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Toc75 is postulated to form the protein translocation channel in the chloroplastic outer envelope membrane. Proteins homologous to Toc75 are present in a wide range of organisms, with the closest homologs occurring in cyanobacteria. Therefore, an endosymbiotic origin of Toc75 has been postulated. Recently, a gene encoding a paralog to Toc75 was identified in Arabidopsis and its product was named atToc75-V. In the present study, we characterized this new Toc75 paralog, and investigated extensively the relationships among Toc75 homologs from higher plants and bacteria in order to gain insights into the evolutionary origin of the chloroplastic protein translocation channel. First, we found that the native molecular weight of atToc75-V is 80 kDa and renamed it (AtOEP80) Arabidopsis thalianaouter envelope protein of 80 kDa. Second, we found that AtOEP80 and Toc75 utilize different mechanisms for their targeting to the chloroplastic envelope. Toc75 is directed with a cleavable bipartite transit peptide partly via the general import pathway, whereas AtOEP80 contains the targeting information within its mature sequence, and its targeting is independent of the general pathway. Third, we undertook phylogenetic analyses of Toc75 homologs from various organisms, and found that Toc75 and OEP80 represent two independent gene families that are most likely derived from cyanobacterial sequences. Our results suggest that Toc75 and OEP80 diverged early in the evolution of plastids from their common ancestor with modern cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

During protein import into chloroplasts, precursor proteins are docked to these organelles under stringent energy conditions to form early translocation intermediates. Depending on the temperature and the requirement for ATP, different types of early-intermediates are present, for which the extent of precursor protein translocation differs [H. Inoue, M. Akita, J. Biol. Chem. 283 (2008) 7491–7502]. However, it has not been determined whether the environment surrounding the precursor differs for each intermediate. We therefore employed a site-specific photo-crosslinking strategy in our current study to capture any components in close proximity to the targeting signal of the precursors within the early-intermediates. Various crosslinked products, one of which contains Toc75, were identified. The appearance of these products was found to be dependent on the position of the precursor upon modification by the crosslinker and also the intermediate state. This indicated that the transition of early translocation intermediates is accompanied with the movement of the targeting signal within the early-intermediates.  相似文献   

In 1905, the Russian biologist C. Mereschkowsky postulated that plastids (e.g., chloroplasts) are the evolutionary descendants of endosymbiotic cyanobacteria-like organisms. In 1927, I. Wallin explicitly postulated that mitochondria likewise evolved from once free-living bacteria. Here, we summarize the history of these endosymbiotic concepts to their modern-day derivative, the “serial endosymbiosis theory”, which collectively expound on the origin of eukaryotic cell organelles (plastids, mitochondria) and subsequent endosymbiotic events. Additionally, we review recent hypotheses about the origin of the nucleus. Model systems for the study of “endosymbiosis in action” are also described, and the hypothesis that symbiogenesis may contribute to the generation of new species is critically assessed with special reference to the secondary and tertiary endosymbiosis (macroevolution) of unicellular eukaryotic algae.  相似文献   

