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Weigand MR  Sundin GW 《Genetics》2009,181(1):199-208
Mutagenic DNA repair (MDR) employs low-fidelity DNA polymerases capable of replicating past DNA lesions resulting from exposure to high-energy ultraviolet radiation (UVR). MDR confers UVR tolerance and activation initiates a transient mutator phenotype that may provide opportunities for adaptation. To investigate the potential role of MDR in adaptation, we have propagated parallel lineages of the highly mutable epiphytic plant pathogen Pseudomonas cichorii 302959 with daily UVR activation (UVR lineages) for ~500 generations. Here we examine those lineages through the measurement of relative fitness and observation of distinct colony morphotypes that emerged. Isolates and population samples from UVR lineages displayed gains in fitness relative to the ancestor despite increased rates of inducible mutation to rifampicin resistance. Regular activation of MDR resulted in the maintenance of genetic diversity within UVR lineages, including the reproducible diversification and coexistence of “round” and “fuzzy” colony morphotypes. These results suggest that inducible mutability may present a reasonable strategy for adaptive evolution in stressful environments by contributing to gains in relative fitness and diversification.  相似文献   

We assessed the tolerance to ultraviolet B (UVB; 290-320 nm) radiation and UVB-induced mutability in 28 Pseudomonas spp. and four Burkholderia cepacia strains. The UVB survival of 23 (72%) of the strains was elevated (>46% survival following irradiation with a 2250 J m-2 dose), and 17 (53%) strains were defined as mutable by UVB. A mutagenic DNA repair determinant was cloned and characterized from the highly mutable strain P. cichorii 302959 and shown by sequence analysis to be an allele of rulAB, a mutagenic DNA repair determinant previously characterized from Pseudomonas syringae. Phylogenetic analyses of RulA- and RulB-related sequences indicated that the sequences identified in environmental bacteria shared a common ancestor with UmuDC-like sequences from enteric bacteria but were considerably diverged. The dynamics of UVB-induced mutability to nalidixic acid resistance (NalR) and rifampicin resistance (RifR) were studied in replicate populations of P. cichorii 302959 subjected to a daily UVB dose of 2250 J m-2 for 14 consecutive days. While there was an initial spike in the frequency of NalR and RifR mutants recovered on Days 1 and 2 of two separate experiments, the frequencies were sharply reduced and then fluctuated throughout the duration of both experiments. These experimental results are intriguing because they point to the possibility that P. cichorii possesses additional mechanisms to curtail the induction of spontaneous mutants following repeated episodes of UVB irradiation.  相似文献   

Divergent evolution during an experimental adaptive radiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How repeatable a process is evolution? Comparative studies of multicellular eukaryotes and experimental studies with unicellular prokaryotes document the repeated evolution of adaptive phenotypes during similar adaptive radiations, suggesting that the outcome of adaptive radiation is broadly reproducible. The goal of this study was to test this hypothesis by using phenotypic traits to infer the genetic basis of adaptation to simple carbon-limited environments in an extensive adaptive radiation. We used a clone of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens to found two sets of experimental lines. The first set of lines was allowed to adapt to one of 23 novel environments for 1100 generations while the second set of lines was allowed to accumulate mutations by drift for 2000 generations. All lines were then assayed in the 95 environments provided by Biolog microplates to determine the phenotypic consequences of selection and drift. Replicate selection lines propagated in a common environment evolved similar adaptive components of their phenotype but showed extensive variation in non-adaptive phenotypic traits. This variation in non-adaptive phenotypic traits primarily resulted from the ascendance of different beneficial mutations in different lines. We argue that these results reconcile experimental and comparative approaches to studying adaptation by demonstrating that the convergent phenotypic evolution that occurs during adaptive radiation may be associated with radically different sets of beneficial mutations.  相似文献   

