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Blue light-induced chloroplast relocation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Chloroplast relocation movement is induced by blue light in most plants tested. Under weak light, chloroplasts move toward a brighter area in a cell (called low-fluence-rate response or accumulation movement), but they avoid strong light and move away from the light (called high-fluence-rate response or avoidance movement). Recently, mutants deficient in the chloroplast avoidance movement were isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana. The results of mutant analyses revealed that the phototropin photoreceptors phot1 and phot2 both control chloroplast accumulation while phot2 alone controls the avoidance movements.  相似文献   

Blue light-induced chloroplast accumulation and avoidance relocation movements are controlled by the blue light photoreceptor phototropin. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome has two phototropin genes encoding phot1 and phot2. Each of these photoreceptors contains two LOV (light oxygen and voltage) domains and a kinase domain. The LOV domains absorb blue light though an associated flavin mononucleotide chromophore, while the kinase domain is thought to be associated with signal transduction. The phototropins control not only chloroplast relocation movement, but also blue light-induced phototropic responses, leaf expansion and stomatal opening. Here I review the role of phototropin as a photoreceptor for chloroplast photorelocation movement. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A. Kadota  M. Wada  M. Furuya 《Planta》1985,165(1):30-36
Summary Perception of polarized light inducing phytochrome-mediated polarotropism in protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris L. was analyzed using brief microbeam irradiation with polarized red (R) or far-red light (FR). The polarotropic response inducible by irradiation of the subapical 10–30-m part with polarized R vibrating parallel to the cell axis was nullified by subsequently giving R at the apical 0–2.5-m region. This inhibitory effect of R showed an action dichroism, that is, polarized R vibrating normal to the cell axis was effective but the parallel-vibrating R was not. On the other hand, FR irradiation of the extreme tip after irradiation of the whole cell with depolarized R effectively induced a tropic response. This FR effect also showed action dichroism, with parallel-vibrating polarized FR being more effective than FR vibrating normal to the cell axis. When the apical-dome region and the adjacent subapical 10–20-m region were sequentially irradiated with polarized R vibrating obliquely in different directions, polarotropism took place depending on the vibrating direction of the light given to the apical-dome region. Obliquely vibrating polarized FR given to the apical dome after irradiation of the whole cell with depolarized R also induced polarotropism. Thus, the difference in amount (or percent) of the far-redabsorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) between the extreme tip and the subapical region appears to be crucial in regulating the direction of apical growth; the difference in Pfr level between the two sides of the protonemal apex may occur mainly at the apical dome. Furthermore, the transition moments of the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr) and Pfr seem to be aligned parallel and normal, respectively, to the cell surface at the periphery of the apical hemisphere.Abbreviations FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light  相似文献   

Photometric analysis of chloroplast movements in various phytochrome (phy) mutants of Arabidopsis showed that phyA, B, and D are not required for chloroplast movements because blue light (BL)-dependent chloroplast migration still occurs in these mutants. However, mutants lacking phyA or phyB showed an enhanced response at fluence rates of BL above 10 micromol m-2 s-1. Overexpression of phyA or phyB resulted in an enhancement of the low-light response. Analysis of chloroplast movements within the range of BL intensities in which the transition between the low- and high-light responses occur (1.5-15 micromol m-2 s-1) revealed a transient increase in light transmittance through leaves, indicative of the high-light response, followed by a decrease in transmittance to a value below that measured before the BL treatment, indicative of the low-light response. A biphasic response was not observed for phyABD leaves exposed to the same fluence rate of BL, suggesting that phys play a role in modulating the transition between the low- and high-light chloroplast movement responses of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Stomatal responses to light of Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type plants and mutant plants deficient in starch (phosphoglucomutase deficient) were compared in gas exchange experiments. Stomatal density, size and ultrastructure were identical for the two phenotypes, but no starch was observed in guard cells of the mutant plants whatever the time of day. The overall extent of changes in stomatal conductance during 14 h light–10 h dark cycles was similar for the two phenotypes. However, the slow endogenous stomatal opening occurring in darkness in the wild type was not observed in the mutant plants. Stomata in the mutant plants responded much more slowly to blue light (70 μmol m?2 s?1) though the response to red light (250 μmol m?2 s?1) was similar to that of wild-type plants. In paradermal sections, stomatal responses to red light (300 μmol m?2 s?1) were weak for wild-type plants as well as for mutant plants. Stomatal opening was greater under low blue light (75 μmol m?2 s?1) than under red light for the two genotypes. However, in mutant plants, a high chloride concentration (50 mol m?3) was necessary to achieve the same stomatal aperture as observed for the wild-type plants. These results suggest that starch metabolism, via the synthesis of a counter-ion to potassium (probably malate), is required for full stomatal response to blue light but is not involved in the stomatal response to red light.  相似文献   

