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Channel noise is the dominant intrinsic noise source of neurons causing variability in the timing of action potentials and interspike intervals (ISI). Slow adaptation currents are observed in many cells and strongly shape response properties of neurons. These currents are mediated by finite populations of ionic channels and may thus carry a substantial noise component. Here we study the effect of such adaptation noise on the ISI statistics of an integrate-and-fire model neuron by means of analytical techniques and extensive numerical simulations. We contrast this stochastic adaptation with the commonly studied case of a fast fluctuating current noise and a deterministic adaptation current (corresponding to an infinite population of adaptation channels). We derive analytical approximations for the ISI density and ISI serial correlation coefficient for both cases. For fast fluctuations and deterministic adaptation, the ISI density is well approximated by an inverse Gaussian (IG) and the ISI correlations are negative. In marked contrast, for stochastic adaptation, the density is more peaked and has a heavier tail than an IG density and the serial correlations are positive. A numerical study of the mixed case where both fast fluctuations and adaptation channel noise are present reveals a smooth transition between the analytically tractable limiting cases. Our conclusions are furthermore supported by numerical simulations of a biophysically more realistic Hodgkin-Huxley type model. Our results could be used to infer the dominant source of noise in neurons from their ISI statistics.  相似文献   

In order to properly capture spike-frequency adaptation with a simplified point-neuron model, we study approximations of Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) models including slow currents by exponential integrate-and-fire (EIF) models that incorporate the same types of currents. We optimize the parameters of the EIF models under the external drive consisting of AMPA-type conductance pulses using the current-voltage curves and the van Rossum metric to best capture the subthreshold membrane potential, firing rate, and jump size of the slow current at the neuron’s spike times. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that, in addition to these quantities, the approximate EIF-type models faithfully reproduce bifurcation properties of the HH neurons with slow currents, which include spike-frequency adaptation, phase-response curves, critical exponents at the transition between a finite and infinite number of spikes with increasing constant external drive, and bifurcation diagrams of interspike intervals in time-periodically forced models. Dynamics of networks of HH neurons with slow currents can also be approximated by corresponding EIF-type networks, with the approximation being at least statistically accurate over a broad range of Poisson rates of the external drive. For the form of external drive resembling realistic, AMPA-like synaptic conductance response to incoming action potentials, the EIF model affords great savings of computation time as compared with the corresponding HH-type model. Our work shows that the EIF model with additional slow currents is well suited for use in large-scale, point-neuron models in which spike-frequency adaptation is important.  相似文献   

Although spike-frequency adaptation is a commonly observed property of neurons, its functional implications are still poorly understood. In this work, using a leaky integrate-and-fire neural model that includes a Ca2+-activated K+ current (I AHP), we develop a quantitative theory of adaptation temporal dynamics and compare our results with recent in vivo intracellular recordings from pyramidal cells in the cat visual cortex. Experimentally testable relations between the degree and the time constant of spike-frequency adaptation are predicted. We also contrast the I AHP model with an alternative adaptation model based on a dynamical firing threshold. Possible roles of adaptation in temporal computation are explored, as a a time-delayed neuronal self-inhibition mechanism. Our results include the following: (1) given the same firing rate, the variability of interspike intervals (ISIs) is either reduced or enhanced by adaptation, depending on whether the I AHP dynamics is fast or slow compared with the mean ISI in the output spike train; (2) when the inputs are Poisson-distributed (uncorrelated), adaptation generates temporal anticorrelation between ISIs, we suggest that measurement of this negative correlation provides a probe to assess the strength of I AHP in vivo; (3) the forward masking effect produced by the slow dynamics of I AHP is nonlinear and effective at selecting the strongest input among competing sources of input signals.  相似文献   

The spike trains that transmit information between neurons are stochastic. We used the theory of random point processes and simulation methods to investigate the influence of temporal correlation of synaptic input current on firing statistics. The theory accounts for two sources for temporal correlation: synchrony between spikes in presynaptic input trains and the unitary synaptic current time course. Simulations show that slow temporal correlation of synaptic input leads to high variability in firing. In a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model with spike afterhyperpolarization the theory accurately predicts the firing rate when the spike threshold is higher than two standard deviations of the membrane potential fluctuations. For lower thresholds the spike afterhyperpolarization reduces the firing rate below the theory's predicted level when the synaptic correlation decays rapidly. If the synaptic correlation decays slower than the spike afterhyperpolarization, spike bursts can occur during single broad peaks of input fluctuations, increasing the firing rate over the prediction. Spike bursts lead to a coefficient of variation for the interspike intervals that can exceed one, suggesting an explanation of high coefficient of variation for interspike intervals observed in vivo.  相似文献   