Methods that can randomly introduce mutations in the microbial genome have been used for classical genetic screening and, more recently, the evolutionary engineering of microbial cells. However, most methods rely on either cell-damaging agents or disruptive mutations of genes that are involved in accurate DNA replication, of which the latter requires prior knowledge of gene functions, and thus, is not easily transferable to other species. In this study, we developed a new mutator for in vivo mutagenesis that can directly modify the genomic DNA. Mutator protein, MutaEco, in which a DNA-modifying enzyme is fused to the α-subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase, increases the mutation rate without compromising the cell viability and accelerates the adaptive evolution of E. coli for stress tolerance and utilization of unconventional carbon sources. This fusion strategy is expected to accommodate diverse DNA-modifying enzymes and may be easily adapted to various bacterial species.  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of high mutation rates and the evolution of fitness in three experimental populations of Escherichia coli adapting to a glucose-limited environment. We identified the mutations responsible for the high mutation rates and show that their rate of substitution in all three populations was too rapid to be accounted for simply by genetic drift. In two of the populations, large gains in fitness relative to the ancestor occurred as the mutator alleles rose to fixation, strongly supporting the conclusion that mutator alleles fixed by hitchhiking with beneficial mutations at other loci. In one population, no significant gain in fitness relative to the ancestor occurred in the population as a whole while the mutator allele rose to fixation, but a substantial and significant gain in fitness occurred in the mutator subpopulation as the mutator neared fixation. The spread of the mutator allele from rarity to fixation took >1000 generations in each population. We show that simultaneous adaptive gains in both the mutator and wild-type subpopulations (clonal interference) retarded the mutator fixation in at least one of the populations. We found little evidence that the evolution of high mutation rates accelerated adaptation in these populations.  相似文献   

Genetic constraints can block many mutational pathways to optimal genotypes in real fitness landscapes, yet the extent to which this can limit evolution remains to be determined. Interestingly, mutator bacteria elevate only specific types of mutations, and therefore could be very sensitive to genetic constraints. Testing this possibility is not only clinically relevant, but can also inform about the general impact of genetic constraints in adaptation. Here, we evolved 576 populations of two mutator and one wild-type Escherichia coli to doubling concentrations of the antibiotic cefotaxime. All strains carried TEM-1, a β-lactamase enzyme well known by its low availability of mutational pathways. Crucially, one of the mutators does not elevate any of the relevant first-step mutations known to improve cefatoximase activity. Despite this, both mutators displayed a similar ability to evolve more than 1000-fold resistance. Initial adaptation proceeded in parallel through general multi-drug resistance mechanisms. High-level resistance, in contrast, was achieved through divergent paths; with the a priori inferior mutator exploiting alternative mutational pathways in PBP3, the target of the antibiotic. These results have implications for mutator management in clinical infections and, more generally, illustrate that limits to natural selection in real organisms are alleviated by the existence of multiple loci contributing to fitness.  相似文献   

Bacterial midrib rot, caused by Pseudomonas cichorii, has become a serious threat to the production of greenhouse butterhead lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) in Belgium. Currently, there are no strategies for controlling this pathogen. Therefore, greenhouse experiments were conducted to obtain more knowledge about the epidemiology of P. cichorii on butterhead lettuce. Greenhouse butterhead lettuce becomes susceptible to lettuce midrib rot infections at head formation, and a single overhead irrigation with water containing 102 CFU/ml P. cichorii was sufficient to cause disease. The use of surface drip irrigation instead of overhead sprinkler irrigation significantly reduced midrib rot incidence in the greenhouse. P. cichorii isolates can be divided into subgroups based on BOX‐PCR genomic fingerprinting, with isolates belonging to subgroup C1 and C2 being more virulent than those of (or related to) subgroup C3. P. cichorii infections with distinct symptoms comparable to midrib rot have also been observed on field‐grown crisphead lettuce in California and Japan which, respectively, are referred to as ‘varnish spot’ or ‘tar’. We showed that symptom expression is strongly influenced by the lettuce cultivar group, irrespective of the P. cichorii isolate, resulting in varnish spot/tar on crisphead lettuce and midrib rot on butterhead or cutting group lettuce.  相似文献   

