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Unilateral renal agenesis (URA) is a common developmental defect in humans, occurring at a frequency of approximately 1 in 500–1000 births. Several genetic syndromes include bilateral or unilateral renal agenesis as an associated phenotype. However, URA frequently occurs in individuals not afflicted by these syndromes and is often asymptomatic. Although it is clear that genetic factors contribute to the etiology of URA, the genetic bases of URA are poorly defined at this time. ACI rats, both males and females, exhibit URA at an incidence of 5%–15%. In this article we characterize the incidence of URA in female and male F1, F2, and backcross (BC) progeny from reciprocal genetic crosses between the ACI strain and the unaffected Brown Norway (BN) strain. Through interval mapping analyses of 353 phenotypically defined female F2 progeny, we mapped to rat Chromosome 14 (RNO14) a genetic locus, designated Renag1 (Renal agenesis 1), that serves as the major determinant of URA in these crosses. Further genotypic analyses of URA-affected female and male F2 and BC progeny localized Renag1 to a 14.4-Mb interval on RNO14 bounded by markers D14Rat50 and D14Rat12. The data from these genetic studies suggest that the ACI allele of Renag1 acts in an incompletely dominant and incompletely penetrant manner to confer URA. James D. Shull and Cynthia M. Lachel authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Growth control is of fundamental importance to biology in general and of critical importance to cancer research in particular. Tumors develop when control of the normal growth process is lost. The rat pituitary is a model system for control of estrogen-dependent growth. Chronic estrogen treatment induces uncontrolled growth in the pituitaries of Fischer 344 (F344) rats, but not of Brown Norway (BN) rats. We have identified five quantitative trait loci (QTL) for estrogen-dependent pituitary mass (Edpm) in an F2 intercross of F344 and BN. These QTL reside on rat Chromosomes (Chrs) 2, 3, 5, and 9 and explain a total of 55% of the genetic variance in the F2. We have also detected suggestive evidence for a QTL on rat Chr 14. For Edpm2-1, Edpm2-2, Edpm3, and Edpm5, the F344 allele corresponds with increased pituitary mass, as expected. Surprisingly, for Edpm9 and the suggested QTL on Chr 14, the BN allele corresponds with increased pituitary mass. We also find evidence for interaction (epistasis) between Edpm3 and Edpm9 and between Edpm5 and the suggested QTL on Chr 14. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 1 July 1997  相似文献   

Hormonal, genetic, and environmental factors play major roles in the complex etiology of breast cancer. When treated continuously with 17beta-estradiol (E2), the ACI rat exhibits a genetically conferred propensity to develop mammary cancer. The susceptibility of the ACI rat to E2-induced mammary cancer appears to segregate as an incompletely dominant trait in crosses to the resistant Copenhagen (COP) strain. In both (ACI x COP)F(2) and (COP x ACI)F(2) populations, we find strong evidence for a major genetic determinant of susceptibility to E2-induced mammary cancer on distal rat chromosome 5. Our data are most consistent with a model in which the ACI allele of this locus, termed Emca1 (estrogen-induced mammary cancer 1), acts in an incompletely dominant manner to increase both tumor incidence and tumor multiplicity as well as to reduce tumor latency in these populations. We also find evidence suggestive of a second locus, Emca2, on chromosome 18 in the (ACI x COP)F(2) population. The ACI allele of Emca2 acts in a dominant manner to increase incidence and decrease latency. Together, Emca1 and Emca2 act independently to modify susceptibility to E2-induced mammary cancer.  相似文献   

