showed expression in apical and axillary meristems. However, expression was also common in other organs, including in leaf veins (40 and 46% of WUS and STM transgenic events, respectively) and hydathodes (56% of WUS transgenic events). Histochemical GUS staining of explants during callogenesis and shoot regeneration using in vitro stems as explants showed that expression was detectable prior to visible shoot development, starting 3–15 days after explants were placed onto callus inducing medium. A minority of WUS and STM events also showed expression in the cambium, phloem, or xylem of regenerated, greenhouse grown plants undergoing secondary growth. Based on microarray gene expression data, a paralog of poplar WUS was detectably up-regulated during shoot initiation, but the other paralog was not. Both paralogs of poplar STM were down-regulated threefold to sixfold during early callus initiation. We identified 15–35 copies of cytokinin response regulator binding motifs (ARR1AT) and one copy of the auxin response element (AuxRE) in both promoters. Several of the events recovered may be useful for studying the process of primary and secondary meristem development, including treatments intended to stimulate meristem development to promote clonal propagation and genetic transformation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We have investigated the floral ontogeny of Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis (of the eucalypt group, Myrtaceae) using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Several critical characters for establishing relationships between these genera and to the eucalypts have been determined. The absence of compound petaline primordia in Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis excludes these taxa from the eucalypt clade. Post-anthesis circumscissile abscission of the hypanthium above the ovary in Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia is evidence that these three taxa form a monophyletic group; undifferentiated perianth parts and elongated fusiform buds are characters that unite Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis as sister taxa. No floral characters clearly associate Arillastrum with either the eucalypt clade or the clade of Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia.We gratefully acknowledge Clyde Dunlop and Bob Harwood (Northern Territory Herbarium) for collecting specimens of Allosyncarpia, and Bruce Gray (Atherton) for collecting specimens of Stockwellia. The Australian National Herbarium (CANB) kindly lent herbarium specimens of Eucalyptopsis for examination. This research was supported by a University of Melbourne Research Development Grant to Andrew Drinnan.  相似文献   

A pea rust fungus, Uromyces viciae-fabae, has been classified into two varieties, var. viciae-fabae and var. orobi, based on differences in urediniospore wall thickness and putative host specificity in Japan. In principal component analyses, morphological features of urediniospores and teliospores of 94 rust specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum did not show definite host-specific morphological groups. In molecular analyses, 23 Uromyces specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum formed a single genetic clade based on D1/D2 and ITS regions. Four isolates of U. viciae-fabae from V. cracca and V. unijuga could infect and sporulate on P. sativum. These results suggest that U. viciae-fabae populations on different host plants are not biologically differentiated into groups that can be recognized as varieties.Contribution no. 184, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   

Busch A  Gleissberg S 《Planta》2003,217(6):841-848
FLORICAULA/ LEAFY-like genes were initially characterized as flower meristem identity genes. In a range of angiosperms, expression occurs also in vegetative shoot apices and developing leaves, and in some species with dissected leaves expression is perpetuated during organogenesis at the leaf marginal blastozone. The evolution of these expression patterns and associated functions is not well understood. We have isolated and characterized a FLORICAULA-like gene from California Poppy, Eschscholzia californica Cham. (Papaveraceae), a species belonging to the basal eudicot clade Ranunculales. EcFLO encodes a putative 416-amino-acid protein with highest similarity to homologous genes from Trochodendron and Platanus. We show that EcFLO mRNA is expressed during the vegetative phase of the shoot apical meristem and in developing dissected leaves in a characteristic manner. This pattern is compared to that of other eudicots and discussed in terms of evolution of FLORICAULA expression and function.  相似文献   

Seol E  Jung Y  Lee J  Cho C  Kim T  Rhee Y  Lee S 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(7):1197-1206
Notocactus scopa cv. Soonjung was subjected to in planta Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with vacuum infiltration, pin-pricking, and a combination of the two methods. The pin-pricking combined with vacuum infiltration (20-30 cmHg for 15 min) resulted in a transformation efficiency of 67-100%, and the expression of the uidA and nptII genes was detected in transformed cactus. The established in planta transformation technique generated a transgenic cactus with higher transformation efficiency, shortened selection process, and stable gene expression via asexual reproduction. All of the results showed that the in planta transformation method utilized in the current study provided an efficient and time-saving procedure for the delivery of genes into the cactus genome, and that this technique can be applied to other asexually reproducing succulent plant species.  相似文献   

