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刘旭  张文慧  李咏红  高鹏杰  李黎  王彤 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4404-4411
北京地区处于全球候鸟东亚-澳大利西亚的迁徙路线上,是候鸟重要的迁徙路线,近些年,随着人为活动的影响,该区生境破碎化问题愈发突出,直接威胁着本地鸟种和过境迁徙鸟类的生存。为达到保护鸟类多样性的目的,需开展相应的栖息地恢复工作。不同生态类群的鸟类对栖息地有着不同的要求,相同鸟种在不同空间、季节和生活期对栖息地的选择也有着不同的特点。因而,鸟类栖息地恢复应针对目标鸟种根据其繁殖特点、巢位空间分布、食性特点、活动空间特点等进行规划营造。以北京房山琉璃河湿地公园为例,针对项目所在区域的鸟类分布特征,确定目标恢复鸟种,结合项目区现场条件,围绕目标鸟种对于栖息地水系、植被等方面的需求,从岸线重塑、水深设计、植物配置、生态鸟岛等方面规划设计鸟类栖息地修复措施。  相似文献   

2015年10月—2016年9月,对成都双流国际机场净空区的鸟类群落进行了调查,结合近5年(2012—2016年)机场对鸟击事件的统计资料,对机场的鸟类群落和鸟击特征进行了研究。结果显示:(1)共记录鸟类16目47科124种,繁殖鸟占优势(69.35%);(2)共统计鸟击事件408次,主要发生在春季、夏季和秋季,其中,38起鸟击事件确认了19种肇事鸟种,以家燕Hirundo rustica、金腰燕Cecropis daurica、麻雀Passer montanus、白头鹎Pycnonotus sinensis、小云雀Alauda gulgula等广性分布的繁殖鸟为主;(3)机场围界内、外的优势种和常见种存在差异,一半以上的场内优势种和常见种是鸟击肇事鸟种;(4)半数以上的鸟击事件肇事鸟种是鸟击风险评估等级为严重危险等级的鸟类;(5)鸟击事件主要发生在鸟类繁殖季和秋季迁徙时段。根据调查结果对成都双流国际机场的鸟击防范工作提出了综合防治建议。  相似文献   

2018年7月—2019年5月,采用样线法和样点法对启东长江口(北支)自然保护区恒大海上威尼斯碧海银沙海水浴场内鸟类多样性进行了调查,共记录到鸟类9目23科51种,其中鸻形目、雁形目、鹳形目、鸊鷉目等水鸟为鸟类群落的构成主体.不同季节鸟类多样性指数(H)依次为秋季迁徙期>春季迁徙期>夏季繁殖期>越冬期,鸟种由多至少依次...  相似文献   

环志是研究鸟类迁徙最简单有效的科学方法。中国从1982年开始建立全国鸟类环志中心以来,在林业部的领导下至1990年先后建立了候鸟环志站、点60处,共计环志了候鸟186种62755只,同期回收到国内外环志鸟413只。回收环志鸟提供了东亚地区候鸟迁徙的宝贵信息,证实了:1.候鸟迁徙可自喜马拉雅山脉飞越;2.中国候鸟迁徙路线和推论是正确的;3.中国东北繁殖的白枕鹤飞往日本九洲南部越冬,丹顶鹤等迁往东部沿海、长江中下游几处湿地越冬,与来自俄罗斯西伯利亚的部分鹤在相同地区越冬;4.某些鸟种迁徙路线在与日本同种候鸟迁徙路线比较后,表明在西太平洋地区,通过中国和日本存在着两条平行的自南向北迁徙的路线。其他信息也指出了更多的情况,同时也表明中国环志研究在西太平洋迁徙候鸟研究中处于关键性的地位。  相似文献   

广州市中心城区公园鸟类多样性及季节动态   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1999年1月—2000年4月和2006年7月—2007年6月,用路线法对广州市中心城区5个公园的鸟类组成及多样性进行了调查,共记录到鸟类64种。暗绿绣眼鸟(Zosterops japonica)、白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)和夜鹭(Nycticorax nyctinorax)是优势种。留鸟、冬候鸟和夏候鸟分别占鸟类种数的64.1%、26.6%和7.8%。以9月份记录到的鸟种最多(31种)、7月份和11月份记录到的鸟种最少(均为20种)。公园鸟类的平均遇见率为[(65±5)ind./h],3月份鸟的遇见率最高[(98±29)ind./h],1月份鸟的遇见率最低[(35±11)ind./h],但各月鸟类的遇见率无显著性差异(F3,56=1.35,P=0.226)。在4、9和12月,迁徙鸟种类最多,迁徙鸟遇见率季节变化明显(F11,48=3.098,P=0.003)。各公园鸟类的丰度不同,鸟种数与公园总面积显著相关(R=0.905,P=0.035;S=11.02A0.28,S:鸟类种数,A:公园总面积),即鸟种的数量随公园面积的增大而增加。从鸟类多样性保护和城市用地的角度考虑,广州市公园面积在65hm2左右较佳。  相似文献   

