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Plasma glutamate concentrations were examined in male rats following oral intubation of monosodium L-glutamic acid (MSG, 250 mg/kg) soon after ingesting one of several meals differing in carbohydrate content. Intubation of MSG alone produced a 4-fold rise in plasma glutamate that peaked at 15 min, and returned to baseline by 60 min. Red blood cell glutamate concentrations were unchanged. The ingestion of a meal lacking carbohydrate produced a modest attenuation of the post-MSG intubation rise in plasma glutamate concentrations. This attenuating effect increased progressively with the carbohydrate content of the meal (and as the protein content declined, to maintain isocaloric meals), though as little as 5% carbohydrate marked attenuated the plasma glutamate rise. This effect diminished as the time interval between the meal and MSG intubation increased from 1 to 4 hrs. Similar, but not identical effects were noted when meals substituted fat (instead of protein) for carbohydrate. The intubation of MSG alone produced a slight increase in plasma alanine concentrations over the 60-min post-intubation period examined. The ingestion of any of the meals just prior to intubation did not influence this effect. Overall, the results indicate that although the ingestion of carbohydrate can markedly attenuate the rise in plasma glutamate that follows MSG consumption in rats, this effect is also influenced by the other macronutrients present. The absence of notable, meal related changes in plasma alanine suggests that this parameter does not provide a useful indication of gut glutamate transamination.  相似文献   

The morphology, distribution and immunophenotype of microglia throughout the adult rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system was examined. Four macrophage-associated antibodies (OX-42, F4/80, ED1 and ED2) were used; the expression of major histocompatibility complex antigens was investigated by use of antibodies against OX-6, OX-17 (MHC class II) and OX-18 (MHC class I). Three distinct types of microglia were identified. The first was located in the magnocellular nuclei; these radially branched (ramified) microglia had round cell bodies and long branched processes, and were strongly immunoreactive only for OX-42. The second was located outside the blood-brain barrier in the median eminence, pituitary stalk and neurohypophysis often close to blood vessels; these compact microglia had irregular cell bodies and shorter processes, and were strongly labelled by OX-42 and F4/80, weakly labelled by OX-18, and generally unlabelled by ED1, ED2, OX-6 and OX-17. The third type was found in small numbers throughout the system at the surface of the neurvous tissue or around blood vessels; these perivascular microglia were elongated cells with no branching processes, and were strongly labelled by ED1, ED2, OX-18, OX-6, OX-17 and F4/80 antibodies but showed variable OX-42 immunoreactivity. Cells in a perivascular location were heterogeneous with respect to their immunophenotype. The presence in the normal adult rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of MHC class-II molecules (OX-6 and OX-17) on a sub-set of perivascular microglia suggests that these cells are capable of presenting antigen to T lymphocytes. The microglia, which lie on either side of the blood-brain barrier, are well placed to facilitate interaction between the immune and neuroendocrine systems.  相似文献   

Summary The polar long-chain amino acids glutamine and methionine can be transported across the endothelial cells of brain microvessels either by an L-system which operates by a facilitated diffusion, exchanging mechanism, or by a concentrating, energy-dependent A-system. The presence of glutamine and/or of methionine can induce a synergism between the two transport systems which results, by a transstimulation mechanism, in a net increased uptake of neutral hydrophobic aminoacids. The methionine analog S-methylthiocysteine, which is the mixed disulfide resulting from the combination of methanethiol with cysteine, behaves similarly to methionine in stimulating the uptake of neutral hydrophobic amino acids. The same transstimulating effect can even be obtained in collagenase-treated, A-system-deprived microvessels by inducing the direct formation of S-methylthiocysteine within the cytoplasmic compartment of the endothelial cells.Abbreviations MeAIB -methylaminoisobutyric acid - BCH DL--aminobicyclo-2,2,1-heptanecarboxylic acid - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Arginine-vasopressin (AVP), injected into the carotid artery in physiological concentration together with L-leucine, changed kinetic constants of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) transport of this neutral amino acid without changing the cerebral blood flow (CBF). The maximum velocity of transport (Vmax), the half-saturation constant (Km), the nonsaturable transport constant (KD), and CBF were estimated in nine brain regions of male Wistar rats anesthetized with ether. In cerebral hemisphere, Vmax decreased from 21 nmol . min-1 . g-1 (control) to 7.6 nmol . min-1 . g-1 (AVP). Km decreased from 0.11 to 0.029 mM. Regional differences of the kinetic constants were found in controls as well as in AVP-treated animals. In all regions, the calculated constants Vmax and Km of animals coinjected with AVP were significantly decreased when compared to controls. A direct or indirect interaction of AVP with the transport system of large neutral amino acids is suggested.  相似文献   

