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Banet G  Pick U  Zamir A 《Planta》2000,210(6):947-955
 Like higher plants, unicellular green algae of the genus Dunaliella respond to light stress by enhanced de-epoxidation of violaxanthin and accumulation of Cbr, a protein homologous to early light-inducible proteins (Elips) in plants. Earlier studies indicated that Cbr was associated with the light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCII) and suggested it acted as a zeaxanthin-binding protein and fulfilled a photo-protective function (Levy et al. 1993, J. Biol. Chem. 268: 20892–20896). To characterize the protein-pigment subcomplexes containing Cbr in greater detail than attained so far, thylakoid membranes from Dunaliella salina grown in high light or normal light were solubilized with dodecyl maltoside and fractionated by isoelectric-focusing. Analysis of the resolved LHCII subcomplexes indicated preferred associations among the four LHCIIb polypeptides and between them and Cbr: subcomplexes including Cbr contained one or two of the more acidic of the four LHCIIb polypeptides as well as large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin relative to chlorophyll a/b. After sucrose gradient centrifugation, Cbr free of LHCIIb polypeptides was detected together with released pigments; this Cbr possibly originated in subcomplexes dissociated in the course of the analysis. These results agree with the conclusion that Cbr is part of the network of LHCIIb protein-pigment complexes and suggest that the role played by Cbr involves the organization and/or stabilization of assemblies highly enriched in zeaxanthin and lutein. Such assemblies may function to protect PSII from photodamage due to overexcitation. Received: 6 August 1999 / Accepted: 23 November 1999  相似文献   

The response of two strains of Dunaliella, a beta-carotene accumulating halotolerant alga, was evaluated under sulphate, nitrate and phosphate limitation. All these factors decreased the growth rate and chlorophyll content but, increased the beta-carotene content of the two isolates of Dunaliella, D1, obtained from GTCC and D2 an indigenous strain isolated from Sambhar salt lake, India. Both the strains exhibited accumulation of beta-carotene and glycerol under the different nutrient limiting conditions. A maximum accumulation of 3.99 pg/cell of beta-carotene was observed under phosphate depletion. However, nutrient depletion did not significantly affect the glycerol accumulation in these cells. D2, the indigenous isolate, was found to be a better accumulator of beta-carotene than D1.  相似文献   

Plant species from open habitats often show pronounced responses to shading. Apart from a reduction in growth, shading can lead to marked changes in morphology and architecture, and it may affect the rate of plant development. Natural shade comprises two basically different features, a reduction in light quantity (amount of radiation) and changes in the spectral light quality. The first aspect represents changes in resource availability, while the latter acts as a source of information for plants and can prompt morphogenetic responses. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to study the effects of changes in light quality and quantity on the growth, morphology and development of two stoloniferous Potentilla species. Individual plants were subjected to three light treatments: (1) full daylight (control); and two shade treatments, in which (2) light quantity (photon flux density) and (3) light spectral quality (red/far-red ratio) were changed independently. Plant development was followed throughout the study. Morphological parameters, biomass and clonal offspring production were measured at the end of the experiment. Morphological traits such as petiole length, leaf blade characteristics and investment patterns into spacers showed high degrees of shade-induced plasticity in both species. With a few exceptions, light quality mainly affected morphological variables, while production parameters were most responsive to changes in light quantity. Potentilla anserina allocated resources preferentially to established rosettes at the cost of stolon growth and branching, while in P. reptans, all parameters related to development and allocation were slowed down to the same extent by light limitation. Light quality changes also positively affected biomass production via changes in leaf allocation. Changes in the spectral light quality had major effects on the size of modular structures (leaves, ramets), whereas changes in light quantity mainly affected their numbers. Received: 12 December 1997 / Accepted: 8 July 1998  相似文献   


Background and aims

In contrast to seeds, high sensitivity of vegetative fragments to unfavourable environments may limit the expansion of clonal invasive plants. However, clonal integration promotes the establishment of propagules in less suitable habitats and may facilitate the expansion of clonal invaders into intact native communities. Here, we examine the influence of clonal integration on the morphology and growth of ramets in two invasive plants, Alternanthera philoxeroides and Phyla canescens, under varying light conditions.


