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该文以青藏高原高寒草甸优势种垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)为研究对象, 探究不同水平氮肥与硅肥混合添加后对其叶片全氮含量和净光合速率的影响, 以期对高寒草甸牧场施肥提供一定的理论依据。研究发现: 氮、硅单独添加时, 均可提高垂穗披碱草叶片全氮含量以及净光合速率; 氮、硅配施处理对叶片全氮含量和净光合速率均存在显著的交互作用; 低(N1)、中(N2)、高(N3) 3种不同浓度的氮肥处理下, 低硅(Si1)添加对垂穗披碱草叶片全氮含量以及净光合速率没有显著的促进作用, 而添加中浓度硅肥(Si2)可显著提高垂穗披碱草叶片全氮含量; 低、中浓度施氮水平下, 中浓度硅肥可显著促进垂穗披碱草光合作用; 叶片全氮含量和净光合速率最大平均值均出现在中浓度氮、硅肥配施下, 与不施肥相比分别提高了119.99%和85.70%; 就该试验而言, 施加氮肥的同时, 适当添加一些硅肥能够更好地提高垂穗披碱草叶片全氮含量和净光合速率, 且硅的添加量为8 g·m-2时效果较好。  相似文献   

研究间作后作物光合碳同化和光合氮利用效率(PNUE)对氮投入的响应, 对阐释间作产量优势的氮调控效应, 指导间作氮肥管理有重要意义。本研究设置玉米(Zea mays)单作、玉米间作两种种植模式的4个氮水平(N0, 0 kg·hm -2; N1, 125 kg·hm -2; N2, 250 kg·hm -2; N3, 375 kg·hm -2), 分析间作与施氮量对玉米叶片特征、光合参数、PNUE和产量的影响。结果表明: 与单作相比, 间作显著增加玉米叶片的叶干质量和比叶质量; 各施氮水平(除N3)下, 间作中靠近马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)侧的玉米叶面积均显著高于单作玉米。单间作对比发现, 间作提高了玉米光饱和点和暗呼吸速率。单作、间作靠玉米侧(I-M)、间作靠马铃薯侧(I-P)的玉米PNUE均随施氮量增加而降低, 降幅以I-P最大; 施氮量低于250 kg·hm -2时, 相同施氮量下的玉米PNUE和净光合速率(Pn)均以I-P最高, I-M和单作次之。间作显著提高了玉米产量(土地当量比>1)。该研究中当施氮量≤250 kg·hm -2时, 间作I-P的玉米叶片PnPNUE显著提高可能是间作玉米产量提高的重要原因。  相似文献   

随着叶片功能性状研究的不断深入, 通过简单易测量的叶片指标, 同时探究植物生活史权衡对策和估算林分生产力的研究需求日益增长, 例如叶干质量比(LDMC)和比叶面积(SLA)的相互转换。杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是亚热带重要的常绿针叶树种, 基于LDMC对杉木SLA进行估算, 能够为核算SLA提供途径, 为机理解释和生产估算构建连接途径, 为小区域到大尺度、精算到估算搭建桥梁。该研究在湖南会同和河南信阳两个杉木生长区, 对处于不同小生境(坡向、坡位和冠层深度)以及不同生活史(林龄和叶龄)的叶片进行抽样和采集, 通过测得不同叶龄的单叶LDMCSLA, 初步探究在不同因子下两个性状值的分布差异, 进一步基于LDMC构建SLA估算模型并讨论以叶龄为差分因子对模型的影响。结果表明: 1)杉木SLA平均值为(103.15 ± 69.54) cm 2·g -1, LDMC为0.39 ± 0.11; 2)杉木LDMCSLA可用非线性模型进行估算, 模型符合估算要求; 3)其中一年生叶的拟合效果最好, 老叶(大于二年生叶)的拟合优度较低, 老叶较低的SLA (52.28-75.74 cm 2·g -1)可能暗示LDMC的变化保持相对独立性。该研究基于杉木LDMCSLA估算模型可信且有效, 且不同叶龄对LDMCSLA的影响可能预示着杉木叶片的响应敏感性和生活史权衡策略。  相似文献   

