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A major development in smooth muscle research in recent years is the recognition that the myofilament lattice of the muscle is malleable. The malleability appears to stem from plastic rearrangement of contractile and cytoskeletal filaments in response to stress and strain exerted on the muscle cell, and it allows the muscle to adapt to a wide range of cell lengths and maintain optimal contractility. Although much is still poorly understood, we have begun to comprehend some of the basic mechanisms underlying the assembly and disassembly of contractile and cytoskeletal filaments in smooth muscle during the process of adaptation to large changes in cell geometry. One factor that likely facilitates the plastic length adaptation is the ability of myosin filaments to form and dissolve at the right place and the right time within the myofilament lattice. It is proposed herein that formation of myosin filaments in vivo is aided by the various filament-stabilizing proteins, such as caldesmon, and that the thick filament length is determined by the dimension of the actin filament lattice. It is still an open question as to how the dimension of the dynamic filament lattice is regulated. In light of the new perspective of malleable myofilament lattice in smooth muscle, the roles of many smooth muscle proteins could be assigned or reassigned in the context of plastic reorganization of the contractile apparatus and cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Length adaptation in airway smooth muscle (ASM) is attributed to reorganization of the cytoskeleton, and in particular the contractile elements. However, a constantly changing lung volume with tidal breathing (hence changing ASM length) is likely to restrict full adaptation of ASM for force generation. There is likely to be continuous length adaptation of ASM between states of incomplete or partial length adaption. We propose a new model that assimilates findings on myosin filament polymerization/depolymerization, partial length adaptation, isometric force, and shortening velocity to describe this continuous length adaptation process. In this model, the ASM adapts to an optimal force-generating capacity in a repeating cycle of events. Initially the myosin filament, shortened by prior length changes, associates with two longer actin filaments. The actin filaments are located adjacent to the myosin filaments, such that all myosin heads overlap with actin to permit maximal cross-bridge cycling. Since in this model the actin filaments are usually longer than myosin filaments, the excess length of the actin filament is located randomly with respect to the myosin filament. Once activated, the myosin filament elongates by polymerization along the actin filaments, with the growth limited by the overlap of the actin filaments. During relaxation, the myosin filaments dissociate from the actin filaments, and then the cycle repeats. This process causes a gradual adaptation of force and instantaneous adaptation of shortening velocity. Good agreement is found between model simulations and the experimental data depicting the relationship between force development, myosin filament density, or shortening velocity and length.  相似文献   

The actin (thin) filaments in striated muscle are highly regulated and precisely specified in length to optimally overlap with the myosin (thick) filaments for efficient myofibril contraction. Here, we review and critically discuss recent evidence for how thin filament lengths are controlled in vertebrate skeletal, vertebrate cardiac, and invertebrate (arthropod) sarcomeres. Regulation of actin polymerization dynamics at the slow-growing (pointed) ends by the capping protein tropomodulin provides a unified explanation for how thin filament lengths are physiologically optimized in all three muscle types. Nebulin, a large protein thought to specify thin filament lengths in vertebrate skeletal muscle through a ruler mechanism, may not control pointed-end actin dynamics directly, but instead may stabilize a large core region of the thin filament. We suggest that this stabilizing function for nebulin modifies the lengths primarily specified by pointed-end actin dynamics to generate uniform filament lengths in vertebrate skeletal muscle. We suggest that nebulette, a small homolog of nebulin, may stabilize a correspondingly shorter core region and allow individual thin filament lengths to vary according to working sarcomere lengths in vertebrate cardiac muscle. We present a unified model for thin filament length regulation where these two mechanisms cooperate to tailor thin filament lengths for specific contractile environments in diverse muscles.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of length adaptation in airway smooth muscle (ASM) is well documented; however, the underlying mechanism is less clear. Evidence to date suggests that the adaptation involves reassembly of contractile filaments, leading to reconfiguration of the actin filament lattice and polymerization or depolymerization of the myosin filaments within the lattice. The time courses for these events are unknown. To gain insights into the adaptation process, we examined ASM mechanical properties and ultrastructural changes during adaptation. Step changes in length were applied to isolated bundles of ASM cells; changes in force, shortening velocity, and myosin filament mass were then quantified. A greater decrease in force was found following an acute decrease in length, compared with that of an acute increase in length. A decrease in myosin filament mass was also found with an acute decrease in length. The shortening velocity measured immediately after the length change was the same as that measured after the muscle had fully adapted to the new length. These observations can be explained by a model in which partial adaptation of the muscle leads to an intermediate state in which reconfiguration of the myofilament lattice occurred rapidly, followed by a relatively slow process of polymerization of myosin filaments within the lattice. The partially adapted intermediate state is perhaps more physiologically relevant than the fully adapted state seen under static conditions, and it simulates a more realistic behavior for ASM in vivo.  相似文献   