The energy transduction by respiratory membranes from the fluorescent phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas cichorii and Pseudomonas aptata has been examined. Both species have shown to perform ATP synthesis linked to oxidation of NADH with P/2e- ratios ranging between 0.25 and 0.42. This phosphorylation activity is largely insensitive to antimycin A (10-6 M) and KCN (5·10-6 M) in membranes from P. aptata, a strain deficient in c type complement (Zannoni 1982). In contrast, the phosphorylation efficiency is partially lowered by antimycin A and KCN in P. cichorii a strain containing a branched respiratory chain (Zannoni 1982). Oxidation of NADH by ubiquinone-1 (UQ-1) in antimycin A-treated membranes from these two pseudomonads is not coupled to ATP generation. This finding indicates that both strains contain a nonenergy conserving membrane-bound NADH dehydrogenase.The location of the sites of energy conservation was investigated by respiratory-induced quenching of the fluorescence of atebrine. This approach has confirmed the P/2e--ratios measurements along with indication of a energy conserving step at the UQ/cyt. b levels of both bacterial strains. This study has also shown that the cytochrome c oxidase activity by P. cichorii is linked to a proton gradient generation which in turn drives ATP synthesis (P/2e-=0.1). Previous data indicated that a high-potential cytochrome of b type (cyt. b380, Em7.0=+380 mV) is involved in the cytochrome c oxidase activity of P. cichorii (Zannoni 1982). The possibility that this bacterial strain is endowed with a terminal b type oxidase operating with a proton pump mechanism is therefore suggested.  相似文献   

Mutation is the source of both beneficial adaptive variation and deleterious genetic load, fueling the opposing selective forces than shape mutation rate evolution. This dichotomy is well illustrated by the evolution of the mutator phenotype, a genome-wide 10- to 100-fold increase in mutation rate. This phenotype has often been observed in clonally expanding populations exposed to novel or frequently changing conditions. Although studies of both experimental and natural populations have shed light on the evolutionary forces that lead to the spread of the mutator allele through a population, significant gaps in our understanding of mutator evolution remain. Here we use an experimental evolution approach to investigate the conditions required for the evolution of a reduction in mutation rate and the mechanisms by which populations tolerate the accumulation of deleterious mutations. We find that after ~6,700 generations, four out of eight experimental mutator lines had evolved a decreased mutation rate. We provide evidence that the accumulation of deleterious mutations leads to selection for reduced mutation rate clones in populations of mutators. Finally, we test the long-term consequences of the mutator phenotype, finding that mutator lines follow different evolutionary trajectories, some of which lead to drug resistance.  相似文献   

Membrane fragments from the phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas cichorii and Pseudomonas aptata have been examined. A branched respiratory chain is operative in P. cichorii whereas a linear electron transport system characterizes the related bacterium P. aptata. Both species contain several b type cytochromes resolved by redox titration analysis, but no a type components may be detected. In contrast, only P. cichorii is endowed with c type cytochromes and hence with cytochrome c oxidase activity. Among the b type cytochromes, two high-potential components, with Em7.0 at +250 mV and +380 mV, have been kinetically characterized and tentatively associated with cyanideresistant and cytochrome c oxidase activities, respectively. Cytochrome b-250 should correspond to the spectrally detectable cytochrome o whereas cytochrome b-380 is functionally similar to cytochrome b-410 described in Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. This conclusion seems to blur previous reported data on other obligate aerobes in which cytochrome o has been generally associated with cytochrome c oxidase and also suggests that a more accurate reconsideration of the actual physiological role of cyt. o in bacterial respiration is necessary. Furthermore the question arises whether cyt. b-410 like oxidases, i. e. high-potential b's similar to cyt. b-410 of R. capsulata, may be widely distributed among aerobes rather than restricted to facultative photosynthetic prokaryotes.  相似文献   

The discovery 45 years ago that many Pseudomonas syringae pathovars elicit the hypersensitive response in plant species other than their hosts fostered the use of these bacteria as experimental models. However, the basis for host specificity and the corresponding resistance of nonhosts remain unclear. Pseudomonas syringae is now known to inject into the host cytoplasm, via the type III secretion system, effector proteins that suppress basal innate immunity, but may be recognized by cognate resistance (R) proteins in a second level of defence. The identification and manipulation of complete repertoires of type III effectors have revealed the highly polymorphic nature of effector repertoires and their potential to limit the host range. However, the maintenance of compatible effector repertoires may be driven by adaptations to life in a given plant species involving many factors. Tools are now available to test several hypotheses for the nature and evolution of P. syringae host specificity and nonhost resistance.  相似文献   

