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Asexual worms of an exclusively fissiparous strain (the OH strain) of the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis keep developing hermaphroditic reproductive organs and eventually undergo sexual reproduction instead of asexual reproduction, namely fission, if they are fed with sexually mature worms of an exclusively oviparous planarian, Bdellocephala brunnea, suggesting that the sexually mature worms has a sexualizing substance(s). The fully sexualized worms no longer need the feeding on sexual worms to maintain the sexuality. Here, we demonstrate that the sexualized worms produce enough of their own sexualizing substance similar to that contained in B. brunnea. In case of surgical ablation of the sexualized worms, the fragments with sexual organs regenerate to become sexual, while those without sexual organs, namely head fragments, regenerate to return to the asexual state. The asexual regenerants from the sexualized worms are also fully sexualized by being fed with B. brunnea. Additionally, it was reported that head region in sexually mature worms lacks the putative sexualizing substance necessary for complete sexualization (Sakurai, 1981). These results suggest that the fragments without sexual organ lack enough of an amount of the putative sexualizing substance and the sexuality is maintained by the sexualizing substance contained in the sexualized worms.  相似文献   

All multicellular organisms depend on stem cells for their survival and perpetuation. Their central role in reproductive, embryonic, and post-embryonic processes, combined with their wide phylogenetic distribution in both the plant and animal kingdoms intimates that the emergence of stem cells may have been a prerequisite in the evolution of multicellular organisms. We present an evolutionary perspective on stem cells and extend this view to ascertain the value of current comparative studies on various invertebrate and vertebrate somatic and germ line stem cells. We suggest that somatic stem cells may be ancestral, with germ line stem cells being derived later in the evolution of multicellular organisms. We also propose that current studies of stem cell biology are likely to benefit from studying the somatic stem cells of simple metazoans. Here, we present the merits of neoblasts, a largely unexplored, yet experimentally accessible population of stem cells found in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. We introduce what we know about the neoblasts, and posit some of the questions that will need to be addressed in order to better resolve the relationship between planarian somatic stem cells and those found in other organisms, including humans.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that parasitized hosts should alter their investment in reproduction in ways that maximize host reproductive success. I examined the timing of asexual reproduction (fragmentation and regeneration) in the polychaete annelid Pygospio elegans experimentally exposed to cercariae of the trematode Lepocreadium setiferoides. Consistent with adaptive host response, polychaetes that became infected by metacercariae of trematodes fragmented sooner than unexposed controls. Parasites were not directly associated with fission in that exposed polychaetes that did not become infected also fragmented earlier than controls. For specimens of P. elegans that were not exposed to trematodes, new fragments that contained original heads were larger than those that contained original tails, whereas original head and tail fragments did not differ in size for infected polychaetes. In infected specimens, metacercariae were equally represented in original head and tail fragments and were more likely to be found in whichever fragment was larger. Despite early reproduction, parasitism was still costly because populations of P. elegans exposed to parasites were smaller than controls when measured 8 weeks later and because exposure to cercariae reduced survivorship of newly divided polychaetes. Taken together, my results suggest that early fragmentation is a host response to minimize costs associated with parasitism.  相似文献   

The growth in size of freshwater planarians in response to nutrient intake is limited by the eventual separation of tail and body fragments in a process called fission. The resulting tail fragment regenerates the entire body as an artificially amputated tail fragment would do, and the body fragment regenerates a tail, resulting in two whole planarians. This regenerative ability is supported by pluripotent somatic stem cells, called neoblasts, which are distributed throughout almost the entire body of the planarian. Neoblasts are the only planarian cells with the ability to continuously proliferate and give rise to all types of cells during regeneration, asexual reproduction, homeostasis, and growth. In order to investigate the molecular characteristics of neoblasts, we conducted an extensive search for neoblast-specific genes using the High Coverage Expression Profiling (HiCEP) method, and tested the function of the resulting candidates by RNAi. Disruption of the expression of one candidate gene, DjP2X-A (Dugesia japonica membrane protein P2X homologue), resulted in a unique phenotype. DjP2X-A RNAi leads to an increase of fission events upon feeding. We confirmed by immunohistochemistry that DjP2X-A is a membrane protein, and elucidated its role in regulating neoblast proliferation, thereby explaining its unique phenotype. We found that DjP2X-A decreases the burst of neoblast proliferation that normally occurs after feeding. We also found that DjP2X-A is required for normal proliferation in starved animals. We propose that DjP2X-A modulates stem cell proliferation in response to the nutritional condition.  相似文献   

