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全球气候变暖并不是白天和夜间的平均变暖, 而是呈现一定的不对称性。大豆(Glycine max)是世界范围内种植较广泛的豆科作物, 也是中国重要的粮食作物。研究大豆的生长与水分利用对不对称性气候变暖的响应, 可为预测未来气候变暖情景下大豆的适应提供科学的参考依据。该实验在人工气候箱中采用盆栽方式进行, 设立对照(CON, 昼26 ℃夜16 ℃)、对称性升温(ETs, 昼夜均升高3 ℃)和不对称性升温(ETa, 昼升高2 ℃, 夜升高4 ℃)三个温度情景, 研究了大豆产量和水分利用对昼夜不对称性与对称性升温的差异性响应。结果表明: 在昼/夜26 ℃/16 ℃的背景下, 1) ETs对大豆产量影响不显著, 主要是因为生物量的增加缓解了收获指数下降对大豆的不利影响; ETa使大豆产量减少38.9%, 是由于大豆的收获指数和产量构成要素(荚数、粒数、百粒重)均显著降低。2) ETs对大豆全生育期蒸散量(ET)的影响不显著, ETa使大豆整个生育期ET减少14.8%。3)两种升温模式对大豆耗水量中蒸发量的影响都不显著, 耗水量的差异主要来自蒸腾量的差异, 其中ETs和ETa分别使大豆全生育期蒸腾量降低10.7%和26.1%。综上所述, 只针对ETs进行研究, 而没有对ETa进行研究的实验会低估真正的气候变暖情景(ETa)对大豆生长和产量的不利影响, 高估其对大豆耗水量的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract. Rapid, tropic leaf movements and photo-synthetic responses of the heliotropic plant, soybean, Glycine max cv. Cumberland, grown under two different nitrogen, three different light and two different water treatments were examined. Measurements of leaf orientation during midday periods outdoors, and tropic reorientation of leaflets in response to vertical illumination indoors, revealed a positive, linear relationship between leaf water potential and the cosine of the angle of incidence between the leaf and the direct beam of the excitation light. This relationship was altered by nitrogen availability, such that a lower cosine of incidence (lower leaf irradiance) for a given leaf water potential was measured for plants grown under low nitrogen compared to those grown under high nitrogen. Additionally, plants grown under low nitrogen and low water availability showed more rapid rates of leaf movement compared to plants receiving high levels of these resources. Light regime during growth had no effect on the relationship between the cosine of incidence and leaf water potential. Reduced water and nitrogen availabilities during growth resulted in lower photosaturated rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, as well as alterations in the relationship between these parameters. Thus, higher values for the ratio of intercellular CO2/ambient CO2 were measured for low-N grown plants (higher nitrogen use efficiencies) and lower values of this ratio for water stressed plants (higher water use efficiencies). The results show that environmental growth conditions other than water availability have the potential to modify leaf orientation responses to vectorial light in heliotropic legumes such as soybean. This has implications for the potential of heliotropic movements to minimize environmental stress-induced damage to the photosynthetic apparatus, and to modulate leaf-level resource use efficiencies.  相似文献   

