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细胞核存在独立的钙运输系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sun Y  Chen YZ 《生理科学进展》1998,29(3):246-248
细胞核具有独立的钙运输系统,可以以依赖于胞质游离钙浓度而对核内钙浓度进行调节。核膜为核钙库,其外核膜上存在钙泵和IP4受体,内核膜上存在的IP3受体和利苦丁(rynodine)受体,核膜经外核膜摄入钙,并在IP3或环化二磷酸腺核糖(cADPR)介导了内核膜向核内释放钙,产生核内钙信号。  相似文献   

钙指示剂常被用于细胞及细胞器钙信号的检测,是钙信号转导研究中必不可少的工具.目前的钙指示剂分两大类,包括化学钙指示剂,如Fura-2、Indo-1、Fluo-4等,和基因编码的钙指示蛋白如D1ER、GCaMP、CEPIAler等.随着技术的发展及研究需求的不断提升,各版本的钙指示剂也在不断更新.本文对已有的钙指示剂进行...  相似文献   

细胞核钙离子是基因转录等细胞核反应过程重要的调控因子.然而,细胞核内钙离子信号的调控机制尚不清楚.缺乏稳定的、敏感的细胞核钙指示剂,是导致其调控机制难以研究的重要原因之一.针对这一问题,设计了能够在细胞核内特异性表达的、具有核定位功能的钙指示剂.以基因编码钙指示剂(GECIs)家族成员GCa MP6为模板,首先融合了对钙离子不敏感的红色荧光蛋白td Tomato来对局部的钙信号进行量化,其次融合了核定位信号(NLS),使GCa MP6能够特异定位于细胞核中.结果表明,NLS-GCa MP6-td Tomato能够在细胞核中有效发挥作用,并且在钙敏感性与动力学上,也与GCa MP6相当.这一新型细胞核钙指示剂将为研究细胞核钙离子的功能及其调控机制提供新的方法与途径.  相似文献   

氧自由基对大鼠心肌细胞核钙转运系统的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
观察氧自由基对心肌细胞核钙转运系统的影响。方法;大鼠心肌细胞核采用蔗糖密度梯度心分离纯化,用酶学方法测定了ATPase活性,用^45Ca^2+同位素法测定下摄取。结果;低浓度的H2O2短时间作用使核钙泵活性增加31.6%,高浓度H2O2使核钙泵活性降低,呈时间和剂量信赖性。  相似文献   

压力超负荷性心肌肥厚大鼠心肌细胞核钙转运的改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过腹主动脉缩窄(abdominalaorticcoarctation ,AAC)心肌肥厚大鼠模型制备、差速离心提纯心肌细胞核、酶学方法测定Ca2 +-ATPase活性、45Ca2 +同位素法测定核钙摄取和荧光分光光度计测定细胞核内自由钙浓度 ,初步揭示压力超负荷心肌肥厚大鼠心肌细胞核钙转导异常的环节。结果发现 :心肌细胞核上存在具有[Ca2 +]和ATP依赖性的高亲和力Ca2 +-ATPase ,以[Ca2 +]依赖的方式摄取45Ca2 +,并呈先升高后降低趋势。AAC术后4周大鼠心肌显著肥厚 ,伴有明显的血流动力学异常 ,与对照组比较 ,AAC大鼠心肌细胞核Ca2 +-ATPase活性减少51.93 %(p<0.001) ,但核45Ca2 +摄入量(核外[Ca2 +]浓度为800 -1600nmol/L时)和核内[Ca2 +](核外[Ca2 +]浓度为0 -1000nmol/L时)均明显增加(p<0.05) ;正常组离体心肌细胞核Ca2 +摄取受PKA刺激(p<0.05) ,而被PKC抑制剂和CaM抑制剂显著抑制(p<0.05) ,AAC大鼠心肌细胞核Ca2 +摄取仅受CaM抑制剂抑制(p<0.01) ,而PKA和PKC抑制剂对其无明显影响(p>0.05)。结论为心肌肥厚时 ,心肌细胞核Ca2 +转运系统及其磷酸化调节可能发生改变。  相似文献   