研究间作后作物光合碳同化和光合氮利用效率(PNUE)对氮投入的响应, 对阐释间作产量优势的氮调控效应, 指导间作氮肥管理有重要意义。本研究设置玉米(Zea mays)单作、玉米间作两种种植模式的4个氮水平(N0, 0 kg·hm -2; N1, 125 kg·hm -2; N2, 250 kg·hm -2; N3, 375 kg·hm -2), 分析间作与施氮量对玉米叶片特征、光合参数、PNUE和产量的影响。结果表明: 与单作相比, 间作显著增加玉米叶片的叶干质量和比叶质量; 各施氮水平(除N3)下, 间作中靠近马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)侧的玉米叶面积均显著高于单作玉米。单间作对比发现, 间作提高了玉米光饱和点和暗呼吸速率。单作、间作靠玉米侧(I-M)、间作靠马铃薯侧(I-P)的玉米PNUE均随施氮量增加而降低, 降幅以I-P最大; 施氮量低于250 kg·hm -2时, 相同施氮量下的玉米PNUE和净光合速率(Pn)均以I-P最高, I-M和单作次之。间作显著提高了玉米产量(土地当量比>1)。该研究中当施氮量≤250 kg·hm -2时, 间作I-P的玉米叶片PnPNUE显著提高可能是间作玉米产量提高的重要原因。  相似文献   

宾振钧  张仁懿  张文鹏  徐当会 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4699-4706
以甘南高寒草甸常见牧草垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)为研究对象,比较不同氮磷硅添加下,垂穗披碱草叶片对元素添加的反应。研究发现:氮添加显著提高土壤中硝态氮和铵态氮的含量;磷添加提高了土壤中全磷和速效磷的含量;高浓度的硅单独、硅与氮或磷混合可提高土壤中硝态氮的含量或全磷和速效磷的含量;氮和磷单独添加分别能提高垂穗披碱草叶片全氮和全磷含量,高浓度的硅单独、硅与氮或磷混合添加都能提高垂穗披碱草叶片全氮和全磷的含量。就硅元素而言,高浓度的硅添加,硅与氮或磷混合添加能提高土壤硝态氮、全磷和速效磷的含量,促进垂穗披碱草对土壤中氮磷的吸收,从而使植物叶片中氮磷的含量增加。  相似文献   

冯慧芳  刘落鱼  薛立 《植物生态学报》2019,43(11):1010-1020
大气氮(N)沉降随着人类的活动而日趋严重, 加上中国热带亚热带红壤普遍缺磷(P), 许多森林生态系统由于广泛使用磷肥而产生P富集, 直接影响了森林土壤化学特性。林分密度改变林地的光照、温度、湿度和凋落物持水量, 从而影响土壤特性。为了解外源性N和P添加与林分密度对大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)林地土壤化学性质的影响, 为大叶相思人工林的种植密度和土壤养分管理提供科学依据, 该研究于2013到2015年, 以4种不同密度(1 667、2 500、4 444和10 000 trees·hm -2)的10年生大叶相思人工林为研究对象, 分别进行添加N、P和N+P处理, 在试验结束时采集0-10 cm土壤, 对其pH、有机质含量、N含量、P含量和钾(K)含量进行了测定分析。结果表明: 施N和N+P均显著降低了土壤的pH和速效K含量, 显著提高了林地土壤的碱解N含量。施N还显著提高了林分土壤的全N含量, 施P显著提高了土壤pH, 降低了林分土壤的全N含量。施P和N+P显著提高了土壤有机质、全P和有效P含量。随着林分密度的增加, 各处理的土壤有机质、全N、碱解N、全P、有效P和速效K含量显著提高。N、P添加处理和密度处理对大叶相思林的土壤pH、有机质和N、P、K含量有显著的交互作用。总体来看, N添加、P添加、林分密度及其交互作用对大叶相思的土壤化学性质有显著影响。  相似文献   