The cost of experiments aimed at determining linkage between marker loci and quantitative trait loci (QTL) was investigated as a function of marker spacing and number of individuals scored. It was found that for a variety of experimental designs, fairly wide marker spacings (ca. 50 cM) are optimum or close to optimum for initial studies of marker-QTL linkage, in the sense of minimizing overall cost of the experiment. Thus, even when large numbers of more or less evenly spaced markers are available, it will not always be cost effective to make full utilization of this capacity. This is particularly true when costs of rearing and trait evaluation per individual scored are low, as when marker data are obtained on individuals raised and evaluated for quantitative traits as part of existing programs. When costs of rearing and trait evaluation per individual scored are high, however, as in human family data collection carried out primarily for subsequent marker — QTL analyses, or when plants or animals are raised specifically for purposes of marker — QTL linkage experiments, optimum spacing may be rather narrow. It is noteworthy that when marginal costs of additional markers or individuals are constant, total resources allocated to a given experiment will determine total number of individuals sampled, but not the optimal marker spacing.  相似文献   

We have determined binding sites for estrogen, progestin, androgen and glucocorticoid in anterior pituitaries from Sprague-Dawley rats, a strain with low estrogen sensitivity, and in diethylstilbestrol-induced pituitary tumors in Fischer 344 rats, a strain with high estrogen sensitivity. Binding sites differ in their quantity and subcellular distribution. Cytosolic sites for [3H]estradiol in normal pituitaries from untreated rats were high prevailing over sites for other hormones, but they were depleted in the tumors due to their retention in nuclei under the influence of estrogen. Unoccupied nuclear sites for estrogen in normal glands also prevailed over sites for other steroids, and were similar to those in tumors. Second, the progestin site labeled with [3H]R 5020 was concentrated 5.7-fold in cytosol and 8.5-fold in nuclei of the tumors over the values found in glands from normal males estrogenized for 3 days. Third, glucocorticoid receptors labeled with [3H]dexamethasone were predominantly cytosolic in normal glands, but very low in cytosol and more evident in nuclear extracts from the tumors, the reverse of the profile found in normal pituitaries. Last, limited and comparable amounts of androgen receptors were measured in the subcellular fractions of both tissues. It is suggested that the subcellular distribution of some steroid receptors may be controlled in part by the cell population of the tissue and its degree of genetic activity.  相似文献   

Summary By making use of pedigree information and information on marker-genotypes of the parent and F-1 individuals crossed to form an F-2 population, it is possible to carry out a linkage analysis between marker loci and loci affecting quantitative traits in a cross between segregating parent populations that are at fixation for alternative alleles at the QTL, but share the same alleles at the marker loci. For two-allele systems, depending on marker allele frequencies in the parent populations, 2–4 times as many F-2 offspring will have to be raised and scored for markers and quantitative traits in order to provide power equivalent to that obtained in a cross between fully inbred lines. Major savings in number of F-2 offspring raised can be achieved by scoring each parent pair for a large number of markers in each chromosomal region and scoring F-1 and F-2 offspring only for those markers for which the parents were homozygous for alternative alleles. For multiple allele systems, particularly when dealing with hypervariable loci, only 10%–20% additional F-2 offspring will have to be raised and scored to provide power equivalent to that obtained in a cross between inbred lines. When a resource population contains novel favorable alleles at quantitative trait loci that are not present (or rare) in a commercial population, analyses of this sort will enable the loci of interest to be identified, mapped and manipulated effectively in breeding programs.Contribution no. 2124-E, 1987 series from The Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel  相似文献   

Summary DNA fingerprinting, a technique based on the detection of hypervariable minisatellite regions in DNA restriction fragments, was tested for its applicability to conduct population genetics in poultry. Using MspI digestion and phage M13 DNA as a probe, between 25 and 35 minisatellite-containing DNA fragments were observed per bird. Comparison of the banding pattern of offspring with their parents revealed that the bands were inherited as stable genetic traits. The variability of the DNA fingerprinting pattern was reduced in inbred strains. DNA fingerprints of chickens from five well-defined populations of known genetic relationships were analyzed and indices of genetic distances were computed. They correctly reflected the history of these strains, indicating that DNA fingerprinting may be a powerful tool to characterize genetic relationships between different breeding populations of the same species.  相似文献   