Purcell  Larry C.  de Silva  Manjula  King  C. Andy  Han Kim  Wook 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):101-113
Nitrogen fixation in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is more sensitive to water deficits than many physiological processes and may therefore limit yield under nonirrigated conditions. Tolerance of nitrogen fixation to water deficits has been observed in the cultivar Jackson, however, the physiological basis for this is unclear. It was hypothesized that genotypes that could continue biomass production on limited soil water would prolong nitrogen fixation by continued photosynthate allocation to nodules. An initial greenhouse experiment compared biomass and N accumulation in six genotypes over an 8 d water deficit. Low stress intensity minimized genotypic expression of water-deficit tolerance; nevertheless, Jackson was clearly one of the most tolerant genotypes. In a second experiment, Jackson was compared to SCE82-303 at more severe stress levels. Biomass and N accumulation continued during water deficits for Jackson but ceased in SCE82-303. Individual nodule mass tended to increase during water deficits in Jackson and tended to decrease in SCE82-303, indicating greater allocation of photosynthate to Jackson's nodules in response to water deficits. Biomass accumulation of Jackson was contrasted with the USDA plant introduction (PI) 416937, which also has demonstrated tolerance to water deficits. For water-deficit treatments, total biomass accumulation was negligible for PI416937, but biomass accumulation continued at approximately 64% of the control treatment for Jackson. Transpirational losses for Jackson and PI416937 were approximately the same for the water-deficit treatment, indicating that Jackson had higher water use efficiency (WUE). Isotopic discrimination of 13C relative to12 C also indicated that Jackson had superior WUE during water deficits. Carbon-14 allocation in Jackson was compared to KS4895, a cultivar that was identified as sensitive to water deficits in an initial experiment. The comparison of water-deficit treatments of Jackson with KS4895 indicated that Jackson exported significantly greater amounts of14 C from labeled leaves and allocated approximately four times greater amounts of 14C per g of nodule. Results indicated that Jackson's sustained biomass production during water deficits resulted in the continued allocation of photosynthate to nodules and prolonged nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

AimsThe objective of this study was to investigate the change pattern of leaves photosynthesis and stem sap flow of Tamarix chinensisin under different groundwater salinity, which can be served as a theoretical basis and technical reference for cultivation and management of T. chinensis in shallow groundwater table around Yellow River Delta.MethodsThree-year-old T. chinensis, one of the dominated species in Yellow River Delta, was selected. Plants were treated by four different salinity concentrations of groundwater—fresh water (0 g∙L-1), brackish water (3.0 g∙L-1), saline water (8.0 g∙L-1), and salt water (20.0 g∙L-1) under 1.2 m groundwater level. Light response of photosynthesis and the diurnal courses of leaf transpiration rate, stem sap flux velocity and environment factors under different groundwater salinity were determined via LI-6400XT portable photosynthesis system and a Dynamax packaged stem sap flow gauge based on stem-heat balance method, respectively.Important findings The result showed that groundwater salinity had a significant impact on photosynthesis efficiency and water consumption capacity of T. chinensis by influencing the soil salt. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn), maximum Pn, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, apparent quantum yield and dark respiration rate increased first and then decreased with increasing groundwater salinity, while the water use efficiency (WUE) continuously decreased. The mean Pn under fresh water, brackish water and salt water decreased by 44.1%, 15.1% and 62.6%, respectively, compared with that under saline water (25.90 µmol∙m-2∙s-1). The mean WUE under brackish water, saline water and salt water decreased by 25.0%, 29.2% and 41.7%, respectively, compared with that under fresh water (2.40 µmol∙mmol-1). With the increase of groundwater salinity from brackish water to salt water, light saturation point of T. chinensisdecreased while the light compensation point increased, which lead to the decrease of light ecological amplitude and light use efficiency. Fresh water and brackish water treatment helped T. chinensis to use low or high level light, which could significantly improve the utilization rate of light energy. The decrease in Pn of T. chinensis was mainly due to non-stomatal limitation under treatment from saline water to fresh water, while the decrease in Pn of T. chinensis was due to stomatal limitation from saline water to salt water. With increasing groundwater salinity, stem sap flux velocity of T. chinensis increased firstly and then decreased, reached the maximum value under saline water. The mean stem sap flux velocity under fresh water, brackish water and salt water decreased by 61.8%, 13.1% and 41.9%, respectively, compared with that under saline water (16.96 g·h-1). Tamarix chinensis had higher photosynthetic productivity under saline water treatment, and could attained high WUE under severe water deprivation by transpiration, which was suitable for the growth of T. chinensis.  相似文献   