The spionid Pygospio elegans reproduces both asexually and sexually. Using scanning electron and bright field microscopy, we examined morphogenesis following asexual reproduction to determine how "lost" body regions were regenerated after a worm spontaneously divided. Asexual reproduction occurred through transverse fission and divided the parent worm into 2 to 6 fragments (architomy). All fragments retained their original anterior-posterior polarity. Regeneration in all fragments followed a specific series of events: wound healing (day 1); extension of the blastema to generate lost body regions-specifically, the head and thorax for posterior fragments and the tail and pygidium for anterior fragments (days 2-3); segmentation (days 3-6); and differentiation of segment- or region-specific structures (days 4-8). This pattern occurred regardless of where the original division took place. Subsequent growth occurred through addition of terminal setigers anterior to the pygidium followed by differentiation of tail setigers into abdominal setigers, leaving the tail region about 6 to 10 setigers in size. Division rates were compared in worms from three populations in Nova Scotia, Canada. Worms from two populations (Conrad's Beach, Starr's Point) divided more frequently (about 1.2 and 1.3 weeks between divisions, respectively) than worms from Bon Portage Island (3.5 weeks between divisions). Fragments containing the original head (original mouth intact, generally much larger fragment) had a higher survivorship than fragments containing the original tail.  相似文献   

The positional differences in the regenerative capability of individual body parts of the planarian Girardia (Dugesia) tigrina were analyzed. The paper shows the significance of the size and positional differences of individual fragments of planarians for their regenerative capabilities, as well as the fundamental difference in the mechanisms of the head and tail blastema formation. A scheme of regeneration that includes two populations of pluripotent stem cells called neoblasts is suggested. The two populations of neoblasts differ in their role and distribution along the planarian body. Specifically, the population of neoblasts involved in the formation of any blastema migrates to the nearest blastema, and the population participating only in the creation of the head blastema migrates along the planarian body, following the gradient of biomass of the damaged axons arising after the amputation of the head end. The maximal size of the head blastema was found in the fragment obtained after cutting off the head fragment at the eye level, and the maximal portion of all pluripotent stem cells migrating into two blastemas was found in the fragment obtained by cutting the planarian above the mouth, followed by cutting off the head fragment at the eye level.  相似文献   

Study of planarian stem cell proliferation by means of flow cytometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stem cells in freshwater flatworms (planarian) are called neoblasts. Neoblasts are capable of proliferation and differentiation into every cell type, including the gametes. For the investigation of the mechanisms of stem cells proliferation and differentiation the proper evaluation of changes in the cell cycle of neoblasts in different physiological conditions of planarian is necessary. In the present study the possibility of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the neoblasts population were investigated using flow cytometry. In the cell suspension prepared from planarian tissue proliferating neoblasts have been observed in heterogenic cell population. Quantitative estimation of the cell cycle related changes of planarian stem cells system have been performed in various physiological conditions (intact and regenerating animals) and under the influence of physical (ionizing radiation) and chemical (melatonin and colchicine) factors. The modified protocol for planarian stem cells isolation proved to be effective and reproducible and can be recommended for flow cytometry analyses of human and animal proliferating cells.  相似文献   

Asexual worms of fissiparous strain of the planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis switch from asexual to sexual reproduction, if they are fed with sexually mature worms of Bdellocephala brunnea. This suggests that the sexually mature worms have a sexualizing substance(s) that induces the sexuality in the asexual worms. Here, we found by analysis of the sexualization that the cessation of the fission, namely their asexual reproduction, occurs immediately after the acquisition of sexuality. This result suggests that the downstream mechanisms induced by the putative sexualizing substance in B. brunnea become responsible for the cessation of fission. We also found that the decapitation triggers fission in the worms even after the acquisition of sexuality if they are not sexually mature, while the fully sexualized worms never fission even though they are decapitated. This result suggests that the cessation of fission takes place via at least two steps: (1) the mechanisms associated with the cephalic system; (2) other mechanisms independent of cephalic control.  相似文献   

