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Climatic change has great impacts on stream catchments and their ecology. Expectations are that more extreme climate events will result in undesired flooding in stream catchments. In the Netherlands, former floodplains with a history of agricultural use are put into use again as flooding areas for the purpose of water retention. This study focuses on the effects of winter flooding on various plant site conditions in the soil, such as redox, nutrient, pH, and base status. We compared the effects on groundwater- and rainwater-dominated floodplains. Water chemistry (pH, EC, HCO3, SO4, Cl, Ca, Mg, Na, K, , NO3, NH4, and PO4) and soil nutrients (Total N and P, and bio-available P) were monitored for one year, including a 3–4 month period with winter flooding. In both floodplains no direct effect of the flood-water chemistry was detected in the pore water, because the soil pores had become saturated with groundwater or rainwater, respectively, just before flooding, flood-water did not penetrate the soil. We found that the increase in pH and ammonium concentration in the rainwater floodplain were due to changes in redox status, resulting from the completely water-filled state of the soil pores during the flooding event. Furthermore, we noticed an increase in soil nutrient contents and a shift in plant species composition in the rainwater floodplain: the vegetation included more plant species characteristic for N-richness. Finally, we conclude that winter flooding has more drastic effects on biogeochemical conditions and vegetation composition in the atmotrophic conditions characteristic for low-order subcatchments than in lithotrophic conditions in the larger, higher-order subcatchments of the stream basin.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms control many facets of biology and their disruption can be associated with severe pathological conditions. In healthy individuals, disturbances to the sleep-wake cycle can be the root cause of many problems. In the present review, we explore the major factors contributing to circadian rhythm disruption, including sleep disorders, jet lag, and shift work. The consequences of these disruptions on central and peripheral clocks and the important areas of the body controlled by them involve immune function and metabolism, as well as alterations in cognitive abilities, thereby impairing social and occupational behavior. Further work exploring clock genes, light exposure, and cellular changes will be critical for identifying how these factors interact to affect health and behavior.  相似文献   

Much focus has been placed on the obesity epidemic due to its high prevalence and the costs it imposes on society. Using 2004 data from the Roper Center, complemented with 2003 data from the Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance System, this study analyses the possible effect that time preference has on health in the United States, as measured by the body mass index. After controlling for a variety of covariates and correcting for potential selectivity, some evidence of a positive association between time preference for the present and the body mass index can be found, particularly for males. Research in this area has policy implications in terms of creating incentives for those who lack self-control through the use of pre-commitment devices. Measures addressing self-control issues may be more effective in reducing the rising obesity rates across the world.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the rainy season dispersal of the fish Poecilia gillii (Poeciliidae) from pools in a steepgradient, intermittent stream in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. The stream consisted of about 20 pools separated by dry streambed except during two floods and subsequent brief periods of flow. Individually recognizable tags permitted mark-recapture estimates of population size and information on individual movements. The first flood was very severe, with pools losing an average of 75% of their populations (range 12–99%). Most of the lost fish died by becoming trapped in desiccating pools. Males and juveniles were more likely to be lost than were females. Population loss was negatively related to pool volume and positively related to streambed slope. In addition, population loss was positively related to preflood population size when the effects of pool volume and slope were removed indicating that pools with higher densities lost more fish. Of the fish recaptured after the flood, the average proportion found in the pool in which they had been tagged varied from 16%–96%, depending on the area of the stream. Of fish that moved, 92% went downstream. The second flood was less severe though stream flow lasted as long, and there was little effect on the pool populations. Involuntary flushing during the flood and voluntary departure apparently interacted to produce the observed patterns.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of coastal vegetation on tsunami damage based on field observations carried out after the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004. Study locations covered about 250 km (19 locations) on the southern coast of Sri Lanka and about 200 km (29 locations) on the Andaman coast of Thailand. The representative vegetation was classified into six types according to their habitat and the stand structures of the trees. The impact of vegetation structure on drag forces was analyzed using the observed characteristics of the tree species. The drag coefficient, including the vertical stand structures of trees, C d-all, and the vegetation thickness (cumulative trunk diameter of vegetation in the tsunami direction) per unit area, dN u (d: reference diameter of trees, N u : number of trees per unit area), varied greatly with the species classification. Based on the field survey and data analysis, Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata (hereafter R. apiculata-type), kinds of mangroves, and Pandanus odoratissimus, a representative tree that grows in beach sand, were found to be especially effective in providing protection from tsunami damage due to their complex aerial root structure. Two layers of vegetation in the vertical direction with P. odoratissimus and Casuarina equisetifolia and a horizontal vegetation structure of small and large diameter trees were also important for increasing drag and trapping floating objects, broken branches, houses, and people. The vertical structure also provided an effective soft landing for people washed up by the tsunami or for escaping when the tsunami waves hit, although its dN u is not large compared with R. apiculata-type and P. odoratissimus. In addition, the creeks inside mangroves and the gaps inside C. equisetifolia vegetation are assumed to be effective for retarding tsunami waves. This information should be considered in future coastal landscape planning, rehabilitation, and coastal resource management.  相似文献   