The level of variation and the mutation rate were investigated in an empirical study of 244 chloroplast microsatellites in 15 accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. In contrast to SNP variation, microsatellite variation in the chloroplast was found to be common, although less common than microsatellite variation in the nucleus. No microsatellite variation was found in coding regions of the chloroplast. To evaluate different models of microsatellite evolution as possible explanations for the observed pattern of variation, the length distribution of microsatellites in the published DNA sequence of the A. thaliana chloroplast was subsequently used. By combining information from these two analyses we found that the mode of evolution of the chloroplast mononucleotide microsatellites was best described by a linear relation between repeat length and mutation rate, when the repeat lengths exceeded about 7 bp. This model can readily predict the variation observed in non-coding chloroplast DNA. It was found that the number of uninterrupted repeat units had a large impact on the level of chloroplast microsatellite variation. No other factors investigated—such as the position of a locus within the chromosome, or imperfect repeats—appeared to affect the variability of chloroplast microsatellites. By fitting the slippage models to the Genbank sequence of chromosome 1, we show that the difference between microsatellite variation in the nucleus and the chloroplast is largely due to differences in slippage rate. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Kagawa T  Wada M 《Plant physiology》1999,119(3):917-924
Chloroplast movement was induced by partial cell illumination using a high-fluence blue microbeam in light-grown and dark-adapted prothallial cells of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris. Chloroplasts inside the illuminated area moved out (high-fluence response [HFR]), whereas those outside moved toward the irradiated area (low-fluence response [LFR]), although they stopped moving when they reached the border. These results indicate that both HFR and LFR signals are generated by high-fluence blue light of the same area, and that an LFR signal can be transferred long-distance from the beam spot, although an HFR signal cannot. The lifetime of the HFR signal was calculated from the traces of chloroplast movement induced by a brief pulse from a high-fluence blue microbeam to be about 6 min. This is very short compared with that of the LFR (30–40 min; T. Kagawa, M. Wada [1994] J Plant Res 107: 389–398). These data indicate that the signal transduction pathways of the HFR and the LFR must be distinct.  相似文献   

When prothalli ofAdiantum capillus-veneris L. were kept for 2 d in the dark, chloroplasts gathered along the anticlinal walls (Kagawa and Wada, 1994, J Plant Res 107: 389–398). In these dark-adapted prothallial cells, irradiation with a microbeam (10 gm in diameter) of red (R) or blue light (B) for 60 s moved the chloroplasts towards the irradiated locus during a subsequent dark period. Chloroplasts located less than 20 gm from the center of the R microbeam (18 J·m–2) moved towards the irradiated locus. The higher the fluence of the light, the greater the distance from which chloroplasts could be attracted. The B microbeam was less effective than the R microbeam. Chloroplasts started to move anytime up to 20 min after the R stimulus, but with the B microbeam the effect of the stimulus was usually apparent within 10 min after irradiation. The velocity of chloroplast migration was independent of light-fluence in both R and B and was about - 0.3 m·min–1 between 15 min and 30 min after irradiation. Whole-cell irradiation with far-red light immediately after R- and B-microbeam irradiations demonstrated that these responses were mediated by phytochrome and a blue-light-absorbing pigment, respectively. Sequential treatment with R and B microbeams, whose fluence rates were less than the threshold values when applied separately, resulted in an additive effect and induced chloroplast movement, strongly suggesting that signals from phytochrome and the blue-light-absorbing pigment could interact at some point before the induction of chloroplast movement.Abbreviations B blue light - FR far-red light - IR infrared light - R red light  相似文献   