The ancestors of plastids and mitochondria were once free-living bacteria that became organelles as a result of endosymbiosis. According to this theory, a key bacterial division protein, FtsZ, plays a role in plastid division in algae and plants as well as in mitochondrial division in lower eukaryotes. Recent studies have shown that organelle division is a process that combines features derived from the bacterial division system with features contributed by host eukaryotic cells. Two nonredundant versions of FtsZ, FtsZ1 and FtsZ2, have been identified in green-lineage plastids, whereas most bacteria have a single ftsZ gene. To examine whether there is also more than one type of FtsZ in red-lineage chloroplasts (red algal chloroplasts and chloroplasts that originated from the secondary endosymbiosis of red algae) and in mitochondria, we obtained FtsZ sequences from the complete sequence of the primitive red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae and the draft sequence of the stramenopile (heterokont) Thalassiosira pseudonana. Phylogenetic analyses that included known FtsZ proteins identified two types of chloroplast FtsZ in red algae (FtsZA and FtsZB) and stramenopiles (FtsZA and FtsZC). These analyses also showed that FtsZB emerged after the red and green lineages diverged, while FtsZC arose by the duplication of an ftsZA gene that in turn descended from a red alga engulfed by the ancestor of stramenopiles. A comparison of the predicted proteins showed that like bacterial FtsZ and green-lineage FtsZ2, FtsZA has a short conserved C-termmal sequence (the C-terminal core domain), whereas FtsZB and FtsZC, like the green-lineage FtsZ1, lack this sequence. In addition, the Cyanidioschyzon and Dictyostelium genomes encode two types of mitochondrial FtsZ proteins, one of which lacks the C-terminal variable domain. These results suggest that the acquisition of an additional FtsZ protein with a modified C terminus was common to the primary and secondary endosymbioses that produced plastids and that this also occurred during the establishment of mitochondria, presumably to regulate the multiplication of these organelles.  相似文献   

Toc75 is a protein translocation channel in the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts and its presence is essential for the biogenesis of the organelles. Toc75 is the only protein identified so far in the outer membrane of chloroplasts or mitochondria that is synthesized as a larger precursor, preToc75, with a bipartite transit peptide. Its N-terminus targets the protein to the stroma and is removed by the stromal processing peptidase, whereas its C-terminus mediates envelope targeting and is removed by a yet unknown peptidase. Several conserved domains have been identified in the C-terminal portion of the preToc75 transit peptide from six plant species. We evaluated their importance in the biogenesis of Toc75 by means of deletion or site-directed mutagenesis, followed by import experiments using isolated chlroplasts. Among the conserved domains, a polyglycine stretch was found to be necessary for envelope targeting. Substitution of this domain with other stretches of a single amino acid such as alanine caused mistargeting of the protein into the stroma, indicating an important role for this domain. Furthermore, a glutamate at +2 and two alanine residues at -3 and -1 to the second cleavage site were found to be important for processing. A potential mechanism for the biogenesis of Toc75 is discussed.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts were originally established in eukaryotes by the endosymbiosis of a cyanobacterium; they then spread through diversification of the eukaryotic hosts and subsequent engulfment of eukaryotic algae by previously nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes. The continuity of chloroplasts is maintained by division of preexisting chloroplasts. Like their ancestors, chloroplasts use a bacterial division system based on the FtsZ ring and some associated factors, all of which are now encoded in the host nuclear genome. The majority of bacterial division factors are absent from chloroplasts and several new factors have been added by the eukaryotic host. For example, the ftsZ gene has been duplicated and modified, plastid-dividing (PD) rings were most likely added by the eukaryotic host, and a member of the dynamin family of proteins evolved to regulate chloroplast division. The identification of several additional proteins involved in the division process, along with data from diverse lineages of organisms, our current knowledge of mitochondrial division, and the mining of genomic sequence data have enabled us to begin to understand the universality and evolution of the division system. The principal features of the chloroplast division system thus far identified are conserved across several lineages, including those with secondary chloroplasts, and may reflect primeval features of mitochondrial division. Shin-ya Miyagishima is the recipient of the Botanical Society Award for Young Scientists, 2004.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The establishment of a new plastid organelle by secondary endosymbiosis represents a series of events of massive complexity, and yet we know it has taken place multiple times because both green and red algae have been taken up by other eukaryotic lineages. Exactly how many times these events have succeeded, however, has been a matter of debate that significantly impacts how we view plastid evolution, protein targeting, and eukaryotic relationships. On the green side it is now largely accepted that two independent events led to plastids of euglenids and chlorarachniophytes. How many times red algae have been taken up is less clear, because there are many more lineages with red alga‐derived plastids (cryptomonads, haptophytes, heterokonts, dinoflagellates and apicomplexa) and the relationships between these lineages are less clear. Ten years ago, Cavalier‐Smith proposed that these plastids were all derived from a single endosymbiosis, an idea that was dubbed the chromalveolate hypothesis. No one observation has yet supported the chromalveolate hypothesis as a whole, but molecular data from plastid‐encoded and plastid‐targeted proteins have provided strong support for several components of the overall hypothesis, and evidence for cryptic plastids and new photosynthetic lineages (e.g. Chromera) have transformed our view of plastid distribution within the group. Collectively, these data are most easily reconciled with a single origin of the chromalveolate plastids, although the phylogeny of chromalveolate host lineages (and potentially Rhizaria) remain to be reconciled with this plastid data.  相似文献   