在田间试验条件下研究了群体不同分布对夏大豆产量构成和水分利用的影响.夏大豆‘鲁豆4号'(Glycine max cv. Ludou 4)在同一群体密度(3.09×10~5株/hm~2)下设5种分布方式,即行距×株距分别为A:18 cm×18 cm,B:27 cm×12 cm,C:36 cm×9 cm,D:45 cm×7.2 cm,E:54 cm×6cm.结果表明,群体分布影响夏大豆的产量、叶片水分特征和水分利用效率(WUE).A、B处理的产量显著高于D、E处理(P<0.05),其他处理间均无显著差异;随着行距加大,单株有效荚数、粒数及百粒重呈下降趋势;叶片相对含水量(RWC)、水势(Ψw)和渗透势(Ψs)随生育进程的推进呈整体下降趋势,其中,A、B处理RWC、Ψw 和Ψs的平均值均显著高于D、E处理,E处理的Ψw在日变化的正午阶段明显低于其他处理;WUE与行距呈负相关(R=-0.935~*),与产量呈正相关(R=0.997~(**)),其中,A、B处理的WUE显著高于其他处理(P<0.05),D、E处理极显著低于B处理(P<0.01).夏大豆植株相对均匀分布的处理可改善产量构成因素及叶片水分状况,进而形成较高的产量,提高水分利用效率.  相似文献   

在江苏南京(2007-2009年)设置了全天增温(AW)、白天增温(DW)和夜间增温(NW)3种处理,研究冬小麦生长及产量构成的响应差异.结果表明:非对称性增温条件下,冬小麦的无效分蘖减少,有效分蘖增加.对照(CK)处理的无效分蘖分别是AW、DW和NW处理的2.6、1.7和3.5倍,但有效分蘖却比3个增温处理分别减少13.7%、3.2%和0.5%.AW、DW和NW处理小麦株高分别较CK提高了5.6%、4.5%和1.3%.旗叶面积分别提高了45.7%、39.4%和26.1%,开花期总绿叶面积分别提高了25.1%、29.8%和17.3%,同期绿叶比分别提高了37.7%、43.3%和38.7%.穗部性状中,AW、DW和NW处理的每穗颖花数平均比CK提高了4.1%、5.7%和1.7%,每穗实粒数分别提高了2.2%、5.3%和2.6%.AW、DW和NW处理冬小麦的粒叶比平均分别较CK降低了15.3%、8.5%和11.3%,但千粒重平均分别提高了6.9%、6.2%和11.8%,单位面积产量平均分别提高了27.0%、40.1%和18.3%.表明预期增温条件下华东地区冬小麦生产力将可能进一步提高.  相似文献   

Diurnal heliotropic leaf movements, photosynthetic gas exchange, and the ratio of variable fluorescence to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of unrestrained and horizontally restrained leaves from soybean (Glycine max cv. Cumberland) plants grown in two different water and two different nitrogen treatments were measured. Leaves of plants grown in low water or low nitrogen availability treatments displayed more pronounced diaheliotropism (solar tracking) in the afternoon and a longer period of paraheliotropism (light avoiding) at midday relative to those of well-watered, high-nitrogen-grown plants. Photosaturated photosynthetic rates and the photon flux required to saturate photosynthesis were reduced by water stress and nitrogen deficiency. Compared to horizontal leaves, irradiance on orienting leaves was nearer to the breakpoint of the photosynthetic light response curve, where photosynthesis is co-limited by ribulose biphosphate regeneration and carboxylation. This would increase the carbon return on investments of nitrogen into photosynthesis. A positive linear relationship between Fv/Fm and quantum yield of photosynthesis was measured. Leaves of low-nitrogen-grown plants had earlier and more prolonged reductions in Fv/Fm at midday compared to leaves of high nitrogen grown plants of the same water treatment. Within the same water and nitrogen treatment, horizontally restrained leaves had lower midday Fv/Fm in relation to orienting leaves. Nitrogen deficiency and water stress enhanced this difference such that horizontally restrained leaves of low water and low nitrogen grown plants had earlier and longer midday depressions in Fv/Fm.  相似文献   