为探讨鸟市贸易对野生鸟类的威胁与影响,给当地野生动物保护部门实施监管提供科学依据,于2016年11月—2017年11月对黑龙江省哈尔滨市最大鸟市——道外花鸟鱼市场进行调查。结果发现:(1)共记录6目34科83属117种18 729只鸟类,其中野生鸟类5目32科77属108种11 662只。有出售国家保护鸟种黄胸鹀 Emberiza aureola、猛禽及非法捕猎工具的现象。(2)所有被贩卖的野生鸟类中,在黑龙江省有分布的共69种,数量达9 707只。相关分析结果表明,黑龙江省有分布的野生鸟类是鸟市非法捕捉及贩卖的主要对象。(3)贩卖量为春、秋季多,夏、冬季少,7—10月鸟类迁徙季节时最多,占总贩卖量的45.2%,说明鸟类秋季迁徙是非法猎捕的高峰期。(4)调查中发现较多的南方鸟种(32.4%)也一定程度上说明野生鸟类非法运输的严重性。建议当地林业和草原局及时加强对道外花鸟鱼市场的监管,在鸟类迁徙季节从非法捕捉和运输环节实施严厉打击。  相似文献   

环志是研究鸟类迁徙最简单有效的科学方法。中国从1982年开始建立全国鸟类环志中心以来,在林业部的领导下至 1990年先后建立了候鸟环志站、点 60处,共计环志了候鸟 186种 62 755只,同期回收 到国内外环志鸟413只。回收环志鸟提供了东亚地区候鸟迁徙的宝贵信息,证实了:1.候鸟迁徙可自喜马拉雅山脉飞越;2.中国候鸟迁徙路线和推论是正确的;3.中国东北繁殖的白枕鹤飞往日本九洲南部越冬,丹顶鹤等迁往东部沿海、长江中下游几处湿地越冬,与来自俄罗斯西伯利亚的部分鹤在相同地区越冬;4.某些鸟种迁徙路线在与日本同种候鸟迁徙路线比较后,表明在西太平洋地区,通过中国和日本存在着两条平行的自南向北迁徙的路线。其他信息也指出了更多的情况,同时也表明中国环志研究在西太平洋迁徙候鸟研究中处于关键性的地位。  相似文献   

刘洋  李强  张明庆 《生态科学》2015,34(4):64-70
近11 年来在北京天坛公园进行鸟类调查, 共记录鸟类166 种, 隶属14 目47 科。研究得出以下结论: (1)天坛公园鸟类群落多样性指数春、秋季高于夏、冬季; (2)公园鸟类群落相似度与植物种类关系密切, 植物多样, 鸟类丰富; (3)公园环境对鸟类的分布、群落组成及种群数量影响明显, 受游人活动的影响, 部分迁徙鸟分布范围缩小, 种群数量减少; 树木种类多样, 受游人影响较小的区域则记录到了公园内近7 成的鸟种。研究首次报道了11 年来长耳鸮的种群变化情况。  相似文献   

鸟类对城市化的适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢世林  曹垒  逯非  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6696-6707
城市生态系统是以人为主导的复杂系统,当前的高速城市化进程对包括鸟类在内的城市区域动物施加了广泛的选择压力。从鸟类对城市环境的主动适应角度,归纳了国内外城市鸟类生态学研究中有关鸟类对城市化的适应研究,探讨了城市化进程中城市鸟类行为、生理指标以及种群基因结构的适应性变化。基于遗传的数量效应,研究认为某些鸟种对城市环境的适应已经上升到进化层次,同时还对城市化导致鸟类新物种形成的可能性进行了探讨。最后,对鸟类对城市化适应的研究前景提出了展望。  相似文献   

