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The formation of flowers starts when floral meristems develop on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem. In Arabidopsis the identity of floral meristems is promoted and maintained by APETALA1 (AP1) and CAULIFLOWER (CAL). In the ap1 cal double mutant the meristems that develop on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem are unable to establish floral meristem identity and develop as inflorescence meristems on which new inflorescence meristems subsequently proliferate. We demonstrate in contrast to previous models that AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (AGL24) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) are also floral meristem identity genes since the ap1-10 agl24-2 svp-41 triple mutant continuously produces inflorescence meristems in place of flowers. Furthermore, our results explain how AP1 switches from a floral meristem identity factor to a component that controls floral organ identity.  相似文献   

Two genes cloned from Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus LeaFy (ELF1 and ELF2), have sequence homology to the floral meristem identity genes LEAFY from Arabidopsis and FLORICAULA from Antirrhinum. ELF1 is expressed in the developing eucalypt floral organs in a pattern similar to LEAFY while ELF2 appears to be a pseudo gene. ELF1 is expressed strongly in the early floral primordium and then successively in the primordia of sepals, petals, stamens and carpels. It is also expressed in the leaf primordia and young leaves and adult and juvenile trees.The ELF1 promoter coupled to a GUS reporter gene directs expression in transgenic Arabidopsis in a temporal and tissue-specific pattern similar to an equivalent Arabidopsis LEAFY promoter construct. Strong expression is seen in young flower buds and then later in sepals and petals. No expression was seen in rosette leaves or roots of flowering plants or in any non-flowering plants grown under long days. Furthermore, ectopic expression of the ELF1 gene in transgenic Arabidopsis causes the premature conversion of shoots into flowers, as does an equivalent 35S-LFY construct. These data suggest that ELF1 plays a similar role to LFY in flower development and that the basic mechanisms involved in flower initiation and development in Eucalyptus are similar to those in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Orchids are known for their beauty and complexity of flower and ecological strategies. The evolution in orchid floral morphology, structure, and physiological properties has held the fascination of botanists for centuries, from Darwin through to the present. In floral studies, MADS‐box genes contributing to the now famous ABCDE model of floral organ identity control have dominated conceptual thinking. The sophisticated orchid floral organization offers an opportunity to discover new variant genes and different levels of complexity to the ABCDE model. Recently, several remarkable research reports on orchid MADS‐box genes, especially B‐class MADS‐box genes, have revealed the evolutionary track and important functions on orchid floral development. Diversification and fixation of both paleoAP3 gene sequences and expression profiles might be explained by subfunctionalization and even neofunctionalization. Knowledge about MADS‐box genes encoding ABCDE functions in orchids will give insights into the highly evolved floral morphogenetic networks of orchids.  相似文献   

The functions of two rice MADS-box genes were studied by the loss-of-function approach. The first gene, OsMADS4, shows a significant homology to members in the PISTILLATA (PI) family, which is required to specify petal and stamen identity. The second gene, OsMADS3, is highly homologous to the members in the AGAMOUS (AG) family that is essential for the normal development of the internal two whorls, the stamen and carpel, of the flower. These two rice MADS box cDNA clones were connected to the maize ubiquitin promoter in an antisense orientation and the fusion molecules were introduced to rice plants by the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method. Transgenic plants expressing antisense OsMADS4 displayed alterations of the second and third whorls. The second-whorl lodicules, which are equivalent to the petals of dicot plants in grasses, were altered into palea/lemma-like organs, and the third whorl stamens were changed to carpel-like organs. Loss-of-function analysis of OsMADS3 showed alterations in the third and fourth whorls. In the third whorl, the filaments of the transgenic plants were changed into thick and fleshy bodies, similar to lodicules. Rather than making a carpel, the fourth whorl produced several abnormal flowers. These phenotypes are similar to those of the agamous and plena mutants in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum, respectively. These results suggest that OsMADS4 belongs to the class B gene family and OsMADS3 belongs to the class C gene family of floral organ identity determination.  相似文献   

Resource allocation is a major determinant of plant fitness and is influenced by external as well as internal stimuli. We have investigated the effect of cell wall invertase activity on the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth, inflorescence architecture, and reproductive output, i.e. seed production, in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana by expressing a cell wall invertase under a meristem-specific promoter. Increased cell wall invertase activity causes accelerated flowering and an increase in seed yield by nearly 30%. This increase is caused by an elevation of the number of siliques, which results from enhanced branching of the inflorescence. On the contrary, as cytosolic enzyme, the invertase causes delayed flowering, reduced seed yield, and branching. This demonstrates that invertases not only are important in determining sink strength of storage organs but also play a role in regulating developmental processes.  相似文献   