We have used a rat model of induced mammary carcinomas in an effort to identify breast cancer susceptibility genes. Using genetic crosses between the carcinoma-resistant Copenhagen (COP) and carcinoma-sensitive Wistar-Furth rats, we have confirmed the identification of the Mcs1 locus that modulates tumor number. We have now also identified two additional loci, Mcs2 and Mcs3. These three loci map to chromosomes 2, 7, and 1, respectively, and interact additively to suppress mammary carcinoma development in the COP strain. They are responsible for a major portion of the tumor-resistant phenotype of the COP rat. No loss of heterozygosity was observed surrounding the three loci. A fourth COP locus, Mcs4, has also been identified on chromosome 8 and acts in contrast to increase the number of carcinomas. These results show that mammary carcinoma susceptibility in the COP rat is a polygenic trait. Interestingly, a polymorphism in the human genomic region homologous to the rat Mcs4 region is associated with an increased breast cancer risk in African-American women. The isolation of the Mcs genes may help elucidate novel mechanisms of carcinogenesis, provide information important for human breast cancer risk estimation, and also provide unique drug discovery targets for breast cancer prevention.  相似文献   

Summary Methods are presented for determining linkage between a marker locus and a nearby locus affecting a quantitative trait (quantitative trait locus=QTL), based on changes in the marker allele frequencies in selection lines derived from the F-2 of a cross between inbred lines, or in the high and low phenotypic classes of an F-2 or BC population. The power of such trait-based (TB) analyses was evaluated and compared with that of methods for determining linkage based on the mean quantitative trait value of marker genotypes in F-2 or BC populations [marker-based (MB) analyses]. TB analyses can be utilized for marker-QTL linkage determination in situations where the MB analysis is not applicable, including analysis of polygenic resistance traits where only a part of the population survives exposure to the Stressor and analysis of marker-allele frequency changes in selection lines. TB analyses may be a useful alternative to MB analyses when interest is centered on a single quantitative trait only and costs of scoring for markers are high compared with costs of raising and obtaining quantitative trait information on F-2 or BC individuals. In this case, a TB analysis will enable equivalent power to be obtained with fewer individuals scored for the marker, but more individuals scored for the quantitative trait. MB analyses remain the method of choice when more than one quantitative trait is to be analyzed in a given population.Contribution from the ARO, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 1698-E, 1986 series  相似文献   

Buprenorphine is a partial mu, kappa agonist that has been shown to influence spontaneous behaviour in animals. Previously, we have demonstrated significant differences in the analgesic response to buprenorphine between the August Copenhagen Irish (ACI)/SegHsd and the Brown Norway (BN)/RijHsd inbred rat strains. The purpose of this study was to determine whether these strains also differed in their behavioural response to buprenorphine in order to provide an additional parameter for the genetic analysis and localization of genes involved in this response. Male and female rats of both strains were used (n = 6/strain/sex) for this study. Each rat was subjected, respectively, to three treatment regimens at 15:00 h: (A) unchallenged; (B) intravenous saline; (C) intravenous buprenorphine (0.05 mg/kg) according to a crossover design. The relative duration (s/h) of locomotion, grooming, drinking and eating behaviour was subsequently determined from 15:30 to 07:00 h using the automatic registration system, Laboratory Animal Behaviour Registration and Analysis System(trade mark). Significant strain differences were observed in unchallenged behaviour between the ACI and the BN rats. ACI rats, but not BN rats, responded to buprenorphine treatment with decreased levels of locomotion, drinking and eating behaviour. The same treatment resulted in an increased grooming behaviour in both strains. Slight but significant sex differences were observed for locomotion and eating in the analysis of variance procedure, but did not reach the level of statistical significance in the multiple comparison procedure. The results of this study emphasize the possibility that strain-specific effects must be taken into account when using behavioural parameters for the assessment of the analgesic effects of buprenorphine in rats.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoreactivity was examined in normal rat anterior pituitary glands, estrogen-induced rat pituitary tumors and human pituitary adenomas using a polyclonal antibody reacting with all three isoforms of NOS in both species. It was found that NOS immunorectivity in pituitary glandular cells is stronger in rat experimental pituitary tumors than in normal pituitaries. NOS immunoreactivity is also detectable in all but two human pituitary adenomas and seems to negatively correlate with microvascularization.  相似文献   