植物最大净光合速率的季节变异性及其氮调控机制是近年来植物生理生态领域研究热点,对荒漠植物光合最大净光合速率季节动态及其叶氮影响,特别是叶氮分配对最大净光合速率调控机制的了解仍非常有限。2018年5—10月在宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地,对当地主要建群种油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)进行生长季原位观测,测定其叶光合光响应曲线(A-PAR)、CO2响应曲线(A-Ci)和叶氮含量,结合环境观测数据,分析A-PAR关键参数最大净光合速率(Amax)的季节变异和叶片氮分配相关参数对Amax的调控。结果表明,油蒿叶片Amax在生长期季节变异系数(Cv)为14%,在完全展叶中期,光合氮利用效率(PNUE)有最大值11.82μmolCO2 gN-1 s-1,此时叶片氮素在光合系统中的分配比例最大,Amax有最大值29.48μmol CO2 m-2s-1,油蒿光...  相似文献   

刈割、施肥和浇水对垂穗披碱草补偿生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
植物的补偿生长特性受放牧强度和生境资源获得性的影响。通过为期2年的野外控制实验,研究了刈割高度(留茬1cm、3cm及不刈割)、施肥(施、不施)和浇水(浇、不浇)处理对垂穗披碱草(Elymus natans)补偿生长的影响,并结合对各处理分株密度、比叶面积、净光合速率和相对生长率的变化研究,探讨了其补偿生长机制。结果表明:刈割后垂穗披碱草分株种群密度显著增加,补偿生长高度显著降低,比叶面积和相对生长率随刈割强度增加而呈上升趋势,叶片净光合速率变化不显著;施肥能显著增加垂穗披碱草的补偿生长高度、比叶面积、叶片净光合速率和相对生长率;浇水处理以及刈割、浇水、施肥处理之间的交互作用均不显著。可见,在刈割条件下,垂穗披碱草具有一定的密度补偿机制,但由于刈割抑制补偿性高生长,导致分株高度出现低补偿。因此,即使刈割后比叶面积和株高相对生长率显著增加,也不一定必然引起株高的超补偿;但施肥可显著提高垂穗披碱草的补偿能力,增加耐牧性,证实了改进后的限制资源模型的预测。  相似文献   

黑龙江省次生林主要组成树种光合能力与叶片含氮量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范晶  张玉红 《植物研究》2005,25(3):344-347
以黑龙江省次生林主要组成树种蒙古栎、白桦、水曲柳、山杨、胡桃楸、黄波罗为研究对象,测定自然状态下这6个树种的光合能力,并分析光合能力与叶片含氮量之间的关系.研究结果表明,树种的光合能力存在明显的季节变化,不同树种间的光合能力、光合潜力存在差异.生长季中,胡桃楸具有最高的光合能力最大值,白桦具有最高的年平均光合能力,蒙古栎具有最大的光合潜力.蒙古栎叶片含氮量与光合能力线性正相关(r=0.97),白桦、水曲柳叶片含氮量与光合能力呈二次曲线相关(r=0.61,r=0.51).  相似文献   