不同小麦品种耗水特性和籽粒产量的差异   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Yan XM  Yu ZW  Zhang YL  Wang D 《应用生态学报》2011,22(3):694-700
在田间试验条件下,采用10个小麦品种,设全生育期不灌水(W0)、灌底墒水+拔节水(W1)、灌底墒水+拔节水+开花水(W2)3个处理,每次灌水量60 mm,研究不同小麦品种不同生育阶段的耗水特点和籽粒产量的差异.结果表明:以W0、W1和W2处理的小麦籽粒产量和水分利用效率(WUE)2因子为指标进行聚类分析,可将10个品种分为3组:高产高水分利用效率组(组Ⅰ)、高产中水分利用效率组(组Ⅱ)和中产低水分利用效率组(组Ⅲ).在W0处理下,组Ⅰ小麦品种的总耗水量、开花至成熟期的耗水量和耗水模系数均低于组Ⅱ和组Ⅲ,籽粒产量最高;在W1处理下,组Ⅰ小麦品种拔节至开花期的耗水量和耗水模系数均低于组Ⅱ和组Ⅲ,开花至成熟期的耗水量和耗水模系数在组Ⅰ、组Ⅱ和组Ⅲ间无显著差异;在W2处理下,组Ⅰ小麦品种的土壤供水量、拔节至开花期的耗水量和耗水模系数均低于组Ⅱ和组Ⅲ,开花至成熟期的耗水量和耗水模系数为组Ⅰ和组Ⅲ低于组Ⅱ.表明组Ⅰ高产高水分利用效率品种为最适宜品种,而底墒水和拔节水各灌60 mm的W1处理是兼顾高产与节水的最佳处理.  相似文献   

高产条件下不同小麦品种耗水特性和水分利用效率的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王德梅  于振文  许振柱 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6552-6560
设置不灌水(W0)、底墒水+拔节水(W1)、底墒水+拔节水+开花水(W2)3个灌水处理,采用6个冬小麦(Triticum aestivum.L.)品种,研究了不同品种耗水特性和水分利用效率的差异.结果表明:(1)依据籽粒产量和水分利用效率2个因子,采用聚类分析的方法,将供试品种分为高水分利用效率组(Ⅰ组)、中水分利用效率组(Ⅱ组)和低水分利用效率组(Ⅲ组).同一灌水条件下的籽粒产量,Ⅰ组显著高于Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组;Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组在W0条件下无显著差异,在W1和W2条件下Ⅱ组显著高于Ⅲ组.(2)从Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组中分别取1个品种,泰山23、潍麦8号、山农12进一步分析表明,在W0 和W1条件下,泰山23和潍麦8号的阶段耗水量和耗水模系数为开花至成熟>播种至拔节>拔节至开花,山农12为播种至拔节>开花至成熟>拔节至开花.W2条件下,3个品种的阶段耗水量和耗水模系数为开花至成熟>播种至拔节>拔节至开花;播种至拔节和拔节至开花的耗水模系数为泰山23>山农12>潍麦8号,此阶段的耗水量和耗水强度为泰山23品种最高;开花至成熟的耗水模系数为潍麦8号>山农12 >泰山23,此阶段的耗水量和耗水强度为泰山23品种最低.(3) 在W0 和W1条件下,总耗水量和灌水量、降水量及土壤耗水量占总耗水量的百分率为泰山23品种居中;W2条件下,灌水量和降水量占总耗水量的百分率为泰山23>潍麦8号>山农12,土壤耗水量及其占总耗水量的百分率反之,但泰山23的总耗水量最低.(4) 同一灌水条件下,泰山23品种100~200cm土层的土壤耗水量高于潍麦8号,表明该品种能充分利用深层土壤水;山农12品种在W0和W2条件下,100~200 cm土层的土壤耗水量高于泰山23和潍麦8号,但其籽粒产量和水分利用效率显著低于上述两品种.  相似文献   