In a greenhouse experiment, branches, connected ramets and severed ramets of the same mother plant were exposed under full sun and 85% shade and their morphological and growth responses were assessed.

Key results

The influence of clonal integration on the light reaction norm (connection×light interaction) of daughter ramets was species-specific. For A. philoxeroides, clonal integration evened out the light response (total biomass, leaf mass per area, and stem number, diameter and length) displayed in severed ramets, but these connection×light interactions were largely absent for P. canescens. Nevertheless, for both species, clonal integration overwhelmed light effect in promoting the growth of juvenile ramets during early development. Also, vertical growth, as an apparent shade acclimation response, was more prevalent in severed ramets than in connected ramets. Finally, unrooted branches displayed smaller organ size and slower growth than connected ramets, but the pattern of light reaction was similar, suggesting mother plants invest in daughter ramets prior to their own branches.


Clonal integration modifies light reaction norms of morphological and growth traits in a species-specific manner for A. philoxeroides and P. canescens, but it improves the establishment of juvenile ramets of both species in light-limiting environments by promoting their growth during early development. This factor may be partially responsible for their ability to successfully colonize native plant communities.  相似文献   

Grazing not only modifies the structure and functioning of grasslands, it also changes micro-environmental conditions that alter the availability of resources. The aim of this study was to analyze the response of grasses with different photosynthetic pathways (C3/C4), growth forms (prostrate/erect), and grazing responses (increaser/decreaser) to defoliation and resource availability. In a greenhouse, we performed a factorial experiment with three factors: defoliation, light, and water and three species: Axonopus affinis (C4 prostrate, increaser), Coelorachis selloana (C4 erect, decreaser), and Bromus auleticus (C3 erect, decreaser). We measured the relative growth rate (RGR), biomass assignment, and specific leaf area. The RGR of both C4 species was affected by light availability, while the decreaser C3 did not respond to any factor. Biomass allocation to leaves and stolons changed with the interaction between light and water in the C4 prostrate species (increaser). In the C4 erect grass (decreaser), biomass allocation was more affected by defoliation under low levels of light and water. Low light availability and defoliation reduced the assignment to leaves, while the allocation to rhizomes increased. Species-specific responses to resources availability that are modified by grazing were related to photosynthetic pathway, growth form, and grazing responses. Biomass allocation was related to strategies to avoid and/or tolerate grazing. The investment to leaves was limited by light and water availability in prostrate species, while in erect grasses it was controlled by defoliation and water availability. Our results highlight the importance of species responses to changes in resource availability associated to grazing regimes.  相似文献   

To date, the identification of the novel multifunctional properties of cysteine proteinase inhibitors “known as cystatins” is the great of interests for molecular biologists. The efficient production, purification and correctly folded form of these proteins are the most important requirements for their any basic research. To the best of our knowledge, maltose-binding protein (MBP) fusion tags are being used to overcome the impediment to their heterologous recombinant expression in Escherichia coli as insoluble and bio-inactive inclusion bodies. In the present work, to evaluate the expression efficiency of a cystatin molecule in E. coli cells by using MBP tags, the expression of Celosia cystatin was studied in two different strains of this bacterium. The quantitative analysis results based on the one-step purification yield of the fused product showed the excellency of the E. coli TB1 strain in comparison to E. coli DH5α for the high-level production of active product.  相似文献   