以二年生桢楠(Phoebe zhennan)幼树为研究对象, 采用盆栽控水的方法, 探讨了桢楠幼树在干旱胁迫下渗透调节和活性氧代谢的变化, 以及施氮对桢楠幼树应对干旱胁迫能力的影响。试验先将土壤含水量调整到4个梯度(田间持水量的80% (80% FC)、50% FC、30% FC和15% FC), 1周后测定受胁迫植株的相关生理指标, 之后进行3个水平的施氮处理(对照N0, 中氮MN, 高氮HN, 各施氮量分4次(即干旱梯度形成后第7、14、21和28天)分别施入)。在施氮结束后30天(即开始施肥处理后51天)再次测定各项生理指标。结果表明: 1)干旱处理7天后, 桢楠叶片中游离脯氨酸(Pro)和可溶性糖(SS)含量均随胁迫强度增大而显著增加, 重度干旱(15% FC)下的Pro含量增加尤为明显, 可溶性蛋白(SP)含量则呈先增加后降低的趋势。施氮后, 各种土壤水分状态下的Pro含量进一步增加。水分充足和轻度干旱MN水平下, SS含量也增加, 而在中度和重度干旱下的SS含量显著降低, HN水平各干旱状态下SS含量变化均不显著。施氮结束后30天时, 80% FC和50% FC下的SP含量表现为施氮组低于对照组, 而30% FC和15% FC下则相反。2)施氮前随着干旱胁迫的增强, 桢楠幼树叶片中过氧化氢(H2O2)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著上升, 而过氧化物酶(POD)活性呈先上升后下降的趋势。施氮后, H2O2含量总体上表现为减少趋势, 且MN水平下降幅度最大, HN水平反而不利于降低H2O2的含量。3种酶活性的变化则因干旱程度和施氮水平的不同而呈现出不同的变化趋势。3)施氮前随着干旱胁迫的增强, 叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量呈显著上升趋势, 相对电导率(REC)先显著下降后显著上升; 施氮后, 除重度干旱胁迫外, 其他各干旱处理植株的MDA含量都表现为在MN水平下有所下降, 而在HN水平下有所回升, 但在重度干旱时, 无论是MN或HN处理, MDA含量均呈上升趋势, 表明在重度干旱胁迫下, 难以通过施氮的方式缓解干旱胁迫产生的伤害。4)双因素方差分析显示, 施氮与干旱胁迫间具有极显著的交互效应。以上结果表明: 施一定量的氮肥有利于缓解桢楠幼树受到的干旱胁迫, 以年施氮量计, 施中氮(N元素质量为1.35 g·株 -1)对除重度干旱外的干旱胁迫具有一定的缓解作用, 但施高氮(N元素质量为2.70 g·株 -1)时反而会对植株造成不利影响。  相似文献   

Aims Ecological systems, especially soils, have been recently recognized as an important source of atmospheric nitric oxide (NO). However, the study on the contribution of plants to atmospheric NO budget is significantly lagged. The specific objectives of this study are to reveal the phylogenetic variation in NO emission potential existing in various plant species and find out the possible leaf traits affecting NO emission potential.Methods We measured NO emission potential, leaf N and C content, C:N ratio, specific leaf area, net photosynthetic rate (P n) and estimated photosynthetic N use efficiency (PNUE) of 88 plant species. Further investigation of the relationships between NO emission potential and leaf traits were performed by simple linear regression analysis and pair-wise correlation coefficients analysis.Important findings Major results are as follows: (1) NO emission from plant species exhibited large variations, ranging from 0 to 41.7 nmol m ?2 h-1, and the species frequency distributions of NO emission potential could be fitted to a log-normal curve. (2) Among 88 species, NO emission potential was the highest in Podocarpus macrophyllus, but lowest in Zanthoxylum nitidum and Vernicia montana. (3) NO emission potential has strong correlation to leaf N content, P n and PNUE. The variations in NO emission potential among diverse plant species may be closely related to leaf N level and net photosynthetic ability.  相似文献   

为了解全球气候变化背景下氮沉降对土壤氮矿化的影响及硅添加对土壤氮矿化的促进作用, 该试验设置不同浓度的氮肥单独添加(0、20、40、60 g·m -2, 分别为对照CK、N20、N40、N60)以及与硅肥配施(硅酸4 g·m -2, Si4), 测定不同处理下0-20、20-40、40-60 cm土层土壤硝态氮含量、铵态氮含量、净硝化速率、净氨化速率以及净矿化速率。结果显示: (1)单独添加氮肥, 各土层土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量均随处理浓度的增加而增加, 0-20 cm土层N20、N40、N60处理下土壤硝态氮和铵态氮分别较CK增加63.48%、126.04%、247.03%和80.66%、152.52%、244.56%; 随着土层深度增加, 土壤硝态氮、铵态氮含量均有下降, 20-40、40-60 cm土层较0-20 cm土层硝态氮含量分别平均减少53.90%、76.05%, 铵态氮含量分别平均减少48.62%、68.23%。(2)土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率及净矿化速率随着氮肥浓度增加均呈上升趋势。相同氮肥添加浓度下, 土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率和净矿化速率随着土层深度增加逐渐下降(除CK外)。(3)与单独添加氮肥比较, 氮硅肥配施, 土壤氮含量有显著提高, 在0-20 cm土层硝态氮和铵态氮较CK分别增加98.78%、192.62%、330.16%和99.96%、195.82%、306.32%, 20-40、40-60 cm土层也有类似趋势。同时, 氮硅配施促进了土壤氮矿化行为, 在0-20 cm土层, N60Si4处理下的土壤净硝化速率、净氨化速率较单独施氮时分别增加35.88%、27.41%。以上结果表明, 与单独氮肥添加相比, 氮硅配施不但能提高土壤氮含量, 而且能促进土壤氮的矿化作用, 对大气氮沉降有一定的缓解作用。  相似文献   