为了解生物炭及调亏灌溉对大豆的影响,以大豆"开育12号"为试验材料,采用随机区组试验设计,利用盆栽栽培条件,研究不同生物炭添加量B0(0 t·hm-2)、B1(6t·hm-2)、B2(12 t·hm-2)和不同程度调亏灌溉W1(充分灌溉,70%田间持水量)、W2(轻度调亏,55%~60%田间持水量)、W3(重度调亏,45%~50%田间持水量)对大豆生长、产量及水分利用的影响。结果表明:轻度调亏灌溉不会影响大豆叶面积指数及地下部分干物质累积量,而大豆叶面积指数和地下部分干物质累积量随着生物炭使用量的增加而增加;地上部分干物质累积量随着调亏程度的加重而降低,而生物炭施用量为12 t·hm-2时,才会提高地上部分干物质累积量。调亏灌溉和生物炭均能影响大豆的耗水量,其中耗水量随着调亏程度的加剧而减少,而添加6 t·hm-2生物炭耗水量最高,但有利于产量的形成。与充分灌溉不施用生...  相似文献   

在2009-2010和2010-2011年小麦生长季,设置10、20、40、60、80和100 m 6个畦田长度,研究不同畦长对小麦耗水特性及产量的影响.结果表明: ≤80 m畦长处理下,随畦长的增加,灌水量逐渐增加,灌水量占总耗水量的比例增加,土壤贮水消耗量减少,小麦拔节至开花期的耗水量和生长季总耗水量均减少,开花期0~200 cm各土层土壤含水量增加,土壤供水能力提高,籽粒产量和水分利用效率逐渐提高.与80 m畦长处理相比,<80 m畦长处理的灌水量少,上层土壤含水量低,促使小麦吸收更多的深层贮水,总耗水量增加,不利于节水;而100 m畦长处理的灌水量、土壤贮水消耗量和总耗水量均增加,由于一次性灌水量过多且灌溉水分布不均匀,导致小麦千粒重降低,籽粒产量和水分利用效率显著下降,也不利于节水高产.  相似文献   

采用自动式遮雨棚水分精量控制试验研究了交替地下滴灌条件下不同灌溉定额对春玉米产量和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:交替地下滴灌春玉米需水关键时期为拔节-抽雄期、抽雄-灌浆期,具体表现为耗水模系数与耗水强度大,且对水分敏感性高,在灌溉条件有限的情况下要优先满足春玉米这两个时期的水分需求.随着灌溉定额的增加,产量呈现增加趋势;灌溉定额小于2764.5 m3·hm-2时产量随灌溉定额增加快速增加,大于2764.5 m3·hm-2时产量随灌溉定额增加缓慢增加;当灌溉定额为3357.1 m3·hm-2时产量最高,达12109.0 kg·hm-2.与固定地下滴灌相比,在灌溉定额相同条件下,交替地下滴灌产量提高5.4%,水分利用效率提高1.4%,灌溉水利用效率提高5.6%.与固定地下滴灌相比,灌溉定额减少20%时,交替地下滴灌虽然产量下降1.8%,但水分利用效率提高11.0%,灌溉水利用效率提高22.7%.综合考虑产量、水分利用效率两个指标,确定试验区春玉米交替地下滴灌的适宜灌溉定额为1600.4~3357.1 m3·hm-2.  相似文献   