With the dramatic pace of modernization of the world's population, human adaptation as a theoretical construct and paradigm will likely become a focal scientific issue involving scientists from many disciplinary areas during the 21st Century. Macro and micro environments are in rapid flux and human populations are exposed to rapid change. The concept of adaptation, at least in the field of biological anthropology and human biology, will likely remain tied to evolutionary processes and concepts of selection and fitness. In this paper, we discuss the theoretical constructs of adaptation and adaptability and select three current examples from our ongoing research that involve studies of adaptation and evolutionary processes in modernizing populations in different locations worldwide.  相似文献   

Starting up a brand new lab is difficult enough. But when a hurricane soon forces you thousands of miles from your new research home, a whole new layer of complications arises, as Rebecca Worthylake recently found.  相似文献   

In this issue, a study by Hayer et al. (2010. J. Cell Biol. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201003086) provides insights into the trafficking of caveolins, the major membrane proteins of caveolae. As well as providing evidence for ubiquitin-mediated endosomal sorting and degradation of caveolin in multivesicular bodies (MVBs), the new findings question the existence of a unique organelle proposed nine years ago, the caveosome.  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation and medical disorders of sleep are common in today's society and have significant public health implications. In this article, we address 3 specific issues related to the public health and safety consequences of sleep disorders. First, we review data that has linked sleep restriction to a variety of adverse physiologic and long-term health outcomes including all-cause mortality, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Second, we will review recent data that has demonstrated that therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (the most common respiratory disorder of sleep) is an extremely efficient use of healthcare resources (in terms of dollars spent per quality adjusted life year gained), and compares favorably with other commonly funded medical therapies. Finally, we will review data that illustrate the potential adverse patient and occupational safety impacts of the extreme work schedules of housestaff (physicians in training).  相似文献   

Revisiting the bulge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two recent papers--one from the group of Elaine Fuchs in Science and the other from the group of George Costarelis in Nature Biotechnology--on the isolation and multipotentiality of adult hair follicle stem cells catapult us ahead in our understanding of epidermal and hair follicle lineages.  相似文献   

The human colonic microbiota degrades dietary substrates that are indigestible in the upper GIT (gastrointestinal tract), releasing bacterial metabolites, some of which are important for gut health. Advances in molecular biology techniques have facilitated detailed analyses of the composition of the bacterial community resident in the lower GIT. Such analyses have indicated that more than 500 different bacterial species colonize an individual, and that, although there is much functional consistency in the resident bacterial groups, there is considerable inter-individual variation at the species/strain level. The bacterial community develops during early childhood until it reaches an adult-like composition. Whereas colonization and host factors influence the species composition, dietary factors also have an important impact, with specific bacterial groups changing in response to specific dietary interventions. Since bacterial species have different metabolic activities, specific diets have various consequences for health, dependent on the effect exerted on the bacterial population.  相似文献   

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