段菲  李晟 《生物多样性》2020,28(12):1459-774
黄河流域幅员辽阔, 多样的地理气候、植被类型及人类活动塑造了多样化的生物多样性格局。本研究以IUCN与国际鸟盟发布的鸟类分布图层为基础, 同时收集了黄河流域2009-2019年的鸟类实地观测记录, 包括观鸟记录、GBIF数据库、红外相机监测及其他实地调查的鸟类数据, 共得到35,026条鸟类实地观测有效记录。汇总结果显示, 黄河流域记录有鸟类物种662种, 占中国鸟类物种总数的45.81%。这些鸟类分属于23目83科, 其中雀形目物种数最多(384种, 占本目全国鸟种总数的46.83%), 其次为鸻形目(67种, 占50.00%)和雁形目(39种, 占72.22%)。黄河流域受威胁鸟类共计121种, 其中有37种和52种分别在IUCN红色名录和《中国脊椎动物红色名录》中被列为受威胁物种(即评估级别为极危、濒危或易危), 22种和73种被分别列为国家I级和II级重点保护野生动物。这些受威胁鸟种多为地栖性、体型大、营养级高或具有长距离迁徙习性的物种。黄河流域鸟类整体物种多样性由南向北递减, 以黄河上中游四川、甘肃、陕西的高原与山地内鸟种最为丰富, 而受威胁鸟类物种多样性热点区则在黄河中下游, 下游黄河三角洲及邻近平原区为受威胁鸟类最主要集中分布区。黄河流域内48个国家级自然保护区共覆盖鸟种数504种(占黄河流域鸟类总种数的76.13%), 其中受威胁鸟种92种(占黄河流域受威胁鸟种数的76.03%)。区域内国家级自然保护区大多分布在黄河上游, 对黄河下游的受威胁物种覆盖程度较低, 保护空缺较严重。对此, 我们建议着重加强中下游自然保护区建设与能力提升, 增加对中下游受威胁鸟种的保护力度, 在保护策略上应当积极探索高强度土地利用下的多样化保护机制。  相似文献   

The genetics of bird migration: stimulus, timing, and direction   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The extent to which genetic factors are directly involved in the control of bird migration and the mode of inheritance involved has been studied systematically over the past 15 years in the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla by cross-breeding and selective breeding. Results have also been obtained from a few experimental and field studies on Robins Eritfiacus rubecula, Blackbirds Turdus merula and Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia. Cross-breeding of migrants with nonmigrants has resulted in the partial transmission of migratory activity into the F, generation indicating that the urge to migrate is inherited and is based on a multilocus system with a threshold for expression. Migratoriness and sedentariness in obligate partial migrants is probably inherited in a similar way, suggesting that the decision to migrate also has a strong genetic basis. Both traits can be selected to phenotypic uniformity within 3–6 generations indicating an extremely high evolutionary potential. Orientation behaviour can also be transmitted to the offspring of a nonmigratory population by cross-breeding. Cross-breeding individuals with different migratory directions produced offspring with phenotypically intermediate directional preferences, suggesting that the migratory direction is also a predominantly heritable character. In the current development of novel migratory habits in those Central European Blackcaps that now winter in the British Isles, the inheritance of the novel migratory direction may be crucial. Genetic variation in migratory events seems to be sufficient to allow for many microevolutionary processes.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, European Sylvia warblers have been used for a model study of the control mechanisms of bird migration and of evolutionary aspects of migratory behavior. Endogenous annual rhythms (‘circannual’ rhythms) and photo-period have proved to be the essential internal and external controlling factors. It is unknown whether this basic system, that also controls migration in other bird species, is currently evolutionarily stable or is instead adapting birds to the present slightly changing environmental conditions. Using the Blackcap, the control of partial migration in a bird species was analyzed. Two-way selective breeding experiments demonstrated a large selection response and high heritability values. These experiments have also indicated that a partially migratory population can become either almost completely migratory, or sedentary, in two to five generations. Hence, genetic influences are very important and presumably dominant over environmental factors in the expression of migratory or sedentary behavior. The large selection response implies a strikingly high evolutionary potential with respect to strong selection pressures. Further, in the Blackcap, migratory orientation behavior (in addition to migratory activity) was immediately transmitted into a F1-generation when a cross-breeding experiment was performed using birds from a migratory and a resident population. The hybrids displayed their migratory activity along an axis that is used by their migratory parents. Finally, a rapidly developing novel migratory habit (new migratory direction to new wintering areas) in the Blackcap is discussed with respect to a positive feedback-mechanism, possibly including a series of advantages leading to above-average fitness.  相似文献   