Five diatom species were isolated from settlementplates at Southern Ocean Mariculture, Victoria,Australia (Navicula sp., Naviculajeffreyi, Cylindrotheca closterium, Cocconeis sp., Amphora sp.) and tested insettlement experiments with Haliotis rubralarvae. Settlement was very low on single speciesdiatom films and varied between 1%–6%. Depending onthe species combination larvae preferred to settle onfilms with mixed diatom species than single speciesfilms. The highest settlement was achieved with amixed film of Navicula sp. and Amphora sp.Five and ten-day-old germlings of Sporolithondurum induced settlement of the abalone Haliotisrubra. However, the settlement rate was significantlylower on germlings than on the whole thallus of thealga. Germlings inoculated with the diatom Navicula sp. induced higher settlement than films ofthe diatom species alone. High settlement of up to52% was also achieved with germlings of the greenalga Ulvella lens. Settlement was reduced onU. lens squares inoculated with the diatom Navicula sp. but higher than on films of the diatomalone. The settlement rate was higher if plates withU. lens were previously grazed by juvenileabalone.Post-larval growth rates were higher on monospecificdiatom films than on U. lens or on S.durum. The best growth rate was obtained with Navicula sp. U. lens and S. durum areboth good settlement inducers, but are notsufficient to support rapid growth of young H.rubra post-larvae. Survival was low on U. lensand on the diatom C. closterium. We suggest thatcommercial nursery plates seeded with U. lenswill result in high and consistent settlement, whilean inoculum with Navicula sp. will ensuresufficient food for rapid growth of the post-larvae.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1 Total fluorescence spectra of thirty-two freshwater algae show that the majority of the information is contained in the excitation spectrum of emission at 680 nm.
2. Previously suggested characteristics for the automatic identification of blue-green algae from their fluorescence properties, i.e. the presence of high phycoerythrin fluorescence and low chlorophyll fluorescence, are shown to be inapplicable to the freshwater blue-green algae studied here.  相似文献   

Invasive species and anthropogenic habitat alteration are major drivers of biodiversity loss. When multiple invasive species occupy different trophic levels, removing an invasive predator might cause unexpected outcomes owing to complex interactions among native and non-native prey. Moreover, external factors such as habitat alteration and resource availability can affect such dynamics. We hypothesized that native and non-native prey respond differently to an invasive predator, habitat alteration and bottom-up effects. To test the hypothesis, we used Bayesian state-space modelling to analyse 8-year data on the spatio-temporal patterns of two endemic rat species and the non-native black rat in response to the continual removal of the invasive small Indian mongoose on Amami Island, Japan. Despite low reproductive potentials, the endemic rats recovered better after mongoose removal than did the black rat. The endemic species appeared to be vulnerable to predation by mongooses, whose eradication increased the abundances of the endemic rats, but not of the black rat. Habitat alteration increased the black rat''s carrying capacity, but decreased those of the endemic species. We propose that spatio-temporal monitoring data from eradication programmes will clarify the underlying ecological impacts of land-use change and invasive species, and will be useful for future habitat management.  相似文献   

Living organisms use complex pathways of signal perception and transduction to respond to stimuli in their environments. In plants, putative signal transduction components have been identified through mutant screens and comparative analysis of genome sequences of model eukaryotes. Several pieces in a large series of puzzles have now been identified and a current challenge is to determine how these pieces interconnect. Functional analysis of the encoded proteins has necessitated a change from genetic to biochemical approaches. In recent years, the application of techniques such as two-hybrid screening and epitope tagging has facilitated the study of protein-protein interactions and has increased our understanding of cellular signalling mechanisms. One focus of present research is the ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated degradation of proteins. Increasing evidence suggests this is a control common to many plant signalling pathways including development and responsiveness to hormones, light and sucrose. A central challenge in the study of plant disease resistance has been to identify protein complexes that contain host defence proteins and pathogenicity factors. In this review we summarize the latest developments in these areas where the existence of protein complexes has been demonstrated to be of fundamental importance in plant signalling.  相似文献   