The plant nucleus changes its intracellular position not only upon cell division and cell growth but also in response to environmental stimuli such as light. We found that the nucleus takes different intracellular positions depending on blue light in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf cells. Under dark conditions, nuclei in mesophyll cells were positioned at the center of the bottom of cells (dark position). Under blue light at 100 mumol m(-2) s(-1), in contrast, nuclei were located along the anticlinal walls (light position). The nuclear positioning from the dark position to the light position was fully induced within a few hours of blue light illumination, and it was a reversible response. The response was also observed in epidermal cells, which have no chloroplasts, suggesting that the nucleus has the potential actively to change its position without chloroplasts. Light-dependent nuclear positioning was induced specifically by blue light at >50 mumol m(-2) s(-1). Furthermore, the response to blue light was induced in phot1 but not in phot2 and phot1phot2 mutants. Unexpectedly, we also found that nuclei as well as chloroplasts in phot2 and phot1phot2 mutants took unusual intracellular positions under both dark and light conditions. The lack of the response and the unusual positioning of nuclei and chloroplasts in the phot2 mutant were recovered by externally introducing the PHOT2 gene into the mutant. These results indicate that phot2 mediates the blue light-dependent nuclear positioning and the proper positioning of nuclei and chloroplasts. This is the first characterization of light-dependent nuclear positioning in spermatophytes.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the thiol–disulphide redox proteome is central to cell function and its regulation. Altered mobility of proteins in the oxidized and reduced state allows the MS-based identification of those thiol–disulphide proteins that undergo major conformational changes. A proteomic approach was taken with thylakoid-bound, luminal and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)-less stromal subproteome fractions of the chloroplast from Arabidopsis thaliana . Among the 49 verified polypeptides were 22 novel redox proteins, previously not reported as being part of the redox proteome. Among the redox-affected proteins were PsbA (D1), PsaA1 and PsaF, chloroplast monodehydroascorbate reductase and also the Deg1 protease. Recombinant Deg1 and Deg2 revealed redox dependence of their proteolytic activity. The data provide new insights into the redox network of the chloroplast.  相似文献   

The development of chloroplasts and the integration of their function within a plant cell rely on the presence of a complex biochemical machinery located within their limiting envelope membranes. To provide the most exhaustive view of the protein repertoire of chloroplast envelope membranes, we analyzed this membrane system using proteomics. To this purpose, we first developed a procedure to prepare highly purified envelope membranes from Arabidopsis chloroplasts. We then extracted envelope proteins using different methods, i.e. chloroform/methanol extraction and alkaline or saline treatments, in order to retrieve as many proteins as possible, from the most to least hydrophobic ones. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analyses were then performed on each envelope membrane subfraction, leading to the identification of more than 100 proteins. About 80% of the identified proteins are known to be, or are very likely, located in the chloroplast envelope. The validation of localization in the envelope of two phosphate transporters exemplifies the need for a combination of strategies to perform the most exhaustive identification of genuine chloroplast envelope proteins. Interestingly, some of the identified proteins are found to be Nalpha-acetylated, which indicates the accurate location of the N terminus of the corresponding mature protein. With regard to function, more than 50% of the identified proteins have functions known or very likely to be associated with the chloroplast envelope. These proteins are a) involved in ion and metabolite transport, b) components of the protein import machinery, and c) involved in chloroplast lipid metabolism. Some soluble proteins, like proteases, proteins involved in carbon metabolism, or proteins involved in responses to oxidative stress, were associated with envelope membranes. Almost one-third of the proteins we identified have no known function. The present work helps understanding chloroplast envelope metabolism at the molecular level and provides a new overview of the biochemical machinery of the chloroplast envelope membranes.  相似文献   

One of the most important functions of blue light (BL) is to induce chloroplast movements in order to reduce the damage to the photosynthetic machinery under excess light. Hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), which is commonly generated under various environmental stimuli, can act as a signalling molecule that regulates a number of developmental processes and stress responses. To investigate whether H(2)O(2) is involved in high-fluence BL-induced chloroplast avoidance movements, a laser scanning confocal microscope and a luminescence spectrometer were used to observe H(2)O(2) generation in situ with the assistance of the fluorescence probe dichlorofluorescein diacetate (H(2)DCF-DA). After treatment with high-fluence BL, an enhanced accumulation of H(2)O(2), indicated by the fluorescence intensity of DCF, can be observed in leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. Exogenously applied H(2)O(2) promotes the high-fluence BL-induced chloroplast movements in a concentration-dependent manner within the range of 0-10(-4) M, not only increasing the degree of movements but also accelerating the start of migrations. Moreover, the high-fluence BL-induced H(2)O(2) generation and the subsequent chloroplast movements can be largely abolished by the administration of the H(2)O(2)-specific scavenger catalase and other antioxidants. In addition, in-depth subcellular experiments indicated that high-fluence BL-induced H(2)O(2) generation can be partly abolished by the addition of diphenyleneiodonium (DPI), which is an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, and the blocker of electron transport chain dichlorophenyl dimethylurea (DCMU), respectively. The results presented here suggest that high-fluence BL can induce H(2)O(2) generation at both the plasma membrane and the chloroplast, and that the production of H(2)O(2) is involved in high-fluence BL-induced chloroplast avoidance movements.  相似文献   

