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The effect of allelochemicals released by toxic species in plankton community is often taken into account to reveal plankton biodiversity. Using a minimal chemostat model we show that the interaction between toxic and non‐toxic phytoplankton species with changing competitive effects among species due to allelopathy helps to promote the stable coexistence of many species on a single resource and hence can solve the paradox of plankton. We emphasize toxic phytoplankton as a keystone species that strongly uncovers its allelochemicals on other non‐toxic phytoplankton and enhances the species persistence and diversity in aquatic ecosystems. In addition, we analyze the consistency of ecosystem functioning and species diversity using a number of approaches, such as sampling hypothesis with selection and complementarity effects, cascading extinction–reinvasion, and examining system dynamics at different enrichment levels and toxicity. Our results suggest that chemostats with one toxic and one or more nontoxic phytoplankton species can be used for the experimental verification of the stable coexistence of many species on a single resource in aquatic ecology.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities can induce major trophic shifts in aquatic systems, yet we have an incomplete understanding of the implication of such shifts on ecosystem function and on primary production (PP) in particular. In recent decades, phytoplankton biomass and production in the Laurentian Great Lakes have declined in response to reduced nutrient concentrations and invasive mussels. However, the increases in water clarity associated with declines in phytoplankton may have positive effects on benthic PP at the ecosystem scale. Have these lakes experienced oligotrophication (a reduction of algal production), or simply a shift in autotrophic structure with no net decline in PP? Benthic contributions to ecosystem PP are rarely measured in large aquatic systems, but our calculations based on productivity rates from the Great Lakes indicate that a significant proportion (up to one half, in Lake Huron) of their whole‐lake production may be benthic. The large declines (5–45%) in phytoplankton production in the Great Lakes from the 1970s to 2000s may be substantially compensated by benthic PP, which increased by up to 190%. Thus, the autotrophic productive capacity of large aquatic ecosystems may be relatively resilient to shifts in trophic status, due to a redirection of production to the near‐shore benthic zone, and large lakes may exhibit shifts in autotrophic structure analogous to the regime shifts seen in shallow lakes.  相似文献   



Understanding the factors that shape the distribution of tropical tree species at large scales is a central issue in ecology, conservation and forest management. The aims of this study were to (i) assess the importance of environmental factors relative to historical factors for tree species distributions in the semi-evergreen forests of the northern Congo basin; and to (ii) identify potential mechanisms explaining distribution patterns through a trait-based approach.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analyzed the distribution patterns of 31 common tree species in an area of more than 700,000 km2 spanning the borders of Cameroon, the Central African Republic, and the Republic of Congo using forest inventory data from 56,445 0.5-ha plots. Spatial variation of environmental (climate, topography and geology) and historical factors (human disturbance) were quantified from maps and satellite records. Four key functional traits (leaf phenology, shade tolerance, wood density, and maximum growth rate) were extracted from the literature. The geological substrate was of major importance for the distribution of the focal species, while climate and past human disturbances had a significant but lesser impact. Species distribution patterns were significantly related to functional traits. Species associated with sandy soils typical of sandstone and alluvium were characterized by slow growth rates, shade tolerance, evergreen leaves, and high wood density, traits allowing persistence on resource-poor soils. In contrast, fast-growing pioneer species rarely occurred on sandy soils, except for Lophira alata.


The results indicate strong environmental filtering due to differential soil resource availability across geological substrates. Additionally, long-term human disturbances in resource-rich areas may have accentuated the observed patterns of species and trait distributions. Trait differences across geological substrates imply pronounced differences in population and ecosystem processes, and call for different conservation and management strategies.  相似文献   