Aim Migration has been suggested to promote large breeding ranges among birds because of the greater mobility of migratory compared with non‐migratory species, but migration has also been suggested to restrict breeding ranges because of evolutionary constraints imposed by the genetically based migration control programme. We aim to investigate the association between migration and the breeding ranges of both land birds and pelagic birds breeding in the Arctic region. Location The Arctic region. Methods Information on breeding and wintering ranges and migratory status of bird species breeding in the arctic tundra biome was compiled from the literature. The association between breeding range, migration distance and primary winter habitat was tested using multivariate generalized linear models and pair‐wise Mann–Whitney U‐tests. Phylogenetic effects were tested for using Mantel’s permutation tests. Results We found different relationships depending on the species’ major winter habitat. Among birds that are pelagic during winter, long‐distance migrants have the largest breeding ranges, while among terrestrial birds, residents and short‐distance migrants have the largest breeding ranges. Breeding ranges of coastal birds of all migratory distance classes are comparatively restricted. Main conclusions As a new explanation for this pattern we suggest that the possibility of colonizing large winter ranges is a key factor for the subsequent expansion of breeding ranges in arctic bird communities and possibly also in bird communities of other regions of the world. Because of the reversal in the relative extent of continents and oceans between the hemispheres, longitudinally wide winter ranges are more likely for long‐distance than short‐distance migrants among pelagic birds, while the reverse holds true for birds that use terrestrial winter habitats. For coastal birds both continents and oceans form barriers restricting colonization of extensive winter quarters and consequently also of extensive breeding ranges, regardless of the distance to the winter quarters.  相似文献   

The knowledge of migration systems in long-distance regular migrants is in many cases extensive. Our understanding of the migratory characteristics of partial migrants, on the other hand, is far more rudimentary. We investigated migratory characteristics of partially migratory Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus using ringing recoveries of Swedish birds, to answer questions about geographic migration patterns, age-specific migrations, migration speeds and synchrony of movements. Median migration distance of Swedish Blue Tits was 82 km, with a main autumn direction in the sector between S and W (large directional scatter). Northerly and southerly populations did not differ in migration directions or distances, suggesting chain migration to be the general pattern. A larger proportion of adult Blue Tits remained near the breeding grounds during winter than was the case for juveniles. Some of the migrating birds (17%) seemed not to return in spring but stayed to breed closer to the winter area. Swedish Blue Tits show an exceptionally slow migration speed (median 13 km/day), among the slowest speeds recorded for any migrant bird. The Blue Tit represents an extreme case of diffuse, short and slow bird migration.  相似文献   

Sara Henningsson  Thomas Alerstam 《Oikos》2008,117(11):1619-1628
Several different factors may determine where species range limits are located within regions of otherwise continuously available habitat and suitable climate. Within the Arctic tundra biome many bird species are migratory and their breeding distributions are affected by migration routes that are in turn limited by factors such as suitable winter habitat, migratory stopover sites, geographical barriers and historical routes of colonization. We identified longitudinal zones in the circumpolar Arctic of pronounced changes in the avian species composition (high species spatial turnover; ‘species divides’). We tested for the association between migratory status and the geographical location and numbers of such species divides for species with non‐breeding habitats mainly within terrestrial, pelagic and coastal ecosystems. Our results demonstrate that migration is of profound importance for both the number and locations of species divides in the Arctic. Long‐distance migration is associated with a large number of divides among terrestrial and coastal arctic birds but with a reduced number of divides among pelagic birds. We suggest that long‐distance migration permits pelagic but not terrestrial and coastal birds to colonize large winter ranges, which in turn causes expansion of breeding ranges, with more homogenous communities and reduction of species divides as consequences, among the long‐distance migrants of pelagic but not of terrestrial and coastal birds. Furthermore, the divides among long‐distance migrants are situated in two main regions, the Beringia and Greenland zones, while divides among short‐distance migrants are more evenly spaced throughout the circumpolar Arctic. The Beringia and Greenland divides result largely from inter‐continental colonization of new breeding ranges but retainment of original winter quarters in a process of evolution through extension of migration routes, leading to aggregated divides in the meeting zones of major global flyways.  相似文献   

Bird migration times, climate change, and changing population sizes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past studies of bird migration times have shown great variation in migratory responses to climate change. We used 33 years of bird capture data (1970–2002) from Manomet, Massachusetts to examine variation in spring migration times for 32 species of North American passerines. We found that changes in first arrival dates – the unit of observation used in most studies of bird migration times – often differ dramatically from changes in the mean arrival date of the migration cohort as a whole. In our study, the earliest recorded springtime arrival date for each species occurred 0.20 days later each decade. In contrast, the mean arrival dates for birds of each species occurred 0.78 days earlier each decade. The difference in the two trends was largely explained by declining migration cohort sizes, a factor not examined in many previous studies. We found that changes in migration cohort or population sizes may account for a substantial amount of the variation in previously documented changes in migration times. After controlling for changes in migration cohort size, we found that climate variables, migration distance, and date of migration explained portions of the variation in migratory changes over time. In particular, short-distance migrants appeared to respond to changes in temperature, while mid-distance migrants responded particularly strongly to changes in the Southern Oscillation Index. The migration times of long-distance migrants tended not to change over time. Our findings suggest that previously reported changes in migration times may need to be reinterpreted to incorporate changes in migration cohort sizes.  相似文献   