Aims Global warming is expected to be the strongest in high altitude mountainous areas, which are more ecologically fragile and economically marginalized. The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is among such areas most vulnerable to global warming, and more than 80% of its population depends on subsistence agriculture. The aim of this study is to understand the impacts of warming on indigenous crop production, which can help to devise better strategies for crop adaptation and food security in this area.Methods A field warming experiment using a facility of free air temperature increase was conducted to simulate the predicted warming level in Caigongtang town, Lhasa City, China. The experiment consisting of two treatments (warmed and non-warmed) was performed using a completely random design with three replicates. An infrared heater (180 cm in length and 20 cm in width) of 1 500 W was suspended 1.5 m above the ground in each warmed plot. In each non-warmed plot, a ‘dummy’ heater of same dimensions was also suspended to mimic the shading effects. The warming treatment was performed from the sown date to the harvest date. We measured dry matter and nitrogen accumulation, partition and translocation of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) using ‘Shandong 6’ under warming and control treatments.Important findings Results showed that, with 1.1 °C increase in daily mean air temperature during winter wheat growing season, the dry matter accumulation rate at population level from sowing to anthesis stage, grain dry matter partition ratio and contribution of dry matter translocation amount to grain after anthesis were 27.5%, 5.6% and 68.6% higher, respectively, in the warmed plots than those in the non-warmed plots. Meanwhile, warming increased nitrogen accumulation rate at population level of winter wheat. Nitrogen distribution proportions in grain and nitrogen translocation efficiency from vegetative organs to grain after anthesis in the warmed treatment were 6.0% and 5.5% higher than those in the non-warmed treatment, respectively. Compared with non-warmed treatment, warming decreased harvest index by 3.1%, though the difference was not statistically significant. Grain yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency, nitrogen partial factor productivity and nitrogen harvest index were 8.1%, 20.8%, 8.1% and 6.0% higher, respectively, in the warmed plots than those in the non-warmed plots. In conclusion, an increase in daily mean air temperature of about 1.1 °C can enhance plant growth during the pre-anthesis phase by mitigating the low temperature limitation, and accelerate dry matter and nitrogen partition and translocation to the grain after anthesis in winter wheat. These results suggest that warming may benefit winter wheat production through increasing nitrogen use efficiency in high altitude areas.  相似文献   

水氮供应对夏棉产量、水氮利用及土壤硝态氮累积的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过田间试验,研究了黄淮地区水氮供应对夏棉生长、产量及水氮利用效率的影响,探索在保证产量的同时提高水氮利用效率、减少农田水氮排放的管理模式.试验设置5个氮素水平(0、60、120、180、240 kg·hm-2,分别记为N0、N1、N2、N3、N4)和3个灌水水平(滴灌,灌水定额30、22.5、15 mm,分别记为I1、I2、I3),使用裂区设计,主区为氮用量,裂区为灌水水平,共15个处理,3次重复.结果表明: 氮素和水分施用对夏棉生长和产量都有明显促进作用,但氮素影响更显著,是该地区调控夏棉生长和籽棉产量的主要因素.随着施氮量和灌水量的增加,花铃期生殖器官积累量、地上部干物质积累量和籽棉产量在开始阶段都逐步增加,当施氮量超过180 kg·hm-2时,进一步增施氮肥会导致生殖器官积累量、地上部干物质积累量和籽棉产量减小.籽棉产量在N3I1处理达到最大,为4016 kg·hm-2.增加施氮量能显著提高地上部总吸氮量和茎叶含氮量,但会降低氮肥偏生产力.灌溉水利用效率和田间水分利用效率分别在N3I3和N3I1处理最大,分别为5.40和1.24 kg·m-3.随着施氮量的增加,土壤硝态氮含量明显增加,且硝态氮累积区域有下移趋势.综合考虑对地上部干物质积累、产量、水氮吸收利用及土壤硝态氮累积等的影响,N3I1处理可作为试验区夏季棉花生产的最优水氮管理方案.  相似文献   

Indirect effects of insect herbivory on leaf gas exchange in soybean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Herbivory can affect plant carbon gain directly by removing photosynthetic leaf tissue and indirectly by inducing the production of costly defensive compounds or disrupting the movement of water and nutrients. The indirect effects of herbivory on carbon and water fluxes of soybean leaves were investigated using gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and thermal imaging. Herbivory by Popillia japonica and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) caused a 20–90% increase in transpiration from soybean leaflets without affecting carbon assimilation rates or photosynthetic efficiency (ΦPSII). Mechanical damage to interveinal tissue increased transpiration up to 150%. The spatial pattern of leaf temperature indicated that water loss occurred from injuries to the cuticle as well as from cut edges. A fluorescent tracer (sulforhodamine G) indicated that water evaporated from the apoplast approximately 100 µm away from the cut edges of damaged leaves. The rate of water loss from damaged leaves remained significantly higher than from control leaves for 6 d, during which time they lost 45% more water than control leaves (0.72 mol H2O per cm of damaged perimeter). Profligate water loss through the perimeter of damaged tissue indicates that herbivory may exacerbate water stress of soybeans under field conditions.  相似文献   