The voltage trace of neuronal activities can follow multiple timescale dynamics that arise from correlated membrane conductances. Such processes can result in power-law behavior in which the membrane voltage cannot be characterized with a single time constant. The emergent effect of these membrane correlations is a non-Markovian process that can be modeled with a fractional derivative. A fractional derivative is a non-local process in which the value of the variable is determined by integrating a temporal weighted voltage trace, also called the memory trace. Here we developed and analyzed a fractional leaky integrate-and-fire model in which the exponent of the fractional derivative can vary from 0 to 1, with 1 representing the normal derivative. As the exponent of the fractional derivative decreases, the weights of the voltage trace increase. Thus, the value of the voltage is increasingly correlated with the trajectory of the voltage in the past. By varying only the fractional exponent, our model can reproduce upward and downward spike adaptations found experimentally in neocortical pyramidal cells and tectal neurons in vitro. The model also produces spikes with longer first-spike latency and high inter-spike variability with power-law distribution. We further analyze spike adaptation and the responses to noisy and oscillatory input. The fractional model generates reliable spike patterns in response to noisy input. Overall, the spiking activity of the fractional leaky integrate-and-fire model deviates from the spiking activity of the Markovian model and reflects the temporal accumulated intrinsic membrane dynamics that affect the response of the neuron to external stimulation.  相似文献   

The functional significance of correlations between action potentials of neurons is still a matter of vivid debate. In particular, it is presently unclear how much synchrony is caused by afferent synchronized events and how much is intrinsic due to the connectivity structure of cortex. The available analytical approaches based on the diffusion approximation do not allow to model spike synchrony, preventing a thorough analysis. Here we theoretically investigate to what extent common synaptic afferents and synchronized inputs each contribute to correlated spiking on a fine temporal scale between pairs of neurons. We employ direct simulation and extend earlier analytical methods based on the diffusion approximation to pulse-coupling, allowing us to introduce precisely timed correlations in the spiking activity of the synaptic afferents. We investigate the transmission of correlated synaptic input currents by pairs of integrate-and-fire model neurons, so that the same input covariance can be realized by common inputs or by spiking synchrony. We identify two distinct regimes: In the limit of low correlation linear perturbation theory accurately determines the correlation transmission coefficient, which is typically smaller than unity, but increases sensitively even for weakly synchronous inputs. In the limit of high input correlation, in the presence of synchrony, a qualitatively new picture arises. As the non-linear neuronal response becomes dominant, the output correlation becomes higher than the total correlation in the input. This transmission coefficient larger unity is a direct consequence of non-linear neural processing in the presence of noise, elucidating how synchrony-coded signals benefit from these generic properties present in cortical networks.  相似文献   

A neuron receives input from other neurons via electrical pulses, so-called spikes. The pulse-like nature of the input is frequently neglected in analytical studies; instead, the input is usually approximated to be Gaussian. Recent experimental studies have shown, however, that an assumption underlying this approximation is often not met: Individual presynaptic spikes can have a significant effect on a neuron’s dynamics. It is thus desirable to explicitly account for the pulse-like nature of neural input, i.e. consider neurons driven by a shot noise – a long-standing problem that is mathematically challenging. In this work, we exploit the fact that excitatory shot noise with exponentially distributed weights can be obtained as a limit case of dichotomous noise, a Markovian two-state process. This allows us to obtain novel exact expressions for the stationary voltage density and the moments of the interspike-interval density of general integrate-and-fire neurons driven by such an input. For the special case of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons, we also give expressions for the power spectrum and the linear response to a signal. We verify and illustrate our expressions by comparison to simulations of leaky-, quadratic- and exponential integrate-and-fire neurons.  相似文献   

When measured in response to non-repeating white noise, standard covariance measures of two neuronal spike trains contain components due simply to a shared stimulus. We argue that, without stimulus repeats, model-free measures cannot in general remove these stimulus-induced components. We present spike correlation measures that eliminate them when the neural response can be approximated by a linear-nonlinear system. One of these measures fully characterizes the correlations in the special case that all remaining correlations are due to small reciprocal connections between the neurons. In addition, we demonstrate that the proposed measures can give accurate results with a more realistic, integrate-and-fire model of neural response, provided that it is driven like a linear-nonlinear system.  相似文献   