The Pik-h gene in rice confers resistance to several races of rice blast fungus (Magnaporthe oryzae), and has been classified as a member of the Pik cluster, one of the most resistance (R) gene-dense regions in the rice genome. However, the loss of a key mutant isolate has long made it difficult to differentiate Pik-h from other Pik group genes especially from Pik-m. We identified new natural isolates enabling the differentiation between Pik-h and Pik-m genes, and first confirmed the authenticity of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) “monogenic” line IRBLkh-K3, and then fine-mapped the Pik-h gene in the Pik cluster. Using 701 susceptible individuals among 3,060 siblings from a cross of IRBLkh-K3×CO39, the Pik-h region was delimited to 270 kb, the narrowest interval among the Pik group genes reported to date, in the cv. Nipponbare genome. Annotation of this genome region first revealed 6 NBS-LRR type R-gene analogs (RGAs), clustered within the central 120 kb, as possible counterparts of Pik-h and 6 other Pik group R genes. Interestingly, the Pik-h region and the cluster of RGAs were shown to be located 130 kb and 230 kb apart from Xa4 and Xa2 bacterial blight resistance genes, respectively, once classified as belonging to the Pik cluster. The closest recombination events were limited to the margins of the Pik-h region, and recombination was suppressed in the core interval with the RGA cluster. This fine-mapping, performed in a short time using an HEGS system, will facilitate utilization of the cluster’s genetic resources and help to elucidate the mechanism of evolution of R-genes. The presence of natural isolates also confirmed that evolution of Pik-h corresponds to pathogen evolution.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA of a StCONSTANS-like (StCOL) gene was cloned from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by RTPCR and RACE. The predicted amino acid sequence of this cDNA has a high degree of identity with other homologous members of the CO or COL family. Analysis of mRNA levels for StCOL shows that it is highly expressed in leaves and becomes weaker during tuberization; moreover, is independent of gibberellin A3 and sucrose. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 11, pp. 1525–1531.  相似文献   

The class B genes, which belong to the MADS-box gene family, play important roles in regulating petal and stamen development in flowering plants. These genes exist in two different types termed DEF- and GLO-like genes, and the B-function is provided by heterodimers of a DEF- and a GLO-like gene product. In the present study, dicot (tobacco and lettuce) and monocot (Tricyrtis hirta) plants were transformed with the GLO-like gene of Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis ApGLO alone or in combination with the DEF-like gene of the same plant ApDEF. In two out of 10 transgenic tobacco plants containing ApGLO, sepals partially converted into petaloid organs. For lettuce, ray florets of four out of nine transgenic plants containing ApGLO also developed additional petaloid organs. In two out of five transgenic T. hirta plants containing both ApGLO and ApDEF, organs developed in whorl 4 showed noticeable morphological alteration: they were much longer compared with carpels of non-transgenic plants, and had purple spots overall on the surface as filaments of non-transgenic plants. No morphological alterations were observed in vegetative organs between transgenic and non-transgenic plants for all the three species. The results obtained in the present study indicate a possibility of molecular breeding for flower form alteration by genetic transformation with the class B MADS-box gene(s) of heterologous plant species.  相似文献   

The Indo-Pacific marine atherinid fishes Atherinomorus forskalii (Rüppell, 1838), Atherinomorus lacunosus (Forster, 1801), and Atherinomorus pinguis (Lacepède, 1803) are redescribed as valid species based on the types and non-type specimens collected throughout the Indo-Pacific. They are similar to each other chiefly in having a wide midlateral band (almost the same or greater than the midlateral scale width), large mouth (posterior tip of upper jaw reaching to or beyond a vertical through anterior margin of pupil), and no distinct tubercle at the posterior end of the dentary. All three species are distinguishable from congeners by those characters. The three species have long been confused with each other or synonymized erroneously as a single species. Atherinomorus forskalii, known from the Red Sea and eastern Mediterranean, differs from Atherinomorus lacunosus and Atherinomorus pinguis in having conspicuous, large endopterygoid teeth, forming obvious tooth ridges. Atherinomorus lacunosus, widely distributed in almost the entire Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to Tonga, north to southern Japan, and south to northern Australia, differs from Atherinomorus pinguis in having a wider midlateral band (the lower margin reaching to almost the center of the fourth scale row at level of the anal fin origin vs. the lower margin reaching to the ventral end of the third scale row in Atherinomorus pinguis) and more numerous midlateral scales (40–44 vs. 38–41 in Atherinomorus pinguis). Atherina morrisi Jordan and Starks, 1906, Hepsetia pinguis mineri Nichols and Roemhild, 1951, Pranesus capricornensis Woodland, 1961, Pranesus maculatus Taylor, 1964, and Pranesus pinguis ruppelli Smith, 1965, are regarded as junior synonyms of Atherinomorus lacunosus. Atherinomorus pinguis is also widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, from East Africa to northern Australia and north to southern Japan. Atherina pectoralis Valenciennes, 1835, is considered a junior synonym of Atherinomorus pinguis. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at  相似文献   

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