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A novel form of transglutaminase enzyme [EC 2.3.2. 13] was identified in adult worms of Brugia malayi. The molecular size of this enzyme was 22-kilodaltons as determined by Western blot and immunoprecipitation, using a monoclonal (CUB 7401) or polyclonal antibodies against guinea-pig liver tissue transglutaminase. The enzyme was present in female worms only; adult males contained no detectable levels of the enzyme peptide. Possible involvement of transglutaminase-catalyzed reactions in growth and survival of filarial parasites was studied by using various enzyme-specific pseudosubstrates. Presence of these inhibitors resulted into a significant inhibition of microfilariae production and release by gravid female worms in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that transglutaminase-catalyzed reactions are essential for development of in utero growing embryos to mature microfilariae.  相似文献   

The role of excretory-secretory antigens in inducing immunity in the host againstBrugia malayi microfilariae and infective larvae was studied byin vitro antibody dependent cell-mediated reaction as well asin vivo inoculation of filarial parasites within a microchamber in the host. The immune sera of jirds raised againstBrugia malayi microfilarial and infective larval excretory-secretory antigens(Bm Mf ESA andBm L3 ESA) promoted the adherence of peritoneal exudate cells toBrugia malayi microfilariae and infective larvaein vitro and induced cytotoxicity to the parasites within 48 h. The antiBm Mf ESA serum was more effective than antiBm L3 ESA serum in inducing cytotoxicity to microfilariae and both antisera had a similar cytotoxic effect on infective larvae. In the microchambers implanted in the immune jirds, host cells could migrate and adhere to the microfilariae and infective larvae and kill them within 48–72 h. Further,Mastomys natalensis immunized againstBm Mf ESA and L3 ESA generated a high degree of protective response against circulating microfilariae. These results suggest that excretory-secretory antigens are effective in inducing resistance against filarial parasites and thus have potential in immunoprophylaxis.  相似文献   

Many helminths, including Brugia malayi, are able to establish long-lived infections in immunocompetent hosts. Growing evidence suggests that the immune system's failure to eliminate parasites is at least partially due to the effects of regulatory T cells (Tregs). To test whether parasites may directly stimulate host regulatory activity, we infected mice with two key stages of B. malayi. Both mosquito-borne infective larvae and mature adults i.p. introduced were found to preferentially expand the proportion of CD25(+)Foxp3(+) cells within the CD4(+) T cell population. The induction of Foxp3 was accompanied by raised CD25, CD103, and CTLA-4 expression, and was shown to be an active process, which accompanied the introduction of live, but not dead parasites. CTLA-4 expression was also markedly higher on Foxp3(-) cells, suggesting anergized effector populations. Peritoneal lavage CD4(+)CD25(+) cells from infected mice showed similar suppressive activity in vitro to normal splenic "natural" Tregs. Both B. malayi larvae and adults were also able to induce Foxp3 expression in adoptively transferred DO11.10 T cells, demonstrating that filarial infection can influence the development of T cells specific to a third party Ag. In addition, we showed that induction was intact in IL-4R-deficient animals, in the absence of a Th2 or alternatively activated macrophage response. We conclude that filarial infections significantly skew the balance of the host immune system toward Treg expansion and activation, in a manner dependent on live parasites but independent of a concomitant Th2 response.  相似文献   

We describe here the genetic control of humoral responses to filarial nematode Ag elicited by live adult Brugia malayi parasites in mice. Inbred and congenic mice of two different MHC haplotypes, H-2k and H-2d, were examined. Serologic analysis showed that the humoral responses to the major surface 29-kDa glycoprotein of adult parasites and a 40-kDa Ag from the surface of the microfilarial stage were restricted to mice with H-2k alleles (B10.BR, CBA/Ca, and CBA/N), whereas mice of the H-2d haplotype (B10.D2/n and BALB/c) were nonresponsive to these Ag. Conversely, internal adult Ag of molecular mass of 24 and 66 kDa were recognized only by animals with the H-2d haplotype. Apart from MHC-restricted recognition, the level of responses to phosphorylcholine and to a 15-kDa adult surface molecule were found to be influenced by non-MHC genes. A sharp restriction was also observed to an adult surface Ag complex of 17 to 200 kDa, which was recognized only by BALB/c mice. Thus, multiple examples of both H-2 and background genetic effects on the immune response to distinct filarial Ag can be found.  相似文献   