Bacillus mycoides Flügge, a Gram-positive, non-motile soil bacterium assigned to Bacillus cereus group, grows on agar as chains of cells linked end to end, forming radial filaments curving clock- or counter-clockwise (SIN or DX morphotypes). The molecular mechanism causing asymmetric curving is not known: our working hypothesis considers regulation of filamentous growth as the prerequisite for these morphotypes.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecosystems offer striking examples of how positive feedback can be integral to the dynamics of complex communities. In particular, microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) introduce a multitude of positive feedback pathways by rapidly recycling nutrients at the very base of many aquatic food webs. The relatively large magnitude of fluxes being shunted through this 'microbial loop' allows an accumulation of nutrients in localized areas, promotes a general build-up of biomass, and acts as a 'life-support system' in harsh environments. In contrast to customary notions which portray positive feedback effects as undesirable, a reassessment indicates that this 'bootstrapping' can often be advantageous for many organisms.  相似文献   

Inducible responses in prey to predation risk can influence species interaction strength, with significant ecological consequences. Much of the past research on interactions in aquatic ecosystems has focused on remote stimuli (e.g., diffusible chemicals emitted from predators and injured conspecifics, which easily propagate through environmental water), as cues triggering trait responses in prey, and has overlooked the importance of proximate stimuli (e.g., physical disturbance and less-diffusible chemicals), which occur in attack or direct contact to prey by predators. Proximate stimuli from predators as well as remote stimuli may induce significant responses in prey functional traits such as behavior, morphology, and life history and, therefore, act as an important mechanism of top-down effects in aquatic ecosystems. In this opinion paper, we argue that studying the effects of proximate stimuli is essential to better understanding of individual adaptation to predation risk in nature and ecological consequences of predator–prey interactions. Here, we propose research directions to examine the role of proximate stimuli for phenotypic plasticity and interaction systems.  相似文献   

Heat-flow measurements in aquatic ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Heat production by plankton and intertidal benthos reveal anddisprove underlying assumptions about energy flow in aquaticecosystems.  相似文献   

Experiments on a simulated terrestrial agricultural ecosystem were carried out using the pot culture approach. The most representative plants in local vegetable gardens were selected to investigate the root uptake of (110m)Ag. The results show that carrot, kale and flowering cabbage have the largest transfer factor values among the vegetables. Flowering cabbage, as the most popular leafy vegetable in Hong Kong and the South China area, can be used as a biomonitor for radioisotope contamination in vegetables. Soil column and adsorption tests were also carried out to study the leaching ability of the silver isotope in soil and (110m)Ag was mainly adsorbed in the top 1 cm of soil regardless of the pH value. Experiments on a simulated aquatic ecosystem for freshwater fish and marine organisms were carried out in glass aquaria. The freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio, the marine fish Cuvier and some local abundant seashore molluscs were selected to investigate the kinetic metabolism of (110m)Ag in the compartmental system. The results show that molluscs absorb (110m)Ag much more than fish. Clibanarius infraspinatus has the largest concentration factor among the marine organisms selected. Fish liver, although representing a minor portion of the total body mass, shows the highest (110m)Ag concentration factor, whereas muscle, although representing a major portion of the total body mass, is characterized by an absence of (110m)Ag.  相似文献   

  1. Understanding the drivers of trait selection is critical for resolving community assembly processes. Here, we test the importance of environmental filtering and trait covariance for structuring the functional traits of understory herbaceous communities distributed along a natural environmental resource gradient that varied in soil moisture, temperature, and nitrogen availability, produced by different topographic positions in the southern Appalachian Mountains.
  2. To uncover potential differences in community‐level trait responses to the resource gradient, we quantified the averages and variances of both abundance‐weighted and unweighted values for six functional traits (vegetative height, leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content, leaf nitrogen, and leaf δ13C) using 15 individuals of each of the 108 species of understory herbs found at two sites in the southern Appalachians of western North Carolina, USA.
  3. Environmental variables were better predictors of weighted than unweighted community‐level average trait values for all but height and leaf N, indicating strong environmental filtering of plant abundance. Community‐level variance patterns also showed increased convergence of abundance‐weighted traits as resource limitation became more severe.
  4. Functional trait covariance patterns based on weighted averages were uniform across the gradient, whereas coordination based on unweighted averages was inconsistent and varied with environmental context. In line with these results, structural equation modeling revealed that unweighted community‐average traits responded directly to local environmental variation, whereas weighted community‐average traits responded indirectly to local environmental variation through trait coordination.
  5. Our finding that trait coordination is more important for explaining the distribution of weighted than unweighted average trait values along the gradient indicates that environmental filtering acts on multiple traits simultaneously, with abundant species possessing more favorable combinations of traits for maximizing fitness in a given environment.