Insertion and replication of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutator phage D3112   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D3112 is a temperate bacteriophage of P. aeruginosa with heterogeneous sequences at one extremity of the virion DNA molecule. Infection of strain PAOl with phage D3112 results in a 40- to 65-fold increase in the frequency of ami mutants resistant to fluoroacetamide. Nine ami::D3112 prophages have been mapped to distinct sites within the ami locus by Southern blotting experiments with a cloned ami+ probe. All prophages have the same restriction map as the D3112 genome extracted from phage particles. The position of D3112 insertions correlates with the phenotype and reversion behavior of the ami mutants. Induction of D3112cts prophages results in amplification of internal prophage segments as discrete restriction fragments before the terminal viral fragments are visible as sharp hybridizing species. This indicates that D3112 replication is accompanied by recombination of prophage termini to numerous sites in the bacterial genome. Chromosomal junction fragments of an ami::D3112cts prophage are maintained through most of the replication cycle but are cleaved shortly before cell lysis, apparently by the viral encapsidation system.  相似文献   

Adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) is a general and effective strategy for optimizing the design of engineered genetic circuits and upgrading metabolic phenotypes. However, the specific characteristics of each microorganism typically ask for exclusive conditions that need to be adjusted to the biological chassis at stake. In this work, we have adopted a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to implement a flexible and automated framework for performing ALE experiments with the environmental bacterium and metabolic engineering platform Pseudomonas putida. The setup includes a dual-chamber semi-continuous log-phase bioreactor design combined with an anti-biofilm layout to manage specific traits of this bacterium in long-term cultivation experiments. As a way of validation, the prototype was instrumental for selecting fast-growing variants of a P. putida strain engineered to metabolize D-xylose as sole carbon and energy source after running an automated 42 days protocol of iterative regrowth. Several genomic changes were identified in the evolved population that pinpointed the role of RNA polymerase in controlling overall physiological conditions during metabolism of the new carbon source.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas cichorii secretes effectors that suppress defense mechanisms in host plants. However, the function of these effectors, including avirulence protein E1 (AvrE1), in the pathogenicity of P. cichorii, remains unexplored. In this study, to investigate the function of avrE1 in P. cichorii JBC1 (PcJBC1), we created an avrE1-deficient mutant (JBC1ΔavrE1) using CRISPR/Cas9. The disease severity caused by JBC1ΔavrE1 in tomato plants significantly decreased by reducing water soaking during early infection stage, as evidenced by the electrolyte leakage in infected leaves. The disease symptoms caused by JBC1ΔavrE1 in the cabbage midrib were light-brown spots compared to the dark-colored ones caused by PcJBC1, which indicates the role of AvrE1 in cell lysis. The avrE1-deficient mutant failed to elicit cell death in non-host tobacco plants. Disease severity and cell death caused by JBC1ΔavrE1 in host and non-host plants were restored through heterologous complementation with avrE1 from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (PstDC3000). Overall, our results indicate that avrE1 contributes to cell death during early infection, which consequently increases disease development in host plants. The roles of PcJBC1 AvrE1 in host cells remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Many species engage in adaptive niche construction: modification of the local environment that increases the modifying organism's competitive fitness. Adaptive niche construction provides an alternative pathway to higher fitness, shaping the environment rather than conforming to it. Yet, experimental evidence for the evolutionary emergence of adaptive niche construction is lacking, leaving its role in evolution uncertain. Here we report a direct observation of the de novo evolution of adaptive niche construction in populations of the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens. In a laboratory experiment, we allowed several bacterial populations to adapt to a novel environment and assessed whether niche construction evolved over time. We found that adaptive niche construction emerged rapidly, within approximately 100 generations, and became ubiquitous after approximately 400 generations. The large fitness effect of this niche construction was dominated by the low fitness of evolved strains in the ancestrally modified environment: evolved niche constructors were highly dependent on their specific environmental modifications. Populations were subjected to frequent resetting of environmental conditions and severe reduction of spatial habitat structure, both of which are thought to make adaptive niche construction difficult to evolve. Our finding that adaptive niche construction nevertheless evolved repeatably suggests that it may play a more important role in evolution than generally thought.  相似文献   


Pyoverdines, a group of peptide siderophores produced by Pseudomonas species, function not only in iron acquisition, but also in their virulence in hosts. Thus, chemical inhibition of pyoverdine production may be an effective strategy to control Pseudomonas virulence. In the plant pathogen Pseudomonas cichorii SPC9018 (SPC9018), pyoverdine production is required for virulence on eggplant. We screened microbial culture extracts in a pyoverdine-production inhibition assay of SPC9018 and found Streptomyces sp. RM-32 as a candidate-producer. We isolated two active compounds from RM-32 cultures, and elucidated their structures to be actinomycins X2 and D. Actinomycins X2 and D inhibited pyoverdine production by SPC9018 with IC50 values of 17.6 and 29.6 μM, respectively. Furthermore, pyoverdine production in other Pseudomonas bacteria, such as the mushroom pathogen P. tolaasii, was inhibited by the actinomycins. Therefore, these actinomycins may be useful as chemical tools to examine pyoverdine functions and as seed compounds for anti-Pseudomonas virulence agents.  相似文献   