棉花叶片氮含量的空间分布与光合特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张雪松  申双和  宋洁 《生态学报》2009,29(4):1893-1898
在棉花生长旺季,将冠层按高度分多层测定了田间叶片含氮量和叶片净光合速率对光合有效辐射通量密度的响应(光响应曲线,Pn-PPFD response curve)及相应的生物指标.结果表明,各层叶片氮含量与光合作用关系密切,各层平均值大小依次为上层>中层>下层,对应层叶片的最大净光合速率Pmax、表观暗呼吸速率Rd、光补偿点LCP及光饱和点LSP均从上到下依次递减,与氮含量分布一致,而表观光合量子效率AQY则略有不同;氮含量的指数衰减系数 kn =0.762(R2=0.593),根据观测结果,棉田叶片氮含量(N)空间分布可以用相对累积叶面积指数(Lc/Lt)为自变量的指数方程来模拟,从而为建立光合作用机理模型与进行生产力奠定基础.  相似文献   

Aims The increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition due to human activity and climate change greatly causes grassland ecosystems shifting from being naturally N-limited to N-eutrophic or N-saturated, and further affecting the growth of grass species. The aims of this study are: 1) to evaluate the effects of different N addition levels on morphology and photosynthetic characteristics of Leymus chinensis; 2) to determine the critical N level to facilitate L. chinensis growth.
Methods We conducted a different N addition levels experiment in dominant species in the temperate steppe of Nei Mongol. The aboveground biomass, morphological and leaf physiological traits, pigment contents, chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and biochemical parameters of L. chinensis were investigated.
Important findings Our results showed that aboveground biomass first increased and then decreased with the increased N, having the highest values at the 10 g N·m-2·a?1 treatment, but the 25 g N·m-2·a?1 still significantly increased the aboveground biomass relative to 0 g N·m-2·a?1. Leymus chinensis accommodate low N situation through allocating less N to carboxylation system and decreasing leaf mass per area (LMA) in order to get more light energy. Moderate N addition captured more light energy through increasing total chlorophyll (Chl) contents and decreasing the ratio of Chl a/b. Moderate N addition increased LMA, carboxylation efficiency, maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax), maximum electron transport rate (Jmax) and decreased Jmax/Vcmax, thus allocating more N to carboxylation system to enhance carboxylation capability. Moreover, the photochemical activity of PSII was increased through higher effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, electron transport rate and photochemical quenching coefficient. Excessive N addition had negative effects on physiological variables of L. chinensis due to lower carboxylation capability and photochemical activity of PSII, further leading to decreased net photosynthetic rate, whereas increased non-photochemical quenching coefficient and carotenoids played the role in the dissipation of excess excitation energy. Overall, moderate N addition facilitated the photosynthetic characteristics of dominant species, but excessive N addition inhibited photosynthetic characteristics. The most appropriate N addition for the growth of L. chinensis was 5-10 g N·m-2·a?1 in the temperate steppe of Nei Mongol, China.  相似文献   