The brain uptake and brain to blood efflux transport of (14)C-GABA were studied in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats using 20 min bilateral in situ brain perfusion in rats anesthetized using urethane. The volume of distribution (Vd) of (14)C-GABA into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain regions (cortex, diencephalon, cerebellum, and brain stem) was significantly greater in SHR than in the corresponding regions in WKY rats (p<0.05). The estimated Vd value of (14)C-GABA in CSF of SHR was 3.4 fold greater than that in WKY. Also compared to WKY, the Vd of (14)C-GABA into cerebellum and cortex of SHR was 15.3 fold and 19.4 fold greater, respectively. Although the study of blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity using (3)H-mannitol revealed increased paracellular permeability at the brain capillaries of SHR when compared to WKY rats, this was found to be only partially responsible for the increased (14)C-GABA uptake. The study of brain to blood efflux transport of (14)C-GABA (after loading of brain with (14)C-GABA by vascular perfusion) revealed that the half-time of elimination was significantly shorter in SHR (5.35+/-0.66 min) than in WKY rats (14.83+/-1.94 min), (p<0.001). HPLC analysis revealed that GABA concentrations in brain extracts and CSF of SHR were similar to those in WKY rats (p>0.05). The faster efflux in SHR might be, at least partially, responsible to compensate for increased uptake of this neurotransmitter and to preserve the protective function of BBB towards GABA. The protective function of the BCSFB towards GABA appears to be also preserved, since systemic infusion of GABA within a wide range of administered doses (0.004-5.00 mg/kg) produced an increase in GABA CSF concentration from around 0.5 microM to only 11 microM, and the obtained pattern of CSF GABA concentrations under these conditions did not differ between SHR and WKY rats, as revealed by HPLC.  相似文献   

Hypertension is closely associated with vascular endothelial dysfunction. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Angiotensin II (ANG II) receptor antagonist losartan on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability in L-NAME-induced hypertension and/or in ANG II-induced acute hypertension in normotensive and hypertensive rats. Systolic blood pressure was measured by tail cuff method before, during and following L-NAME treatment (1 g/L). Losartan (3 mg/kg) was given to the animal for five days. Acute hypertension was induced by ANG II (60 microg/kg). Arterial blood pressure was directly measured on the day of the experiment. BBB disruption was quantified according to the extravasation of the albumin-bound Evans blue dye. Losartan significantly reduced the mean arterial blood pressure from 169 +/- 3.9 mmHg to 82 +/- 2.9 mmHg in L-NAME and from 171 +/- 2.9 mmHg to 84 +/- 2.9 in L-NAME plus losartan plus ANG II groups (p < 0.05). The content of Evans blue dye in the cerebral cortex significantly increased in L-NAME (p < 0.01). Moreover, the content of Evans blue dye markedly increased in the cerebellum (p < 0.001) and slightly increased in diencephalon region (p < 0.05) in L-NAME plus ANG II. Losartan reduced the increased BBB permeability to Evans blue dye in L-NAME (p < 0.01) and L-NAME plus ANG II (p < 0.001). These results indicate that L-NAME and L-NAME plus ANG II both lead to an increase in microvascular Evans blue dye efflux to brain, and losartan treatment attenuates this protein-bound dye transport into brain tissue presumably due to its protective effect on endothelial cells of brain vessels.  相似文献   