Soybeans were grown at three CO2 concentrations in outdoor growth chambers and at two concentrations in controlled-environment growth chambers to investigate the interactive effects of CO2, temperature and leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (LAVPD) on stomatal conductance. The decline in stomatal conductance with CO2 was a function of both leaf temperature and LAVPD. In the field measurements, stomatal conductance was more sensitive to LAVPD at low CO2 at 30 °C but not at 35 °C. There was also a direct increase in conductance with temperature, which was greater at the two elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. Environmental growth chamber results showed that the relative stomatal sensitivity to LAVPD decreased with both leaf temperature and CO2. Measurements in the environmental growth chamber were also performed at the opposing CO2, and these experiments indicate that the stomatal sensitivity to LAVPD was determined more by growth CO2 than by measurement CO2. Two models that describe stomatal responses to LAVPD were compared with the outdoor data to evaluate whether these models described adequately the interactive effects of CO2, LAVPD and temperature.  相似文献   

黄绵土坡耕地大豆的水肥产量效应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了不同施肥量(N、P配施)下黄绵土坡耕地大豆的水肥产量效应.结果表明,水分利用效率(WUE)与作物产量(Y)正相关,y=0.0017l 0.0035WUE.单施磷时,作物产量和WUE随磷的增加而增大;单施氮时,作物产量和WUE随氯的增加先增大后降低,表明施用氮应该配合施用一定量的磷.施肥能显著提高作物产量和WUE,与不施肥相比,施肥时作物产量和WUE分别提高了86.76%一470.16%和69.64%一438.47.与单施氦、磷相比,氮、磷合理配施能提高作物产量和水分利用效率,适宜的N、P(P205)配施比例为1.3:1.  相似文献   

Aims Xinjiang is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian arid areas, with grasslands widely distributed. Grasslands in Xinjiang provide significant economic and ecological benefits. However, research on evapotranspiration (ET) and water use efficiency (WUE) of the grasslands is still relatively weak. This study aimed to explore the spatio-temporal characteristics on ET and WUE in the grasslands of Xinjiang in the context of climate change.Methods The Biome-BGC model was used to determine the spatio-temporal characteristics of ET and WUE of the grasslands over the period 1979-2012 across different seasons, areas and grassland types in Xinjiang.Important findings The average annual ET in the grasslands of Xinjiang was estimated at 245.7 mm, with interannual variations generally consistent with that of precipitation. Overall, the value of ET was lower than that of precipitation. The higher values of ET mainly distributed in the Tianshan Mountains, Altai Mountains, Altun Mountains and the low mountain areas on the northern slope of Kunlun Mountains. The lower values of ET mainly distributed in the highland areas of Kunlun Mountains and the desert plains. Over the period 1979-2012, average annual ET was 183.2 mm in the grasslands of southern Xinjiang, 357.9 mm in the grasslands of the Tianshan Mountains, and 221.3 mm in grasslands of northern Xinjiang. In winter, ET in grasslands of northern Xinjiang was slightly higher than that of Tianshan Mountains. Average annual ET ranked among grassland types as: mid-mountain meadow > swamp meadow > typical grassland > desert grassland > alpine meadow > saline meadow. The highest ET value occurred in summer, and the lowest ET value occurred in winter, with ET in spring being slightly higher than that in autumn. The higher WUE values mainly distributed in the areas of Tianshan Mountains and Altai Mountains. The lower WUE values mainly distributed in the highland areas of Kunlun Mountains and part of the desert plains. The average annual WUE in the grasslands of Xinjiang was 0.56 g·kg-1, with the seasonal values of 0.43 g·kg-1 in spring, 0.60 g·kg-1 in summer, and 0.48 g·kg-1 in autumn, respectively. Over the period 1979-2012, the values of WUE displayed significant regional differences: the average values were 0.73 g·kg-1 in northern Xinjiang, 0.26 g·kg-1 in southern Xinjiang, and 0.69 g·kg-1 in Tianshan Mountains. There were also significant differences in WUE among grassland types. The values of WUE ranked in the order of mid-mountain meadow > typical grassland > swamp meadow > saline meadow > alpine meadow > desert grassland.  相似文献   