神经干细胞体外增殖分化的钙成像研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
神经干细胞具有广阔的应用前景,但对于其增殖和分化的内源机制、外部环境信号还并不十分了解。研究表明,钙信号很可能在其中起到了调控作用。利用钙离子成像技术,观察神经干细胞的单细胞体外增殖和分化过程,记录了在细胞分裂过程中钙信号变化的曲线。发现细胞增殖和分化过程中都会产生钙浓度的变化,但在细胞分裂后期两者钙信号的模式却存在差别。实验结果提示,胞内钙水平的波动只是细胞增殖的伴随产物,但却是细胞分化的必要条件。由此提出钙信号对神经干细胞分化调控机制的假设,并指出其对今后研究的意义。  相似文献   

大鼠心肌细胞核钙调素入核转运与核钙调节关系的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
最近发现,钙调素作为细胞内钙受体,除了调节胞浆的多种功能之外,可能还参与胞浆信号向核内快速传递。本研究观察大鼠心肌细胞核对钙调素的入核转运与钙浓度的关系,并初步探讨其调节机制。大鼠心肌细胞核采用差速离心和密度梯度离心分离提纯。用荧光分光光度计测定荧光标记钙调素向细胞核转入量发现,大鼠心肌细胞核对核外的CaM向核孔转运量具有[Ca~(2+)]浓度依赖性,随核外[Ca~(2+)]浓度的增加而增加(P<0.001),在[Ca~(2+)]浓度为10~(-3)mol/L时,ryanodine受体的拮抗剂rutheniumred和cADP ribose受体拮抗剂8-Br cADP ribose显著抑制CaM的细胞核孔转运(分别降低20%和18%,P<0.05),而IP_3受体拮抗剂heparin和Ca~(2+)-ATPase抑制剂thapsigargin抑制CaM的细胞核孔转运更显著(分别降低90%和89%,P<0.001)。上述结果表明心肌细胞核对CaM的向核转运,受核外[Ca~(2+)]和核钙摄取、释放所调节。  相似文献   

目的:构建表达基因编辑钙探针(GECIs)的细胞系HeLa-GECIs,探究细胞应答外界ATP刺激中钙离子在细胞内的响应和变化。方法:分别用能够直接通过荧光强度反映细胞胞浆内和线粒体内钙离子相对浓度的2种钙探针cyto-GCaMP6和4mt-GCaMP6感染HeLa细胞,获得2种表达钙离子探针的HeLa细胞系;在感染了2种腺病毒探针24 h后,用共聚焦荧光显微镜检测荧光探针在HeLa细胞内的表达情况;在表达2种钙探针的细胞的培养基中加入外源ATP,用Time-lapse成像动态观测技术观察HeLa细胞内钙离子对外环境中ATP的响应。结果:共聚焦荧光显微镜观察,确定95%以上的细胞表达了对应的钙离子指示荧光探针;Time-lapse成像动态观测技术观察发现,在细胞培养基中加入ATP后,细胞胞浆钙探针荧光强度瞬时(3~6 s)升至10倍,200 s后逐渐降低到基础水平;线粒体钙到达峰值(4倍)的时间稍滞后(5~8 s),并且回落更慢,300 s时至1.5倍。在ATP受体P2X7抑制剂A438079预处理的实验组,上述胞浆钙和线粒体钙浓度上升不明显。结论:构建了能在活体细胞内通过荧光探针实时监测钙离子响应胞外ATP刺激的细胞实验体系,为进一步深入探究ATP等危险信号导致细胞的炎性损伤机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