Summary.  The structure and functioning of the cytoskeleton is controlled and regulated by cytoskeleton-associated proteins. Fused to the green-fluorescent protein (GFP), these proteins can be used as tools to monitor changes in the organisation of the cytoskeleton in living cells and tissues in different organisms. Since the localisation of a specific cytoskeleton protein may indicate a particular function for the associated cytoskeletal element, studies of cytoskeleton-binding proteins fused to GFP may provide insight into the organisation and functioning of the cytoskeleton. In this article, we focused on two animal proteins, human T-plastin and bovine tau, and studied the distribution of their respective GFP fusions in animal COS cells, plant epidermal cells (Allium cepa), and yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Plastin-GFP localised preferentially to membrane ruffles, lamellipodia and focal adhesion points in COS cells, to the actin filament cytoskeleton within cytoplasmic strands in onion epidermal cells, and to cortical actin patches in yeast cells. Thus, in these 3 very different types of cells plastin-GFP associated with mobile structures in which there are high rates of actin turnover. Chemical fixation was found to drastically alter the distribution of plastin-GFP. Tau-GFP bound to microtubules in COS cells and onion epidermal cells but failed to bind to yeast microtubules. Thus, animal and plant microtubules appear to have a common tau binding site which is absent in yeast. We conclude that the study of the distribution patterns of microtubule- and actin-filament-binding proteins fused to GFP in heterologous systems should be a valuable tool in furthering our knowledge about cytoskeleton function in eukaryotic cells. Received January 12, 2002; accepted March 7, 2002; published online June 24, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints (present address): Institute of Botany, University of Bonn, Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany. Abbreviation: smRS-GFP soluble modified red-shifted GFP.  相似文献   

We investigated how the relative availability of solar radiation in the presence or absence of grazing alters the ability of benthic algae to respond to nutrient enrichment in an Alaskan marsh. We used a factorial mesocosm experiment that included nutrient enrichment (enriched or control), grazing (grazed or ungrazed), and light (unshaded or shaded) to simulate shading by macrophytes early and late in the growing season, respectively. We found stronger effects of grazers and nutrients compared to light on benthic algal biomass and taxonomic composition. Algal biomass increased in nutrient‐enriched treatments and was reduced by grazing. Shading did not have an effect on algal biomass or taxonomic composition, but the concentration of chl a per algal biovolume increased with shading, demonstrating the ability of algae to compensate for changes in light availability. Algal taxonomic composition was more affected by grazer presence than nutrients or light. Grazer‐resistant taxa (basal filaments of Stigeoclonium) were replaced by diatoms (Nitzschia) and filamentous green algae (Ulothrix) when herbivores were removed. The interacting and opposing influences of nutrients and grazing indicate that the algal community is under dual control from the bottom‐up (nutrient limitation) and from the top‐down (consumption by herbivores), although grazers had a stronger influence on algal biomass and taxonomic composition than nutrient enrichment. Our results suggest that low light availability will not inhibit the algal response to elevated nutrient concentrations expected with ongoing climate change, but grazers rapidly consume algae following enrichment, masking the effects of elevated nutrients on algal production.  相似文献   

Plants dispense localised and systemic defense responses against biotic colonisers and plant resistance to pathogens depends upon timely recognition of pathogen infection and subsequent rapid activation of defense responses through signal transduction pathways. Induction of host defense responses involving compatible and incompatible interactions in tomato landrace, LE996, LE150 and LE1165 (Solanum lycopersicum), and wild relatives, Seijima Jeisei and I979 (S. hirsutum) genotypes, and early blight (EB) pathogen, Alternaria solani were studied. Accumulation patterns of different defense related proteins in resistant genotypes (LE996, Seijima jeisei and I979) and susceptible genotypes (LE150 and LE1165) are reported here. Challenge inoculation led to similar protein profiles in resistant genotypes yielding 11 proteins, unique are 14, 54, and 58 kD proteins that are absent with susceptible genotypes. Resistant genotypes accumulated more proteins well in advance, 6-h after challenge inoculation. Resistant genotype LE996 expressed 54%, 90%, and 52% enhanced enzymatic activity of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase respectively than susceptible LE150 and correlated phenolics accumulation peaked 2-d after challenge inoculation. Activity gel assay indicated the unique expression of PO1 and PO2 in LE996 upon challenge inoculation. Significant increase in expression of chitinases (63%) and β-1,3-glucanase (71%) upon challenge inoculation than susceptible LE150 control was recorded. Western blotting indicated the unique presence of less than 30 kD chitinase in resistant LE996 and Seijima Jeisei and was absent in susceptible LE150. The results demonstrate the importance of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins in EB resistance and their use as biochemical markers for genotype selection.  相似文献   