Most chloroplastic proteins are nuclear-encoded and must be transported into the organelle post-translationally. Proteinaceous components in the outer and inner envelope membranes of chloroplasts responsible for this import process were originally identified from pea seedlings. We sought to determine whether these proteins are conserved among different plant species other than pea and among different plastid types. We analyzed plant EST databases and found the presence of homologues to pea chloroplastic protein translocation components, Tic110 and Toc75, in both monocot and dicot species. Because these clones were obtained from various tissues, their presence in different types of plastids is proposed. Protein extracts were prepared from several plant species and from different plant tissues, and then probed with antisera raised against pea Tic110 and Toc75. The results support the idea that translocation components originally found in pea chloroplasts are conserved among different plant species and are present in various plastid types.  相似文献   

In addition to the nuclear genome, organisms have organelle genomes. Most of the DNA present in eukaryotic organisms is located in the cell nucleus. Chloroplasts have independent genomes which are inherited from the mother. Duplicated genes are common in the genomes of all organisms. It is believed that gene duplication is the most important step for the origin of genetic variation, leading to the creation of new genes and new gene functions. Despite the fact that extensive gene duplications are rare among the chloroplast genome, gene duplication in the chloroplast genome is an essential source of new genetic functions and a mechanism of neo-evolution. The events of gene transfer between the chloroplast genome and nuclear genome via duplication and subsequent recombination are important processes in evolution. The duplicated gene or genome in the nucleus has been the subject of several recent reviews. In this review, we will briefly summarize gene duplication and evolution in the chloroplast genome. Also, we will provide an overview of gene transfer events between chloroplast and nuclear genomes.  相似文献   

Among the genes that have recently been pinpointed to be essential for plant embryo development a large number encodes plastid proteins suggesting that embryogenesis is linked to plastid localized processes. However, nuclear encoded plastid proteins are synthesized as precursors in the cytosol and subsequently have to be transported across the plastid envelopes by a complex import machinery. We supposed that deletion of components of this machinery should allow a more general assessment of the role of plastids in embryogenesis since it will not only affect single proteins but instead inhibit the accumulation of most plastid proteins. Here we have characterized three Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking core components of the Toc complex, the protein translocase in the outer plastid envelope membrane, which indeed show embryo lethal phenotypes. Remarkably, embryo development in the atToc75-III mutant, lacking the pore forming component of the translocase, was arrested extremely early at the two-cell stage. In contrast, despite the complete or almost complete lack of the import receptors Toc34 and Toc159, embryo development in the a tToc33/34 and atToc132/159 mutants proceeded slowly and was arrested later at the transition to the globular and the heart stage, respectively. These data demonstrate a strict dependence of cell division and embryo development on functional plastids as well as specific functions of plastids at different stages of embryogenesis. In addition, our analysis suggest that not all components of the translocase are equally essential for plastid protein import in vivo.  相似文献   

目的:探索叶绿体分裂蛋白PLASTID DIVISION1(PDV1)胞质侧结构域的高效可溶性表达条件,并得到高纯度目的蛋白。方法:通过改变表达载体种类、基因片段大小、诱导剂浓度、诱导温度的方法,以及运用分子伴侣的协助,实现目的蛋白高效可溶性表达。通过镍柱亲和层析和分子筛层析纯化目的蛋白。结果:(1)带His标签的目的蛋白大部分以包涵体形式存在于沉淀中;(2)截掉疏水区域并与增溶标签GST或NusA融合表达,再通过改变诱导表达条件,可以实现PDV1胞质侧结构域的可溶性表达;(3)比较目的蛋白可溶性表达量,选择高效可溶性表达体系,并在该条件下纯化得到高纯度目的蛋白。结论:PDV1胞质侧结构域的高效可溶性表达及纯化,为进一步研究该蛋白的结构及其在叶绿体分裂过程中的作用奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