Wang HX  Li YY  Ren TZ  Pang HC 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1759-1764
在华北平原黑龙港流域对冬小麦实行3种灌溉模式,研究了不同灌溉模式对冬小麦-夏玉米产量、耗水特性和水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:浇底墒水+拔节水处理(W2,75 mm+90 mm)和浇底墒水+拔节水+灌浆水处理(W3,75 mm+90 mm+60 mm)周年总产量均显著高于只浇底墒水处理(W1,75 mm),增幅分别为8.7%和12.5%.冬小麦全生育期对土壤水的消耗随灌溉量的增加而减少,夏玉米季总耗水量随冬小麦季灌溉量的增加而增加.W2处理冬小麦水分利用效率(WUE)比W3处理高11.1%,而其夏玉米水分利用效率(WUE)与W3处理差异不显著.W2和W1处理的周年水分利用效率(WUET)分别为21.28和21.60 kg.mm-1.hm-2,比W3处理分别高7.8%和9.4%.综合周年产量、耗水量和水分利用效率,W2是较好的节水丰产灌溉模式.  相似文献   

Aims There have been a large number of studies on the independent separate responses of fine roots to warming and nitrogen deposition, but with contradictory reporting. Fine root production plays a critical role in ecosystem carbon, nutrient and water cycling, yet how it responds to the interactive warming and nitrogen addition is not well understood. In the present study, we aimed to examine the interactive effects of soil warming and nitrogen addition on fine root growth of 1-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) seedlings in subtropical China.
Methods A mesocosm experiment, with a factorial design of soil warming (ambient, +5 °C) and nitrogen addition (ambient, ambient + 40 kg·hm-2·a-1, ambient + 80 kg·hm-2·a-1), was carried out in the Chenda State-owned Forest Farm in Sanming City, Fujian Province, China. Fine root production (indexed by the number of fine roots emerged per tube of one year) was measured biweekly using minirhizotrons from March of 2014 to February of 2015.
Important findings (1) The two-way ANOVA showed that soil warming had a significant effect on fine root production, while nitrogen addition and soil warming × nitrogen addition had no effect. (2) The three-way ANOVA (soil warming, nitrogen addition and diameter class) showed that soil warming, diameter class and soil warming × diameter class had significant effects on fine root production, especially for the number of fine roots in 0-1 mm diameter class that had been significantly increased by soil warming. Compared with the 1-2 mm roots, the 0-1 mm roots seemed more flexible. (3) Repeated measures of ANOVA (soil warming, nitrogen addition and season) showed that soil warming, season, soil warming × season, and soil warming × nitrogen addition × season had significant effects on fine root production. In spring, the number of fine roots was significantly increased both by soil warming and soil warming × season, while soil warming, nitrogen addition, soil warming × nitrogen addition significantly decreased fine root production in the summer. (4) Soil warming, soil layer, soil warming × soil layer had significant effects on fine root production. The number of in-growth fine roots was significantly increased by soil warming at the 20-30 cm depth only. It seemed that warming forced fine roots to grow deeper in the soil. In conclusion, soil warming significantly increased fine root production, but they had different responses and were dependent of different diameter classes, seasons and soil layers. Nitrogen addition had no effect on fine root production. Only in spring and summer, soil warming and nitrogen addition had significant interactive effects.  相似文献   

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