Lipoxygenase (LOX) is a common enzyme which catalyzes lipid peroxidation of seeds and consequently enhances seed quality deterioration and decreases seed viability. During seed storage, peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids occur due to enhancement of LOX activity which directly leads to reduction in seed vigour and deterioration of grain nutritional quality. This study was undertaken to overcome these problem during rice seed storage by attenuating LOX activity using RNAi technology. To improve seed storage stability, we down regulated LOX gene activity by using a functional fragment of the LOX gene under the control of both constitutive (CaMV35S) and aleurone-specific (Oleosin-18) promoter separately. To understand the storage stability, RNAi–LOX seeds and non-transgenic control seeds were subjected to accelerated aging at 45 °C and 85 % relative humidity for 14 days. Our studies demonstrate that down regulation of LOX activity reduces the seed quality deterioration under storage condition. In addition GC–MS analysis revealed that reduction of fatty acid level in non-transgenic seeds during storage was higher when compared with that of transgenic rice seeds. Furthermore, the transgenic rice seeds with reduced LOX activity exhibited enhanced seed germination efficiency after storage than that of non-transgenic rice seeds. This study will have direct impact on nutritional stability of quality rice grains.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for safe and effective antifilarials. Prior studies have shown that the nitazoxanide (NTZ) exhibits broad activity against anaerobic bacteria, protozoa, and certain intestinal helminths. We examined the effects of NTZ and tizoxanide (TZ) on Brugia malayi nematodes in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, NTZ and TZ reduced worm motility and viability in a dose-dependent manner. Worm viability was reduced by 50% with both compounds at 2.5 and 20 μg/ml killed adult worms. NTZ or TZ (5 μg/ml) significantly reduced microfilaria release. These compounds blocked worm’s embryogenesis, and decreased microfilarial motility and viability. Treated worms had damaged cuticles and abnormal mitochondria. Wolbachia were not cleared by NTZ or TZ treatment. Neither NTZ nor TZ cleared adult worms or microfilariae in infected gerbils. These results show that NTZ and TZ have potent effects on B. malayi nematodes in vitro. However, they were not effective in vivo.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that intracellular Wolbachia bacteria are necessary for reproduction and survival of adult filarial worms. We now report results of in vitro studies of effects of antibacterial antibiotics (tetracycline, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, azithromycin, and doxycycline) on Brugia malayi infective larvae (L3) motility and molting. All of the antibiotics tested except chloramphenicol decreased L3 motility by 50% or more at 10 days, with minimal effective concentrations (MECs) of 20-100 microg/ml. Tetracyclines, rifampicin, and chloramphenicol inhibited L3 to L4 molting by 12 days in a concentration- and time-dependent manner, with MECs in the range of 1-20 microg/ml. These studies show that antibiotics active against Rickettsiaceae inhibit B. malayi L3 molting at low concentrations in vitro; higher concentrations kill the larvae. While it is possible that antibiotics directly affect filarial L3, we believe it is more likely that the effects seen are indirect effects related to bacterial killing.  相似文献   