The study was performed to evaluate whether magnesium sulfate could alter the degree of disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) caused by hyperosmotic mannitol. Wistar adult female rats were infused with 25% mannitol into the left internal carotid artery. Each animal received intraperitoneally a 300 mg/kg loading dose of magnesium sulfate, dissolved in 0.9% saline, followed by a further 100 mg/kg dose. In the other group, intracarotid infusion of magnesium sulfate was performed at a dose of 150 mg/kg 10 min before mannitol administration. Evans blue (EB) dye was used as a marker of BBB disruption. The measured serum glucose and magnesium levels increased after mannitol and/or magnesium administration when compared with their initial values before treatment (P < 0.01). Water content of the left hemisphere was significantly increased by hyperosmotic mannitol (P < 0.01). The increased water content in the mannitol-perfused hemisphere was significantly decreased by magnesium treatment (P < 0.05). The content of EB dye in the mannitol-perfused hemisphere markedly increased when compared with the right hemisphere of the same brain (P < 0.01). The EB dye content in the mannitol-perfused hemisphere following both intraperitoneal and intraarterial administration of magnesium decreased when compared with mannitol alone (P < 0.01). We conclude that although magnesium sulfate administration by both intracarotid arterial and intraperitoneal routes attenuates BBB disruption caused by hyperosmolar mannitol, particularly intraperitoneal route of magnesium sulfate administration may provide a useful strategy to limit the transient osmotic opening of the BBB.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the hormonal regulation of amino acid transport in the normal and diabetic exocrine pancreas. In this study unidirectional influx and tracer efflux of l-serine at the basolateral interface of the rat pancreatic epithelium was investigated in the perfused exocrine pancreas using a rapid (< 30 s) paired-tracer dilution technique. In the non-diabetic pancreas l-serine influx was saturable and stimulated by perfusion with exogenous bovine insulin (100 μU/ml). Transport of l-serine and methylaminoisobutyric acid was markedly elevated in pancreata isolated from streptozotocin diabetic rats and insulin partially reversed the stimulation of l-serine transport induced by experimental diabetes. These results suggest that insulin and diabetes modulate the epithelial transport activity for small neutral amino acids in the intact exocrine pancreas.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor loss causes irreversible blindness in many retinal diseases. Repair of such damage by cell transplantation is one of the most feasible types of central nervous system treatment. Retinal stem cells (RSC) are a substrate for cell-replacement therapy, and previous studies have shown that RSCs from different developmental stages have distinct properties in proliferative capacity and differentiation potential. The tailbud stage is of special interest in retinogenesis, because RSCs commence differentiation after this period. However, no information about the characteristics of RSCs from the tailbud stage is available. In this study, the characteristics of cell cultures from the rat optic cup (referred to as optic-cup-derived RSCs; OC-RSCs) at embryonic day 12.5 (tailbud stage) were analyzed. OC-RSCs grew either as monolayers or as neurospheres in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor and could be dissociated into a single cell suspension. Using the MTT assay, immunochemistry, cytogenetic analysis, and flow cytometry, we found that OC-RSCs were easily enriched to 92% by three passages, had a normal diploid karyotype, and exhibited no obvious differences in proliferative rate during eight passages (doubling time: 36 h). OC-RSCs produced retinal specific cells after the addition of serum to the medium, but the differentiation potential was affected by serum concentration. Preliminary results showed that transplanted OC-RSCs were incorporated into the degenerated retina of RCS rats and differentiated into rhodopsin-positive cells. Thus, OC-RSCs, after suitable enrichment, provide a population of stem cells with distinct growth and differentiation properties that make them suitable for research into RSC differentiation and transplantation.  相似文献   