Complete structure of the chloroplast genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome of Arabidopsis thaliana has been determined. The genome as a circular DNA composed of 154,478 bp containing a pair of inverted repeats of 26,264 bp, which are separated by small and large single copy regions of 17,780 bp and 84,170 bp, respectively. A total of 87 potential protein-coding genes including 8 genes duplicated in the inverted repeat regions, 4 ribosomal RNA genes and 37 tRNA genes (30 gene species) representing 20 amino acid species were assigned to the genome on the basis of similarity to the chloroplast genes previously reported for other species. The translated amino acid sequences from respective potential protein-coding genes showed 63.9% to 100% sequence similarity to those of the corresponding genes in the chloroplast genome of Nicotiana tabacum, indicating the occurrence of significant diversity in the chloroplast genes between two dicot plants. The sequence data and gene information are available on the World Wide Web database KAOS (Kazusa Arabidopsis data Opening Site) at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/arabi/.  相似文献   

Proteome map of the chloroplast lumen of Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast is the center of oxygenic photosynthesis. To better understand the function of the luminal compartment within the thylakoid network, we have carried out a systematic characterization of the luminal thylakoid proteins from the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana. Our data show that the thylakoid lumen has its own specific proteome, of which 36 proteins were identified. Besides a large group of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases and proteases, a family of novel PsbP domain proteins was found. An analysis of the luminal signal peptides showed that 19 of 36 luminal precursors were marked by a twin-arginine motif for import via the Tat pathway. To compare the model organism Arabidopsis with another typical higher plant, we investigated the proteome from the thylakoid lumen of spinach and found that the luminal proteins from both plants corresponded well. As a complement to our experimental investigation, we made a theoretical prediction of the luminal proteins from the whole Arabidopsis genome and estimated that the thylakoid lumen of the chloroplast contains approximately 80 proteins.  相似文献   

Plants possess two cryptochrome photoreceptors, cryptochrome 1 (CRY1) and cryptochrome 2 (CRY2), that mediate overlapping and distinct physiological responses. Both CRY1 and CRY2 undergo blue light-induced phosphorylation, but the molecular details of CRY1 phosphorylation remain unclear. Here we identify 19 in vivo phosphorylation sites in CRY1 using mass spectrometry and systematically analyze the physiological and photobiochemical activities of CRY1 variants with phosphosite substitutions. We demonstrate that nonphosphorylatable CRY1 variants have impaired phosphorylation, degradation, and physiological functions, whereas phosphomimetic variants mimic the physiological functions of phosphorylated CRY1 to constitutively inhibit hypocotyl elongation. We further demonstrate that phosphomimetic CRY1 variants exhibit enhanced interaction with the E3 ubiquitin ligase COP1 (CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1). This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that phosphorylation of CRY1 is required for COP1-dependent signaling and regulation of CRY1. We also determine that PHOTOREGULATORY PROTEIN KINASEs (PPKs) phosphorylate CRY1 in a blue light-dependent manner and that this phosphorylation is critical for CRY1 signaling and regulation. These results indicate that, similar to CRY2, blue light-dependent phosphorylation of CRY1 determines its photosensitivity.  相似文献   

We present a large-scale top-down proteomics (TDP) study of plant leaf and chloroplast proteins, achieving the identification of over 4700 unique proteoforms. Using capillary zone electrophoresis coupled with tandem mass spectrometry analysis of offline size-exclusion chromatography fractions, we identify 3198 proteoforms for total leaf and 1836 proteoforms for chloroplast, with 1024 and 363 proteoforms having post-translational modifications, respectively. The electrophoretic mobility prediction of capillary zone electrophoresis allowed us to validate post-translational modifications that impact the charge state such as acetylation and phosphorylation. Identified modifications included Trp (di)oxidation events on six chloroplast proteins that may represent novel targets of singlet oxygen sensing. Furthermore, our TDP data provides direct experimental evidence of the N- and C-terminal residues of numerous mature proteoforms from chloroplast, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and other sub-cellular localizations. With this information, we suggest true transit peptide cleavage sites and correct sub-cellular localization signal predictions. This large-scale analysis illustrates the power of top-down proteoform identification of post-translational modifications and intact sequences that can benefit our understanding of both the structure and function of hundreds of plant proteins.  相似文献   

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