Landscape approaches to the analysis of aquatic ecosystems   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
1. In the mid-1970s, Hynes (1975) wrote eloquently about the complex interactions between aquatic and terrestrial systems. Central theories in stream ecology developed thereafter have dealt with the longitudinal flow of energy, materials and organisms in streams, and, with the exception of the flood pulse concept (Junk, Bayley & Sparks, 1989), have largely ignored areas outside the riparian zone. The structure of the upland and activities occurring there play a more important part than previously recognized in regulating community structure and ecosystem processes in streams.
2. These new perspectives are made possible by developments in hierarchy theory, patch dynamics, and the refinement of tools used to quantify spatial and temporal heterogeneity.
3. Geographical information systems (GIS), image processing technology and spatial statistical techniques allow quantitative assessment of lateral, longitudinal and vertical components of the landscape that interact at several spatial and temporal scales to influence streams. When GIS is used in concert with geostatistics, multivariate statistics, or landscape models, complex relationships can be elucidated and predicted.
4. To a certain extent, the tools discussed above have only automated functions that were previously performed manually. This suite of tools has improved the ability of aquatic ecologists to examine relationships and test theories over larger, more heterogeneous regions than were previously possible.
5. At the local, state and federal level, management and regulatory frameworks are currently being re-evaluated to incorporate this new perspective in resource management and policy decision making.
6. We will discuss current and future trends in technologies and tools used for aquatic ecosystem research, and the use of techniques as they are applied in these regional assessments are also discussed.  相似文献   

Quantifying habitat complexity in aquatic ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Many aquatic studies have attempted to relate biological features, such as species diversity, abundance, brain size and behaviour, to measures of habitat complexity. Previous measures of habitat complexity have ranged from simple, habitat‐specific variables, such as the number of twigs in a stream, to quantitative parameters of surface topography, such as rugosity. 2. We present a new video‐based technique, called optical intensity, for assaying habitat complexity in aquatic ecosystems. Optical intensity is a visual, quantitative technique modifiable for any scale or for a nested analysis. We field‐tested the technique in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, on 38 quadrats (5 × 5 m) to determine if three freshwater habitats (sand, rock and intermediate) were quantitatively different. 3. A comparison of the values obtained from optical intensity with a previous measure of surface topography (rugosity) showed that the two corresponded well and revealed clear differences among habitats. Both the new measure and rugosity were positively correlated with species diversity, species richness and abundance. Finally, whether used alone or in combination, both measures had predictive value for fish community parameters. 4. This new measure should prove useful to researchers exploring habitat complexity in both marine and freshwater systems.  相似文献   

1. In the mid-1970s, Hynes (1975) wrote eloquently about the complex interactions between aquatic and terrestrial systems. Central theories in stream ecology developed thereafter have dealt with the longitudinal flow of energy, materials and organisms in streams, and, with the exception of the flood pulse concept (Junk, Bayley & Sparks, 1989), have largely ignored areas outside the riparian zone. The structure of the upland and activities occurring there play a more important part than previously recognized in regulating community structure and ecosystem processes in streams.
2. These new perspectives are made possible by developments in hierarchy theory, patch dynamics, and the refinement of tools used to quantify spatial and temporal heterogeneity.
3. Geographical information systems (GIS), image processing technology and spatial statistical techniques allow quantitative assessment of lateral, longitudinal and vertical components of the landscape that interact at several spatial and temporal scales to influence streams. When GIS is used in concert with geostatistics, multivariate statistics, or landscape models, complex relationships can be elucidated and predicted.
4. To a certain extent, the tools discussed above have only automated functions that were previously performed manually. This suite of tools has improved the ability of aquatic ecologists to examine relationships and test theories over larger, more heterogeneous regions than were previously possible.
5. At the local, state and federal level, management and regulatory frameworks are currently being re-evaluated to incorporate this new perspective in resource management and policy decision making.
6. We will discuss current and future trends in technologies and tools used for aquatic ecosystem research, and the use of techniques as they are applied in these regional assessments are also discussed.  相似文献   