(1) The effects of vanadate of hexose transport, 45Ca-exchange and (Na+, K+)-contents have been characterized in isolated adipose tissue and skeletal muscles of the rat. (2) In whole epididymal fat pads, vanadate (0.5–5.0 mM) markedly stimulated the uptake of 2-deoxyl[14C]glucose as well as the efflux of 3-O-[14C]methylglucose. (3) Within the same concentration range, vanadate induced an early increase in 45Ca-washout from preloaded fat pads. The maximum increases in the fractional losses of 3-O-[14C]methylglucose and 45Ca were significantly correlated (P < 0.001, r = 0.98). (4) In extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles, vanadate (0.5–5.0 mM) stimulated the efflux of 3-O-[14C]methylglucose and this effect was preceded by a rise in the washout of 45Ca. The maximum increases in the fractional losses of 3-O-[14C]methyglucose and 45Ca were significantly correlated (P < 0.005, r = 0.98). (5) In extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles, vanadate increased K+-contents and decreased Na+ contents. (6) The stimulation of 45Ca-washout presumably reflects an increase in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ level, brought about by an inhibitory effect of vanadate on the Ca2+-sensitive ATPase of the sarcoplasmic or the endoplasmic reticulum. As demonstrated for most other insulin-like agents (Sørensen, S.S., Christensen, F. and Clausen, T. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 602, 433–445), the stimulating effect of vanadate on glucose transport appears to be associated with or mediated by a rise in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ level.  相似文献   

The uptake and metabolism of two water-soluble vitamins were measured in rat renal cortical slices, isolated tubules, and vesicles of the brush-border and basolateral cell membranes to determine (a) whether it is possible to produce slices that have open tubules and, (b) whether slices and tubules metabolize vitamins similarly. Transport of ascorbic acid is sodium-dependent in slices and in brush-border vesicles but is sodium-independent in basolateral vesicles, suggesting that the brush-border membrane of slices is accessible to components of the bathing solution. Nicotinic acid was metabolized similarly (97–98%) in both slices and isolated tubules. Oxygen consumption by slices maintained in a closed chamber was constant as pO2 decreased from 88% to 58%. Slices are concluded to be a suitable model for transport and metabolic studies providing that care is taken in their preparation and use.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemistry was used to compare the immunoreactivity of adrenergic neurons to a well characterized specific immunoserum to phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) in different strains of rats commonly used in research studies. In adult animals, marked differences were found in the PNMT-immunoreactivity of neurons between Wistar rats and other strains, resulting in a lower PNMT-immunostaining intensity (i) within neuronal perikarya of the medulla oblongata, and (ii) more strikingly, within nerve fibers and terminals located in various brain regions. This low PNMT-immunoreactivity of nerve fibers was detected both in 14- and 35-day-old Wistar rats. On the other hand, the HPLC measurement of catecholamines, in particular of adrenaline in the hypothalamus and the medulla oblongata, did not show any difference between adult Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats. These data suggest that the low PNMT-immunoreactivity observed in central adrenergic neurons of the Wistar rats is related to the poor recognition of the antigen by the PNMT-antibody used. Possibly, these nerve cells mainly display an isoform of the enzyme that is immunologically different from the PNMT contained within the adrenergic neurons of other rat strains.  相似文献   

