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Conventional antibiotics target the growth and the basal life processes of bacteria leading to growth arrest and cell death. The selective force that is inherently linked to this mode of action eventually selects out antibiotic-resistant variants. The most obvious alternative to antibiotic-mediated killing or growth inhibition would be to attenuate the bacteria with respect to pathogenicity. The realization that Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a number of other pathogens, controls much of their virulence arsenal by means of extracellular signal molecules in a process denoted quorum sensing (QS) gave rise to a new 'drug target rush'. Recently, QS has been shown to be involved in the development of tolerance to various antimicrobial treatments and immune modulation. The regulation of virulence via QS confers a strategic advantage over host defences. Consequently, a drug capable of blocking QS is likely to increase the susceptibility of the infecting organism to host defences and its clearance from the host. The use of QS signal blockers to attenuate bacterial pathogenicity, rather than bacterial growth, is therefore highly attractive, particularly with respect to the emergence of multi-antibiotic resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

While theoretical studies predict that inducible defences should be fine-tuned according to the qualities of the predator, very few studies have investigated how dangerousness of predators, i.e. the rate at which predators kill prey individuals, affects the strength of phenotypic responses and resulting benefits and costs of induced defences. We performed a comprehensive study on fitness consequences of predator-induced responses by involving four predators (leech, water scorpion, dragonfly larva and newt), evaluating costs and benefits of responses, testing differences in dangerousness between predators and measuring responses in several life history traits of prey. We raised Rana dalmatina tadpoles in the presence of free-ranging predators, in the presence of caged predators, and exposed naive and experienced tadpoles to free-ranging predators. Tadpoles adjusted the intensities of their behavioural and morphological defences to predator dangerousness. Survival was lower in the nonlethal presence of the most dangerous predator, while we could not detect costs of induced defences at or after metamorphosis. When exposed to free-ranging predators, small, but not large, tadpoles benefited from exhibiting an induced phenotype in terms of elevated survival when compared to naive tadpoles, but we did not observe higher survival either in tadpoles exhibiting more extreme phenotypes or in tadpoles exposed to the type of predator they were raised with. These results indicate that while predator-induced defences can mirror dangerousness of predators, costs and benefits do not necessarily scale to the magnitude of plastic responses.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of toxicity in a prey population is a challenge to evolutionary biologists if the investment in toxin does not benefit the individual. Recent experiments suggest that taste-rejection behaviour enables predators to selectively ingest less toxic individuals, which could stabilize investment in defences. However, we currently do not know if taste rejection of defended prey is accurate across different contexts, and that prey always benefit according to their investment. Using avian predators, we show that the rejection probability does not solely depend on the investment in defence by an individual, but also on the investment by other individuals in the same population. Therefore, taste rejection by predators could lead to destabilization in the investment in defences, and allow variability in prey defences to exist.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The production of winged morphs is a well known mechanism of induced defence in aphids to escape from natural enemies, and is also a reaction to poor resource quality.
2. Host plants of aphids often associate with endophytic fungi that have been shown to reduce the fitness of some species of aphids.
3. It was hypothesised that endophyte infection of host plants that represent a low quality plant resource should increase the aphid's induced response to a predator because both low plant quality and predator presence represent a stronger cue for wing production than predator presence alone.
4. In a laboratory experiment, bird cherry-oat aphids Rhopalosiphum padi L. were exposed to the factors predator threat and endophyte infection and the effects of these factors on the proportion of winged morphs produced by the aphid colonies was analysed.
5. The presence of endophytic fungi strongly decreased aphid colony sizes. When a predator threat was present, all colonies on endophyte-free grasses produced winged morphs whereas only a few colonies were able to produce winged morphs on endophyte-infected grasses. However, these few colonies produced larger proportions of winged morphs than colonies on endophyte-free grasses. Without a predator threat, no colonies on endophyte-infected grasses produced any winged morphs.
6. These results show that aphids in stressed conditions and with reduced fitness will only invest in inducible defences when predators are present but are unable to produce winged morphs in response to endophyte presence.  相似文献   

Parents defend their young in many ways, including provisioning chemical defences. Recent work in a poison frog system offers the first example of an animal that provisions its young with alkaloids after hatching or birth rather than before. But it is not yet known whether maternally derived alkaloids are an effective defence against offspring predators. We identified the predators of Oophaga pumilio tadpoles and conducted laboratory and field choice tests to determine whether predators are deterred by alkaloids in tadpoles. We found that snakes, spiders and beetle larvae are common predators of O. pumilio tadpoles. Snakes were not deterred by alkaloids in tadpoles. However, spiders were less likely to consume mother-fed O. pumilio tadpoles than either alkaloid-free tadpoles of the red-eyed treefrog, Agalychniscallidryas, or alkaloid-free O. pumilio tadpoles that had been hand-fed with A. callidryas eggs. Thus, maternally derived alkaloids reduce the risk of predation for tadpoles, but only against some predators.  相似文献   