Recent progress in molecular phylogenetics has proven that photosynthetic eukaryotes acquired plastids via primary and secondary endosymbiosis and has given us information about the origin of each plastid. How a photosynthetic endosymbiont became a plastid in each group is, however, poorly understood, especially for the organisms with secondary plastids. Investigating how a nuclear-encoded plastid protein is targeted into a plastid in each photosynthetic group is one of the most important keys to understanding the evolutionary process of symbiogenetic plastid acquisition and its diversity. For organisms which originated through primary endosymbiosis, protein targeting into plastids has been well studied at the molecular level. For organisms which originated through secondary endosymbiosis, molecular-level studies have just started on the plastid-targeted protein-precursor sequences and the targeting pathways of the precursors. However, little information is available about how the proteins get across the inner two or three envelope membranes in organisms with secondary plastids. A good in vitro protein-import system for isolated plastids and a cell transformation system must be established for each group of photosynthetic eukaryotes in order to understand the mechanisms, the evolutionary processes and the diversity of symbiogenetic plastid acquisitions in photosynthetic eukaryotes.  相似文献   

细胞或质体中部正确分裂位点的选择是MinD蛋白与其他Min蛋白(MinC/E)相互作用的结果,MinD蛋白在原核细胞以及植物叶绿体的分裂过程中发挥着重要的作用。细胞中MinD蛋白浓度的明显升高可影响正常细胞的分裂过程而产生丝状体细胞。为了研究叶绿体分裂蛋白CrMinD的保守功能,构建了衣藻CrMinD-gfp的原核表达重组质粒进行了原核功能验证。试验结果表明,衣藻CrMinD蛋白的过量表达严重影响了大肠杆菌的分裂,其在原核细胞中运动和定位与用GFP标记的原核细胞MinD蛋白具有相似性。更进一步证明了叶绿体分裂同源物CrMinD蛋白与原核细胞MinD蛋白有着相似的功能,是一个进化上功能保守的蛋白。同时,这一结果也为研究植物细胞中质体的分裂机制奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

Sato M  Nishikawa T  Kajitani H  Kawano S 《Planta》2007,227(1):177-187
Cyanelles of the biflagellate protist Cyanophora paradoxa have retained the peptidoglycan layer, which is critical for division, as indicated by the inhibitory effects of β-lactam antibiotics. An FtsZ ring is formed at the division site during cyanelle division. We used immunofluorescence microscopy to observe the process of FtsZ ring formation, which is expected to lead cyanelle division, and demonstrated that an FtsZ arc and a split FtsZ ring emerge during the early and late stages of cyanelle division, respectively. We used an anti-FtsZ antibody to observe cyanelle FtsZ rings. We observed bright, ring-shaped fluorescence of FtsZ in cyanelles. Cyanelles were kidney-shaped shortly after division. Fluorescence indicated that FtsZ did not surround the division plane at an early stage of division, but rather formed an FtsZ arc localized at the constriction site. The constriction spread around the cyanelle, which gradually became dumbbell shaped. After the envelope’s invagination, the ring split parallel to the cyanelle division plane without disappearing. Treatment of C. paradoxa cells with ampicillin, a β-lactam antibiotic, resulted in spherical cyanelles with an FtsZ arc or ring on the division plane. Transmission electron microscopy of the ampicillin-treated cyanelle envelope membrane revealed that the surface was not smooth. Thus, the inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis by ampicillin causes the inhibition of septum formation and a marked delay in constriction development. The formation of the FtsZ arc and FtsZ ring is the earliest sign of cyanelle division, followed by constriction and septum formation.  相似文献   