Summary The LH(HCG) receptors in the ovaries of immature rats which were either untreated, or primed with PMSG and HCG, have been studied with a histochemical method which has proved to be as effective as when earlier used in the rat testis. This method, which consists of the topical application of 125I-HCG to picric acid-formaldehyde (PAF) fixed frozen sections followed by autoradiography, is also suitable for quantitative studies on the distribution of receptors.In the ovary of the immature 26 days old rat, the LH(HCG) receptors are localized exclusively in the interstitial and thecal tissues.After PMSG treatment many receptors appear in the granulosa of the large antral follicles. These receptors are most numerous in the outer layers of cells and least numerous in the inner. At the same time there are fewer receptors in the thecal and interstitial cells which have undergone the process of luteinization.After PMSG and HCG treatment the newly formed corpora lutea have few receptors, but these become progressively more numerous on subsequent days.It is suggested that, in the rat, the luteinization of the ovarian LH-target cells is associated with an initial decrease in the number of their LH(HCG) receptors.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to quantify the subcellular distribution of the GLUT-1 isoform of the glucose transporter in developing microvessels of the brain of embryonic rats from E (embryonic stage) 13 to E19 and in adult rats. Gold-conjugated secondary antibodies were used to localize, on ultrathin sections of brain, a rabbit polyclonal antiserum (anti-GLUT-1) raised against a synthetic peptide encoding 13 amino acids of the C-terminus of the human glucose transporter. Staining was weak at E13 but increased in density during development into adulthood. The increase represented an increase in the absolute amount of transporter per vessel profile, with a concomitant decrease in vessel size with the narrowing of the wall. At early stages, the percentages of total particles per profile of lumenal membrane, ablumenal membrane, and cytoplasm were approximately equivalent. The ratio of lumenal to ablumenal particle density then shifted from below 1 at E13 to above 2 at E19 and to 4 in the adult. In contrast, vessels of the choroid plexus were devoid of labeling, but the choroid plexus epithelium stained as early as E15. In the brain, no astrocytes, neurons, or pericytes were stained at any stage examined. Developmental upregulation of the GLUT-1 glucose transporter therefore seems to occur at the blood-brain barrier, and the modulation of the subcellular distribution of the transporter can be correlated with other observed changes in the microvessels as they develop the blood-brain barrier phenotype. Received: 18 November 1995 / Accepted: 12 January 1996  相似文献   

It was observed previously (Csáky, T.Z. and Fischer, E. (1981) Diabetes 30, 568–574), that sustained hyperglycemia enhances the intestinal transport of aldohexoses; on the other hand, hyperfructosemia affects primarily the transport of fructose. The present study examines in detail the hyperketosemia-induced intestinal ketose transport. Intravenously infused 3-O-methylfructose produces marked 3-O-methylfructosemia without concomitant hyperglycemia; in such animals the intestinal transport of both fructose and 3-O-methylfructose increased. The hyperketosemia-induced increased ketose transport was inhibited by phloretin but only if placed on the serosal compartment. Phlorizin affects neither the basal nor the induced intestinal ketohexose transport. The enhancement of the intestinal ketohexose transport is not sodium-dependent and is not inhibited by ouabain.  相似文献   

Amino acid transport is facilitated by specific transporters within the plasma membrane of the cell. Mediated Na+-independent transport of L-glutamate can be easily detected in mouse oocytes, but it is nearly undetectable in blastocyst-stage embryos. In contrast, the Na+-dependent transport of L-aspartate is not detectable in oocytes, but it is detectable in eight-cell embryos and reaches relatively high levels by the blastocyst stage. It is believed that the amino acid transporters responsible are systems x?c and X?AG, respectively. Here we report the detection of Na+-dependent L-aspartate transport, which increased as pig blastocysts developed, although Na+-dependent aspartate transport was not detected in pig oocytes. Mediated Na+-independent L-glutamate transport was not detected in pig oocytes, in contrast to the mouse, nor in early or hatched pig blastocysts. Thus, while the developmental regulation of system X?AG is similar in both the pig and the mouse, system x?c was not detectable in pig oocytes or blastocysts. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms controlling amino acid transport and other gene expression in early embryos should contribute to an understanding of whether and even why some aspects of developmental regulation of gene expression may need to differ among species. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB), formed by the brain capillary endothelial cells, provides a protective barrier between the systemic blood and the extracellular environment of the CNS. Passage of fatty acids from the blood to the brain may occur either by diffusion or by proteins that facilitate their transport. Currently several protein families have been implicated in fatty acid transport. The focus of the present study was to identify the fatty acid transport proteins (FATPs) expressed in the brain microvessel endothelial cells and characterize their involvement in fatty acid transport across an in vitro BBB model. The major fatty acid transport proteins expressed in human brain microvessel endothelial cells (HBMEC), mouse capillaries and human grey matter were FATP-1, -4 and fatty acid binding protein 5 and fatty acid translocase/CD36. The passage of various radiolabeled fatty acids across confluent HBMEC monolayers was examined over a 30-min period in the presence of fatty acid free albumin in a 1 : 1 molar ratio. The apical to basolateral permeability of radiolabeled fatty acids was dependent upon both saturation and chain length of the fatty acid. Knockdown of various fatty acid transport proteins using siRNA significantly decreased radiolabeled fatty acid transport across the HBMEC monolayer. Our findings indicate that FATP-1 and FATP-4 are the predominant fatty acid transport proteins expressed in the BBB based on human and mouse expression studies. While transport studies in HBMEC monolayers support their involvement in fatty acid permeability, fatty acid translocase/CD36 also appears to play a prominent role in transport of fatty acids across HBMEC.  相似文献   