Environmental bacteria are constantly threatened by bacterivorous predators such as free-living protozoa and nematodes. In the course of their coevolution with environmental predators, some bacteria developed sophisticated defence mechanisms, including the secretion of toxins, or the capacity to avoid lysosomal killing and to replicate intracellularly within protozoa. To analyse the interactions with bacterial pathogens on a molecular, cellular or organismic level, protozoa and other non-mammalian hosts are increasingly used. These include amoebae, as well as genetically tractable hosts, such as the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Using these hosts, the virulence mechanisms of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria such as Legionella, Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas or Vibrio were found to be not only relevant for the interactions of the bacteria with protozoa, nematodes and insect phagocytes, but also with mammalian hosts including humans. Thus, non-mammalian model hosts provide valuable insight into the pathogenesis of environmental bacteria.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of empirical and theoretical studies of the behavioral mechanisms and ecological consequences of the anti-predator and anti-parasite activities of teleost fishes. While the individual and cooperative behaviors used by fish to protect themselves from predators have received marked attention from researchers in the fields of ecology, ethology and applied fish biology, the behaviors by which fish protect themselves from parasites have been poorly investigated. Generally, free-swimming parasites, which are difficult to distinguish, do not elicit any marked behavioral response from fish prior to contact. We hypothesize that the behaviors by which fish avoid parasites are much more efficient for fish in groups than they are for solitary fish. Early avoidance of predators and parasites is compared with the behavioral tactics fish use when such enemies are in close proximity. Individual versus cooperative tactics, as well as the role of learning, are also analyzed. Learning is more important for behaviors which protect fish from predators than those which they use against parasites, especially at the level of individual fish. Finally, we briefly discuss the importance of coordination of anti-predator and anti-parasite activities, which present the most complicated tasks for fish and intriguing problems for researchers.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are known to exist in wild and domesticated animals, but little is know about behavioural defences that animals use to reduce the risk of acquiring STDs. Using comparative data and a phylogeny of primates, I investigated whether behaviours hypothesized to reduce STD transmission are correlated with measures of STD risk involving mating promiscuity and life-history traits. Comparative tests revealed no support for genital inspection as a means to identify and avoid infected individuals with genital inspection was performed more commonly by males than females and uncorrelated with mating promiscuity. Primate species characterized by increased promiscuity were not more likely to display genital self-grooming following mating. Similarly, males and females of these species were not more likely to urinate immediately after mating, counter to suggestions that urination flushes microorganisms from the urethra and surrounding genital areas. Finally, monogamy was not correlated with a slow life history, which differs from predictions that monogamy is a response to increased STD risk in long-lived animals. Tests involving monogamy remained unsupported after controlling for potentially confounding variables, and all tests yielded similar results in phylogenetic and nonphylogenetic tests. Few results were significant even before controlling statistically for multiple comparisons, but nonsignificance was unlikely due to low statistical power or poor data quality in all tests. Instead, the comparative patterns were consistent with theoretical models showing that precopulatory behavioural defences to STDs, such as mate choice, are unlikely to be fully effective. In addition, many putative behavioural defences to STDs in primates entail substantial fitness costs in terms of reproductive output, offspring quality and infanticide avoidance. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

In the face of continuous threats from parasites, hosts have evolved an elaborate series of preventative and controlling measures - the immune system - in order to reduce the fitness costs of parasitism. However, these measures do have associated costs. Viewing an individual's immune response to parasites as being subject to optimization in the face of other demands offers potential insights into mechanisms of life history trade-offs, sexual selection, parasite-mediated selection and population dynamics. We discuss some recent results that have been obtained by practitioners of this approach in natural and semi-natural populations, and suggest some ways in which this field may progress in the near future.  相似文献   

Some water fleas (Daphnia spp.) undergo phenotypic changes when exposed to chemical signals from predators. The chemical signals have been assumed to be of predator origin (i.e. kairomones), since juices of crushed Daphnia have been found ineffective. We speculated that latent alarm signals could be present in Daphnia, to be activated in predators following ingestion. Accordingly, fish predators were fed earthworms for 10 weeks to remove Daphnia remains from their gastro-intestinal tracts. Following another 6 days of earthworm feeding, water conditioned by fish induced no morphological changes in D. galeata. When fish were alternatively fed Daphnia for 6 days, changes were induced with fish-conditioned water. Extracts made from intestines of earthworm-fed fish, homogenized with earthworms, gave no morphological changes, but intestines of the same origin homogenized with Daphnia did. Similar results were found when earthworms and Daphnia were homogenized with fish liver. Freshly frozen extracts of homogenized Daphnia gave no detectable changes at first instar stage in test animals, whereas extracts of Daphnia that had been kept at room temperature did induce such changes. Our results suggest that Daphnia respond to latent conspecific alarm signals (i.e. 'dormant' pheromones) that are activated by intestinal or bacterial enzymes in predators or in the water.  相似文献   