One broad-leaved pioneer tree, Alnus formosana, two broad-leaved understory shrubs, Ardisia crenata and Ardisia cornudentata, and four ferns with different light adaptation capabilities (ranked from high to low, Pyrrosia lingus, Asplenium antiquum, Diplazium donianum, Archangiopteris somai) were used to elucidate the light responses of photosynthetic rate and electron transport rate (ETR). Pot-grown materials received up to 3 levels of light intensity, i.e., 100%, 50% and 10% sunlight. Both gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence were measured simultaneously by an equipment under constant temperature and 7 levels (0?C2,000 ??mol m?2 s?1) of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Plants adapted to-or acclimated to high light always had higher light-saturation point and maximal photosynthetic rate. Even materials had a broad range of photosynthetic capacity [maximal photosynthetic rate ranging from 2 to 23 ??mol(CO2) m?2 s?1], the ratio of ETR to gross photosynthetic rate (P G) was close for A. formosana and the 4 fern species when measured under constant temperature, but the PPFD varied. In addition, P. lingus and A. formosana grown under 100% sunlight and measured at different seasonal temperatures (15, 20, 25, and 30°C) showed increased ETR/P G ratio with increasing temperature and could be fitted by first- and second-order equations, respectively. With this equation, estimated and measured P G were closely correlated (r 2 = 0.916 and r 2 = 0.964 for P. lingus and A. formosana, respectively, p<0.001). These equations contain only the 2 easily obtained dynamic indicators, ETR and leaf temperature. Therefore, for some species with near ETR/P G ratio in differential levels of PPFD, these equations could be used to simulate dynamic variation of leaf scale photosynthetic rate under different temperature and PPFD conditions.  相似文献   

We have identified two endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated Arabidopsis proteins, KMS1 and KMS2, which are conserved among most species. Fluorescent protein fusions of KMS1 localised to the ER in plant cells, and over-expression induced the formation of a membrane structure, identified as ER whorls by electron microscopy. Hydrophobicity analysis suggested that KMS1 and KMS2 are integral membrane proteins bearing six transmembrane domains. Membrane protein topology was assessed by a redox-based topology assay (ReTA) with redox-sensitive GFP and confirmed by a protease protection assay. A major loop domain between transmembrane domains 2 and 3, plus the N- and C-termini were found on the cytosolic side of the ER. A C-terminal di(tri)-lysine motif is involved in retrieval of KMS1 and deletion led to a reduction of the GFP-KMS1 signal in the ER. Over-expression of KMS1/KMS2 truncations perturbed ER and Golgi morphology and similar effects were also seen when KMS1/KMS2 were knocked-down by RNA interference. Microscopy and biochemical experiments suggested that expression of KMS1/KMS2 truncations inhibited ER to Golgi protein transport.  相似文献   

Despite increasing popularity of ‘electric’ reefs as a means for reef restoration, there is a distinct lack of quantitative evidence supporting the alleged benefits of this method. This study investigated the effects of an electric field versus an electric field in combination with a cathode on coral growth (skeletal extension) rates, coral survival, zooxanthella densities, chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations, and chlorophyll fluorescence of Acropora pulchra and A. yongei. Coral transplants were grown for 4 months under three treatment conditions: (1) on an iron cathode, (2) on bamboo inside an electric field, or (3) on bamboo in the absence of an electric field. Contrary to predictions, coral growth rates of both species were highest inside the electric field and not on the cathode. Except for chl a concentrations, the cathode had a significant adverse effect on all measured variables for A. yongei but not for A. pulchra. Treatment had no effect on the survival of A. pulchra, while mortality rates of A. yongei were significantly higher in the presence of mineral accretion compared to the electric field and control. A. yongei on the cathode featured low zooxanthella densities, depressed electron transport rates (rETR) and maximum quantum yield (F v/F m), and reduced growth. By contrast, treatment had no effect on the fluorescence characteristics of A. pulchra, and zooxanthella densities were highest for corals on the cathode, coincident with high growth rates relative to the control. Overall, the data indicate that the proposed benefits of the mineral accretion technology to meet important objectives of reef rehabilitation with regard to colony growth and survival should be considered with caution.  相似文献   