喀斯特地区土壤中钙含量较高。土壤钙含量过高会抑制植物生长,进而影响农作物产量和质量。目前,对植物应答和耐受高钙胁迫的机理研究还不深入。miRNAs在植物对生物和非生物胁迫的响应中起重要调控作用。本文应用转录组测序,对高钙响应拟南芥根部miRNAs进行分析,筛选到受高钙胁迫显著影响的12个miRNAs,并对其靶基因进行了预测和分析。实时定量PCR分析证实,大部分差异表达miRNAs和其靶基因表达负相关。本研究为进一步揭示miRNAs在植物响应高钙胁迫过程中的调控作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Drosophila phototransduction is mediated by phospholipase C leading to activation of cation channels (TRP and TRPL) in the 30000 microvilli forming the light-absorbing rhabdomere. The channels mediate massive Ca2+ influx in response to light, but whether Ca2+ is released from internal stores remains controversial. We generated flies expressing GCaMP6f in their photoreceptors and measured Ca2+ signals from dissociated cells, as well as in vivo by imaging rhabdomeres in intact flies. In response to brief flashes, GCaMP6f signals had latencies of 10–25 ms, reached 50% Fmax with ∼1200 effectively absorbed photons and saturated (ΔF/F0  10–20) with 10000–30000 photons. In Ca2+ free bath, smaller (ΔF/F0 ∼4), long latency (∼200 ms) light-induced Ca2+ rises were still detectable. These were unaffected in InsP3 receptor mutants, but virtually eliminated when Na+ was also omitted from the bath, or in trpl;trp mutants lacking light-sensitive channels. Ca2+ free rises were also eliminated in Na+/Ca2+ exchanger mutants, but greatly accelerated in flies over-expressing the exchanger. These results show that Ca2+ free rises are strictly dependent on Na+ influx and activity of the exchanger, suggesting they reflect re-equilibration of Na+/Ca2+ exchange across plasma or intracellular membranes following massive Na+ influx. Any tiny Ca2+ free rise remaining without exchanger activity was equivalent to <10 nM (ΔF/F0 ∼0.1), and unlikely to play any role in phototransduction.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum calcium homeostasis is critical for cellular functions and is disrupted in diverse pathologies including neurodegeneration and cardiovascular disease. Owing to the high concentration of calcium within the ER, studying this subcellular compartment requires tools that are optimized for these conditions. To develop a single-fluorophore genetically encoded calcium indicator for this organelle, we targeted a low affinity variant of GCaMP3 to the ER lumen (GCaMPer (10.19)). A set of viral vectors was constructed to express GCaMPer in human neuroblastoma cells, rat primary cortical neurons, and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. We observed dynamic changes in GCaMPer (10.19) fluorescence in response to pharmacologic manipulations of the ER calcium store. Additionally, periodic calcium efflux from the ER was observed during spontaneous beating of cardiomyocytes. GCaMPer (10.19) has utility in imaging ER calcium in living cells and providing insight into luminal calcium dynamics under physiologic and pathologic states.  相似文献   

GCaMP is one of the most widely used calcium indicators in neuronal imaging and calcium cell biology.The newly developed GCaMP6 shows superior brightness and ultrasensitivity to calcium concentration change.In this study,we determined crystal structures of Ca2+-bound GCaMP6 monomer and dimer and presented detailed structural analyses in comparison with its parent version GCaMP5G.Our analyses reveal the structural basis for the outperformance of this newly developed Ca2+indicator.Three substitution mutations and the resulting changes of local structure and interaction explain the ultrasensitivity and increased fluorescence intensity common to all three versions of GCaMP6.Each particular substitution in the three GCaMP6 is also structurally consistent with their differential sensitivity and intensity,maximizing the potential of using GCaMP6 in solving diverse problems in neuronal research and calcium signaling.Our studies shall also be beneficial to further structure-guided optimization of GCaMP and facilitate the design of novel calcium indicators.  相似文献   

Fluorescent protein-based sensors for detecting neuronal activity have been developed largely based on non-neuronal screening systems. However, the dynamics of neuronal state variables (e.g., voltage, calcium, etc.) are typically very rapid compared to those of non-excitable cells. We developed an electrical stimulation and fluorescence imaging platform based on dissociated rat primary neuronal cultures. We describe its use in testing genetically-encoded calcium indicators (GECIs). Efficient neuronal GECI expression was achieved using lentiviruses containing a neuronal-selective gene promoter. Action potentials (APs) and thus neuronal calcium levels were quantitatively controlled by electrical field stimulation, and fluorescence images were recorded. Images were segmented to extract fluorescence signals corresponding to individual GECI-expressing neurons, which improved sensitivity over full-field measurements. We demonstrate the superiority of screening GECIs in neurons compared with solution measurements. Neuronal screening was useful for efficient identification of variants with both improved response kinetics and high signal amplitudes. This platform can be used to screen many types of sensors with cellular resolution under realistic conditions where neuronal state variables are in relevant ranges with respect to timing and amplitude.  相似文献   