Airway smooth muscle adapts to different lengths with functional changes that suggest plastic alterations in the filament lattice. To look for structural changes that might be associated with this plasticity, we studied the relationship between isometric force generation and myosin thick filament density in cell cross sections, measured by electron microscope, after length oscillations applied to the relaxed porcine trachealis muscle. Muscles were stimulated regularly for 12 s every 5 min. Between two stimulations, the muscles were submitted to repeated passive +/- 30% length changes. This caused tetanic force and thick-filament density to fall by 21 and 27%, respectively. However, in subsequent tetani, both force and filament density recovered to preoscillation levels. These findings indicate that thick filaments in airway smooth muscle are labile, depolymerization of the myosin filaments can be induced by mechanical strain, and repolymerization of the thick filaments underlies force recovery after the oscillation. This thick-filament lability would greatly facilitate plastic changes of lattice length and explain why airway smooth muscle is able to function over a large length range.  相似文献   

A new constitutive model for the biomechanical behaviour of smooth muscle tissue is proposed. The active muscle contraction is accomplished by the relative sliding between actin and myosin filaments, comprising contractile units in the smooth muscle cells. The orientation of the myosin filaments, and thereby the contractile units, are taken to exhibit a statistical dispersion around a preferred direction. The number of activated cross-bridges between the actin and myosin filaments governs the contractile force generated by the muscle and also the contraction speed. A strain-energy function is used to describe the mechanical behaviour of the smooth muscle tissue. Besides the active contractile apparatus, the mechanical model also incorporates a passive elastic part. The constitutive model was compared to histological and isometric tensile test results for smooth muscle tissue from swine carotid artery. In order to be able to predict the active stress at different muscle lengths, a filament dispersion significantly larger than the one observed experimentally was required. Furthermore, a comparison of the predicted active stress for a case of uniaxially oriented myosin filaments and a case of filaments with a dispersion based on the experimental histological data shows that the difference in generated stress is noticeable but limited. Thus, the results suggest that myosin filament dispersion alone cannot explain the increase in active muscle stress with increasing muscle stretch.  相似文献   

Thick myosin filaments, in addition to actin filaments, were found in sections of glycerinated chicken gizzard smooth muscle when fixed at a pH below 6.6. The thick filaments were often grouped into bundles and run in the longitudinal axis of the smooth muscle cell. Each thick filament was surrounded by a number of thin filaments, giving the filament arrangement a rosette appearance in cross-section. The exact ratio of thick filaments to thin filaments could not be determined since most arrays were not so regular as those commonly found in striated muscle. Some rosettes had seven or eight thin filaments surrounding a single thick filament. Homogenates of smooth muscle of chicken gizzard also showed both thick and thin filaments when the isolation was carried out at a pH below 6.6, but only thin filaments were found at pH 7.4. No Z or M lines were observed in chicken gizzard muscle containing both thick and thin filaments. The lack of these organizing structures may allow smooth muscle myosin to disaggregate readily at pH 7.4.  相似文献   

Airway smooth muscle is able to adapt and maintain a nearly constant maximal force generation over a large length range. This implies that a fixed filament lattice such as that found in striated muscle may not exist in this tissue and that plastic remodeling of its contractile and cytoskeletal filaments may be involved in the process of length adaptation that optimizes contractile filament overlap. Here, we show that isometric force produced by airway smooth muscle is independent of muscle length over a twofold length change; cell cross-sectional area was inversely proportional to cell length, implying that the cell volume was conserved at different lengths; shortening velocity and myosin filament density varied similarly to length change: increased by 69.4% ± 5.7 (SE) and 76.0% ± 9.8, respectively, for a 100% increase in cell length. Muscle power output, ATPase rate, and myosin filament density also have the same dependence on muscle cell length: increased by 35.4% ± 6.7, 34.6% ± 3.4, and 35.6% ± 10.6, respectively, for a 50% increase in cell length. The data can be explained by a model in which additional contractile units containing myosin filaments are formed and placed in series with existing contractile units when the muscle is adapted at a longer length. muscle contraction; myosin filaments; ATPase activity; electron microscopy  相似文献   