水肥耦合效应对楸树苗期叶片净光合速率和SPAD值的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱权  李吉跃  王军辉  何茜  苏艳  马建伟  董菊兰 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3459-3468
以楸树无性系004-1苗木为研究对象,采用三因素五水平二次回归通用旋转组合设计,通过盆栽试验测定不同处理下楸树苗木叶片净光合速率(Pn)和SPAD值,并建立其与土壤水分(W)、施氮量(N)和施磷量(P)回归模型,分析土壤水分、施氮量和施磷量的主因子、单因素及耦合效应对楸树苗木叶片Pn和SPAD值的影响。研究结果表明:(1)W和N对楸树苗木叶片Pn和SPAD均有显著正效应,并且N主效应大于W,而施磷量主效应不显著;(2)单因素效应分析结果表明,楸树苗木叶片Pn和SPAD值随着N的增加均呈现出先增大后减小的变化趋势,与N类似,叶片Pn和SPAD值对W的响应曲线也呈现出类似的"抛物线式"变化趋势;(3)W×N对楸树苗木Pn和SPAD值均存在显著耦合正效应,但Pn和SPAD值与W×N的响应曲面关系图有所不同:随着土壤水分和施氮量的同时增加,叶片Pn逐渐增加,而叶片SPAD值呈现出先增加后减小的变化趋势;(4)楸树苗木叶片Pn与SPAD值呈现出极显著正相关关系(P0.0001)。总体而言,与土壤水分和施磷量相比,楸树生长更容易受土壤施氮量限制,此外,通过合理水肥配施措施,能一定程度提高楸树苗木的光合生产力和叶片SPAD值。  相似文献   

夏玉米叶片水分变化与光合作用和土壤水分的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯晓钰  周广胜 《生态学报》2018,38(1):177-185
叶片是光合作用的重要器官,其含水量的变化必将影响光合作用,但关于叶片水分变化对光合作用的影响报道较少。以华北夏玉米为研究对象,利用三叶期不同水分梯度的持续干旱模拟试验资料,分析夏玉米叶片水分变化及其与叶片净光合速率和土壤水分的关系。结果表明:夏玉米叶片净光合速率对叶片水分变化的响应显著且呈二次曲线关系,叶片含水量约为70.30%时,叶片净光合速率为零;叶片含水量与土壤相对湿度呈非直角双曲线关系,叶片最大含水量约为85.14%。研究结果可为准确描述叶片水分变化对光合作用的影响及客观辨识夏玉米干旱的发生发展及监测预警提供参考。  相似文献   

Aims Our objectives were to explore the effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on leaf traits and ecological stoichiometry characteristics of common species in natural Pinus tabuliformis forests.
Methods We conducted the experiment of nitrogen (N) addition from 2009 to 2013 in the natural Pinus tabuliformis forests in Taiyue Mountain, Shanxi, China. The levels of N addition were 0 (control), 50 (low-N), 100 (medium-N) and 150 (high-N) kg·hm-2·a-1, respectively. Eleven common plant species in 12 20 m × 20 m plots were selected, including Pinus tabuliformis, Quercus mongolica, Acer ginnala, Corylus mandshurica, Cornus bretschneideri, Spiraea salicifolia, Lonicera maackii, Carex callitrichos, Diarrhena mandshurica, Anemone tomentosa, and Polygonatum odoratum. Nine leaf traits were measured, including leaf thickness (LT), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorus content (LPC), and other four.
Important findings We found that: 1) LT and SLA of Polygonatum odoratum significantly differed among four levels of N addition. Leaf area (LA) and LDMC of several species, such as Spiraea salicifolia, had significant difference among the N addition concentration. LNC of all species, chlorophyll content (CC) and LPC of most species increased significantly with the addition of N. Leaf N:P of 9 species varied significantly, and leaves with different types and ages showed different responses to N addition. 2) Leaf traits were significantly correlated with each other. For instance, SLA was significantly positively correlated with LNC and LPC. In contrast LT was negatively connected with LNC and LPC. In addition, the degree of correlation changed with the level of N addition. 3) The pattern of species distribution in leaf trait space was consistent with the prediction from the theory of Leaf Economic Spectrum (LES). N addition drove species moving along axis 1 in the trait space, and propelled them towards different directions along axis 2, which indicated that these species tended to take the “fast investment-return” strategy. These results suggested that with the change of environmental conditions, plants changed their survival strategy and adjusted resource allocation to maintain the stability of communities. This is the inherent characteristic of plants, thus the formation of LES did not depend on the environment change.  相似文献   