Migratory connectivity, reflecting the extent by which migrants tend to maintain their reciprocal positions in seasonal ranges, can assist in the conservation and management of mobile species, yet relevant drivers remain unclear. Taking advantage of an exceptionally large (~150,000 individuals, 83 species) and more-than-a-century-long dataset of bird ringing encounters, we investigated eco-evolutionary drivers of migratory connectivity in both short- and long-distance Afro-Palearctic migratory birds. Connectivity was strongly associated with geographical proxies of migration costs and was weakly influenced by biological traits and phylogeny, suggesting the evolutionary lability of migratory behaviour. The large intraspecific variability in avian migration strategies, through which most species geographically split into distinct migratory populations, explained why most of them were significantly connected. By unravelling key determinants of migratory connectivity, our study improves knowledge about the resilience of avian migrants to ecological perturbations, providing a critical tool to inform transboundary conservation and management strategies at the population level.  相似文献   

With many of the world's migratory bird populations in alarming decline, broad‐scale assessments of responses to migratory hazards may prove crucial to successful conservation efforts. Most birds migrate at night through increasingly light‐polluted skies. Bright light sources can attract airborne migrants and lead to collisions with structures, but might also influence selection of migratory stopover habitat and thereby acquisition of food resources. We demonstrate, using multi‐year weather radar measurements of nocturnal migrants across the northeastern U.S., that autumnal migrant stopover density increased at regional scales with proximity to the brightest areas, but decreased within a few kilometers of brightly‐lit sources. This finding implies broad‐scale attraction to artificial light while airborne, impeding selection for extensive forest habitat. Given that high‐quality stopover habitat is critical to successful migration, and hindrances during migration can decrease fitness, artificial lights present a potentially heightened conservation concern for migratory bird populations.  相似文献   

The evolution of migration in an animal population produces a suite of physiological, behavioural and cognitive adaptations. Migratory birds, in particular, require the ability to return annually to breeding and wintering sites after long journeys, and thus might be predicted to have evolved enhanced spatial memory. In a comparison of two sparrow subspecies that co-occur in winter, the migratory subspecies (dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis hyemalis) performed better than the nonmigratory subspecies (J. h. carolinensis) on a room-scale spatial memory test. The migratory juncos also had more densely packed hippocampal neurons than did nonmigrants. Among nonmigrants, we looked for hippocampal differences between birds that occupied two home ranges annually and those that remained on their breeding territory year-round, to determine whether migration, per se, is related to neuroanatomical differences. However, we were unable to reach any conclusions because of low statistical power. A denser hippocampus could be the basis for better spatial memory in migrant juncos. Further testing of spatial memory on a landscape scale is needed to strengthen this argument and to understand cognitive differences between migrants and nonmigrants. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Migration has an important impact on the transmission of pathogens. Migratory birds disperse parasites through their routes and may consequently introduce them to new areas and hosts. Hence, haemosporidian parasites, which are among the most prevalent, diverse and important bird pathogens, are potentially dispersed when infecting migrant hosts. Further, migrant hosts could enhance local parasite prevalence and richness by transporting new parasite strains to new areas. Here, we hypothesize and aim to evaluate if 1) migratory birds spread parasite lineages along their routes, and 2) localities crossed by more migratory birds have greater prevalence and richness of haemosporidians. For the first hypothesis, we tested whether parasite lineages found 1) in both migrants and residents, and 2) only in residents, differ in their frequencies of occurrence among localities. For the second hypothesis, we tested for a relationship among localities between the overall local haemosporidian parasite richness and prevalence, and the proportion of migratory bird individuals present in a locality. We combined a dataset on 13 200 bird samples with additional data from the MalAvi database (total: ~2800 sequenced parasites comprising 675 distinct lineages, from 506 host species and 156 localities) from South America, and used Bayesian multi-level models to test our hypotheses. We demonstrate that parasites shared between resident and migratory species are the most spatially widespread, highlighting the potential of migrants to carry and transmit haemosporidians. Further, the presence of migrants in a locality was negatively related to local parasite richness, but not associated with local prevalence. Here, we confirm that migrants can contribute to parasite dispersal and visiting migrants are present in regions with lower Plasmodium prevalence. Also, we observed their presence might raise Haemoproteus community prevalence. Therefore, we demonstrate migrants enhance pathogens spread and their presence may influence parasite community transmission.  相似文献   

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