The effects of angiotensin II (AngII) and its fragment 3-8 (angiotensin IV, AngIV) on tyrosine kinase (TK) activity in estrogen-induced rat pituitary tumor homogenates were studied. It was found that both angiotensin peptides increase the TK activity. AngIV was effective in a lower concentration and its maximal effect was greater as compared to that of AngII. Moreover, the specific inhibitors of aminopeptidase A (EC33) and of aminopeptidase N (PC18) significantly attenuated the stimulatory effect of AngII. Because the action of both aminopeptidases is necessary to convert AngII into AngIV, this finding suggested that the effect of AngII on TK activity is (at least in part) exerted via AngIV.  相似文献   

Male rat pituitary glands, diethylstilbestrol (DES)-induced rat pituitary tumors and 12 human pituitary adenomas were immunostained with antibodies raised against AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptor proteins. Positive immunostaining of AT1 was observed in a subpopulation of anterior and intermediate pituitary lobe cells as well as in some nerve endings of the neurohypophysis. In the DES-induced rat pituiary tumors, the subpopulation of AT1-immunnopositive cells was smaller than in the non-tumoral anterior pituitary. In human pituitary adenomas, weak AT1 immunostaining was found in 5 tumors. In the remaining adenomas, the AT1 immunostaining was trace (doubtful) or absent. The AT1 immunostaining in the peritumoral non-neoplastic pituitary tissue was stronger than that observed in the tumors. The normal rat pituitaries and rat tumors did not show immunostaining with anti-AT2 antibody. In human pituitary adenomas, the tumoral cells were AT2- negative but moderate to strong AT2 immunostaining was observed in intratumoral blood vessel walls. The data suggest that the experimental (in rat) and spontaneous (in man) pituitary tumorigenesis is associated with the down-regulation of AT1 receptors. The expression of AT2 receptors, in turn, may be connected with the process of tumoral neo-angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The power of experiments aimed at detecting linkage between a quantitative locus and a marker locus, both segregating in the backross or F2 generation of a cross between two inbred lines, is examined. Given that the two lines are close to fixation for alternative alleles of both marker locus and quantitative locus, it is concluded that experiments involving a few thousand offspring should be able to detect close linkages involving quantitative loci (or groups of loci) having rather modest effects (i.e., that contribute, say, 1% of the total phenotypic variance in the F2).  相似文献   

The rat is considered an excellent model for studying human breast cancer. Therefore, understanding the genetic basis of susceptibility to mammary cancer in this species is of great interest. Previous studies based on crosses involving the susceptible strain WF (crossed with the resistant strains COP or WKY) and focusing on tumor multiplicity as the susceptibility phenotype led to the identification of several loci that control chemically induced mammary cancer. The present study was aimed to determine whether other loci can be identified by analyzing crosses derived from another susceptible strain on the one hand, and by including phenotypes other than tumor multiplicity on the other hand. A backcross was generated between the susceptible SPRD-Cu3 strain and the resistant WKY strain. Female progeny were genotyped with microsatellite markers covering all rat autosomes, treated with a single dose of DMBA, and phenotyped with respect to tumor latency, tumor multiplicity, and tumor aggressiveness. Seven loci controlling mammary tumor development were detected. Different loci control tumor multiplicity, latency, and aggressiveness. While some of these loci colocalize with loci identified in crosses involving the susceptible strain WF, new loci have been uncovered, indicating that the use of distinct susceptible and resistant strain pairs will help in establishing a comprehensive inventory of mammary cancer susceptibility loci.  相似文献   

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