Brugia malayi- or Brugia pahangi-infected, microfilaremic jirds (Meriones unguiculatus) were treated with ivermectin at a single dose of 200 micrograms/kg body weight, administered subcutaneously. After different time intervals, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were fed on treated or untreated jirds. Sausage stage, L2, and L3 larvae failed to develop in mosquitoes that fed on jirds from 15 to 30 days post-treatment. After 1 month, the numbers of L3 larvae recovered from mosquitoes fed on treated B. pahangi jirds were comparable to controls. However, the number of L3's recovered from mosquitoes fed on B. malayi jirds remained significantly lower than controls, 2 and 3 months after treatment. This reduction suggests that ivermectin may be more effective in blocking transmission of B. malayi than B. pahangi. Ivermectin treatment had no effect on the mean number of circulating microfilariae in treated jirds. Therefore, mosquitoes ingested comparable numbers of microfilariae when compared to those mosquitoes fed on untreated controls. Only in the case of jirds infected with B. malayi did the circulating microfilarial counts fall 30 days after treatment. The failure of microfilariae to develop to the L3 stage in mosquitoes fed on jirds within 30 days of treatment was not due to failure of mosquitoes to ingest microfilariae. Brugia malayi microfilariae also failed to develop to L3 in mosquitoes that were allowed to feed on microfilaremic jird blood treated with ivermectin (50 ng/ml) in vitro, indicating its efficacy at low concentrations. In addition to N-acetyl glucosamine, microfilariae obtained for a period of 15 days from ivermectin-treated but not control jirds showed D-mannose, N-acetyl galactosamine, and L-fucose moieties on the surface of the sheath.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the activity of CGP 20376, a benzothiazole derivative, against Brugia malayi in jirds and to illustrate the utility of parasite antigen detection as a means of monitoring drug efficacy in filariasis. Drug treatment was 100% effective in jirds treated 3 or 24 days after infection. Microfilaria and adult worm counts were reduced (relative to counts in sham-treated control animals) by 96% and 95%, respectively, in animals treated 153 days after infection. Four of 6 animals in this treatment group cleared their microfilaremias and were free of adult worms 5 mo after treatment. Thus, CGP 20376 was effective against all life cycle stages of B. malayi in jirds. Parasite antigen levels in jird sera were consistent with parasitological results in all treatment groups, but antigen clearance was incomplete in some cases after apparently successful treatment of mature and immature infections.  相似文献   



Most filarial nematodes contain Wolbachia symbionts. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of doxycycline on gene expression in Wolbachia and adult female Brugia malayi.


Brugia malayi infected gerbils were treated with doxycycline for 6-weeks. This treatment largely cleared Wolbachia and arrested worm reproduction. RNA recovered from treated and control female worms was labeled by random priming and hybridized to the Version 2- filarial microarray to obtain expression profiles.

Results and discussion

Results showed significant changes in expression for 200 Wolbachia (29% of Wolbachia genes with expression signals in untreated worms) and 546 B. malayi array elements after treatment. These elements correspond to known genes and also to novel genes with unknown biological functions. Most differentially expressed Wolbachia genes were down-regulated after treatment (98.5%). In contrast, doxycycline had a mixed effect on B. malayi gene expression with many more genes being significantly up-regulated after treatment (85% of differentially expressed genes). Genes and processes involved in reproduction (gender-regulated genes, collagen, amino acid metabolism, ribosomal processes, and cytoskeleton) were down-regulated after doxycycline while up-regulated genes and pathways suggest adaptations for survival in response to stress (energy metabolism, electron transport, anti-oxidants, nutrient transport, bacterial signaling pathways, and immune evasion).


Doxycycline reduced Wolbachia and significantly decreased bacterial gene expression. Wolbachia ribosomes are believed to be the primary biological target for doxycycline in filarial worms. B. malayi genes essential for reproduction, growth and development were also down-regulated; these changes are consistent with doxycycline effects on embryo development and reproduction. On the other hand, many B. malayi genes involved in energy production, electron-transport, metabolism, anti-oxidants, and others with unknown functions had increased expression signals after doxycycline treatment. These results suggest that female worms are able to compensate in part for the loss of Wolbachia so that they can survive, albeit without reproductive capacity. This study of doxycycline induced changes in gene expression has provided new clues regarding the symbiotic relationship between Wolbachia and B. malayi.  相似文献   

Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria are widespread in filarial nematodes and are directly involved in the immune response of the host. In addition, antibiotics which disrupt Wolbachia interfere with filarial nematode development thus, Wolbachia provide an excellent target for control of filariasis. A 63.1 kb bacterial artificial chromosome insert, from the Wolbachia endosymbiont of the human filarial parasite Brugia malayi, has been sequenced using the New England Biolabs Inc. Genome Priming System() transposition kit in conjunction with primer walking methods. The bacterial artificial chromosome insert contains approximately 57 potential ORFs which have been compared by individual protein BLAST analysis with the 35 published complete microbial genomes in the Comprehensive Microbial Resource database at The Institute for Genomic Research and in the NCBI GenBank database, as well as to data from 22 incomplete genomes from the DOE Joint Genome Institute. Twenty five of the putative ORFs have significant similarity to genes from the alpha-proteobacteria Rickettsia prowazekii, the most closely related completed genome, as well as to the newly sequenced alpha-proteobacteria endosymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. The bacterial artificial chromosome insert sequence however has little conserved synteny with the R. prowazekii and S. meliloti genomes. Significant sequence similarity was also found in comparisons with the currently available sequence data from the Wolbachia endosymbiont of Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of this bacterial artificial chromosome insert provides useful gene density and comparative genomic data that will contribute to whole genome sequencing of Wolbachia from the B. malayi host. This will also lead to a better understanding of the interactions between the endosymbiont and its host and will offer novel approaches and drug targets for elimination of filarial disease.  相似文献   

Observation of intracellular organisms in the lateral chords of Brugia malayi adults initiated further studies to determine the prevalence of these organisms within the tissues of adult worms and of larvae. The organisms were found in the lateral chords of adult males and females, microfilariae, first-, second-, third-, and fourth-stage larvae. In the females, they were present in the oogonia, oocytes, and developing eggs, suggesting transovarial transmission within the life cycle of the filarid. The organisms may have a developmental cycle consisting of more than one stage, including a small spheroidal stage up to 0.6 micrometer in size and a larger form up to 1.5 micrometer in length, all of which occur in the cytoplasm within a vesicle formed of host membrane. Each stage lacks a definite cell wall, being bound by 2 trilaminate membranes. The bacterial entities in B. malayi resemble both in morphology and development the organisms found in other filarids, but whether they affect the vertebrate host in any way remains to be determined. Their presence within certain cells of the developing eggs could be exploited as intracellular markers for the organogenesis of the lateral chords and the ovary.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨反义RNA技术介导的大肠杆菌非必需基因rpsF基因沉默导致菌体生长受抑制的原因。【方法】将rpsF基因5'端41-230 bp的片段反向插入带有末端配对结构的反义表达载体pHN678,获得重组质粒,导入大肠杆菌宿主获得反义RNA菌株Escherichia.coli/pHNF,并用诱导剂IPTG诱导反义RNA表达,通过与对照菌E.coli/pHN678的液体生长状态差异判断菌体生长表型;采用Real time RT-PCR方法跟踪分析转录水平。【结果】构建了针对rpsF的反义RNA菌株,且其生长受抑制程度与IPTG浓度呈正相关。IPTG浓度为100μmol/L时,菌体生长未受抑制,但靶基因rpsF的mRNA量降低了36%,而rpsR是位于同一操纵子下游的必需基因,其转录水平却未受影响;IPTG浓度为200μmol/L时,菌体生长明显受抑制,经分析发现rpsR转录水平降低了12%。【结论】反义RNA菌株E.coli/pHNF生长受抑制的原因是由于此反义RNA引起了同一操纵子下另一必需基因rpsR的转录水平降低。  相似文献   

We report here cloning and expression of full length mitochondrial HSP60 gene of Brugia malayi adult worm (mtHSP60bm), purification of the gene product by affinity chromatography, its in silico 3D structure and the sequence homology of the protein with Escherichia coli GroEL/ES and human HSP60. The ATP binding pocket of human HSP60 and mtHSP60bm were analyzed and compared using in silico models. The distribution of HSP60 in different life-stages of the parasite was determined using antibodies raised against recombinant mtHSP60bm (rmtHSP60bm). mtHSP60bm was present in all life-stages of the parasite except third stage infective larvae, in which it could be induced by heat-shock, and showed high degree of homology with E. coli GroEL/ES. The ATP binding pocket of HSP60 in humans, E. coli and B. malayi were also found structurally conserved. This similarity between human and mtHSP60bm might be useful in understanding the host-parasite interactions. This is the first ever report on distribution, cloning, sequence homology and ATP binding site of mtHSP60bm.  相似文献   

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