Astrocytes display spontaneous intracellular Ca2+ concentration fluctuations ([Ca2+]i) and in several settings respond to neuronal excitation with enhanced [Ca2+]i signals. It has been proposed that astrocytes in turn regulate neurons and blood vessels through calcium-dependent mechanisms, such as the release of signaling molecules. However, [Ca2+]i imaging in entire astrocytes has only recently become feasible with genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) such as the GCaMP series. The use of GECIs in astrocytes now provides opportunities to study astrocyte [Ca2+]i signals in detail within model microcircuits such as the striatum, which is the largest nucleus of the basal ganglia. In the present report, detailed surgical methods to express GECIs in astrocytes in vivo, and confocal imaging approaches to record [Ca2+]i signals in striatal astrocytes in situ, are described. We highlight precautions, necessary controls and tests to determine if GECI expression is selective for astrocytes and to evaluate signs of overt astrocyte reactivity. We also describe brain slice and imaging conditions in detail that permit reliable [Ca2+]i imaging in striatal astrocytes in situ. The use of these approaches revealed the entire territories of single striatal astrocytes and spontaneous [Ca2+]i signals within their somata, branches and branchlets. The further use and expansion of these approaches in the striatum will allow for the detailed study of astrocyte [Ca2+]i signals in the striatal microcircuitry.  相似文献   

The utility of single molecule fluorescence microscopy approaches has been proven to be of a great avail in understanding biological reactions over the last decade. The investigation of molecular interactions with high temporal and spatial resolutions deep within cells has remained challenging due to the inherently weak signals arising from individual molecules. Recent works by Yang et al. demonstrated that narrow-field epifluorescence microscopy allows visualization of nucleocytoplasmic transport at the single molecule level. By the single molecule approach, important kinetics, such as nuclear transport time and efficiency, for signal-dependent and independent cargo molecules have been obtained. Here we described a protocol for the methodological approach with an improved spatiotemporal resolution of 0.4 ms and 12 nm. The improved resolution enabled us to capture transient active transport and passive diffusion events through the nuclear pore complexes (NPC) in semi-intact cells. We expect this method to be used in elucidating other binding and trafficking events within cells.Download video file.(133M, mp4)  相似文献   

The subventricular zone (SVZ) is one of the two neurogenic zones in the postnatal brain. The SVZ contains densely packed cells, including neural progenitor cells with astrocytic features (called SVZ astrocytes), neuroblasts, and intermediate progenitor cells. Neuroblasts born in the SVZ tangentially migrate a great distance to the olfactory bulb, where they differentiate into interneurons. Intercellular signaling through adhesion molecules and diffusible signals play important roles in controlling neurogenesis. Many of these signals trigger intercellular calcium activity that transmits information inside and between cells. Calcium activity is thus reflective of the activity of extracellular signals and is an optimal way to understand functional intercellular signaling among SVZ cells.Calcium activity has been studied in many other regions and cell types, including mature astrocytes and neurons. However, the traditional method to load cells with calcium indicator dye (i.e. bath loading) was not efficient at loading all SVZ cell types. Indeed, the cellular density in the SVZ precludes dye diffusion inside the tissue. In addition, preparing sagittal slices will better preserve the three-dimensional arrangement of SVZ cells, particularly the stream of neuroblast migration on the rostral-caudal axis.Here, we describe methods to prepare sagittal sections containing the SVZ, the loading of SVZ cells with calcium indicator dye, and the acquisition of calcium activity with time-lapse movies. We used Fluo-4 AM dye for loading SVZ astrocytes using pressure application inside the tissue. Calcium activity was recorded using a scanning confocal microscope allowing a precise resolution for distinguishing individual cells. Our approach is applicable to other neurogenic zones including the adult hippocampal subgranular zone and embryonic neurogenic zones. In addition, other types of dyes can be applied using the described method.  相似文献   

Behavior is controlled by the nervous system. Calcium imaging is a straightforward method in the transparent nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to measure the activity of neurons during various behaviors. To correlate neural activity with behavior, the animal should not be immobilized but should be able to move. Many behavioral changes occur during long time scales and require recording over many hours of behavior. This also makes it necessary to culture the worms in the presence of food. How can worms be cultured and their neural activity imaged over long time scales? Agarose Microchamber Imaging (AMI) was previously developed to culture and observe small larvae and has now been adapted to study all life stages from early L1 until the adult stage of C. elegans. AMI can be performed on various life stages of C. elegans. Long-term calcium imaging is achieved without immobilizing the animals by using short externally triggered exposures combined with an electron multiplying charge-coupled device (EMCCD) camera recording. Zooming out or scanning can scale up this method to image up to 40 worms in parallel. Thus, a method is described to image behavior and neural activity over long time scales in all life stages of C. elegans.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - The study of human neurons and their interaction with neurochemicals is difficult due to the inability to collect primary biomaterial. However, recent advances in the...  相似文献   

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