To adequately protect aquatic ecosystems from impactby anthropogenic perturbations it is necessary todistinguish what is safe from what is not. Thisreview examines approaches to this problem in relationto primary and secondary effects of pesticides.Understanding nutrient – plankton and plankton –plankton interrelationships on both spatial andtemporal scales is important if secondary or indirecteffects are to be assessed. Before defining ormeasuring a toxicity endpoint, consideration must begiven to whether to use single species or multispeciestests. Each has its strengths and weaknesses and isreviewed. In single species testing, toxicityendpoints can be more clearly defined butextrapolation of effects to an ecosystem is moredifficult than with multispecies testing and can oftenlead to incorrect conclusions. Interpretation ofmultispecies testing results are challenging andnumerical analysis techniques including methods whoseobjectives are inference, classification andordination are required. Conceptual and fuzzy logicmodelling techniques promise a solution to theinterpretation of multispecies tests.  相似文献   

Microbial diversity-productivity relationships in aquatic ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thanks to recent advances in molecular biology, one's knowledge of microbial co-occurrence patterns, microbial biogeography and microbial biodiversity is expanding rapidly. This MiniReview explores microbial diversity-productivity relationships in the light of what is known from the general ecology literature. Analyses of microbial diversity-productivity relationships from 70 natural, experimental, and engineered aquatic ecosystems reveal patterns that are strikingly similar to those that have long been documented for communities of macroorganisms. Microbial ecology and the general science of ecology are thus continuing to converge.  相似文献   

Aquatic treatment indicated that the efficiency ofL. gibba in algal removal was higher in mixtures of Nile and wastewater systems and the percent algal reduction ranged from 86 to 90%. The maximum percentage of algal removal was achieved with a water system with an equal mixture of Nile and wastewater, this was followed by the water system with Nile to wastewater in a ratio of 1∶3 (89%). The data further revealed that the most highly predominant species were contributed byBacillariophyta. L. gibba treatment of the wastewater induced a reduction in the total species number of phytoplankton populations to only 5 species of diatoms with the order of dominance as follows:Synedra ulna, Navicula cryptocephala, Nitzschia acicularis, Melosira granulatus andCyclotella glomerata.  相似文献   

While most biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) studies have found positive effects of species richness on productivity, it remain unclear whether similar patterns hold for marine phytoplankton with high local richness. We use the continuous trait‐based modelling approach, which assumes infinite richness and represents diversity in terms of the variance of the size distribution, to investigate the effects of phytoplankton size diversity on productivity in a three‐dimensional ocean circulation model driven by realistic physics forcing. We find a slightly negative effect of size diversity on primary production, which we attribute to several factors including functional trait‐environment interactions, flexible stoichiometry and the saturation of productivity at low diversity levels. The benefits of trait optimisation, whereby narrow size distributions enhance productivity under relatively stable conditions, tend to dominate over those of adaptive capacity, whereby greater diversity enhances the ability of the community to respond to environmental variability.  相似文献   

New analytical methods such as advanced molecular techniques and microsensors have resulted in new insights about how nitrogen transformations in stratified microbial systems such as sediments and biofilms are regulated at a μm–mm scale. A large and ever-expanding knowledge base about nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, and dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium, and about the microorganisms performing the processes, has been produced by use of these techniques. During the last decade the discovery of anammmox bacteria and migrating, nitrate accumulating bacteria performing dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium have given new dimensions to the understanding of nitrogen cycling in nature, and the occurrence of these organisms and processes in stratified microbial communities will be described in detail.  相似文献   

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