Eight-week-old vegetative plants of Arabidopsis thaliana, ecotype Columbia, were induced to flower by a single long day (LD). In this experimental system, it is known that the last component of the floral stimulus moves from the leaves to the apex 24-36 h after the start of the LD, and the first floral meristem is initiated by the shoot apical meristem (SAM) at 44-56 h (Corbesier et al., 1996, The Plant Journal 9: 947-952). Here we show that the rate of cell division is increased at floral transition in all SAM parts but not in the sub-apical pith cells. Mitotic activity starts to increase 24 h after the start of the LD and is two- to three-fold higher at peak times than that in non-induced plants. This activation is followed by the start of SAM enlargement at 44 h, SAM doming at 48 h, and the elongation of apical internodes (bolting) at 52 h.  相似文献   

Flowers of an alloplasmic male-sterile tobacco line, comprised of the nuclear genome of Nicotiana tabacum and the cytoplasm of Nicotiana repanda, develop short, poorly-pigmented petals and abnormal sterile stamens that often are fused with the carpel wall. The development of flower organ primordia and establishment of boundaries between the different zones in the floral meristem were investigated by performing expression analysis of the tobacco orthologs of the organ identity genes GLO, AG and DEF. These studies support the conclusion that boundary formation was impaired between the organs produced in whorls 3 and 4 resulting in partial fusions between anthers and carpels. According to the investigations cell divisions and floral meristem size in the alloplasmic line were drastically reduced in comparison with the male-fertile tobacco line. The reduction in cell divisions leads to a discrepancy between cell number and cell determination at the stage when petal and stamen primordia should be initiated. At the same stage expression of the homeotic genes was delayed in comparison with the male-fertile line. However, the abnormal organ development was not due to a failure in the spatial expression of the organ identity genes. Instead the aberrant development in the floral organs of whorls 2, 3 and 4 appears to be caused by deficient floral meristem development at an earlier stage. Furthermore, defects in cell proliferation in the floral meristem of the alloplasmic male-sterile line correlates with presence of morphologically modified mitochondria. The putative causes of reduced cell number in the floral meristem and the consequences for floral development are discussed.  相似文献   

The architecture of a flower is tightly linked to the way a plant pollinates, making it one of the most physiologically and ecologically important traits of angiosperms. Floral organ development is proposed to be governed by the activity of three different classes of organ identity genes (the ABC model), and the expression of those genes are regulated by a number of meristem identity genes. Here we use a transgenetic strategy to elucidate the role of one floral meristem identify gene,LEAFY (LFY), in the evolution of floral organogenesis of a self pollinatorIdahoa scapigera and a obligatory out-crosserLeavenworthia crassa in the mustard family, Brassicaceae. By introducing theLFY genes from these two types of pollination habit into the genetic model speciesArabidopsis thaliana, we provide evidence that changes inLFY influenced flower architecture probably by controlling the downstream organ identity genes.  相似文献   

Flower development can be divided into four major steps: phase transition from vegetative to reproductive growth, formation of inflorescence meristem, formation and identity determination of floral organs, and growth and maturation of floral organs. Intercellular and intracellular signalling mechanisms must have important roles in each step of flower development, because it requires cell division, cell growth, and cell differentiation in a concerted fashion. Molecular genetic analysis of the process has started by isolation of a series of mutants with unusual flowering time, with aberrant structure in inflorescence and in flowers, and with no self-fertilization. At present more than 60 genes are identified from Arabidopsis thaliana and some of them have cloned. Although the information is still limited, several types of signalling systems are revealed. In this review, we summarize the present genetic aspects of the signalling network underlying the processes of flower development.  相似文献   

Among the homeotic mutants with altered floral organs, two mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, apetala3 and pistillata, and two mutants of Antirrhinum majus, deficiens and globosa, have a homeotic conversion of the floral organs in whorl 2 and 3, namely petals to sepals and stamens to carpels. We have isolated a homologue of the DEFICIENS gene from A. thaliana wild type and shown complete complementation of apetala3 mutation by introducing the isolated gene using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. These results show that the APETALA3 is a homologue of DEFICIENS structurally and functionally. The 5-upstream region of APETALA3 contains three SRE-like sequence, where MADS box-containing proteins are assumed to bind and regulate expression in tissue-and stage-specific manner.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The study of variation in number, position and type of floral organs may serve as a key to understanding the mechanisms underlying their variation, and will make it possible to improve the analysis of gene function in model plant species by means of a more accurate characterization of mutant phenotypes. The present analysis was carried out in order to understand the correlation between number and position of floral organs in Arabidopsis thaliana.


An analysis of number and position of organs in flowers of wild type as well as in a series of mutations with floral organ position alterations was carried out, using light and electron microscopy. Variation common to different genotypes was analysed by means of individual diagrams, upon which generalized diagrams depicting variation in number and position of organs, were built by superimposition.

Key Results and Conclusions

It is shown that in the Arabidopsis flower a correlation exists between positions of petals and sepals, as well as between positions of stamens and carpels, whereas the position of carpels does not seem to depend on number and position of petals and stamens. This suggests that the position of organs in the basal (sepals) and apical (carpels) parts of the flower are determined before that in the intermediate zone. This assumption is consistent with the results of mathematical modelling and is supposed to be the consequence of stem-cell activity in the flower.  相似文献   

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