Trophic factors are a heterogeneous group of molecules that promote cell growth and survival. In freshwater planarians, the small secreted protein TCEN49 is linked to the regional maintenance of the planarian central body region. To investigate its function in vivo, we performed loss-of-function and gain-of-function experiments by RNA interference and by the implantation of microbeads soaked in TCEN49, respectively. We show that TCEN49 behaves as a trophic factor involved in central body region neuron survival. In planarian tail regenerates, tcen49 expression inhibition by double-stranded RNA interference causes extensive apoptosis in various cell types, including nerve cells. This phenotype is rescued by the implantation of microbeads soaked in TCEN49 after RNA interference. On the other hand, in organisms committed to asexual reproduction, both tcen49 mRNA and its protein are detected not only in the central body region but also in the posterior region, expanding from cells close to the ventral nerve chords. In some cases, the implantation of microbeads soaked in TCEN49 in the posterior body region drives organisms to reproduce asexually, and the inhibition of tcen49 expression obstructs this process, suggesting a link between the central nervous system, TCEN49, regional induction, and asexual reproduction. Finally, the distribution of TCEN49 cysteine and tyrosine residues also points to a common evolutionary origin for TCEN49 and molluscan neurotrophins.  相似文献   

Understanding why some organisms reproduce by sexual reproduction while others can reproduce asexually remains an important unsolved problem in evolutionary biology. Simple demography suggests that asexuals should outcompete sexually reproducing organisms, because of their higher intrinsic rate of increase. However, the majority of multicellular organisms have sexual reproduction. The widely accepted explanation for this apparent contradiction is that asexual lineages have a higher extinction rate. A number of models have indicated that population size might play a crucial role in the evolution of asexuality. The strength of processes that lead to extinction of asexual species is reduced when population sizes get very large, so that the long‐term advantage of sexual over asexual reproduction may become negligible. Here, we use a comparative approach using scale insects (Coccoidea, Hemiptera) to show that asexuality is indeed more common in species with larger population density and geographic distribution and we also show that asexual species tend to be more polyphagous. We discuss the implication of our findings for previously observed patterns of asexuality in agricultural pests.  相似文献   

A relationship was studied between fission and restoration of body and its individual parts under different experimental conditions in planarians of the Dugesia tigrina asexual race. The body and its fragments were studied morphomterically. After fission, the growth of planarians demonstrated topographic differences. The separated tail fragments and postpharyngeal area, in which the zone of fission is formed, were growing at the highest rate. More active growth was also noted over the long body axis. Fission and growth were more active in isolated planarians, as compared to those kept in groups.  相似文献   

Planarians are flatworms that constitutively maintain adult tissues through cell turnover and can regenerate entire organisms from tiny body fragments. In addition to requiring new cells (from neoblasts), these feats require mechanisms that specify tissue identity in the adult. Crucial roles for Wnt and BMP signaling in the regeneration and maintenance of the body axes have been uncovered, among other regulatory factors. Available data indicate that genes involved in positional identity regulation at key embryonic stages in other animals display persisting regionalized expression in adult planarians. These expression patterns suggest that a constitutively active gene expression map exists for the maintenance of the planarian body. Planarians thus present a fertile ground for the identification of factors regulating the regionalization of the metazoan body plan and for the study of the attributes of these factors that can lead to the maintenance and regeneration of adult tissues.  相似文献   

Evolutionary transitions require the organization of genetic variation at two (or more) levels of selection so that fitness heritability may emerge at the new level. In this article, we consider the consequences for fitness variation and heritability of two of the main modes of reproduction used in multicellular organisms: vegetative reproduction and single-cell reproduction. We study a model where simple cell colonies reproduce by fragments or propagules of differing size, with mutations occurring during colony growth. Mutations are deleterious at the colony level but can be advantageous or deleterious at the cell level ("selfish" or "uniformly deleterious" mutants). Fragment size affects fitness in two ways: through a direct effect on adult group size (which in turn affects fitness) and by affecting the within- and between-group variances and opportunity for selection on mutations at the two levels. We show that the evolution of fragment size is determined primarily by its direct effects on group size except when mutations are selfish. When mutations are selfish, smaller propagule size may be selected, including single-cell reproduction, even though smaller propagule size has a direct fitness cost by virtue of producing smaller organisms, that is, smaller adult cell groups.  相似文献   