Clover seedlings were grown at different nitrogen concentrations (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 mM NO3 , i.e. N5 to N25) and two irradiances, I (200 and 400 μmol m−2 s−1 of photon flux density, i.e. I 200 and I 400). Net photosynthetic rate (P N), photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE), leaf chlorophyll (Chl) content, maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), and actual photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 (PS2) (ΦPS2) increased from N5 to N15 and decreased with N15 to N25. P N, PNUE, and ΦPS2 were higher at I 400 than at I 200, but Fv/Fm and leaf Chl contents at I 400 were lower than at I 200. The effects of the N and I on specific leaf area (SLA) and N contents per unit dry mass (Nm) were similar, the SLA and Nm increased from N5 to N25 and they were higher at I 200 than at I 400. The nitrogen contents per unit area (Na) increased from N5 to N20, but decreased from N20 to N25. The Na was higher at I 200 than at I 400 when Trifolium repens grew at N5 and N10, but it was higher at I 400 than at I 200 at N15 to N25.  相似文献   

施氮量和花后土壤含水量对小麦旗叶光合特性和产量的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
马东辉  赵长星  王月福  吴钢  林琪 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4896-4901
在防雨池栽条件下,研究了施氮量和花后土壤含水量对小麦旗叶光合特性和产量的影响。结果表明,在相同土壤含水量下,小麦旗叶SPAD值、光合速率、Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm均表现为随着施氮量的增加而升高;增加施氮量有利于提高穗数,但过多(300kg/hm^2)或过少(150kg/hm^2)施氮均不利于穗粒数和干粒重的提高,而导致减产。在相同施氮量下,均表现为花后土壤含水量60%~70%处理的旗叶SPAD值、光合速率、Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm最高,40%~50%处理最低,80%~90%处理居中,花后土壤含水量过高(80%~90%)或过低(40%-50%)导致穗粒数减少,千粒重降低,最终使产量降低。表明花后土壤含水量过高或过低均影响小麦旗叶的光合特性降低,而适当增施氮肥可以改善旗叶的光合特性,增加粒重,提高产量。  相似文献   

Aims A heterogeneous spatially distribution of nutrients in natural soil may affect plant growth. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of localized nitrogen (N) supply treatments on growth traits and root parameters among different families in Pinus massoniana.Methods Five families of P. massoniana seedlings from full-sib progenies were used as test materials (1, 25, 49, 52, and 57). This study included two conditions, (i.e. homogeneous phosphorus (P) deficiency vs. heterogeneous P efficiency) among soil layers in combination with four N supply treatments in a one-year pot experiment. These N supply treatments were: (1) Homogeneously high N along the soil profile (HHH); (2) high N-high N-low N (HHL); (3) low N-low N-high N (LLH); (4) low N-low N-on side with N addition and the other side without N supply (LLH/L).Important findings This study indicated that localized N supply treatment did enhance the growth of P. massoniana, and this enhancement mainly happened in the pattern of N applied to deep soil. The results showed: 1) Compared to the homogeneous low P condition, there were increase in the growth traits and root parameters of P. massoniana under heterogeneous low P condition. Particularly, the root length and root surface area under the heterogeneous P deficiency condition were 1.95 times and 2.11 times higher than that subjected to the homogeneous P deficiency. 2) Localized N supply treatment affected seedling growth, and there was a significant interaction among N supply pattern and P condition. In compared with homogeneous N supply treatment, the height, basal diameter and dry weight of seedlings increased significantly by localized N supply treatments (LLH and/or LLH/L) under both two P deficiency conditions. But when the seedlings parameters were enhanced under homogeneous P deficiency, they were inhibited under heterogeneous P deficiency subjected to HHL. 3) Within the two P conditions, LLH and LLH/L stimulated root proliferation significantly, and root parameters were significantly enhanced under the heterogeneous P deficiency condition. Specifically, the root length and root surface area subjected to LLH/L rather than HHH were significantly enhanced by 29.2% and 32.3%, respectively. However, the length and surface area of the roots were suppressed by HHL treatment. 4). There were significant differences in response to different N supply treatments among P. massoniana families Seedlings in the families of 49, 52, and 57 responded to the localized N supply treatments with increased root proliferation, which enhanced seedling dry mass. On the other hand, the seedling growth in the family of 25 were stimulated by N and (or) P concentration, while the response of seedlings in the family of 1 to local nitrogen supply was relatively slow and exhibited growth retardation.  相似文献   

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