Plants employ a variety of defence mechanisms, some of which act directly by having a negative effect on herbivores and others that act indirectly by attracting natural enemies of herbivores. In this study we asked if a common jasmonate‐signalling pathway links the regulation of direct and indirect defences in plants. We examined the performance of herbivores (direct defence) and the attraction of natural enemies of herbivores (indirect defence) to wild‐type tomato plants and mutant plants that are deficient in the production of the signalling hormone jasmonic acid. Wild‐type plants supported lower survivorship of caterpillars compared with jasmonic acid‐deficient plants. Damaged wild‐type plants were more attractive to predaceous mites compared with undamaged wild‐type plants, whereas damaged jasmonate‐deficient plants were not more attractive to predators. Damaged wild‐type plants induced a greater production of volatile compounds (primarily the sesquiterpene β‐caryophyllene and the monoterpenes α‐pinene, β‐pinene, 2‐carene and β‐phellandrene) compared with damaged jasmonate‐deficient plants. Treating jasmonate‐deficient plants with exogenous jasmonic acid restored both the direct and indirect defence capabilities, demonstrating that jasmonic acid is an essential regulatory component for the expression of direct and indirect plant defence.  相似文献   

Enforcement mechanisms are thought to be important in maintaining mutualistic cooperation between species. A clear example of an enforcement mechanism is how legumes impose sanctions on rhizobial symbionts that fail to provide sufficient fixed N2. However, with domestication and breeding in high-soil-N environments, humans may have altered these natural legume defences and reduced the agricultural benefits of the symbiosis. Using six genotypes of soya beans, representing 60 years of breeding, we show that, as a group, older cultivars were better able to maintain fitness than newer cultivars (seed production) when infected with a mixture of effective and ineffective rhizobial strains. Additionally, we found small differences among cultivars in the ratio of effective:ineffective rhizobia released from their nodules, an indicator of future rhizobial strain fitness. When infected by symbionts varying in quality, legume defences against poor-quality partners have apparently worsened under decades of artificial selection.  相似文献   

1.  Inducible defences may be temporary and favoured where predation is intermittent and have been demonstrated in several invertebrates and vertebrates when prey detect chemical cues (kairomones) released by predators. Daphnia pulex (a water flea) exposed to Chaoborus (midge larvae) kairomones produce small neckteeth on the dorsal surface of the head as a defence against this gape-limited predator and survive better in the presence of Chaoborus . Recent studies have shown that waterborne copper (Cu) impairs the induction of neckteeth which could lead to lower survival.
2.  Here, we examined the effects of Cu on morphological changes and shifts in life-history traits in D. pulex exposed to kairomone from Chaoborus americanus . We exposed D. pulex mothers to chemical cues of C. americanus fed on either D. pulex neonates or on brine shrimp Artemia salina , the same Chaoborus cues combined with an environmentally relevant concentration of copper (10 μg L−1), or dechlorinated tap water. We examined several morphological characteristics of neonates and life-historical characteristics of adults as well as assessing survival of neonates by staging encounters with predators.
3.  Neonates from mothers exposed to kairomone plus copper had fewer and shorter neckteeth than neonates from mothers exposed to kairomone alone. Moreover, neonates exposed to Cu had lower survival during encounters with predators than neonates exposed to kairomone without Cu.
4.  Adult female Daphnia exposed to kairomones released more neonates within the first 24 h of brood release and emptied their brood pouches quicker than mothers not exposed to kairomones, irrespective of the presence of Cu.
5.  Impairment by metals of morphological defences in zooplankton could lead to a decline in population density and alter community structure.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the role of multiple predators on the transient and long-term dynamic outcomes of biological control. Consistent with previous theory, our results suggest that specialist predators ought to promote less stable long-term biological control than generalists, while generalists readily drive suppression of nontarget prey species. Interestingly, our results show that the combination of specialists and generalists act synergistically to promote well-behaved biological control. This occurs because generalists do not as readily drive nontarget suppression in the presence of specialist, as specialists shunt energy away from generalists, lowering generalists’ growth rates and so lessening their impact on nontarget species. Similarly, specialists have a less destabilizing (i.e., less variable) influence in the presence of generalists, as generalists shunt energy away from specialists, reducing their growth rates and muting boom and bust dynamics. Finally, our results suggest the intriguing potential that endemic generalist predators, not introduced generalist predators, may often be responsible for the suppression and elimination of nontarget species. This final result demands empirical attention.  相似文献   

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