Contractile stimulation induces actin polymerization in smooth muscle tissues and cells, and the inhibition of actin polymerization depresses smooth muscle force development. In the present study, the role of Cdc42 in the regulation of actin polymerization and tension development in smooth muscle was evaluated. Acetylcholine stimulation of tracheal smooth muscle tissues increased the activation of Cdc42. Plasmids encoding wild type Cdc42 or a dominant negative Cdc42 mutant, Asn-17 Cdc42, were introduced into tracheal smooth muscle strips by reversible permeabilization, and tissues were incubated for 2 days to allow for protein expression. Expression of recombinant proteins was confirmed by immunoblot analysis. The expression of the dominant negative Cdc42 mutant inhibited contractile force and the increase in actin polymerization in response to acetylcholine stimulation but did not inhibit the increase in myosin light chain phosphorylation. The expression of wild type Cdc42 had no significant effect on force, actin polymerization, or myosin light chain phosphorylation. Contractile stimulation increased the association of neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein with Cdc42 and the Arp2/3 (actin-related protein) complex in smooth muscle tissues expressing wild type Cdc42. The agonist-induced increase in these protein interactions was inhibited in tissues expressing the inactive Cdc42 mutant. We conclude that Cdc42 activation regulates active tension development and actin polymerization during contractile stimulation. Cdc42 may regulate the activation of neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein and the actin related protein complex, which in turn regulate actin filament polymerization initiated by the contractile stimulation of smooth muscle.  相似文献   

It is believed that the contractile filaments in smooth muscle are organized into arrays of contractile units (similar to the sarcomeric structure in striated muscle), and that such an organization is crucial for transforming the mechanical activities of actomyosin interaction into cell shortening and force generation. Details of the filament organization, however, are still poorly understood. Several models of contractile filament architecture are discussed here. To account for the linear relationship observed between the force generated by a smooth muscle and the muscle length at the plateau of an isotonic contraction, a model of contractile unit is proposed. The model consists of 2 dense bodies with actin (thin) filaments attached, and a myosin (thick) filament lying between the parallel thin filaments. In addition, the thick filament is assumed to span the whole contractile unit length, from dense body to dense body, so that when the contractile unit shortens, the amount of overlap between the thick and thin filaments (i.e., the distance between the dense bodies) decreases in exact proportion to the amount of shortening. Assembly of the contractile units into functional contractile apparatus is assumed to involve a group of cells that form a mechanical syncytium. The contractile apparatus is assumed malleable in that the number of contractile units in series and in parallel can be altered to accommodate strains on the muscle and to maintain the muscle's optimal mechanical function.  相似文献   

The contractile systems of vertebrate smooth and striated muscles are compared. Smooth muscles contain relatively large amounts of actin and tropomyosin organized into thin filaments, and smaller amounts of myosin in the form of thick filaments. The protein contents are consistent with observed thin:thick filament ratios of about 15-18:1 in smooth compared to 2:1 in striated muscle. The basic characteristics of both types of contractile proteins are similar; but there are a variety of quantitative differences in protein structures, enzymatic activities and filament stabilities. Biochemical and X-ray diffraction data generally support recent ultrastructural evidence concerning the organization of the myofilaments in smooth muscle, although a basic contractile unit comparable to the sarcomere in striated muscle has not been discerned. Myofilament interactions and contraction in smooth muscle are controlled by changes in the Ca2+ concentration. Recent evidence suggests the Ca2+-binding regulatory site is associated with the myosin in vertebrate smooth muscle (as in a variety of invertebrate muscles), rather than with troponin which is the regulatory protein associated with the thin filament in vertebrate striated muscle.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle exhibits biophysical characteristics and physiological behaviors that are not readily explained by present paradigms of cytoskeletal and cross-bridge mechanics. There is increasing evidence that contractile activation of the smooth muscle cell involves an array of cytoskeletal processes that extend beyond cross-bridge cycling and the sliding of thick and thin filaments. We review here the evidence suggesting that the biophysical and mechanical properties of the smooth muscle cell reflect the integrated interactions of an array of highly dynamic cytoskeletal processes that both react to and transform the dynamics of cross-bridge interactions over the course of the contraction cycle. The activation of the smooth muscle cell is proposed to trigger dynamic remodeling of the actin filament lattice within cellular microdomains in response to local mechanical and pharmacological events, enabling the cell to adapt to its external environment. As the contraction progresses, the cytoskeletal lattice stabilizes, solidifies, and forms a rigid structure well suited for transmission of tension generated by the interaction of myosin and actin. The integrated molecular transitions that occur within the contractile cycle are interpreted in the context of microscale agitation mechanisms and resulting remodeling events within the intracellular microenvironment. Such an interpretation suggests that the cytoskeleton may behave as a glassy substance whose mechanical function is governed by an effective temperature.  相似文献   