Saxer G  Doebeli M  Travisano M 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e14184
Adaptive radiations occur when a species diversifies into different ecological specialists due to competition for resources and trade-offs associated with the specialization. The evolutionary outcome of an instance of adaptive radiation cannot generally be predicted because chance (stochastic events) and necessity (deterministic events) contribute to the evolution of diversity. With increasing contributions of chance, the degree of parallelism among different instances of adaptive radiations and the predictability of an outcome will decrease. To assess the relative contributions of chance and necessity during adaptive radiation, we performed a selection experiment by evolving twelve independent microcosms of Escherichia coli for 1000 generations in an environment that contained two distinct resources. Specialization to either of these resources involves strong trade-offs in the ability to use the other resource. After selection, we measured three phenotypic traits: 1) fitness, 2) mean colony size, and 3) colony size diversity. We used fitness relative to the ancestor as a measure of adaptation to the selective environment; changes in colony size as a measure of the evolution of new resource specialists because colony size has been shown to correlate with resource specialization; and colony size diversity as a measure of the evolved ecological diversity. Resource competition led to the rapid evolution of phenotypic diversity within microcosms. Measurements of fitness, colony size, and colony size diversity within and among microcosms showed that the repeatability of adaptive radiation was high, despite the evolution of genetic variation within microcosms. Consistent with the observation of parallel evolution, we show that the relative contributions of chance are far smaller and less important than effects due to adaptation for the traits investigated. The two-resource environment imposed similar selection pressures in independent populations and promoted parallel phenotypic adaptive radiations in all independently evolved microcosms.  相似文献   

Mutations are rare in normal cells. In contrast, multiple mutations are characteristic in most tumors. Previously we proposed a "mutator phenotype" hypothesis to explain how pre-cancer cells may acquire large number of mutations during carcinogenesis. Here we extend the "mutator phenotype" hypothesis considering recently discovered biochemical activities whose aberrant expression may result in genome-wide random mutations. The scope of this article is to emphasize that simple random point mutations can drive carcinogenesis and highlight new emerging pathways that generate these mutations. We focus specifically on random point mutations generated by replication errors, oxidative base damage, covalent base modifications by enzymes, and spontaneously generated abasic sites as a source of mutator mutants.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanisms of SOS mutagenesis in the bacterium Escherichia coli, we have undertaken a genetic analysis of the SOS mutator activity. The SOS mutator activity results from constitutive expression of the SOS system in strains carrying a constitutively activated RecA protein (RecA730). We show that the SOS mutator activity is not enhanced in strains containing deficiencies in the uvrABC nucleotide excision-repair system or the xth and nfo base excision-repair systems. Further, recA730-induced errors are shown to be corrected by the MutHLS-dependent mismatch-repair system as efficiently as the corresponding errors in the rec+ background. These results suggest that the SOS mutator activity does not reflect mutagenesis at so-called cryptic lesions but instead represents an amplification of normally occurring DNA polymerase errors. Analysis of the base-pair-substitution mutations induced by recA730 in a mismatch repair-deficient background shows that both transition and transversion errors are amplified, although the effect is much larger for transversions than for transitions. Analysis of the mutator effect in various dnaE strains, including dnaE antimutators, as well as in proofreading-deficient dnaQ (mutD) strains suggests that in recA730 strains, two types of replication errors occur in parallel: (i) normal replication errors that are subject to both exonucleolytic proofreading and dnaE antimutator effects and (ii) recA730-specific errors that are not susceptible to either proofreading or dnaE antimutator effects. The combined data are consistent with a model suggesting that in recA730 cells error-prone replication complexes are assembled at sites where DNA polymerization is temporarily stalled, most likely when a normal polymerase insertion error has created a poorly extendable terminal mismatch. The modified complex forces extension of the mismatch largely at the exclusion of proofreading and polymerase dissociation pathways. SOS mutagenesis targeted at replication-blocking DNA lesions likely proceeds in the same manner.  相似文献   

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