FtsZ was identified in bacteria as the first protein to localize mid-cell prior to division and homologs have been found in many plant species. Bacterial studies demonstrated that FtsZ forms a ring structure that is dynamically exchanged with a soluble pool of FtsZ. Our previous work established that Arabidopsis FtsZ1 and FtsZ2-1 are capable of in vitro self-assembly into two distinct filament types, termed type-I and type-II and noted the presence of filament precursor molecules which prompted this investigation. Using a combination of electron microscopy, gel chromatography and native PAGE revealed that (i) prior to FtsZ assembly initiation the pool consists solely of dimers and (ii) during assembly of the Arabidopsis FtsZ type-II filaments the most common intermediate between the dimer and filament state is a tetramer. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the observed dimer and tetramer suggest these oligomeric forms may represent consecutive steps in type-II filament assembly and a mechanism is proposed, which is expanded to include FtsZ assembly into type-I filaments. Finally, the results permit a discussion of the oligomeric nature of the soluble pool in plants.  相似文献   

体细胞基因打靶-核移植技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因效率与外源基因表达水平低的现状一直是制约动物生物反应器研究与产业化的主要技术瓶颈。体细胞克隆动物的成功和胚胎干细胞基因打靶技术的逐步完善使得体细胞基因打靶与核移植技术的结合使用成为可能,这就为生产遗传修饰家畜提供了一种新的手段,为动物生物反应器的成功研制提供了新的技术途径。从体细胞基因打靶的载体设计、转染系统的建立、中靶细胞的筛选和鉴定以及培养体细胞寿命等方面阐述了体细胞基因打靶—核移植技术体系的最新研究进展,并对其在异种器官移植、建立动物疾病模型、提高家畜生长性能以及生产药用蛋白等各个领域中的应用前景作了展望 。  相似文献   

The Toc75 and OEP80 proteins reside in the chloroplast outer envelope membrane. Both are members of the Omp85 superfamily of β-barrel proteins, and both are essential in Arabidopsis plants with important roles throughout development. Toc75 forms the translocation channel of the TOC complex, which is responsible for importing nucleus-encoded proteins into chloroplasts, while the function of OEP80 remains uncertain. Deficiency of Toc75 in plants that have artificially reduced OEP80 levels suggests that the latter may be involved in the biogenesis of β-barrel proteins, in similar fashion to Omp85-related proteins in other systems. To elucidate the evolutionary relationship between the two proteins, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis using 48 sequences from diverse species. This indicated that Toc75 and OEP80 belong to sister groups in the Omp85 superfamily, and originate from a gene duplication in an ancient eukaryotic organism > 1.2 billion years ago. Our analysis also supports the notion that the Toc75 family has undergone a phase of neofunctionalization to accommodate the organelle’s newly acquired need to import proteins.  相似文献   

质体作为植物细胞中一类重要的细胞器,控制其分裂的分子机制一直都不清楚。最近的研究表明,植物细胞中与原核细胞分裂基因fisZ类似的同源基因控制着质体的分裂过程。通过正反义转化分析了两个烟草的ftsZ基因(NtFtsZ1和NtFtsZ2)在转基因烟草中的功能。二的反义表达并未对转化烟草细胞中叶绿体的分裂和形态产生明显影响,但二过表达转化植株中叶绿体的数目和形态都发生了明显的变化,在某些转化植株的叶肉细胞中甚至只有1-2个巨大的叶绿体存在。对不同转化植株的电镜观察和叶绿素含量分析认为,NtFtsZs基因可能对叶绿体的正常发育和功能没有影响,叶绿体形态的变化是对其数目减少的一种补偿。正反义转化植株中叶绿体的不同表型暗示高等植物中同一家族的ftsZ基因可能在控制质体分裂方面具有相同的功能。同时,过表达植株中叶绿体形态的变化被认为是高等植物的FtsZ质体骨架功能的体现。  相似文献   

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