We discuss the statistics of spikes trains for different types of integrate-and-fire neurons and different types of synaptic noise models. In contrast with the usual approaches in neuroscience, mainly based on statistical physics methods such as the Fokker-Planck equation or the mean-field theory, we chose the point of the view of the stochastic calculus theory to characterize neurons in noisy environments. We present four stochastic calculus techniques that can be used to find the probability distributions attached to the spikes trains. We illustrate the power of these techniques for four types of widely used neuron models. Despite the fact that these techniques are mathematically intricate we believe that they can be useful for answering questions in neuroscience that naturally arise from the variability of neuronal activity. For each technique we indicate its range of applicability and its limitations.  相似文献   

 The temporal patterns of action potentials fired by a two-point stochastic neuron model were investigated. In this model the membrane potential of the dendritic compartment follows the Orstein-Uhlenbeck process and is not affected by the spiking activity. The axonal compartment, corresponding to the spike initiation site, is described by a simplified RC circuit. Estimators of the mean and variance of the input, based on a sampling of the axonal membrane potential, were derived and applied to simulated data. The dependencies of the mean firing frequency and of the coefficient of variation and serial correlation of interspike intervals on the mean and variance of the input were also studied by computer simulation in both 1- and 2-point models. The main property distinguishing the 2-point model from the classical 1-point model is its ability to produce clusters of short (or long) intervals between spikes under conditions of constant stimulation, as often observed in real neurons. It is shown that the nearly linear frequency response of the neuron, starting with subthreshold values of the input, is accounted for by the variability of the input (noise), which indicates that noise can play a positive role in nervous systems. The linear response frequency with respect to noise of the models suggests that the neuron can function as a noise encoder. Received: 2 April 1993/Accepted in revised form: 15 September 1994  相似文献   

刘志广  张丰盘 《生态学报》2016,36(2):360-368
随着种群动态和空间结构研究兴趣的增加,激发了大量的有关空间同步性的理论和实验的研究工作。空间种群的同步波动现象在自然界广泛存在,它的影响和原因引起了很多生态学家的兴趣。Moran定理是一个非常重要的解释。但以往的研究大多假设环境变化为空间相关的白噪音。越来越多的研究表明很多环境变化的时间序列具有正的时间自相关性,也就是说用红噪音来描述更加合理。因此,推广经典的Moran效应来处理空间相关红噪音的情形很有必要。利用线性的二阶自回归过程的种群模型,推导了两种群空间同步性与种群动态异质性和环境变化的时间相关性(即环境噪音的颜色)之间的关系。深入分析了种群异质性和噪音颜色对空间同步性的影响。结果表明种群动态异质性不利于空间同步性,但详细的关系比较复杂。而红色噪音的同步能力体现在两方面:一方面,本身的相关性对同步性有贡献;另一方面,环境变化时间相关性可以通过改变种群密度依赖来影响同步性,但对同步性的影响并无一致性的结论,依赖于种群的平均动态等因素。这些结果对理解同步性的机理、利用同步机理来制定物种保护策略和害虫防治都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Spatial synchrony of oscillating populations has been observed in many ecological systems, and its influences and causes have attracted the interest of ecologists. Spatially correlated environmental noises, dispersal, and trophic interactions have been considered as the causes of spatial synchrony. In this study, we develop a spatially structured population model, which is described by coupled-map lattices and incorporates both dispersal and colored environmental noise. A method for generating time series with desired spatial correlation and color is introduced. Then, we use these generated time series to analyze the influence of noise color on synchrony in population dynamics. The noise color refers to the temporal correlation in the time series data of the noise, and is expressed as the degree of (first-order) autocorrelation for autoregressive noise. Patterns of spatial synchrony are considered for stable, periodic and chaotic population dynamics. Numerical simulations verify that environmental noise color has a major influence on the level of synchrony, which depends strongly on how noise is introduced into the model. Furthermore, the influence of noise color also depends on patterns of dispersal between local populations. In addition, the desynchronizing effect of reddened noise is always weaker than that of white noise. From our results, we notice that the role of reddened environmental noise on spatial synchrony should be treated carefully and cautiously, especially for the spatially structured populations linked by dispersal.  相似文献   