Plants are known to influence belowground microbial community structure along their roots, but the impacts of plant species richness and plant functional group (FG) identity on microbial communities in the bulk soil are still not well understood. Here, we used 454‐pyrosequencing to analyse the soil microbial community composition in a long‐term biodiversity experiment at Jena, Germany. We examined responses of bacteria, fungi, archaea, and protists to plant species richness (communities varying from 1 to 60 sown species) and plant FG identity (grasses, legumes, small herbs, tall herbs) in bulk soil. We hypothesized that plant species richness and FG identity would alter microbial community composition and have a positive impact on microbial species richness. Plant species richness had a marginal positive effect on the richness of fungi, but we observed no such effect on bacteria, archaea and protists. Plant species richness also did not have a large impact on microbial community composition. Rather, abiotic soil properties partially explained the community composition of bacteria, fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), archaea and protists. Plant FG richness did not impact microbial community composition; however, plant FG identity was more effective. Bacterial richness was highest in legume plots and lowest in small herb plots, and AMF and archaeal community composition in legume plant communities was distinct from that in communities composed of other plant FGs. We conclude that soil microbial community composition in bulk soil is influenced more by changes in plant FG composition and abiotic soil properties, than by changes in plant species richness per se.  相似文献   

The vegetation of wetlands show strong zonation patterns, but the mechanisms determining these patterns are not fully understood. In the present study, growth and morphological responses to a water level gradient (–20 cm (i.e. water level 20 cm below soil surface), –10 cm, 0 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm) were compared between a higher elevation plant (Imperata cylindrica) and a lower elevation plant (Carex brevicuspis) in the Dongting Lake wetlands of China. For both species, the aboveground, belowground, and total biomass were greater at –10 cm than at any other water level.. However, when the water level increased from –10 cm to 0 cm, there was a greater decrease in the biomass of I. cylindrica than in that of C. brevicuspis. Plant height, tiller number, leaf length, leaf width and leaf area showed greater variation along the water level gradient in I. cylindrica than in C. brevicuspis. Generally, with increasing water level, root length, rhizome number, and adventitious root biomass and number all decreased in I. cylindrica. However, in C. brevicuspis, neither the rhizome number nor the primary adventitious root biomass differed significantly among the five water levels. These results indicate that I. cylindrica have a lower tolerance for flooding and higher water sensitivity than C. brevicuspis and these differences may explain why I. cylindrica is found at relatively higher elevations that are not prone to flooding, while C. brevicuspis is found at comparatively lower elevations in the Dongting Lake wetlands.  相似文献   

常绿阔叶树种栲树是亚热带常绿闭叶林中的优势种之一.对比研究了林下、林窗和旷地3个光环境下栲树幼苗的光合特征参数、比叶质量、叶氮含量及叶解剖结构等,结果表明:林下栲树幼苗的光补偿点和暗呼吸速率低,比叶质量小,表观量子效率和光合氮素利用率高,利用弱光的能力强,在低光环境下保持了较高的光合能力;海绵组织发达且表皮细胞厚,是对凉爽环境的积极响应.在旷地,栲树的最大光合速率明显下降,暗呼吸速率显著升高,单位面积的叶氮含量较高但氮素利用率较低;叶厚度和栅栏组织厚度均增加,栅栏组织/海绵组织厚度比值也升高了,但栅栏组织不如海绵组织发达,不能适应高光环境.栲树幼苗在林窗有较高的光合能力,在林窗中能正常生长和更新.  相似文献   

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