Vinculin localizes to membrane adhesion junctions where it links actin filaments to the extracellular matrix by binding to the integrin-binding protein talin at its head domain (Vh) and to actin filaments at its tail domain (Vt). Vinculin can assume an inactive (closed) conformation in which Vh and Vt bind to each other, masking the binding sites for actin and talin, and an active (open) conformation in which the binding sites for talin and actin are exposed. We hypothesized that the contractile activation of smooth muscle tissues might regulate the activation of vinculin and thereby contribute to the regulation of contractile tension. Stimulation of tracheal smooth muscle tissues with acetylcholine (ACh) induced the recruitment of vinculin to cell membrane and its interaction with talin and increased the phosphorylation of membrane-localized vinculin at the C-terminal Tyr-1065. Expression of recombinant vinculin head domain peptide (Vh) in smooth muscle tissues, but not the talin-binding deficient mutant head domain, VhA50I, inhibited the ACh-induced recruitment of endogenous vinculin to the membrane and the interaction of vinculin with talin and also inhibited vinculin phosphorylation. Expression of Vh peptide also inhibited ACh-induced smooth muscle contraction and inhibited ACh-induced actin polymerization; however, it did not affect myosin light chain phosphorylation, which is necessary for cross-bridge cycling. Inactivation of RhoA inhibited vinculin activation in response to ACh. We conclude that ACh stimulation regulates vinculin activation in tracheal smooth muscle via RhoA and that vinculin activation contributes to the regulation of active tension by facilitating connections between actin filaments and talin-integrin adhesion complexes and by mediating the initiation of actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Airway smooth muscle exhibits the property of length adaptation, which enables it to optimize its contractility to the mechanical conditions under which it is activated. Length adaptation has been proposed to result from a dynamic modulation of contractile and cytoskeletal filament organization, in which the cell structure adapts to changes in cell shape at different muscle lengths. Changes in filament organization would be predicted to alter muscle stiffness and extensibility. We analyzed the effects of tracheal muscle length at the time of contractile activation on the stiffness and extensibility of the muscle during subsequent stretch over a constant range of muscle lengths. Muscle strips were significantly stiffer and less extensible after contractile activation at a short length than after activation at a long length, consistent with the prediction of a shorter, thicker array of the cytoskeletal filaments at a short muscle length. Stretch beyond the length of contractile activation resulted in a persistent reduction in stiffness, suggesting a stretch-induced structural rearrangement. Our results support a model in which the filament organization of airway smooth muscle cells is plastic and can be acutely remodeled to adapt to the changes in the external physical environment.  相似文献   

Efficient muscle contraction requires regulation of actin filament lengths. In one highly cited model, the giant protein nebulin has been proposed to function as a molecular ruler specifying filament lengths. We directly challenged this hypothesis by constructing a unique, small version of nebulin (mini-nebulin). When endogenous nebulin was replaced with mini-nebulin in skeletal myocytes, thin filaments extended beyond the end of mini-nebulin, an observation which is inconsistent with a strict ruler function. However, under conditions that promote actin filament depolymerization, filaments associated with mini-nebulin were remarkably maintained at lengths either matching or longer than mini-nebulin. This indicates that mini-nebulin is able to stabilize portions of the filament it has no contact with. Knockdown of nebulin also resulted in more dynamic populations of thin filament components, whereas expression of mini-nebulin decreased the dynamics at both filament ends (i.e., recovered loss of endogenous nebulin). Thus, nebulin regulates thin filament architecture by a mechanism that includes stabilizing the filaments and preventing actin depolymerization.  相似文献   