The signal transduction and amplification in a Neurospora circadian clock system is studied by using the mechanism of internal signal stochastic resonance (ISSR). Two cases have been investigated: the case of no correlations between multiplicative and additive colored noises and the case of correlations between two noises. The results show that, in both cases, the noise-induced circadian oscillations can be transduced with the phenomenon of internal signal stochastic resonance (ISSR). However, the correlation time and intensity of an additive colored noise play different roles for the ISSR, driven by multiplicative colored noise, while the correlation time and intensity of multiplicative colored noise hardly influence the ISSR driven by additive colored noise. In addition, the ISSR can be amplified or suppressed at an appropriate range of the correlation intensity between two colored noises. The fundamental frequency of noise-induced circadian oscillations is hardly shifted with the increment of the intensity and correlation time of colored noises, which implies that the Neurospora system could be resistant to colored noises, exhibit strong vitality and sustain intrinsic circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Long-range dependence (LRD) has been observed in a variety of phenomena in nature, and for several years also in the spiking activity of neurons. Often, this is interpreted as originating from a non-Markovian system. Here we show that a purely Markovian integrate-and-fire (IF) model, with a noisy slow adaptation term, can generate interspike intervals (ISIs) that appear as having LRD. However a proper analysis shows that this is not the case asymptotically. For comparison, we also consider a new model of individual IF neuron with fractional (non-Markovian) noise. The correlations of its spike trains are studied and proven to have LRD, unlike classical IF models. On the other hand, to correctly measure long-range dependence, it is usually necessary to know if the data are stationary. Thus, a methodology to evaluate stationarity of the ISIs is presented and applied to the various IF models. We explain that Markovian IF models may seem to have LRD because of non-stationarities.  相似文献   

利用脉孢菌生物钟体系,研究了色噪音对其进行诱导所产生的日夜节律振荡信号及其内信号随机共振的行为.结果表明,色噪音的相关时间对该体系内信号随机共振的强弱起较大的影响作用.当无外信号存在时,色噪音的相关时间对体系内信号随机共振强度起抑制的作用,且随相关时间的增大,抑制作用增强.当外信号加到体系中时,由于相关时间和外信号的协同作用,相关时间不仅对其内信号随机共振强度起抑制的作用,而且还影响内信号随机共振峰的数目,即随相关时间的增大,可使单峰随机共振变为随机双共振.存在最佳的外信号频率使体系的内信号随机共振强度得到最大的增强,而其他频率的外信号却起抑制作用.色内噪音和色外噪音相比,前者对该体系进行诱导所得的内信号随机共振强度比后者的更强,而且体系对前者更敏感.另外,存在极限的噪音强度使白噪音和色噪音对该体系内信号随机共振的影响差异得以消失.所得结果可为治疗生物钟紊乱综合症提供理论依据,同时可更好地理解其他节奏机理,如心脏搏动节奏、呼吸节奏以及荷尔蒙水平的波动节奏等.  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of neuronal spike trains by models of point processes often relies on the assumption of constant process parameters. However, it is a well-known problem that the parameters of empirical spike trains can be highly variable, such as for example the firing rate. In order to test the null hypothesis of a constant rate and to estimate the change points, a Multiple Filter Test (MFT) and a corresponding algorithm (MFA) have been proposed that can be applied under the assumption of independent inter spike intervals (ISIs). As empirical spike trains often show weak dependencies in the correlation structure of ISIs, we extend the MFT here to point processes associated with short range dependencies. By specifically estimating serial dependencies in the test statistic, we show that the new MFT can be applied to a variety of empirical firing patterns, including positive and negative serial correlations as well as tonic and bursty firing. The new MFT is applied to a data set of empirical spike trains with serial correlations, and simulations show improved performance against methods that assume independence. In case of positive correlations, our new MFT is necessary to reduce the number of false positives, which can be highly enhanced when falsely assuming independence. For the frequent case of negative correlations, the new MFT shows an improved detection probability of change points and thus, also a higher potential of signal extraction from noisy spike trains.  相似文献   

Sacerdote L  Lánský P 《Bio Systems》2002,67(1-3):213-219
The stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) continuous model is studied under the condition that the amplitude of noise is a function of the input signal. The coefficient of variation (CV) of interspike intervals (ISIs) is investigated for different types of dependencies between the noise and the signal. Finally, we present the CV and the ISI density resulting from the special choice of parameters of the input that gave rise to a contra-intuitive behavior of the transfer function in Lánsky and Sacerdote [Phys. Lett. A 285 (2001) 132].  相似文献   

The statistics of the variability of interspike intervals of ganglion cells in the retina of goldfish are modeled by assuming the noise in an integrate-and-fire mechanism is proportional to the reciprocal of a normally distributed variable. This model meets the constraint that the coefficient of variation of the interspike. This does not change when the mean firing rate of the neuron changes. Alternative sources of variability of interspike intervals are discussed.  相似文献   

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