The great powers of regeneration shown by freshwater planarians, capable of regenerating a complete organism from any tiny body fragment, have attracted the interest of scientists throughout history. In 1814, Dalyell concluded that planarians could "almost be called immortal under the edge of the knife". Equally impressive is the developmental plasticity of these platyhelminthes, including continuous growth and fission (asexual reproduction) in well-fed organisms, and shrinkage (degrowth) during prolonged starvation. The source of their morphological plasticity and regenerative capability is a stable population of totipotent stem cells--"neoblasts"; this is the only cell type in the adult that has mitotic activity and differentiates into all cell types. This cellular feature is unique to planarians in the Bilateria clade. Over the last fifteen years, molecular studies have begun to reveal the role of developmental genes in regeneration, although it would be premature to propose a molecular model for planarian regeneration. Genomic and proteomic data are essential in answering some of the fundamental questions concerning this remarkable morphological plasticity. Such information should also pave the way to understanding the genetic pathways associated with metazoan somatic stem-cell regulation and pattern formation.  相似文献   

A relationship was studied between fission and restoration of body and its individual parts under different experimental conditions in planarians of the Dugesia tigrina asexual race. The body and its fragments were studied morphomterically. After fission, the growth of planarians demonstrated topographic differences. The separated tail fragments and postpharyngeal area, in which the zone of fission is formed, were growing at the highest rate. More active growth was also noted over the long body axis. Fission and growth were more active in isolated planarians, as compared to those kept in groups.  相似文献   

We carried out computer morphometry in regenerates of planarians Dugesia tigrina. The blastema growth was analyzed in fragments of planarians after their fission and after transverse transection at different body levels. The blastema was growing at a higher rate on tail fragments than on the head fragments and the growth rate was the higher, the closer the transection was to the head end. After fission, the blastema was growing at a slower rate than after transection in the fission zone. The growth of adjacent blastemas formed on both sides after fission or transection proceeded at different rates as a function of new body polarity.  相似文献   

We carried out computer morphometry in regenerates of planarians Dugesia tigrina. The blastema growth was analyzed in fragments of planarians after their fission and after transverse transection at different body levels. The blastema was growing at a higher rate on tail fragments than on the head fragments and the growth rate was the higher, the closer the transection was to the head end. After fission, the blastema was growing at a slower rate than after transection in the fission zone. The growth of adjacent blastemas formed on both sides after fission or transection proceeded at different rates as a function of new body polarity.  相似文献   

Empirical work suggest that long‐lived organisms have adopted risk sensitive reproductive strategies where individuals trade the amount of resources spent on reproduction versus survival according to expected future environmental conditions. Earlier studies also suggest that climate affects population dynamics both directly by affecting population vital rates and indirectly through long‐term changes in individual life histories. Using a seasonal and state‐dependent individual‐based model we investigated how environmental variability affects the selection of reproductive strategies and their effect on population dynamics. We found that: (1) dynamic, i.e. plastic, reproductive strategies were optimal in a variable climate. (2) Females in poor and unpredictable climatic regimes allocated fewer available resources in reproduction and more in own somatic growth. This resulted in populations with low population densities, and a high average female age and body mass. (3) Strong negative density dependence on offspring body mass and survival, along with co‐variation between climatic severity and population density, resulted in no clear negative climatic effects on reproductive success and offspring body mass. (4) Time series analyses of population growth rates revealed that populations inhabiting benign environments showed the clearest response to climatic perturbations as high population density prohibited an effective buffering of adverse climatic effects as individuals were not able to gain sufficient body reserves during summer. Regularly occurring harsh winters ‘harvested’ populations, resulting in persistent low densities, and released them from negative density dependent effects, resulting in high rewards for a given resource allocation.  相似文献   

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