We have used two in vitro motility assays to study the relative movement of actin and myosin from turkey gizzards (smooth muscle) and human platelets. In the Nitella-based in vitro motility assay, myosin-coated polymer beads move over a fixed substratum of actin bundles derived from dissection of the alga, Nitella, whereas in the sliding actin filament assay fluorescently labeled actin filaments slide over myosin molecules adhered to a glass surface. Both assay systems yielded similar relative velocities using smooth muscle myosin and actin under our standard conditions. We have studied the effects of ATP, ionic strength, magnesium, and tropomyosin on the velocity and found that with the exception of the dependence on MgCl2, the two assays gave very similar results. Calcium over a concentration of pCa 8 to 4 had no effect on the velocity of actin filaments. Phosphorylated smooth muscle myosin propelled filaments of smooth muscle and skeletal muscle actin at the same rate. Phosphorylated smooth muscle and cytoplasmic myosin monomers also moved actin filaments, demonstrating that filament formation is not required for movement.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle alpha-actin filaments are a defining feature of mesenchymal stem cells, and of mesenchyme-derived contractile smooth muscle cells, pericytes and myofibroblasts. Here, we show that adult bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells express abundant cell surface platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha, having a high ratio to platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta. Signaling through platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha increases smooth muscle alpha-actin filaments by activating RhoA, which results in Rho-associated kinase (ROCK)-dependent cofilin phosphorylation, enhancing smooth muscle alpha-actin filament polymerization, and also upregulates smooth muscle alpha-actin expression. In contrast, platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta signaling strongly upregulates RhoE, which inhibits ROCK activity, promoting smooth muscle alpha-actin filament depolymerization. This study thus provides new insights into the distinct roles of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha and -beta signaling in regulating the adult mesenchymal stem cell contractile cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Par-4 (prostate apoptosis response 4) is a pro-apoptotic protein and tumour suppressor that was originally identified as a gene product up-regulated during apoptosis in prostate cancer cells. Here, we show, for the first time, that Par-4 is expressed and co-localizes with the actin filament bundles in vascular smooth muscle. Furthermore, we demonstrate that targeting of ZIPK to the actin filaments, as observed upon PGF-2α stimulation, is inhibited by the presence of a cell permeant Par-4 decoy peptide. The same decoy peptide also significantly inhibits PGF-2α induced contractions of smooth muscle tissue. Moreover, knockdown of Par-4 using antisense morpholino nucleotides results in significantly reduced contractility, and myosin light chain and myosin phosphatase target subunit phosphorylation. These results indicate that Par-4 facilitates contraction by targeting ZIPK to the vicinity of its substrates, myosin light chain and MYPT, which are located on the actin filaments. These results identify Par-4 as a novel regulator of myosin light chain phosphorylation in differentiated, contractile vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Length adaptation of the airway smooth muscle cell is attributable to cytoskeletal remodeling. It has been proposed that dysregulated actin filaments may become longer in asthma, and that such elongation would prevent a parallel-to-series transition of contractile units, thus precluding the well-known beneficial effects of deep inspirations and tidal breathing. To test the potential effect that actin filament elongation could have in overall muscle mechanics, we present an extremely simple model. The cytoskeleton is represented as a 2-D network of links (contractile filaments) connecting nodes (adhesion plaques). Such a network evolves in discrete time steps by forming and dissolving links in a stochastic fashion. Links are formed by idealized contractile units whose properties are either those from normal or elongated actin filaments. Oscillations were then imposed on the network to evaluate both the effects of breathing and length adaptation. In response to length oscillation, a network with longer actin filaments showed smaller decreases of force, smaller increases in compliance, and higher shortening velocities. Taken together, these changes correspond to a network that is refractory to the effects of breathing and therefore approximates an asthmatic scenario. Thus, an extremely simple model seems to capture some relatively complex mechanics of airway smooth muscle, supporting the idea that dysregulation of actin filament length may contribute to excessive airway narrowing.  相似文献   

Actin filaments and myosin II are evolutionarily conserved force-generating components of the contractile ring during cytokinesis. Here we show that in budding yeast, actin filament depolymerization plays a major role in actomyosin ring constriction. Cofilin mutation or chemically stabilizing actin filaments attenuate actomyosin ring constriction. Deletion of myosin II motor domain or the myosin regulatory light chain reduced the contraction rate and also the rate of actin depolymerization in the ring. We constructed a quantitative microscopic model of actomyosin ring constriction via filament sliding driven by both actin depolymerization and myosin II motor activity. Model simulations based on experimental measurements support the notion that actin depolymerization is the predominant mechanism for ring constriction. The model predicts invariability of total contraction time regardless of the initial ring size, as originally reported for C. elegans embryonic cells. This prediction was validated in yeast cells of different sizes due to different ploidies.  相似文献   

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