Trypsin treatment of isolated rat renal brush border membrane vesicles which preferentially releases l-leucine aminopeptides (EC decreases their ability to take up a variety of amino acids under Na+-gradient conditions. Such treatment did not alter the osmotic properties of the vesicles nor affect their fragility. A linear correlation could be demonstrated between the l-leucine aminopeptidase activity of the membranes and the initial rate of uptake of l-leucine and l-proline. Velocity of uptake-concentration dependence studies with these substrates indicate that the major effect of trypsinization is to decrease the maximum velocity (Vmax1) of the low-Km high-affinity system with little effect on the Vmax2 of the high-Km low-affinity transport process and no effect on the apparent Michaelis constants of either. Although the data indicate that l-leucine aminopeptidase activity and uptake of l-leucine and l-proline are affected in parallel, they should not be construed to imply a role of the enzyme in the transport process, especially in view of the global decrease in the uptake of various amino acids and sugars.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of lipopolysachharide (LPS) on functional and structural properties of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) during pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced epileptic seizures in rats. Arterial blood pressure was significantly elevated during epileptic seizures irrespective of LPS pretreatment. Plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-1, interleukin (IL)-6, nitric oxide (NO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) increased while catalase concentrations decreased in animals treated with LPS, PTZ and LPS plus PTZ. The significantly increased BBB permeability to Evans blue (EB) dye in the cerebral cortex, diencephalon and cerebellum regions of rats by PTZ-induced seizures was markedly reduced upon LPS pretreatment. Immunoreactivity for tight junction proteins, zonula occludens-1 and occludin, did not change in brain vessels of animals treated with PTZ and LPS plus PTZ. Glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity was increased in LPS, but not in PTZ and LPS plus PTZ. These results indicate that LPS pretreatment reduces the passage of EB dye bound to albumin into the brain, at least partly, by increasing plasma NO and IL-6 levels during PTZ-induced epileptic seizures. We suggest that LPS may provide protective effects on the BBB integrity during epileptic seizures through transcellular pathway, since the paracellular route remained unaffected by LPS and LPS plus PTZ.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic protein (H protein) was isolated from membrane fractions of Bacillus subtilis and constituted into artificial membrane vesicles with lipid of B. substilis. Glutamate was accumulated into the vesicle when a Na+ gradient across the membrane was imposed. The maximum effect of Na+ on the transport was achieved at a concentration of about 40 mM, while the apparent Km for Na+ was approximately 8 mM. On the other hand, Km for glutamate in the presence of 50 mM Na+ was about 8 μM. Increasing the concentration of Na+ resulted in a decrease in Km for glutamate, maximum velocity was not affected. The transport was sensitive to monensin (Na+ ionophore).Glutamate was also accumulated when pH gradient (interior alkaline) across the membrane was imposed or a membrane potential was induced with K+-diffusion potential. The pH gradient-driven glutamate transport was sensitive to carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and the apparent Km for glutamate was approximately 25 μM.These results indicate that two kinds of glutamate transport system were present in H protein: one is Na+ dependent and the other is H+ dependent.  相似文献   

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